False Heroes

Rose took a deep breath to steady herself. Alec was right. she could probably point out a few more Enlightened than just the blue-haired girl. As Mami ran off with Laurene and Sun, Rose watched. she let out a laugh when Mami unintentionally decided to take a swim in the fountain. She was a bit worried about those three, specifically what kind of trouble they would get themselves into. However, it appeared that one Enlightened person took an interest in them and used her powers to bring them out of trouble. Rose felt a little more at ease. She could actually read quite a few of the guests already. She was back in her element. She even saw a few people that she had already researched. She found them to be innocent enough to not set them as targets. I'll do just fine. Nothing to worry about, she thought. And with that, she put on a genuine and confident smile.

The lane was empty and the area was quiet save for the distant barking of dogs that she ignored. She hated dogs ever since a brutal attack in her childhood but she knew that they couldn't harm her. The fear existed in her mind, she had to remind herself. And even if the threat of the dogs was real she had her mission to attend to... and she had her defenses. The attack in her childhood had been a valuable experience. She had choked the attacking dog to death with a barbed branch from her mother's rose bush thus discovering her powers.

She was about halfway down the yard she stopped in her tracks and knelt down to the ground. She readjusted the mask on her face and double-checked the gas supply in the tank that she wore on her back. She had watched everyone leave and had a contact confirm with her the presence of the Lariats and their Enlightened guests where they were supposed to be. All of the guests and Lariats, save for Alexion who was accounted for elsewhere, were at the dinner. Though she was anticipating that they wouldn't all be for much longer. She was expecting resistance. She was prepared. She had a day and a half supply in her tank... and four potted plants in her arms.

Where Isabelle knelt she laid down the pots and she leaned in close to them, whispering to them softly in a language that only they shared. The plants in this containers twitched slightly before they recognized her voice and began to inch forward. They crawled out of their pots slowly at first but they quickly yielded to her demands and before long the plants found their way into the soil of the Lariat's expansive front yard. From there, their growth was exponential. The plants seemed to take on a mind of their own as vines soared up into the air and further into the ground. She could only work with what was in the ground and she had made sure that her most deadly and efficient four plants were in the soil. Pretty soon, the grasses were covered in a growing layer of writhing and thriving vines and snarled barbs though she waited for another ten minutes to watch that layer grow into a jungle of tentacled vines. She felt adequately prepared. She wasn't like Harper, she didn't go into a place just because the gates were open just to see what happened. No, Isabelle was prepared. She was expecting that one of the Lariats would come home at the attack.

She listened to the whisper running along the vines and she nodded. Distantly she heard a sharp cry and she glanced back to its source to watch the body of one of the Lariat's security being hoisted into the air by her plants. A large gaping wound occupied where his chest used to be though the cavity was now filled with her plants. She frowned watching the guard and then whispered softly to her plants, "Don't kill them. I want the Lariat boy to come home to bodies. I want a spectacle."

She paused, "You've found the vault? Wonderful. We've gotten into worse." she whispered back to her plants readjusting her mask. All she needed was to get a thin tendril through the vault and from there it would be easy, it was just a matter of finding the faults of the vault and exploiting them. Plants could overtake anything.

She turned around and faced the road watching for signs of traffic, namely for Lariats. If she was lucky, the vault would crack open easily and she would be out of here quickly. And if she wasn't quite as lucky... well, there was something that the Lariat boy had that she needed. And she certainly had the means to put up more of a fight than poor Harper. The dogs she had heard earlier all loosed a haunting single-note howl into the darkness of the night as thick barbed tentacles from her plants rose up at her sides like snakes to a snake charmer.
The party was going great. At least as far as Alec could tell. His pocket watch gave off a soft beep. He casually took it out and saw that the time had changed. He turned to everyone with a gracefully. "I am terribly sorry to do this to everyone but I must attend to some business at the moment. Rose, Alex, and Rachel please do enjoy the rest of the party if you would. Again, terribly sorry." He lightly kissed Rose's hand again and smoothly walked out of the dinner, giving his condolences to everyone he meet on the way out. He then found Berklen and the driver nodded solemnly to Alec and opened the door for him. His eyes went from joyful and playful, to focused as soon as the door closed. "Drive with hast but do be mindful of traffic, Berklen."

