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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

Noah gave a small laugh and nodded softly "You think so? Am I really that bad?" He asked as he sat beside her and kissing the side of her head gently "I'd like for you to stay on the bus today alright? I'll bring you catering and whatever you need."

Max laughed happily and followed him to the bus "You're such a horndog!" She giggled before kissing him lovingly just before they got on the bus...Once they were done she found herself getting freshened up in the bathroom making sure her makeup hadn't smudged too badly "Hey babe can you grab my lipstick for me?! Its in my purse!" She called to him.
She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Nice try sweetheart but Dusturbed are playing in half an hour so I’m gonna start heading over there shortly. I haven’t seen them in years.” She muttered, frowning when a familiar look of pain passed over his face for a moment. “You okay?” She asked him frowning.

“Yeah hold on.” He called back, getting his clothes back on before digging through her stuff to find it, frowning when he found her birth control instead. Noticing it hadnt been touched in the last two weeks as she’d written the dates on each one, just stood staring at it feeling like he’d been smacked in the face after all their conversations about him not wanting kids.
Noah sighed some but nodded a bit "Fine fine, just take it easy out there for me please?" He asked before scrunching his face in pain. He gave a small nod and smiled a bit at her "Yeah just some small stomach ache, probably something I ate." He said giving her a small smile.

Max came out when it took him longer than it should have "Babe? Everything oka-" she stopped when she saw him holding her birth control "Rick...I can explain that." She said softly taking a deep breath. She'd gotten a change on the dosage and it had caused a lot of issues with her, so her doctor had told her to stop taking it and see if the symptoms went away.
she frowned and reached up to feel his forehead. “Mmm you’re pretty warm… you’re the one to take it easy before your slot alright?” She told him, kissing his cheek and getting dressed to head out there.

Ricky turned to glare at her. “Explain what? You haven’t been taking it and didn’t tell me once when we’ve had sex the past couple weeks?! Didn’t tell me to wrap it up considering all the talks we’ve had about not fucking having kids?!” He snapped at her. “You trying to trap me or something?!” He yelled at her.
Noah chuckled softly and gave a small nod "I promise I'll take it easy." He murmured kissing her gently "I love you beautiful." He said before leaning down and kissing her stomach "And I love you too little princess."

Max looked at him in shock and shook her head "You think I'd do that to you?! You think I'd want to trap you when you hate kids?!" She spat shaking her head some "Ricky I've been keeping track of everything, I don't ovu-" she tried explaining it to him but he just cut her off and continued to scream at her
“And things don’t always go how you planned! I… you need to walk away right now or I’m gonna say something I’m gonna regret.” He spat at her, grabbing his wallet and walking off, slamming the bus door behind him.

She smiled and poured down at him, sniffling a little. “Oh you’re gonna make me cry.” She mumbled, before heading out to go catch disturbed, only making it halfway through the set when she got a message from Nick in all caps telling her to get back to the bus immediately.
Max gulped quietly and shook her head before she grabbed her things as well and rushed off the bus. She went to try and find Carmen but was only met by Noah telling her that she had gone to see Disturbed. She decided she'd just grab a drink and try to find her once the show was over with.

Noah smiled happily at her and let her go off once it was time for Disturbed to go on. He gave a small frown when he heard a knock at the door. He opened it and gave a small smile at Max "Hey Carmen isn't here right now, she's catching Disturbed." He said before groaning as he felt pain course through him again. As she left him he went to lay down taking deep breaths as the pain started to get a bit worse.
Carmen made it back as quick as she could, hearing the groaning from outside the bus, going in to find him on the couch, sweating bullets. “Shit. Where is it hurting?” She asked him quickly, not liking that this had come on so quickly. “He can’t go on like this.” She muttered to Nick, “get Matt to talk to the festival.” She told him, frowning when Noah went to argue. “Not a chance. You can’t even get your eyes the whole way open.” She pointed out.

Ricky was furious the whole way through their set, not speaking to anybody and just grunting when they asked what was wrong but he just felt like she had tried to pull a fast one on him and he felt cornered.
Noah looked over when Nick came in and found him on the ground and called everyone. He groaned trying to protest to Carmen "No....fuck...its...its here." He muttered pointing to his appendix area groaning loudly as the pain increased.

