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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

Noah laughed quietly and stayed still for her "A bit of both." He murmured before kissing her gently "I love you so much Carmen." Hw murmured before looking at the ring on his finger "Sooo when do you want to seriously look at planning a wedding?"

Max shook her head and put his phone away from him "I already called Vinny. Don't worry about that okay? You just focus on getting better."
She smiled and closed her eyes, still exhausted. “When I can walk without help.” She smiled. “Maybe give it a few months. Get into a routine with her first.” She smiled, “you can put her down honey. She’s not gonna break if she goes in her bassinet.” She teased him a little

He nodded slowly, tugging on her to sit with him but soon stopped as he got pain going through his abdomen, just under his ribs and he shut his eyes tightly, groaning. “They better get me on the right stuff.” He muttered
Max gave a small nod and kissed his cheek gently "Don't worry love, they'll get it handled." She murmured looking at rhe doctor as he came in frowning when he said they wanted to do an endoscopy to see down into his stomach.

Noah nodded and smiled a bit "I know, but I don't wanna put her down." He murmured staring back down at their little girl "Oh what if we waited until she was older? Then she could be the flower girl."
He grumbled a bit but agreed to it and signed the papers he was given, listening to him go over everything before leaving them to it for a while.

“Because I don’t want children at my wedding and that includes her. Baby yes. Tiny toddler sure but not older than two.” She told him.
Max gave him a small kiss and smiled softly at him "Hopefully they'll be able to look in there and see better." She murmured as she cupped his cheek gently "You know I love you right? And I'm going to be here through all this."

Noah nodded in agreement "Well yeah, I meam when she is a toddler, she could walk down the aisle with the flowers. It would be the most adorable thing."
He nodded slowly and rest his head back. “I know. And I appreciate it. So much.” He murmured, watching her until he fell asleep again. Vinny showed up shortly after he’d passed out and came to sit near max sighing a little. “What happened? Cause he was doing good.” He muttered, not having a clue how much ricky had been trying to push through just so no one had to worry a bit him.

She nodded and smiled, glancing at her phone. “Dinners almost here…. You wanna help me downstairs?” She asked him quietly, not really wanting to eat upstairs.
Max sighed softly "I don't fully know. He said his medicine had been messing with him. I found him in the bathroom at 3 in the morning and he said his stomach was killing him like he was going to be sick. Then he started vomitting blood." She explained sighing heavily "They want to take a look at his stomach to see if something might be there."

Noah gave a small smile and nodded "Yeah I can do that." He murmured before he got up placing Eden in her bassinet. He went back over to her and took her hands in his gently helping her up "You sure you don't want to stay in the guest room just for a couple days?"
She nodded and frowned. “Yes. I hate that mattress. There is a reason that mattress is not on our bed.” She muttered, making a face about it, leaning on him a little to get downstairs to the lounge. “I’m so worried that I’m gonna forget she’s here.” She mumbled.

He nodded slowly and frowned. “You should know that someone caught wind that he was here. Don’t know if they saw him being moved around for tests or what but there’s stuff going round the internet about him. And about you.” He muttered. “You should lock yourself out of instagram for a couple days.” He warned her.
Noah chuckled softly when Eden started to cry as soon as they got to the bottom of the stairs "I don't think she'll let us forget." He said before getting her sat down.

Max frowned deeply and took a deep breath "What are they saying?" She asked but shot him a small glare when he wouldn't open up about it "Vinny, what.are.they.saying?"
Carmen frowned and looked down at the baby monitor she’d picked up, “Noah you lay her on her hand. She’s stuck.” She scolded him a little showing him the video.

He frowned and shook his head “basically saying it’s your fault that he’s sick. They reckon that he was never like this with Jamie… they think he’s on drugs. I mean he is but not the kind people are claiming” he sighed a little, frowning as they heard him start coughing before he was suddenly awake and leaning over the side of the bed, throwing up onto the floor, a little more blood coming up again.
Noah looked at the video and frowned a bit "Uh oh, let go get her." He murmured before kissing her cheek and rushing back upstairs to grab Eden.

Max frowned deeply and shook her head about to say something when she heard Ricky. She cursed under her breath before pressing the call button while Vinny went to get papertowels from the bathroom to soak it up a bit.
She smiled a little and shook her head as he carried her downstairs. “What is daddy like?” She smiled, carefully getting to the couch and reaching for her again.

He lay back groaning again and just closed his eyes tightly, feeling a hand on his forehead. “Make it stop.” He panted, “Make it stop.” He was begging now and looking terrified when he finally opened his eyes and stared at max
Max frowned deeply when she heard his begging and felt her heart break. She took a deep breath looking at the nurse as she came in "Please tell me you're taking him back soon, he can't take this pain anymore." She told her.

Noah smiled happily as he watched the two of them once he handed Eden off. He took a few photos of them but soon went to go get the food once he heard the door. "I'll get her little travel thing we got for her."
She shook her head and frowned "We can give him more painkillers but weve got another hour before we can take him through." She explained, nodding when he asked for the painkillers, going to organise that for him.

He lay back and watched Max carefully, not registering Vinny for a minute and frowned when he noticed him. "When did... you get here?" He asked him frowning, holding his side and closing his eyes tightly again
Max frowned softly amd looked over at Vinny briefly "He got here about 30 minutes ago. He wanted to check on you." She murmured while pushing some hair from his face.