Well, their mother always wanted to plant something in the front yard...Alec guessed a small jungle would have to do. He step out of the car cane in hand, though his shoes were removed. He walked slowly and calmly taking in the scene, several of the maids and butlers were strung up like meat on rakes but not dead. The person here did it as a sign...a warning, they were trying to play with him. He noticed were the roots were largest and figured that must be the origin of the disturbance. After moving through the brush a little longer Alec looked up at a impressive sight...for many reasons. An Enlightened woman sat in a chair of thorns looking down at him. She had face mask on and Alec could here her breathing from here. So here abilities also changed her biology and by the yard and her features he guessed was more flora than fauna. She was also striking, she had fierce yet beautiful eyes, and in any other circumstance Alec would love to dine with this woman. He stopped about 12 feet from her placing his hands on his cane.

"I don't make it a point of habit to have my lawn landscaped without first getting to know the individual doing the work. Though I must say you do work fast. Now I would hate to be rude to a lady such as yourself but I would appreciate it if you would kindly leave the premises."
A slither came crawling down the vines and she listened closely to the news that her plants had to bring. There were difficulties getting into the vault but it was not impossible which was nothing that she hadn't expected. The news that made her sit up on her seat was that the Lariat boy was approaching. She had expected him, but she had been hoping for at least ten more minutes.

"I just need to borrow a couple of things before I get out of your hair... I wouldn't want to cause a problem though." she said pleasantly after he had politely asked her to leave. It was almost laughable; she couldn't be convinced to leave by just a pretty request. There was no way that she wasn't getting what she needed tonight. There were too many things that Alec wasn't prepared for. She whispered to her plants in their private language and then she laughed cheerfully seemingly at their response.

"My friends however, don't have much patience. It would be best if you were the one who left the lot. We wouldn't want that handsome face to get all scratched up, would we? Besides, you have a fancy gala dinner tonight that will surely be more fun than this little dance." she said reaching out and touching the outstretched vine tentacle that she had been speaking to. At her touch it behaved like a pet would seemingly stretching beneath her hand as if it were a dog being scratched, "I haven't been letting them play with your little friends since the first one we killed didn't make a pretty corpse, but I'm sure you know all about your hired help." the mass of brush squirmed wildly around them. They were excited and she couldn't blame them, she would have been just as shocked as they would be if Alex actually left. They wanted the fight.
Alec walked over to the side a bit and laid down his hat. He also folded his jacket neatly on the side of it. He then slowly removed his tie and stood up looking at her, with a bored expression, she need to learn he guessed. Alec was not a fool though, this one was dangerous, but she needed to learn that the food chain was ever changing. "I thank you for the compliment, you seem to also be quite easy on the eyes, but I did ask you to leave and you seem rather reluctant in performing my request. Tell me, you seem to an expert on Botany, and by proxy I'm sure you would know a little of other Biological and Chemical studies yes? Well that being said, you should be well aware of my powers and how they work. Why else would you be staring me down like that? Anyway, the point is you know seem to take a lot of care of these plants, I must say the are all very beautiful, you have talent. So that all being said why on earth will you not abide by my request?" While he said all of this he went to one of the four large roots he spotted earlier. After he finished talking he turned his hand into a large spike and drove it into the base of the plant near the roots. Once he pierced it he injected large amounts of salt and calcium into the plant instantly making it's cells incapable of taking water and shriveling it into a dead stump. He then retracted the akali and akaline metals back into his body, being sure to take in the ones the plant had as well, he could use it if it came to that. He then casually flipped his cane a bit. He unlike the rest of his family was very adept at hiding his malicious intent until the last moment, however he was sure that this lady knew his message regardless. He was ready to fight if it came to that. "Now please if you would....leave."
She hadn't expected him to target her plants and she flinched as she heard their screaming fill her ears. The vine that she had been caressing fell to the ground. She stared at her fallen friend in horror and she snarled as a trio of vines launched themselves at Alex. Two of them were decoys meant to be batted aside but the third came up from the ground and was intended to launch itself into Alec's ankle. It wouldn't be too painful... not when compared to what he had just done to her plants, but she needed to get hold of him.

