False Heroes

"Because, They Killed me! 40 years ago I was just a little girl named Aura Lunar. Part of the Lunar family. I was Killed by them. I never got to see my friends...family again. " Sun's voice cracked. She held that in for soo long she felt that someone had to know.
Rose let out a sigh and nodded. She could certainly understand hating someone for that. But at the same time, she was not in Sun's shoes and could see a little more clearly. "Okay, I get why you'd be angry, I do. But Alec and Rachel specifically wouldn't have even been born yet. They're the ones I'm concerned with right now. Not their father or anyone else. Them. And if they want to make things better for us, I think that it's a good cause to support. Yes, I'm angry at my parents and all the Ordinaries that want us dead or subjugated, but what I was doing, how I was lashing out, was wrong." She looked at Sun with sadness in her eyes and asked seriously, "Can you offer me what they have? Not just a safe haven, but a way to make things better for all of us?"
"I can." She said and pulled out a flash drive. "This flash drive will wipe your history clean.. You technically would have not existed. I also have a place we can stay and live our lives. No more hiding no more running. And everyone there likes us enlighten. If you want....." " she said and had saw her reach for her dagger. "And.... If you really wanted to kill me you wouldn't catch me honestly...plus why kill someone who already died..."
Rose let her hand fall back to a relaxed position. She knew Sun would be too fast for her. Sun's offer seemed too good to be true, but then again, it most likely was true. Even if it was true, it was too easy. Rose shook her head. "I'm sorry, Sun. As tempting as it is, I've made my choice. There's something you're taught when you don't have a lot of money. It's that nothing is just handed to you, you've got to earn it. I've learned that the same thing applies to many things, not just money or material possessions. It applies to peace of mind, too. Even if my records were wiped, my mind and memories would still be intact. My hands would still be stained with blood. I don't know how it works for you, but I feel that I need to earn peace." Rose put a hand on Sun's shoulder and gave her a genuinely warm smile. "I appreciate your offer, I really do. But I want that life for all of us, not just myself, and the only way that can be realized is through time and hard work. I hope you can understand."
Sun looked at her with sad voice and talked in unison with all her persona's in one. "Your choices will be the life or death of you." She turned and walked off. She was sad but not to the crying point. She lost so many friends over her lofe time she just blocked out her emmotions out.
Rose watched Sun go. She said her piece, and it was obvious that it hurt Sun, but she couldn't do anything about that. She suddenly felt a wave of stiffness wash over her. Her earlier singing that accidentally caught Rachel was starting to take its toll on her. She wouldn't have been able to catch Sun even at her peak. She surely wouldn't catch her while being a statue. Instead, she returned to her room, closed the door, and fell into the bed. She let herself be swept away by the unconsciousness of both sleep and being a statue.
Alec went up to his room and changed into some warm up pants and a tank top. He look out his window at the pale moon. He could....feel 'it'/ He wasn't sure what 'it' was. It moved it felt....he could sense it. And it was hungry. Whatever it was he needed to try and rest, so he took a book from his shelf and read. It was Walden...nothing better to put a person to sleep with. He read for a few hours and then he dozed off.
"Daniel! Cilicia! Look at me! Look at me." Laurene ran into her older brother's room, a small book floating behind her. Her brother and his fiancé looked up from the project they were working on. Cilicia gasped and dropped her pen while a large smile played across Daniel's face.

"That's awesome, Lauri!" He shouted, picking the six year-old up and twirling her around in the air. Laurene giggled with glee. When her brother finally put her down, Cilicia knelt down, smiling softly, to be at her hight. "Now, Laurene," she said, her eyes glowing red like an ember in a warm fireplace, "Don't tell your parents about this yet. We should surprise them." Laurene grinned up at them. "Okay!"

Then there was fire.

Laurene stumbled her way through a burning house crying. "Daniel! Cilicia! Where are you!" She worked her way up the large spiral staircase, coughing as the smoke grew thicker the higher up she went. She made her way through the smokey air towards her brother's room. She pushed open the door and reeled back as flames shot through the open door. The entire room was ablaze and in the center lay two burning bodies.

She screamed. She screamed and ran. The flames, seeming to gain a mind of their own, took chase. She rushed for the stairs but stopped short at the top, seeing more flames crawling up the steps. She turned around, but the flames behind her were creeping forwards, knowing that its pray was trapped. Laurene's legs gave out and she fell to the floor. "Mommy! Daddy!" she cried, curling up into a ball, "Save me!"

