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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

He followed quickly, shaking his head once they stepped into the room and frowned. “His uh… his wife is on her way but she was in Pennsylvania…. Gonna take her until tomorrow…. What’s happened this time?” He asked, sighing heavily.

She frowned and swallowed a little. “I just don’t know Eden…. I don’t want him to but uncle Nick is there with him right now okay? Britney is gonna stay with you and Keaton until I can get there and I know that you’re scared baby I know, but you gotta be good as gold for her for me and help with your brother if he needs it. I love you both so much.” She told her, trying to hold back tears but she was scared every time something new happened she felt she was one step closer to losing him.
The nurse gave a small nod and sighed "Well it does look like it was a heart attack. The doctor will be in soon to speak with you." She explained quietly before letting him into the room.

Eden took a deep breath and nodded some "I love you too....I'm sorry you had to cut your trip to see Aunt Max short." She said quietly
She shook her head and frowned. “No it’s okay, I’ll see her later okay? Eden your brother is gonna have questions and i need you to be really brave and not tell him the scary things okay? Just tell him that daddy is sick and they’re taking care of him, I gotta go but I will be there soon as I can.” She told her and waited til she agreed before hanging up, driving as fast as she could to keep herself safe but also get there as soon as possible.

She ended up getting a flight and arrived the following morning, driving straight to the hospital and hugging nick tightly once she got to his room. “He’s not… he’s still not woken up? How bad this time?” She asked, a little out of breath and shaking from the stress of it all as she took a seat.
Nick hugged Carmen tight as she got there that morning and sighed heavily "Ot was a heart attack, pretty severe. They're going to take him into surgery to repair a valve that was probably the cause." He explained quietly
She nodded and frowned, taking a seat and just held his hand tightly. “He might have to go on the list after this.” She sighed quietly, brushing his hair out of his face gently. “I’m so sorry to ask but you mind waiting a little until I go grab Eden?” She asked him, thanking him when he agreed.
Eden rushed to the door when she heard in open and immediately hugged Carmen tightly "Momma!" She said through tears having been having a very rough morning.
She sighed quietly and kissed her head, pulling her in tight. “Hey baby…. Eden do you wanna go see your dad? He’s… he’s not doing good right now and he’s not awake but I’m gonna give you the option to go see him if you want to.” She told her, kissing her forehead and pulled away only to go find Britney to let her know she was back in town now
Eden frowned deeply and took a deep breath before shaking her head "No....no I want to see him when he is awake." She said quietly following closely to her side as they went to find Britney and Keaton.

Britney got up and hugged Carmen tight "Hey, they've both been so good. How is he?" She asked quietly watching as Keaton got up and ran over to her.
She nodded slowly and hugged Keaton right. “Hey honey bun, uhm… Eden can you take your brother to the kings. I’ll be in there in a couple seconds okay?” She told her, waiting til the kids had left. “He’s gonna go in for valve surgery today. Possibly tomorrow. He’s not waking up though. I uh, I’m really sorry to ask but could you do the week for me? I know you do five days normally but I’m happy to pay triple your regular pay I just need to be there right now. Just in case.” She told her.
Britney nodded and brushed off her offer of more money "Don't worry about a thing okay? I've got them and if you need me to I can bring them up there. I hope he gets better as soon as possible." She said softly. She loved the Davis family, they were good people and always treated her right, she never wanted anything bad to happen to them.
She thanked her and went to check on the kids, talking to them for a few minutes to let them know what www going on so that she didn’t scare them too much though as well before heading back to the hospital, finding nick outside with w cigarette though. “They take him in already?” She asked
Nick looked up and nodded "Yeah I was about to call you, his vitals were good enough so they wanted to get it done as soon as they could." He explained before offering her his cigarette.
She nodded and sighed quietly. “You doin okay?” She asked him. She knew how rough it had been on her with Noah’s health being as up and down as it was but nick was his closest friend still.
Nick gave a small nod and took amother drag of the cigarette "I uh....I'm doing okay, just want him to be okay." He said quietly shaking just a little as he thought about the possibility of loosing his best friend
She nodded and hugged him tightly. “I’m gonna head on up there alright but stay or go home, whichever you want.” She told him before leaving and going up to the right room to wait for news
A nurse came out to the waiting area and called Noah's name hours later. She gave a small smile seeing Carmen and Nick stand up "Please follow me, he is in reocvery right now and will be moved to a permanent room in about 30 minutes." She explained quietly
She sighed in relief a little seeing they had him awake finally even if he wasn’t quite fully with it and she went to sit on the side where there wasn’t a nurse checking him over. “Hey puppy.” She murmured, taking his hand gently and smiling tiredly at him
Noah groaned softly looking around not fully there "Carm...Carmen.." he muttered giving her hand a small squeeze before closing his eyes "Eden?" He whispered remembering she had found him but nothing else.
She nodded slowly and frowned. “She’s okay. She’s at home with Keaton. Britney is watching them okay? You rest up for me handsome.” She told him quietly, squeezing his hand back and just watched him carefully. He’d lost weight again while she’d been away she was noticing for the first time and just stayed as close to him as possible.
Noah gave a small nod and took a deep breath "Okay, sounds....sounds good." He said quietly before falling asleep again due to the anesthetic.

It was another 2 hours before he woke up again this time in an actual room "Carmen?" He called quietly not seeing her around the room.
She frowned hearing him calling her name while she washed her hands up after using the restroom, scrubbing for another minute before going back to him, paranoid about giving him any germs right now. “Hey, hey I’m here.” She told him, going over and making him put the mask back on then took his hand. “I can hear you with that on your face puppy but it’s helping you breathe easy okay? How you feeling?”
Noah relaxed when he saw her come back into the room "Feel...feel like I got....like I got stomped in the chest." He said slowly before closing his eyes and taking deep breaths "What...what happened?"

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