False Heroes

Sun then looked at Farra then gasped. "F...Farra!? Is that you!?" Sun's brain suddenly snapped as she looked at her intently.
He woke up writhing, covered in sweat, and panting heavily as his heart thundered loudly in his throat. It was the same nightmare. It always was.

Alex pushed himself off of the couch and pushed his textbook to the floor carelessly. He generally tried to avoid sleeping because of the same relentless nightmares, but it was unevitable that he would fall asleep every so often... after all, he was in a constant sleep-deprived state. His abilities generally kept his body in great condition (save for the strange nosebleeds that occured ominously after intentionally using his powers that he feared was indicative of something serious) but his power couldn't make up for the sleep that he never got.

He glanced around the tiny apartment and instead of feeling relieved that he was awake and out of the nightmare, he felt claustrophobic. He couldn't be in the apartment right now. He needed to get out.

Alex sucked in a shallow breath as he staggered out of the apartment and into the hallway. Rows of white doors and glistening doorknobs greeted him but he still felt trapped and he couldn't shake the sharp edge of fear that had lingered from his nightmare. He continued down the hallway and up the stairs and finally he was outside on the roof.

The air had a chilly edge to it but the air tasted glorious as he finally managed to shake the disorientating fear. He could finally breath again. The nightmare slipped from his mind as he took a step forward. He didn't know why he let such things bother him. He was overreacting. Alex took a breath finally letting go of the breath he had seemingly been holding since he had left his apartment.

Surprisingly, there were people on the roof already. He was too wrapped up in his own thoughts to prevent himself from crashing into them (after all, the last thing he had been expecting was to find the roof crowded with people). Alex slammed into one and he went sprawling to the ground quickly before picking himself up. His arm twinged uncomfortably and he glanced at it hesitantly.

He had scraped his arm when he had fallen and he watched horrified as the slight abrasion began to knit itself back together. No. The fear came slamming back and he wasn't able to compose himself immediately in front of the strangers. No, it had to stop. He hadn't had the need to heal himself in so long. It brought back everything. No. He didn't want these powers.

He swallowed heavily as he became aware that he was surrounded by others. Nobody could know.

"Anybody got a light?" he said quickly forcing the expression of fear off of his face and he felt his perfected expression of haughty indifference settle onto his face in its place. Nobody could know.

(I'm not really sure where you guys are... I've made the assumption that you're on an apartment roof... D:)
Alec turned to the person he glanced at stumbling and his mind began racing with medical notes but he smiled all the same "Well good evening to you sir, I must apologize I don't carry a light on me, smoking is a nasty habit I don't enjoy, however..." he picks up stick on the roof and holds it in between his middle finger and thumb, holding the other in with his left and snaps making it catch fire "I don't see why a man cant have a way to calm the nerves, besides I have methods to make a flame. Didn't quite get your name." he hands the burning stick to him
"I have a light. Do you need a cigarette? I have one, though I don't smoke...." Farra said abruptly after being quiet for so long. Pulling out a clear lighter, she glances over at the flame Alec made with a branch. "Unless you want to go natural and use that."
Sun pulled out a Lighter and held it towards Alex. "Here.... You said yoy needed a light right?" She said moving her small hand towards him.
Alex stared at the burning branch trying to keep his expression composed and repress the repulsed feeling that washed over him. So they were like him. Somehow, that was less surprising to him than this man's utter indifference to using his powers.

"You're one of them." he said slowly but without much expression behind his otherwise flat voice. He twirled the stick between his fingers examining the flame coolly. He then let the burning stick drop to the ground and he crushed the flame out with his heel. His stomach was doing cartwheels. He had denied his abilities for so long that he wasn't exactly eager to talk to someone like Alec.

He reached out the lighter that Sun held and fished out a cigarette before he lit it. Cigarettes were his guilty vice. His lungs were the only feature of his body he allowed to be affected by his healing factor. Sometimes, cigarettes were the only thing that kept him sane and brought composure to him after his nightmares. He couldn't exactly be a drunk... his body was too efficient for that.

"Alex... I just came out for a breath of fresh air." he said though he chose not to acknowledge the irony of his words considering he was puffing away greedily at the cigarette. His lungs burned and he coughed.

He cringed as he could feel the slight tickle in his lungs. Healing. His passive healing factor was already repairing the damage of the cigarette. He had barely started smoking though he dropped the cigarette. He couldn't encourage the ability. Even the passive healing factor.

