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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

Noah groaned and slowly got up "Shit sorry...I didn't mean to be out that long." He murmured smiling and nodding "But of course I want cuddles; how could I deny them?" He said while waving at Bryan a bit.

Justin rolled his eyes as the two of them went off and clasped a hand on Ricky's shoulder "If you're both happy then that's what matters. They just want their friend not to get hurt, but they'll be fine." He said before walking inside with him.
Ricky grunted a little in acceptance and headed inside to go get work over and done with, wanting to get home so he could finish packing and get all his shit moved tomorrow.

Carmen smiled and shook her head "You needed it... I think you've slept less than I have the past few days." She pointed out, "Bryan do you mind going and grabbing us a drink real quick?" She asked, giving him a pointed look and thanked him as he did, turning to Noah "C'mere." She mumbled, waiting til he was sat with her "You okay? Don't bullshit me either.... You watched me bleed out... Are you okay?" She asked him, worried about him
Noah moved to sit with her and stared at their daughter giving a heavy sigh "I....I'm scared....I thought I saw my life flash before my eyes and I just...I know I can't do this shit without you." He whispered before kissing the top of her head repeatedly

Max called him around lunch time smiling softly as he answered "Hey handsome, just thought I'd check in and see how your day was going."
He sighed a little rubbing at his face. “Hey, it’s going just great. I’ve been treated like a child all day.” He muttered. “Don’t expect a warm welcome from the rest of them. Maybe Justin.” He told her, rubbing at his face.

She nodded and moved her free hand to cup his cheek “I’m here. I’m gonna be just fine so is our little girl. We’ll be home by tomorrow hopefully.” She murmured, looking to Eden as she finished. “You wanna let daddy burp you and cuddle you?” She cooed to hee, letting him take her so she could get in a quick nap.
Max gave a small frown and sighed softly "Well I wasn't expecting much of one. I'm sorry they're treating you that way." She murmured before glancing over the last of her things "I'm about done for the day, I was heading to get some lunch here soon." She said giving a small frown when she heard a snide remark from Ryan in the back "Should I let you go?"

Noah got a burp rag and smiled some as he took Eden into his arms "Come here princess." He murmured before burping her smiling at Bryan as he came in "Hey man, you get any good ones of the two of them?"
He nodded and watched him, getting a few of the two of them. “Oh yeah. Carmens promised to kill me if I don't edit them to make her look more put together." He chuckled. "TOld me she proposed too... Am I allowed to be there as a guest or am I gonna be there as a photographer only?" He teased him a little. "Fans have already clocked that she's probably here by the way. Someone posted a photo of Jolly leaving the hospital yesterday afternoon and people have been speculating.

He sighed a little and nodded to himself "Yeah... Yeah probably... I'll call you when I get home tonight." He told her, hanging up and went to finish up the rehearsals for the day, keeping distance from Ryan for the most part.
Noah rolled his eyes and laughed a bit "Better keep the originals too." He said before smiling and noddimg some "Yeah she did, beat me to the punch. Oh man of course you're a guest. I wouldn't have you work my wedding." He said with another small laugh. He frowned though when he mentioned fans and shook his head some "They better leave us the fuck alone."

Max was at home and eating dinner by the time he called her again. She frowned softly as she heard the tiredness in his voice immediately "Hey, the rest of practice go okay?"
He nodded. “I hope they do…you gonna tell her about the note?” He asked him. When jolly had gone to get him spare clothes he had found another note at the door with a bunch of roses that was from her stalker, taking several photos of him with Eden just casual while they were talking then stood. “I’m gonna head out, leave you both to some peace and quiet but I’ll catch you soon.” He told him, heading out of there leaving the three of them in almost silence except for edens gurgles.

He nodded and sighed. “Yeah. Yeah it was fine I just… yeah… how was work?” He asked her, yawning some and going to crack open a soda to sit down and order some dinner. “You wanna come over tonight or in the morning?” He asked her
Noah frowned deeply as Bryan mentioned the note and shook his head a bit "Not until she is out of the water here." He muttered chatting with him a bit longer before saying goodbye. He sat there in silence with Eden smiling happily at her "I'm gonna protect you at all costs, you can count on that." He told her quietly

"I'll come by in the morning, you sound like you're about to pass out." She said softly not wanting to push things too quickly. While they weren't starting completely over, she didn't know if they'd be able to just jump back in to how they used to be.
It was another day and a half before they were sent home and Carmen could still barely move, grumbling a little about getting upstairs on her own but still she appreciated Noah’s arm around her waist.

Ricky hummed in agreement. “I think I am. I’ll see you in the morning.” He murmured down the phone, hanging up and going straight to bed without finishing his packing
Noah helped Carmen to their bed and gave her a small smile "I got you beautiful, don't you worry about a single thing okay?" He murmured as he got her settled in their bed "Let me go get the baby."

Max had helped him get into his new place without a huge hassle thankfully. She stood in his kitchen to fill up his little watering can so she could water the few plants he had decided to keep. She gave a small smile as he came in to get a drink "Hey, what do you want to unpack next?"
She smiled and nodded, getting her pillow on her lap so she could feed her more comfortably, smiling wider when she saw Noah reappear holding Eden to him all scrunched up. “God she fits literally in your hands. Granted you got giant hands but still… welcome home sweetheart.” She cooed to her while she got situated. “It feels like we stole her. It’s so weird.” She giggled. “What time did Nick say he was gonna be here?” She asked.

He smiled and stepped over to hee, slipping his free arm around her. “I want to stop unpacking and go order some food.” He told her. “There’s just my study left and half the bedroom but that can wait.” He promised, yawning a little.
Noah laughed lightly as he cradled Eden close to him "I know right? Its such a surreal feeling." He said while handing Eden off to her "He said he'd be over in an hour or two, wanted to make sure we were all settled in."

