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Fandom Fallout: Longhorn Showdown

"My kind? My kind?! YOUR KIND MADE ME INTO A MONSTER! LOOK AROUND YOU! Your meaningless war made this. And yet, 'My kind' is a threat? Who is the real threat here? Think on it, you have punished many innocent people, and sentenced them to a life of misery and pain. Those innocent people, are being killed by your kind, and we are victims of your creation." Zeus said as he stood up. "I thought I would see a world of peace and harmony. I was dead wrong. Now, we are done with this conversation." He said as he walked off, and entered an abandoned food mart, and started to drink the remaining bottles of hula cola. @Drewcifer @Deadkool @SleepiestBear7 @Barbas (sorry about the late post, my phone is being silly on me.)
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Ai simply shook her head as the super mutant stomped away, he was just as unstable as any of his kind , he was dangerous and in more ways than the normal super mutant. Humans had failings, but the difference between a man and a monster in this case was that men tried to move forward even after failure , they marched ever forward. The mutant could blame others for being changed but he had his mind it was his choice that made him a monster or a man in this case.

" Now then boy you are going to tell me how you knew or know that ghoul is a communist, no one has seen one since the great war and yet you know what one is you know things you shouldn't be able to know now tell me how " She demanded.
When zeus finished drinking the nika cola, he then walked back out, and fired upon from 2 blocks away by raiders holding females slaves in cages, in the appearance of a caravan. "But one thing I hate most of all, are slavers." Zeus said as he charged into the rain of lead. "Kill this green bastard! The boss will pay extra for every one we ki..." The leader said before being shot in the head with a 10mm round. "None shoots me and lives! Especially if they shoot first!" He exclaimed as the lesser raiders were firing at him, while he slowly walked toward them, anxiety hitting them like a train. "You enslave your own kind, now you antagonize me? Bad move." He said as he smacked another one's head off his shoulders. Which caused the rest to flee. The women in the cages watch zeus rip the lock off, and open the doors. "Come with me, before anything else happens to you." He said in the kindest voice possible. The women were reluctant, but allowed him to take them into town on his shoulders. He then set them down where the group was. "Stay here, I will find something to cover your backs." He said to the women, who simply nod as they smile, glad to find a friendly super mutant. @Drewcifer @Deadkool @SleepiestBear7 @Barbas (consider this redemption, and proof that he is still human on the inside.)
After waiting a few minutes, Carl begins to broadcast another one of is rants." Hello my faithful listeners, this is Carl Marx bringing you another episode of Ghoul Power. In this episode, I am going to be talking about humans, or smooth skins as us Ghouls call them, and what are the best ways to kill them. There are a number of ways to kill a human, ranging from shooting them, stabbing them, or blowing them up. But I am going to be talking about more advance methods such as poisoning the water supply of any human settlements you can find. Now for those of you who don't know where to get poison the answer is quite simple, radioactive waste. You see, scattered throughout the waste are old dump sites containing a large number of barrels filled with radioactive sludge. So if you happen to come across one of these dump sites, take one of the barrels and unload it's contents into the human's water supply, after a week or two all those damn smooth skins will be dead. It appears that I'm out of time, this has been Carl Marx and I bid you farewell!
As he arrived, Ruth saw the super mutant he heard before run in the direction of a caravan of slavers. The mutant started to shoot everybody and free the slaves. That was certainly unusual for a monster. Ruth yelled at his group to get into cover, as a crazy plan was slowly forming in his mind. He had heard of super muntants who were still intelligent, but he also knew that they were very rare. "Guys! I'm gonna try to speak to him. Don't worry, i got a plan. If he tries anything funny, aim for the head." He whisper-yelled to his companions, before standing up, his hands in the air. "Hey, mutant! Do you understand me?"
Sergei felt like the Super Mutant probably needed some alone time. Then again, a road companion would be appreciated. He looped around to the back of the Super Mart and saw raiders. Over their heads was Zeus, being fired upon. Today was as good a day as ever to use the EMP he was saving. Sergei scarfed down a few Mentats. then threw the grenade towards the raiders, then firing with Josef. The loot was going to be legendary.
"Do you have to insult me?" Zeus said to Ruth as he gave the women clothes he scrounged up. "I understand you perfectly. What do you need?" He asked as he looked at Ruth, studying his outfit. "Interesting garb, is that designed to keep you insulated?" He asked, and also hearing the broadcast of Carl Marx. "Oh, now he picks on the humans. We all know how to kill one, since they do it to each other." He muttered. "That damn Carl Marx is not helping.my mood, how about we do formalities as we shut down all radios, without destroying them." He suggested. @Drewcifer @Barbas
Mai couldn't wait for the boy to answer and she doubted she would get anything coherent as suddenly there were gun shots, and a roar the super mutant had found a fight, how predictable.

