False Heroes

Sun looked at Rose with a almost murderous look but instantly changed back. "Oh I'm sorry Yeah whats up." She asked and scratched her head.
Rose shook off the feeling of murderous intent that Sun had just flashed her way and said, "About Rachel's offer. And yours. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do yet. I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place here." She looked away and grabbed one arm with the other. "If I went with you, would I have to worry about your father? No offense, but he seemed pretty bad."
Alec finally made to the living space. His head was starting to throb in a steady motion, and his breathing was heavy but starting to settle. He was starting to sweat quite a bit as if he took a light jog. He looked up at everyone "Hello, everyone the crisis is mostly averted." He stumbles a big as Rachel comes up gently to him and places one pf his arms over her shoulder to help him to a chair.

"Brother dear, you really shouldn't play so hard. And you keep your guest out here alone. You were raise better than that."

Alec chuckled a bit. "I do apologize, it has been a long morning. You didn't...switch anyone did you." He looked up mildly worried"

"Oh no no no, everyone here is fantastic, well the Laurene girl was a bit odd but seems okay" she brushes his hair out the way.
"Well, I was actually supposed to be delivering the cake, but I ate it instead." Mami laughed with a tint of embarrassment. Someone thought he was cool, and it was a cute girl to boot! Mami laughed to himself, proud that he had managed to prove to somebody that he was cool. Mami noticed that a man had entered the room, and noted that he looked slightly weak. Was he sick or something? Was that guy the owner of the mansion?
Sun looked at Rose and sighed. "You wouldn't have to worry about him, I have a great place that no one knows of.... Well its actually just my Uncle's house but he has a nice home in Alaska. My Father never goes there." Sun answered and put her finger on her head as if she was thinking. "Yeah it'll totally be cool."
Alec took a glaze at everyone but before speaking spoke in a whisper to Rachel "Our little problem has been resolve more or less, I do expect them to return but for the moment we should be fine." He then turned to the silly boy talking to Laurene. "Ah well I do not believe we have met properly lad, I am Alec Lariat, second son of the Lariat household, your name if you would?'
Mami started a bit at being spoken to by Alec. "Oh, well, I'm Mami! Mami Mortmann, delivery boy!" Golly, Alec sounded so fancy, so sophisticated, so... so RICH. The sophisticated aura around him seemed so intense, and Mami felt so much like the plebeian he was compared to him. Thank the heavens that Alec seemed like a nice person, albeit a nice person who might be apart of the mafia.
Rose wasn't too keen on going all the way to Alaska. Sure, for an Enlightened, the sparse population was a haven, but at the same time, if word got out, it'd be just as hostile as anywhere else. She really needed to mull this over. She went to stand in a corner. Her mind felt like it was doing backflips.
Alec yawned a bit. And eyed this Mami kid up and down. My he was jittery and high strung to boot. But he seemed like a simple enough kid. "Welcome again to my home. Though I don't recall ordering anything so why are you delivering to me?" Alec looked around and saw several orders of fast food....ugh...barbarian cuisine. "I assume this is the order? Would you excuse me a moment young sir?" He looked at Rose in the corner and with great effort pulled himself up from the chair and moved slowly towards her "A penny for your thought? Or in my case a down payment?" He said with a friendly chuckle.
She smiled as he approached at least thinking that she could at least seduce herself out of the predicament that she had so carelessly gotten herself involved with. When he approached her, she thought that this would be a reality and he leaned in to whisper in her ear. She leaned in forward to kiss him in order to either provide a distraction while she pulled Kate's strings to get the door unlocked or to prove that she was a little more fun to keep alive... but unfortunately that didn't prove to be an option. An unbelievable amount of pain shot through her and the breath she was inhaling seemed to spontaneously turn to liquid as she felt her body slip out of her control and under pain's influence.

He left and she fell forward off of the chair coughing out copious amounts of blood. She was too preoccupied trying to gain control of her breathing that Kate's body went rigid and collapsed to the floor in a mass of stiff limbs. Alex cried out and dropped to his knees cradling her head.

