False Heroes

"Well... We wouldn't mind it... We have travelled for way to long. A home sounds great to us." Sun said as her voice shifted.

"Yeah a nice home will be sooo cool." Moon's voice overlapped Sun's
Place his hand up to his mouth while he thinks "Well, luckily for you I know a place, nice but also cheap, its called Clover Heights, an apartment complex" lifts an eyebrow playfully and points at Sun "One condition, I can pull some strings with the owner for a few month rent free but you need to find work. Agree?" he begins to walk down the street in the opposite direction back into the city.
"Oh money I got it covered.. My dad you see is Jak Luna the Ceo of Titantic inc. We have money we just ...ah don't use it often." Sun said and covered her mouth to keep Moon from saying anything.
He looks at Sun with surprise "And here I thought I was the silver spoon kid in this pair, haha, as I live and breath....it is surprising..." rolls up his dress shirt sleeve a bit to expose a brand mark about the size of a hand mirror on his forearm.

"I'm of the Lariat household one of the more ancient houses the predate even the Enlightenment period, my father is Lord Alexion leading researcher in genetics concerning Enlightened studies, married to the ex-military special forces of the ordinaries Relina...surprised we have never meet at one of the 'elite' gatherings"
Sun stayed quiet but Moon spoke. "Well We never attended those meetings seeing how We was always... Lets see moving. Plus our Dad didn't want anything to do with us. So he gave us money and just left." Moons voice came out low but steady.
"Hmmm, well it isn't my place to press you for further information in family problems" continues to walk until they come to an apartment building "Well this is the place," opens the door and gestures inward "After you."
Sun Looked at the door and turned the knobe with her fingers. She then realized it was locked but at a blinding speed burst she cause the door latch to become open. She then turned to him. "I hate locked doors.." The door opened wide.
Studies her for a moment "Hmmm you ted to use your powers a little more than is typical for an Enlightened huh?" walked up to the counter and request a room for one and hand a card to the manager

"Oh, my, god, sir it is an honor, please right this way" the small manager take a few keys from the back and rushes for up some stairs

"Well, that was easier than I had imagined" he smiles and follows the manager
Sun stood there with a lost look in her eyes. Without moving she stood there. Moon took control. "Oh don't mind her she has.. Short term memory lost. Thats why she might space out..." Moon said and forced Sun's body to follow.
He turns in a bit of excitement "Moon we finally meet for longer than second...excuse for moment"

He turns to the manager "Thank you again for your assistance, my friend here seems to not know much about housing at the moment"

"So Moon why the sudden interest in coming out?"
"Well.. Sun has Short term memory lost due to our powers. Making it to were she would forget in mid thought. So I have to take over to keep her going." Moon's voice spoke and he scratched his head.
"Hmmm so you tend to do all the memory holding?" The manager grabs his attention for a moment

"It would be wrong not to inform you about this sir but recently we heard an assassin...or hit man if you will....."

Alec turns toward her "As in you heard then kill someone?'

"No um..rather they seemed to have announced it....loudly...in the square"

Alec tries to contain his laughter "Well that um is one way to find work I guess, Moon I hope your not into that sort of thing...not the killing but rather the killing and then waving it around"
((Kitt just jump in lol))

As soon as moon heard the word Kill Moon disappeared. Not wanting to be a target Moon used Sun's body to jump onto a Lightpost again and stood surveying the Area.
"Well...that was nice. We'll talk later, Kasemir." And with that, Farra walked to the roof exit, entered, and slammed the door behind her.

Still fuming, Farra rushed down the stairs and tore unto the hallway, where she bumped into a young girl with blond hair. "Ay, watch it!"
Alec catches the manager quickly pulls he out of the way "Do beg our pardon we caught in conversation miss"

Looks at the girls outfit "Though I must say you attire is at odds with the common fashion then again I myself tend to dress a bit old school as it where"
Farra narrowed her eyes. "These are just my work clothes. And..who are you? You look like a Richie. What are you doing around here, in the slums?" she said suspiciously. "You're not a cop, are you? Because if you were, bad stuff would be going on right now. I don't trust cops, and they don't trust me...based on my line of work."
Burst out laughing "Oh my rather quick on the trigger I see, no no I am not a Richie, Alec Lariat is the name, do forgive my rudeness, and I am no cop, rather a man of medical practice, a pleasure" extends hand to shake hers " I come down here from the northeast to assist in the medical needs for those who cant afford it"
Eyeing his hand, Farra slowly took his hand, grasped it firmly, and shook. "My name is Farra Rei. My parents are wealthy ordinaries that have no need for an Enlightened child." she said, grumbling, "Instead, it seems that my little sister of seven years is a proper heir to their wealth, and not a seventeen year old girl whose been caring for herself since the age of eleven..."
He takes her hand in a firm shake as well "A pleasure to meet you Ms. Rei, it is amazing how many of us rich kids are popping up today, but I must say finding two younger rich ladies living on their own is rather new altogether. Though your situation is not new to me, my family has constantly been at odds with the world as far as Enlightenment/Ordinary situations are, we find them quite silly in fact, but we can get into politics and philosophies at another time...I see to have misplaced my new friend Moon....quite the jumper" looks towards the window Moon jumped out of.
Farra laughed. "He.. jumped out of the window? Am I that repellent? Ah, well... he'll show up. Moon, you said? I think I've worked for a man named Moon before. Anyways, I don't really live here. I'm more of a roamer, you see, and I have several bases, call them what you will, on roofs. It helps me get around." she explained.
Appearing back in the Room Moon's voice was straining and Sun's voice was taking over. "Sorry we heard kill and went total chicken." She looked at everyone in the room. "Uhhh who are you?" She asked the girl in the room.
Reeling as if she had been hit, Farra turned around quickly. "Are you Sun and Moon?" she said rapidly, tapping her fingers on her leg. "I've actually been looking for you. Come with me."
Sun's eyes went small. "Whatever I did I didn't mean to do it!" She cried out and she slapped herself. Moon's voice came out. "What is it? I would like to know."
"I would as well" Looks between the two ladies at the manager "I do believe you have help me quite a bit but I feel the rest of the conversation may take turn your not readily prepared for" Helps her to the steps then returns

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