" This is not over child you will answer me latter" She said pulling her laser riffle off her back as she went towards the sounds of gun shots.

When she got there it seemed everything was over though it seemed another group had come in as they weren't shooting at the super mutants like the slavers that had just been killed where. These travelers seemed more believing of rumors than he as she heard one of them address the super mutant. Still they could be a threat as there was no telling it the super mutant was still going to be sane after his outbursts.

" You would need to destroy his broadcasting equipment "Mai said to make her presences known.
Ruth slightly tilted his head to the side. This mutant was way smarter that he first tought. "Well, yes, my clothes are more for protection from nature than from bullets. Sorry if i insulted you, but you are the first intelligent super mutant that i ever met. You are quite rare." As he stopped talking he saw a person come out of nowhere, dressed in a power armor. Probably of the Brotherhood of Steel, since they were one of the only people Who used power armors.

"Wait, you're talking about Carl Marx? That crazy ghoul who speaks on the radio about how he wants to kill everyone, except for ghouls?"
"Exactly. He ups and call all super mutants a menace, I may have issues, but I am not psychotic like my 'brothers'. And besides, he is gonna see a menace when I get my hands on him." Zeus said "I also have met another intelligent super mutant in my roaming days, he was Uncle Leo. One hell of a guy, until he was shot by the Enclave." He added. "Also, I used to be a doctor before..... My transformation." He added. @Drewcifer @Barbas
Ruth slowly lowered his hands and grabbed his rifle "But why do you care? If you're different, then you are not like them. The crazy ghoul probably never saw a smart mutant before." He motioned his group of men to stand up "By the way, these are my companions. We are The Beggars. You may have heard of us before."
"I have never heard of your group. But The reason I care is because all super mutants, smart or not, are being killed one by one, and I am on the hit list." He added, sighing as he took out a picture of himself and a little boy that was his son during his human days. @Drewcifer @Deadkool @Barbas
" This ghouls is a threat to humans, that’s all that matters to me, he and his followers will have to die "[/color] she said rather casually as if storming bunker full of ghouls feral and non was a simple task. Well it wouldn't be her first time storming an enemy's base Mia did it with raiders very often and all of them had guns and worse most of these ghouls would just have claws. " And as for you beggars, I have heard mixed rumors, raiders, thieves, chem heads, vagrants, wanderers, a caravan, there are lots of descriptions for you " She said her voice saying she might just start killing them " So tell me what parts of those rumors are true?"
"WHOOOOO!!!" Allen ran over with both of his revolvers, and his head phones on. he aimed at the person that Mia and Zeus were talking to.
Ruth stared at the armored lady for a while, noticing the tone of her voice. "Well, some of those rumors might be true. Yes, we like chems. Yes, we sometimes steal, but only from those who deserve it. And yes, we are wanderers. I understand why you heard bad rumors about us, most people think that we are raiders, but we like to think that we are a bit better than those junkies". Suddently a kid came running right where he was and pointed his surprisingly big revolvers at Ruth. "Kid, drop those weapons before you hurt yourself."
" Very well you seemed more disciplined and at least marginally more intelligent than the normal raider " Mia said more or less ignoring the boy she was starting to just let him do whatever he was not right in the head that much was clear though the cause was a bit hazy " The boy won't shoot, though I think he might be at home with your group chem heads should stick together save the rest of dealing with you " She said her tone showing her disdain for chem users.
"Heh, chem heads. That's a funny name. But we aren't addicts, we just enjoy their effects once in a while. I bet you never tried one, but it ain't so bad, you know." Ruth stated, as he took a jet inhaler from one of his pockets and threw it at one of his men. He then turned to the super mutant "Well, i don't mind being in a group with a mutant armed with a machine gun and someone wearing a power armor. It's rather convenient" He said, with a small laugh.
