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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

Noah shook his head giving her a small smile "Uh not fully, but we got this." He murmured to her. He helped her to the car once she was done and paid for the nails himself. Afterwards he rushed them to the labor and delivery area of the hospital telling the guard that they needed to be seen right away. He was thankful when they were immediately taken back and Carmen was being looked over.

Max frowned and shook her head some "Its not going to change anything, not going to take back what was done or said. But, I am sorry..." she paused trying to keep her composure but as soon as she looked into his eyes she broke down "I'm sorry Ricky. I'm so sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the problems I was having with the birth control and how I had to stop taking it to wait for my new dosage to come in. I thought my keeping track of ovulation was going to be enough. I'm sorry I went and got drunk and kissed another guy. I'm sorry for everything and I'll regret it for the rest of my life." She sobbed just shaking her head again "I love you."
She tried to relax a little once they were left alone again, smiling some, "She's on her way... You wanna call Brian now or wait a little longer?" She asked him, grabbing at his hand through a set of contractions. "I don't think this is gonna be quick." She muttered. They'd spoken to a few people they knew with kids and heard all about how fast it had gone for them but there was a nagging feeling at the back of her mind that everything else had gone just a little too smoothly for them so far and she was worried.

He shook his head "You left the bar and were going back to his bus for crying out loud!" HE snapped again "I..... I get that we'd had a fight. Sure it felt like the end but neither of us had confirmed that! And I wasn't planning on it. I told you why I walked away. I walked away to calm down." He muttered, "I even sent you a message lter when I didn't know where you were to ask if we could sit down and talk it out. Turns out while I was worried about where you'd disappeared to you were thinking of some other guy's dick." He spat, finishign his cigarette and got in his car, gritting his teeth when she opened the passenger side door "What are you doing?"
Noah gave her a small smile and kissed the side of her head "I'm sure its going to be okay, she'll be here before we know it." He said quietly before texting Brian about coming down to do some photos for them. He stayed by her side the entire time and it was another two hours before they were brought into an actual delivery room and out of the ER.

Max shook her head some and opened his passenger door without thinking "This is what you wanted isn't it?! A fucking apology that we know would do no good!" She said before getting in and shutting the door "I fucked up Ricky, and I tried for weeks to come and have it out with you. So why all of sudden you want to have it out?!"
He shook his head and looked away "If you were showing up to the house I wasn't there." He muttered, shaking his head "I had to go stay with my parents on fucking suicide watch for three months." He muttered "Did Carmen tell you? Cause she knew. I told her.... I was gonna propose to you after that fucking show." He told her seriously "I was ready to marry you. And I don't know how to fix this cause as much as you hurt me, for some unknown reason I still fucking love you!"

She frowned a little, resting her head back some, "Our nurse is a little harsh." She mumbled, frowning and patting the space next to her, just wanting him close for comfort. "You should probably text my parents." She muttered.
Max frowned deeply as she listened to him and shook her head "No, she never told me any of that. I haven't spoken with her much, she was pissed as me too." She explained taking a shaky breath "You were going to propose?" She asked quietly watching him give a small nod "I....I love you too Ricky. I never stopped, and I fucked up." She whispered before letting a few tears fall "I don't know how to fix it either, there is nothing that can fix it. I can't take back what I did, and I can't expect you to forget it."

Noah sat beside her the best he could and sighed some "Yeah I guess thats a good idea." He said giving a small laugh before pulling out his phone. He held her close when the contractions got worse and did his best to try and make her comfortable.
By the time they checked on her next she was no further along than what she had been when they arrived a few hours ago, grumbling a little bit at being told to try walking around some, doing that for a bit before Noah suggested using the ball they’d bought and she nodded, swallowing a little and trying to stay calm. “I’m not gonna panic until they tell me I should.” She muttered over and over to herself until he got her to sit down on it, not noticing that Brian had arrived.

He bit down hard on his lip when she continued to sit in his car, both of them silent for a while. “You ever do it again and it might be the end of me.” He finally muttered. “You wanna leave me find but fuckin tell me that instead of going to find someone else to share a bed with while we’re together.” He told her.
Noah sat there infront of her making sure she stayed steady on the ball "You're doing great babe, everything is going fine." He assured her with a small smile glancing over when he saw Brian come in "Hey man, thanks for coming."

