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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

She nodded. “He’s got people keeping a much closer eye on him.” She pointed out, “you wanna have a chill anime day?” She asked smiling as they hadn’t done that in a few months now with everything they’d had going on. She waited til he agreed and went to go set up the lounge for it, ending up snuggled up with him under some blankets a little later on, Eden doing whatever she wanted and Keaton in the next room playing with his toys where they could still see him.
Noah held her the entire day finally relaxing after everything they had been through. He smiled a bit as he looked at the time seeing it was time for dinner "What do you want for dinner?"
She shrugged a little and yawned. “I did groceries yesterday so we got food. Or we could just order in.” She told him, not moving to get up at all though, resting her head into the side of his neck and yawned

Eden came up from playing video games finally and frowned at how close her parents were being on the couch. “So everyone’s been up here all day? No one wanted to come spend time with me?!” She muttered. “Is there any dinner yet?” She questioned them.
Noah frowned some and shook his head "We were actually just about to decide on something. Is there anything you'd like for us to make?" He asked her quietly
She shrugged and frowned. “Spaghetti is fine.” She muttered and went to get a drink and wandered off upstairs

Carmen sighed quietly and glanced over at Keaton who was watching his sister go “baby stay down here, I don’t think she wants to be bothered right now.” She told him, glancing over at Noah. “Why don’t we finish this episode then I can go make dinner.” She suggested.
Noah gave a small nod and frowned a bit "Yeah that sounds fine, me and Keaton can play a game while you cook." He said happily watching Keaton perk up. He loved to play the old children games that were super simple every now and again with him.
She nodded and kissed his cheek, getting up to go make a start on dinner finally, eventually hearing Eden come and join her in the kitchen. “You got your stuff all laid out for school?” She asked her.
Eden nodded and frowned some "Yeah its all laid out. Can you take me in tomorrow? I don't want to go with Dad." She muttered as she sat down at the island.
She frowned and shook her head. “I can pick you up but I gotta get into the city real early tomorrow so it’s gonna be dad and Keaton taking you in honey, I’m sorry it’s just a work thing that’s been rescheduled theee times already.” She told her. “You gotta lay off your dad though at the minute, you’ve really hurt his feelings.”
Eden frowned deeply and shook her head "Well he hurt mine and never apologized for it." She muttered before getting up and storming off before she could say anything else.
She sighed heavily and rubbed at her face, getting dinner done in around fifteen minutes and called everyone down, handing Noah bowls to put on the table and sorted out Edens so that she could put together the separate parts of it in the way she liked, going to sit down with the boys and cut up some of Keatons for him, kissing his head. “Here, you gotta take your medicine before you eat baby.” She told him, doing it with him by which point Eden was finally downstairs.
Keaton pouted but nodded and took his medicine once it was given to him. "Eden! Daddy and I play games, I getting big like you!" He told her excitedly but soon frowned when she only scoffed and muttered something about him being lucky Dad even cared about him.
Carmen frowned and shook her head. “Eden that’s just silly and you know it.” She told her, eating quietly. By the time she had got both the kids in bed she was exhausted again, going to find Noah and sat next to him in the gaming room, resting her head back. “She has a few sessions booked with her therapist at least.” She sighed, watching the screen while Noah played.
Noah gave a small nod and sighed heavily as he paused the game "Yeah, hopefully that'll help out. I'm getting worried about her, I know that teens all have that rebellious stage but I'm worried its more than that."
She shook her head. “She’s only just turned eleven though. She’s not a teenager. I think she’s upset and she’s lashing out. I should be back at around two tomorrow so you can get to your doctors appointment, I’ll call if that changes and Britney is coming around two thirty anyway so even if I’m not back she can watch Keaton for a bit before I do…. Our reservation is for eight and we gotta be out of here by seven thirty.” She told him, leaning across and kissing him gently while the game was on a loading screen. “Im going to bed,” she told him smiling.
Noah gave a small nod and kissed her gently "I won't be much longer, I love you." He said quietly before yawning and finishing up his level.
She had just started getting ready the next evening with Eden in a slightly better mood watching her do her makeup while they waited for Noah to get back. “So dads phone is gonna be turned off but mine will be on if there’s an emergency okay? If it can wait then don’t call or ask Britney to help okay?” She told her, hearing the door go downstairs and Noah’s voice as she watched Eden run off but it was closely followed by the sound of Eden yelling and her thundering back up the stairs, slamming her bedroom door so Carmen stepped out to see what was going on, sighing as she saw Noah had got his hair cut on the way home
Noah looked over at Carmen as she came out and gulped quietly "I just....I wanted to surprise you with a fresh cut..." he said quietly before tears started streaming down his face "She told me she wished I'd just died because all I'm doing is ruining her life." He said softly before shaking his head some "I didn't know it would send her into a meltdown."
She frowned and shook her head, pulling him in close and rubbed his back soothingly. “Hey, hey, it’s a big change from what it was. I think she just freaked. It’s not okay but we are gonna leave her to calm down tonight and talk to her tomorrow. Noah look at me, she loves you she’s just lashing out.” She told him gently and got him to come upstairs with her while she finished getting ready. “How did your appointment go?” She asked him.
Noah wiped his eyes and gave a small nod before following her back up to the room. "They said so far everything is looking good. They want to see me in another 6 months, but of course come in sooner if something happens." He explained quietly to her.
She nodded and smiled a little. “No news is good news.” She told him, getting herself out together and dressed, kissing his cheek. “Alright, I’m gonna go talk to the kids then I’ll wait downstairs for you.” She told him, heading out to go find Keaton and smiled as she found him sat withBritney and going over some school work she’d found for him to do while they were waiting for him to be healthy enough to go back to school.
Noah came down about twenty minutes later smiling some as he took her hand "Alright Keaton we will be back okay? Be good from Britney." He said happily hugging him tight before heading out to their nice car and opened the door for Carmen "M'lady."
She smiled and got in, watching him while he drove and just leaned back a little. “I like the haircut by the way. Are you gonna get your greys dyed or leave them?” She asked him. They had always made sure that their date nights were child free in conversation as well as having Britney baby sit and it was a nice break sometimes from the regular stresses.
Noah shrugged a smiled a bit "I think I'll keep the greys, keep it all natural." He said with a small smile and squeezed her hand gently "How was your meeting with work? You gonna get in the studio any time soon?"
She nodded and smiled at him. “I like it. You look distinguished.” She told him happily. “Yeah the meeting was good, got some more funding for the record. Oh I got a real good question the other day in that interview…. A fan asked the question when I was gonna finally do a collaboration with Poppy…. I just said it will never happen and that Poppy knows exactly why it will never happen.” She told him.

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