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Fandom Fallout: Longhorn Showdown

Carlos read the crude writing; understanding it perfectly. He dropped the mine and revolver, moving toward his rucksack and grabbing the rest of his Whisky. He then moved toward the writing; falling to his knees and writing something himself.

' Fuck '

He took a huge swig of his drink, exhaling with a tad of relief. The beast was scary as shit, and he didn't feel like having it follow him like a piece of meat, at least not without a good reason.

" What the hell do you want with me then? And what the hell happened to you?? Did you used to be a human or some shit? "
The questions were a bit fast for delta, it hadn't talked with anyone in a long time, how long it was not sure it had lost track after getting changed into whatever it was and some of the questions it had no answers for. Still at least the human wouldn't try to kill it just yet.

The first answer it didn't know how to spell so it drew crude child like pictures first was the easily recognizable symbol for radiation then it drew a hunched human like figure with the radiation symbol inside the human. That was its first answer so it drew a line for the break then drew a normal human in its crude way then it drew what looked like a mountain then a bigger mountain and put a line between the human and the bigger mountain., then it drew another line and drew a very very bad picture of itself.
Gregory was sitting inside a bar, drinking and gambling and winning, after a while he got up and then walked out of the bar and began to walk into the wasteland and started to look for supplies.
Carlos removed his helmet and took a bigger swig of his drink. He

Had absolutely no idea what the hell the creature was drawing.

" Uh... Shit man, let's just keep it a mystery... "

Carlos still didn't like the look of this thing; humans were bad enough, a freakin beast five times his size? He would rather fist fight a death claw.

" So let's keep it simple... What... Do... You... Want??? "
Delta pointed down to the radiation symbol and the hunched human with the radiation inside him. it was hard to give answers when he could not speak and when concepts were hard to get across but then it remembered a word that it was sure would get across what it wanted.

It started to write again this time it wrote "food eat" then drew a line and circled the symbol and the irradiated man. Then it thought of a question that the human might know so a third hand erased the mountain scene and it drew a bad radio and drew lined coming out of it and a man with the radiation symbol in him below the radio and circle this picture and drew a line to the words.
Carlos started to smirk a little; he wanted the ghoul talk show host dead? That was craziness; he had now officially seen everything. Carlos stood up and took a radio from his rucksack; attempting to talk to HQ.

" Ghoul Xray; this is Ghoul BandAid. Requesting permission for mission transfer. "

There was no response, of course not. The scouts would have been able to call for evac otherwise. As much as he wanted to kill that ghoul too, he couldn't proceed.

" ... I can't help you. Not today... I have to get back to HQ now; I'm running out of supplies, and I need to report my findings to my captain... "
When the human refused, which was all that delta understood the idea of waiting was difficult when it came to hunting its beast side had power over the desire for food, delta got angry. It didn't know why it selected this human to be its lead to food when he said he wasn't looking for them but in detla's warped mind he had to be leading to them he had wasted so much energy with him. In an instant a fourth hand was around the human lifting him up in the air and squeezing . If the human had been a ghoul delta would drain him of radiation killing him but Delta could kill with its grip by crushing or breaking bone and right now it was half trying the crushing, the human would lead it to the ghouls.
Carlos was picked up and almost crushed; he fucked up. He probably should have lied to the damn beast, but he just 'had' to tell the truth. He didn't even know the first place to look for the damn ghoul, and this beast was pissing him off every second he was in it's grasp.

" Go on! Fucking do it! If you think you're gonna harass a fucking ranger, you've got another thing coming... "

He felt the bones under his skin become seconds from being shattered. He didn't even squint.
Delta brought the human to its head and if it had visible eyes it would have looked very closely at the man instead its head tendrils moved over the human feeling him with the cold probing like they were tasting him. Then suddenly delta moved the man over the picture of the ghoul and radio silently demanding the man lead it to the ghoul and squeezing it couldn't tell if the human was telling the truth or not about not being afraid but it could use pain to make him agree so it made sure to keep its pressure just under bone breaking.
Carlos thought long and hard about his options; at this point, the only thing keeping him alive was his ranger armor. And that was about to be destroyed. Was he really helpless against this stupid beast? Unbelievable, out of all the battles he won for the NCR; it took a random beast with a little superhuman strength to break him. He nodded in agreement toward the monster; he'd hurry up and kill the damn ghoul 20 times over if it meant never seeing this abomination ever again. In fact; he'd prefer to work with that very ghoul for the rest of his life as a slave than spend another minute in it's grasp.