"If we have a problem, you take it out on me. Leave them out of this." she snapped. The anger was evident in her voice. It didn't even matter that along the vines came the whispers that a cracked had formed on the vault and now the tendrils could massage their way in through the weakness reducing the time needed to extract the Oridecon likely to mere minutes. She didn't want to leave when she got the sample from the vault. She wanted his blood.
Alec had seen attack methods many times over and this one was text book but dodging every strike at these speeds would not only prove troublesome but she could have other attacks on the way so he remained in place allowing the vines to hit him with full impact, he had to admit, that hurt. He was starting to bleed from the two vines and then he found another shot up and grabbed his leg. Again, painful. But more or less pain was a friend of his and he was still able to focus. He sent several saws out that circled his body cutting the vines. He examined the wounds she had made. "Oh I do intend to my dear lady. However...." He cartwheeled over to another large plant that seemed to be part of the four he had seen. He did the same thing he had done to the other but with his leg as he landed. He looked up at her, his eyes burning with the determination and ferocity of a lion. He was not here to play a game of cat and mouse with this woman, this was not Harper, she was dangerous. Mostly likely she was after the Oridecon, it seemed to be a rather popular item at the moment. He also noticed the vines stretching in the manor so his theory was gaining strength. But she had intruded upon his land and she must pay for it first but before any of that could happen, he would make her suffer by killing these 'friends' of hers. "...you seem to mistake me for a puppy. Someone who just barks to ward off intruders." He then unsheathed his sword from his cane, he had reinforced it for years with his own steel. He then nonchalantly flicked his hand at her face which sent out a small chain spike that was aimed at cutting her face. He had no intention to kill her with it, quite the opposite he wanted her to know she was a fly he needed to squish nothing more. He then retracted the chain and took a fencing stance. "Again.....and I'll only say it one more time....leave."
"I don't think so." she said, she wasn't in the mood to play anymore. He had murdered another central root for her plants and now she wanted revenge. The ground beneath him swelled and broke as vines reached and grabbed for him.

"When I was eleven I killed for the first time. It was just an overgrown mutt, mind you, but I don't see you as anything more than that. You're not a puppy, sure, you've proved that. But you're no wolf. I'll strangle you the same way that I strangled that dog. You won't hurt them again." she snapped. Another wave of ground broke as vines snapped for him. All she needed was for one single one to grab hold of him in the right spot and it would be no different than back when she was eleven. She had certainly been a lot more frightened back in those days then she was of this man. All she needed to do was keep him occupied. A constant flow of vines until one grabbed hold the right way. She wouldn't give him enough time to take out her last two roots, she determined as she readied another set of vines to replace the ones that this man might brutally slash through. And another set crawled beneath the surface.
Sun's experssion was the same the whole time. Blank. She knew she could totally break rules and use her speed but that was risky. She decided to just watch. Her minds were all watching through her eyes, she was tempted to move but didn't.
He chuckled to himself as the environment around him started to change. If he had a dime for every time someone told him they were not afraid of him he would be.....well he was already that. And a dog? That was her life experience?! Alec figured each person must have a reason but he could say with certainty that he has seen worse than a dog. He flipped expertly through the vines, he was more martial artist than his acrobatic sister thus he took a lot of hits as he moved towards her. The ones he couldn't dodge he cut with his sword, even as he moved as a spinning blur he was amazed at the sheer volume of botanical matter this woman could bring up. He was still taking hits and gaining wounds even with his skill. However, she had let her anger get a hold of her. She wanted to protect her plants more than herself, just like a mother bear for her cubs. He finally came up to her face and without breaking stride he landed on her pinning her to the earth. He had to move fast, she had practically made his yard her turf. He first pried off her mask, stabbing his sword into her arm preventing her from using it. He then struck her in the abdomen with another plant poisonous spike and leaned in. "You will learn to fear me...." He saw several figures out of the corner of his eye, armed to the teeth. He turned in their direction and immediately felt a horrible sensation in his torso......she had taken a rib! He look down to a baseball size whole in his side. As his vision blurred he saw, the 'armed men' vanished, illusions. Damn, he had been careless. He should have thought she had help, yet he had seen no one else in the area. Before he lost consciousness he made sure that enough poison had entered her body. He may die but she was not gonna be to happy in the process either. With that he collapsed and began to slowly bleed out.
When Sun saw Alec fall unconcious she used her super speed and picked him up and jump (all less than a second) and brought him ontop of the roof. She looked at his wound and could smell the posion. She pulled out a cylinder with red liquid in it. "This is going to be painful...." She attached a needle into it and injected him with her own blood which could rid a body of any posion.
His speed and dexterity were admirable, she had to admit as she watched him slash away at her plants. She mourned for each slice he made but she continued to concentrate on her task. She was determined not to let him infect another root with his toxins. So determined, in fact that she had foolishly left herself open. He managed to clear his way through with a surprising swiftness and she only had managed to take a step backwards away from him before knocking off her mask. He stabbed into her arm and she screamed before he glanced up and a thick vine plunged deep into the flesh of his upper abdomen.