Max smiled some and gave a nod "Alright then, I think we can do that." She murmured before pecking his cheek gently "Let me water these plants, you pick out the food." She said softly
She nodded and smiled at him while he sat with her. “Did you call Leila? I was gonna ask her to come do some cleaning for us again just for the next few weeks every few days or so that way we don’t have to worry too much about that stuff.” She told him, about to ask him another question but their doorbell rang and she frowned hearing her fathers voice outside.

He nodded and went to sit down and choose something, ending up falling asleep with his phone still in his hand and halfway through scrolling through the delivery app. Hed been exhausted lately and barely had any energy at all, falling asleep at fairly inconvenient times, only waking up now when he felt max shaking him.
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Noah gave a small nod as he sat with her about to answer when he heard the door. He gave a small frown and sighed heavily "I'll tell him to leave if you want me too." He murmured quietly

Max came back and gave a small smile seeing him asleep. She gently shook him awake and took his phone from him "Come on, lets get you some sleep in bed. I'll order and get you up when it arrives."
She shook her head. “Let him come in and meet hee then we probably won’t have to hear from him for a few months.” She mumbled, adjusting herself a little once Eden was done, lifting her up to burp her, listening to Noah talking to him downstairs. She frowned though hearing his wife’s voice too, just sighing heavily as they started coming up the stairs.

He grumbled a little but agreed, getting up to go through to his room and got into bed, “whatever you choose is good with me.” He mumbled, falling right back to sleep and breathing a little heavy.
Noah gave a small sigh but nodded and went downstairs to let them in. "Hey, she's upstairs. Quiet though, Eden has probably fallen asleep." He told them giving a small frown when he saw the new wife and sighed heavily knowing Carmen would not be thrilled.

Her father followed Noah up to the room and gave a small smile seeing his daughter there "There she is, here we brought these for you." He said quietly as he showed her the bouqet of flowers "How is the baby?" He asked her. He may have been a shit Dad for most of her life, but for now he was trying to be there.

Max got him up a little bit later but noted how his breathing had sounded before she did so. She sat with him at the coffee table in the living room eating quietly "How are you feeling Rick? And I mean honestly, how's your physical and mental health been?"
Carmen smiled a little. “Noah why don’t you take Lisa downstairs and put those in some water?” She suggested, staring the woman down before she agreed with a bit of a huff, smiling at her dad again. “She’s doing really good. She was 6lbs and 2ozs.” She told him. “Noah’s been great. He’s a little on edge still with having seen me bleeding out but we’re gonna be just fine.” She told him. “You wanna hold her?” She smiled, “your first granddaughter.” She told him as she passed Eden over carefully.

He shrugged a bit. “Not the best. Not the worst. Why?” He asked her frowning some, rubbing at his face to try and wake up a little more again while he ate.
Her father gave a small smile and took the baby into his arms shaking his head some "God I remember when you were this tiny. She's beautiful." He said quietly before kissing the side of her head "You both did good, I'm proud of you." He told her happily.

Max gave a small nod and sighed softly "You were breathing kind of heavy when you were sleeping. I just want to make sure you're okay." She murmured
He shrugged a little and looked at her. “They did uh… the stuff I’ve been taking for my liver stopped working. So im on stronger stuff now. I think that’s what’s making me tired.” He told hee sighing a little. He hadn’t wanted to make her worry so soon again.

She smiled a little and watched the two of them until eventually both him and his wife left. Eden was in her bassinet and Noah was coming back to bed and all Carmen could do was break down crying
Max frowned deeply and gave a small nod taking his hand in hers "Whats the next step if this new stuff stops working?" She asked softly hoping he wouldn't have to be placed on a transplant list.

Noah went wide eyed as she broke down and gently took her into his arms "Hey....hey whats wrong? Talk to me." He said gently just cradling her close to him.
“It’s all just a lot right now…. I feel bad for being overwhelmed but then dad was… he was so good with her. He was so … he was behaving like a dad.” She sobbed into his shirt. “It’s not fair. I want her to have grandparents that love her but why couldn’t I have them as good parents?” She cried.

He shrugged. “I didn’t ask. I don’t want to know. I came off it completely for a little while but then I got bronchitis and had antibiotics and that set things off again so now I’m here.” He told her calmly. “It is what it is.” He muttered.
Noah frowned and rubbed her back gently "Don't you apologize for anything. You just had a fucking baby, you're going to be emotional and thats okay." He murmured before kissing the top of her head repeatedly "Maybe this could help better your relationship with him though."

Max gave a small nod "When is your next check up for everything?" She asked but frowned when he said he hadn't scheduled one yet
She frowned and shook her head. “It’s not fair that you don’t get to share her with your parents either.” She told him, slowly calming down and sniffling, holding onto him a little tighter. “Do you… do you think Nick would be okay to watch her for just a little bit so you can help me shower?” She asked, her brain still wandering off mid breakdown the way it always had.

He shrugged. “I feel fine aside from the tiredness so im not worried.” He pointed out, sitting back once he was finished eating and gently pulled her in close. “You wanna try out the bath here?” He asked, kissing her head.
Noah nodded some and gave a small sigh "No it's not but thats okay, I came to terms with that a while ago." He said quietly before kissing her temple gently. He gave a very small chuckle as she started to veer off to another subject amd nodded some "I don't think he'll mind at all. I got that shower chair in there too, so I'll set it up soon okay?"

Max nodded and smiled softly "Yeah, this one is bigger too. I'll go set it up, put some bath salts in it and make it real nice." She murmured before pecking his lips and getting up.

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