" Fine; I'll fucking help your sorry ass hunt a damn ghoul for your freakin food. Now put me the fuck down before you render my body mission incapable... "
When delta heard the man agree it was happy and released the man letting him drop around three feet to the ground, though after doing so it gently picked him up and putting him right side up . Delta was pleased the man would help and I had no idea or rather it didn't think that the man could just betray it , it truly did think the man would just lead it to the ghouls and until it did Delta would watch over him.
Carlos loaded his revolver and put it back in his holster. He also picked up the bottle cap mine and put that back in his rucksack. He put the ruck on and looked toward the beast.

" Just follow me; and shut the hell up. I'll get your damn ghoul... "

Carlos started slightly walking fast; listening to his radio for any hints on where the ghoul could be.
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"Hello Ghouls of the wasteland, this is Carl Marx bringing you a new episode of Ghoul Power. On this episode I am going to tell you some great news. With the help of a Ghoul who was one of my many fans, I have been able repair and reprogram ten eyebots that I found around the wastes. So now even more Ghouls can listen to me even if they don't have a radio. This has been Catl Marx and I bid you farewell."
[Professor Orvis]

In the dimly lit Overseer's office of Vault 62, Professor Orvis stood before the Overseer's personal Terminal and ran routine maintenance checks, thankfully those automatic settings were one of the few to survive. Helena had quieted down so he was granted with peace and quiet as he waited for the results to show up on-screen. His body was way too big for the Overseer's chair, so he had removed it from the desk and put in storage with the other several hundred chairs neither he or his wife could fit in.

His mind was really focused on the possible location of Dr. Drew, one of several Vault-Tec researchers that may have taken shelter somewhere in Texas. Orvis had been planning on having the Mixer's in the remains of the Acetel building go check if he was where Orvis had determined he was after checking several travel patterns with Davish's Slavers, but low and behold this lone hunter Super Mutant decided to use them for a quick bite. He was lucky enough the Super needed weapon maintenance and lacked resources, he might have had to call on some of the other Mixer groups instead and they were distanced from the location.

He had a system when it came to collecting things: if he needed to know locations talk with slavers, their groups are usually so diverse and they travel far to get their stock so they're bound to know something about the area.He could do the same with Raiders, but honestly the slavers are considerably less wild and act more as a disresputable band of kidnappers than conquerors. No, Raiders are perfect scouts, there cheap and expendable. The real brute strength is the Super Mutant population, the lucky bastards that were given superior physicalities by the FEV than heim or his wife. Super mutants, while powerful, were not as expendable as raiders or slavers, They were used only when he was positive of a target and how to capture it. He can't get cocky with them until he gets ahold of a constant supply of FEV.

So he was certainly cautious of this lone Super disrupting that order. Dr. Drew, sane or otherwise, will be most beneficial in working towards a counter for Helena's condition, and getting an idea of where the other researchers scurried off to. With all of them, he could finally take steps toward destroying the remains of Vault-Tec and usurping them. If the Master's actions were any indication they proved that it was possible to do so with enough resources. And by enlisting raiders and studying the guidebooks in his Vault, he might just be able to work on a failsafe for if the disreputable factions he's enlisted prove to be a bad investment.

Finally, the maintenance check finished, looking it over he found no significant changes. The lighting in C-section lodgings was still buggy due to Hybrid's escape, the school was partially submerged in residual liquid radiation, the Radroaches seemed to be clogging the B-sect sewer system. Well lighting wasn't a big deal and the radiation wasn't a problem for him, but he could use the Radroaches to feed the RadRats and save himself some slaver trading tolls.

Clapping his meaty skeletal hands at the report he stepped away from the terminal and moved over to the Ham Radio as something suddenly occurred to him.

[somewhere on the path to Marx's Bunker...]

A small slaver tollbooth, which was nothing more than a ramshackle gate erected next to a partially destroyed ranger station, stood silent. The sentry let his rifle dangle to the side as he stared in the distance, his sunken expression not helped by the hefty cigarette the slowly died with every puff. Two more slavers played caravan behind the building, using cards taken from those who couldn't pay the toll. A lone slaver sat impatiently near the Ham radio inside the station as several others argued about something behind him. He jolted as Professor Orvis's voice came out of the radio.

"William, are you there?" Orvis asked quickly,

Will scrunched his eyes after recovering and responding, "Yeah Prof, you need a caravan held up or something?"

"No Will," Orvis replied "I just want to warn you that a strangely dressed Super Mutant may pass by, I need you to let him through without making contact."