She was struggling to reach her mask feeling desperately along the ground for the mask with her good arm when she began seeing the tall thin man approaching in her peripheral vision. His face was sullen, his eyes expressionless as he knelt down and reached for her mask. Isabelle's vines had curled around it by this point and they snapped it up out of his fingers before bringing it to her mouth and reconnecting it to the tank. She took in a deep breath with relief. One vine snaked back towards her presenting her with one of Alec's ribs and she whispered thanks to it.

"I didn't need your help, Will." she snapped. The vine that had presented her with her mask hung in the air for a second before it crawled towards her. It loosed a cry of worry in their secret language and other thin tendrils of vine began crawling towards her. Alec had underestimated her, this wouldn't kill her. An echo of worry travelled along the vines and smaller thinner tendrils began to crawl forward and into the wound he had made for her followed by another. The first time that they had done this had been a surprise, but now she understood it. The plants needed her alive as much as she needed them. A true symbiotic relationship. She gave them extraordinary abilities and strengths and in return they listened to her whispers. They wanted her alive. And so they began forming a makeshift patch, replacing her old flesh with themselves to seal the wound and stop the blood loss.

"I think you did," the man said without smugness or a hint of any other emotion. The illusions had stripped feeling from him... it was either lose who he was or his sanity and Will had opted for losing himself after losing his sanity. This was the kind of man who scared her, she thought. She wanted to kick Alec, to tear him apart while he was done to make sure, but her tank had been damaged and breathing was... more difficult than usual. She didn't have time to get her revenge for the poor lives he had killed.

"How's the vault?" he asked coolly and his eyes darted off towards something else that he watched. Something that only he could see. From what she knew of Will, she knew that the illusions had turned back on himself.

She picked herself up at the ground wincing slightly. The vines stretched with her and she began whispering to them. The vines began to shift and writhe and she followed the ones attached to her back to their roots. She frowned when she saw that her pots had been destroyed in the conflict. A whisper came back to her, "The vault's open."

"And we've got his bone. Looks like we're set." Will said.

She nodded, "I'll get my operation," she said with a smile before she heard the barking of dogs in the distance.

"You fought well," Will said and a smile crossed his face. She felt panic flood her... Will never smiled.

"As did you, I'm grateful for the help." she said desperately as a wolf emerged from behind a tree. Wolves, she supposed he wanted to go grander than just a dog.

"Don't do anything you'll regret. We're working for the same people, remember?" she laughed nervously. Just an illusion. It was all in her head. She took a steadying breath.

"And you've done fine work for them. But they can't pay you. There's no surgery that can undo what your powers have done to you. They figured it would be easier to terminate your contract." Will said and a pair of wolves joined the other one. They were in her head. They weren't real. They couldn't hurt her.

"Try telling yourself that it isn't real when it feels like your throat is torn out. The mind is a fascinating organ. If your brain thinks that you're dead then it can shut down everything else. Your mind is the true enemy. There is no difference between feeling pain and thinking that you feel pain. My illusion will end you." Will said and his smile grew bigger. A wolf took a step forward.

"Please," she whispered. A vine snaked upwards and he made no attempt to move. When the vine plunged through his chest he fell to the ground and she immediately heard his laughing from across the yard from where he stood.

"You can't plead with me. We're in your head. The physical version of me is gone with the Oridecon samples already. But please, keep begging." he laughed again. The man's face began to distort as his face began to melt off. This was the reason that she feared Will more than she could ever fear Alec. Normal people were predictable, Will was wild. The wolves let out a sharp snarl and one of them ran forward and lunged at her. She felt the wound reopen and she cried out in pain. Not real, the pain wasn't real. It was all an illusion.

