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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

She nodded slowly and wiped at her face "I don't know what I'd do without you." She mumbled, leaning up and kissing him, looking over at Eden and smiling "You think she's gonna be tall like you? She got long fingers already."

He smiled and watched her go, getting up to clear up from dinner and eventually made his way in there with her.
Noah gave a small smile and shrugged some "Who knows, she seemed to be average length so maybe she'll be a good mixture of the two of us." He said softly while staring at the baby swaddled in the bassinet.

Max smiled softly as they sat in ths bath relaxing until her phone started to ring. She groaned quietly and picked it up from toilet lid going a little wide eyed at the number "Hello? Uh...hi mom, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
She smiled and leaned against him, enjoying some quiet watching their daughter until the doorbell went several times in the space of a few seconds and Carmen pulled up their ring camera to see Nick and his girlfriend trying to shove each other out of the way to be the first one through the door.

Rocky had been letting his hands travel but soon stopped when he heard who she was talking to, frowning some. She’d not told him much about her family when he had asked before
Max frowned a bit as she sat forward some "I'm currently spending time with my boyfriend....yes the one I mentioned before....look I'll call you tomorrow alright? I have the day off from work and we can discuss your life then." She muttered before hanging up and putting her phone back. She sighed dramatically as she fell back against him just shaking her head some to herself.

Noah chuckled when he saw what they were doing and quickly got up "I'll be back." He murmured before heading down to let them in. He led them to the room giving Carmen a small smile and kissing her forehead gently "I'm going to set the shower up alright? Nick already said he's got her."
She nodded and smiled wide seeing him and nadine coming in the room. “Hey, how was Barbados?” She asked, reaching down to lift up Eden as she had started waking up anyway. “Now don’t be mad…. But Noah betrayed you and let jolly hold her first.” She told Nick.
He frowned and just slowly traced patterns on her shoulders for a minute in the quiet. “You wanna talk about it?” He asked. “I mean… I knew I was dating a stripper. I figured there was some parental ow ow!” He laughed a bit as she smacked him with that one. “Seriously though… talk to me.” He coaxed, kissing her head.
Nick smiled as they entered the room "Hey it was amazing, gorgeous place, you guys should go sometime." He said happily. He gasped dramatically when she mentioned that Jolly had held the baby first, but smiled happily when he saw the little bundle of joy "I guess I'll let it slide this time." He said before reaching for the baby "Let me see this beauty."

Max gasped and smacked his arm "Hey! I do it because I actually enjoy pole dancing asshole." She muttered before crossing her arms. She gave a heavy sigh though and relaxed against him again "My mother....she calls once every few months. Asks the bare bones basics and then goes into whatever drama is going on in her life with my dad or her girlfriends at the country club." She said shaking her head a bit "It just gets annoying. I've wanted to share you with them; show her how I'm actually happy with someone but she just doesn't seem to care."
“You sure you’re good while I shower?” She asked him, relaxing when he promised they’d be fine, letting Noah help her up and into the bathroom. “Those two are gonna have cute kids if they want them.” She mumbled.

He sighed and kissed her head again. “You could always just not answer the phone. You don’t have to talk to her.” He pointed out “I know it’s a little more complicated than that but no one is forcing you to talk to your mother.”
Noah smiled happily and gave a small nod to her "Yeah they would." He murmured before he helped her get in the shower. It was around 30 minutes later when they were coming back finding Nick still holding the baby contently in his arms "She do alright?"

Max sighed some and nodded "I know I could....she's all I got left though. My sister can't be bothered by anyone in our family, my dad went off and doesn't want anything to do with us. She's alone and she's all I've got." She said before giving a small shrug "So while it drives me absolutely insane sometimes; I'll take what I can get I guess."
He nodded and smiled wide at Noah, “she’s just so tiny man. Here.” He carefully passed her back and watched him put her down for a nap, going downstairs with him when Carmen was falling asleep. “How’s she doing?” He asked him, nadine going to use the restroom.

He nodded slowly and watched her. “You wanna stay the night?” He asked her gently not wanting her on her own if she was feeling a little on edge like this. He started washing them both up and soon got out, grabbing her a towel.
Noah gave a small sigh as he followed him down and shrugged some "Physically she is healing fine. But she's a little overwhelmed, her dad came by earlier and she said he was great with the baby, but she just wonders why he couldn't do it with her. Caused a whole little meltdown, but I think she''ll be alright once her horomones start to get back to normal." He explained to his best friend.

Max nodded some and let him wash her off "Yeah, I'd like that a lot actually." She murmured before finishing up with him. Soon enough she found herself in bed with him curling up close to drift off to sleep.
He nodded slowly. “All of us are around… family is hard. And you got all of us around.” He told him. “We’ll leave you guys to it but give us a shout if you need anything. Go get some time with your girls.” He smiled at him and headed out with nadine once she got back.

He lay awake for a long while just keeping an eye on her until he was starting to feel nauseous, getting up carefully so he didn’t disturb her and went to sit on the bathroom floor
Noah got back up to the girls and smiled seeing both of them asleep still. He layed down with them and decided he too would get some sleep as well until the baby was up again.

