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Fandom Fallout: Longhorn Showdown

"Well, that's a nice pet you got here..." Ruth said, walking closer to the animal. "Sasha, huh? Is it a dragon? It looks like one." He commented while giving small pats on the animal's head, careful to not anger it. He had never seen anything like this in all his years of wandering, and it was truly a weird sight. Maybe the animal could come with them, once they've healed it. It surely could be useful. Ruth couldn't stop but wonder how it's meat tasted like.
Sasha rubbed her horn on Ruth. "I do not know, but it looks like a wyvern." He said, looking back on his childhood. "But right now, we need her wings healed. She could still help us on the ground." Zeus said as sasha erected her scales and shook them. @SleepiestBear7
"It's cute. I like it." Ruth said, while patting the side of it's head. "Would stimpacks work? I think i've still got some."

He stated, as he took his bag and started rummaging through it. "Yeah, i still got... Three, i think. Is that enough?" He asked, hoping that the answer was 'Yes'.
"It does not hurt to try." Zeus said as sasha looked at the stimpacks, and at Ruth. He seemed friendly enough, since he is wanting to help. "Let's do it. I hope it works." Zeus said, taking one of the stimpacks. He then injects the healing serum into her, and repairing the damage done. @SleepiestBear7
"Well, it worked." He said while putting the other two syringes back in his bag. "Will she be able to walk?" He asked, looking at the healed wounds on Sasha's wings. Stimpacks were like magic, they were useful to everyone.
"She will be able to fly, shebwas able to walk from the get go." Zeus replied, as sasha expanded her wings, revealing that her wings are on her arms. "All better. Now to remove the sewing string." He said. @SleepiestBear7
"Why do you need to remove that? She can live with it, right?" Ruth asked. Of course, he wasn't the most medically inclined person, but it didn't sound necessary to remove a sewing string.
Mia left the boy to his own devices having figured if he was seeing things he wouldn't get to far before falling over something after all there was the bigger issue of the thing that the super mutant had become so found of in seconds, she guessed that it couldn't them itself. Well it didn't really change the current objective which was finding the bunker.

I doubt you would need to remove the string any damage it could do would already be done, it should degrade and vanish in a few days ” Mia said really she didn't think the ting would get sick from tiny wounds like the string.
Carlos walked down the shimmering heat of the San Antonio road's. He was attempting to locate a scout platoon that went missing about 3 months ago; he was hot on their trail. They went missing about a month ago, when he started his journey to find them. Carlos was holding his helmet in his free arm, and his revolver in the other. The air here seemed clean enough without a re-breather of any type. As he was walking, he noticed a motley group of weirdo's in the distance. Carlos took a knee and took out a sniper scope to get a better look, awaiting any signs of hostile behavior.

@Steel Zinogre
"Alright everyone! We should be going now!" Zeus called to the group, wanting to leave before anything else happens in a bad way. Sasha gleefully makes a rumbling sound, since she is excited about getting to explore the wastes without having to worry about being hunted herself. @Kai Ghoul @Drewcifer @GrieveWriter @Anyone I have probably missed
"Hello my faithful listeners, this is Carl Marx bringing you a new episode of Ghoul Power. This episode I am going to be talking about the NCR. For those of you who don't know, the NCR is a large group of worthless humans who are trying to take over the wasteland and enslave any Ghoul they can find. Now I know most of my listeners never probable never heard of the NCR enslaving Ghouls, but let me tell I have seen them do it first hand. You see the reason that only a few ghouls know about it is because the NCR brings all the Ghouls they capture to a large underground prison camp where the NCR forces the captured Ghouls to be miners. So if you see an NCR soldier walking around, blow his head off! This has been Carl Marx and I bid you farewell."
Considering the brotherhood person wasn't getting completely mauled by the super mutant yet, he figured he would stop by and say 'hi'. He holstered his revolver on his side and reached into his rag tag jeans for a pack of cigarets, lighting one and walking slowly towards the group. He stuck the cigaret in his mouth and waved his free hand at the group.

