False Heroes

http://1000.photobucket.com/albums/af130/rubberchickensoffear/Cat_Ba_20130306_093_Kopiowanie_zpsa11570cb.jpg- Liana vines

"There are so many things I'd like to do with this mask off." Isabelle said chewing on each word as she talked as if she was uncertain of whether or not she wanted to say what she did. Frankly she wasn't sure if she did. She was hesitant to fully trust him and like him but she wanted to. It wasn't that easy to undo all of the damages years of human mistrust in one day however. It was a process. And it was a process that unfortunately she had to do with someone she found attractive making her doubt herself that much more.

"I suppose all I really need you to do is to tell your sister what I'll be doing. She seems to get quite angry when I take over the gardening." she said sashaying to the greenhouse and leaving him.

She smiled returning from the greenhouse with a small pouch of a half a dozen seeds. She had been dying to play with these seeds ever since she had spotted the small cache of seeds stored in the greenhouse. It wasn't a plant that could typically survive in this climate so she had been surprised to find it but pleased. She dropped one beside a tree and she whispered encouragingly to it before she moved on to the next tree.

The seed began to sprout immediately and roots dug deep into the ground as the plant began to rapidly grow. Isabelle continued pacing towards the next tree so she ignored the progress of the plants behind her. If she were paying attention she would have seen fat vines crawling quickly out of the ground as they wrapped themselves around the trees and began to branch off and split so that more outstretched tentacles of plant crawled forward. The trees gave a groan of irritation... they were not pleased with the liana crawling across them and Isabelle sighed before explaining to the trees.

Liana was different than the vines she had used before in her fight with Alec. This was a plant that grew in deciduous forests and rainforests so it was unsuited to the climate and temperature of Janus City. Nevertheless, it flourished due to her presence. Liana was not just different because of where it grew. The other vines were thin and frail compared to the thick vines that were shooting forth out of the ground. Liana were woody vines; forming bridges amidst the forest canopy in their native habitats. They were also sturdy and thick; able to hold weight of animals in the trees. If she had this plant to use in her fight with Alec he would have cut through vines that looked more like branches than flora.

Several thick vines curled around each tree that she passed disappearing into the leaves of the tree. They were noticeable if you knew to look. But Isabelle felt that if one noticed then they were close enough to find out more about the liana plant than they probably wanted to know. Liana was more of a treetop and canopy plant but she asked her plants to behave contrary to their nature for a while. Isabelle told them in quick successive whispers that it was safer for the countless growths and individual vines to remain hidden under the soil rather than grow above it. She beamed at her handiwork as she traced the few visible lines of liana in the trees feeling the movements of her plants beneath the surface as they wriggled and turned beneath the surface waiting eagerly for something to come along. It would only take an instant for all of them to shoot up and begin ensnaring whatever came along.

Her work her was done. The liana was wrapped around the trees and the soil surrounding the Lariat house was now alive with the unseen masses of vines that continued to leech out further into the soil. Isabelle admired her handiwork and began to walk back towards the house. Her breath caught in her throat as she neared the house and she struggled for air. She gasped in successive shallow breaths but the effect was minimal. There was too much oxygen in this tank. Every breath seared with the pain of the oxygen. She was getting in breaths but there was not enough carbon dioxide, her breath was shallow and she was growing disorientated and nauseous. She grit her teeth intending to reach the Lariat household and Alec in time where hopefully he would understand that she needed a stronger mixture.

She had pushed herself too much with this. Her body lurched forward but her left leg didn't follow and she fell forward clumsily. A thick branch-like vine shot from the soil and coiled around her arm as she began to fall forward. The vine caught her and she swung limply like a rag doll from her wrist where her plant had caught her. Successive vines emerged from the soil to steady her body which hung awkwardly and they managed to stand her up gently.

A whisper quickly shot down the lengths of the vines and from several meters away a vine burst out of the soil spraying a fine mist of dirt as it rose and then a violent spray of glass as it burst into the nearest window of the Lariat household. Isabelle was focusing her attention on staggering forward but all she could hear was terrified screams. The grass, the liana vines, the greenhouse plants from afar, the trees, and even one lonely dandelion all filled her ears with their anguish. She took in another gulp of air and she inhaled a too-small portion of carbon dioxide feeling her lungs beginning to throb from not receiving enough of what they needed. Here was the moment of truth, she supposed. Her lungs ached so fiercely that she hardly noticed the strange sensation of the vines grabbing at her body. She could trust that her plants would do all it could take to get her into that house. She hoped that she could trust the people inside of that house to know how to save her. The mixture in her tank was wrong. She needed a stronger dose of carbon dioxide. Enough of it wasn't reaching her lungs and she was already exhausted from her plants leaching energy from her. She only noticed the energy drain when she attempted to do... exactly what she had just done and push her limits. The dose hadn't needed serious adjusting in weeks... she had grown careless. The oxygen mixed into her tank seared her lungs and she took another staggered step forward. Her plants guided her along holding her upright tenderly. She wasn't going to make it to the house before she would begin to lose consciousness. Sadly she was getting too much oxygen.
Sun had pursed her lips and sat quietly the whole time they were there. She bit her lip until blood came out but a few seconds had passed and it healed almost instantly. She saw Rachel's brand as she showed Rose, (She loves peeking), a infinity sign. The Sign of the Lariat household. Sun looked at her family symbol. A Cressant moon. One of the most highest and feared Symbols to exist. The Enlighten had to be balanced. Most of Sun's family was dead, since there expiramental devices killed most of them off.
Rose eyed the brand. It was well done. The scar tissue had only minimal distortions. If she were to become a Lariat, she would have to get one too. Honestly, the prospect was a bit worrying. But then again, She supposed that nobody wanted to get branded like that. She had been burned a couple times before. Both were accidental, and therefore short-lived, but still. She didn't cry either time. It hurt, but at the time, her heart hurt worse. She looked back at Rachel's face and nodded. "I can handle it. If that's the price for getting in, I'll gladly pay it." Of course, she was also perfectly willing to pay the price of staying in. She'd only kill if she had to, she'd figure out how she could best help the world and then strive to excel at it, she'd be sure to not bring dishonor to the family, and she'd probably be able to throw some money around. There were a few things that she really wanted, but haven't been able to afford. First things first, though. She looked back to the weapon wall and laid her eyes on the hand-and-a-half sword. She pointed to it and said, "Can you teach me how to use that kind of sword? I've always liked the hand-and-a-half sword, but I couldn't afford either a good sword or lessons. Besides, if I'm going to have to defend myself, I better know how to do so."
Alec watched Isabelle walk away....was she doing that on purpose? It didn't matter much since she was letting him have a view of it. He walked inside in his typical casual manner saw Alex. He began walking towards. "Why hello there my-" Glass breaking...it was coming from the greenhouse. He had to cut short his greeting for the moment and he rushed over to the area he had heard the crash from. Isabelle lay limp in the vines of her plants. Her breathing was labored and she seemed to be in pain. Alec went to her and gently took her from the plants, he didn't want them to think he would do her any harm. She had the tank but why was it not working? It was safe to assume she was wasn't getting enough carbon dioxide, perhaps too much oxygen. He rushed her to the medical area and as he passed the others he called out to Alex. "I may require your assistance so if you wouldn't mind staying at the ready please." He couldn't wait for a reply. He ran as fast as he could, luckily he was in great shape and she was light so he didn't take long. He laid her out on a bed and went to retrieve the correct tanks and nozzles. He connected them with deft hands and corrected the measurements with effortless precision. As she started to breath a little more regular he pulled a chair up to her side and watched her calmly.