"Alex," Harper managed to splutter out. Her chin was slick with blood and he glanced up at her. There was something that she couldn't interpret written on his face and she reached for him.

He watched her for another few seconds as she coughed and began to pick herself up off the floor. He knew that she had a couple of minutes. He could hear her body working to establish normalcy with the punctured lung and if there were any nearby hospitals even they could have saved her. He looked at Kate's body and saw that the illusions of life had been washed off of her face. It was eerie how quickly the smiles and laughter could be wiped off and the muscles of the face unyielding to all but Harper. It was just an image built on his perfect memory of Kate's every detail, but it was all he could ever have. Alec didn't understand that there were no choices available. It was either his memories giving life to Kate's corpse... or it was just a corpse. If he rebuffed Harper, then he had nothing.

He sighed heavily feeling the weight and horror of his decision as he lifted Kate's head off of his lap and laid it gently onto the floor. He looked at Harper and felt his stomach knot up. Was he really making the best decision, here? He reached forward and Harper latched onto his outstretched hand with her reaching one. She took a monumental gasp of relief and he felt as if he had been struck by a train as he crumpled over to vomit up the blood that had been pooling in Harper's lung.

She coughed with him and when his breath became easier he stood up again, "I thought you weren't afraid of death. You looked pretty desperate there," he said coolly.

Harper shook her head, "I let the pain get to me. I'm not afraid of death, but I'm uncomfortable with pain." she explained and he smirked at her answer. Regardless of what she said, she still had looked terrified and desperate. In the corner of his eye his noticed Kate's body rising once again as Harper regained control of her faculties. Alex turned around to face Kate, but he said nothing nor moved towards her. He was looking. Memorizing the seemingly effortless brilliant smile and every muscle that had changed since the face he had memorized as he held her dead torn body in his arms weeping.

He traced the thick scar on her face with his eyes and he followed it until it disappeared under the shirt she had been buried in and then he traced the jagged flesh of her exposed arms. That was what he had done. He felt something hot but wet trailing down his cheek. He ignored it. He ignored the feeling of blood crawling down his arms. And then his legs. He ignored when Kate's body collapsed back to the ground lifelessly again. And he ignored when the unseen wounds he had left Kate began to bleed beneath his shirt. He had memorized every wound, visible or not. He knew every slice by memory.

When he was done, tracing the scars he stepped over Harper's lifeless and shredded body as the last of the wounds were beginning to stitch themselves shut. The process was much slower and more painful and he supposed it was due to the Oridecon that Alec had exposed them to. The thickest and ugliest of the cuts along his face was still knitting itself back together when he found his way to the rest of the group. He said nothing but instead instead wiped the freshest trail of blood off of his face. He had pushed himself hard by killing Harper so quickly and then continuing to trace Kate's wounds so his nose was bleeding, that hadn't happened in a while. He ignored it.

"I made a mess of your lab." he said in an expressionless tone. He had also left a trail of blood from the lab to where he stood thinly held together and short on blood.
Sun thought to herself and spoke to Moon. "Lets...just leave.... Our body can't handle anymore physics breaking laws of super speed." Moon answered her back slowly.

