False Heroes

"Well Rose, that is refreshing to hear. I do try my best, though sadly you just missed our friend Alex....a bit jumpy as well though not in the physical way Sun tends to be." gestures in Sun's direction "He may have been taken aback when I got excited due to his medically fascinating body.....it was flawless as if his body were never harmed in his life....but I digress." points to Sun again "This a new friend of mine Sun Luna or Moon Sol depending on the voice you hear coming forth."
To avoid startling Sun, Rose moved deliberately and offered her hand. "I'm Rose. Sorry if I startled you." You didn't see too many people with multiple personalities, but Rose figured that it could be a result of Sun being an Enlightened. Of course, she wasn't going to mention it. It may not be insulting to the girl, but Alec already said something anyway.
Moon's voice came quick. "Ah don't worry about it. Sun's a whimp.." Moon then scratched her head without thinking. "So yeah I am Moon. And the Whimp is Sun."
"So I take it you come out when Sun is scared?" Rose was more than a little interested in this girl, if for no other reason than because she had never known anyone with a dual personality. And unlike what shrinks would have one believe, this didn't seem to be one person with a real personality protected by a made up character. No, this seemed to be literally two people in one body, and Rose treated them as such.
Sun's Head reeled back. "Yeah or when she is nervious. I'm Moon Sol." Moon was tired and thirsty. He caused Sun To stretch as he thought of other things.
Rose nodded. Usually being introverted, she almost wished *she* could do that. She could put on a decent show at the shop, but it could be better. "Well, make sure Sun knows I most likely won't hurt her. You'd have to really anger me before I even could."
A more female voice took over. "Oh i'm sorry I get nerveracked most times.. I'm Sun Luna. Yeah" She said with a light tone. She then walked super close to her and stared. "You have lovely eyes" Moon's voice came soft but clear.
When Sun got close to Rose, she took half a step back. She wasn't used to having someone get so close without her influencing them. When Moon's voice came out she was a bit unnerved. Rose supposed she'd have to get used to that with this one. She blushed a bit and looked away, giving a more characteristically quiet "Th... thanks." Again, she wasn't used to a genuine compliment, only being given half-assed or insincere compliments and the brainwashed compliments of her victims.
Alec couldn't help but smile at the two. Regardless of their powers or means of living they were youth all the same. They still had something he never had through life. He walked over to the edge of the roof and took a seat, opening his briefcase and looking through some files he had found on a few new Enlightened in the area and up in the northeast.
Sun Laughed after seeing her blush. Her mind started to speed up untile she was think of 10 things at once. Moon's voice was still in control. "Man Sun! Stop thinking that fast i'm going to get a headache....." Moon said and grabbed her head. "Geez.. Talk about fast...."
Rose smiled just a little bit and let out a soft giggle. She supposed that was the only problem with two distinct personalities swimming around in one's mind. She felt strangely at ease, even being surrounded by people. Well, she supposed technically three people wasn't being surrounded, but to her it was. Even still, she wasn't taking on her usual 'loner-in-the-corner' persona. She wasn't sure why, but she kind of liked being with these people.
Alec looked up from his papers to see Alex far off in the distance, he would like nothing more to talk with the young man, their powers seemed to be very much in tune with one another. But first thing is first Alec was starving "What say we all go out to get something to eat, I know a place insanely expensive and host to majority Ordinaries but the food is to die for. That and I'll pay, no worries about people won't recognize an Enlightened unless their powers or used or they have a particular feature that changes them besides...I have influence in most places" He places his notes in his briefcase and closes it,then stands up putting on his trench coat.
Rose shrugged at Alec's offer. "Well, if you're buying, how can I say no. And I guess part of me wants to shove it in their faces by showing up where I'm not wanted, even if they don't really know it." She nodded, as if to tell herself that this was okay.
"Hahaha thats the spirit, I call the car in. It may take a little time to get here so no rush to get ready. I shall be in the lobby finishing up the paper work for Sun and Moon's apartment" And with that he walked down the stairs of the roof in a slow and relaxed stride until he reached the desk. He took the papers and found a love seat in the corner that he meld into and let his black hair hang over his face and start filling out the information with a some what hazy look in his eyes
"Foood!!!!" Moon and Sun said at the same time making their voice a strange unison voice. Sun jumped up and down like a little dog. "All sorts of yummy food..." Sun and Moon pulled out a wad of cash. "9 pounds of 100 dollar bills is not enough...."
Rose headed to the door and to her apartment. She decided that she was going to look the part, and she had the perfect outfit for it. In reality it was a cosplay outfit she had to get for work, but she figured it would do just fine for a five-star meal. The outfit was from a twenty-year-old anime series about giant manned robots. The costume looked like a fancy military dress uniform. It consisted of black, knee-high boots over white slacks; A blue vest with a white sash with red edges; White gloves; And a blue long coat with a white floral design on front and back and gold epaulettes.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Gundam_Wing_Cosplay_Lucrezia_Noin_Costume_C00286_01.jpg.a09052deb0793ba9b01538790127630a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14718" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Gundam_Wing_Cosplay_Lucrezia_Noin_Costume_C00286_01.jpg.a09052deb0793ba9b01538790127630a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Alec stares out the lobby door after filling out the papers and stretches out a bit, as if he were lying in a bed. This day has been a rather adventurous one, not that his childhood wasn't but rather this one was spontaneous. He began to wonder just exactly why the three ladies he had meet lived the way they did with their abilities, of course one can never be totally sure of why someone does what they do, he was more than capable of being an assassin or tyrant in his own right yet he didn't. At any rate he had enjoyed their company so far and felt no need to pry any further unless he had to.
Rose walked down to the lobby and saw Alec staring out the window. She sat down next to him to wait for at least Sun. Farra hadn't said anything, so she didn't know wether or not the assassin would join them. "See something, or looking at nothing in particular?"
Alex had allowed the night to envelope him completely. Streets had passed by in inky darkness that was light but cool on his skin and he finally felt relaxed and at ease by the time his feet carried him back to the apartment. The encompassing darkness had kept him safe from his own thoughts and the whispers of the past had come to be silenced.