Noah sat there later that evening smiling as he watched Eden sleep curled up on Carmen's chest "How are your boobs feeling? You need any of that cream to help the tenderness?"
She smiled over at him and shook her head. “Not right now I don’t. Maybe before bed.” She mumbled watching Eden tiredly until she moved her to her rocker carefully and sat back on the couch again, laying against Noah. “To think there was a time that I thought I was going to end up with someone else… I wonder what our lives would look like if we had ended up with different people.” She sighed a little, “you know when I realised that I loved you?” She asked. “When you and Nick came to my dads wedding for me.” She smiked.

He nodded slowly, trying to relax but even the painkillers were doing little for him at this point until they finally took him back, Vinny stepping out to go call Chris. “Hey… did you get my message about Rick? It’s not him being dramatic. He’s not doing good. At all.” He told him frowning.
Max walked back with him as far as they would let her before going back to the room. She frowned softly seeing Vinny hanging up the phone looking displeased "Whats wrong?" She asked him

Noah smiled some and nodded some "I'd be a miserable man." He murmured before giving a small sigh "Unfortunately it took me a bit longer to actuallty figure it out." He muttered giving a heavy sigh "And I pissed you right the fuck off when I told you."
She nodded. “You’ve got better with your timing of things.” She murmured. “A lot less awkward… but it all worked out.” She murmured, resting her head on his shoulder and yawned.

He shook his head and sat down, running a hand over his face “I gotta go. Keep us updated though with what you can.” He told her, getting up and heading out of there.

They brought him back a couple hours later and left him to rest for now, pulling max out of the room to explain that it just confirmed what they already knew that his liver was getting worse instead of better and they had one last shot of fixing it with medication before they’d need to put him on the list for a transplant.
Max took a deep breath and nodded softly to the nurse "Anything with his stomach? Why is he puking blood?" She asked worriedly while taking Ricky's hand in hers.

Noah chuckled softly and kissed her gently "I love you." He murmured before yawning as well "Lets get back up to bed."
She nodded tiredly letting him bell hee Ho there and got into hee, asleep before he was back with Eden.

“It’s not from the stomach but the oesophagus. He’s had a lot of nausea recently and it’s likely highly irritated but it’s not something we’re worried will continue.” He assured her, leaving them to it.
Noah smiled softly getting Eden down before he went to lay down and fall asleep himself.

Max gave a heavy sigh but nodded softly "Thank you." She murmured before turning her attention to Ricky "We'll get this figured out....I know it." She whispered
-6 months-

Carmen woke up in the middle of the night to strange sounds in their bedroom. This was the last night that she would have Noah home with her and Eden. It had been the best thing for them to have 6 months together to get used to being a family and fall into routines but come the mid-morning Noah would be leaving them to go on a short tour that included a cruise gig and she was both looking forward to some peace and quiet and bricking it that she would be on her own with Eden for the next month. The noise for once wasn't Eden on the baby monitor now that she was in her own room, it was coming from noah next to her. She sat up and gently shook him until he woke up, jumping a little as he sat bolt upright "Hey hey.... You're okay... You're at home." She murmured, frowning more as she watched him get up and leave tghe room, looking at the monitor to see he'd gone to check on Eden, waiting until he came back to their room "Talk to me." She coaxed.

Ricky groaned a little as he woke up to Max nudging him in his bunk on the bus, looking up and taking the pills out of her hand, swallowing them with some water, "Thank you." he mumbled. He'd been very up and down over the last 6 months and even now he was taking it day by day. They had just finished a short string of shows in the north east and were heading to go to ship rocked, looking forward to getting some sunshine after a long winter. "How are you feeling today?" He asked her quietly, yawning big and getting out of the bunk, pulling her into him a little.
Max gave a small sigh and cuddled into him "I'm feeling okay today, but I uh....I did some tracking and....Ricky I'm late." She said quietly scared to even look at him right now. Things with him hadn't been perfect, but they were a bit better than before. She however the past week had been feeling under the weather. She hoped this cruise would be the reset they both needed right now.

Noah bolted up when he felt Carmen touch him and quickly rushed to Eden without saying a word. He'd been having nightmares recently about leaving them and the two of them dying, leaving Eden alone like he had been. He went back to the room once he knew she was okay and let a few tears fall "I'm terrified....I keep dreaming about the accident, but I'm my step father and Eden is me. She's just screaming for me....and I'm slipping away." He whispered shaking a little bit now.
She frowned and got him to sit with her, turning her bedside lamp on, and held him to her, rubbing circles on his chest. “Breathe honey…. We’re okay. All of us.” She murmured, kissing his cheek. “When you get home I want you to call up your therapist again… a lot has changed lately and I think it’s just unsettling you again.” She pointed out, pressing her face to the top of his head. “Try to get some more sleep. You don’t have to be up for another hour.” She murmured

He frowned and watched her some. “Right…. Have you done a test yet?” He asked her quietly, glancing around to see if they were alone or not. “If not you gotta do one soon as possible. Cause I don’t think they’re gonna sell them on the boat.” He pointed out, kissing her forehead. “It’ll be alright though… well uh… we’ll work something out.” He muttered, not thinking about how that sounded
Max frowned deeply and gave a small nod "Yeah I'll get one...." she muttered before getting up "I need to go make sure we have everything packed." She said trying to not let him see her sadness. She knew it was still such a long shot for him wanting kids, but it felt like he was just immediately pushing it to get rid of it.

Noah took deep breaths and gave a small nod trying his best to calm down "I just don't want her to loose us and grow up like I did." He whispered to her.

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