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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

Noah frowned a bit and nodded as he held her "As long as you promise to keep yourself safe." He whispered before kissing the top of her head "I don't want to loose you in this."
She nodded and just sat there in the quiet with him for a minute. “I was gonna take the kids out for lunch today, see if max wants some time alone, you wanna join us for the company or stay home?” She asked him
Noah smiled some and kissed her cheek "Mmm if its just lunch then yeah I'll go with you guys. I'm feeling alright today." He said softly rubbing her hips gently just trying to comfort her.
She nodded and yawned a little, getting up and helping him stand, “come on puppy, you go get dressed for the day alright?” She smiled, kissing his cheek and headed back inside, “hey, so I was thinking of taking the kids out for lunch today, and maybe if you want some peace and quiet you stay here and relax? Noah’s gonna go out with us too but I thought I’d check if you wanted a break.” She told her.
Max looked over at Carmen as she came in and gave a small smile "Uh yeah that would be great. Maybe take some pool time and call Jey." She said before smiling some more.

Noah came back down once he was dressed giving a small smile seeing the kids all lined up and ready to go "Alright so where are we going to lunch?" He asked them happily while he grabbed the bag they kept for Keaton swinging it over his shoulder.
She nodded and smiled. “Perfect. Alright we will be back later and you chill, there’s wine in the fridge, oh and in the closet next to your bedroom there are a ton of like moisturisers and bath scents and all that kind of stuff if you want it.” She told her, heading out with the kids and Noah “I was thinking we take ‘em to the cheesecake factory.” She told him.
Noah nodded as he held get the kids in the car "Sounds great, a little something for everyone." He said happily as he got into the passenger's seat.
She smiked a little and got in the car, pulling out the drive and yawned a little, “Keatons asleep already.” She smiled as she’d glanced back only five minutes into the drive.
Noah chuckled softly as he saw Keaton and shook his head some "Silly boy." He said softly before leaning back in the seat and resting.
"Just like his Dad who I seem to remember promising me that he would keep me company on our road trip here from Virginia but fell asleep for most of the first day." She reminded him, shaking her head. She enjoyed the afternoon with the kids s well as the rest of the time that Max and her two were visiting but after a couple weeks she had just got home from dropping them off at the airport and went straight up to bed to go lay down, feeling a headache coming on. She was only in there for a few minutes before the door opened and she saw Keaton coming in "Hey baby, you wanna come sit with me?" She asked him, reaching for him. "Are Eden and Daddy playing video games?" She asked him, lifting him onto the bed as he nodded.
Keaton pouted and nodded some "Uh huh, but Daddy say I too young to understand." He said as he cuddled into her "Can we watch TV?" He asked before giving her puppy dog eyes identical to Noah's.
She sighed a little and nodded. “Yeah baby we can put the tv on but we gotta keep it down a little cause my head hurts.” She told him, getting the Disney plus up so he could watch what he liked, laying down to try and get some sleep until he was shaking her awake around half an hour later. “Oh baby what is it?” She grumbled, but sat up more when she saw that he’d been sick in the bed and sighed, “alright, alright honey it’s okay.” She murmured, lifting him up carefully and taking him to the bathroom. “You gonna do it again?” She asked him, hearing Noah’s footsteps coming up the stairs
Keaton whimpered and gave a small nod before he got sick on the floor in the bathroom and crying "I sorry Mommy!!" He said as he looked up at her.

Noah frowned deeply as he came in and saw the sheets on the bed "Babe? Keaton okay?" He asked but rushed when he heard him crying "Shit....let me get the mop."
She frowned and shook her head, putting him straight in the bath tub, “no baby it’s okay.” She coaxed. “Let’s get you cleaned up alright?” She murmured, looking to Noah and nodded, “what did you eat honey?” She asked him, getting him undressed so she could give him a bath and just tried to soothe him, “honey it’s okay, we can’t help when we get sick okay?” She murmured, looking up when Noah came back in to clean up. “It’s okay, I’m not upset honey we can wash the sheets.”
Noah frowned deeply as he started to clean up everything sighing heavily as Keaton continued to cry "I got some clothes for him." He murmured

Keaton sniffled and still cried quietly "I want my stuffie....my tummy hurts mommy." He whimpered as she washed him down
“Alright baby I know, I know. Let me just get you washed up then we can get you in some pjs and I’ll get your stuffie okay?” She coaxed, being as quick as she could for him and finally got him out the bath and dried off, getting Noah to grab the sick bucket for him and took him downstairs to the comfy lounge so he could chill on the couch while they kept an eye on him. She eventually stepped away once he’d fallen asleep and sighed. “I was napping and he came to cuddle next thing I know he’s thrown up.” She told Noah frowning. “You think he picked something up at the kids museum yesterday?” She asked sighing quietly.
Noah frowned a bit and nodded "Probably, we'll keep an eye on him. I'm sure he'll be okay." He murmured to her and kissed her temple gently "We can take turns watching him."
She frowned and shook her head. “I’ve just had enough lately.” She muttered, pulling away and going to get a drink, slamming the fridge door shut once she had it and went to sit with Keaton again, putting one of her shows on and let him cuddle as he woke up for a minute, just gently running her fingers through his hair.
Noah frowned deeply when she got angry and gave a heavy sigh. He kissed the top of her head before going off to start the sheets in the laundry.
Eden went up to see him when she got tired of waiting for him to come back down. “Dad you said five minutes.” She grumbled. “What’s that smell?” She frowned making a face as she found him in the laundry room
Noah looked over at her and gave a frown "Your brother got sick in bed. I had to clean it all up. I'll be up in just a little bit okay?" He murmured sighing heavily
She groaned a little and went back down to go get herself some juice, looking into the lounge to see her mom cuddling Keaton and shook her head before going back downstairs to wait for him.
Noah got back up to the room a few minutes later frowning at how she was pouting "Whats wrong?" He asked her softly not liking that everyone seemed to be upset now.
She frowned and shook her head. “Mom just told me off for shutting the fridge door too loud in case it woke him up… it didn’t even shut loud. She’s been really grouchy lately.” She told him. “Can I go on your stream tonight?” She asked him. He’d let her go on a few times growing up and always had a good time
Noah frowned some and gave a small nod "She's just very stressed." He murmured before sighing "Yeah you can join me I don't mind. Comments stay off though."

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