William leaned back and raised an eyebrow "You got an important message coming through?"

"No, it doesn't matter what he's doing just let him through!" Orvis said with restrained annoyance

William groaned "Whatever, we'll let him by. Listen, Davish has been getting anxious for the continuation of your little 'discussion' when do you think-?"

"I will personally read it to him word-for-word after the Super's job is done. Until then-"

"Hey Will," the sentry called out "we got something coming!"

William glanced in the sentry's direction, "That might be your Super right now, Professor, talk to you soon."

William backed away from the radio and ran out to the sentry, to meet their visitor.

@Kai Ghoul @Drewcifer[/u] @ClassyBunny
"Sasha! come!" Zeus commanded as Sasha did so, whimpering. "I am going to look around, the sun is going down, and we need to leave." Zeus said to every one in the group. "We leave tonight, and keep going until midnight to rest." he said as he readied FIDO, which made some growling and barking noises. "Easy boy, we are just scouting." Zeus said as the gun replied with whimpering. @Kai Ghoul @Drewcifer @ClassyBunny @GrieveWriter
Out in the distant sands, Kristina roams around the wastes, looking for someone to remove the enclave symbol on her spider abdomen. "I hope they do not find me, I really hope so." She said as it got dark, she needed to find the nearest town, and fast, since she was hungry and dehydrated. "So hungry, gotta find a place to exchange caps for food." she muttered as she found San Antonio, where Zeus and the group was about to leave. "Maybe they can help me." she said as she walked in their direction. @Kai Ghoul @Karcen @SleepiestBear7 @Deadkool @Barbas @AvidElmV2 @Adrenaline Junkie @ClassyBunny @GrieveWriter
( sorry this took I forgot )

Mia had for the most part gone with the super mutant, though it hurt her pride to follow the mutant brute, the brotherhood protected people from monsters like him and here she was walking after him like an novice. She should have just shot them all and been done with it the mad boy was not exactly worth such a degrading march.

It seemed that their March would not be peaceful as something came towards them, they were she didn't know what some twisted creature , looking half spider and half human, a female human at that. Normally Mia would have shot the creature on sight but, well today was odd enough she would just hold back until it was proven to be hostile.

" Looks like we have another "pet" coming our way" She said sarcastically
"Relax, she maybe able to help us." Zeus said as Kristina looked at them from afar, and slowly approached them. "That mutie, he is somewhat familiar." she thought in her mind as she approached them. "Hi, Have you any food to exchange for caps?" she said as she got a bag of caps from a patch of webs on her abdomen, covering her insignia of the true monsters of the wastes. "I need to eat, or i will die." she said as zeus handed her some radroach meat. "You have no need to pay, child." zeus said in a friendly tone.

@Kai Ghoul @Karcen @SleepiestBear7 @Deadkool @Barbas @AvidElmV2 @Adrenaline Junkie @ClassyBunny @GrieveWriter
Mia was a bit dumb struck she had expected , well another mindless beast of the wastes, though with less distance and a little walking Mia could see the mark of the Enclave on this things abdomen. She was either with the Enclave or an escaped pet of theirs, as the Enclave had bad habit of playing with things they never should have, they made FEV and the super mutants, well they started them out the master had made most of them.

" Did the Enclave lose another pet?" She said in a sarcastic tone.
" if you are a slave you should run back to your masters then you will find the Enclave and their minions are not well received, if you’re a runaway then you shouldn't call yourself a slave Mia said rather simply assuming the thing both spoke right and wrong as she had called herself a slave but she didn't seem to be in a hurry to return to the Enclave, no doubt she was some poor soul exposed to FEV and other crap the Enclave made.
" Then you are ok with serving the Enclave then?" Mia asked she had to wonder why the legion would buy a monster made from science when they hated science and blamed everything bad on anything more advanced than a normal gun. " Think carefully before you answer that " Mia said her intent most likely obvious as if the creature would rejoin the Enclave then Mia would have to kill it now.
" You have proven you are not mindless, and exception not the rule " Mia said still not more friendly than she had started the thing was not enclave but she was planning on being a slaver which was almost as bad. Mia could imagine this thing leading a raider group somehow and not only hurting the enclave, but also innocent civilians.

" The Brotherhood doesn't tolerate slavers even if it just enslaving Enclave, the difference between a man and a monster is his choices and making others slaves makes you a monster, so then Which will you be ?" She said ready to open fire on the creature should she pick to be a monster slavers couldn't be tolerated, the enclave should be killed not enslaved.

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