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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

He was up and down the rest of the day and night. By the next morning he was more awake and aware of his surroundings as well. He held Carmen's hand as she watched TV and sighed softly "Nick is bringing the kids right?" He asked quietly
She nodded tiredly and smiled over at him a little. “Yeah, he’s picking them up in half an hour.” She told him, sitting up a little more when they brought breakfast in for him and she stood to stretch her legs a little

“Good morning Mr. Davis, we’re gonna get you in for a couple tests to see how you’re doing this afternoon but it would be good if you could get up and walking around the room just a little before then.” His nurse explained to them both before leaving again
Noah gave a small nod to her and sighed softly "You want to help me up before they get here?" He asked Carmen softly while he opened his juice up to drink.
She nodded and smiled. “Eat first though.” She murmured, kissing his cheek. “If you want a hand with anything just say alright? I’ll be back in a second I’m just gonna use the bathroom.” She told him, stepping in there and glancing at herself in the mirror, trying hee best to tidy up just a little. She knew Noah wouldn’t care more would the kids or nick but she cared and she didn’t want the nurses sending her home because she wasn’t looking after herself while she was there with him
Noah ate as much as he could for her and sighed softly "Will you go home with the kids when they leave? I want you to go take a nice hot bath or shower, get your comfiest clothes on and sleep in our bed." He said softly as she came out of the bathroom knowing she was doing everything she could to keep it together.
She shook her head. “Not yet.” She told him quietly. “You not hungry or you just need a hand?” She asked seeing he’d had about half, taking a seat and rest hee head back against the wall, trying to ignore the pain her back was in. She did as much as she could to look after her own problems that had arisen from being stabbed by Andrew but her back was in near enough constant pain these days and the hospital chairs weren’t helping right now after a flight plus a long car drive.
Noah nodded some and sighed a bit "Need some help....I'm tired." He murmured kissing her hand gently "I love you, are you okay?" He asked her softly wanting to know she was okay.
She nodded and moved to sit where she could help him get the rest of it, “I’m alright puppy. He doing better once I can get you home.” She smiked a little, leaning over and kissing his cheek. “You remember the day everyone was told to get into lockdown? When I called you cause I was living on my own and I said you got two options that either I come stay with you or I don’t see you until this is over. And you were at my place in fifteen minutes to help me pack my things.” She murmured
Noah gave a small chuckle and nodded softly "Yeah I do. I knew I couldn't have you gone for however long. I wanted you with me." He said softly smiling a bit at her "I love you so much."
She smiled and nodded, getting his hair clipped out of his face for him. “I love you too handsome.” She murmured, moving the gray to the other side of the room for him before going to try and get him to at least stand for a minute.

By the time the kids arrived with Nick she’d finally got him up and sitting in the armchair rather than laying down and she was finally having some breakfast herself whike Eden stayed back and Keaton had run right over to him. ‘Daddy you forgot to pick me up from school.’ He scolded him
Noah nodded some and sighed heavily "Yeah I did huh? I'm sorry about that bud." He said softly before hugging him softly "You been good for Britney?" He asked before reaching out towards Eden hopimg she would come near him.
Carmen frowned when she just refused and stayed by the wall so she went over to her instead. “Hey, I’m super duper hungry and thirsty, you wanna come with me for a minute?” She asked her, taking her hand when she agreed and she winked at Noah while they left. “I know you got school in the morning but what if we skip for the day and you come hang out with me and dad? When it’s quieter and Keatons not here?” She suggested thinking she might feel better about all this if it was just her.

Keaton watched them go then moved to sit on the bed and lay back. “Eden been crying lots at home.” He told his dad. “Dad when you coming home?” He asked, swinging his legs a little
Eden gave a small nod as she walked with her Mom frowning some "Yeah...that might be better.." she said quietly as she looked at the ground "He looks so pale.....Uncle Nick said he had surgery, is he going to be okay now?"

Noah sighed heavily and gave a small shrug "I dunno bud, it might be a bit. I've been real sick, like you were." He explained in the best way possible for him to understand.
She sighed quietly and frowned. “Right now we don’t know. They’ve done a temporary fix but he’s still gotten worse. And so he’s moved a little further along with his problems baby…. They’re gonna keep a real close eye on him though and do what they need to.” She explained

He frowned and sat up some just watching his dad and nick talking for a little bit until Nick suggested they get his dad back in bed but Keaton was oblivious to how Noah was starting to struggle being in the chair and got a little fussy about it until his mom and sister came back in.
Eden took a deep breath and nodded some "He's going to die soon isn't he?" She asked quietly stopping in her tracks when her mom started to say no, "Please don't lie to me..." she whispered fighting back tears as she did so.
She moved back out of the room and frowned at Eden. “Look at me.. the full answer is that I just don’t know, it could be today it could be five years from now or he gets the treatment and we get to have your dad around for another twenty years… I can’t make promises Eden.” She told her honestly, taking her back in the room then and sighed seeing he’d fallen asleep again, going to give Keaton a cuddle when he reached for her, kissing his head. “Right, you kids be so well behaved for Britney for me okay? Your dad and I love you both so much yeah?” She murmured, pulling them both in close until nick was leaving.
Eden nodded some as she said goodbye to her Mom before glancing at Noah for a minute. She soon rushed to his side and placed a small kiss on his cheek before leaving quickly with Keaton and Nick afterwards.

Noah woke up a few hours later and frowned a bit seeing the kids were gone now "Hey...how is Eden?" He asked Carmen quietly.
She frowned and shook her head. “I’m gonna go pick her up tomorrow. She’s gonna have the day off school and come see you then…. She’s very scared right now.” She told him quietly, taking his hand. “They’re gonna come run a couple tests in a minute, you want some water?”
She nodded and got up to get him some, coming back and helping him get the straw in his mouth. “I don’t know that anything we do is gonna be very helpful right now either. So I’m gonna call the school tomorrow to have a meeting with them about everything.” She told him, sighing a little as she checked through her messages and frowned at the one from Nick about how they’d been when he dropped them back at home.
Noah nodded some and gave a small sigh "Yeah that would be best, what with the frown?" He asked seeing the look on her face when she looked at her phone "Don't lie to me....please."
She frowned and shook her head. “God she’s definitely your kid.” She muttered, smiling a little. “She was mean to Keaton when they got back and pushed him over. So it’s clearly starting that she’s acting out with all of this again.” She sighed a little. “I will sort it though” she told him.
She nodded and gave his hand a tight squeeze, quietly hoping he was right. They let him go home a few days later and Carmen had decided to finally take a permanent step back from music to focus on spending time with her family. They had it good for the next couple of years with minimal incidents with Noah but after her birthday the year after that he had started going downhill again and now they had put him on the list for a transplant and she spent every day scared that he wouldn’t get one in time. Eden had become an incredibly moody teenager and Keaton was struggling with his sister not wanting to know him as well as worrying about his dad.

Carmen got up early in the morning to go for a quick run and came back to get Noah some breakfast along with his cocktail of meds ready for him to take, setting the tray down on his nightstand before gently shaking him awake.
Noah groaned softly as he started to wake up and slowly started getting up "Mornin' how did you sleep?" He asked quietly as he slowly started to move to sit up. He knew he didn't have much longer left if he didn't get a transplant. It scared him for sure to leave his family like this, he just hoped daily they'd get the call about the transplant.

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