When he saw the derelict apartment approaching in his sight, he let his mind touch upon gentler and distant topics. His upcoming essay, what the rattling noise could be in his car, and even the thought of food. He had come to forget how upset he had been not too long ago. Alex's lips drew into a thin line as he felt his mind get near the thought of how upset he had been but he quickly dispelled those thoughts from his head. He didn't want to think about that anymore.

Until he had unlocked the front door of the apartment complex. The door swung open into the lobby and he felt his breathing hitch. The other Enlightened people that he had met earlier were still here. It almost felt as if they were waiting for him though he was certain that that wasn't true.

"Evening," he said with a nod of his head. He had let them see beneath his armour before but they would not see his vulnerability again. He was composed. The ghosts had been buried. He purposely concentrated on moving his limbs and appendages naturally. He wasn't going to let this man, Alec, see through him again. It was unnerving the way that the man had accurately assessed him.
He turned his up so that he was looking at Rose upside down "My word I must say I do approve of the old school style" points to himself in his dress pants, tie, and vest "Seem we tend to think alike in terms of dress"

When heard the door open Alec eyes lazy meet Alex's, but he didn't move. He knew his earlier interest were not wanted and felt that he may have push to hard, lived up to the family name a little to well. "Well apparently I was looking at someone Ms. Rose, and good evening Alex." Alec felt the surge to discover and dissect run through him but he quickly put that to rest, this was person...not a toy. "This is the gentlemen I spoke of earlier Rose, Alex if you would allow me to introduce you to Rose."
He faltered mid-step and immediately Alex's eyes darted towards Alec's own. He was aware of how perceptive the man was and it caused him to feel watched. It felt... different. In a way that he couldn't quite describe... almost clinical. Probably not too unlike the way that he had probably looked when he had been examining Alec, himself. He hadn't examined the man's body on purpose earlier, but he couldn't exactly deny that he hadn't done it. He couldn't even deny that he hadn't enjoyed it, there was something soothing about the natural rhythms and cadences to a body. Bodies couldn't lie in the way that mouths could. Even though, it wasn't the same with Alec's body they were generally all the same beneath their flesh, and it had always been a comforting thing... well, it used to be a comforting thing. Back when he wasn't afraid to actually use his power.

"Great to meet you. I believe my great-grandfather had a uniform almost identical to that one," he teased lightly. He reached into his pockets to grab a pair of thin leather gloves and put one on each hand before he extended out a hand for her to shake. He wasn't sure if he was imagining it but he swore that he could feel Alec's eyes on him. He was certain that the man would pick up on the fact that he had come in from outside before putting on his gloves. He was being paranoid. It wasn't as if sane people jumped straight to the conclusion that someone would put on gloves just to avoid touching someone's skin.
Rose stood up and gave a curtsy then held out a hand. She gave a little nod, but more out of approval of his looks than confirmation of their meeting.
Sun had came in with a really beautiful dress but looked uncomfortable in it. "Sun...is this nessisary? I can't breath out of this...." Moon's voice cane out like a gasp. "Just bare it please..." Sun said with a light voice. As She walked towards them
Alec let go smirk partially out of genuine mirth and partially out of amusement at Alex's behavior. He and Alex we very much the same whether Alex knew it or not made no difference. The only difference is that Alex hid who he was, its not unheard of for an Enlightened to do that but why Alex? An ordinary wouldn't glove his hands to shake and previously Alex didn't were them....so it must be connected to emotions in a way at least when he was nervous "Well Alex I must say I am ever grateful for your return, we were just about to go out for food, given I don't want to force my hand again and try and make you go. And my...." he turns to Sun "we will all look like a blast from the past in these cloths."

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