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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

She nodded and reached for her. “Made quite the entrance… just like her father.” She smiled tiredly, holding her close and starting to cry. “When can I feed hee?” She asked quietly, jusr staring at their little girl. “Our little Eden.” She murmured.

He smiled. “Same size…. Don’t fall asleep on me in here. Don’t think I’ve got the strength to carry you back to bed again tonight.”
Noah smiled happily as he watched them sitting on the edge of the bed "I'll call the nurse to see when you can feed, a lactation consultant should be by too." He murmured smiling as Eden made another cooing noise.

Max gave a small laugh and nodded some "I won't I promise." She murmured before moving to kiss under his chin. She sat in there with him until the water got cold and quickly washed off. She looked at the time and gave a small sigh "I guess I should head out of here.." she said softly not thinking he would want her to spend the night.
He frowned and leaned against the doorframe as he watched her once they were both changed. “If you got work in the morning then my place is closer to the club.” He pointed out.

She nodded tiredly, “Nothings gonna be quite the same again is it?” She smiked,leaning against him when he sat next to her. “You should take her, I can’t keep my eyes open.” She told him quietly.
Max bit her lip and nodded some "Yeah I got the early shift." She murmured before rubbing the back of her neck "If you want I can take the guest room or couch." She murmured

Noah nodded some and took Eden into his arms before looking to Jolly "You want to hold her?" He asked him as he slowly got up from the bed so Carmen could have it to herself.
“What a stupid question. Hand hee over. Nick might kill me but that’s fine.” He chuckled and took the tiny bundle into his arms, sitting down to hold her. “Looks like her dad I think.” He smiled. “Uncle jolly is gonna teach you how to be so cool. Not like your mom and dad.” He chuckled, “Sara has been talking about kids… wait til she meets this one.”

He rolled his eyes and stepped closer, pulling her into him. “I just took you nine ways to Sunday…. I’m not gonna make you sleep on the couch you silly goose.
Noah smiled happily and took a photo of the two of them "Oh you guys would be good parents." He murmured watching the two of them "I just can't believe I'm actually a dad ya know? Like this is insane." He said happily

Max held him and kissed him lovingly "Well I didn't know if you'd want to share a bed with me that way." She murmured before running her fingers through his hair gently "We've got to get you on another hair care routine."
He groaned a little and walked with her back to his bedroom, turning off lights as they went and got under the covers with her, pulling her in close "My hair is just fine as it is thank you very much." He muttered. "I like it straight." He told her, nuzzling his face into the top of her head

He grinned and looked up at him, "You got a baby girl man.... Got a beautiful wife... Wait not a wife." He chuckled. They'd all heard Carmen complaining the past few months about carrying his child but still having no ring on her finger
Max rolled her eyes some shaking her head some "I like when it gets a little curl to it." She murmured before cuddling close to him before she fell asleep with him. By the next morning she was downstairs making the two if them coffee just humming to herself, though she yelped loudly when she heard Vinny's voice behind her "Fucking hell Vincenzo! What are you doing here?!"

Noah laughed some and nodded "Soon enough man, I got it all planned out." He whispered before pulling out his phone to show him a picture of the ring he was planning to get her.
Jolly grinned. “All coming together. I remember when she was seeing that asshole, remember all the whining you used to do that she was with him instead of you… your dad is a real complainer.” He told Eden, passing her back over when she had started grumbling a little, “im gonna head out. let me know if you guys need anything. Me and Sara aren’t busy this week at all.” He smiled, waving at the tiny baby before leaving again.

Vinny frowned as he made his way through the downstairs looking for Rick who was usually up by this point. He had frozen the moment he saw max and now stood staring at her. “The fuck are you doing here?” He muttered, wanting to be excited to see her but also fully aware of how bad she had hurt rick
Max bit her lip and gave a small shrug "We uh...we talked things out last night and I spent the night." She explained before sipping at her coffee "We're going to try and make things work." She murmured smiling a bit when she saw Ricky come down "Hey, I got some coffee made for you." She murmured before kissing him gently.

Noah said goodbye to Jolly and smiled when he noticed Carmen starting to stir awake "Hey....looks like she is hungry. I'm gonna go grab a nurse." He murmured happily before placing Eden in her cot.
Vinny looked over the pair of them, a little grossed out and nodded. “Yeah…. Talked it out” he muttered, “I’ll uh, I’ll catch you tomorrow then instead.” He told Ricky and headed out again

He sighed and shook his head, pulling her in close. “Ryan’s not gonna be happy.” He muttered. “So you’re aware.” He told her, kissing her temple.

She nodded and let him help her sit up again, making grabby hands for her. “I almost don’t wanna ask… did either of my parents call yet?” She frowned some, taking Eden into her arms and took a photo, sending it over to max.
Max gave a small frown but nodded some "I don't blame them, I have to earn their trust back just as much as I do yours." She said while taking another sip of her coffee. "Um...babe how is your back feeling?" She asked as he turned around and she saw the deep red marks that littered it all over

Noah gave small shake of his head and sighed softly "No they haven't called yet." He said quietly while placing Eden in her arms "But don't worry about them right now okay?" He told her before smiling some and leaving to get a nurse.
She nodded and leaned back, cradling the tiny bundle to hee and just staring in awe. “Oh she definitely looks like you.” She told him as he came back in, “I carry you for nine months and you have the audacity to come out looking like your father.” She smiled.