Wait... That wasn't right. Her parents wanted her dead. And Daniel and Cilicia weren't killed in a fire. They were killed by an enlightened, weren't they. Laurene stood up, the flames no longer hot and the smoke no longer choking her. She slowly turned her head to the left, towards a mirror that had always hung on the wall at the top of the stairs. What she saw was not a six year-old girl but a seventeen year-old young lady. And her eyes were orange. Her eyes were never orange in her dreams. Something was very wrong here. She needed to wake up! Now!


Laurene shot up, coughing. Smoke!? The building was on fire! Why weren't the smoke alarms going off?! It didn't matter. She rolled out of her bed and shook her roommates awake. Sharon woke swinging her fists around madly. "Who- Wha- Where-!"

"The building's on fire!" Laurene ushered her friends towards the fire escape. Michelle had climbed out the window and Laurene was about to follow when she paused. "There's a kid still at the top floor!" She turned to go back but Michelle grabbed her arm. "Laurene..." She started, but then shook her head. "Just be safe." Laurene nodded and took off.

Laurene ran up the stairs to the top floor, keenly aware of the flames climbing the stairs, and stopped at door 509. She tried to turn the doorknob but found it locked. She didn't have time for this. She pictured the door cracking into a million pieces. CRACK!! The door cracked and splintered but did not fall apart, but that was easily solved with a good kick. That's odd, she thought, normally I wouldn't be able to stand after that... hm

She burst into the room and found the boy unconscious. She bent down, and using her telekinesis to help, picked the boy up. She turned around to head to the fire exit, but found the fire had already blocked her path. What? But that was too fast! Oh how she wished she had a clear path through the flames. Much to her surprise the flames moved to clear a path, only for a second, on she did not waste. She cringe as the flames licked her arms. She charged for the window. She imagined a hammer striking the glass and it burst outward a split second before she leaped through it. As she fell she pictured a large cushion on the ground below. She hit the ground hard, but not as hard as she should have considering the hight she just fell from. The ground however was not as lucky and cracked in a web around her.

Sharon and Michelle rushed over and stopped short. "Wow!" The former of the two let out a low whistle. "That was awesome! Like a supper hero!" Laurene smirked as she gently set the kid down. Yeah, that had been cool.

"Laurene..." Michelle had a concerned tone as she approached, "Your eyes..."

"What about them?" Laurene asked, digging through her PJs to find her phone. It was an odd habit she had, sleeping with her phone in her pockets.

"Their glowing." Laurene paused. Glowing? She held her hand up in front of her face. Sure enough there was an orange light cast on it. "That's odd. Maybe Alec will know more about this." She needed to call him anyways. The way those flames had been moving had been unnatural. It was possible that she was in danger. She pulled out her phone and dialed Alec's number. Just as she hit the call button, her vision suddenly got blurry and her fingered lost the strength to hold the cellphone. The ground rushed up to meet her and everything went black.

"Laurene!" Her friends rushed over to where she lay unconscious and her phone was still calling as the sound of sirens came closer...
Sun was tapping vigerously on the wall. She couldn't believe Rose. She denied it in her head several times. The final time she finally accepted it. "I told you no one was a friend. Everyone hates us Lunar's. " Corona's voice came out like a chilled freezer. Aura took over imediately. "Lets kill someone....how about many people actually." Aura's voice said and all of her person's execpt Sun agreed.


Aura had left out the house and caused a world of trouble. She first came into a Bank and she shot everyone inside. Even the children. When the police showed up she threw a child's head at them. A police caught it and freaked.

"Come out with your Hands-" a police started and suddenly a high speed pen stuck in his forehead. She held the police off all night. Until the Army came in the morning.
It was well outside of the boundaries of the police zone where Will Reynolds stood. He had been watching the scene unfold for quite some time with an impassive expression drawn across his face. Even when the child's head was thrown out of the bank, he didn't bat an eyelid. Instead he watched, casting dark eyes to the skies above as they slowly began to blacken.