"Sun...we need to rest we are overuseing our selves...remember we will die if we keep it up...." Moon answered with a hushed tone.
Mami shook his hands in front of him quickly. "No no no! I didn't deliver all this food! No need to pay me! That uh... er... um... Star? Yeah, Star! Miss Star brought it, not me!"
"Oh my gosh!" Laurene gasped, seeing the blood covered man enter the room. She rushed over to Alex and grabbed his arms. She then closed her eyes and focused. She saw the previous scene play out and cringed slightly. Opening her eyes, she then grabbed his face and gently turned it to look at different angles. "Dilated pupils, cold skin, week pulse... Clear the couch!" She dragged him over and sat him down. She then retrieved some of the 'barbarian cuisine' and brought it over to him. "You've lost a lot of blood." She explained, setting the food in front of him. "Eat up and then lie down. Even an Enlightened needs energy and rest to regain blood."
Alec stared at Alex....he had broken free. But being free came with a price Alec knew this all to well yet barely knew any of it. Alex had just ripped a part of him away, that price is never cheap. Alec had to do the same, every Lariat did. it is what creates true greats and very few have the stomach to accomplsih it. He walked over to Laurene and slowly moved her to the side. "Calm down, young lady, your help is most welcomed but last I checked I'm the only one with a doctorate and that fast food isn't what a healing body needs." He snaps his fingers twice and several women and men (the house help) came out. "I need to beds set up. And a surgical room cleared for me if you please. IV drips are must and please do take care not to drop us on the way. We have both inhaled large doses of poison and my blood has become metallic for my taste." While they started to get things ready he turned to Alex. He looked Alex in the eye. "Yes, you did and I take great pains to keep it clean." The poison was starting to run its course but it was still strong enough that Alec was starting to lose focus. "I hate saying this phrase for I find it useless and carrying no resolution what so ever but it also can have its moments of use....I am sorry Alex. Though she was not the real deal I could see why you could be held so tightly by her ghost. You have proven me wrong, something few have done, you broke free of a chain I thought would hold you for a long time. Though it will take you time for you to say it to me I'd like to thank you as my friend." As he said this he bowed his head and tumbled to the side as he passes out.

Rachel had seen worse happen in the house but seeing AA fall over was still upsetting either way. She ran over to him. Her brother was way to generous, putting his life at risk for both them and his own enjoyment was reckless enough but he didn't have to let such an attractive man die with him! Also daddy would be here very soon. She snapped for some more help. "You lot clean the lab and the rest of the house that was damaged, the rest do as my brother instructed, and also escort the guess to the other living room. Do dawdle his lordship will be here in 2 minutes!" She said the last part with a bit of warning to everyone in the room, even herself. Daddy loved everyone here fiercely but he also expected much of them and if they disappointed by leaving his domain in such a way....well hell was the least of things Rachel was afraid to pay.
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Alex coughed and he was appalled by the blood that came from his lungs. That had been Harper's wound and he thought that his lung should be fully healed by now.... it should have been fully healed. Each breath caused sharp edges of pain to slice through him and he was aware that somehow he was still bleeding all over. The wounds were doing some healing but they weren't erasing themselves. His body had done the bare minimum to keep himself alive as he mirrored all of Kate's slashes and cuts. The room swayed slightly as he stood there and Alec offered an explanation before hitting the ground, himself.

The Oridecon... was it really that effective of a weapon? He choked on another mouthful of blood and cringed at the idea that he might be losing too much blood. And all because he hadn't realized that the material had infected him even from an aerosol form would be degrading his abilities in this way. Obviously, if he had known, he might have been a little more sparing about the whole ordeal.

He staggered after one of the Lariat's hired help who was carrying Alec's inert form off. He was desperate to stay on his feet despite how each breath seemed to reopen some of the wounds. It was a simple determination thing. He was surprised at his lack of emotion given the finality of his decision regarding Kate. Maybe he had been lying to Alec in the lab. Maybe his heart hadn't been buried with Kate. Maybe now his heart was dead. But he would let himself recover from his wounds before he assessed his mental condition to determine whether or not he had healed or grown cold. He wasn't planning on throwing any more pity parties for himself now that he had finally buried Kate. He was done with spending every waking moment brooding and dwelling, it was time just to focus on moving forward.

