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Fandom Fallout: Longhorn Showdown

"I'm down with killing some raiders." Jason said as he stepped up. So far, no one had noticed him, so he decided to make himself known. Jostling the old rifle at his side, Jason smiled lightly and put out a hand towards Zeus. "Names Jason. Jason Pearl. Nice to meet you, super dude."
Carlos quickly took out and primed his revolver, pointing it at the random entry to the party. Nobody sneaks up on a ranger of any type. He was two seconds from unloading when he heard what he said to the Super Mutant, thus putting his revolver back into it's holster.

" Holy shit man... At least freakin announce your presence before you come within 4 meters of someone. Could have blown your head clean off... "
As Theodore walked, Tunneler perked up on his shoulder and turned to the right and began growling. Theodore stopped and looked at the Claw Beast, looking over its expression, it looked like it was smelling something, something it didn't like. That meant interruptions, and interruptions meant less time getting Radio Voice's stuff done so the axe could be sharpened.

Theodore growled but continued walking and looking at the map "Tell if gets closer." he said as he quieted down, he didn't want to start rushing unless he knew whatever it was was a legitimate threat.
" Welcome to my day, though I think were still missing that commie ghoul, I lost sight of him awhile ago" She said with a sigh really she should have already left this area, though she wouldn't have learned of this ghoul in his bunker plotting to kill humans.

" I doubt we are in much harm the enclave seems to have been routed and if raiders were about we would hear them coming worst that could happen is some nightkin show up" Mia said
Jason pushed the barrel of the gun down so that it was pointing at the ground. "Well, I don't usually meet people that are this jumpy, so I'm not used to 'announcing my presence.' And isn't that what I just did, Ranger Trigger Finger?" Jason said, a frown on his face. He looked back to see some kid running around screaming 'Spiderant'. "What's up with that guy? He on medication or something.....?"
"Nice to meet you mr. pearl. We could always use another group member." Zeus said as he cracked his neck. "We must go now. Before more bad things show." Zeus said as he looked around. "Nightkin are sneaky fucks. Be sure to look real close for them." Zeus said as Sasha followed the Claw beast's scent, and eventually met the source of the smell. She gleefully screeches as she tried to interact with tunneler. She was slightly bigger than him, but meant no threat. @Kai Ghoul @Drewcifer @GrieveWriter @ClassyBunny
The moment the flying creature appeared, Tunneler barked at it once and moved to Theodore's other shoulder. Hearing the bark, Theodore turned toward the flying creature. Apparently non threatening, but those screeches would draw others eventually. Theodore pointed his axe at it as he stopped, "Flee back to your nest creature!" He growled at it before turning back to continue his walk "I have no time or desire to end you now."
Mia just shook her head if the kid died he died he had been a handful and she really did not need to have to watch over him, besides the crazy kid seemed to know a few tricks. As Mia went after the super mutant she locked back into the open and she could have sworn she saw the sky move, but nothing that big existed, or should exist. Mia at this point wouldn't mind a few nightkin to kill at least then she would have something to kill and take her annoyance out on.
Sasha hissed at theodre and then flew off, somewhat grumpy from the encounter with the massive ghoul. And went back to the group. She lands and went next to zeus. "We really must go, seriously. We are burning daylight." zeus said as he tinkered with his 10mm shoulder mounted machine gun. "And besides, we never know what might be lurking around." he said as he had flashbacks of the time he spent fighting communists in Alaska, the many ambushes, the many kills he made, and the many friends he lost. @Kai Ghoul @Drewcifer @GrieveWriter @ClassyBunny
Allen kicked the spiderant off of him and pulled his Cobra Combat Rifle, and aimed at it. he slowly looked at it and smiled. "I like you." He said, lowering his rifle and walking up to the creature. he pet its head and laughed a little. "I'm gonna call you.... ADRENALINE!" He shouted, running off. Adrenaline followed behind him and ran at Allen's exact speed and pace.
Now this was getting out if control; way too much of a crowd. Carlos would be mentally retarded for traveling in a pack so large, especially without truly knowing any of them,

" Yeah... I'm gonna start going my original route now. Y'all have fun though! Try not to stand to close to each other... Wouldn't want a grenade ending each of ya with one blast... "

The ranger kicked dust with his moccasins as he walked off without looking back; there was no way in hell he was traveling with a group of more than 4.
" Hey super mutant think you can try to pry your pet off me I am not its mother" mia said watching the NCR guy walk off even as the kid came back with some other beast really not only were people multiplying everyone was getting some critter to follow them really Mia was tempted to go after the NCR guy but with the Mojave chapter there was bad blood between them and Mia had enough of a headache dealing with these guys she didn't need to explain that she was from a different chapter and had only heard of the fight.
As Carlos was out of sight from the group, and hidden behind a large rock mound; he dropped his rucksack. Carlos took a bottle of Whisky and drank a little from it. That was a little too much action; he wasn't used to seeing multiple beasts just chilling with humans like that, and it kind of freaked him out. He would definitely report this bull to the HQ, least they send more scouts to get murdered by massive ghouls and shit. Carlos then stopped, he smelt that intriguing smell even stronger than before. He un-strapped his rifle and De-collapsed it, taking a look toward the large smoke cloud in the distance. He saw something that made his stomach turn, and not in a good way.


A couple of NCR scouts are seen; throwing bodies on a man-made fire. A couple more can be seen; eating meat.

" Damn man... I'm so fucking starving! These guys taste like shit! "

The private said; tossing the leg back into the fire, hoping for it to cook a little more.

" Aw shut the hell up Ransom... These raiders are just gonna have to do. We have been without food or any fucking comms with HQ for months! They haven't even sent a ranger yet, they left us to die... "

Cpl Theodore finished eating the ribs of the raider he was chewing on, throwing the bones in a separate pile.