"So, is this some meeting for some secret club or what? I've never seen anyone... let alone a cozy little party like this... up on this rooftop." his blue eyes flickered towards the door he had just come through. The apartment had been unbearable seconds ago, but something told him that he didn't want to linger too long on this rooftop. These people were like him. These people were doomed to make his mistakes. Nothing good came from these abilities. He knew.
"Pleasure to meet you Alex....who clearly is a fast smoker." Alec was sure to take note of his change in breathing and rapid eye movement "And I wouldn't call this...a club. I just happen to meet the most fascinating people these days..." he walks a little closer to Alex "But yes if your asking if we are Enlightened then yes...I hope that doesn't trouble you."
Sun sat on the floor for no apparent reason. The Moon's voice came out. "I feel like something bad is about to happen." Moon said with a low voice.
Alex licked his lips and he cast his eyes up to the sky above them. He was weighing his next words though he was hopefully projecting indifference though he was mentally trying to determine whether or not he owed anything to these people. He wished he hadn't crushed his cigarette... despite the fact that if he was still holding it that he probably would have thrown it to the ground again. He wanted the cigarette to soothe him but he didn't want it because he could sense the healing taking place in his body.

"It troubles me." he shrugged nonchalantly, "but you have just as much of a right to be on this roof as I do." he said coldly. He knew that he should run back to his apartment, but there was some sort of an unexplainable draw to be near these people. He was stuck somewhere between wanting to know everything about their experiences with their powers and wanting to warn them about using their powers. Either way, his feet felt as if they were cemented to the roof.
"Fascinating....if I didnt care so much about you being uncomfortable I could study you all day....tell me" he walks over to the exit door leans against it his arms folded across his chest, for the first time his eyes narrow and he becomes serious his voice having authority in it and his face showing nothing but clinical seriousness "Who answers a question like it matters very little to them....and every muscle in their body is so rigid they cant even shift their weight to move? Please don't take this as a threat to your life but you seem....troubled"
Sun jumped up and vibrated her molecules to the point she vanished into thin air. She did all that without warning. With a rush of air blew randomly.
The man's astute assessment of him was startling. It felt as if he had seen right through him and the first thing that Alex felt was a feeling of defensiveness. Was it really that easy to see straight through him?

He immediately wanted to lash out. The rush of anger immediately flared to the surface and he couldn't stop himself from immediately locking onto the man's beating heart. It reverberated loudly in his skull and Alex could practically feel the blood pumping through the man's veins... which ironically was the reason he felt the rage slip away. The man's blood was strange... his whole body was strange.

"Bone structure." he whispered to himself completely mesmerized by the man's unique body. It was easy to listen to the processes of other people's bodies but it had grown more and more difficult to manipulate these bodies. He used to be more powerful. He didn't always have to break his own bones to break someone else's bones. It used to be much simpler. It used to simply just involve the will to hurt others and they were hurt. And he never used to have those mysterious nosebleeds after breaking said bones.

All of his thoughts were disrupted when Sun vanished. The man's thudding heart was no longer audible and Alex immediately felt sick. He hadn't intruded on someone else's body in so long. He hadn't felt angry like that in some time. He hadn't even realized that he somehow missed how much more powerful he used to be. He hadn't changed at all. Not even after what had happened.

"We all have our troubles." he said quickly and no longer could he stand to linger on this rooftop. He didn't care what these people thought of him anymore because he knew that he just needed to get away from them. He wasn't supposed to be like this. Not anymore.

Alex staggered away from everyone on the rooftop and he rushed through the halls of the apartment complex blindly. Once he reached the door to his apartment, he briefly fumbled with the lock. The door slid open and no sooner had it opened before he reached forward and slammed the door shut again.

"Not real." he said shaking his head trying to steady his breathing. There wasn't anyone in his apartment. He was seeing things again. He was losing his mind from the guilt. Alex shuddered and he locked the apartment door again. As he locked the monster back inside of it. The guilt was tearing him apart. The nightmares were intruding on when he was awake.