" SGT Kane here, I mean no harm. My weapon is holstered; I won't hesitate to defend myself if it came to that shit... "

He knew he would probably be shot at; that's that the cigaret was for, calming him down.
"Nice to meet you Sgt. I am Zeus, Although My actual name is Maxton Mathers." The big super mutant said as sasha walked up to the stranger and sniffed him. She then rubbed her horn on SGT. Kane, indicating that she likes him. @Kai Ghoul @Drewcifer @GrieveWriter
" ... You've got to be kidding me... "

He wasn't used to seeing a talking friendly super mutant, ever. Most of them would talk; but they would just yell death threats at him wail either shooting at him, or violently attempting to remove his limbs with a super sludge.

" Just uh... Call me Carlos. You're not in the NCR, so you don't have to address rank and all that. "

He noticed the dragon looking thing rubbing it's horn on him; it slightly made him feel awkward, but he ignored it.
Mia was distracted by the whatever the super mutant had decided was its pet and therefore didn't notice the NCR person until they announced themselves. The NCR and the brotherhood were not on the best terms at least out in the Mojave from what she heard. Still this one didn't seem to be hostile for now but that could easily be the part of the super mutant , only the brotherhood ever wanted to deal with them one on one.

" I am starting to think that think just likes everyone it sees" Mia said.
"Alright..... Carlos..... What brings you out here in texas?" Zeus asked, very curious about the potential group member. "You look like you can be handy with hitting far off targets, judging by that rifle you are totin'. " he said, turning to mia. "Not everything has to be a wild animal, and besides, we have a common enemy. The Enclave." zeus replied. "Sasha will be of great help with this group's morale, and have a better chance of survival, since she was made to hunt." @Kai Ghoul @Drewcifer @GrieveWriter @ClassyBunny
" This ol thing? "

Carlos pointed to the collapsed Anti-Material rifle strapped to his rucksack.

" I'm alright with it; got top marks and all, but this revolver here is my primary... Guess the rifle is mostly used for recon purposes. And to answer you're personal question, I don't really think I should reveal that information. "

He noticed the Brotherhood Paladin standing there, not presenting herself.

" So... Did you loot that armor? Or are you the real deal...? "

Carlos had always wanted to duel with a Paladin; but since she hadn't stated herself, the chances of her being legit were slim to none.
" yes I am a paladin of the brotherhood of steel " She said having honestly not known what kind of person this NCR ranger would be after all she had been having a very odd time as of late. " And you can't just loot some power armor and put it on actually using its requires some training that that brotherhood has and not many others" She said a bit of pride coming back from her previous mental exhaustion " I am sure as you can see I have had a very odd day so I'm not exactly in the mood for protocol "
Remembering some raiders he came a crossed during his trip in Watertown; them bearing pieces of power armor, he figured he would just accept what she said. Chances are they would actually need training if they wore the full set.

" Well obviously; it's not everyday a Paladin and a Super Mutant just sit around chilling and shit... I'm personally not even going to ask who the dude in the rag tag clothing is. Chances are, I don't even want to know that. "

Carlos started looking around; he smelt a small fire. With a fresh taste of body's being set aflame.

" I'm willing to bet there's raiders around here... Almost 90% sure. I'm not trying to jinx you guys or anything, but just be ready... "

Carlos flung his cigaret and put his helmet on, adding his hood for dust protection.
Zeus gave out a chuckle. "Raiders? They will not even know what hit them." He said as he cracked his knuckles, and readied his super sledge. "One thing I hate more than bugs, Are raiders. Damn Bandits." he said as he looked at the group. "Ready to kill some scum?" He asked, Eager to go. @Kai Ghoul @Drewcifer @GrieveWriter @ClassyBunny
" I have bigger matters to attend to, the ghoul and his flowers have to be dealt with before they act on his words" Mia said raiders were an everyday thing a good town defense force could drive them away with minimal losses but the ghoul on the radio was talking about things that couldn't be fought he had to be dealt with first.
Several Raiders huddled around a ham Radio, two of them mixing several random chems while the third listened intently to the radio. They were in a crumbling office building that only had three stories left, the third story nothing more than piles of rubble and a clogged stairway.

"Now add two more ounces of Turbo mixed with a full dose of Psycho for about twenty seconds so the additives in the Turbo overwork the Psycho's stimulative factors." A voice said over the radio " Add it to the mixture once twenty seconds have passed and it should add the numbing effect. Respond when the steps have been followed."

