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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

She nodded and smiled "It's going to be for a little while. But they're gonna keep you overnight and if all goes well you can leave again.... What do you think about naming her Eden?" She asked him, reaching over to smooth his hair out of his face.
Noah looked at her a bit surprised when she said the name choice. He knew she wasn't religious, especially when it came to Christianity "Eden? Like the garden of Eden?" He said quietly
“Like your throat tattoo. Or like the sleep token album…. Doesn’t have to be religious. I just think it’s a pretty name… if it makes you uncomfortable then obviously that’s a bad choice.” She pointed out.
Noah shook his head some "No...no Eden is a nice name. I just kmow you're not very religious and it reminds me of the garden." He murmured softly giving a soft smile
She smiled tiredly and nodded. “Get some rest Noah, been a long ass day.” She murmured, “Someone will come pick you up in the morning.” She promised, leaning over and kissing his cheek.

Ricky was miserable for the rest of the festival run and he was sure it couldn’t get any worse until he got home and walked into his empty apartment with al of her stuff gone.
Vinny sighed heavily as they got back to Ricky's place seeing all of Max's things gone. "I'm so sorry man...you need anything?" He asked as he looked around at everything "I'm gonna stay alright? Just for a few nights."

Noah sat at home a few days later and smiled seeing Carmen coming in with her snacks "God you are glowing you know that?" He said happily kissing her gently as she sat beside him.
She smiled and watched him. “Oh good you’re in a good mood, my mom is coming down. Tomorrow. And she wants to stay with us for a couple days.” She told him, opening the bag of chips and offering him a couple. The hardest part had been not smoking and she was finding that she was eating to fill that craving.

He turned and frowned at him. “You’re going home. And your home is not here.” He told him, trying to block him from bringing his bags inside. “Since when did I agree to this?”
Vinny frowned deeply and gave a heavy sigh "Rick, I just want to make sure you're okay. I don't want to get that fucking call again." He said seriously.

Noah frowned a bit and gave a small groan "Does she have to stay here?" He whined holding her some before nodding "Oh fine...I guess." He murmured before stealing a single chip. Her mother wasn't nearly as bad as her dad, but sometimes she still grated his nerves, especially when she didn't stay at hotels.
“That’s great. You can check I’m alive in the morning. But I need to be alone.” He told him, shutting the front door on him and went straight to lay down in bed, staring at the ceiling.

She nodded and sighed. “Insisted on it. So we’ll get the guest room set up in the morning.” She sighed. “People are going nuts about you cancelling the festivals. I see one more comment about it in posting those photos of you half dead.” She told him, resting her head against his shoulder and yawning a little. “Right what are we watching?” She asked, enjoying a bit of peace and quiet for now, glad the boys weren’t going to be touring until after the baby arrived now and it was time to work on the next album.
Noah shook his head some and sighed "People need to get over themselves. I understand being bummed out about it all but fucking hell the shit I've heard you and Nick saying is bullshit." He muttered before kissing the top of her head "Watching some cop show, its pretty shit to be honest." He said trying not to laugh when she realized it was Criminal Minds

Max gave a heavy sigh as she set up her things in one of the back rooms in the club. She was beyond thankful for her manager giving her a spot to stay just until she got another apartment set up. She sighed heavily as she sat down and finally texted Carmen needing a girlfriend to talk to about the whole situation.
Carmen rolled her eyes and shook her head "Well all the time you've made me spend watching Dragon Ball... Don't start, I hate that show" She pointed out, "Plus I could always leave you and go seduce Matthew Gray Gu-" She flinched a little when her phone pinged, checking it slowly in case it was Andrew again. She hadn't gotten around to telling Noah either that he had got her number. "Max wants to talk.... I can't avoid her forever." She muttered, having been pissed off with what happened. She got up and left Noah with her snacks while she went to go call her
Max answered as she picked up the phone "Hey...how's Noah doing?" She asked quietly trying to break the ice. She'd been trying to talk with her for a bit now but she had no clue she had heard about the break up.
She sighed a little and went to sit in the kitchen, "He's alright, we're casually waiting for the third problem but that might just be my mother who's coming tomorrow.... He's just been resting since we got home. Hasn't done that in a while..... Why'd you do it Max?" She asked frowning. She cared about the girl a lot but at the end of the day she'd known the Motionless boys a long time and it was a shitty thing to do to anybody
Max gave a small nod and sighed some "Well thats good to hear that he is getting some rest finally." She murmured before taking a deep breath "We had a really bad fight....I had been drinking and wasn't in my right mind..." she said quietly before letting a few tears fall "I thought it was the end of us....he thought I was trying to trap him and wouldn't let me explain what was happening, he just kept yelling and left...so I left too and just went to get some drinks."
she frowned and shook her head. “I told you to tell him the moment you stopped taking the pill. After all the conversations you guys had about not wanting kids…. I can’t see a way you have an excuse here.” She told her frowning still, getting up to go find moah and picked his hand up, placing it on her bump where she could feel the baby kicking for the first time.
Max gave a heavy sigh and shook her head some "I don't have one....I just..you know what I'm just going to let you go. I'll um...I'll talk to you later maybe." She murmured before hanging up.