Rachel smile at her. "Ah you want to learn how to use a long sword? It's a rather heavy weapon for you deary but we shall see how you develop." She let out a laugh. "Well have to get you bulk up a bit, but it may suit you. Of course I will help you train but in order to test you out further you will have to go up against Alec...he tends to specialize in melee combat particularly with weapons and he is fierce opponent. Don't worry though we can always jump him if we need to." She gave Rose a wink and nudge.
Rose smiled a bit. She 'practiced' by swinging around branches when she had some alone time back at the orphanage, so she had a decent handle of the weight. But Rachel was right. She would need to bulk up to have the stamina to survive in any fight that a member of the Lariat family would get into. "So, Alec will be the one to see if I'm good enough? I can accept that." She had to admit that she was feeling a bit excited by the results of this talk, but then her emotions were running a bit hotter than usual. Normally, she appeared quite cold. She let her smile widen. This felt right. This *was* right. For the first time in a long time, she felt like she was accepted for who and what she was.
Immediately after posing his question to Laurene, Alec entered the house and Alex felt a little relieved to see the man. He had begun to worry that the man had sought out Isabelle even despite the attack that had occurred yesterday. But there was only enough time for Alec to speak the beginning of a greeting before Alex jerked as he heard a loud crashing noise. He jumped to his feet and Alec was already out of the door.

Alex closed his eyes after Alec left the room. It looked as if he were trying to fall asleep where he stood but he was pushing though all of his thoughts to get to what could only be heard by him but only if he was trying to listen. The first heart beat that became audible was his own but he quickly caught the rest of the household's heartbeats in a confusing way that made it seem like his head had been filled with several drummers all ignoring the work of the other.

He sifted through the hearts and he counted to find that there was nobody else on the lot before he began to check on the individuals. He checked Rachel's vitals first before quickly filtering individually through the people in the house. He found the source of the problem and what he found gave him pause. It was Isabelle's but her body was strange to him. He could hardly read it and the heart beat was slow and shuddering. He felt an acrid burn in his lungs before he pulled out of her body. Alec burst through the door shortly after and asked him to be near.

Alex followed without thought, and he watched as Alec set her body down and began to fiddle with tanks and nozzles. He placed a breathing apparatus to her mouth and her chest began to rise consistently again. He could feel still feel the shuddering and struggling lungs and he swallowed. He couldn't stand the concerned expression on his friend and after sharing the pain of Isabelle's body he wouldn't have even let his opinion of her colour his action. If he could help her he would have.

He sucked in a deep breath, "I... can't help her." he said slowly. He didn't like having to say that. Lately, there were many wounds that he couldn't heal. Bringing Alec's rib back wasn't an issue but Isabelle didn't have much time left, "There's not a lot of human things left in her body. She think it's just her lungs but she doesn't have a lot of blood. Her heart hasn't been affected too much but there's so much more wrong in her body than I think even she knows." He leaned against the wall and he fumbled for a cigarette. He fished out the lighter that he had bought yesterday and held both in his palms for a second before putting it back. He could remember the feeling of Isabelle's lungs and the pain made cigarettes a little less appetizing. He tugged the glove off of his left hand and placed it on her forehead. Pain knotted over him internally and he leaned heavily against Isabelle's bed and his face twisted in pain.

He remained there for several long moments, "You don't intend to try to save her do you? At best I slapped a band-aid on her problems. I don't think she can be saved," Alex straightened himself off of her bed. He reached up his arm and wiped a smear of blood from the side of his mouth.
Rachel let go a joyful laugh. "Yes he will test you. But you will also learn to defend yourself in other ways. A Lariat must be as fierce as he is intelligent. But let us do go break the news to Alec. If I recall he should be down stairs. Come along." She grabs Rose's hand and pulls her along with a bounce in her step.

