False Heroes

"I... I want to trust you. Alec. We want too." Sun said with a small voice. Moon's eyes came through. Sun shifted back and forth.
Alec couldn't help but let himself chuckle a bit at their reactions. He then stopped for a moment and bent down to face Sun on eye level and looked at her with sad yet sincere eyes. "I know you do Sun and I want you all to trust me but its not that easy, telling to much would harm you and leaving you all in the dark would not be fair, so let's make truce to not harm one another, okay?" He then stood up and looked at Rose with serious eyes that showed an unwavering nerve and pure honesty. He wanted her to understand him and not feel threatened but he needed to !make one point clear regardless. "But Ms. Rose, I want to assure you that while you don't trust me I do trust you. I'm going to reveal important information to all of you and if that trust is betrayed I will regratably have to show you how dangerous....." He stopped. He saw through the mirror at the window behind him as an automatic weapon fire four times. He quickly kicked Alex out of the way of fire and used his body as a shield on Sun and Rose. And now he was pissed. He shot out a small glittering projectile into the assalints neck and the person began to slowly fall down clutching his throat as his viens grew dark purple and his breath became rapid until he died.
Sun's reaction was about as fast as Alec's As he got infront of them She decided to break her speed limitations. Everything moved in extreme slow motion. She noticed that there were more bullets than what was fired probably from the gun. She grabbed only a few out of the air just about 4 bullets then she moves back into position as if she never moved. She held the bullets in her left hand. And her right hand grasped her head as a spliting headache came on.
Rose's eyes widened as she heard the gunshots. The next thing she knew, Alec was on top of both her and Sun, and facing back toward the window with an out-stretched arm and a look of anger on what she could see of his face. She wasn't exactly scared, she had heard things like this happening before, but still, to have it happen while she was there was unreal. She looked over at Sun and saw the girl holding her head with one hand. At first, she thought the worst, but when she didn't see any blood, she calmed down a bit. She looked up at Alec and, a bit breathless, said, "Well, that definitely got you a few points." She then looked back to Sun and asked, "Sun, Moon, are you guys okay?"
Sun let the bullets drop the the ground and whimpered in pain. Moon spoke almost in a semi quiet voice. "We uh.... Well we will be fine...." Moon wasn't sure though. They can more pretty fast when they want to but their body needs a good few months to catch up with that speed level.
Alec said nothing as he stood up, he let out an annnoyed sigh as the bullets fell from his back, all of them were pushed in as if they had made contact with a wall. He had light bleeding on his back but that could wait . He walked calmly over to the assailant, squatting near his head and placed his hand near his neck. "I'll take that back thank you" He stood and surveyed the street... it was clear but why would someone open fire now....did this guy want his head? If so that would be no surprise but maybe they were after Alex....he couldn't be sure. He dug into the mans pockets and found some papers and a wallet. He placed the materials in his briefcase and place the fail safe lock on it as well. He looked up at everyone and smiled "Well at least everyone is okay I assume?"
Sun laid on the ground and just held her head. She was muttering something inaudible. She went into a fetus postion and played with a bullet that had dropped to the floor. She whimpered in pain from her limite breaking rush.
Rose loooked over at Alex to see his condition, but with Alec's, and apparently Sun's, actions, he looked okay. "Yeah, I think we'll be okay. Sun's got a massive headache it looks like, but we're okay." She knelt down next to Sun and rubbed her back. It wasn't much, but it was all Rose could do for her.
Sun's Headache dissipated after a a few seconds she was then back on her feet this time she didn't see like Sun, Moon or Aura she was more excited and had a higher pitched voice she also talked fast to the point where she did not sound like she was saying things with spaces. "Sohowarewegoingtogetoutofhere.Wedon'tfeelsafeherenow,whatIthinkweshoulddoisgotoanothercity.ButIwonderwhichcity" The newer voice said seemingly With ADHD type actions but she seem to just calculate things and situations on the spot. Her eyes had a purple glow. Everytime Sun gies passed her limite a new Person is created within her.
Alex had felt the familiar rage bubble beneath the surface as Alec began to tell them some of his secrets. He hadn't considered that these others may be harbouring secrets just as he was. He held his tongue and tried with patience to keep his anger in check until the man had finished what he had to say. A file?! What did that mean? His fingernails dug into the palms of his tightly squeezed hands and his breath came in shallow quick breaths. He felt a warm trickle of blood from his palms from the way his nails dug into his hands and he even was unaware of the sensation of his body trying to heal itself from these wounds. What did Alec know about him? About what he had done? Did he know about Bill? .... About Kate?!

