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Fandom Fallout: Rockies (OOC)



New Member
1. private security force. The BPD DO NOT care about the people in the valleys. They protect and patrol the skyscrapers only, where all the rich people live. Otherwise do not deal with street level people except to intake supplies and pay for them.
2. Mayor name unknown
3. He is elected, but only the rich people in "The Peaks," get a vote. The people in the lower floors (the foothills) are a subservient class.
4. The rich people moved out of the vaults and into the skyscrapers pretty much immediately when is was safe, after realizing how dangerous the outside world was on the ground. Their security and working class moved into the lower floors along with them. Shanty towns on the streets existed before this, but not in mass like they do now. Let's say, 50ish years with two mayors before the current one. No term limits, but there are elections held.
5. Boulder as a shanty town has never had a leader. Boulder, the current settlement has always been organized, even when people lived in the vaults.
Cool, this is all really great! One last question (for now lol): is there a reason the mayor's name is unknown? And does that go for everyone working for him, including maybe people with direct contact?
Cool, this is all really great! One last question (for now lol): is there a reason the mayor's name is unknown? And does that go for everyone working for him, including maybe people with direct contact?
No I just can't think of a good one right now lol

And thankyou for forcing me to world build questions are always appreciated
No I just can't think of a good one right now lol

And thankyou for forcing me to world build questions are always appreciated

I'm a world building sucker, I'm always down to help world build even if it's just poking and prodding with questions.

So to clarify on the layout of Boulder: it's a centralized group of skyscrapers occupied by the (mostly )upper class, which is where the actual government rules; then there's the shanty towns surrounding the skyscrapers, which don't have the benefit of Boulder's protection. Is that about right?
I guess I just considered another question: would the BPD only recruit from within the skyscrapers, or could someone from the surrounding shanties be recruited through whatever means the security force may recruit?
I guess I just considered another question: would the BPD only recruit from within the skyscrapers, or could someone from the surrounding shanties be recruited through whatever means the security force may recruit?
Not at all! It's a completely segregated class society. The BPD are all descendants of security or other working class personnel came from the private vaults of the wealthy. They simply moved house
Is there an initial plot hook that we should keep in mind when writing our characters, or is that coming once our sheets are in?
Is there an initial plot hook that we should keep in mind when writing our characters, or is that coming once our sheets are in?
That's basically what I intended all of the different plot points in the interest check to fulfill. We'll end up starting on ONE of those eventually, but I'd like to see what everyone comes is with. If someone is gravitating particularly towards one that doesn't make sense for the others, that's what side missions are for and we can bring the group together later on.

I really like when the group starts at least partially split up, because it allows me to show more of the world at the start and also it makes more sense narratively speaking that people would be in different spots before the main plot or subplots draws them together.

TLDR: No! Make whatever you want and I'll drop you somewhere depending!
I'm here, in the OOC, excited to see what I cook up. I kind of have an idea, but I do have a question that will determine a part of my character: will we be counting our bullets?
This should be dope, I'm stoked to get to use some of my real world knowledge for an RP in one of my fave universes.

Are we good to post our own character sheets or would you prefer we PM them to you?
I'm here, in the OOC, excited to see what I cook up. I kind of have an idea, but I do have a question that will determine a part of my character: will we be counting our bullets?
HMMMMMMMMM my first instinct is no....

But what say the people?
Bixir Bixir
ReddyBear ReddyBear
EnviousWorm EnviousWorm

If we're not counting bullets, we're definitely counting doses of drugs, stimpaks, and grenades so be prepared for that.

If y'all wanna get really survival with it, we can count rations

Edit: Perhaps we can compromise, as well. Counting individual bullets would be a lot for me to keep track of as a DM. What I like to do in my call of Cthulhu games is track ammo boxes. Each "engagement," or combat scenario consumes one box of ammo, and by extension you buy/find whole boxes of ammo.

