False Heroes

Mami stood there and stared at the girl who had just appeared out of thin air.

He was 100% sure that these people were Enlightened now. Are those blood stains? Please let them be ketchup stains. Of course they're just ketchup stains!

... Yeah, dream time over. Those are blood stains. Mami smiled and a single tear ran down his face. He was going to die, he was sure of it. The Enlightened girl was going to kill him.

Mami threw himself on the ground, and kneeled into a bow, looked up at the blood-stained girl (who was incidentally, one of the hot babe's he had been hoping to see), and shouted at the top of his lungs.


Sun's eyes were wide. "I'm....hey! I am not going to kill you man don't be a crybaby!" Sun's voice went into normal form. And she patted his head. "I'm not going to do anything to you I just asked you a question."
"Don't talk to her like that," Alex said in warning.

"It's okay, hun, she doesn't understand." Kate told him with a sweet smile. The last of his logic was beginning to fail. Kate was obviously a corpse but Harper had imbued her with life and made her real again. He didn't know whether or not he could fully trust her, "What's our best memory?" he asked cautiously. Harper didn't seem to be paying too much attention to him and Kate and he doubted that she would have known the answer to this question. It was reasonable to assume that only the real Kate would know this answer.

And she didn't hesitate, "The beach." and she smiled nostalgically, "Of course, you know that beach is a generous term. We were on our way to the actual beach and our car got a flat. We were stranded in the middle of nowhere and you had forgotten your phone at home while mine didn't get coverage. I was frustrated and irritated and you just shrugged and we had a picnic on the one space on our private beach that wasn't covered in those little prickly plants I called the Quills. Am I real enough to you yet?" she asked. He nodded and leaned forward to kiss her. ((Sorry guys, even I don't like what just happened))

Like Alex thought, Harper was ignoring him and Kate.

"Let's talk. I wasn't expecting to just waltz in and get what I wanted... although I was horrifyingly close! Wow, you just have an open-door policy don't you? Lax security when you're entertaining? Or slaughtering." she held her last word for a long period of time savouring the word 'slaughter', "I guess you just gave me more friends to play with. I've always found the dead more interesting than the living."

She glanced over at Alex and saw him kiss Kate, "I really would like to say that dead men tell interesting tales, but my corpses just project what people want to hear. As if I'd be able to bring back a sentient being." she laughed derisively, "It's close enough though isn't it? It's more beautiful than living breathing people. Kate will never say or do anything that Alex doesn't want her to say and do. It's actually quite amusing. He's pulling the strings to his own puppet." she smirked.

"Now. Enough dithering, I suppose you can guess I'm here for the Oridecon. I've read the files. You have a lot of ghosts I can bring back. Are you going to try to be productive? Remember, I'm the hero who brought the wife back. Right now, I've got death and life on my side with his powers. If you say no, it's no big deal....I'm always looking for more playthings, Alec."
Mami lifted his head and stared at the girl who patted her on the head with bloodstained hands.

He's still alive? Hands, check. Feet, check. Head, check.

Whew! What a relief! He's still alive! Mami sighed with relief. Oh wait, the chick asked him a question.

Mami opened his mouth and said, "I was just... hiding from the storekeeper whose pastries I ate? On accident, of course. And I hid here, cause it looked safe. And uh, I uh, decided to look inside the mansion to see what was going on." He rubbed his head sheepishly, and laughed nervously.

... Uh, there's something wet on the back of his head. Mami lifted his hand to look at it.

"Oh would you look at that! There's blood on the back of my head!" Mami said cheerfully, and fell over onto the ground.

Mami has fainted. ((You earned an achievement: Mami is a Baby))
The insult to his home was nothing new but even he had to admit his home was become a regular open house. Alec looked at the two kissing, he must admit....her power was indeed incredible! He couldn't help but be fascinated by it. Though was also incredibly disgusting. But Harper was correct she had poor Alex's psyche in her hands and it was very volatile at the moment. So he focused on what he could do. "So Ms. Harper, the Oridecon, you want it? Well I would have to know your plans with it before I agree to that wouldn't I? And my ghost? He let out a laugh. "Dear, woman don't mistake my mind for Alex's, I am not overjoyed when I kill but I don't lose much sleep over it either. Oh, my the water has reached a boil. Ever so sorry." He then prepared her tea, he could guess how a lady like herself would enjoy her tea and prepared it that way, handing it to her gently and taking his own in hand back to his chair.