Noah smiled widely when he felt the kicking and let a few tears fall "Holy shit....thats our baby in there." He said happily when she put her phone down.
She nodded happily and nodded. “Five months to go.” She smiled, getting snuggled down next to him again. The time went by quicker than she had thought it would and now it was only a couple weeks til her due date and she was ready to scream with how much noah had been on top of her. “Can you hurry a little? I don’t wanna be late for Anna. I’m not her only client of the day yknow.” She called to him as he’d promised to drop her off at her nail appointment

Ricky took a deep breath before heading inside the club. He’d been so not himself the past few months and when he was just about feeling like a normal human being again finally, he’d found the earrings she’d lost almost a year ago that had belonged to her grandmother. In between a couple couch cushions when he’d taken the thing apart to move it to his new place. Even after everything he knew he needed to return them.
Noah got the last of his things for the studio and nodded some "Alright alright lets get going." He said before helping her out to thr car. Ever since she got into the third trimester he had become a helicopter and had done everything to make sure she was as comfortable as could be, even though he could tell it was wearing on her nerves a bit. He just wanted to make sure she and the baby were completely safe.

Max was at the club going over yhe schedule for tonight starting to panic a bit because they'd need two slots filled because two of the girls had called in. She'd been promoted to a shift manager about two months ago now and she had been loving it. Though that was about the only thing in life that she was happy with so far. Outside of worm she was miserable, she never did anything and had become a bit of a recluse. She glanced up from her paper when the bouncer came over to her and said someone was there looking for her "It's probably an old customer; just tell them I'm not available for dances any longer and suggest another girl for me." She told him sweetly before sending him off.
He shook his head. “Said he’s got something for you. He’s uh… kinda short and scrawny. Covered in tattoos.” He told her. “Said he found something that belonged to you… you okay?” He asked her seeing how pale she’d just gone. “You want me to bar him from the premises?”

She smiled and watched him some. “Where do you wanna go for lunch after?” She asked him. She knew he was stressed about all of the changes about to happen and that was partly why he was so close all the time which was the only reason she was allowing it. “You can drop me right on that corner. I can walk the …. Noah you don’t need to take me all the way to the door.” She muttered, shaking her head a little buf smiling.
Max froze when he described who the guy was and immediately shook her head "No no, uh send him over. I know who he is." She said before quickly trying to tidy up the shit show of an office that she had. She looked up when she heard a knock at the door and took a small shaky breath when she saw Ricky standing there "Hey.."

Noah was about to park and take her into the actual nail salon to make sure she got in there safely. He stopped though she gave him an almost pleading look and sighed softly "Alright alright, but I'm staying until I see you go in." He compromised before parking the car and letting her get out.
She sighed and shook her head. “I’ll call you when I’m done.” She told him, getting out and heading inside, really feeling uncomfortable now but just wanting to feel nice and sat down with her nail tech.

He frowned and held up a small box. “Hey… I uh…. I found your earrings. And as much as I would love to throw them away…. I can’t do that. So here.” He told her, stepping over and placing them on the desk, “your new bouncer is an asshole by the way, sleeping with him too?” He asked, unable to bite his tongue.
Noah sat at the studio just going about things, he'd been there maybe 45 minutes when he got a call from Carmen. He frowned some knowing she had atleast another hour for her appointment "Hey babe, everything alright?"

Max thanked him for the earrings but frowned deeply at his comment "No, he's doing his job. We had an incident a few weeks ago, so he's making sure everyone behaves." She spat back before shaking her head a bit.
“Hey, yeah all good…. Can you stop by home on your way to pick me up? We need the hospital bag. Cause my water broke a few minutes ago.” She told him. “I got another hour here but then we can go straight to the hospital.” She told him, smiling a little.

Jolly glanced over when he heard noahs voice go up an octave, “everything good?” He asked once he was off the phone, leaning back in his chair some.

Ricky frowned and shook his head. “Whatever. I bright your earrings. That’s all I was here for.” He muttered and turned to leave, walking all the way out to his car despite desperately wanting to go get a drink, making sure he didn’t give in, especially in front of her.
Noah went wide eyed when he processed what she had said "What?! No can't stay at your appointment!" He argued but shook his head as she insisted and hung up on him. He looked at Jolly while he scrambled to get his things "Carmen's water broke, and she wants to finish her nail appointment!"

Max frowned deeply wanting desperately to run after him. She missed him more than anything and just seeing him there made it worse. She sat down and stared at the earrings shaking her head before running out to the parking lot finding him standing there at his car "Why did you come?! Why did you bring these? You could have given them to Vinny or even mailed them here, why did you bring them?" She asked
She looked over when he arrived and smiled “hey, we are almost done here then we can go.” She told him,reaching for him sith the hand that was finished. “You ready for this?” She asked seeing how stressed he looked.

He frowned and turned to face her again. “Because when you lost them you cried for two days. I wasn’t gonna risk them getting completely lost and it be my fault.” He told her, lighting up a cigarette and sighing. “Is that all? No sorry no nothing?” He muttered

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