New Member
I love the idea that a citizen was awakened to the reality of the wasteland by the attack. Her mind opened to the possibilities of how she herself may take what she wants.I've been stuck between two concepts, both of which I feel fit the setting [in different ways]:
- A quiet mechanic raised in the Valleys who was deeply impacted by the appearance of Caesar's Legion in Boulder. She is somewhere between inspired by their sincere brutality, or vengeful towards them for what they did to her community; regardless of which, she remembers them through trauma. Whether the Legion returns makes no difference to her - she is becoming more drawn to living dangerously.
- A Peaks heiress who has been trying to elope from her duties in order to pursue her passions - private eye work and freelancing, favoring an adventurous lifestyle over humdrum bureaucracy; much to the chagrin of the rest of her family.
Also, the bored heiress spending her days looking down at the town below from the bridges, wondering what adventures there are below. Sometimes sneaking into the lower levels for a closer look.
They do both indeed fit the setting perfectly.