Rachel found the two teens sort of humorous but they were too young for her taste. She gestured to one of the guards to pick the boy up and bring him in. She walked into the house and found two other young ladies. She stopped and took a bow "My my brother dear tends to make friends rather fast doesn't he? It is a please I am Rachel Lariat, I hope your stay has not been too...." She scans the house a bit and sees the grappling holes "...eventful."
Sun pulled out a spray can and sprayed his ear with water. "Hey that was not your blood kid..." She said and made the water cold. "Lalalalalalalalalalala"
She let out a genuine sounding laugh at his words, "Unfortunate for me. I find it easiest to get what I want with the skeletons in peoples' closets and the ghosts in their minds." and then she shrugged, "Well, I'm sure that you'd like me to say that's the end of it all, but I can count at least thirty dead scattered across the yard. You know what's harder to kill than you or our friend Alex?" she paused briefly, "The dead."

Harper took the tea and sipped at it gingerly. She spent a moment after the first sip quietly deliberating on whether or not the tea had her approval and she shrugged casually, "Surprisingly good," she concluded before laying down the cup.

"And what reason should I give you?" she feigned being puzzled and locked in thought, "I guess it would be the benefits to me. I'm employed by those people that shot at you from the roof. We examined the remains of a certain Mr. Jeffrey Winters, and concluded by the wounds on the corpse and the samples of the blood in the apartment lobby that it was Alex Miller, a resident of said apartment building. I was recruited because my boss connected the dots between Alex's mysterious relation Kate mentioned in the files and a newspaper obituary about a month earlier for Alex's wife, Kate. A simple trip to the cemetary and all I needed and luckily for me the gates were blown wide open."

She shook her head and chuckled, "That was to satisfy your need for answers, and I like to brag about how even you make mistakes. Now, the Oridecon. I want it to sell. Do I need a bigger motivation than money? We'll all be buried and dead before the Ordinaries can effectively weaponize it... and if I'm wrong about that fact," her ever-present smirk took on a sinister quality, "at least there's beauty in a good death."

"What do you say? Or do you want to see what 'zombies' look like or how far a man would go for his wife? You appear reasonable. I'm sure we could come up with something."
Alec's interest began to waver slightly, his face became a bit bored. "I am very delighted that you are enjoying your cup but, Harper this is the second time you have threatened me in the past 2 minutes, truly are you new to this or do you just get excited doing it?" He began to twirl while talking. "Secondly, I must say you truly disappoint me....money is your goal? Your power has so much more potential than just trivial things but its not my life to waste now is it?" He smiles a bit. "Heh, you tend to waste a lot of lives don't you? Well your information is slightly sound but a few hiccups here and there. The weaponized part is an ever increasing dilemma and no silly poppet their is no beauty in a death via Oridecon, do try and not destroy my image of you already by spouting such nonsense." He stands up and walks over to some valves and begins so mixing, might as well work while he was in here. "And a deal? Seriously? Miss Harper do try and remember while thirty undead are truly a discomforting sight, it is only thirty undead, the staff can handle that many I'm sure. Your main concern is two fold, you need to get the substance first and then leave, and I'm sure you don't believe I am so simple to not know that your power comes at a price as well as any other Enlightened, so don't try to hard. But let's say I entertain you assumption of a deal. What in the world could you give me? Money.....I have plenty of that. And what would young Alex get?" Though Alec did find Alex's simple slip back into depravity slightly alarming....he would have to smack him at least twice after all this was over.
Sun came in with the boy on her shoulders. "sorry this boy passed out." Sun was a lot stronger than she looks. She yawned and sat Mami down. And she went to Alec's side. "Hey I think I need to straighten out something..."
Rose gave Rachel a curtsy. If this was the sister Alec mentioned, Rose would definitely want to stay on her good side. She was already wary of Alec's wrath, she didn't want to invite the wrath of his sister.
Rachel smiled. The one who curtsied was rather polite. Rachel loved people who had manners "And who are you miss? You do look tired. Or is the worry on your face?" She smiled and gestured to sit. She herself got a body pillow from the sofa and laid on the love seat across from the young ladies.
Rose took a seat. "My name is Rose DeMarco. Pleasure to meet you. It's a little of both. A lot's happened in the last couple days."
"I can see that" Rachel purred with a slow forming smile. "So Rose what DO you DO for a living? "She said this with her eyes expanding on the 'do's' she moved her muscular legs up and down playfully as she talked.
Sun came in and bowed at Rachael. "I.. Am Sun Luna...."