Max sat there in silence with him and gave a deep frown "I never wanted anyone else. I never wanted us to end. I got drunk and made the wrong judgement call." She said quietly before looking over at him "I only want you Rick. Now, forever, I don't want anyone else but you."
She shook her head. “You’re breathing in my face right now and it’s really… can you go behind. Sorry.” She mumbled, just feeling a little overwhelmed, starting to relax just a little when she felt his hands rubbing her hips, going through a couple of the breathing exercises.

Brian gave him a thumbs up and grinned. “I’m not even here man. You both focus on baby.” He told him.

He frowned and nodded slowly. “Can you get out of my car so I can go home? I’ll call you later. I’ve got work to go do but we’ll go get dinner. Talk things out more.” He told her gently.
Noah nodded and quickly got up and went behind her. He gave Brian a thankful smile before he started to rub at her hips gently "You sure you don't want an epidural?" He asked softly when she started going through another round of contractions.

Max gave a small nod and got out before heading back inside to finish out her working day. She gave a heavy sigh as she got home late that evening just sitting on her couch trying to process what had happened earlier
She nodded and frowned. “I just… hope she doesn’t take too much longer.” She mumbled to him, getting back into bed a while later for the midwife to check on her again and frowned when they got told she still wasn’t any further along. She ended up having to wait another day and a half before they were starting to worry. She was beyond exhausted by that point and just leaning back against Noah sat behind her, while they watched some tv on his laptop. “I feel funny.” She told him frowning some, feeling him move off the bed.

Ricky waited until he was sure before calling her to go meet for dinner, just a casual one at the barbecue place in town but he made sure to ask for a booth in the back that was tucked away. He didn’t care if they forgot about service to that section a lot he just wanted to make sure they had privacy.
Noah was starting to worry as they got into the second day of this. The nurse had been great, always trying to assure them that these things happen sometimes. He frowned though when he heard her say she felt funmy and quickly got up and pressed the call button "Hi can we get someone in to check on my partner? She's saying something feels off."

Max arrived not too long after he did and quickly went to sit with him. She bit her lip as she slid into the booth giving a small sigh "Hi..." she said quietly as she glanced across the table at him. She felt her heart break as she took in his features now that she was closer. His eyes had dark rings under them like he hadn't gotten any sleep. His hair was dishevled, she could tell he hadn't been washing it properly. Though, she knew she didn't look any better either. Her care for herself and reached its all time low after their split, the only reason she kept up with herself was because she had to for her job.
Carmen frowned some and reached for his hand, glancing up to make sure the baby was alright but it seemed that she was the one not doing so great, baby was still doing good. They came in to check on her again and immediately the nurse was paging to let them know study were going to need to not wait any longer and take her in for a c section, gently moving Noah out of the way. “You can come in but you gotta get scrubbed in.” She told him, trying to get Carmen to keep talking to her.

Rocky sighed a little and leaned back, “hey…. I don’t want to start from the beginning. That shit is stupid…. But you’re gonna have to give me time to get comfortable again…. We gotta build trust back up and no more secrets. Hiding shit from each other hasn’t exactly gone well.” He told hee frowning.
Noah frowned deeply but nodded and went to get scrubbed in quickly while they took Carmen back. He took a deep breath as he stepping into the OR and immediatelt got to her head "Hey beautiful, I'm right here, she'll be here soon enough." He murmured to her.

Max gave a small nod and watched him a bit "I'm on the pill again, they've figured out my dosage. I don't dance either, manager position opened up." She explained giving a small shrug "Thought you should know those things."
She nodded slowly, feeling really sluggish by this point, not able to pay much attention to what was going on around her until she heard their daughter crying and not long after, them asking noah to leave the room.

One of the nurses stepped out with him to explain what was going on, letting him know that there had been some unexpected heavy bleeding they were trying to fix so it would be better if he stayed out now. “We just want to keep a close eye on your daughter for a little bit after all that but soon as we’re happy she’s all good we’ll bring her to the room again.” She assured him.

He nodded slowly. “I’m not uh… there’s not really much new happening with me. Just same old shit.” He told her with a shrug. “Working on some writing outside of the band though.” He mumbled.
Noah took a shaky breath as they pulled him out of the room to work on Carmen. He sat there still in the scrubs dping everything he could to no panic about the situation that was unfolding before him.