He wasn't aware of what was happening until he was shoved aside. Four bullets ricocheted into the room but thanks to Alec's intervention he wasn't harmed. He didn't think that it made much difference. He could only be killed by a direct bullet to his heart or brain.

"What is in my file?!" he bellowed jumping to his feet. He barely paid much mind to any of the chaos and madness that had just occurred, "Do you know about Bill?" he paused swallowing heavily, "... about her?"

He paused only for half a second, his patience was gone. The anger was out, he needed to know what this man knew about him. If he knew all of the secrets that he kept closely to himself. "Tell me!" he roared. A thin gash appeared along his neck and it became thicker and wider and as it stretched out a sheet of blood began to pour out. He could feel the heart of one of the men who had fired at them. He was making sure it never happened again.

"A fight with me doesn't end with just a bloody nose either." he said softly as the wound in his neck began to seal. Another slice mark was beginning to appear in a vertical slash just above his heart and the blood poured forth staining his shirt red. The distant man however did not find that the gash in his neck had healed. He didn't have the capabilities that Alex did.
Alec's patient was wearing thin, Alex was furious and he had a right to be so but after what happened childish behavior would get them no where and Alex safety was his top priority whether the boy knew it or not. Alex also did something else in his rage....he use some of his power, whoever was watching wanted Alex and Sun to use their abilities and they were feeding right into their hands. Alec harden the bones in his left hand forming steel, he then rushed up to Alex and slapped him twice, and kicked his feet from under him. "This is no time to be a child!!!" he pointed at Sun "We already have one and they are unstable!!! Calm yourself! I know nothing of the people of which you speak and I don't want to at the moment you silly twit! I'm fully aware of that your powers are very capable but use your brain for gods sack man...if you truly posed a treat do you think I would find you ALONE?! We ARE NOT fighting here!!! I will tell you everything once you behave." he sits down in front of Alex his hair frayed about and his shirt torn, Alec couldn't believe he wanted to help someone with such a volatile personality.
Rose had to give the man credit. She wouldn't have been so heated with Alec, right now especially. But this was something she was going to stay out of. Instead, she focused on this new personality of Sun's. "Woah, woah. Slow down there, skippy. Not all of us can just pick up and move. I don't have a lot of money, and besides, that could happen anywhere we go. Enlightened aren't exactly a welcome sight anywhere we go. We don't have much in the way of a safe haven. not all of us, at any rate." For those without money, like her, this was especially true. When not even lower-middle class ordinaries got much help, lower-middle class Enlightened got even less.
Sun snapped when she saw Alex get his feet knocked ftom under him. Moon decided to Let Aura take control since their new personality obviously was way too hyper. The glazed look settled in her eyes again and she spoke in her more normal voice. "Rose here take it its about ten thousand dollars." She handed her a wad of cash. And looked to Alec and cautiously went over to him. "We do have a Safe house we can go to. Its on the California beach. My mother said my dad bought the place but has not visited even once. If we can get there we can have a safe place too talk." She said in a professional tone.
Rose stared at the wad of cash in her hand. There had to be a catch. Nobody just gave a person ten grand in cash without strings. That was her first thought. Maybe this was just pure generosity. Rose shrugged a bit and pocketed the money. Stranger things have happened, she supposed. Either way, she was going to make sure this was okay. It didn't quite sit right with her to just be handed that much money. She picked up on Aura's comment. "You happen to have a private jet up those sleeves Alec? Seems like you might."
His stomach gave a sickening lurch as he pulled himself off of the floor. Alec's steel hands had displaced some of the bones in his face and he felt them knitting back together along with the gash across his chest. He was still angry but this was overpowered by his shame and guilt. His shirt was damp with his own blood that his body was rapidly replacing but Alec was right. He had lost it. He had let his anger get the best of him.

He shook his head and staggered off to the side willing to let Alec tell him what to do as he reflected on what he had just done. The shooter that he had attacked had a weak pulse, he still had both of the sizeable gashes and he was losing blood too rapidly. The man had shot at them but he didn't deserve to die. Alex felt bile threatening to push its way up out of his stomach. He was on his last few breaths. He had already lost too much blood and both gashes would need many stitches. He had lost too much blood already. The third one. He was responsible now for three deaths.

