False Heroes

Sun giggled but at the same time Moon growled. "I rather be in pants with a shirt that was made to run in..not this..." He said with low groan and Sun spoke" Awww it's not going to hurt...maybe...possibly...kinda....i think..." Sun didn't sound sure at all.
Rose gave another uncharacteristic chuckle and looked around. "I don't know, I think we look rather dashing. And Mr. Alex, your greatgrandfather might have had a uniform like this." She finished with a little smile.
Alec raised an eyebrow to see how Alex would handle Rose's reaction. He then moved to the window checking to see if the car had pulled up yet and he let his mind wander about the conference he was missing, he and his father had recently discovered some amazing progress in the genetic makeup of Enlightened humans, but eh they could wait, exploring the people in question was far more fun.
Sun looked at Alec but when she spoke it was neither her's or Moon's nor was it a combination of the two. She spoke in a voice that sounded much older than them both. "Alec we who are enlighten need a chance to prove ourselves its just a matter of time.." She said with a glazed look in her eyes and her eye color was orange.
Alec turns his head a bit to the side at Sun. His voice had a leveled interest to it, one that showed interest without excitement. "And who might you be?"
Rose was curious as well. If there were two distinct personalities within Sun, there could be more. Or, it could be that someone was using a power that could control people. She didn't say anything to that effect, but she did keep the thought in the back of her mind.
"I have no name. I am just here to mediate these two" Her voice said calmly. With a Even tone she spoke again "You may call me Aura if you must though. I am the middle of Sun and Moon. This is about all I can do.." She then snapped back to Sun's eyes.

"Owie....i have a headache..." Sun complained.
Alec turned back to the window without saying anything but he took a mental note of the event, so that made two individuals he has encountered with a unique history behind them. Prying would be rude but they were going to need his help if they wanted to last after meeting him. The Lariat named carried with it many friends and associates but not all worked nicely with each other.
Sun twirled in her dress. "Alec do you like my dress? My mother gave it to me last year when I visited her." Sun said happily and looked up and Moon's voice came sutle. "Yeah...after you stole that last one it was a much better way to get it. Even though you forgot to pay after the manager yelled at you." Moon muttered not really wanting to be heard.
Alec glances down and smiles at the question. "It is rather lovely, now that you mention it, how often do you visit your mother? I assumed that you were not on happy terms with your family."
"Well once every two years I go to see her. And even then only for a Hour at the least 3 at the most. And your right I was never on good terms with my family. I was shuned since I did what my aunt called 'The devil's speed' after that I was always on the run...quite literally since I ran from New York to California in a mere 3 minutes..... Nor will I ever go that fast again it created Moon. And it hurt...it still does.." That was the most that has ever came out of Sun's mouth at one time she wad wondering how she even had the stamina to continue talking. Moon decided to stay quiet and absent mindedly twisted her collar.
He was a little surprised by the curtsy, especially because it looked so formal with the outfit Rose had been wearing. She made a comment about the joke he had made and he forced a polite smile onto his face. His facial muscles were sore from the lack of use in that aspect. He couldn't remember the last time that he had smiled... he could take a guess, but he hoped that it hadn't been that long.

He was a little uncertain of what to say next to the small gathering of people though he felt his mouth open to say something in response. He never found out what (probably gibberish garbage) would spill out of his mouth because the one that had been introduced as Sun/Moon seemed to slip into some bizarre trance. He watched with a slight concern though his face was composed into a slightly grave expression.

She snapped out of whatever that was with her typical cheeriness but Alex's concern over the situation had not vanished. He hadn't been convinced that there were two people sharing that body until now... there was clearly something more remarkable at play than simple dissociative identity disorder. With this realization, he could practically feel himself wanting to examine her. He wanted to solve the mystery of what was going on in this girl's brain. What would he find at a cellular level? At a chemical level?