Max frowned when she woke up in the middle of the night and felt the bed empty beside her. She got up and made her way to the restroom just to do her business, but she gasped softly seeing Ricky in there as she turned the light on. "Rick? Babe you okay?" She asked quietly
He groaned a little at the light going on suddenly. “That’s really bright.” He grumbled. “Yeah I just feel like I’m gonna be sick. I haven’t been but it feels like it.” He told her.

Carmen woke up a little while later with Eden and lifted her up to see if she was hungry, “we gotta be quiet though. Daddy’s finally getting some rest.” She cooed to her, carefully getting up and moving to the rocking chair she’d insisted they put in the room, sitting back and sighing happily while she fed her.
Max frowned deeply and went by his side rubbing his back gently "You taken any tums?" She asked softly kissing his temple gently frowning gently at how warm he felt "Are you feeling cold? It feels like you've got a small fever."

Noah woke up a bit when he heard Eden fuss and rubbed his eyes some "Hey she okay?" He asked Carmen quietly smiling as he saw her in the rocking chair "I guess it was a good choice putting that in here huh?"
She nodded and smiled. “She’s fine. Just doesn’t understand that she’s the one moving her body yet.” She mumbled. “She does need a diaper change though.” She told him.

He shook his head. “They’re useless babe. I dont…. Oh I feel weird.” He told her shaking a little now and rest his head back trying to get his body to relax.
Noah gave a small nod and smiled a bit "Oh okay, I can do that if you want. She got all that black poop out at the hospital right?" He asked hopefully. He was thrown for an entire loop when he changed her first dirty diaper and it was black. Thankfully a nurse had came in and assured him everything was natural, because he was on the verge of a whole breakdown.

Max frowned deeply and went to quickly get her phone. She came back in and got a wash rag from under the sink getting it wet and pressing it to his head "Talk to me, what are you feeling?" She asked softly
He looked around confused and then back up at her. “Where are we?” He asked her but soon leaned forward to the toilet and finally started retching, a fair amount of it was just blood coming up though

She nodded and smiled. “Please. And if you do this one I’ll buy you dinner.” She winked at him, pulling her phone out. “But seriously what do we want for dinner?”
Max quickly dialed 911 as soon as he asked her where they were. She rubbed his back as she explained to the dispatcher what was happening and stayed on the line until she heard the EMTs at the door.

Noah chuckled softly and gave a small shrug taking the baby into his arms "Whatever you want beautiful. You don't have as many restrictions now." He said happily before placing Eden on the changing area they had set up and cooed at her to calm down when she started to cry.
She smiled at him some. “Fine I’ll pick but you gotta choose next time.” She told him, ordering from their normal bbq place, “when do you need to go to the studio next?” She asked him once she got it ordered, leaning back and watching him, having to hold in a giggle when he’d got her cleaned up and she immediately peed on him.

He frowned when he saw people coming into the room, looking up at max a little freaked out by it but didn’t have time to focus on it too much as he started throwing up again but once he was finished he blacked out, slumping to the floor
Noah gasped and quickly tried to scramble and put the diaper on her "Oh Eden noooo, don't pee on Daddy!" He said giving a small huff as he recleaned her and got the diaper on "Its not funny Carmen!"

Max got out of their way and went to put some pants on before she followed them down "Can I ride in back or do I need to follow?" She asked one of them grabbing her purse, his wallet, and both sets of keys.
She shook her head laughing harder as Eden just gurgled up at him. “Oh no that was hilarious.” She smiked, watching him change his shirt and pick her up, “she’s claiming you as her dad” she teased him.

“You can get in the back if you want,” one of them told her as they were getting him on the stretcher and taking him out to the ambulance, a few of his new neighbours stood by windows or doors and watching.
Noah rolled his eyes and laughed some as he changed his shirt "I guess I can let it slide since it's her." He murmured happily while picking her up "Come on little one, lets go see Mommy."

Max thanked them quietly and went out with him giving a heavy sigh. She told them his medications and dosages thankful that he had them in his phone.
He was in and out over the next few hours, eventually waking up and seeing max sat there with a coffee, early morning light through the window. “What… what’s happening?” He asked her confused

She smiled and watched them both happily, “I think she’s gonna have your eyes.” She murmured, rubbing his thigh a little while he sat next to her
Max looked over at him when she heard his voice taking his hand in hers "Hey....they're still running tests...they think its your medication." She murmured before kissing his hand repeatedly.

Noah smiled down at his little girl "You think so?" He said softly as he leant his head against hers "I still can't believe we actually made this."
She smiled and watched him. “Well you fell asleep, I baked her for nine months.” She pointed out. “I’m glad we took that holiday though last month.” She mumbled tiredly, resting her head back and stared at Eden as she started falling asleep. “Don’t move.” She murmured, taking her phone and taking a photo of her asleep and fitting in her dads hands. “I can’t decide if she’s tiny or it’s just your massive hands.” She giggled.

He frowned and shook his head. “I’m sorry… I didn’t think it was this bad.” He mumbled, squeezing her hand gently “I’m meant to be at practice today.” He frowned, reaching for his phone to call someone.

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