Max nodded some and gave a small smile "Oh yeah? You did always say you wanted to write more." She murmured before rubbing her arm gentlt as an awkward silence fell on them "I saw you guys did a new album, how was that? It comes out soon right?" She asked trying to break some tension if it was possible.
He nodded and watched her. “You wanna come back to mine after?” He asked her, stirring his coke a little.

Jolly was walking down the hall carrying a bag with a change of clothes for him and frowned seeing him sat there. “Hey… what’s going on?” He asked him seeing how spaced out he was, grabbing his shoulder firmly. “Noah.”
Max gave a small nod and took a sip of her water "Yeah...I'd like that a lot." She said softly watching as his eyes lit up a bit with a desired look that she was all too familiar with.

Noah snapped out of it when he felt Jolly shake him and frowned deeply "They uh.....they had to do a c-section. She had internal bleeding and they're working on her now. Baby is being checked over...her cry sounded okay to me, but I uh...I don't know anything else."
He nodded and leaned back, getting the waitress attention. “Can we get the bill please?” He asked, waiting impatiently til he got it paid and winked at her. “See you there.”

He nodded and sat with him. “Go get out of the scrubs. Bathroom is right there. I’ll wait here for information. Go.” He told him frowning.
Max smirked some and gave a nod before nearly running out to her car. She got to his place in record time and got to the door not even able to finish her knock before Ricky was pulling her inside and basically slamming her against the wall.

Noah nodded some and went to the bathroom to change out of the scrubs. He came back out and sat by his friend again putting his head in his hands "Anything?"
He shook his head but looked up when someone came and let him know Carmen was being taken back to her room. “She pulled through but it’s gonna be a little touch and go for the next 24 hours.” They told Noah, letting the two of them go back there, only in the room for a short while before they brought the baby through as well.

He shut the door behind her and carried her down to his room … it was a couple hours before they were done and he lay there breathing heavy and looking more relaxed than he had in a while, looking over her. “You’re gonna need to invest in a turtleneck.”
Noah looked over at the little bundle in the cot and took a shaky breath "It feels wrong to look at her with Carmen not awake.." he told Jolly quietly before slowly standing and making his way over to her.

Max panted as she stared at his ceiling and gave a small nod "You'll need one too...and maybe some cream for your back." She murmured before looking over at him "Pretty sure I drew blood at some point." She said before letting out a small laugh and rolling to be cuddled into his side just basking in the after glow with him.
He pulled her in close and sighed a little. He knew it might still be bumpy but at least they’d broken the ice again. He got up after a little bit to go for a smoke and run a bath for them.

jolly shook his head. “The only thing she’s gonna care about is making sure I get it on video. Moah holding his daughter for the very first time.” He grinned watching him pick her up. “Feel good?” He asked him, frowning a little at how he still looked a little shell shocked.
Max got up slowly afterwards and went to get in the bath once he came back inside and sighed softly. She relaxed against him and gently traced the tattoos on his arms before she spoke "Lot of boxes, you moving?" She asked quietly

Noah gently picked up the bundle and gave a small nod looking at the baby in awe "She's here....holy shit she's real." He said quietly letting a few tears as he stared down at the baby "She's perfect...most perfect thing I've ever seen."
He smiled wide and nodded to the chair. “You should do some skin to skin.” He told him, cutting the video and helping him out, watching him and making sure to take tons of photos and videos for Carmen. He jumped a little when he heard her voice from behind him.

“She okay?” She asked a little hoarse while she watched her little family. She felt like she’d been hit with a truck, carefully reaching for her.

He nodded and kissed the top of her head. “Found a nicer place. Still renting for now though. Doesn’t make sense to have a home home when I’m not there half the time.” He told her, gently rubbing circles in her hips with his thumbs
Noah held his daughter to his bare chest and smiled softly as she made a little cooing noise. He looked over at Carmen and gave a small nod "She is beautiful Carmen....she's perfect." He told her before standing up to go over to her "You okay to hold her?" He asked not wanting her to strain herself.

Max gave a small nod and smiled softly "Mmm yeah I guess you have a point. Apartment again or something bigger?" She asked as she closed her eyes to relax.

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