A loud drumming noise seemed to bounce around through his head and he pushed away the noises quickly with a shake of his head. Heart-beats. He could listen to any heart-beat within a block radius if he sat down and concentrated, but this time his mental 'broad-casting' system only picked up a confusion of pulsing hearts from within this room.

He should have felt more nervous about this than he did. The heart-beats had been the beginning of it all. It wasn't hard to listen to them so naturally they had been his first indicator of his powers. It was the second most basic ability in his colourful arsenal of abilities... right next to his own body's healing which he was honestly more afraid of than his ability to hear heart-beats... maybe it was because he didn't have to think to heal himself. He had no control over that. That was what made his healing abilities more terrifying than his abilities to hear the bodies of others.

"Well, were we about to go somewhere?" he said quickly. He really was a paradox wasn't he? Even he couldn't figure himself out. He had run from these people and he was terrified of letting them know his secrets... and yet, he wanted to go with them. Maybe he wanted to learn their secrets...? Maybe he just needed to see that these people who were so liberal with their abilities were just as damaged as he was.

... Or maybe he had just been isolated for so long that subconsciously he was reaching out. He didn't want to consider that thought.
Sun tugged Alex's shirt and was quiet but the started talking. "Hey I am sorry for scaring you before It was all a accident..." She said in a honey sweet voice as she looked his his eyes. Moon decided to cause her heart beat to beat so fast that it wasn't even hearible and then when she spoke Moon's voice came out. "That should lower the noise in your head Alex. One heart less to hear." Moon whispered and winked as if he was listening in on Alex's thoughts.
"Hmm? Oh, yes Alex, we were going to eat. My treat of course." Alec couldn't pin the young man down, first he is a sarcastic ruffian one moment, runaway the next, and now he wanted to come after a simple invite? And his sister says he is the oddest Enlightened she knew. But it didn't matter if he planned to study Sun and Alex without harming them he would need them close, their traits were obvious but the details as to why was the mystery. Through his years of study on Enlightened genetics and his families decades worth of study on the matter Alec knew each Enlightened had a trait, a tell that let those who looked for it in on a little secret of their power. Alec's was less obvious but was there and Alex knew which made him even MORE interesting. But whatever the case Alex and Sun were in danger, they had been on his 'list' he received from his father a few days back and he confirmed that while in the lobby. Though their true nature and abilities were still a mystery he knew for certain they had a high chance of harm those around them as well as themselves.

He glanced at Alex for a moment assessing him, not medically like he did before but whether the boy was mentally strong, him and Alex had another trait in common and that was their jaded past but whatever happened to Alex clearly still had him while Alec has only grown from his. Alec figured he was old enough to know about what was happening, though that would have to wait, not only did he have to prepare Alex for the news but Sun/Moon were too young, sporadic and unknown to divulge to information to at this point.
Sun let go off Alex a felt weird she wanted to talk but then she didn't she just messed around with her dress. Moon started talking out loud but it was obviously directed to Sun. "Hey..Sun Remember when we caused those police cars to explode by vibrating it?" Moon said without thinking and Sun got mad. "Shush you. I don't think know is the time for that." She said in a semi whisper.
Rose noticed Sun looking a bit uncomfortable and moved to stand by the girl. Truth be told, she wasn't sure why she felt the urge to do so, but she did it anyway. Even for an Enlightened, Sun looked to be a bit out of place with this group, and that was something Rose could definitely understand. She shook her head a bit. She couldn't for the life of her figure out why or even how these people made her feel so out of character and yet comfortable. She never did like being in a group, but with these people, she didn't seem to mind it at all.