But it was an illusion that she needed to be woken up out of or it would end her. Will was right, she couldn't lie to herself about the pain. If her mind thought her body died it could spell the end of her life. And she had only agreed to work for these guys for her life.
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Mami took the towels from Laurene and froze as a warm wind dried him off. He then realized his feet weren't touching the ground. Uh, what was happening!? Before he could start to freak out, a pretty lady with white hair and eyes entered his field of vision. He laughed sheepishly when she reprimanded him lightly. "Um... Sorry Miss Lady." Welp... That went well. At least it was fun. Oh, he had another idea!

Mami turned to Laurene, taking his camera out. "Laurene, picture! We should all take a group photo! Since the fish thing kinda got messed up, we should take a memorial picture instead! Please? It can be after the party, and I'll even ask everybody first!" He held his camera up in front of her, and glanced around to search for everybody else. There was Alex, Rachel, Laurene's right there, himself, Rose... Where was Alec and Sun? He thought Sun was right there, but she might've moved. Maybe he'd ask Rachel, or Rose. Mami approached Rachel and Alex hesitantly with his camera. Rachel was a bit scary and like a fox, and he hadn't interacted with Alex all that much. But if he was going to go back to the mansion, he was sure to run into Alex more often. "Hey hey, Rachel, Alex, Rose. After the party, can we all take a picture together? Also, where's Alec and Sun? I wanna ask them too."
Rose turned her attention to Mami as he asked his question. A group photo? She supposed there were worse things to do in this situation. She looked at Rachel and Alex and shrugged and said, "I don't see why we couldn't." Besides, she might want to remember this night.
He could almost sense Mami's nervousness to approach as he danced with Rachel but he smiled as if to show that he wasn't anything to be afraid of.

"He said he had some business to take care of." he said and paused briefly before he shot Rachel a quizzical look, "I can't remember. Did he say that he was coming back? It would be a shame if it he missed all of the food."

"But yeah, I'm in for a picture." he decided to add so that he actually answered Mami's question. He didn't like Mami's hesitancy and realized that he needed to make more of an effort to get to know more than the Lariat children.
Mami grinned and fist pumped in the air, dancing around in a circle for a bit in victory. "Thanks Rose! Thanks Alex!" Maybe Alex wasn't a bad person, I mean, he is dancing with Rachel, but just because he's dancing with the scary lady doesn't mean he's a bad person himself! He bounced on his feet and teetered on the balls and heels of his feet, and began staring at Rachel with an eager look in his eyes. Hopefully, she agrees to take the picture too.
Rachel was having a great time and knew that her older brother could handle whatever issue had arisen so quickly. But it had been almost an hour now and he hadn't called in. "No he didn't say he would be returning." Her face took a serious turn as she gazed around the room. She finally spotted something that gave her a slight alarm...why was Gerad Bisset here? That madman has been after her brother for sometime, he was himself harmless but he had a knack for having dangerous company. The man was about 6'3 and lanky. Physically he was handsome with dark eyes and a neatly keep head of ear length gray hair. But he was a weasel through and through. He looked up from his conversation and smile at her giving her a friendly wave. This made Rachel panic for a brief second. Then she got engulfed in her anger. She was going to kill that man but at the moment, it was a priority to check on her brother. She quickly took out her phone and with a swift, decisive and uncharacteristically demanding voice told Berklin to get there immediately. "I am sorry everyone the picture wait for another time." He voice was calm and focus like Alec's but she was holding back her rage. She wasn't as adept at it like her brother's and mother, she took her rage from her father.

Once the car had arrived she told Berklin to stay in the car, she looked at all of them. "We leave....now" She snapped her finger once and they were all inside the limo. She cared not to explain. "Drive, do not stop.......screw the bloody traffic." Rubber was indeed burned.

