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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

She frowned and looked through to the other room, seeing him laying there and just nodded. “Oh…. Right…. I’ll uh, I’ll go make sure the gates are open for you…. Just please be careful to not let the cats out.” She told them, walking off to go do that, not noticing the way Keaton was looking at her.

He stared after her, not sure what to make of it right now but he couldn’t bring himself to move off the couch. He didn’t want to look, just stuck in place until he heard his mom say she was going to get a drink and if anyone wanted a water or a soda, making the decision to call his uncle Nick, shaking as he hit dial, “hey… uhm… I… uhm…. Dad…. Dad got sick on the way home…. I need you to come over… mom isn’t, she isn’t making much sense…. They said he’s gone… I don’t know what to do.” He told him freaking out a little, not sure whether to call his sister right now or not
Nick answered the phone and went wide eyed as he heard what Keaton said "I'm on my way, stay on the phone with me. What happened? Did they say what it might have been?" He asked trying to keep calm himself
He shook his head and frowned, trying to stop from crying right now but he could see his mom talking to one of the EMTs as if they’d been called for a cut finger. “I don’t… maybe a heart attack… I don’t know, he was fine all night but he said he was aching when we got in the taxi. By the time we got home he wasn’t feeling good at all but he was okay…. It was so fast.” He told him frowning. “I didn’t… we couldn’t…” he trailed off as it sank in that he hadn’t been able to say goodbye, just shutting his eyes as they brought in the stretcher to take him away.
Nick frowned deeply as he listened and got himself in his car "Okay, hey just take some deep breaths for me alright? I'll be there in just a few minutes, your mom is in shock right now." He explained as he started his drive over. He was there in record time as the EMTs were leaving. He ran up to the door seeing Carmen just standing there "Hey, hey I'm here." He said quietly as he hugged her tightly.
She frowned and hugged him back. “Oh, Keaton must have called you… yeah they’ve just taken him…. They said there will be an autopsy because it was unexpected, do you think I should call Eden?” She asked him with a shrug. “You want a drink?” She asked him, going to pour herself some more water.

Keaton got up when he saw Nick walking inside and hugged him tightly. “No, no mom leave Eden be tonight, I’ll call her in the morning okay?” He told her, shaking his head. “I don’t know what to do with her, I’m scared she’s gonna snap any second.” He told hik
Nick hugged Keaton tight and nodded some "I'll stay here for tonight alright? I'll call your Aunt and let her know whats happened. I got her okay?" He said quietly before going into the kitchen "Carmen can I have a water?" He asked just going to go with her flow for the moment.
Carmen nodded and went to get it for him, smiling as she handed it over. “Oh they left all the papers, all the information I need for calling the funeral home.” She told him. “I’m gonna head to bed but you know your way round here.” She told him, going straight to bed, falling asleep with ease.

Keaton ended up not sleeping a wink that night and got up early, going to call Eden before she would be getting ready for the lunch they were all meant to be going to. “Hey… hey… are uh… Eden you and Jack need to come to the house… E… dad got sick after we got home last night…. He didn’t make it.” He told her quietly, hearing their mom downstairs and nick on the phone with max who was staying nearby with her husband and the kids, hoping having her around would pull his mom out of this haze she seemed to be jn
Eden answered the phone in a chipper mood "Hey Keaton!" She said happily but soon stopped in her tracks when she heard him "Keaton thats not funny...what kind of sick joke are you trying to play?" She spat down the line but took a deep breath when he assured her it was no joke "I'll uh.....We'll be there soon."

Max made it over there just herself about an hour later after having gotten ready and explained things to the kids. She walked into the house and hugged both Eden and Keaton tightly "Oh sweethearts, I am so so sorry." She whispered to them before giving a small sigh "Where is your mom? Nick was saying she was acting like nothing happened."
Keaton frowned and shrugged. “I think she’s upstairs doing laundry, he’s not leaving her on her own right now.” He frowned, watching her go and just pulled a couple beers out the fridge, going to sit outside with Eden and Jack. “He just… they don’t know what happened. I know he’s had a couple episodes where he’s been in pain but… I dunno.”

Carmen was chatting away to nick while she got laundry folded to get put away. “Oh hey, the kids go into the city on their own today?” She asked her, smiling some. She stayed the same all the way up to the funeral, handling it like a regular event but it was the day after, when she was with nick again and on their way to get groceries. They had just parked and she had turned to wait for Noah to get out the car so he could pick the right cart. He’d always been so particular about what one he grabbed. But when he never got out the car and she felt Nick touch her shoulder she finally turned to him and started sobbing, collapsing into his arms, not paying any attention to the way a few people were stood starin. “Oh god, he’s really actually gone.” She sobbed
Nick pulled her in close to him and glared at the people who stared "Hey hey, I got you. Its okay, its okay." He said quietly taking a deep breath to not cry as well with her "He's with us in spirit and in our hearts." He whispered
She just nodded, holding onto him until she was able to calm down, doing a short grocery run with him and let him drive them back to hers, walking in and frowning at Keaton, reaching for him to come over. “I’m sorry baby. I’m sorry.” She told him quietly.
Keaton hugged his mom tight when she embraced him and took a shaky breath "Its....its okay Mom...its okay." He whispered as he cried quietly into her shoulder.

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