His breath hitched. The truly scary part was that he had vowed never to use his powers again. And without Alec's intervention who knows what he would have done in his rage? He felt lost... unhinged. All of the anger he had locked away for so long had never really left him. He was ready and willing to snap and lose it all at apparently any given moment.

Alex chose not to acknowledge the smallest emotion that was nibbling away at him. Relief. Alec may have information on him (and he had probably just added to the file with his monstrous display) but he didn't know anything about Bill... or Kate. And it didn't seem like he cared too much at this instant.

"I shouldn't go to your safe house." he said in his calmest tone. He was trying to convey that the anger had been momentarily smacked out of him, "I haven't used my powers in weeks... and it took next to nothing to lose my temper. That roof there?" he pointed off into the horizon, "You'll find a man who bled out from those gashes you saw form along my neck." The man's heart-beat had vanished from his mind now. These people didn't deserve to put in danger just because he had a powerful curse and a volatile temper. He owed these strangers that much at least. He wasn't going to kill again. He should just remain in his isolation. It was safer.
Aura Turned to Alex and slapoed him with even more force than a titanium hammer. She looked dead into his eyes. "You feel that now?" She asked as a Small vibration felt concentrated in Alex's skull. "That there is a nano wave burst by speeding up someone's nerve actions. If you feel yourself about to like rage out with your powers it'll send a paralyzing shock and stop your whole central nervious system. Yes even your brain rendering your powers inert. Now I think we should go to my Safe house do you agree Alex!?" She asked him and stared into his eyes with her glazed over eyes dareing him to even move. In truth it did none of that it just felt like a few words. "Watch Alec, sorry if this seems harsh but saying this out loud would be weird, I hope you can forgive me. Oh yeah I was joking about it shutting down your nervous system. Thats a cover up thanks." Aura rarely came out and gave threats but this was the best she could do to keep Sun and Moon at bay.
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He rubs the bridge of his nose with his thumb and middle finger in slight frustration. "No, were not going to any bodies safe house and we are making anyone relocate, and Alex you are coming with us. We are headed to the safest place, my estate, no questions no debates. Sun and Alex made sure of that no where is safer for you all." He couldn't believe he would have to go back to his families estate already. He stood up and and tied his black hair into a ponytail. He then dialed a number quickly "Hi, Barkten? Yes, I would like you to bring the car in a few minutes...oh no I'm quite fine it seem like just another attempt on my life is all. Do tell my sister to be decent upon arrival, we have a young lad coming and he tends to let his emotions do the thinking instead of his brain." he finishes the sentence eyeing Alex with a raise eyebrow. He then hangs up and removes his torn shirt, revealing his brown tanned skin and lean muscled body, he reaches around touching the bruises on his back giving a slight sigh of annoyance. He walked over to Alex offering his hand to pick him up. "I can help you with that rage if you'd like but I need you to behave or else the next time you get like this and threaten me." He leans in to Alex. "I will not kill you...no....I will make that be your finally wish." He pauses to let out a sigh. "But then again...that seems to be you wish already half the time, but life is for the living so what say we try that first?"
Aura opened her mouth then closed it. Then Sun fully took over. She was exhausted and she felt unusally happy. "Ohh ohhh we are going to your house this is soo cool!" Sun happily said completlt forgeting the events that happened from her short term memory lost. Moon remembered but said nothing. So Sun was back to het old self in mere seconds.
"Yes... life is for the living," Alex repeated back in a flat voice considering with guilt the man lying in the pool of his own blood several rooftops back. He yearned for his life of solitude but he found himself willing to follow Alec. He didn't particularly like or trust the man because of the nonsense about the files... but the life of solitude hadn't stopped him from keeping his promise to himself. If he lingered here then it was probably only a matter of time before he lost his temper again. It was a vicious cycle and the anger never really seemed to go further than just beneath the surface.

Alec offered him his hand and Alex loosed a weary sigh that mirrored the other man's. He pulled the glove to his left hand quickly with his teeth before he grabbed the man's hand. There was a sharp stinging sensation along his back and he grit his teeth against the momentary pain. He had just moved the bruises from Alec's back and onto his own where his body would remove them much quicker than the other man.