Max sat at the bar tent on her third drink sighing heavily not even looking at her phone at all. She was hurting, she felt like this would be the end of them. She could see how hurt he was in his eyes and it felt like he wouldn't ever trust her.
Carmen frowned and shook her head. “Let’s get you in the van and get you to the hospital.” She told him, helping him up as much as she could with Nick on his other side and took him to the van to take him to the emergency room. “How long was it hurting for?” She questioned him.

it was after their set that he finally calmed down and went to the building the artists could use and went to take a shower, going to sit down after and send her a message, hoping she was still somewhere on festival grounds, pressing record. “Hey, listen, Im really sorry babe I… if you’re feeling up to it I hope you’ll come find me at the bus and we can talk it out but I know I overreacted and I just want us to get to a better understanding. I love you so much and I’m not about to let us call it quits cause we’re in a bit of a rocky patch.” He told her, finally hitting send and sat back.
Noah groanes again and gave her hand a tight squeeze "Couple days....thought it was a stomach ache...but its gotten worse today." He muttered starting to sweat now from how much pain he was in.

Max looked up when she felt someone sit across from her at the table. She gave a small wave as the guy smiled at her "Hi, can I help you?" She asked him
She frowned and nodded, smoothing his hair back and trying to soothe him best she could until they arrived and they helped him inside only to be told to go sit and wait, “baby lay across me if you need to.” She told him, rubbing his back when he did so immediately. “Hopefully it doesn’t take too long.” She frowned, taking a photo of him when she got the sneaking suspicion she may need one.

Will smiled at her. “Hey… if you’re on this side of things, how come I haven’t seen you round here before? I’m will by the way.l he told her, sticking his hand out
Noah groaned softly as he layed against her trying to not think about the pain. It was another 30 minutes before they were brought back and he was immediately starting to feel sick as they moved him "I'm gonna be sick..."

Max shook his hand and smiled some starting to feel a bit tipsy with the drinks settling in "I've been selling merch at the Motionless in White tent." She said giving a small laugh.
Carmen frowned and stayed with him while they got him a bucket, rubbing his back gently to try and soothe him, not liking how shallow his breathing had gotten either while they eventually moved him onto the bed to get him checked properly, hearing that it was likely appendicitis and they were worried that it had already burst with how much pain he was in.

He grinned and nodded. “That’s a sweet gig that. I’m with one of the bands.” He told her, chatting with hee for a while before getting up to leave with her back towards their bus, not making it the whole way though and ended up with her pinning him against a random bus and they started making out. He had no clue that she was Ricky’s girlfriend
Noah sat in the room once they had run a few tests and sighed heavily thankful they had given him just a few painkillers to help dull it out. He looked up as the doctor came in with a few nurses stating that he'd need to go into surgery immediately because his appendix had indeed burst.

Max chatted with him longer, all the while getting tipsier as they talked longer. Will was a handsome guy, and in her drunken haze she felt as though her relationship with Ricky was over. She thought he'd never want her again for what happened. Soon enough she found herself going back towards his bus and she ended up pressing him against one just kissing him right there. They stayed there making out for a few minutes things starting to get hot and heavy before she heard a familiar voice yell out "What the fuck!"
Carmen frowned but nodded and leaned over, kissing his cheek. “Me and Nick will be right here when you get back okay?” She promised, texting the rest of the guys to let them know what was happening before going to wait with Nick and sighed quietly, hearing his phone pinging with twitter notifications. “How bad are people complaining?” She asked him quietly, rubbing slow circles on her now tiny bump as she tried to keep herself calm.

Ryan had gone for a sneaky cigarette without lexi knowing when he heard the familiar sounds of someone getting it on and he went to check it wasn’t some weirdo fans having snuck into the area but by the time he found the couple he realised it was much worse than that. “You’ve gotta be kidding me max! God dammit…. You know she’s in a relationship?!” He questioned will, stomping out his cigarette and shaking his head as he walked off, furious with her
Nick rolled his eyes at his twitter feed and sighed some "Pretty bad, people think we're faking it. Saying Noah just took off so he can spend more time with you because he was looking fine when people caught him out earlier today." He muttered shaking his head a bit "I sometimes debate on deactivating my shit like Noah."