" Yeah inhaling brahmin shit sounds like such a good idea I don't see why I wouldn't try it " Mia said wanting to find all these peoples chems and crush them. The idea of joining up with a bunch of chem addicts who did nothing but wander and steal was just as repugnant as joining up with a super mutant and a ghoul. " And I am a Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel."She said wanting the proper respect due to her former station.
Feeling the need to rant again, Carl begins to speak into the ham radio." Greeting my faithful Ghoul listeners, in this episode I am going to be talking about the Brotherhood of Steel and the best ways to kill them. For those of you who don't know, the Brotherhood is a group insane humans who have a large supply of advance technology, such as power armor, and worship any pre war tech they can find. Due to the fact that they wear power armor, your going to need some special ammunition if you are planning on taking them on. In my experience, EMP grenades are great due to the fact that it will deactivate power armor for a limited amount of time, though if you don't have any EMP grenades then armor piercing rounds are also quite effective, especially if your using an Anti Material Rifle. This has been Carl Marx and I bid all my faithful listeners farewell!"
"Let's just relax here. I am pretty sure we can get along well if we have a fireside chat sometime. So that way we can better coordinate ourselves." He said as he heard another rant of Marx. "Does her ever pick on anyone else?" He asked in an irritated tone, getting really tired of listening to his rants. "Any way, let's just go, ALL OF US." He said, emphasizing the last part for those who were likely to object. @Drewcifer @Deadkool @Barbas
Ruth completely ignored the mutant. "Honestly? I don't care. You could be the best paladin of the whole fuckin' world, but that dosen't make your personality any better." His tone of voice made in clear that he was getting kind of annoyed with this lady, insulting them and thinking that she was any better. "You know, i heard what the Brotherhood of Steel does. You aren't better than us. You kill innocent people just for some old computers, but then you don't want to share anything. You say that it's to not give technology to the bad people, to protect humanity, but you don't realize that you are the bad guys! All of that technology could help us become what we were before the War!" While ranting, Ruth had moved considerably closer to the Paladin, so close that her helmet and his gas mask were almost touching.
" Why would we want to give carefully gathered technology to people who are more than willing to fry their brains " Mia said not backing down from the junkie, the brotherhood kept its technology for good reason so that it wouldn't end up everywhere in the hands of those that didn't appreciate it, those that wouldn't use it right. Still it was true that many chapters where to secretive, that they hoarded without a point. " All he technology in the world is useless in the hands of the unskilled, and harmful in the hands of impure, if what we had was just given out then it might just kill any chance of us bouncing back" She said conviction that it was right to withhold the technology assured from years of indoctrination " I do however agree the brotherhood could help you people or at least those willing to try to make civilization, they could help and protect those that try to remake cities. But I doubt people would like living under the brotherhoods thumb"
"Then why don't you use that technology, if you're so skilled and 'pure'? And what about the other thing? What about killing innocents just for some old computers they found laying around? Don't you feel bad about that!?" That was the thing Ruth hated more about the Brotherhood. They would kill anyone if it meant getting their hands on some old tech. It made him sick.
" Because they have forgotten why we have the technology, they just want to protect it and catalogue it, but never use it , even if it is only for us . They forget the reason the technology was made and why we should collect it. That is why they kill people they have lost their path and closed their eye to the good that could come from helping " Mia explained though this was mostly her personal feelings a normal member would have explained that this very short sighted idea of what was going on was exactly why they had to kill people because no one else saw what they did.

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