Carlos threw up a little on the side of his position. He couldn't believe his comrades would ever eat another human.

" Evil fuckers... Worse than the raiders... "

He took aim; shooting the Cpl first. They attempted to quickly react to contact, but failed. They had their weapons stacked on the side of them, with their helmets off. Carlos took out each and everyone of them without mercy.
Delta had watched from a distance as many of the beings had started to separate, it had seen a ghoul and it had wanted to attack but with so many it didn't want to move much, it knew it couldn't be seen well but still some managed to see it and that was never good for it. Delta followed or rather watched as one human moved away from others it would watch him, this human was a hunter he might find ghouls or waste and then Delta would feed.

Delta watched as the human killed others in the distance it felt not radiation like it might if ghouls were involved. Many of the concepts that humans understood had left it when it stopped being humans so it just dimly understood why the human shot the others. Delta decided it could risk going closer so it moved its camouflage adjusting with each strange step though if looked at its outline would be slightly visible.
Carlos spit toward the side, trying to get the taste of throw-up out of his mouth. He thought about grabbing their dog tags, then quickly decided against it.

" Fuck their dog tags... Monsters like that deserve to stay MIA. "

Carlos quickly stood up and turned around; seeing an obvious stealth boy like presence with his mask sensor. He quickly pulled out his revolver in his free hand, still holding the rifle with the left.

" C'mon man! I've had enough bullshit for one day... Show yourself now, or I'm just gonna say screw it and shoot! "

Carlos didn't know if the hidden specimen was friendly or foe; and he didn't much give a shit. He wasn't in the mood to be playing animal tamer.
The human knew it was here? Deta was confused how the human had seen though its camouflage, perhaps he had some way to see though it, perhaps it had made some mistake in movement and it had given away its position. The gun the human had was of little threat as bullet wounds generally healed fast, though some did really hurt and took forever to heal, it was hard to tell which kind this gun held.

Delta moved close before it lets itself be seen it tower over the name nearly ten times his size . Delta looked down to the man its misshapen seemingly eyeless head tilting from side to side as it looked down at the tiny man, it would be so easy to crush the man in one of its many strong hands, but the human might be able to find ghouls and delta wanted ghouls.
Sasha then moves next to Zeus. "Let's go, we have a few hours till sundown. Let's move!!" He said as he went to get some supplies ready for the trip ahead. Sasha then finds a large bag of Bottle Caps. "Hey, you found some caps." Zeus said as sasha sets the caps on his palm, then went to killing a radroach. "She does not care what she eats, as long her hunger is sated, she will be fine." he muttered to himself as he got as many supplies as the massive bag he found can carry. "Ok, got tools, food, water, and ammo. Good to go." he said as he walked out onto the street.

@Drewcifer @Kai Ghoul @AvidElmV2
Carlos almost dropped his revolver; instead lowering it slowly.

" What... The... Fuck...?!?! "

Carlos then immediately shot the monster 3 times; not knowing if it even scratched it. The bullets were HE, but the monster was fucking huge; so the explosions probably wouldn't kill it. He then quickly grabbed his rucksack and ran like a crazy person through the canyons, hoping to somehow lose the monster in a small cavern or something.
The explosions hurt Delta quite a bit though it was more form the fire after than the actual explosion the burned flesh was always hard to heal, but these wounds were not life threatening. Even as the human ran away the wounds were already healing, its flesh quickly knitting itself, it was a good thing it had just fed otherwise this would have taken much longer however it would no doubt pay for having to heal latter. Delta shifted back to its near invisible state and followed after the human its less reasonable part of its brain still insisting the human would lead to ghouls.
Carlos was a little ways ahead of the beast; so he dropped his ruck and took out 4 land mines. He needed to drop ruck weight anyway's if he was going to try and outrun this fucker. He placed them down a narrow corridor through the canyons and then continued to run, grabbing his ruck on the way.
The human underestimated delta it seemed for the thinking human part of its mind while trying to stop it realized why the human must have paused, a trap, if it had only the beast the delta would have run into the mines but still delta had to move up and over the narrow canyon completely bypassing the trap as it followed hard to see over the human. It was currently moving faster on its hands and feet like a beast as I worked to make up time.
Carlos knew the beast didn't trigger the mines; and it pissed him off. He hated waisting mines, and for all he knew, an innocent person could fall victim to the trap. He kept running till he saw a dead end.

" Fuck! Damn this fucked up place! "

Carlos quickly dropped his ruck and fired off the remaining bullets in his cylinder toward the invisible beast. He then quickly rummaged through his ruck and took out a bottle cap mine and held it in his left hand; his revolver pointed directly at it. The explosion from the land mine would cause the canyon to rockslide their position; if he were to pull the trigger. Although, he would kill himself in the proses. It was a better alternative than being the first Veteran Ranger to be eaten alive by a fucking deformed beast of hell.

" I'll fucking blow this whole canyon down on us if you keep chasing me! I know you have some shred of intelligence, since you dodged my trap... "

He started thinking back at the things he wasn't able to experience in his life. Having a girlfriend, getting married, going to New Vegas. He dimly accepted his fate. Then he quickly remembered he was out if bullets. He still kept the bluff up and didn't faulter.
Delta became visible and dropped down into the canyon, it didn't want the human to die that would be a waste, and the human part of it still cared that was why it avoided humans normally they always reacted badly and it ended up having to kill them or waste its energy. Still the human saw it was smart it had said so, though apparently he didn't get that delta could understand him.

Dela sat down saw best it could its malformed hand moved it the ground and leaving large lines in the ground. It had been so long since it had done what it was doing. in the ground the lines formed badly drawn words the words being " no harm"

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