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Fandom Fallout: Longhorn Showdown

"I would like to hear more of the story, but we need to leave. I see cazadores flying toward us!" Zeus exclaimed fearfully. "Ooooh god, I freaking hate Cazadores!" He exclaimed again, readying his Red Glare rocket launcher, a weapon the group has never seen before. @Drewcifer @Barbas
Allen suddenly ran up at super human speed, with a canister of Turbo falling out of his pocket. He ended up with one Lucky against the new man's head, the other on his heart
"Hello my faithful Ghoul listeners this is your glorious leader Carl Marx, on this episode I'm going to be doing something new. So instead on giving out words of wisdom I am going to be playing a few songs I found in my bunker recorded on some holodisk, so sit back and enjoy, first up is Sieg Heil Viktoria!"


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"I agree with the mutant. Wait, is that a rocket laucher?!" Ruth asked, marveled by the beautiful missile-shooting weapon... He noticed that the group of cazadores was getting closer, and ordered his men to start shooting while he took aim with his rifle. Just as he did that he felt the barrel of a gun on his head, he turned and saw the kid, pointing at him again. Ruth looked better at the boy's face and noticed that he showed symptoms of drug use. Probably Jet, or Turbo. Not good. "Kid, you better start shooting before we become cazador food!" He yelled frantically. This situation was getting stressful. Just as he shot a round a strange song started playing over one of the radios on the ground. It was hard to keep his concentration with all of these things going on at the same time, but he surely was going to try.
Zeus fired a couple missiles, which looked like red balls of death. It fired a total of 13 missiles out of the clip. "Die insect scum!" He shouted, reloading his weapon as he took a couple steps back. @Drewcifer @Barbas @AvidElmV2
Mai took aim at the cazadores and fired. The creatures while tough were not match for the peak of humanities technological prowess . The laser burned into the flying cazadores abdomen easily picking off those she shot at, though Mia did regret that she had not taken time to reload before this as she knew she was going to run out of energy soon and have to reload, though with everything around her it would take a small army to get though all the fire power.
The swarm dies down, and there remained twitching corpses. "I hate bugs. They are revolting and gross." Zeus said as he performed maintenance on his Red Glare launcher. "Always good to maintain weaponry, or else you have to resort to a bottle later." He joked, putting the weapon away. @Drewcifer @AvidElmV2 @SleepiestBear7 @Deadkool @Barbas
Out in the desert wastes, Sasha soars through the sky, Looking for some food to eat, or at least some prey. She saw a Yao Guai and swoops down, and then attacks it with her claws, making deep, and bone- crushing wounds that knock it down, then she took a bite out of its throat. She then chows down on the yao guai, only leaving some skin and organs behind after 2 minutes of eating. She then flies off, and lands near San Antonio. But she was fired upon by members of the Enclave. the battle can be seen and heard from where the group is. She then roars as some of the lasers hit her, leaving black marks on her scales. @Drewcifer @AvidElmV2 @SleepiestBear7 @Deadkool @Barbas
" That I can agree with " Mia said looking over her laser rifle before removing the energy cells and replacing them with another pack and stowing the used cells away for latter recharging. " While we are in a fighting mood who wants to hunt a ghoul?" She said she was going to hunt the ghoul on the radio as he was a threat to humans, he advocated poisoning human camps she couldn't let him live.
Today was NOT Jason's day. First, he woke up to find his house filled with Radroaches. Yuck! Then, once he finished them all off, he looked out his window to find even more bugs! And, to top that all off, radiated bug juice was all over his favorite shirt. Grumbling as he changed into his combat armor and grabbed his stun baton, which he had made himself, rifle, and a satchel filled with all types of odds and ends, Jason left his house. Most of the bugs had been killed, but Jason wasn't gonna stay any longer than he had too. No sir-ree, he was LEAVING! After packing the essentials, which consisted of enough food to last him for a few days, a purifier and some clothes before heading to the cities gate, where he found more people. He sat back and listened to them chat.
Delta didn't know where it was, it had followed ghouls, as those little creature found it good amounts of its food radiation and they even supplied it. it had lost this prey for a short time the group it had followed had been listening to strange broadcasts, a nation of ghouls, a bunker full of things to eat. Still it had to be careful the ghouls knew something hunted them, they had seen it hold their kind and feed , though it wondered if they only saw their kind floating then dyeing. Delta moved its massive head over the ground small tendrils waved back and forth feeling for the radiation the creature needed. All it found was a ghouls corpse still glowing slightly . Delta picked this body up easily with one hand as delta towered over even buildings reaching around 50 feet tall though it seemed to get bigger and smaller. As it drained the corpse leaving it little more than a husk Delta heard the noise of battle, perhaps it was more ghouls. Delta decided to sneak in and remain unseen until it found ghouls.
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An enclave soldier landed in front of the group, while Sasha roared and fled into the town, but crashed as a hole in her wings was made by a plasma shot, landing in front of the group. She looks up at the group and whimpers, as if she were asking for help. "What the...? It's injured! we must patch it up." Zues said as he pets her head gently, assuring that he is friendly. she then closed her eyes, taking a nap, and waiting to be healed. "Mia, I will need you for this, this is a two person job." He said as he went into an alley, safe from any danger. @Drewcifer
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Allen took his gun off of the man's head and looked off into the distance. "ERMAHGURD A SPIDERANT!" He shouted, running into the crowd of enemies.
" Do I look like a doctor to you, or better yet do I look like vet " Mia protested, though whatever the creature was it killed some enclave and that meant Mia liked it a little more than most of the others that she found herself surrounded with. The enclave was the only real technological rival to the brotherhood and needless to say the two were enemies so anything that killed a few of them was in her good book.

