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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

Noah smiled widely seeing the kids come in and reached for their hands "Hey...hey there...oh I love you both....I love you more than....more than anything....in the world.." he told them quietly letting a few tears fall "I love you so much."
Carmen frowned, going over to Keaton when he started looking worried, hugging him tight but let them stay there until he was being taken through to get prepped, finally taking the kids out the room to go get them something to eat. “Eden… you wanna get something here or McDonald’s or what?” She asked her gently, keeping Keaton close as he was being clingy anyway.
Eden nodded and sighed quietly "Um Mcdonalds is fine. Mom....do we have to go to school tomorrow?" She asked quietly while she sat with them. She was a moody teen in every sense of the way, but right now she was feeling like a little girl again, scared to death that she might loose her dad. She didn't want to admit it or show it though.
She shook her head “I’m gonna keep you guys off school the rest of the week. Britney is gonna come take you guys home later on okay?” She told her, sighing a little as they got out to the car and she got everyone in to go get something to eat. “It’s gonna be a few days before you can come up and see dad again okay? They’re not gonna let you in to the first room they have him stay in.” She told them.
Eden frowned some and nodded a bit "So Dad is going to be better now? After he recovers?" She asked her biting her lip some
She nodded and frowned. “That’s the hope. It’s gonna be a long recovery kids but this should help him finally get better.” She told them both, pulling into the McDonald’s drive thru
Eden nodded some and bit her lip "Mom could we get mcflurries if the machine is working? I think ice cream will help calm the nerves." She said smiling a bit as Keaton agreed with her.
She sighed a little and smiled, shaking her head. “You are definitely his children.” She told them “yeah I think that can be arranged.” She told her, getting their food order in and took the two of them straight home to drop them with Britney, giving them big hugs before heading straight back to the hospital to go get settled into waiting
It was hours later and almost the next day before they came to get her. His nurse gave a smile to her as she helped walk her through "He's made it and so far is doing very well. We thankfully didn't have complications during the surgery." She explained quietly as they walked "He'll be in this room for a few hours and then we'll have him in an ICU room. Its just our standard practice here with all transplant patients." She explained when she saw the look of worry take over Carmen's face.
She thanked her quietly, beyond exhausted by this point, as she followed, scrubbing clean where they showed her and finally stepped in to see him, going to sit close as she could without getting in the way and sighed a little, sending messages to everyone who needed to know and kept wwwtching him, still worried until he could get home but more relieved
The doctor came in and spoke with her soon after she got into the room letting her know everything they would be watching for in the next few days that he would be in ICU. By the next morning they were moved into a room and settled as comfortably as they could be. By the later afternoon Noah was starting to twitch and finally come around, his eyes taking a good minute to adjust to the sunlight that was coming into the room.
She smiled over at him some and pressed the call button to let them know he was coming around, just giving his hand a tight squeeze. “I got you, I’m here babe.” She murmured, watching the nurses help him and finally letting herself feel relieved.

-10 years-

Carmen stepped over to Noah after taking a quick swig of the champagne, smoothing out his shirt for him and smiling. “Hey, hey look at me… you’re gonna do fine, al you have to do is walk in a straight line and hand her over to Jack.” She told him. “Without sobbing.” She smiled. They’d had a great ten years with the kids growing up but that had meant eden going to apprentice with her uncle Nick at the shop he now owned. She’d met a guy there and today was the day they were getting married. Noah was understandably both excited and devastated and Carmen was focused on making sure everything went as smooth as possible. “Breathe. I’m gonna go sit down okay?” She smiled.
Noah took deep and shaky breaths as he listened to Carmen calm him down. He was a bundle a nerves right now, how could it be that he was now having to gice his little girl to the man who would become her husband? Wasn't she just a toddler running into his arms yesterday? His health had been as good as they could have hoped for with the trasplant. Sure he had some days where he was a bit weak, bit it was nowhere near what it had been and he was beyond grateful for it.
Eden looked over and smiled when her dad stepped into the room where she’d been getting ready with her bridesmaids. “Hey, I’m ready.” She told him, hugging him tightly. “Dad, it’s alright. We aren’t moving. We’re still gonna be living twenty minutes away.” She reminded him. “Just changing my title.” She told him smiling and shook her head when her maid of honour handed him a box of tissues.
Noah stepped into the room and immediately broke down when he saw Eden. He'd seen her in the dress before, but all the emotions of the day and seeing her just took him over. He gave her his biggest hug and nodded some "You look gorgeous baby, most beautiful bride I've ever seen." He whispered to her before taking the tissues and thanking her maid of honour. He wiped his tears and straightened up a bit to pull himself together "Okay, we ready to do this?"
She nodded and headed out there with him