"I'm Moon Sol"


"...I am Aura.."

".............." Sun's brain was in scrambles but Sun was getting ready to go. She then bowed again and walked to door.
"It might pay off to threaten me, you know. I get off to death threats and that sort of thing." she said with a playful smirk answering his statement about death threats.

For the first time since she had come here the ever-present smirk on Harper's face dropped and she frowned, "I didn't think you would be as boring as they said you were." she finished off the last of her tea. "Imagine my surprise when I found that you had rolling chairs. But it turns out that it was all true."

The cup made a small clinking noise as she laid it down, "But no matter. This is what you would call a reconnaisance mission. I was gathering information and I've found more than enough for me to call this a satisfactory trip. After all, I wasn't expecting to get past your gates let alone into your lab and so near the Oridecon. It will matter less about convincing you in the end then it will to manipulate these people you've surrounded yourself with. The people can overturn any common King." she said turning eyes over to Alex who was chatting warmly and affectionately with his dead wife. She had already captured him and when she left she knew that there was no way that Alec would get him back because she was the only person who could bring him Kate. And Kate was all he wanted.

She paused as she stood up and the smile returned to her face, "Real sweet for a rich kid to talk about how unimportant money is. What other motivating factors are there for life? The only point that life has is to waste time until death comes knocking. Everything else along the way is the real waste of time and I'd rather at least waste the rest of my time in an extravagent matter. Why do I need to have loftier ambitions than to try to find a fun way to pass the time until the last bell tolls?"

"I'll even be a doll and leave you his little wife. Of course, I hear she can be pretty lifeless when I'm not around to liven her up a little. But I'll be taking the men. Now, do you want to be a dear and let me out of this room Alec, sweetheart?"
Mami's eyes fluttered open, and he stared up at the opulent ceiling. This isn't his bed. The last thing he remembered was a pretty girl covered in blood confronting him outside the house along with that other girl...

Oh yeah, he passed out didn't he!

Oh crap! He embarrassed himself in front of a pretty girl! Nevermind that she's an Enlightened, he just fainted in front of her! Mami's face flushed as he imagined them looking down on him.

... Maybe this was just a dream. Mami shut his eyes again, and opened them, hoping that he would be back home when he opened them. Which, he wasn't. He pinched himself, hoping that he would wake up.

Nope. Still in this fancy room.

Might as well go back to sleep. Everyone in this room looks terrifyingly dangerous, or at least in Mami's skewed imagination they were. Hopefully, they don't notice that he's awake. Having thought that thought, Mami closed his eyes and pretended to be unconscious again.
Rose turned her eyes away from Rachel. "Honestly, I work the cashier at an anime shop. At least that's my day-job. At night, I usually put down anti-Enlightened bigots." She felt that she might as well tell Rachel the whole story, but that could be from the intimidation she felt.
Alec started break into old habits. This woman was to much fun to play with, she couldn't leave not when so much fun was about to happen. He smiled. "Oh, no sweetie, I'm afraid I may be rather boring until you hit my switch. Which you are so close to doing. I think you see my subtle ways as boring but then again your rather brutish with your methods do try and show a little tact, when your playing in the big leagues. But you are a simple hired gun who walked into a hornets nest and the best you have are dead people, but you know a fact you can't deny...me, you and, Alex aren't dead but very very much alive." He casually walked over to the safe and pressed in a few buttons. The atmosphere became heavy after a moment and breathing started to take much more effort. He began talking with smile on his face and heavy breathing "You see I mentioned that the Oridecon had been weaponized to a point, yes? Well it isn't just by Ordinaries poppet. And the best thing is this effects all of us here in the room. You said you came for reconnaissance, well nothing beats first hand knowledge." He could feel his lungs starting to burn, but the game was getting fun. "I have the only means to stop the gas and we have about 10 minutes before it eats us away completely in this form. So I wouldn't sic love struck Alex on me just yet and I suggest you settle back down and lets finish the talk shall we?" This had so many fun ways to end he couldn't let Rachel see her then she would want to play with Harper, this was his new playmate, besides Rachel always killed hers to fast.