The listening raider repeatd the directions to the other two before moving away from the radio "This is fucking perfect!" he clapped before wiping some dirt from his face "Once we slip this into Waltherston's water supply we get a nice piece from Davish's slavers and nice loot from the houses once it kicks in."

One of the mixers snorted and rolled her eyes "Better hope none of them ghoul supremacists hit the water first or else we'll have a lot of dead bodies we could get blamed for."

"Yeah," the second mixer added "used to be a time when robbing people was easy, none of this extra subterfuge bullshit just put a gun to his head, demand his wallet, family, and livelihood and just off him when he tries to suddenly grow a pair. Nowadays you got lone wanderers and couriers dominating entire sections of wasteland while the factions just bitch, bitch, bitch about whose the most powerful. You know, you'd think the apocalypse would show people what happens when the groups with the most guns start complaining."

"Geoffrey, zip it," the Listener raider said as he shook his head "Last time you started talking like that you didn't shut up for two days."

"Guys!" Cried a new voice from down the hall as rapid foot steps approached, another raider threw open the door, panting.

"Butch?" the listener said as he turned to face him "The hell's wrong with you? Where's Alice?"

Butch's eyes went wide "Oh god, she's not behind me?!?" The moment Butch turned around to check an large one-handed axe spun directly into his skull with enough force to throw him from the doorframe. The door swung outward as Butch's hand pulled it as he fell. The three raiders stared at the doorway for a full two seconds before drawing their guns and aiming them at said doorway.

"Think its a scavenger?" the first mixer asked as she loaded another shell into her shotgun. "Throw like that?" the Listener said before shaking his head "Most likely a Super Mutant."

"With our luck," Geoffrey sighed "I half expect a Gatling Laser-toting armored Deathclaw to walk through that door."

"Don't jinx us." The second he finished speaking something darted past the doorway, prompting the raiders to open fire. They kept firing for several seconds before stopping. They watched the door for a while before watching it slowly close.

"Well," Geoffrey said "isn't that ominou-"

He was cut off by the Axe tearing through the door, it turned, then pulled the weakened door right off its hinges revealing the beast behind it.

"The hell is that!?!" the Listener shouted as they resumed shooting, the horrific super mutant type creature using its other hand to pull up Butch's corpse as a human shield, soaking up bullets aiming for the head and torso. Rearing back, the creature flung the door off its axe, sending it careening into the mixer who went sailing out of the building's window frames and being impaled on the outward jutting steel rods below.

Geoffrey's gun clicked empty, and he ran to the side to reload as the Listener tried to shoot past the human shield. The creature approached, raising its axe. The Listener swallowed nervously right before the thing lunged the rest of the way. The Listener threw himself to the side as the axe cleaved directly through the floor and he was given a true glimpse of his aggressor. It was some unholy cross between a Super-Mutant and a Ghoul, and believe him when he says the end result is not pretty whatsoever. The Super Ghoul pulled the Axe out of the floor and tossed the human shield to the side, the Listener saw his chance and aimed high with his gun only for the Super ghoul to kick the barrel upwards letting the bullets sail harmlessly into the ceiling. The next thing he knew he was being picked up by the Super ghoul, who brutally bashed him in the face with its own skull before tossing him to the side at the sound of a gun finishing loading.

Geoffrey smiled at the now loaded rifle and quickly moved to stand up from his hiding spot. The first thing he saw when he got up were the boots of the Super Ghoul crashing down as it ran towards him along the metal desks. Geoffrey pulled the trigger, firing three bullets into the Super Ghoul's torso before it leaped over him. He turned around rifle at the ready, only for the Super Ghoul to grab onto the rifle's barrel and raise it up towards the ceiling with his free hand. With the other hand it dragged the one-handed axe through Geoffrey's stomach, then up through his torso before he could cry out. Soon Geoffrey went limp, and the Super Ghoul pulled the rifle from his hands as his body fell back against the table.

The Listener tried to open his eyes, but the pain from the Super Ghoul's skull crashing into his still registered. Finally, he pushed himself to the side and rolled onto his back as heavy footsteps approached. He raised his throbbing head as a large form neared.