Max pulled away from Will and sobered up as soon as she saw Ryan "Shit....Ryan..Ryan wait!" She yelled running away from Will and trying to catch Ryan but by the time she got around the busses he was gone.
She rolled her eyes "As if the rest of you would let him cost you a booking for the sake of another hour with me." She muttered, resting her head back and debating for a little while before posting to her story that he was in surgery unexpectedly and leaving it at that for now, "I mean he couldn't even let me watch Disturbed for an hour? This was such a dramtic way to get me back to the bus." She joked a little with him.

Ricky frowned as Ryan stormed onto the bus and gave him a look that just made his stomach drop. "What?" He asked him frowning, "Ryan spit it out." He told him, feeling the panic rise.
Nick chuckled softly and nodded a bit "You know he hasn't been this happy in a long time. Even before you guys broke up he wasn't this happy." He told her truthfully "I'm just glad to see you both so happy and healthy." He murmured

Ryan took a deep breath and ran a hand over his face "I....I found Max...she was uh....fuck man I'm sorry. I caught her making out with Will from Lorna Shore....they were between the buses." He muttered shaking his head a bit when he heard a loud knock at the door and Max's voice on the other side
She smiled a little and sighed "I still pinch myself sometimes that a chance meeting in that store and you being a bit of an asshole about a band I liked while your friend stood and stared like a creep would lead to here." She told him, frowning a little when her phone pinged with messages from an unknown number.

Ricky frowned and shook his head "I... You're beinf serious?" He asked him frowning, shaking his head when Ryan nodded "Here." He muttered, shoving what stuff she had out into her suitcase and zipping it up, grabbing her rucksack as well and taking it to Ryan "Give those to her I... I can't... I don't even wanna look at her right now." He muttered, disappearing to his bunk.

Ryan just nodded and walked out to meet her at the door, opening it and frowned "Here... Rick doesn't wanna see you right noe." He told her, putting her bags in front of her "I suggest you see if you can get that flight home moved forward." He mutterred, sneering at her some.
Max frowned deeply and shook her head as he gave her, her things. "No Ryan please let me talk to him! Please!" She begged but he only slammed the door in her face. She gulped as she tried for a few more minutes to get to him but it was to no avail and she found herself outside the festival grounds doing what she could to try and get a flight put together. It was then when she saw Ricky's message from earlier and just completely broke down.

Nick nodded happily at the memories "Good times. I remember Noah wouldn't shut up about you either, it was pretty funny to see him so hung up on someone." He said but gave a small frown when he noticed the frown on her face "Everything okay?"
He sent her one more text asking her to take her stuff out of his place and leave her key behind before blocking her number and itching to go find a bar but it seemed between the rest of them they were determined to keep him under a close eye to make sure he didn't rekapse becayse of this.

Carmen sighed and shrugged "I think Andrew got ahold of this number." She sighed heavily and rubbed at her face. "I'm so worried about what will happen once the baby is here and how he's gonna act then." She muttered. "I know I have a restraining order but I don't think that will stop him forever." She muttered, standing up when they eventually called Noah's name, getting up and going to find out how he got on
Max got his final message and gulped quietly before just turning off her phone completely.

Nick frowned deeply and gave her a small nod "Look we'll make sure it doesn't get like last time okay? You're safe Carmen." He murmured before getting up to follow her back once the doctors called his name.

The doctor showed them back and smiled some "We were able to remove the appendix with no issue thankfully. It was a little inflamed but he should be okay. We'll keep him the next day and if his pain and everything else goes well he should be good to go."
She thanked him and went to sit down by the bed, taking his hand gently and slowly rubbing his knuckles, “how you feeling?” She asked him tiredly, smiling when he moved his hand from hers to trying to reach her bump, scooting a little closer so he could reach.
Noah gave her a tired smile and out his hand to her stomach "A bit fuzzy, still coming out of it. My tummy aches." He pouted watching her some "I love you, and our little princess."

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