Alec watched Alex. As usual the man had a gift for preserving life that any doctor would even. When Alex gave his question to Alec he meet his eyes ad raised an eyebrow to him. "Alex....you have come to know me very well over the past few days, so the question you poise is a rather silly don't you think? I am a doctor and a person who doesn't give up on those in need so yes I will try and help her until I seen without a shadow of a doubt that nothing else can be done!" He was feeling himself get upset at Alex words but he calmed himself a bit he knew Alex was being honest at least about his powers not working. "Listen, I just need your help and sometime to work on a solution. I don't need you to heal her per say but I do need you to help keep her going for as long as possible. I need to run test and see exactly what is that's doing this. It doesn't make sense....at least not theoretically. Each Enlightened is outfitted at birth to work with their powers. For example you can heal yourself because you can alter another persons body thus anything you do to them would need to be repaired on yourself. I am immune to the many poisons and problem what gets from the various metals I produce, so why is she having so many issue? I understand her biology to a degree but we need an in debt analysis to start any operational change." His heart was beating a bit faster than normal...he knew he had become attracted to this woman but was it really this strong. They had similarities and he did like a woman with spunk but he hadn't let a lot of people in his heart in a long time. He knew Alex could tell what was going on with his organs so he knew that he could put two and two together but it didn't change how he felt. He let out a sigh and looked at her. "I know this is strange and completely out of the blue but I do need you help Alex, she is lost and has had past of pain but more importantly she doesn't deserve to die, if we fail....then we fail but we try first......you know I would never give up on you." Alex was his friend now. He trusted him to help with this, though it would take more than hope and trust to save her.
The corners of Alex's lips pulled into a frown. Did Alec have any idea what it was like to look into Isabelle's body? Her body could hardly be considered normal. It was more perplexing to him than even his friend. Her body seemed to be trying to transition itself into something more plant-like but the transition was killing her. She was too plant-like to survive on her own and yet her body was still too fundamentally human to find any benefits from the changes. If she could jump forward a couple of steps, her body wouldn't need lungs or a heart and he could see why her body might try to undertake this change because of the many advantages.

"You need medical procedures to undo buildup in your blood." he said recalling the tumultuous moments after their encounter with Harper, "I don't see how it's that different..." he paused trying to figure out how to articulate his other theory, "But maybe what's happening to her body is being caused by her body. If she could become enough like a plant, it would probably be easier for her. She would be more durable and resistant. Plants don't bleed. Plants can grow back any parts they lose. These changes could be beneficial to her if she could live through the transition." he said voicing his thoughts.

He watched the slow movements of her chest rising up and down and he glanced at Alec reading the man's face reluctantly. It was the man's body that betrayed him though. His heart changed its established rhythm when he glanced at her. He wondered how much of that had to do with straight attraction or if there was subtext that he should be reading. He felt as if he had been reading a book and had accidentally skipped a chapter. There was something clearly there that could be read but he didn't know why. He wondered if Alec was even aware of it. Reluctantly, Alex pulled himself out of their bodies. It was the most intensely personal eavesdropping that anyone could do. The mouth could lie but the body could not and that was why he felt such shame when he caught himself listening in on other people. All he knew was that there really was no shred of doubt when it came to Alec's opinion of Isabelle so he would have to actually try to trust her... maybe even like her. He ignored the desire to listen to her body to see if she was regaining consciousness as her long dark eyelashes began to flutter.

"I'll do what I can," he murmured sliding the glove back onto his hand, "You've struck at the root of my problems with her body though. My healing abilities are like a mirror. I can only fix what I can break on myself. I need to transfer the damage to my own body and too many of the changes that have happened can't be done in my own body. It's why I couldn't bring back your rib. That being said, I can stop new problems from forming. I don't have much medicinal knowledge to help you from fixing the problems that already exist though." he said repressing the impulse to smirk considering the graveness of the situation. It was almost absurd to him to admit that he had no medicinal experience considering his range of powers.

Her eyes began to blink themselves open and Alex looked at her before glancing at Alec, "Let me know what you need from me. I'm willing to help." he said slipping out of the room as Isabelle's eyes fully opened.
Alec nodded in thanks to Alex as he left. He was right about a few things. Conventional medicine wouldn't work nor would Alex powers.....but using them together may yet be the key. Alex lacked medical knowledge but Alec had an extensive data bank of it and scientific knowledge in his head. That could prove to be what they need. Also his and Isabelle's condition were very close, while his body was immune to the poisons it made it couldn't make nearly enough blood for a typical human and thus he must get new blood pump in. This seemed very similar to her condition so at least he would have some personal experience to add on to the research. For now though it seemed Isabelle was stabilized and waking up. "Hello, you gave me a bit of a scare there. How are you feeling?" He looked at her with gentle eyes. She was now a patient but he didn't want that to last any longer than needed. "I sure you know your body better than anyone else, so I'm sure you know whats going on?"
Rose followed Rachel, though she didn't really have much say in the matter. When they exited the room, She nearly tripped over Sun. As they passed the girl, Rose called out, "Sorry, apparently we're in a hurry. I still have to talk to Alec." She continued on with Rachel. She wasn't really nervous anymore. While she still didn't really know Alec that well, he did seem to be accepting of her. This should be a walk in the park.
Sun just looked as Rose almost tripped over her. She was in her own little world. Sun closed her eyes, and spoke to herself. "To make one Enlighten......" She remembered that Her other persona Aura was older than her, and how she used to expirament on ordinaries and Force transform them into Enlighten. She remembered that it failed many times. But the only sucess they had was already dead by now.
Her head throbbed painfully and her lungs had a dull sore ache that made her slightly uncomfortable but it was clear that she was okay. She paused for a moment as she her thought and memories catch up to her. Oh geez. She didn't like what she could remember. Again she cursed herself for what had happened. She had been so careless. Not only had there been the encounter with Alec last night and the draining fight that they had endured... but then she woke up and decided to grow an underground forest of plants that couldn't even grow in this climate and like that without her help. She had practically gone begging to push herself into this state.

"I'm fine," she said scrutinizing her surroundings. She quickly found that there was a small high square window that she should be tall enough to reach and enough length on her tubing. She stood up ignoring the head-rush she felt as she stood back onto her feet and staggered towards it. She had a little more difficulty opening the window than she had anticipated but after several seconds of fiddling with the window, it popped open and she swung it out.

The last thing she had heard from her plants had been their cries. They were quiet now. She breathed a sigh of relief and turned her gaze back to Alec. She didn't know much about him, but she had assumed that he probably wouldn't have liked what she had just done. She had nearly choked to death on oxygen of all things and she was probably supposed to play the role of wounded patient. She didn't like playing victim. Isabelle appreciated his help but she didn't want his sympathy.

