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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

She smiled and shook her head. “You could have asked for them to bring you a cot or something.” She smiled, “Keaton baby can daddy go home tonight and I’ll stay with you? Not til later but it’s a little hard for daddy to sleep on this couch.” She told him.
Noah chuckled softly as Keaton shook his head "I'll be alright, I'll get a cot." He murmured before kissing the top of her head.
She sighed and shook her head. “We know who the favorite of the week is.” She smiled at Noah. “Eden can you watch your brother for five minutes while me and dad go grab a drink?” She asked her, getting up with noah when she agreed and stepped out with him, “Edens seen the video of us arguing in the parking lot. She’s seen a lot of the comments and she told me that she’s scared that we are going to get a divorce.” She finally explained now the kids couldn’t hear them.
Noah gave a heavy sigh as they walked "She asked me if we were going to get divorced after you snapped at me when Keaton was coming here." He murmured shaking his head a bit "I've been working up a statement to put out about that video and everyone's comments about you."
She frowned and nodded “I think we need a couple of family days once Keaton is doing better.” She told him. “We haven’t had any since before you left for that tour. It’s not fair on her to be worrying about that kinda thing.” She sighed, slipping her arms around his waist.
Noah nodded and sighed gently "Yeah I think thats a good idea, where do you think we should go?" He asked as they got to the vending machine
“Maybe take them up to the lake. I can ask my dad to use the cabin for a couple days. Or we rent a place with a pool. Or better yet see if they want to go to Disney for a couple days?” She suggested.
Noah chuckled some and gave a small nod "I think Disney or a cabin would be nice." He said as he pressed the buttons on the machine to get their drinks "Not sure if I'll be able to ride any rides, but we can see."
She snorted a little and shook her head. “You hate rollercoasters anyway.” She smiked, taking his hand tightly. “I better take her to her appointment but call us if you need us or anything.” She told him, kissing him gently before going back in the room and seeing the kids cuddled up together while they watched tv.
Noah smiled widely at the two of them as they got back "She's such a good big sister." He said quietly knowing Eden wasn't much for cuddles but she did it for her brother. "Alright bud, Eden has to head out with Mommy. You wanna let her get up?"
She smiled as he let her go but was grumpy about it, going over and giving him a cuddle. “I love you, be good for daddy but if you want me at all just ask okay?” She murmured, kissing his head before leaving with Eden.
Eden walked out with her mom and stretched a bit "I'm glad that Keaton is feeling better. He said his chest itches though."
She nodded and sighed. “It will do for a bit. But he’s gonna be alright. You decided what color you’re gonna get?” She asked her, keeping her close while they headed back out to the car.
Eden nodded and smiled as she showed her a picture "I wanted this purple type color." She said happily before buckling her seat belt.
She nodded and smiled. “That’s really pretty.” She smiled and got in the car to take her to the appointment, putting some music on and yawned. “When we get home I want you to try on your school shoes and your pe kit so I know whether it fits or not then if it doesn’t we can go get you some new stuff.” She told her.
Eden nodded and frowned softly "I don't like PE, everyone in there makes fun of my height." She muttered giving a small sigh. She was pretty tall for her age and everyone else hadn't caught up yet.
Carmen sighed a little and glanced back at her in the rearview mirror "Just tell them that it's not your fault they haven't grown properly." She told her "The best thing to do is ignore them though baby. Plus PE is good for you." She promised her "What do you wanna do for dinner tonight?" She asked her gently

Keaton was waking up from a nap and frowning until he saw his Dad coming out of the restroom, reaching for him "Daddy I want cuddle." He told him, "It really really itchy." He told him, trying his best to not scratch but it was getting a little much for him to handle
Eden nodded and sighed softly "Um does Taco Bell sound okay?" She asked quietly while she scrolled through her phone.

Noah went over to cuddle him and grabbed a cold water bottle they had already made for him "Here bud put this on it for now and I'll call the nurse." He said as he sat on the bed and pressed the call button.
She nodded and yawned a little. “Sounds good to me. Listen, I know there’s been a lot going on lately, do you think it might be good to go see miss Danes again?” She asked her as that had been her autism therapist for a long time. “Just for a few sessions?” She asked her.

he nodded and frowned a little, leaning into him “Can I have paw patrol?” He asked him hopeful, looking at all of Noah’s tattoos.
Eden gave a small nod and put her phone down "Yeah...yeah I think that would be good." She whispered feeling a bit defeated "Why....why do I have therapy when other kids my age don't? Why is something wrong with me?" She asked quietly before wiping at her eyes. She always had these moments at times of great stress and having to admit she needed the help of a therapist, just like her dad.

Noah nodded smiled as he pulled up the computer "Yeah bud here you go." He said softly before looking at the door seeing his nurse come in "Hey there, is there anything we can do about his itching? He's saying its pretty bad right now."
She nodded and smiled. “Yeah it’s getting time 5i change dressings anyway,” she told him, going to get the supplies so they could change it all for him so he was more comfortable, having his dad sit with him still. “Is it really cool having a dad that’s a rockstar?” She asked him, wanting to keep him chatting so he didn’t worry.

She sighed quietly and parked up, checking how much time they had before they had to go in and turned to look at her. “Well, you know you’re autistic and you know you got ADHD as well and sometimes… and sometimes a lot of the time, that can make things harder for you than other kids. But there’s nothing wrong with you Eden, it’s just different. That’s all.” She promised. “You got both of those from me, just like you got your height from your dad. And your eyes. And you got my nose and hair… all that fun stuff.” She smiled a little.
Keaton giggled softly and nodded happily "Uh huh, he sing to me and so does my mommy, she a rockstar too." He explained while she changed his dressings "They the coolest Mommy and Daddy ever."

Eden nodded some and smiled some "Right...." she murmured before looking at her phone as it dinged "Mom....do you have your profile on private still?"
She frowned a little and glanced over at her. “The stuff with you kids is all private but my main account isn’t. Why?” She asked, making sure she had all her stuff before they would get out the car.

She smiled and nodded. “That’s so cool,” she told him, keeping him talking until she was finished. “You did so good buddy. We’re gonna have someone come do his next set of medication in about an hour but if all continues to go well he can go home in three days.” She told Noah discreetly so that they didn’t get Keatons hopes up of going home just in case
Eden frowned some and nodded "Some people trying to send me messages saying you're a slut for posting some photos in your bra.....also someone trying to pretend to be you." She muttered shaking her head "Some of those ones are freaking creeps."

Noah smiled some and gave her a nod "Thank you for all your help." He said quietly before cuddling into Keaton smiling as he tried to explain the Paw Patrol episode to him.
Carmen frowned and reached out for Eden to give her the phone. “Baby you’re not in trouble but let me see.” She told her frowning, taking the phone finally and scrolled through, her fury building until she put it in her pocket. “If your friends call or text you can respond but I need to talk to your father about this before I give it back.” She told her. “I’m sorry baby but it’s only because I want to protect you.” She told her, getting out with her to go to the appointment. It was half an hour in when she stepped outside and lit a cigarette, calling Noah. “Hey, we need to talk. I’m sending my dad to you and you need to come home for a bit.” She told him frowning.

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