Mia shook her head and followed " Really what do you expect me to do I mean I could put it down if that’s what you want"[/color] She said.
" Yeah yeah I am not good with animals, robots yes animals no "[/color] She said looking at the hole in the wing the plasma had cauterized the wound it at least it wasn't bleeding, but it would be susceptible to infection. " if you have any alcohol, good strong alcohol mind you, you should put it on any black spots to stop it from getting an infection that is more important than sewing it up" She said knowing a little battle field medicine.
"Dammit! thank you for reminding me!" Zeus said as he got up. "I saw some whiskey in a shop across the street, I will return momentarily." he said as he ran across the street, into a drug store. Sasha looked at Mia, a pained glint in her eyes. she then layed her head on the hard ground, sighing out of sadness. @Karcen
Mia just leaned against the nearest wall, honestly she suspected most of the damage was from the wings birds tended to not do well if their wings were hurt and went mad when they really got hurt on them more than anywhere else. " You'll be fine " She said dismissively to the large beast.
Sasha tried to get up, and managed to do so, but whimpered as the wing part of her arms expand, showing multiple holes in the membrane. She tried to walk around, but only managed to limp a couple steps before collapsing. Zeus then returns with a massive bottle of whiskey. "Got the whiskey, now stay still, This may sting." he said as he poured it on her wounds, she growled as she dug her talons into the ground, causing medium sized cracks to come around. @Karcen
Mia heard both screams and while the beast was important or rather had a few enclave kills on its side Mia still valued a humans life more even if it was that chem head kid. Mia walked out and saw just who had shot the kid and pulling out her side arm the plasma defender she shot them and rendered them little more than goo on the ground.

" You need to watch out for stragglers kid " She said standing over the boy.
Allen reached into his pocket and took out a Med-X Syringe. he poked it into his arm and used it. the pain soothed a bit, and he stood up.
"Hello my faithful listeners, this is Carl Marx bringing you a new episode of Ghoul Power. This episode I am going to be talking about the best ways to kill those pathetic super mutants. When your in the mood to hunt some super mutants, armor piercing bullets are the most efficient way to kill one of those freaks. But explosives are also great for killing super mutants. This has been Carl Marx and I bid you farewell."
"God Would you shut up!!!" Zeus shouted as he helped Sasha up, and assisted her in walking. "That Marx is much worse than enclave propaganda." He muttered, examining Sasha's collar tag. "Sasha, eh? Poor thing, the damn Enclave did this huh?" he asked the beast, who simply nodded. "We will get you better, trust me." he said as he scratched her horn. @Drewcifer @Deadkool @AvidElmV2 @SleepiestBear7 @Barbas

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