"Of course I have an idea of what's going on." she said. She was trying to keep the bitter sarcastic edge from her voice and she was failing. She was too hard-wired not to let herself show any vulnerability... even despite the fact that she knew that he had seen her at her most vulnerable, "I remember telling you to not make me any promises, remember?"

She heard an anxious keening noise come through the window and she paused trying to figure out what was being said. They wouldn't be able to hear her from inside if she called back so she paused waiting for them to repeat. They were worried. There was something that they couldn't explain but could sense. She frowned as she listened to them. If Alec tried to say something to her in that moment she didn't notice.

She only seemed to remember about him after she had extracted all of the information that she could and her frown deepened, "There's nothing out there, but my plants are anxious.Maybe you weren't wrong about your feeling about being stalked" she hoped that this would be enough to steer the conversation from where it was. She didn't want to talk about what had happened unless he was going to tell her that he could fix her... and she didn't believe that that was where the conversation was heading. Another sigh of worry rippled through the yard growing louder as it grew closer to the window... she wished that Alec had just been paranoid. She didn't like the sound of their worries.
Alec stared at her for a moment, he had heard her comment about the plants behavior but her earlier statement held stronger.. He took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair. His voice was calm and steady as if he were reading off headlines in a newspaper. "Isabelle...I never promised you anything other than I would try. I mean that. If I needed to lie to you I would have. If I needed to kill you I have had a multitude of opportunities. You know all these things yet you constantly berate me at every turn." He stood up and his voice became gentle as he walked about the room. "Yesterday I had the opportunity to kill you. You the same to me. Yet we didn't. I can understand how that can make it strange for you to trust me...to lash out...all are with in you rights. But do consider for a moment I want to help because I just want to see you at peace maybe even happy. It is not an uncommon thing for a person to want for another. I know that this doesn't happen over night neither will the cure but....work with me dammit! I cannot watch a person die without trying to help first. You want to put up your shield fine but just know I don't plan to strike you in the dark-" As he spoke the window and entire mansion went pitch black as if everyone were closing their eyes. Alec immediately jumped over the bed to wear he remembered Isabelle standing. He fumbled for her shirt and pulled her down next to him under the window. "House back up lights none please." A computerized voice could be heard throughout the house "Backup lights have already been engaged." The darkness didn't change. Well that was perfect the entire house goes dark instantly and the lights are still operational but no light actually penetrates. An Enlightens handiwork no doubt. Alec then felt an increase in the presence he felt earlier. The creature had return....and was it bigger? He let out an annoy sigh. "Bloody hell...."

Rose instantly brought Rose's head down as the mansion was shrouded in darkness. Her first thoughts were of frustration. Whoever was doing this knew a little bit about her powers. If she couldn't see she was at a bit of a disadvantage to anything new. But luckily it was minor detail that she had been trained for. All the same it was irritating that this had to happen now. "Rose are you alright darling? It seems we have company. Do stay close. Also..." The sound of Rachel snapping her fingers and two heavy clanking noises were heard. Rachel took Rose's hand placed a gladius inside of it. "...your going to need a weapon. I know it isn't a long sword but it's short and strong and will be easier for you right now. Stay close to me dear." Rachel then wrapped her combat chain halfway around her wrist and slowly stood. She then let out an annoyed sigh "Bloody hell...."

He turned to his mother as the traffic started to get worse. "We shall be here for hours. Its troubling that this is want I return to after so long." She gave him a gentle smile, her face was youthful but her eyes were fierce showing both beauty and destruction all at once. All the same she spoke with kindness to her son. "It is an inconvenience but do try and cheer up darling, you siblings will be overjoyed to see you. And you know deep down you feel the same." She leaned in and pitch his cheek playfully, she never really did that to her children unless she felt like bothering them. But he as special he showed the least emotion out of all of them and always strict on everyone including his own father. He leaned away from he jest. Irritated by his mothers truth and need to express it loudly to him as if he were still a child. He let out an annoyed sigh as he peered at the ever increasing traffic. "Bloody hell...."

Eliza sat on top of the estate with her back on the roof as Jacob came floating down next to her. She had short cut white hair and wore blue jeans and a pink t-shirt. She had a tan as if she stayed out in the sun working and had the body to match. Jacob in contrast had Asian features and pale skin. He wore shorts, with a purple shirt that had a few game characters on it. She was lucky to be partnered up to the young man. If they didn't fly over the security they would have never made it to the spot for her powers to overrun the house. She figured that everyone was panicking by now seeing as many people enjoy their sight. "Thanks little man your a life saver, some how they up security a lot, heck I don't reckon slick lil' psychics could get into this place any more. Wha' with the wild plant life and such." Jacob stood in silence at look at Eliza she was a strange one. Cunning and ruthless but very laid back. She scared him even though she was never mean to him. He blush a bit. "Thank you for the kind words but I just flew us over. What do we do now? Dr. Bisset only told us wait right?" Eliza slapped a spot next to her. "Pop a squat youngin, and just shoot the breeze with me. All we gotta do is wait...fer the screams that is."
Alex was walking down the hallway when the lights went out. It was so unexpected that he physically flinched. He blinked at the darkness for a long minute trying to make sense of what happened but a pit of dread was forming in his stomach despite his attempt to convince himself that it was just a mistake. One didn't get far in life by thinking that every time the lights went out that something terrible was happening... but then again, this was the Lariat household... and things like his paranoid thoughts happened.

He groped for the nearest wall and found it, sliding his back against it. His eyes closed, a useless gesture given how dark the hallways were, but he was closing his eyes to concentrate. It was more of a struggle for him to push past the sound of his heart beating seemingly in his throat but eventually he managed to move past his own body. One, two, three, four... he stopped counting hearts when he realized that there were too many of them. They had intruders. He could hear their bodies. Alex slid back the way he came feeling along the wall blindly. He hoped he could get back to where Alec and Isabelle were. He didn't like the idea of standing alone and blind in the hallway.