Rachel thought Rose was fascinating. A humble girl making her way with anime no less. These are the type of people the world needed. "You don't say? I do love a show or two myself. How is it like working in such a place?" She smiled this time with a little more of a dark grin. "And how do you kill the bigots." she let the last sentence go with a bit of a pleasurable moan to it.
Sun decided to get out of there. She just wanted to go somewhere alone. She left out the house and decided to climb a tree. How fast she couldn't remember or even think of how she got up there but she slowly nodded off.
Rose was a bit surprised by that. She was actually curious as to what kind of anime a person like her would like. Then again, knowing the gist of many series, Rose had an idea of what the answer would be. "I never really cared much for more than a few myself. My tastes are a bit...odd, even in that culture. As far as my killing, I lure the person into a back alley with my siren song and then poison them with poisoned lipstick. Although I made sure that the poison disappears be for the investigators can track it down. Not the most exciting way, but it works for me."
"Oooo, really? Odd taste are just fine. I myself have many taste. in the genre I recently have been transfixed on a sports anime, so interesting how they make take such simplistic exercises and make them so enthralling!" Her eyes closed a bit as she looked at Rose. "Not unlike your method of killing. Sounds simple but such grace and beauty in your savagery just like the sirens in the myths and legends. Do give yourself more credit darling you are a force to be reckoned with." She turned onto her back and looked at the ceiling. "So, my brother has brought you here, I hope he has treated you well, hospitality is a Lariat staple. Though you must excuse the events that have transpired, our guardsmen tend to only handle situations they feel we need assistance with, since Alec was here many of the events unfolded because the guards trusted his judgement though my brother doesn't have an all seeing eye so of course he has to react rather than be proactive. But as usual he seems to have handled most of the issues so far, though right now he is being quite selfish and playing with out his baby sister, so rude. Do you have family Rose, siblings perhaps?"
Harper broke out in a large grin and she actually laughed when she felt the pressure begin to exert itself on her, "I'm not really the right girl to play these games with, you know? Do you really think that I'm afraid of death? Of all people?" she laughed again scornfully. She could have done without the strong overbearing feeling of pressure on her chest, but she didn't have much control of that at this moment.

She noticed Alex stand up in the corner. She hadn't paid much attention to him as he had been off in the corner playing with her newest friend, Kate. She could tell from his expression that he was angry, "What are you doing Alec? Trying to get all of us killed?" he snapped angrily. Kate's body glided up beside his though she was wearing a blank expression now that Alex was no longer paying attention to her.

Harper licked her lips weighing whether or not she should aggravate Alex who had only started paying attention to someone besides Kate when the pressure had changed and breathing had become more difficult. She believed that they were done but Alec had a surprising amount of kick to him. He was certainly less boring than she had initially thought.

"Just a mistake. I need to sort some things out with Alec and when we've come to an acceptable agreement I'll be sure to leave you with Kate. You'd like that. Together with her, forever? I just need to hammer out some details with him." she said and he didn't seem convince.

She pulled one of the mental strings to her puppet and Kate's face lit up with expression again and she tugged on Alex's hand and smiled, "Harper will work it out for us, honey. Don't worry, I won't ever leave you again."

When the two lovers disappeared back to their corner Harper sat down in a seat, "Okay, let's talk details. I've read the files. Alex will probably hold on longest out of all us due to his healing factor. Then there's Kate. I can pull her strings on my last breath and I could get her to attack you. It might not be very effective against someone like you, but it's not like you could kill her again so she wouldn't relent until my last breath. Or if I cut the strings and say I was simply just too weak to keep her 'alive' and that you were a threat to their togetherness, I'm sure Alex would dig in. If it's you vs. him and you survive at least he won't go down without a fight and I'm sure he'd get enough damage on you for me to finish you off. There's those options or the one where I simply just sit here and expire. You know, I was supposed to die years ago and my parents are waiting for me on the other side. I do miss them.

I guess I just want you to note one thing. If you're looking for me to beg for my life, that's not going to happen. I hope that's not going to disappoint you. I can't idolize and worship death and then turn coward and beg for the sorry existence that is life. Your turn. Tell me how you want this to play out."
Sun came back in with food she didn't know what to get so she got whatever she could buy. She brought in Pizza, Chinese Food, Subway sandwiches and all other foods since all of the other "Hers" where starving.