She turned her head toward Alec and said, "So, Alec. How are you doing this? I don't like being in groups, and doesn't look like Alex is a big fan of it either, and Sun seems a bit uncomfortable. And yet, here we are. The only thing we have in common is you. So again, how is this happening? Do you have some therapist's manipulation talent or what?"
Alec turned and looked at Rose with a mixture of mirth, confusion, and innocence on his face and smiled as he glances around the room "I wouldn't go as far as to say that, Rose, no in fact my abilities does very little to effect the mind...well I can shut ones down but in a very very gory and violent way...a bit macabre. But I will be truthful with you since we are becoming familiar with each other...I do have many talents that go outside that of a doctors pay grade....comes with the lineage, some of that does require a keen eye and the ability to manipulate but I can assure you I haven't used that on an of you, unless you count my way of conduct around others but I feel being a gentleman should never go out of style" His eyes meet Rose's "But my you seem to be very observant yourself Rose, a trait I have no doubt you have honed into a strong weapon, another truth perhaps? This is the first time I have meet any of you....but its not the first time I have seen you..." He puts his hands up in a way to indicate calm "Now don't panic, you are in no danger from me but this is due to my research most of which I cannot reveal at this time to you, but while most of your files are blank, pictures are easy to come by and general areas of activity as well. Our meeting....pure chance, us meeting like this call it fate if you want, my charm however is no ploy if I wanted you all by force I'd have you by now regardless of your abilities but I'm not my father.....at least not fully."
Sun gasped after hearing that she automaticly jumped back. Moon's voice came through. "What do you mean? Seen around?" Moon's voice sounded stressed. Moon got super defensive for Sun's safety.
Alec lazy places his hand up. "Steady Moon like I said I research Enlightened, not hunt them, also I would really prefer not to fight seeing as a battle between Enlightened rarely ends with a mere bloody nose. As to why or how I can find you, well a magician doesn't show all of their tricks at once now do they?" He looks at the time on his pocket watch "But again I assure you that me revealing such things means I trust you to a degree and would rather work with you than against you."
Moon was wary but put down his guard. He then switched out to Sun. "Oh.. I am sorry Moon has a fighting spirit. He wasn't called the Black fury for nothing..." Sun said without any thought how people would react to her actions.
Rose nodded. "I had a feeling your powers didn't affect the mind. Since mine does however, I know how to pick up on that. And you're right. Observation is essential for my... dealings. You're a very interesting person, Alec. I don't trust you completely, but I don't exactly feel threatened by you either." She nodded again to affirm her thoughts and absentmindedly (perhaps instinctively?) reached toward Sun, offering the girl her hand.
Sun took her hand slowly. She was slightly confused but forced herself too. She spoke lightly "I agree with Rose...." She said and her eye twinkled, a threating twinkle which ment Moon was trying to get out.
Rose gave Sun's hand a reassuring squeeze and moved to be next to her. She turned her head and also gave a little smile. The girl seemed too nervous to be denied at least a comforting hand, and Rose was more than willing to provide that hand, even if it was out of character for her to do so.
Good they didn't come at him that was very good, Alec had done many things but he didn't want to add killing kids on the list, besides he doubted that fighting all three of them would leave him in perfect condition. Alec nodded his head in approval, they were young but at least not foolish "It's good that you don't trust me, shows that you use your head and not just your powers." He noticed that Rose seemed to comfort Sun and settle her nervousness a bit. That was also a positive thing. Only the toughest of people both mind and body could get close to him unscathed and at the moment it seemed only Rose was tough enough. This would be tricky, he had to keep them within his reach without controlling them but they seemed willing enough to follow if but from a safe distance.
An eyebrow shot up at Alec's response. There was definitely something he wasn't telling them. He had mentioned 'research' more than once. If she were more paranoid, Rose would start to suspect that he was going to turn them into lab-rats or something. She leaned in to whisper in Sun's ear. "Moon, if you can hear me in there, I know you want to protect Sun, but follow my lead. Don't do anything stupid. We don't know what's going on here, so we can't just go off half-cocked. I'll help you protect Sun, I promise." And with that, she gave Sun's hand another squeeze. She still didn't feel too threatened, but she'd keep her wits about her. The more he spoke, the more Rose knew that there was something she didn't like about Alec, though she couldn't yet place it.

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