The two foreign heart-beats faded away beneath the sound of his heart and his own body. He didn't need to be Enlightened to figure out what his body was going through. He was terrified. His hand caught a lip on the wall and he felt it grope into nothingness. The doorway to a room.

"Alec? Isabelle?" he called in a soft whisper that was barely audible over his heart. He didn't pause to wait for an answer slipping into the room quietly, "Two heart-beats."

Isabelle was about to say something to Alec when the lights went out. Her eyebrow raised in the darkness as she wondered why an obviously wealthy man couldn't keep his home lit when someone pulled her to the floor. She kept her mouth shut despite feeling a quick violent shot of fear and she yielded to his guiding. It was better not to protest and cause an unnecessary problem. A moment later, she heard a voice cut into the darkness. Two heart-beats? What the -? Wait. Wasn't that the biokinetic's voice? He could pick up the sounds of bodies? How long had he been able to do that? She cringed considering how she hadn't known. That would have made him able to act like a human lie detector. Lucky jerk, what did he have to worry about with the power to heal his body?

"No." she whispered shaking her head, "No, my plants would have noticed if anyone else stepped onto the lot." she could hear their worries but they weren't telling her that someone had stepped onto the lot. Alex must be mistaken. The ground was teeming with thick vines and the trees were wrapped in the same material. They would have noticed.

Isabelle bit her bottom lip and she reached for the tank blindly. She might need to run, no, she wanted to run. She felt exposed without a plant inside with her. Vulnerable. She had no defenses if all of her plants were outside when she was inside. If Alex was right and somehow there were people in or near the house... then she needed to be outside. Her reaching hand touched something hard but soft and she immediately drew her hand back. She had touched a body. She wasn't sure if she wanted to know if she had touch Alec or the biokinetic... she wasn't even sure where she had touched.

She played with her mask for a moment before she found the tubing that connected her to the tank. She had resolved herself to her task. Find the tank and get outside. She needed to get out of this house. She followed the tubing forward rising to a crouched position quietly. She took care not to make any loud noises as her hands closed around the tank. It was bulky but portable though she would need both hands to carry it unlike her last tank which she had been able to strap to her back. The tank made a loud scraping noise as she pulled it up into the air and she cringed. She needed to get outside. She prayed that Alec wouldn't hear the noise and stop her.

But it was Alex.

"Stay down. Quiet." he hissed before she felt rough hands jerk her backwards and she nearly dropped the tank.

"I need to get outside!" she hissed in a voice that could barely be considered a whisper, "You'll let me go, won't you?" she said bringing her voice down to a low level. She was pleading to Alec. Exposed. Vulnerable. Her plants were outside. Helpless. She didn't like this feeling. Surrounded by two men who had a number of creative ways to create a corpse and yet she felt scared. Even more scared than when she had been faced with the wolves in Will's illusion.
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As soon as the lights went out, Rose felt Rachel's hand push her head forward and down. She didn't offer any resistance to the guidance. Her first instinct was to run. She wasn't afraid of the dark, but when a human suddenly lost their sight like that, their fight-or-flight response kicked into high gear. Her's kicked to flight. She wasn't a fighter, most of her work was done covertly and always when she was in complete control. She nodded in answer to Rachel's question. It wasn't long before she realized Rachel couldn't see either, so she said, "Uh-huh." As she said it, Rachel snapped her fingers and shoved the handle of a weapon into her hand. She wasn't sure what the weapon was, so she used her other hand to feel from where she figured the rest of it would be. First, a somewhat bulky semi-circular stop. that led to a much thinner slab of metal. She felt the diamond cross-section and figured it was a blade. The sharpness of both edges said double-edged blade. She carefully ran her fingers along one edge, though not actually on it, and felt it curve outward a little bit before coming to a point then angled back into yet another point. Rachel was right, it wasn't very long. Also, there was no big cross-guard, and it felt like the blade width was only about a half inch on both sides from the guard. She had an idea of what it was, but she wasn't quite sure. Either way, she said, "Okay. I'll stay close." It wouldn't bee too hard, as she could hear the clinking of chains in Rachel's direction.
Alec felt Isabelle touch him in a panic and then start to move away. Once he heard Alex come into the room he immediately felt him push her back in the direction she came from but with her tank. Isabelle was starting to kick into panic mode and what sensible human wouldn't. Everyone doesn't live in house where their father makes them walk around blind folder as children. Luckily he was and he knew the layout just as well as any Lariat. Though this constant bombardment on his house was becoming rather annoying. First though he needed to settle Isabelle. He grab her head and turned her to face him and brought her forehead to meet his. He could feel her trembling and their breathing was very close to one another. This would be romantic if not for the fact that their lives could be in peril. He spoke in a low whisper to her. "Isabelle, listen to meet and calm yourself. I will let you go if I must but not before you can leave safely. If the entire estate is like this, of which I am certain of, then whoever is doing this plans on keeping us in. You stay close to me and Alex. I will get you out but if you panic then we will be in trouble. Understand?" He gave her a moment to calm herself and he spoke to Alex. "So good of you to join us Alex, so two extra heartbeats you say? I'm sure I know one of them. An old friend who I may need to shorten the lifespan of. Eliza a rather intelligent lass, her ability to obscure senses is immensely powerful, right now she is limiting sight, but that's not her only trick, whatever she limits she gains the users connection to it. In other words she takes our sight and can make us see anything she wants, right now that is darkness. The other I'm not sure about, she hasn't had a partner as of late. Anyway, first thing is first we regroup with everyone and coordinate. She will specialize in striking down people who don't know her power so the children are the most vulnerable. Alex your a walking heart monitor so we will follow you to meet with the others. Isabelle hold my hand and we will get through this. Any questions?" Whatever they did need to be fast. Eliza wasn't a killer per say, no she specialized in setting up a kill and from how the sensation in Alec's side grew he knew something was at work here.

