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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

She frowned and nodded, wrapping her arms around him and stood on tiptoes to kiss him, "You got your color back finally... Well.... what little you have." She smiled, moving to get them washed up, helping him where he needed it until they got out and she stepped back into their room, jumping out of her skin to see Keaton sat in their bed "Oh baby you scared me, you're meant to be in your bed, asleep." She told him, going to get her pjs on and chucked Noah's into the bathroom for him before going to Keaton
Keaton frowned some and cuddled her once she was in bed "My chest hurt Mommy." He said quietly before yawning some "I need cuddles." He pouted

Noah came out and gave a small smile seeing Keaton there "Well hey there bud what are you doing up?"
She frowned and moved to sit with him, kissing his head and looking to Noah. “He said his chest hurts.” She told him, “can you sit with daddy while I go get you some water?” She asked frowning when he shook his head. “Baby daddy would get you the gross warm water let me get you the good stuff.” She murmured, going quickly once he let her and came back up with a sippy cup for him so he could have it in the bed. “Hurts how baby?” She asked frowning.
Keaton sipped the water quietly and frowned "It hurt, like my whole chest get hit." He said pouting still and staying between them "It uncomfortable." He murmured quietly
She frowned and looked to Noah, "I'm not riskin' it." She told him shaking her head and got up to go put some underwear on, "Okay baby you and me are gonna go take a trip okay? Little late night adventure." She told him, going to grab a bag of little books and things to keep him occupied if they had to wait a while then came back and reached for him, "Come on, I got your sandals in the bag okay?" She coaxed, lifting him up.
Noah gave a heavy sigh as they left just praying that it was nothing serious. He was up for another few hours until they came home "He okay?" He asked her quietly as she came into the room with a sleeping Keaton in her arms.
She nodded slowly, looking completely drained and got Keaton set up on the couch in their bedroom, tucking him in with a blanket and his teddy, just watching him for a minute before going to bed and crawling under the covers, "They saw him straight away. Gave him some stronger meds, took a couple blood tests. He was .... he was so good." She told him, "Gotta take him back for his appointment on Thursday anyway." She mumbled, staring at her hands
Noah pulled her in close to him and gave a small nod kissing the top of her head "Did they see anything or say why his chest was hurting?" He asked her worriedly
She shook her head, looking over at him "No, they said mild discomfort was okay... and it went away after they gave him the medicine... Gonna have to wait and see." She mumbled, shaking her head some. She didn't go down in the morning straight away and Eden was busy getting herself some juice when she heard her Dad's voice behind her. "Where's Mom?" She asked him, putting the carton away and yawned a bit, going to feed the cats
Noah shuffled downstairs that morning and made himself some water "With your brother, his chest was hurting last night so she had to take him to the doctor. He's fine, but they both had a late night." He explained before sipping his drink "You sleep alright?"
She frowned but shrugged. “Can we get another cat?” She asked him. “I want a white one with blue eyes so we can call him Gojo.” She said, looking down at the three they already had. “Or a really cute brown one and call him Choso.” She smiled but frowned when hee mom finally came down looking like she was on autopilot while she made coffee
Noah chuckled some and shook his head "No we do not need another cat." He murmured glancing at Carmen as she came downstairs "Babe? Hey you okay?" He asked as he got her to stop for a moment.
She frowned and nodded, going back to making her coffee and went back upstairs without saying a word while Eden watched "I don't think Mom is okay." She told him, going to watch some TV.

Carmen was sat on the floor next to the couch in their room and just gently brushing Keaton's hair out of his face and watching him while he slept, jumping a little when she felt Noah's hand on her shoulder a few minutes later.
Noah nodded some and followed her up the stairs. He placed his hand gently on her shoulder and frowned down at her "Hey, whats wrong? Talk to me love." He said seriously
She frowned and shook her head, letting Keaton sleep a little longer while she went to get dressed. "He was so uncomfortable last night. I'm just worried sick about both of you." She muttered, leaning back against him a little when she felt arms around her waist "I love both of our kids the same but with how shit Keaton's arrival was I am so scared all the time for him. It wasn't as noticeable before but now he's in school... Noah he's so far behind the other kids and I know it's not from lack of support from us." She told him, resting her head on his shoulder.
Noah held her close to him and gave a heavy sigh as he watched their son carefully "He's going to be okay babe, I promise. If we need to we can hold him back a year, it might be better for him in the long run." He murmured softly
She frowned and shook her head “I know but it’s not the point.” She muttered. “It’s not what I wanted for him.” She muttered, rubbing at her face and went to help him when he started waking up, lifting him up for cuddles and took him back to his room to get him cleaned up and ready for the day.
Noah gave a heavy sigh and nodded "I know...its going to be alright though." He murmured softly before letting her go once he Keaton started to wake up. He made his way downstairs and gave a small smile seeing Max and her kids down there as well "Hey Max, how you doin?" He asked as he gave her a hug. "Carmen is just getting Keaton ready and she'll be down."
She came down a little while later and sighed quietly, getting Keaton some breakfast before letting him run off to play, going to sit outside for a minute with a cigarette, glancing over when Eden came outside so she put it out and reached for her. “You okay baby?” She asked, cuddling her when she came close. “I was thinking we could take you guys out for lunch today if you want.” She suggested
Eden frowned some and shook her head "Are you okay Momma? You don't seem okay." She asked worriedly as she held onto her tightly
She frowned and kissed her head. “I’m just stressed at the minute sweetheart. But look at me Eden, let me make it super clear to you okay? You are not responsible for how I’m feeling baby. Ever.” She told her, kissing her head again. “I don’t want you worrying about me okay? You wanna see if Grace can come over tomorrow for a bit?” She asked her. “Or if they offer you can go to hers if you like.” She smiled.
Eden gave a small frown and nodded softly "Okay....but I want you to be happy abd you don't seem happy..." she said quietly giving a heavy sigh
She frowned and shook her head. “Eden honey, I’ve just got a lot to think about that the minute okay? I’m okay I promise.” She told her. “You know me and dad were talking yesterday about maybe doing something real nice for our anniversary next month and we thought we’d have a big get together here and renew our vows. Why don’t you and me have a girls day here soon and we’ll go look for new dresses for it how does that sound?” She asked her. “You gonna be our flower girl again?” She smiled, hugging her tightly.
Eden smiled widely and hugged her back and nodded some "Yeah, maybe Iris could do it too if they can come." She said happily before looking at her dad as he came out and asked to talk to Carmen.

Noah gave Eden a small smiled as she skipped inside and went to sit with Carmen "Hey, she seems happier." He murmured kissing her temple gently "Keaton just asked me if Iris could stay forever because she's his best friend." He said with a small laugh.
She nodded and smiled some. “They adore each other. It’s so cute.” She mumbled, leaning back into his chest some. “Could you talk to Eden here soon? Not like this morning or whatever but at some point could you please have a chat with her that she doesn’t need to worry about us? She struggles enough with anxiety and I don’t want to add to her plate.” She told him losing her eyes a little and holding his arms to her.

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