Ricky nodded. “It hurts. Why?” He asked, picking her phone up from the counter when it buzzed and handed it to her, going to get some juice out the fridge.
Max giggled softly and took her phone snapping a quick photo before showing it to him "Told you, you might need some cream." She said before checking her messages. She gasped softly seeing a baby photo and smiled widely "Carmen had the baby, she's good and healthy." She murmured

Noah chuckled and shook his head some "Maybe she'll look more like you as she grows older." He said happily just staring at her in awe "But hey....she didn't get my big head."
He nodded. “You two are talking again then?” He asked her smiling a little.

She rolled her eyes a little. “Oh… can you get my socks out of the bag? Front left pocket… no… yup that one.” She smiled as she watched him pull out a small box that definitely wasn’t socks.
Max gave a small nod and smiled a bit "We didn't fully stop, we just don't talk as much anymore." She said before putting her cup in the sink and glanced over at the microwave clock giving a small sigh "I should get going soon, gotta go help get everything set up and cleaned." She murmured

Noah went to get her socks but raised an eyebrow when he saw a ring box "Um babe? This isn't socks." He said with a small chuckle and sat beside her before opening the box seeing a men's ring inside it "Whats this?"
He grumbled but nodded and pulled her in close. “I gotta go up to the warehouse today anyway so I won’t be around tonight. Too long of a drive… but I’ll be back tomorrow…. You wanna come help me move?” He asked her.

She smiled and watched him. “You were taking too long… so I thought fuck it. This isn’t the 19th century… Noah do you wanna get married?” She asked him, sure that she looked every bit as shit as she felt but she was happier than she’d ever been.
Max wrapped her arms around his neck instinctively and nodded some "Yeah I can do that. Be careful on your drive okay?" She murmured before kissing him again smiling some as he pressed their bodies completely together "I'll see you tomorrow." She said softly

Noah laughed happily and nodded some putting the ring on his left finger "Yeah, yeah I do." He said before cupping her face and kissing her lovingly "I fucking love you and your impatient self." He said chuckling pulling out his phone to show her the ring he had bought "I was supposed to pick it up in a few weeks." He said happily to her "Looks like you beat me to the punch."
She smiled and shook her head a little. “I don’t know what you’re talking about impatient.” She giggled, looking back down at Eden again when she started fussing, just gently trying to soothe her until the nurse finally came in to help them out with feeding her.

He smiled and kissed her gently. “See you then.” He murmured, kissing her once more before letting her go and he got himself dressed and went to pick up Vinny to drive up to the warehouse. “Don’t look at me like that man.”
Noah laughed before finally moving out of the way to let the nurse help her out. He yawned some starting to feel the adrenaline die down from everything.

Vinny frowned deeply and shook his head some "Rick....I just don't want to see you hurt again, Max was a great chick, but fuck man you really willing to give her another chance after what she did?"
She smiked over at him once Eden was feeding “Noah get some sleep.” She told him, yawning a little. “I’m not having you burning yourself out yet.” She smiked.

He shrugged. “Yeah… I am. But vin that’s not your problem.” He muttered. “So let’s change the subject.” He told him and turned the radio on.
Noah nodded some and gave a small smile "I will once you two are asleep, I'm fine I promise." He murmured softly to her as he sat down.

VInny stayed quiet the rest of the ride to the warehouse and gave a small sigh "You plan on telling the guys or are you just gonna spring up with her in toe one day?" He said sharply
“Puppy that wasn’t a suggestion that was an order. You ain’t getting in this bed to sleep so you go get yourself comfy on the couch as best you can and take a nap.” She told him, “your daddy is stubborn.” She murmured to Eden.

Rocky grit his teeth about to respond when Justin and Ryan both rounded the corner and asked what Rick was meant to tell them. “I’m not doing this. You’re sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong right now Vin.” He muttered.

“Rick took max back. She was at his place making coffee this morning wearing one of his shirts.” He told them both
Noah gave a small chuckle and soon closed his eyes. He woke up when he heard Eden crying and quickly shot up "Is she okay?!" He asked panicked but quickly calmed down seeing Carmen had her set up to feed again "How long was I out?"

Ryan frowned deeply and shook his head some "You fucking serious?! She fucking did the same shit Jamie did! Why would you take her back?!" He said in a pissed off tone.
Carmen smiled over at him a little, glancing over at Bryan who had come back to take more photos now she was here "Six hours." She told him "When I'm done you want more cuddles with her?" She asked him, "Careful getting up you don't fit great on that couch." She warned him.

Ricky rolled his eyes "We're testing the waters. Because we both fucked up and there was a big misunderstanding that got both of us very hurt.... You all act like I'm a kid making this decision. We talked it out alright?" He muttered, turning to glare at Vin when he heard him.

"More like fucked it out, look at his neck." Vin muttered, going to grab a drink before starting rehearsals.

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