Rachel slowly moved through the house with Rose next to her in a crouched position. Alec would be alright but the young ones could be vulnerable, after a few minutes they finally made it to the living room with everyone. "I would like to apologize for the absence of light, it seems we have unwanted guest. Is everyone alright?"

It ran fast through the woods and breakneck pace. It had feast much during the last few days and had new ways to hunt. Strange vines touched as if to strike it dead but turned to ash as it went through them as if made of paper. It finally saw the house in the clearing. "All bodies....must feed....will feed.....must feast"
"It's here...."

Laurene woke with a start. Black. Why was it black? Was it night? She put a hand on her watch... Or her wrist actually. She had never gotten it back from the hospital. Sighing, she reached into her pocket, gasping slightly as pain shot up her arm, and touched her phone. Numbers floated in front of her eyes and she frowned. It wasn't even noon yet. So why was it dark? It wasn't natural...

Laurene swung her legs off the side of the couch and touched her bare feet to the carpet. Instantly she saw in her mind... Herself, as if being viewed from third person, and the room. Her view began to spread outwards and Laurene was surprised just how quickly the area she could read was spreading. What before had taken her half-an-hour now took her only a few minutes. Soon she had turned the house once again into her eyes and ears. She could see the location of each person in and on the house. Oh gosh! I have to warn Alec! She tried to stand up but her legs collapse and she cried out in pain as her bad arm hit the ground. I have to get to to him. How- As soon as she thought the question, objects in the room that could support her weight began to light up. Using these objects, she shakily pulled herself up and began making her way down the hall.

In her head, names began writing themselves in the air above each person's head.
Mami started and gasped when the lights went off. It was dark, black, closed. He moved his arms around himself to and clutched himself in fear. Need light, can't, can't see. Despite it already being dark, Mami shut his eyes tightly and curled into a tiny ball at the sudden fall of shadow over the entire house. He did not respond when Alec came in, choosing to focus on breathing and remaining as quiet as possible in the room. The darkness was horrid, and bad things would come out of it, like Enlighte- no, no. Just monsters, frightening things that would hurt him and tears apart his insides. He just needed to stay quiet and breathe slowly, and things would be alright. He was safe, safe in his room, not at the mansion; here, no one, would, could, hurt him. Perfectly alright, yup. This was just a normal, power outage, and everything would be alright.
Alex nodded feeling a flush of bravery wash through him... or maybe that was because he was concentrating on coaxing his heart-beat back to a normal speed. He heard Isabelle breathing heavily in the darkness and wished that he could help her and do the same service to her. It wasn't just that her body was so different that stopped him but also the fact that it took too much work to manipulate a body into calmness without cooperation. If he tried to intrude and manipulate another person's heart into slowing, his presence would be known and the other person would panic even more when they realized someone was toying inside of their body.

His heart quieted so now he could hear the beats of others, "Upstairs, left." he said quickly assessing where he heard the drumming of the hearts. He ignored the two other heartbeats which came from the same direction as they sounded... farther? He shuffled out of the room assuming that the other two would follow. Once outside of the room, he nimbly darted down the hallway running his fingers along the wall until it slipped away. Once out of the hallway and into another room he shuffled forward slowly reaching out hesitantly with his foot before each step. Eventually he found the wall he was searching for and then the stairs. He let out a low whistle from the steps to alert them of his location and he heard a soft thumping noise that was clearly Isabelle, as Alec was already at the staircase.

When Isabelle found them, Alex led them up the stairs and through the hallway following the sound of the hearts gathered together. They grew louder with every step though at one point he had directed them down the wrong hallway and had to double back when he realized that the bodies were growing quieter.

He found a room with a heart-beat though he had no way of identifying its owner. Rose and Rachel were off together and Rachel's heartbeat would likely be just as slow as his or Alec's. He probed deeper into the body to identify it. Young. Male.

"Mami?" Alex whispered as he rapped on the doorway gently before pushing into the room. He turned, making the assumption that Alec and Isabelle were still with him, "Further down the hallway the same way we're going. Find the others and I'll find you." he said to both of them.

"Mami, are you okay?" Alex asked cautiously edging into the room. The hallway didn't bother him much but there were so many possible things he could trip over in a room. He focussed in on the molecular level of his body briefly stopping in midstep. He repressed a number of firing neurotransmitters trying to stop the flow of chemicals and hormones. Fear was a product of the body, he could stop it. Alex frowned taking a lot longer than he wanted to bring his heart back to a crawl. He then turned his attention back to locating Mami. He followed the heart-beat though it was loud and violent enough that it seemed to be reverberating off the very walls. He reached out a hand and felt in the air for the boy. Eventually his fingers brushed hair and he estimated where the boy's shoulder would be before blindly moving his hand to rest on the boy's shoulder.

Out in the hallway, Isabelle reached forward to find Alec. She found him with reaching hands and she had intended to rest a finger on his shoulder blade or on the small of his back when her hand dropped and an anguished scream left her throat. Her body gave a violent jerk as she felt a jolt of pain strike her and she staggered heavily into Alec. It felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

"My plants!" she gasped louder than she would have cared to and she suppressed the ragged sob that hung at the back of her throat.

She regained her footing and she tried to take a deep breath that wildly hitched twice in her single attempt. She thought that she had been scared before but she realized that only now did she know what fear was. She felt badly for her plants whenever they were killed... but she had never felt them die. Something out there had not just destroyed the thick woody vines she had set up... but obliterated them. Her side pounded with a dull ache as remnant of the agonizing shock of pain that had coursed through her.

"Alec," she said in a demented-sounding hiss, "We shouldn't be worried about the heart beats that Alex talked about. There's something else on the lot... whatever it was killed my plants with a touch... and it's already spread to the roots. They're all dead. I've never felt my plants die. Whatever this thing is... it's not human."
Breathe in, breathe out. It isn't dark. There's nobody there.

I'm scared, it's so scary. Mom, dad, where are you?

Footsteps echoed quietly throughout the room, towards Mami's location. He pulled himself into a tighter ball, holding his breathe to stay hidden.

Don't... Don't come here...

The unknown figure came closer, close enough to touch.