Alec remember his training his mother taught him on pain and his medical degree was for show....well it was since it did nothing for him as paper, but the knowledge was useful. He formed a case around the wound to apply pressure, a sort of self made piston. Luckily it was just blood lose he had to worry about, she hadn't punctured an organs. He focused on the conversation the other two were having. He had gotten the gist of it, well he knew that he was going kill Will that was for sure. But this Isabelle...he wanted to murder her but she sounded as pained as Alex....didn't matter she had to die. He crawled over to her body, his legs apparently were damaged by the plants once he fell down after having a boned removed. He saw her, apparently panicking about...dog? Wolves? Did she have some sort of fear of canines? The Will character seemed to have departed and leave her with a gift. He also noted her wound was healing itself, via the plants....wonderful symbiotic relationships. Well his metal was no different really just wasn't alive. He sharpened his hand into a blade and struck down but this time it wasn't a strike for mortal wounds but rather to wake her up from the nightmare. He spoke to her as his conciseness started to fade again. "Listen to me woman and listen well! In about 10 minute I'm sure a car will pull up. A lot of Enlightened will be there along with my sister." He saw the alarm spread across his face. "Yes, Rachel Lariat is on the way, I'm quite sure, she does worry about me something fierce." He had to stop as blood came up a little out his mouth. "Pardon me for that but I have a hole in me. When she arrives you tell them everything that happened but you also add in that I said you my plaything....don't give me that look, she will understand. If you do it fast enough she won't murder you on the spot. Do I make myself clear?! You can kill me if you desire but then your as good as de-" He couldn't stay conscience enough the second time and passed out in her lap.

Once the limo arrived Rachel couldn't be bothered with doors at the moment and appeared next to Alec and Isabelle, leaving a small mound of earth and grass where she was in the limo. She looked at the woman next to her brother with his head in her lap and could see the woman was mixture of fear, anger, and worry. Rachel took a few steps closer to her. She then lowered her eyes on the woman and growled "You had better be my brother's new girlfriend and tell me he is into some new form of kink, or you will wish you were very, very very, far away right now.
She had managed to slice one of the wolves in half using her plants but the other two rounded on her quickly. Maybe that's why Will had left her with wolves and not dogs. Dogs could work in packs but they didn't have the skill that wolves did. He probably just thought canines were good enough... he wasn't wrong.

One of them feinted and she managed to rip through its skull by spearing it with a vine but after she had 'killed' it she realized that it had been a distraction. The other wolf leaped forward and caught her on the arm dragging her down and she cried out in pain before it jumped onto her chest crushing the breath from her already weak lungs. It growled and parted its jaws breathing hot foul breath onto her face as it brought its jaws towards her neck. It was going to tear her throat out. This was fake! But she couldn't believe it despite how much she wanted to. She could smell the beast's breath, feel its weight on her chest and the flesh of her torn up arm. It was too real. And the wolf was going to rip her throat out.

And suddenly it was all gone. It was as a film had been lifted and everything was slightly brighter, save for the wolves which were now gone. She let out a relieved gasp as the pressure on her chest lifted and though the pain in her arm lingered from when she had been stabbed by Alec and from a new wound, it was dull next to the pain of the wolf's bite that had just been erased. The plants whispered approval and she felt them crawling back into place after being shaken from her when she had been trapped in the illusion.

She quickly put it all together as Alec talked to her and immediately she felt distrust. She had just been trying to kill him... and she had taken one of his ribs... and yet, he was telling her advice. When he mentioned 'plaything' she felt even more skeptical. She had already been betrayed tonight so why would she want to put herself in such a position? But as he talked about Rachel she felt her face pale, for whatever reason he was letting her live, it was at least another couple of minutes guaranteed. She could get herself out of here hopefully if she just listened to him.

And speaking of Rachel... the limo came roaring down the lane and the woman came out screaming. Knowing Rachel's file however, Isabelle knew that she was lucky that she was only yelling by this point, "I'm his plaything! I'm his plaything!" she shouted desperately. Vines began to creep upwards sensing her fear and agitation but she quickly hissed at them and they slid back down to the ground sluggishly knowing that they had been admonished.

Alex had been having a pleasant evening until Rachel had hastily piled them all into the limo and brought them here. He hadn't been expecting to see the sight he found. Black and lively green vines had overtaken the yard except for one small patch where Alec lay crumpled and bleeding beside a woman wearing a mask who had probably too seen better days. He was instantly drawn back to Harper though the fight had clearly been less one-sided.

He sprinted across the yard ignoring Rachel and the new woman as he slid next to Alec, "Here, my hand." he said tugging off his gloves then reaching for Alec's hand. He grit his teeth preparing for the sting... but he wasn't prepared for the pain he brought upon himself. He held back a roar of pain as he watched the flesh on Alec's body knitting itself back together as his body was torn open in the same way. He poured his senses into the process and discovered to his shock that the man was missing a rib. He would have to learn to live with that. Alex could break and mend bones but he couldn't create them. He had to be able to mirror the processes with his own body. He couldn't exactly make his bone vanish and reappear.