"Thank you," the Super Ghoul growled as it beat a closed fist to its chest twice in a sign of respect "you put up good fight."

The Listener groaned before raising a middle finger and coughing out "I hope you trip...on that fucking axe...and neuter yourself."

"Fitting final words." the Super Ghoul said before impaling him with the axe.

Theodore sat beside a makeshift fire he had made to cook the bodies, eating meat from the bones and tossing scraps to the creature that had led him to this little hiding spot, Tunneler. The Claw Beast devoured every scrap that came his way.

"Today's hunt good," Theodore stated as he gnawed on an arm "though axe not as sharp as used to be. Took twice as many cuts to get through first patrol ribcage."

Theodore glanced at his axe and sighed, he didn't want to have to replace his axe, but when a weapon loses it usefulness a true hunter keeps himself on top of it. As Theodore pondered this he heard another voice, perhaps a raider he missed. He approached the voice, then sighed at the ham radio.

"How long does it take you to add two ounces of Turbo and a dose of Psycho? It's been twenty minutes and not one reply, I swear if you guys ended up using up all the ingredients again I will personally lead a horde of Super Mutants into that building and take commemorative pictures of the horrible things they do to you!"

"They are dead." Theodore responded to the angry voice

"Well... seems like you lot already beat me to the punch, so I take it my little chemistry team ins currently being stuffed into various meat bags now?"

"No, body put to good use. Food."

There was a pause "And may I ask how many of you there are?"

"Only I"

"Ah, I get it now. You know, not many times I get a semi-sentient on one of my frequencies. So, not trying to pry here, you wouldn't happen to have a problem that you need resolved do you?"

Theodore looked at the radio, the voice seemed to change tones and topics quickly. He was about to turn away and get back to his eating when he spotted his axe. It needed sharpening and he lacked the necessary equipment to get it back in good condition.

"Axe need sharpening" Theodore said to the voice

"Perfect!" the voice said "I have a Workbench with me, all I need you to do is validate the location of something for me. The raiders have a map on the far wall, do you see the red circle?"

Theodore turned to see said map, even with some blood on it, he could still make out the red circle drawn on it. He replied to the voice in the affirmative.

"Good, go there, and see if you can find the creature in the lab coat, I'm not certain about the rest of its appearance, but it is definitely wearing a lab coat. See if its there or not, then come to Vault 62, its the red triangle on the map."

Theodore took this in and glanced at the map again when he heard low moans coming from the radio.

"Damn, I have to go now, just make sure its there and don't kill it. find me at Vault 62."

The Radio went silent, and Theodore walked to the map before taking it off the wall. Theodore looked it over once more before whistling. Tunneler climbed onto a nearby desk and Theodore placed the claw beast on his shoulder before grabbing his axe and several chunks of meat and leaping out of the window frame and onto the street below. Behind him the office building caught on fire from the cooking fire he made.

"Come Tunneler, find white coat. Sharp Axe." Theodore said as he began following the map.
" Oh trust me; I've been listening to that ghoul's bullshit ever since I crossed the border. Ghoul slaves? C'mon now; we don't even 'mine' anything anymore really... The hell would we need ghoul slaves for. "

Carlos couldn't shake the smell; it was getting a little closer. Could it be raiders? Or something else...

" All I'm saying is we probably should get the hell out of the open, Paladin, wail we still have a choice in the matter... "

Carlos admired the Super Mutants dung ho, and thought of how fun it would be to fight alongside one.
Then a bunch of Fire ants were seen walking to their colony, with body parts and dead animals. Sasha started to drool as she saw them, and immediately went flying to them, and started swooping in, killing each and every one with two slashes on each ant's head. "Holy hell.....! She really is a hunting wyvern!" Zeus shouted with glee as sasha made 4 trips to and from the group, 1 ant in each talon. "Good sasha, Good." Zeus said as sasha bit into one of the ants, enjoying the Spicy meat from within the fresh kill. She then smelled something else, something that is twice as strong as a super mutant scent. @Kai Ghoul @Drewcifer @GrieveWriter @ClassyBunny

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