"I'm probably the best doctor in this whole damn city," he said in an emotionless voice. He felt the damaged skin on his back begin to repair itself and he decided to follow Alec's lead as he tossed off his blood-soaked t-shirt. He watched the bruises grow yellow and shrink before his eyes before he started up the stairs, "My apartment's upstairs, I'll grab some stuff for our little slumber party." he grumbled before disappearing up the stairs.

It was a relief to get rid of the t-shirt though his pale skin felt damp and sticky from the blood still, he noted as he approached the door to his apartment. With a practised ease he unlocked the apartment door and pushed it open, half-afraid of what he might find behind the door. His breath hitched and he felt the bile rush up from his stomach this time when he stepped inside and he threw up all over the linoleum floor. There was so much blood... the air was thick with its coppery stench and he could hear... NO. It wasn't real. This was just a memory. A lie.

Still, he tiptoed around the puddles of blood not willing to check to see if it really was all in his mind and he quickly threw all of his belongings together. When he left his apartment he felt a rush of relief as the door clicked behind him with a beautiful finality. The apartment was filled with ghosts and monsters... he wondered if they would follow him. He shuddered at the thought as he tugged a clean plain cotton shirt over his head as he descended the stairs.

(I'm ready whenever everyone else is for a time-jump. Take your time, though.)
Rose was sure that Alec had wanted this outcome eventually, but she left it alone. She wanted to hear what he had to say, and if going to his estate was the only way, then so be it. She wanted to argue, but she didn't know where to begin. She watched as Alex left the group to get his things. She decided that she should probably do the same. "I think I'm going to get some things, too. I'll be back." With that, she headed to her apartment.

After she had put together a bag of her own and changed into a more normal outfit (for her anyway), she headed back to the lobby. "I'm ready when everyone else is."
Sun was always ready since she never had anything to begin with. She sat and rocked back in forth humming in a most beautiful singing voice. She was remembering her time before figuring out she was enlightened. She was also consulting the new personality thst formed and named her Rin-Rin randomly. She saw both Alex and Rose who came down a couple of minutes later. "Oh Hello Friends. We are going to leave." She gave a big warm smile as if nothing wrong was haplining in her head.
So he could effect other people bodies and his own? Alec thought as he felt his wounds heal over. Very dangerous indeed. He know that his punched knocked his jaw loose yet he could talk just fine after a few moments But Alex didn't care, Alex was just like every human and had the same weakness...well to an extent obviously. And if Alec had to he would exploit them and end him he would. But the kid had a genuine problem and Alec wanted to help him even more now, he could do great things with his power, and if smacking him a few times get that temper in check so be it. That temper was the issue after all and could get them in more trouble. Besides they were going to meet people far more dangerous than he or Alex, people he called family, and if Alex pissed them off well.

The car arrived a few moments later. A large man stepped out in a black suit. He had a mobile earpiece in one ear, he was built like a marine and his left was brown, his other eye was sky blue and swirled as if mist was inside of it. "Good evening my lord. Allow me to assist" He walked to the others and picked up everyone's bags except Alec's briefcase and placed them in the truck of the limo. He then opened the door and gestured for them all to enter. "If you would all please enter."
Sun was the first one in but she has not been in a car for 7 years so when she got on the seat she put her legs up and held her legs together she smiled which was inviting everyone to come I the limo.
Alex raised an eyebrow at the spectacle of the whole thing as he was treated to the experience of what a rich kid would feel like. He watched as his duffel bag was placed into the limo and he slid into the back seat. He was feeling exhausted from everything that occurred so when he smiled at Sun for putting her legs up it was a smile that was forced and didn't reach his eyes. He didn't think that he was currently capable of producing a genuine smile let alone after walking in on that particular memory and the ghost attached to that one. The bloody scene was worse than the monster. It always would be.

"Well, lord," he said, "I'm starving. Would you be able to swing by a McDonald's in this wonderfully practical car? You did promise us a meal after all." he answered dryly. He had been doing a terrible job of masking the emotions from his rapid mood-swings today but now the familiar mask was up. Her ghost had that effect on him. Her ghost was worse than his.
"Young master also works, or just Alec." Alec said with amusement as he laid back in the car and stretched out over a row of seats. "Oh don't worry about the food. The estate has wonderful cooks and you won't have to waste your palletes on such gruel as fast food. Now if you would excuse me" He turned on his side, he figured he would nap for a moment and with that he fell asleep.

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