Isabelle's attention was momentarily diverted by Alex and Alec. Harper had failed her only job which was to use the skeletons in Alex's closet to recruit him but she had been too ambitious and reckless. Isabelle's interest in the biokinetic, however, had not diminished since that failure. She noticed the way Alex's flesh tore open to mirror the wounds he was healing. Could he heal her? She hoped that the answer was a yes but had her body been altered too much by her powers? It was worth playing whatever games the Lariats had in store for her and being Alec's 'plaything' to find out. It was her last option now.
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Still a bit intimidated by Rachel, Rose wasn't about to argue with her and piled into the limo as quick as she could. The driving could have been a little less dangerous, but when they arrived back at the Lariat estate, she understood the need for it. Vines, both live and dead, seemed to have taken over the grounds. Being that it was so quick, Rose had to assume an attack, most likely by an Enlightened. Her assumption was verified when she saw Alec laying on the ground bleeding with his head in a strange woman's lap. Of course, this sight served to anger Rachel, but with what Alec had said about her, Rose was surprised to hear only yelling. She figured Rachel would've killed the woman on sight.

Before she could, however, the woman started screaming something about being Alec's plaything. She highly doubted that, but if the woman said it, Alec must have told her to for some reason. She didn't figure he would have saved her, but then there was still quite a bit about the man that she didn't know. Maybe part of it was because he was a medical doctor by trade, therefore would've had to take the Hippocratic oath. That was about the only reason she could figure that he would try to save her. Making sure to stay out of the way, she just watched. There wasn't really anything she could do.
Rachel took quick glances around. The servants were hurt and hanging, but not dead. Her brother had a hole in him, yet this woman said he was her plaything? He was protection her. Her stupid brother. He stupidly sweet brother. He clearly didn't want any harm to come to this woman but why? She had clearly wounded him, and from the way it looks she couldn't have injuried him this much without help. But no one else was there. Was she linked with Bisset? It didn't matter, the woman screaming 'playthiing' wouldn't be enough to stay Rachel's hand but the fact that her brother would have to tell the woman that did. Rachel sighed, whatever the reason the woman had placed her brothers life in jeopardy. She walked closer to the woman and kicked her in what seemed like a healing wound and shot her a look of warning. "You now belong to house Lariat, do I make myself clear?! Your life is forfeit until Alec Lariat awakens and give further explanation to you being here. If you violate any order a Lariat gives you for the duration of your stay I will personally dismantle you myself!" She then turned to Alex and calmed a bit. He brother seemed to be healing a bit thanks to Alex. She smiled a little, the way Alex rushed to her brothers aid was nice. But she couldn't be so gently at the moment. "You are to remove these plants immediately and then enter the estate, hopefully my brother will be awake soon and then your fate will be decide. I trust you have sense enough to not try anything that may further set me off?"
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(Also I've got two requests.

1} Hazak, could you please not control our characters.

2} Please ask everyone if we are ready for a time skip before doing it. This is twice now that I haven't been able to do things that I wanted to because of an unwanted time skip.)
((Oh yeah no problem. sorry if it felt like I was. I didn't mean to. The scenes with Aura are talked out before hand but if I do it with any of your characters I do apologize. If I could make one request however, it seems a few times we are confused about the events occurring such as when and where each character is. If I'm not specific enough please let me know. There have been multiple occurrences of characters being in places they couldn't be. Again my apologize as far as character control is concerned, I have no intention to control anyone's character and if you felt that way thats my bad. For the time skips I will ask before hand from now on>))
((And hopefully the final OOC comment, the last paragraph has been removed from Hazak's last post so if you want your characters to react to driving up and seeing that mess, please do so.))
Mami lolled in the seat, feeling sick from the sudden ride that Rachel brought upon them. Oof, he wanted to vomit. Urgh, looks like they were at the.... jungle? Was that the mansion? Well, the gardener certainly took liberties with the landscape. It might be fun sliding down the vines though. Oh yay, there's Alec! Oh NO, he's hurt! Wait, it's Alex who's hurt now. Holy shit, there's people hanging from vines! What's going on!? Whose that weird new lady? She looks injured. He made to get out of the limousine, to approach them, but he still felt ill at the sight of blood and there was quite a bit of blood everywhere. Man, I feel so useless. He reeled in his fear and approached Alex (Rachel still scared him quite a bit). "H-hey.... Are you alright? What happened here?"

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