"Don't pay any mind to what you might see. If it is inhuman it is mine. If it doesn't make sense in reality, it is mine." he said in a low voice to the other male at his side. He chose to ignore what he had seen in Bisset's lab. His partner for this mission, Alatus, didn't need to know about that thing. If that monster presented itself at this scene then it would be over before it could get started. His heartbeat quickened and he relished the feeling of it and the raw cut of fear that he had not known in some time before seeing that hungry beast in the tank. Maybe he should have stayed with Dr. Bisset and his creation longer just to savour feeling before moving on to the next bidder. Oh well, life was full of regrets. He doubted that it would be the last he would see of that monstrocity. There was no way that that creature could be stopped.

The clouds began to thicken and darken as thick tendrils began to reach down from the low pregnant clouds. They began their climb to Earth looking similar to funnel clouds but when they touched the surface of the Earth the darkness flooded out around them. The darkness began to quicken as it began to seemingly eat away at the sky and their surroundings. Not one member of the crowd glanced at the change even before the rolling waves of ink swallowed them beneath its darkness. It was an illusion, but it was his and Alatus's illusion.

"The darkness is everything they see." he explained as the ink swallowed up the last of everything around them, "It's more of a useful guide for us. Everything that you see is what they can't. Take care not to step outside of the bounds or we'll make getting in more difficult than it need be." Will murmured as he pushed the darkness out further. It wrapped around and clung to people gathered around the bank as he wasn't willing to make random civilians vanish into thin air and he strolled quickly through the only path surrounded by the inky blackness.

The darkness proceeded him into the bank and he altered his illusion slightly so that when he reached for the door that it would appear not to move. He pushed it open but a second copy of the door remained in place as he passed through it with his latest partner. Everyone saw the false door and he held it and the darkness that surrounded them until the real door clicked back into place.

"As promised you get the first swing at her." Will promised maintaining the illusion of their invisibility for just a second longer as he strolled forward further into the bank. He waited for Alatus to give him their arranged signal from across the room and the darkness was ripped away and the shadows erased. The illusion was off and now everyone inside of the bank could see them.
Alatus watched as his newest partner began his illusions. He listened to the man very carefully for two reasons. One, he didn't want to disrupt Will's plans, and two, he didn't want to get swallowed by the illusions himself. As Will walked to the bank, Alatus followed him single-file. He dared not venture outside the path. As they entered the bank, he moved to the opposite side of the room and gave Will the signal. When the illusion shattered, Alatus focused on the air around the girl. He didn't really know this girl, as her actions to date failed to register on his radar enough to bring her in. However, he did know that she was a Lunar and that was bad enough. Now that she had decided to lash out, he went on the assault.

A whirlwind spun up incredibly fast around the girl. He made the walls of the vortex a good foot thick, to first restrain her. He called out to her, manipulating the air to throw his voice into the vortex so she could hear. "Aura Lunar, you're under arrest. I don't think I need to tell you why."
Aura was stamping out someone's head when she suddenly saw a illusion break. She glanced but then countinued to stomp on that person's head. The man's wife begged for her to stop but Aura had becamd manical. "If you want him so badly YOU can Die too!!" She ripped off her arm by causing it's cells to rapidly died. She then looked at the person who entered. "Get lost i'm busy." She said with a glass cutting voice.
Will snapped his fingers and one by one the remaining hostages that Sun hadn't killed yet began to scream and shout at nothing. Then their noises stopped and their heads lolled back. Dead. He had turned their greatest fears against each and every remaining hostage and their minds had quickly collapsed under the weight of their worst nightmares.

"You're out of hostages and my partner has you trapped in a vortex of wind. Your move now, Lunar. You're under arrest. There are no negotiations. You've done damage that you need to pay for. What kind of a person does this? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed last night? Were your friends mean to you? It doesn't matter. You can't explode this way and not get in trouble." Will explained meeting Aura's eyes with his own cold ones.
Alec woke up at the sound of his cell going off. He slow answered it. " 'Ello, Laurene it is awfully lat-. Laurene? Laurene?!" Siren's why were there sirens? He looked at his pocket watch. 2:15 a.m. No one calls this late just so you can hear sirens. He grabbed a small emergency medical bag from his closet, grabbed his sports car keys and threw on his jacket. He quickly ran down the steps and found his car in the garage. He placed his cell in his on board computer and used it to triangulate where Laurene would be. It didn't take much effort he saw, why burning rubber and find a burning building isn't rocket science. He parked outside and quickly made his way through the ever growing crowd. "Laurene?! Laurene can you hear?!"
Aura switched to Moon who was more blood thirsty than all of them. She just smiled. "Oh I didn't need hostages. I wanted them dead anyways. And Me trapped? You have to be joking! Hahahahahahaha." Her mind was already ready for illusionistic attacks. Since she had so many personalities she was uncapable of falling victim to it. Her body went into such a high speed everything was in slow motion and she left after images of her self. Since she was moving so fast nothing could touch her. She was out of the bank and had jumped on a police car then used her strength to propell her into the sky grabbing a helocopter killing the pilot and took over. She smiled. "Time to kill mors people. And they can't catch me no matter what!!"