Don't... Don't come near me.

Fingers brushed against his hair, and came to rest on his shoulder.


Mami violently recoiled away from the touch of the unknown, pushing himself against something hard and firm. A wall. He lifted his arms to shield himself from the unknown, shaking with fear. Chills went down his back, and he felt his breaths come shorter. Twitching slightly, he opened his eyes to stare out into the darkness.

Nine years old. A boy was running down an dark alley, angry tears pouring down his face and mixing with the rain. "* **** ***!" He tripped over a stray can, smashing into several trash cans and tumbling onto the ground. "**** **!" The boy slowly got to his knees, kneeling in the dirty alley that was nearly pitch black. "***? ***, *****, *****...?" Footsteps echoed behind the boy, and the green-haired boy looked up at a figure obscured by the shadows. "*** ***** ** *** ****. ** ****** ** *** *** **, ****?" His eyes widened in fear as large fleshy appendages embedded with gaping mouths with their tongues lolling out and rib-like bones protruding from the pulsating flesh seemingly sprouted from the figures sides. They slammed into the boy's body, chewing, tearing at his skin, ripping his internal organs out, pushing themselves further inside him. And then the figure was gone, and he was left bleeding on the concrete.

"He... he..."

Sirens... Lights...

Mami was frozen, sweat pouring down his face as he relived the moment over and over again. He held his arms against his stomach, digging his nails into his body tissue, as if to stanch a bleeding that wasn't there. It burned, every fiber of his being felt as if it was alit with flames. BUt only his body area was hurt, why did it feel like his flesh, down to the last cell, was on fire? "No, don't hurt me, go away!"
Alec wanted to look at her in shock but at the present moment it seemed improbable. Whatever was coming had a connection to him and could plow through plants like paper. But a lot of things could do that and the worry that was in Isabelle's voice must mean that it effect her influence on them. Could this thing some how effect Enlightened? No, Isabelle wasn't effect directly but her plants were....by the gods it must negate Enlightened powers. He turned to Isabelle's voice and spoke. "Agreed." He spoke loud enough so everyone could hear him. "Everyone listen up we have a situation that is about to go from bad to worse." He heard Mami's scream out at Alex. "Mami!! Calm yourself I do believe that is Alex touching you. Realize that we are all equally in danger here. Whatever is charging is big, strong, and if I didn't know better it has some intelligence. To top it off it somehow ripped through Isabelle's place without breaking stride, having personally encountered her abilities I can assure you that is not an easy feat to accomplish." He heard a chain tap the ground as two people moved down the stairs. "Rachel? If that's you sister listen up. I need you to do me a favor..." He took a deep breath. "You know who is doing this you know how their power works correct.....I want you to switch our abilities for about 30 seconds. Do you understand? No more no less or your brother will be a vegetable." He took of his belt. "Alex once you gain your ocular senses I want you to heal me...fast. NOW RACHEL!" He then bit down on the belt and heard Rachel snap. The room went from black to white for Alec in an instant. At first he felt nothing, his body seemed to drift....then all at once every sense he had was on fire, he mind was taking in the touch, taste,sight, hearing and smell of everything and everyone around him all at once, he couldn't hang on much longer as back arched in pain and he crumple to the floor, foaming at the mouth. He focused his mind as best he could but one can only do so much against a seizure.

Rachel finally made it down the steps and heard her brother request. Was he insane? His body was made for his abilities not Eliza's. True giving him hers would poison her and cripple her ability on them but her brothers brain would be overloaded. She could just switch the girls brain for a rock but Alec knew what he was doing. She had to admit it had been awhile since she used her power in a lethal way. But they had to many thing to worry about for her to argue. "Don't you dare die on me you crazy bastard!" She then snapped in within seconds heard her brothers pained screams. The room started to come into focus slowly as everyone's vision started to return. 1..2...3...4....5.........

Jacob saw Eliza start to scream in pain as she clutched her chest. Then a second later she was rolling on the ground throwing up bile and other bodily fluids. Metal parts and spike started to force their way out of her as she bleed out of constantly forming wounds. Eliza was going blind with pain and could barely breath. Her blood was on fire, her bones keep melting and hardening, the pain was indescribable.

It heard a scream. Male. The oldest on in the home. The creatures were mostly panicked but it would wait....stalk. Several would be good for immediate feeding. It waited on the edge of the forest line looking at the house as it paced back and forth.
Alex jolted at the feeling that washed over him as Mami recoiled from his touch. He took a steadying breath trying to erase it but he couldn't help but to feel anger. He was frustrated with Mami for deciding to have a mental breakdown while Alec was talking about... some sort of monster? There was so much going on and Mami had decided to lose his marbles when things were a mess.

Getting frustrated and angry with Mami was not the direction that he wanted to take. Sure, there was a lot going on that made Mami's breakdown inconvenient, but what was going on probably had caused it. He couldn't let himself forget that he had been even more fragile recently and he had cracked at less. He had to sympathize and get Mami out of his panic, not just get frustrated and smack the poor kid out of it. He could practically hear Bill's voice in his ear and he thought he felt warm breath tickle by his ear. His hand tightened against the cloth of Mami's shirt before he pulled his hand away.

He had erased his physical symptoms of fear and that had left room for the surge of anger he hadn't felt in some time. He had cleared away the physical symptoms of fear which had made room for his frustrations and anxieties to come in dressed as anger. He felt his muscles tense and he ignored all that was going around him as he immediately dove into his body. He didn't like this feeling. He didn't like the muscles in his arm and hand were tense and squeezing Mami's shoulder more roughly than he ever wanted to. He wasn't like Bill. He couldn't be.

He could clear his anger away too. Just like the fear that he had washed away. He would just have to clear away all of the emotions that he didn't want. No fear, anger, depression, nothing. He sighed and pulled away from the rhythms of his body. He didn't have enough time to wipe away all of the anger. He would just have to ignore it. He would have to ignore it until he could wipe everything away.