Alex steadied his breath and he let his feet carry him away. This time, he went down the stairs and onto the street instead of onto the street. He didn't know where he was going, but thinking too much about things was problematic.
"Well....." Alec smirks at the way Alex left and the words he whispered "I must say he WAS interesting...." formulas and details start pulsing throughout his mind "I find myself far too fascinated to leave him be, but I must gather myself. The person clearly wants space. But to figure out some of my talents with a glance.... truly very few creatures are that talented without some form of medical knowledge. Alex....hmmmm. And Moon.....vanishing after I said that....I guess my old habits must becoming out when I get excited"
Moon reappeared with a box of donuts. Sun was giggling inside. "Sorry I got hungry...." She said apoliogaticly
Alec took a moment to calm his thirst for knowledge down, a nasty family habit. They could get so wrapped up in the science or how it works that they forget their own humanity in the process. He must have looked less like Alec Lariat and more like his father which in all honest can still scare even him at times "Oh Moon, you returned, our friend just dashed out the door, the sight of Enlightened seem to spook him, which is odd because if I'd take a guess he would have to be one or at least one accomplished ordinary to figure out what he did at a glance, no matter, if I wanted him I could have him but then I'd be to much like my father." Looks at the donuts "Perhaps you should have brought our friend some it may have calmed his nerves."
Moon's voice came slow but steady. "I did...thats why I left...." Sun's voice suddenly took over. "Moon you're done for today." Moon's eyes switched imediatly back to Sun's.
Rose woke up from a nice nap. Or at least, that what it seemed like since the clock read that it had been only a couple hours or so. She threw off her blanket and immediately regretted it, seeing as how she was naked. She quickly found some clothes and put them on. She walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water when she heard someone running through the hall then slam their door. she shook her head. Didn't they realize people were sleeping? Oh, well. she decided that since she was up, she might as well watch the sunrise. She put on a jacket and headed to the roof. When she got there, she was a bit surprised to see other people. She commented quietly, but not so quiet that she couldn't be heard. "Looks like a party up here. Don't mind the unintentional crasher." With that, she walked to the cornice and leaned against it.
"Hm? Oh really? Well it seemed to have the opposite effect on him...though I seem to also be the blame as well." Hears the newcomer and turns to the young lady and comments on her statement "I wouldn't call it a party but that has been the general assumption as of late, I do apologize if we keep waking the tenants."
Rose shrugged. She wasn't too upset because it was probably the chill that woke her up. She didn't usually sleep without pajamas. "Don't worry about it. Most of us are used to it. This isn't exactly a good neighborhood, what with all us Enlightened around." Rose said that with a tinge of angst lining her voice. She hated the reputation the Enlightened had, but she was working to shut some of those opposing voices up.
"You know I come here often, even stay for a few days if I have to and I have meet far more decent Enlightened then I do riff-raff. Given our estate is a little outside both ordinaries and Enlightened, we don't enjoy the site of needless segregation much...." He looks around at the city a bit and lets out a knowing sigh "But i cannot totally disagree with you, this neighborhood could use a change for the better."
Sun totally forgot about her donut and jumped off the building hitting the ground aminature crater had appeared. She grunted as her leg was shaking slightly. In her mind she had no idea why she did it.
Rose gave an indignant snort. "Must be nice to have that kind of money." She watched as the girl jumped off the roof and said, "Jumpy little thing huh? I don't know if people like me and..." she pointed to Farra, recognizing her from the teasing of 'Mr. Notebook' and the assassin stunt, "...Miss Assassin-For-Hire here would belong in a 'better' neighborhood. We tend to leave corpses behind us." Rose shook her head. She hadn't meant to say anything, but for some reason, she felt like she could. She was being way more open than usual, but strangely, she didn't mind talking to this guy. speaking of 'this guy', she said. "Name's Rose, by the way. Don't think I caught anyone else's but Farra's."
Joins her to peek over the street and smiles "She is a bit jumpy huh?" His eyes grow distant for a moment and he stares at nothing in particular as his voice his voice becomes low with a touch of sadness, a faint smile on his face "And haha yes, it is very convient to have money but wealth such as my family is earned......and guarded, weakness is not permitted, so believe me when I say that killing people is not a marker for where you live." His voice lightens up a bit "Excuse, me for that old memories seldom fade....pleasure to meet you Rose my name is Alec " extends his hand for a shake
Rose shook Alec's offered hand and gave him a hint of a sad smile. "Apparently, the pleasure's mine. Killing may not be a marker for where you live, but it does tend to accentuate how you live." She looked away, toward the horizon as light started to peek over it. The sunrise always had a calming effect on her, which is why she usually tried to catch it. She could easily understand Alec's sadness, though not the whole source of it. Enlightened people always had it rough, no matter their financial situation. That much she could understand. "You know, Alec, you're pretty easy to talk to. And I don't usually talk to anyone, so for me to say that, you must be doing something right."
Sun had found away back up there she was dazed. Moon's voice came out as if he had control. "Grrrgh Sun stop getting Scared you cry baby. Its not my fault your such a wimp." Moon said clearly and walked back. Standing still Moon forced Sun to just stand there. "Hello..."

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