Her kills was now in the high 50's but she did not care.
Will frowned seeing Sun escape. Oh well, she was a waste of everyone's time. She was just an overgrown immature child that would eventually be put down. He conjured an illusion of Sun who he promptly 'killed'. Now nobody would be looking for her because they thought that she was dead. Nobody would care to ever talk to Sun again. She was as good as an illusion. That's what you got for going off the deep end for no rational reason whatsoever.

She could continue on her rampage for as long as she liked. Frankly, he was done with this bratty little child. Maybe someone would eventually talk to her, but she had burned most of her bridges. The people he had 'killed' got up off of the ground. At least the hostages were safe, she must have thought that she immune to illusions but she had failed to see that he hadn't killed any of the hostages and that their deaths had been faked in her mind.

"She's not worth my time," he said to his newest partner and a rare smile crossed his face. He had done a service to everyone by pretending to kill her. Now nobody would look for her.
Sun's mind was cracked. Trying to break free from the madness of Aura and Moon but the time she died her mind felt like lead. She was on a roof top and a helicopter was by her. She imediately grabbed her cellphone to call Rose. She stopped and then called Alex instead. When he answered her words were cracky. "Alex! Help me I need you. I have no idea where I am....or why I am here......" Sun cryed her brain was in pain from the split. But she had the same problem 40 years ago in her mind her personalites would just die off anyway to create new ones. Sun then calmed down. "I'm on a roof that is by the main station. I think to the west.. Can you pick me up?.... If I wander again I might start going crazy....if i'm not already." Her voice leveled. She waited for him to answer since she did just start talking.
Alex was woken up from his sleep by a phone call which he answered groggily. He was surprised to hear Sun's voice on the other end, she sounded really scared. He wiped the sleep from his eyes and quickly changed his t-shirt and out of his pajama bottoms. He opened the door to his bedroom and there stood that creepy plant woman from before. She was holding a potted plant in her hand and her expression was grave.

"I heard your phone ringing. Who was that?"

Alex immediately distrusted her and he shook his head. He didn't want to talk to her after what she had done to Alec.

"Is it her?" Isabelle asked shoving her phone at him. He took it hesitantly and saw Sun's face. She had brutally murdered over 50 people. He swallowed, "What did she say?" the woman asked taking a step forward into the room uninvited. Her plant gave a slight shudder and it seemingly began to stretch itself out. He didn't trust her.

"Listen," Isabelle said softly, "She's clearly a danger to us all. Look at what she's done."

"Why are you any different? Why are you here?" and she shrugged.

"I just want to help. Alec's been so welcoming... and I saw how she was. I know it was just a root to you, but I saw no mercy in her eyes when she did it. I think she was broken long before she snapped." Isabelle said reluctantly. She looked tortured, he knew that expression. She didn't want to come here to talk to him, it was tearing her up inside to bring him this news.

"I shouldn't have stepped in," Isabelle said quickly with a frown. Sun had been here before her and she had no right to interfere in this group... especially considering how she had joined this group. She stepped backwards. She shouldn't do anymore, she had shown him what she knew and that was already too much. Isabelle left.

Alex sat down on the bed flipping through the phone. Sun had tossed a child's head at the police, ran from arrest, taken down a helicopter, and killed at least fifty people. He considered what he saw for a long time debating on what he should do. She sounded really worried... but then it hit him. She said that she was worried about going crazy again. She hadn't shown any remorse for all of the things that she had done. She was worried about her own sanity and not about all of the families that she had so cruelly and recklessly destroyed today.