"Mami, you're safe here." Alex said placing his hand back on Mami's shoulder, more hesitant but gentler. "Come back to us." he hoped that Mami would snap out of his fear. Not just for the boy's safety, but for Alex's. He could feel the anger bubbling back to the surface and he could hear Bill's voice in his head. Coddling won't help the boy. He's a slobbering buffoon right now and you need to tune him up. He will listen to you if make him listen. You know what to do. You need to make him listen to you.

But then Alec's screaming stopped all of his thoughts about Mami and the boy's mental distance from the rest of them. Alec was roaring in pain and Alex blinked dumbfounded feeling all of the anger rush out of him. He couldn't figure out what he had missed when he had been lost in thought but he didn't need to think. He pushed forward and grabbed for Alec. Pain shot through his skull as he grabbed hold of Alec and he felt his scream echo the one that Alec was making. But the pain didn't immediately begin to lessen. It was as if he had plunged his head into a generator. Whatever was causing Alec's pain was still happening and it was brutal.

"Switch them back!" Isabelle snarled watching the scene unfold. Despite having Alex's hand on him, Alec's agony didn't seem to lessen. His mouth was open wide with pain and she could not longer see the pupil and iris of Alec's eyes. Just the whites. Seeing his twisted face made her stomach drop.

"You're going to kill them." she said softly pleading with Rachel. Alec had said thirty seconds and likely only ten or fifteen had passed though it felt like an eternity seeing Alec's tortures wrack his body. Deep down she knew Rachel had no desire to push Alec farther than he could go but she didn't care about the people on the roof. She didn't want her only companion and ally in this house to kill himself all because of an estimate. She was certain that Rachel wouldn't need much more than her plea.
"15....16....17...." Rachel heard Isabelle over her brothers and Alex's screams but she ignored her. Alex going to his aid was noble but sadly a clumsy action. Linking with Alec would harm him as well but luckily his time was almost up. She stood there never looking away from her brother, eyes never blinking. Her face showed no emotion but she clenched her fist hard enough to draw blood. This was destroying him clearly any fool could see that but her brother said 30 seconds no more, no less. Isabelle may have request he be released now but this is want it meant to be a Lariat, focus, determination, and will. To see her brother like this caused her more pain then her body would show but she would not go against her brothers wishes unless see was absolutely sure he couldn't be pushed. "....27....28...29....30..." She then snapped her fingers and sunk to her knees, finally allowing herself to breath. The screaming finally stopped....

The mind numbing pain finally subsided, and Alec collapsed to the floor, face first. He was slightly conscience but incapable of moving or talking. Every nerve was on fire. This was good in its own cruel way. It meant Eliza was suffering as well and unlike him she didn't have a healer that he knew about, meaning she wouldn't be using her abilities for at least 30 minutes. This was why he feared Rachel as any Enlightened should. No matter how great ones ability was one is never equipment to handle someone else's abilities if their genes didn't match. Rachel has killed many overconfident Enlightened in this manor and she has only gotten better at it. This time however, it was necessary. That creature was close, basically on the front door step and combat with a predator in the dark was not something one could do on the fly. He saw Alex next to him....so that was the other consciousnesses he felt halfway through the process luckily the boy healed faster, he would have to teach him not to be so impulsive when he could talk. He felt something wet on his face.....lovely, he had drooled and foamed during the process....just lovely.

Jacob was shocked for a few seconds as Eliza lay on the roof shivering uncontrollably, her breakfast from earlier splashed across herself and the tiles. She whimper softly to herself. Jacob took out a mirror from his pocket and lay it next to her. He then made it grow to about the size of a door. "We should leave for the moment, Eliza." He gently lifted her up and slowly placed her into the mirror. Afterwards he scanned the area to check for anyone else and went inside himself and then the mirror shattered and returned to sand.
Laurene had managed to walk full circle and ended up back in the living room. "Guys." She said cautiously, "There were people on the roof, but their gone now, and... Is everyone okay?" She noticed Mami curled up in the corner. She walked over and knelt down in front of him. "Mami? Are you-" she started to say as she reached out a and touched his shoulder.

Fear. Overwhelming fear. Pain.

Lauren yanked her hand back. What in the world!? She hadn't been using her power. So how-?

She shook her head to clear that thought out of her head. It could wait. She reached out again and this time gently took hold of his hands, wincing slightly as the fear and pain returned. "Mami," she said softly, "It's me, Laurene. I'm not going to hurt you. Your safe."
Mami blinked slightly as his vision cleared, and his eyes began to shine again as all was light again. He could see, he was in the mansion, he was safe. There was no figure, no blood, no blood from his stomach. But it was so real. But there was nothing wrong here. Wasn't there someone here, or someone talking to him earlier? That person must've had something to do, so he shouldn't worry about it too much. Someone touched his shoulder, and he looked up to stare at the person. The person was talking to him, and took his hands into her hands.

He stared at the person's hands who were holding his hands. His hands closed over her hands, and held them tightly. Did he... did he have another panic attack? Mami looked down at Laurene's hands holding his hands which were holding hers, and his eyes watered slightly. Damn it, he was so weak, being scared of the dark! He wasn't a child, he should've been over this stupid fear already!

How disgusting he was.

Mami stayed quiet for several moments, trying to gather his runaway emotions together, and finally looked up at Laurene's glowing eyes, and shakily smiled at her. Mami closed his eyes and forced himself to smile wider; he had to look more happy. "Ha, haha, ha! I'm f, fine! Sorry for making you worry!~ I'm... " His voice couldn't get past the lump in his throat. "...." Mami swallowed, forcing it down, and took a deep breath. "Ha, ha, sorry! I'm sorry. Haha, I'm s-sorry." His voice trembled for a split second, but it was extremely brief. "That was kinda embarrassing, wasn't it? S-sorry for being a bother, but I'm alright now!"

Mami finally opened his eyes, avoiding Laurene's stare, and got to his feet. "See, nothing wrong! I'm sorry for worrying you, but you don't need to worry! We should go find the others, okay?" Mami continued smiling brightly, and placed a hand on his bicep to show off his nonexistent muscle.

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