I think I just need to sleep it off." he said in a quiet low voice to avoid upsetting his lungs as he disappeared behind a corner following Alec.
Lord Lariat stepped inside his home to fine it was in pristine condition. Which could only mean his children had done something wrong. He moved with a confident and certain stride as if he knew ever step he made was perfect. His was long and black like Alec's and he had the same brown skin and auburn eyes as his children. Where Rachel had the small, springy body of a gymnast and Alec had the lean muscle of a muay thai fighter, Lord Lariat had the body of a special forces SEAL. He had the look of a man in his 50's that was in incredible condition. He wore a military uniform that seemed to resemble that of a high ranking officer coming from a ball. The butler took his coat and hat at the door. He gave the man a nod of gratitude. His face betrayed no emotion, it rarely did, a man of great integrity should not show the war that one rages on inside themselves. As he moved he stopped in the hallway and 'felt' his home. Four children sat inside his living room, none of their bodies seemed over the age of twenty. His son Alec was upstairs in the infirmary, resting. His daughter Rachel, he thought with a sigh, has sitting on top of him shorting his breathing, more than likely she wanted to 'surprise' him with a rude awakening. Another young man was outside the door. He seemed to have retained damage at some point but his remarkable body was pretty much repairing itself. "I shall visit my son first, Berklin, I wish to speak with him and his friends a soon as possible please." With that he proceeded to walk to the infirmary.

Alec's first thought as he work were....oh great I'm blind. Of course this was not the case, he always had an incredible sensitivity to the light if he was not conscience for a long period of time, a habit his body did by using the metals to reflect it 3 times more powerful at him. As his vision returned he felt pressure on his chest as he looked up and saw Rachel on top of him. He gave her a dull look, only a three years his younger and she still sat on him like one of those half cat half human people from an anime just to screw with him. "H-heavy." He said with annoyance.

She smiled and lightly flipped off into a chair in front of the bed. She flipped a chart at a Alec when she landed. "I know you enjoy knowing whats wrong with you...aside from you horrible taste in art."

Alec caught it with one hand which had an IV drip in it, he probably shouldn't have done that he though to himself. He read the list aloud but mainly to himself. "Blood transfusion and pulmonary edema....well that explains the burning in my lungs. How long was I out?"

Rachel's smile widened. "About two hours."

Alec's eyes widened. "So that means...."

"That daddy has...."

Lord Lariat opened the door and walked inside. "Returned to his home children"

Alec look at his sister and half jokingly said "Come on Rachel throw me out the window, father won't punch a guy that punches himself."
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Rose felt the tension in the air get thicker. Maybe Alex and Rachel's father had returned. That was a thought that she didn't know how to feel about. She was nervous, more so than with Rachel, but she'd have to wait and see what happened.
Sun had fell asleep on the roof at a angle that made her unseen, as to how she got up there...she jumped. She saw the man walking up to the house and decided to get out of there before she was spotted.
Mami stared in shock at the bloodstained boy who was clearly injured. Resisting the urge to vomit, he turned away from him before he fainted from seeing all that blood. He watched as Alec was carried away by the servants, and watched the bloodied boy and Rachel follow them. He wasn't sure if he could leave this strange mansion. Sun had disappeared somewhere, and Rose looked tense, and all in all he inferred that something had happened. Hopefully nothing bad happened. Sun probably just went to the bathroom, and Rose is worried about whether Sun got lost on the way to the bathroom! Mami was sure that that was what they seemed to be worried about. 100% sure!
"You look well. At least better than I had anticipated." He said as he moved closer to the bed side.

"I do try" Alec said with a slight groan and a smirk, as he got out of the bed and shook his fathers hand. A Lariat mus always show respect, and his legs weren't amputated so he could stand for a moment. As usual his grip was as iron as his stare.

Lord Lariat paused for a moment, it had been a few months since he had seen his youngest son, though he still had much to learn he had to admit the boy seemed to be living up to the his name. "Shall we see to your guess?" With that he walked out the room.

Alec looked at Rachel "That could have been worse."

Rachel made a pouting face and had a disappointed to tone "Yeah it could have."

Alec smiled "Oh calm down would you? Your happy to see me, now help me find my cloths, leave, and then follow father into the living room.