Carmen watched them come down the aisle, standing with Keaton and just let herself enjoy the day without worrying about either of her boys or Eden, eventually ending up exhausted and in a taxi back home with both of them, sighing a little. “I’m glad I didn’t drink. We got the lunch tomorrow before they leave for Croatia.” She mumbled more to herself than anything, not noticing the way Noah was rubbing at his chest or looking uncomfortable. She hadn’t noticed it once throughout the evening. Keaton bad though and was sat on the other side of them frowning a little at him.
Noah had started feeling it after his dance with Eden during the reception. He chalked it up to just the stress of the day but it was getting worse now that they were in the taxi and finally relaxing. He looked at Carmen and nodded some as he rubbed his chest a bit "Babe you got any of my pain killers on you?" He asked her quietly
She nodded and handed him the bottle out of her bag, always keeping some on her just in case but she was distracted with making sure a couple people she’d been worried about had got home safe, not thinking until they got back to the house and she went to pay the driver, turning to look at Noah for him to get out and noticed how pale he’d gone. “You okay?” She asked, helping him out and inside. “I think we’ve had way too much excitement today, you sit down I’ll go get you some water.” She told him gently.

Keaton went to stay with him and frowned. “You gonna tell her that you’ve been getting like this?” He asked him. He’d caught a couple of his episodes now but he’d been sworn to secrecy and he didn’t like it much, a little scared about going back to college on Monday with everything going on with his dad. But he couldn’t tell his mom because she’d get suspicious and so he kept quiet.
Noah glanced at Keaton and took a deep breath "I'll be okay, just...let this be over with and I'll tell her." He said quietly while he did his best to relax. He hadn't want to put more stress on Carmen with how wrapped up she'd been in helping plan the wedding, but this was now his 4th episode within 2 months and it was starting to worry him as well.
She brought back the water and sat next to him. “I can’t do the whole crouching with you anymore.” She smiked, kissing his shoulder. “You okay? Overdo it?” She asked him quietly, “come on, let’s get you to bed.” She smiled some, kissing his cheek, giving his hand a tight squeeze and helped him up to go to bed.
Noah held her hand and stopped her as she tried to help him up "Hold on....shit..." he muttered as he soon doubled over and grunted a few times as the pain hit him.
“Keaton! Can you call an ambulance please?!” She called to him, starting to freak out a little, even more glad she’d stayed sober for the night. “Okay, Noah… focus on breathing love.” She coaxed, moving the coffee table out of the way and made sure they had space around them in case he dropped, turning to tell Keaton what to ask for just for a moment but by the time she turned back he was on the floor.
Keaton called the ambulance quickly and walked into the room gulping as he watched for a second. He rushed to his side when she said he'd stopped breathing and quickly helped her start CPR until the paramedics arrived.
She only stepped back once the medics arrived and let one of them take her through to the other room to ask her what had happened, explaining everything while she waited with Keaton, going quiet and just shook her head when they came back a few minutes later. “Should uh, so should we meet you there? Where are you taking him?” She asked, standing to go get her car keys
The paramedics looked at eachother before turning back to her "No ma'am I'm uh....I'm afraid there is nothing more we can do. He's gone." One of them told her gently before excusing themselves to let the head EMT help them through things while they got prepped to take him out.

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