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Fandom Fallout: Longhorn Showdown

" You do not know how to live a popper life, being a raider is not the way a man should live, living to murder and take chems is a life wasted and a life wasted is scum " Mia said seeing that the boy must have the chems in his system and was no doubt addicted likely from birth to the chems .
He twitched, and cracked his neck. He missed his brother. Shane wasn't a raider at all. He was just a boy in his twenties, trying to protect his little brother.
" You will understand that raiders are not worth being called human you would be better off with a wandered than them " Mia said trying to reassure the boy who had to be scared and somewhat high.
" Put the gun down boy" Mia said pointing the laser riffle at the boy " if your brother isn't a raider then you getting mad is pointless" she said she was dealing with a junkie she was sure perhaps he was in withdraw she might just have to put this boy down.
"Zhat.....is a very good point. Now kid, I zhink you're probably zmart enough to realize jou von't make it out of this jam if you pull the trigger. Oh, just one other thing, myself and the Paladin here aren't exactly buddy buddy. So. If you've got the caps, I'd be happy to escort you back to your brother. Soooooooo, mind pointing zhat away from me?"
Mia was getting fed up and instead of shooting anyone she instead shot at the roof " Enough both of you " she said her voice angry " I will take the boy to his brother for free if he isn't a raider then it is fine, you are free to do whatever it is ghouls do ghoul"

Sergei looked to the boy with a concerned and surprised look on his face. "How ze hell did you guess zhat?" Sergei took a big sigh the said. "Look kid, how about this, you lower your surprisingly large guns, zhen we go and find your brother. That is, if the bigot can stand to be within fifty feet of me any longer."
Allen took a deep breath, and put on his headphones, blocking out all sound except for his music. he then lowered his guns and holstered them.
"Can we not get along here? At this rate, your bickering will kill us faster than cazadore poison!" He said in a tone of an old man. "And if you children do not stop fighting, I'm gonna have to whip some ass! Are we understood?" Zeus said, glaring at Sergei and mia."And if you two are done, maybe you can accompany Allen and I on our trip for hunting. We are going to need food soon anyhow." He suggested, equipping his super sledge. "How about it, everyone?"@Drewcifer @Karcen @Deadkool
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" I will escort the boy back to his brother, if that means going hunting with you then so be it " She said putting her laser riffle away she did not trust the mutants both were very suspicious, the ghoul more than the super mutant as the word communist was equal to the enemy of America before the war and it held the same meaning now to Mia.
"We will hunt on the way there. And If things go awry, Get Allen to safety, since he is the first friend I have had in 100 years, and I would not want to lose him." Zeus said to mia. "And by the way, I still have my humanity, until my very death, I am human in my heart." he said, pointing to his chest. "And do not ever forget it, for I will be on your side, no matter what." He said as he cracked his own neck, keeping it from getting stiff. @Drewcifer
Deep underground in an abandoned bunker, a ghoul wearing a dirty white suit wakes and walks towards a desk with a ham radio on top of it. Upon reaching the desk, the ghoul sits down in the chair and presses the power button on the radio and begins to speak into it." Hello ghouls of the the wasteland, this is your host Cark Marx, founder and leader of Ghoul Power. Today I am going to be addressing an issue that has been bothering me for quite some time, and that issue is super mutants. Now for those of you who have no idea what a super mutants is, a super mutants are large, green, and strong creatures with minor intelligence. Now, I know that some of my listeners are probable going to be confused as to why I would have an issue with another race of mutants. Well, the reason I have a problem with super mutants is simple, they are a menace. I mean has anyone ever heard of atleast one super mutant that made any positive contributions? None. But do you know how many negative contributions they made? The answer for those who don't know is alot. Like any menace, Super mutants should be exterminated before they can cause any more trouble for us ghouls. So if you happen to come across a super mutant, put some lead in it's head, you'll be doing everyone a favor. Anyway, it seems that I'm running out of time, this is Carl Marx and I bid you farewell."
"You have quite the sense of humor, don't you?" Zeus said jokingly. "I am a bit old, but that does not mean anything, except that I have more knowledge of this wasteland." He added. "I have seen many things, most I regret seeing, but I have seen many things though." he said sadly, remembering all the murdering he had to do just to survive. @Drewcifer @Deadkool @Barbas @Karcen

(Damn, talk about a chatterbox. xD . JK barbas.)
After hearing some radio chatter from a man known as Carl Marx, claiming he is a ghoul. And after hearing about how much of a menace super mutants are, he growled and clenched his fists. "When I find this.... Carl Marx, I will be sure to show hi the true meaning of a threat, WHEN I RIP HIS HEAD OFF, AND SHOVE IT DOWN HIS THROAT!!!" he shouted as he found a radio that played his broadcast, and utterly destroyed it, to vent some of his anger out. "That felt..... Satisfying, oddly." he said as he sat down on the curb next to the gun store. "Am I really a threat? Am I just that bad?" he asked, for everyone to hear. "If he says super mutants are a menace, then I WILL SHOW HIM A MENACE...I will show all those bigots a menace, when I pound them to a pulp.... One by one, they will be no more." He muttered as he growled angrily, looking at the group. "But you three, are no bigots. You and I are bigger than that. We are much wiser than that" @Drewcifer
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Ruth looked around. Was that a super mutant he just heard? It surely seemed to be one. He and his group were passing through San Antonio, searching for supplies as usual, when suddently they heard what probably were the screams of an angry super mutant. He decided to follow the sound, mostly because the monster could have some kind of weapon on him, that they could sell to a merchant once they killed him. The green beasts always scared Ruth, but this time he had his friends with him, and they were all armed. He also had six Frag Grenades, just in case things got too hot. He motioned to his group to follow him and started making his way to where the screams came from.
" That is jet"Mia said as she stepped on and crushed the inhaler " Its not something a kid like you should be interested in "

Then the super mutant hearing a radio from someone claiming to be a ghoul went into a rage revealing his true super mutant nature. Even as Mia was ready to kill the mutant he didn't go into the full rage she expected instead sitting on a curb.

" You are a threat, more so than a normal super mutant as you think" She said with her normal conviction " As for how bad you are you get to chose that "
"You are right, I need to keep myself from becoming so." Zeus said as he looked at mia. "All my life has been was anger and hate towards me, even as a child. I always had issues, ranging from anger to abusing others. I need help. I need help seeing who I truly am. And I think god sent you three down to do so." Zeus said, ramibling with tears rolling down his face, feeling very emotional. He then started to bawl, screaming and sniffling. "I am sorry.... For you to see me like this....." He said, turning his back toward mia. @Drewcifer @Deadkool @Karcen @SleepiestBear7 @Barbas
" The hate is earned, your kind have never been the allies of humanity " Mia said and when the super mutant started crying she honestly was at a loss for words as she had fought and killed his kind and never had she seen one cry they all seemed to stupid or to crazy, if they were nightkin, so the sight of the normally rage filled monsters was jarring.

" just get it out of your system, if you're going to help take that kid to his brother I don't need you crying your eyes out, there is no time to cry out here " She said her tone showing just how awkward she felt administering emotional support to someone that wasn't a child.
" Kids get to cry men don't that is a simple rule of the world you are not yet a man so you will not understand "She explained though she was starting to really wonder about this kids mind a blast of hot plasma to the temple was starting to seem like a mercy killing for the seemingly insane child.

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