"Food anyone?" She asked with a loud voice where everyone can hear her. She also amplified her voice with speed.
Alec threw his head back in a laugh that echo through the room, he only slightly regretted that doing that since it hurt his lungs. "Oh no, my dear you have it all wrong. I would never expect you to beg for your life, but you are an individual who enjoys an advantage and you lost in when the door to this room closed you just haven't noticed it. The options you listed can still happen, I wouldn't be surprised if they did. But if you think I feel my life is important your wrong. I could kill you right now, whether or not Alex deals with me afterwards is irrelevant, hell I could have killed you when I walked into the room but I didn't perhaps a folly on my part but I like to know everything before I go off the hinge." You see your in the estate correct? If you kill me yippy! But your not leaving the room, none of us have super strength and to keep Alex under control you have to keep dusty over there moving. If those odd weren't enough there are two...very very scary factors outside the door. You and Alex are not equipped to deal with. My death means very little if it keeps you from getting the rock. Alex would have no use for it after me and you are gone so I have nothing to free from that. And death, no no no that won't do. We wouldn't kill you......ever." He said the last sentence with meaning behind it that he knew a person of Harpers mentality would comprehend. "Besides your my new playmate for the day, we only just hand tea and your ready to leave?" She also didn't notice another factor but it was to much fun seeing if she did.

She clearly read the files but the poor girl wasn't using her brain of course Alex would live, but his blood was also a little bit different giving him a slightly reduced rate of death as well. She had also forgotten one, factor about poor Alex, a mentally disrupted as the boy may be, we was indeed an intellectual and was not to far gone that he couldn't hear Alec. "But before we begin anything. Alex? Oh good while your kissing face I do have to ask you one thing....what next? You get out of here with this woman what happens? You can't have a family with her and soon you will realize she can't do anything but say what you want to hear. Like a doll. And even if your okay with that....is Kate? You told me she was a loving soul and one you cherished among all others. And soul is the correct word were looking at here. Necromancy is still a bit foreign to me but I can assure you if there is something like a soul necromancy butchers it, tortures whatever poor soul it needs to keep the corpse up. Or worse, there isn't even a soul in there to begin with? Either way it shows how you really feel about Kate huh? She was just a mound of flesh to you? You would just readily trust her reanimated corpse to a woman you know nothing of just so you can see her? If you wish by all means do enjoy, but I had you pegged wrong Alex, I thought you cared for her at least far more than any other person, but it seems your self gratification matters more than the woman you loved."

Rachel looked up at the speedy individual and the food they brought. Ew take-out. "I do appreciate the effort, child but none for me thank you, your friends might be starving however, I also know that the young lad in the bedroom should be awaking very soon and may be rather hungry."
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Rose looked at the choices Sun offered. "I'll take one of those subs off your hands." As she took a sub, she nodded her thanks at Rachel. She was quite hungry. Though before she began to eat, she answered Rachel's question. "I do have parents, and maybe some extended family, but no siblings. Not that I know of anyway. I was... abandoned when I was 12. My parents were Ordinaries, and were anti-Enlightened. When they found out I was Enlightened, they threw me away." Rose had a pained look on her face, but fought to hold back tears that threatened to spill out. She could remember it painfully clearly.

[Rose had been sitting in her room singing to herself while drawing. Her parents walked in, seemingly in a daze. When she saw them, she stopped singing and said, "Mom? Dad? What is it?" Her father seemed to shake himself out of his daze as she spoke. When he realized why he was in her room, he looked at her in shock. "What was that? What did you do, Rose?" She started to get nervous. "Nothing, I was just drawing and singing." Her mother chimed in, "What were you singing?" Rose shrugged. "I don't know, just some tune that's been stuck in my head for a while. I don't even know where it came from." Her parents looked at each other. A look of fear crossed their faces at the same time. A few days later, they all went out to church. Everything seemed fine until Rose couldn't find her parents. She ran outside and saw their car driving away. She told the pastor what happened, and he called her parents, only to hangup after only a few seconds. "Honey, I'm very sorry to tell you this, but it seems your parents are leaving you in our care. Until you can support yourself. They abandoned you." The pastor put a consoling hand on her shoulder. She couldn't believe what she just heard.]

Rose shook her head. She hated that memory. Later on, the pastor told her why, and that led her down a dark road.

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