He frowned and shut the phone without saying a word and slid the phone back onto his nightstand. He took a deep breath and began to change back into his pajamas before sliding into bed. Was he making the right choice? But he reminded himself... that she seemed scared but not sorry. All he knew for sure was that Bill was definitely going to visit him tonight because of this decision... and he shut off the lights to go back to sleep.
As Alec pushed his way through the crowd he brushed past a man in a white suit coat. The man watched Alec for several seconds before taking a long drink out of a large bottle of water and walked away.

There were several fire trucks on the other side of the crowd, spaying as much water as possible, but it was all they could do just to keep the fire contained and the building was beginning to fall apart. There were also three ambulances driving off, lights flashing and sirens blairing. Standing near where the ambulances had just driven off from were two ladies, one larger and the other thiner, in their pajamas. The more slender and slightly older one held a cell phone in her hand.
Alec studied the man for a second but couldn't take long. But he had to wonder...who wore a white suit at 3 in the morning near a blazing building. The building also caught Alec's attention, the fire was raging by now but it had way to much power to be flames that started from an accidental mishap. The analysis could wait. He moved next to the two ladies and addressed the older one. "Forgive my rude intrusion but I really must know the health and whereabouts of a Ms. Lauren Snyder, you seem to have her cell so I assume you must be an acquaintance of hers?
Sun looked at her hands. Her eyes opened super wide. "What!? Were did all this blood come from!?" Sun started freaking out. She was scared of her brutality. Then she looked around again. No one was coming for her. She then looked at her phone and put it in her pocket. "It's all your fault Aura!......Call Alec.. He must know." Sun's and Corona's voice said and she took her cell phone out and called his phone. "Alec. I think I finally know where Oridicon came from. Where are you?" She asked in Corona's voice.
Alatus looked on as Will "killed" the illusion. He had already ended his vortex when the girl somehow managed to escape. Even though he couldn't see her, he felt her movements through air currents. Obviously, he still couldn't react to that speed, but he knew where she was until she flew away in the chopper. He couldn't let that go. She needed to be stopped. He walked over to his partner. "I disagree. She's too dangerous to be left alone, and I know that wasn't real. I felt her move to the chopper. I mean you do what you want. I appreciate the help, and I'll make sure you get paid in full. I still got a few friends that can at least help track her down." Alatus looked at the devastation. This was too much. There had to be more than fifty bodies here, including a few headless and utterly destroyed bodies. This could not go unpunished. There was no way to justify or otherwise explain this away. He wouldn't even take insanity as an excuse at this point. He nodded resolutely. He'd hunt her down without so much as a moment's rest.
The larger of the two women turned and glared at Alec. "Who are you?" Sharon growled, her hands balling up into fists. "If you're back to hurt Laurie again then I'm going to-"

She was cut off by the smaller lady. "Are you Alec?" Michelle asked, obvious concern in her voice. "Laurene just suddenly passed out and there was something strange going on with her eyes and..." She paused and took a few deep breath, smothering the panic attack before it could hit the surface. "Laurene was just rushed off to the Northgate hospital. Other than that I really don't know."
After Sun got off the phone a Military officer had came up and found her.

"Miss Aura. Here is your uniform that you requested." He said handing her a blue Uniform and her two white pistols and rifle. She hand put the Uniform on infront of him.


"Call me Corona." She said as she went downstairs to the military Truck. On the back of her uniform it read. "Enlighten Special Forces or E.S.F. She got in and hloaded her gun.
Alec gave the larger lady a look that you give a small puppy that doesn't understand the danger its in. He then turned to the smaller of the two and gave a grateful smile. "Thank you very much for that information. You must be her roommates? Again I do apologize but I am in a hurry. Though I feel it rude for you to help me and I not return the favor. If you wish, come with me, I can get us to Northgate and access to Laurene much faster than you would otherwise. Also I feel that I need to get to her before anyone else does. Well, don't dawdle ladies we must move with haste." He then hurried to the car.

Rachel heard conversations going on after she had seen her brother hurry out. Rachel then saw Isabelle leave from the guest quarters and move down the steps. She walked to Alex room as she saw that the door was ajar. "Is everything alright? Was that woman troubling you darling?

Hunger. It had only feasted a few minutes ago...but it was not satisfied. It craved more. The city. This place had many lights. The walking flesh needed light for its weak eyes. There would be many there. Many for its consumption...
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