Alec had finally gotten his cloths on. A button down white shirt and a pair of black slacks. He went without shoes as he tended to enjoy doing that inside the mansion and proceeded to find the living room. His father meet up with him in the hallway. Say what you will about the man but he clearyl wanted Alec to introduce him. They both walked into the room with the others and found Rachel laying acros the floor on a pillow in her typical feline manner. Alec thrust his hand to the side at his father. "I would like to introduce you all to my father, Lord Alexion Lancaster Taureau Lariat, first of his name."
Laurene sighed as she watched Alec and Alex get rolled out. Once again she had been absolutely useless. Not only did she not help in the fight (which didn't bother her that much) but she had failed to notice the freaking ER-room when she read the house. And how had she not read that Alex was poisoned? Unless of course... It was oridecon. She shudered at the thought. Was finding lost things all she was good for? At least She had been right about Alec being a doctor.

As she followed the others to the other living room she pulled out her phone and called the Emerald Glade Private School. She spent a long time explaining in depth to the Attendence Lady how she and a friend were walking to school when they were attacked by an Enlightened. She told the lady that she was unharmed but her friend had been seriously hurt and they were both at the hospital. "... So I won't be coming to school... A signed note from one of the doctors? Of course... Yes, thank you. Bye." Hanging up, Laurene sighed again and praticaly collapsed onto the couch. When had she, a girl obsessed with finding the truth, become such a natural lier?

She barely heard Alec when he came in and introduced his father.
When Sun Heard Alec's father's name she used her speed to get down and came in and bowed and then stood up with Aura's eyes. Alexion already knew Sun as Aura they met whem she was 16 years old.

"Alexion Lancaster.. Remember me? Aura Luna of House Lunar. The one who helped you on that mission?" Aura's voice came out. She was not Sun at that moment. Just Aura. The otthers where not even close to this version of her. Aura had spoke with Alexion for long periods of time when she takes over.
Rose snapped out of her reflections at Alec's voice. The man standing next to him was probably the most imposing and intimidating man she'd ever seen. This family seemed to have intimidation down to an art, but then that's what she thought about most high society blue-bloods. She looked over at Sun when she spoken with Aura's voice. She knew this man? Rose had to admit that she was shocked by this revelation.
Alec decided to go near the couch that Laurene and Rose were seated and gave them a good-willed wink and leaned against the book shelf.

Lord Alexion surveyed the room, he could see all of their genetic make-up clearly, each was an Enlightened. He has spent so many years looking at the unique individual cells he could see their powers without even touching them. But two of them were...unique. The young girl in her 20's had a unique form to her structure he had never seen it before. The other was the youngest in the room. A boy, his 'Enlightened' cells were still dormant. Still a young-ling Alexion thought to himself. No matter but introductions were in order.

"Good afternoon, brethren, I hope the evenings events have not colored your impression to darkly on the Lariat household, had I been here the upsetting events would not have transpired." He said this not as a boast but as absolute fact. "I would like to however, get to know all of your names if possible." He saw Sun walk up to him and mention Aura. Aura? And house Lunar? He did not approve of Lunar's methods of research, but he had worked with an Aura but that was over 40 years ago. The girls cells and molecule make--up showed she could run at high speeds and had amplified strength but this she had none of Aura's cell. Perhaps this is was another experiment by the Lunar's the girl may have a damaged psyche from all the cerebral scars he could see on her. He looked quizzically. "I do apologize while I am a former friend of the Lunar house and have worked with an Aura I do not have any recollection of our meeting up to this point."
"That last time we met was I think... 40 years ago when before I was still a scientist." Aura said with and respectible tone. "The damage my body has go through has caused....well my body has age decceleration my cells aren't ageing but can reproduce more than normal. I have...a damaged pysche. I have 3 other personalities that exist now. Yhis was the product of your Last expirament with us. Immunity to any disease and any virus." Aura brushed her hair the same way she did 40 years ago and gave him her ID card. It showed that she was the same girl but only seemed to age once every ten years.

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