Longer scenes require more ammo, I may tax certain players if I feel they are firing more, etc.
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HMMMMMMMMM my first instinct is no....

But what say the people?
Bixir Bixir
ReddyBear ReddyBear
EnviousWorm EnviousWorm

If we're not counting bullets, we're definitely counting doses of drugs, stimpaks, and grenades so be prepared for that.

If y'all wanna get really survival with it, we can count rations

I hoarde bullets in game like a dragon. I am of little help here. I imagine my Vault Dwellers make their companions carry very heavy backpacks at all times
I wasn't imagining counting bullets but I wouldn't be opposed to it. If you're gonna keep track of one thing might as well track em all, right?
Tracking bullets feels (to me) a lot more arbitrary than tracking more concrete resources like stimpaks, explosives, drugs, etc. I would prefer to skip over that and focus on the resources that matter.

(Please no rations, I'm pretty novice when it comes to survival in general)
thw whole reason i brought it up is because I wanna make an NCR Ranger who dual wields a auto weapon and a sawed-off shotgun lol
As long as you can think of a reason your ranger would be so far outside of NCR territory. The Colorado is largely Legion territory in canon, but the main area we'll be focusing on is not. You're more likely to see legion scouts than NCR.

He can be retired, be on long range recon to see how far west the legion has explored, but somehow he's far from home

Let's all not track rations or ammo for now.

Stimpaks, drugs, explosives, and of course weapons will be tracked
I have added a lore section to the character sheets which includes a little recent history on Boulder. May be involved in some character's back stories depending on what you all are writing.

On that note... What's everyone thinking? Not rushing anyone on a character sheet, just wondering everyone's ideas as they are

Bixir Bixir
ReddyBear ReddyBear

EnviousWorm EnviousWorm
ReaperOfCheese ReaperOfCheese (I know you two already shared but I felt rude leaving you out of the ping)
I'm still rolling with a member of BPD, vault dweller descendant, etc., going undercover to infiltrate the Grizzlies
I'm still rolling with a member of BPD, vault dweller descendant, etc., going undercover to infiltrate the Grizzlies
What alignment exactly are you thinking there? Not looking for a hard answer like "chaotic neutral," but is this someone loyal to the society he's been born into? Or someone who jumped at the chance to see the outside world in whatever role they could find? How likely are you to go renegade, and how fast?
What alignment exactly are you thinking there? Not looking for a hard answer like "chaotic neutral," but is this someone loyal to the society he's been born into? Or someone who jumped at the chance to see the outside world in whatever role they could find? How likely are you to go renegade, and how fast?

he's someone who has been really loyal previously but is already second-guessing that loyalty. would go renegade but might need a big push
I'm thinking a former minutemen member turned lone wanderer due to a double cross by the NCR. Went from morally secure to morally grey and mostly in it for the caps a la reverse RJ MacCready
I have added a lore section to the character sheets which includes a little recent history on Boulder. May be involved in some character's back stories depending on what you all are writing.

On that note... What's everyone thinking? Not rushing anyone on a character sheet, just wondering everyone's ideas as they are

Bixir Bixir
ReddyBear ReddyBear

EnviousWorm EnviousWorm
ReaperOfCheese ReaperOfCheese (I know you two already shared but I felt rude leaving you out of the ping)

I've been stuck between two concepts, both of which I feel fit the setting [in different ways]:
  • A quiet mechanic raised in the Valleys who was deeply impacted by the appearance of Caesar's Legion in Boulder. She is somewhere between inspired by their sincere brutality, or vengeful towards them for what they did to her community; regardless of which, she remembers them through trauma. Whether the Legion returns makes no difference to her - she is becoming more drawn to living dangerously.
  • A Peaks heiress who has been trying to elope from her duties in order to pursue her passions - private eye work and freelancing, favoring an adventurous lifestyle over humdrum bureaucracy; much to the chagrin of the rest of her family.

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