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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

She frowned and sighed a little. “How come?” She grumbled, getting the game up to load and leaned back. “You don’t make mom turn off the comments when she does one with you.” She told him frowning.
Noah frowned and gave a heavy sigh "Because people were saying some pretty rude stuff that I won't allow to be said against you." He explained to her. The last time they'd streamed people were trying to ask invasive questions about their lives and also rude and almost hateful comments towards her.
She raised an eyebrow and loooked over at him. “But they’re allowed to say stuff about mom?” She asked. “Ooh I’m gonna tell her.” She giggled but sighed heavily when they both heard Keaton throwing up again upstairs, pausing the game and just sat with her arms crossed while Noah left.
Noah went wide eyed "What?! No! It's just....goddamn it Eden." He said giving her a playful glare. He gave a small sigh when he heard Keaton and got up to go empty the bucket. He gave Carmen a small smile but frowned at the pissed off look she gave him "You need me to get you anything?"
She frowned and shook her head. “No. I just… I know baby I know.” She murmured, rubbing his back and passed him the water so he could wash his mouth out and just cuddled him close, sighing heavily. “You wanna go to bed?” She asked him and nodded, getting up with him. “Come on bub.” She murmured, lifting him up but waited til Noah got back with a cleaned out bucket. “I’m gonna take him to bed.” She told him quietly. “Please don’t let Eden stay up too late.” She told him quietly, heading up with Keaton.
Noah gave a heavy sigh but nodded "I promise I won't." He murmured before going back to Eden "Alright lets go, you going to whoop me in some Fall Guys again?" He asked as he tried to cheer her up.
She nodded and smiled, going to grab her headphones while he set everything up and grabbed her chair they’d got her for Christmas. “Can’t you put on the strict comments? It’s funnier when other people are laughing at you too.” She told him giving him the same puppy dog eyes he had that had a 99% success rate with him for Eden.
Noah gave a heavy sigh but nodded and set it up "Alright, but if anythimg gets out of line they're going off." He told her seriously before pulling the game up.
She giggled and nodded, "Thank you." She told him, reaching down to the floor to pick up one of the cats and cuddled him close, watching as the numbers of viewersshot up over a couple minutes and smiled "See, everyone wants to see me beat you again." She teased him as last time she'd beat him on every round of Smash bros and people were ripping into him in the comments.
Noah rolled his eyes and laughed lightly "You had a lucky few rounds! But I will win at Fall Guys." He said as confidently as he could but ended up laughing along with her.
She shook her head. “No mom says you’ve always been bad at this one…. She showed me the videos.” She set the cat down and had a great couple hours streaming with him until it was time for her to go to bed and she said goodbye and went to hee room, frowning a little when she went to go say goodnight to her mom but decided against it and just left her to it for the night.
Noah made it up to bed and sighed softly seeing Keaton sprawled out all on his side. He shook his head some and decided to go to the guest room not wanting to move him when he wasn't feeling well.
Carmen woke up early after having a fairly restless night with Keaton but frowned when she noticed just how hot he was now, taking the covers off to cool him down a little and sat up carefully, going to get him a cool rag until she heard his voice, tensing at how quiet it was for him, even considering he didn’t feel good. “Hold on baby, I’m coming.” She told him and headed back into the room to see he was breathing real fast. “Noah! Noah!” She yelled through the house, not about to go searching for him and leave Keaton on his own right now.
Noah shot up when he heard Carmen yelling that next morning. He rushed into the room still half asleep and frowned "What? Whats wrong?" He asked out of breath not really needing to be running like that still "Is he okay?"
She looked up and frowned shaking her head, “baby can you sit up for me?” She asked him quietly, helping him so he was leaned up against the headboard. “I think he needs to go to the ER.” She told him frowning. “I don’t know if we should just take him or call an ambulance though.” She muttered. She didn’t have more than a moment before the decision was made as Keaton had fallen to his side and started seizing. “Here, I’ll call them,” she told him, rushing downstairs to grab her phone from the kitchen, aware enough that she didn’t wanna send Noah running off again while she called an ambulance.
Noah held Keaton close to him frowning deeply "Hey, hey its okay I promise its okay." He whispered worriedly to him before he helped take him down to the lounge area while they waited for the ambulance.
She turned around from unlocking the front door reqdy to see Noah setting him on the couch. “Are you fucking stupid?! Did you forget everything they told us?!” She spat, “you don’t fucking move him! Jesus Noah.” She snapped, going over to Keaton and frowned, gently feeling his forehead as he was finally coming out of it, moving only to go let the paramedics in and hovered, trying to not get in the way but she didn’t want Keaton scared at all
Noah frowned deeply and cussed himself internally. He was just scared and wanting his son to be okay. He stayed back as the ambulance came and gave a heavy sigh "I'll stay with Eden just call me when you get there." He told her quietly as they started to get Keaton on the gurney.
She nodded and went with them, “fine. But get someone to come watch her once everyone’s up.” She muttered, shaking her head and left, half slamming the door behind her.

Eden was already stood at the top of the stairs, watching the whole interaction and frowned a little, sitting down when her dad turned around and looked at him. “Why’s mom being mean to you?” She asked him frowning.
Noah took a deep breath and looked up at Eden "She just....shes going through a lot." He whispered before he made his way upstairs "I'm gonna call your Uncle Nick to come be with you alright?" He murmured going to the room to get ready and call Nick.
She frowned and followed him, sitting on their bed. “Can I go to grandpa instead? Mom called him yesterday. He’s back in LA.” She told him frowning. “Are you and mom gonna get divorced?” She asked him worried.
Noah shook his head some "No, no we aren't going to get a divorce." He said as he tried to remember to grab everything and finally gave a call to Carmen's dad
She frowned but nodded and just watched him stuffing things in a bag, reaching over their bed and held out Keatons teddy to him. “He’s gonna be really whiny if he doesn’t have this.” She told him,
Noah gave a small nod and smiled a bit "Thank you." He said quietly before closing up the bag. It was another hour before he was up at the hospital getting into the room with Carmen "Hey, hey your dad has Eden and I got his things." He told her taking deep breaths. He'd been so rushed that he was completely out of breath now.
She just nodded and barely looked up. “They’re uh, they’re running some tests. They’re worried the infection has traveled to his heart,” she mumbled, finally putting her phone down and looked over at Noah, reaching for him.

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