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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

Noah frowned deeply and made his way to her hugging her close "Its going to be okay, we'll get him back home soon enough." He said quietly just trying to stay positive.
She nodded slowly and rest her head on his shoulder. “You gotta stop running around. You are not up to that right now… do not make yourself sick cause I can’t deal with two of you at the same time.” She told him seriously, just sitting in the quiet with him for a while until they were bringing Keaton back in and told they would have a doctor come speak to them shortly. She stood and went to sit right on the edge of the bed, smoothing his hair out of his face and smiled at him some. “Looks more like you every day.” She mumbled, hearing Noah’s phone starting to ping with a few notifications.
Noah gave a small smile and went over to set Keaton's teddy by his side "Yeah he does huh? Soon he'll be as tall as me too." He joked before checking his phone frowning deeply when he saw it was instagram notifications about comments Carmen had made
She sighed quietly and just stroked his little cheek, getting up to go unpack the bag Noah had brought, knowing they’d be there for a few days at least with how sick he was. “Who’s watching Eden?” She asked him, folding up their blanket and setting it on the chair “Noah… who’s got Eden?” She asked turning to see the way he was looking at her. “What’s uh… what’s wrong?” She frowned.
Noah frowned deeper as he opened up the comments giving her a very disapproving look "First, she is with your dad like I said when I came in. Second, what the hell are these comments you made on instagram?" He asked her seriously. They weren't her normal little clap backs she had at times, these were downright ugly and hateful.
She frowned and looked back at him with a shrug. “I guess I’ve finally had enough of these people who want to pretend like they know us. The one in the pink top? I remember her. Clear as day when she came past me after that and told me it was gonna be her turn with you soon… I am sick to death of seeing these people talk about you like you belong to them.” She muttered, shaking her head.
Noah gave a heavy sigh and shook his head some "Look I get it, they're being shitty but you and I both know that not a damn thing is going to happen." He said still frowning at her "I understand you're stressed about everything going on right now, but you don't need to lash out at everyone including me." He told her calmly giving a heavy sigh "Eden heard you when the ambulance came. Asked me if we were going to get divorced because of how you were talking."
She shook her head and just grabbed her phone. “Whatever. Text me when he wakes up. Nice to know you have my back Noah.” She muttered, leaving the room to go take a walk, not wanting them to kick her out of the room.

Keaton was awake about twenty minutes later and looked over to see his dad there, trying to pull on the tubes and wires not wanting them there until noah stopped him and he just cried a little. “Daddy I not like it.” He told him
Noah frowned deeply and kissed his head "I know bud but this is to make sure you're okay." He murmured sending Carmen a text "Mommy will be in real soon, she just went to the bathroom." He murmured quietly
He shook his head and reached for him "No I want you cuddle me." He told him frowning, "Daddy I want my bed." He told him quietly, leaning up against him once he'd sat down to cuddle Keaton, "I not feel good." He mumbled.
Noah gave a small nod and held him close "I know buddy, I know. You gotta stay here though because they're going to make you feel better. You want your blanket?" He asked as he kissed the top of his head.
He nodded a little and held onto him while they waited and waited and waited for Carmen butshe never showed up and Keaton was distracted watching some paw patrol when his doctor came to speak to Noah.

He waited til the guy stepped out and nodded to him "Good news and bad news. Good news is we know what it is and we can start treating him straight away." He told him. "Your wife said when they brought him in that he's had a stomach bug and we're sure that it's just that the infection travelled up to his heart, it's not uncommon when someone has a weakened heart for that to happen. We're gonna start him on a course of antibiotics straight away and see how that goes.... Bad news, however, is that the valve repair surgery that his doctor has said will probably be needed in six months... That's likely going to have to be brought forward depending on how much damage has been done. We want him to rest and get on treatment today but tomorrow we will run some more tests and see what we're dealing with.: He explained to Noah, gesturing for him to follow back into the room, "It will be a new IV for him so the more distractions you can give him the better while we do this." He explained to him
Noah took a deep breath and nodded some "Alright thank you." He said quietly before getting Keaton comfortable "You ready to see your mom bud? You're doing such a great job buddy, you're so big and strong." He said quietly kissing the top of his head repeatedly.
He frowned and looked up at him, "Where is Mommy? You say she gonna come back." He told him frowning but happened to glance over at what they were doing with his arm and started sobbing, pulling away "No! No I want Mommy!" He cried into his shirt, hiding his arms so they couldn't touch him with a needle, "Daddy tell them go away." He whimpered.
Noah frowned and sighed heavily "Buddy its okay, they have to get you the medicine you need." He explained before trying to call Carmen frowning as it went straight to voicemail.
He just kept crying until he ran out of energy and hid his face in Noah's shirt while they put the IV in, sniffling some, "Daddy you gonna stay yeah?" He asked him quietly, just wanting cuddles and not feeling good still.
Noah nodded and thanked the nurse quietly before she left. He looked at Keaton and gave a small nod "Yes of course, I'm not going anywhere. You wanna try and call Eden? Maybe she can make those silly faces you love."
He shook his head, fully out of energy by this point and just cuddled up to his dad, starting to fall asleep again. “Where’s mommy?” He asked him tiredly but was out like a light before Noah could respond.
Noah sighed heavily and kept him close not moving an inch until he heard the door open and saw Carmen come through "He woke up, doctor came in and got him set up on some antibiotics. They're saying they may need to push up the valve repair surgery."
She frowned and went to sit on the edge of the bed on the other side, smoothing his hair back again gently. “He never asked for any of this.” She frowned, swallowing a little. “He’s always so good about everything too.” She mumbled. “You need to stretch your legs at all?” She asked Noah, looking over to him. “I got caught up running an errand for Eden.” She told him quietly.
Noah frowned softly and shook his head a bit "I'll get up when he wakes up again. Right now I just want him comfy." He murmured giving a heavy sigh "What did she need? Everything alright?" He asked quietly
She nodded. “Girl stuff.” She muttered, watching Keaton quietly. “Did they say how long he’d be here for? They have an estimate on recovery? Cause I can call the school and let them know he won’t be coming back straight away.” She sighed quietly, going to sit down in the chair and watched the two of them. “He loves his dads cuddles.” She smiled tiredly.
Noah shook his head some "They're going to run some tests on him tomorrow, then they'll be able to tell us a time frame." He explained quietly to her sighing heavily as he kept him close.
She nodded and frowned, leaning back and trying to get some sleep in the chair at least after being up with him most of the night anyway. “I’m thinking of home schooling him til he’s a little older and stronger.” She mumbled. “So that he doesn’t end up falling behind”
Noah gave a small sigh and nodded a bit "Look if you think thats the best idea then alright." He whispered to her before rubbing at his face a bit

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