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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

She frowned and watched him, shaking her head a bit. “How’s your chest? Did you bring your meds with you?” She asked him quietly. “Cause the last thing we need is you having an episode as well.” She muttered, sitting up when he shook his head “Alright, I’ll go get em.” She muttered, taking the car key from the bag and moved over to kiss Keatons head real quick before heading out, leaving her phone on the side.

His nurse popped in shortly after to check on him and smiled at Noah. “How are you and your wife doing?” She asked him, “I know it’s real hard when they’re this sick but we got information on help for families and whatnot.” She told him frowning a little at how pale he was getting. “Are you alright sir?”
Noah took a deep breath and nodded some "Yes ma'am, just uh needing my medicine. My wife went to get it." He said quietly as he did his best to keep himself relaxed
Noah ended up falling asleep not too long after that. He gave a soft groan when he felt Carmen shaking him awake "Hey....thank you." He whispered as she handed him his medicine to take "You hungry at all?" He asked as he slowly got up to trade places with her so she could cuddle Keaton and he could use the restroom.
she shook her head. “I got some McDonald’s on the way back. I brought you some fries and a milkshake.” She told him, rubbing his shoulder as she went to sit with Keaton, running her fingers through his hair. “I just want my son to be okay. You wanna stay here or go to Eden tonight?” She asked him quietly, sighing a little.
Noah sighed softly "I would say you go see Eden, but I know you and you'll be calling me all night worried about him. So I'll go get Eden." He murmured softly as he munched on the french fries she had gotten for him.
She sighed but nodded. “Probably for the best.” She mumbled, brushing Keatons hair out his face as he was waking up again. “Hi baby, how you feeling?” She murmured, kissing his head and let him snuggle in close. “You want some water?”
Keaton nodded and cuddled her in close "Yes please..." he whispered looking over at Noah and reaching for him "Daddy cuddle too.."
She smiled and shook her head, getting him a fresh straw for his water and helped him sip at it. "Baby this bed isn't big enough for me and Daddy, which one do you want?" She smiled, kissing his head "I'm gonna stay here with you tonight okay? Daddy can go see Eden yeah?" She murmured.
Keaton pouted and nodded some before reaching for Noah's hand to hold.

Noah held his hand amd gave a small smile as he watched him "We're gonna be out of here before you know it buddy."
She smiled and watched him, "Your Dad makes that exact same face when I tell him it's time to get off his playstation." She smiled, watching Keaton giggle, "Get some rest baby, I'll get my computer charged and we can watch some Bluery when you wake up okay?" She suggested, sighing a little as he barely responded and was asleep straight away.
Noah gave a heavy sigh as he watched him and shook his head some "I hope those tests don't take too long for results." He said quietly as he watched Keaton sleep "Once we're all cleared we're going on a vacation, somewhere secluded with a beach."
She frowned "The kids will be back at school... Even if we home school this one Eden will be at school." She sighed a little, rubbing at her face. "Give Eden a cuddle from me please." She told him, sighing quietly. "I worry about her now that she's old enough to know what's going on." She mumbled, watching him step around to her side and kissed him gently, "Love you, I'll see you in the morning." She murmured.
Noah kissed her gently and sighed a bit "I love you too, I'll see you in the morning." He murmured before leaving for the night to go pick up Eden.
Carmen ended up falling asleep shortly after he left, exhausted lately, and styed asleep until almost 3am when she woke up feeling a little nauseous and muttered under breath about being tired of feeling sick. She carefully moved off the bed to get some water and glanced over at Keaton, frowning a little then back at his monitors, quickly pressing the call button as she realised it was him that had woken her up. Within just a few minutes she was out in the hall shaking and calling Noah while she tried to stay calm, sinking to sit on the floor. "You need to get down here.... Right now... He's not... He can't.... You gotta get down here." she sobbed down the line, nearing her breaking point now.
Noah was there in an instant with Eden in toe just scared to death about what was wrong. He found Carmen in the hall and quickly pulled her into his arms "Whats wrong? What happened?" He asked her worriedly
She frowned and shook her head, trying to calm down but she'd broken down all over again once she'd seen Noah coming down the hall, just holding onto him tightly until she could talk "I woke up and he was struggling to breathe and he... he wasn't waking up and they came in and he... he... he stopped breathing and they made me leave and I don't know what's going on now." She cried into his chest.
Noah gulped quietly and held her close to him along with Eden taking deep breaths "Its okay, they'll make sure he is okay." He whispered. He kept them close the whole time until finally a nurse came out to see them "Is he okay?"
Carmen frowned when the nurse asked them to go take a seat in the family room down the hall and that someone would come talk to them shortly about what was going on, just leaning on Noah the whole way down there and sat down with her head in her hands, shaking a little, terrified.
Noah sat with them for another fifteen minutes before a doctor came out. He took a deep breath giving Carmen's hand a tight squeeze "Is our son okay? Whats happened?"
“He’s stable for now. That’s the most important thing… we’re going to run those tests in the morning and see how he does through the rest of the night. He did have a cardiac arrest but it wasn’t for long, we’ll check on everything in the morning anyway. We just want him to rest for now…. It should be noted that he’s not currently breathing completely on his own. He’s just not strong enough right now.” He explained, frowning as the wife seemed to be completely zoned out.
Noah took a shaky breath and nodded a bit "Thank you for everything, can we go see him?" He asked quietly before standing up and leading them to his room when they said they could go.
Eden frowned as they stepped inside and she sat down, not looking at her brother and trying to not listen to her mom crying, just pulling her hood up and looking out the window instead.

Carmen sat down on the edge of the bed, sobbing as she watched him. “It’s not fair. It’s not fair.” She whimpered, moving Keatons hair out of his face. “He’s cold…. Where did his teddy go?” She mumbled, seeing it on the floor and went to grab it for him.
Noah handed Eden a blanket and headphones trying to make her comfortable too. He sighed heavily and grabbed Keaton's blanket pulling it up on him and tucking him in letting a few tears fall "Oh my little guy...I love you." He whispered kissing his forehead gently
Carmen eventually moved to sit with Eden, holding her close while she slept and kissed her head, watching Noah. “I’ll call my dad to come get her in the morning.” She mumbled, “two days ago he was fine.”

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