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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

He scoffed and shook his head. “Babe. I might be doing better but this is lifelong and you know that as well as I do. It’s not always gonna be good.” He muttered, getting up and going to put his glass away. “It’s late. I’m gonna head to bed.” He told her, kissing the side of her head and left her in the lounge, going to bed.

Carmen woke up early and sighed quietly, unable to get back to sleep so she lay curled close to Noah, scrolling through her socials for a while until it was a more acceptable time to be up and about, going to take a shower and do her hair for the day.
Max sighed softly as she made her way to bed with him. She woke up early that next morning and smiled softly seeing him peacefully asleep next to her. She got up slowly hoping not to wake him before she made her way downstairs to start on breakfast for him.

Noah woke up and groaned softly as he felt the bed beside him. He frowned some when he felt Carmen gone and soon sat up to stretch noticing the dim glow of the bathroom light as he did so. He shot out of the bed when he heard Carmen curse loudly and quickly opened the door "Carmen?! You okay?! Is the baby okay?!" He asked worriedly but soon relaxed a bit when he saw her clutching her hand "Burn yourself with the curling iron?"
She had gone to reach for her hair to wrap around it but glanced at her phone when it buzzed as she did so and grabbed the iron instead, quickly shoving it under a cold tap and nodded, “h I think I’ve like… burnt it burnt it.” She told him quickly, glad when he came to hold the curler and set it down carefully so she could inspect her hand, “I’m gonna have to call Greg. I can’t play like this.” She muttered seeing the burns across her fingers and palm.

He grumbled a little but managed to stay asleep, not waking up until much later when she was nudging him. “I’m up I’m up… what time is it?” He groaned, stretching out and grabbing a band to get his hair up and out of his face.
Max smiled happily as she stood there in only an apron shaking his awake gently "Nearly ten, come on downstairs, I made breakfast." She giggled before turning around and running off back downstairs.

Noah took the iron from her hand and turned it off before placing it on the counter "Well atleast its the last show." He murmured softly giving her a small smile to try and make her feel better "Let me go down to the front see if they have any kind of burn cream."
He groaned happily and got up, heading down to her, “you’re gonna break it yknow.” He teased her as he pushed her up against the counter.

She frowned and nodded, waiting a little impatiently until he got back and she had started crying a little by that point. “Oh it hurts real bad.” She told him quietly, pouting up at him.
Max giggled and shook her head some "Nah I think you're good for one more time." She murmured before letting her hand fall into his pajama pants.

Noah came back and gave a small nod "Here, here, they had some cream and bandages." He said helping her get it treated as quickly as he could.
He frowned and gave her puppy eyes. “Only one?” He asked, undoing the knot quickly and dropping them to take her on the counter… he let her go get cleaned up once he was done, sitting down with juice when she got back, talking on the phone with the hair salon he usually went to, eventually hanging up and smiled at her. “You wanna go into town tomorrow? Get lunch after I get my hair done?” He asked her.

she let him sort it out, calming down about the whole thing and finally stood there looking up at him and sighed, “one day im gonna go an entire week without injuring myself in some way.” She muttered, turning to finish getting ready for the day
Max came back down in a pair of sweats and one of his motionless shirts giving a small nod "Yeah that sounds nice. You planning on just getting a trim and touch up? Your roots have grown out pretty long." She murmured smiling softly at him.

Noah got himself ready as well and chuckled softly "Lets go ahead and stop by a drug store so we can get some more cream and gauze." He murmured kissing her cheek "Hey, its going to be alright. We'll get Greg and your last show will go off without a hitch." He said seeing how stressed she looked now.
He nidddd. “Pretty much.” He smiled, pecking her cheek and got up to go get some work done, pausing at the door to his study. He hadn’t been back in since his attempt

She nodded and sighed managing to leave the hotel with hikat a sensible time to just go for a walk around Chicago, “if we ever left LA this would be a great city to be in.” She smiled.
Max frowned some when she saw him go to the study and bit her lip hard. She came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his center "I rearranged it. Got a nice rug, hung up some of your things you'd been meaning. I know it doesn't take the memory away, but it doesn't look the same in there." She said softly hoping that it may help make things easier.

Noah smiled some as they walked around and gave a small nod "As long as it isn't Virginia them I'm good." He sair giving a small laugh
He nodded slowly and opened the door, relaxing a little when he didn’t find it covered in blood but pulled her in tightly. “I m sorry…. I never wanted you to find me like that.” He told her, kissing her head.

She nodded and gave his hand a squeeze. “Wouldn’t dream of it handsome.” She promised, going to get lunch before they headed to the venue, doing sound check and finally just got some chill time in before she needed to start warming up, going to check that Greg was ready and frowned finding him drunk.
Max still held onto him and shook her head some "Things happen for a reason. We just need to move forward." She said softly before kissing him gently "I love you." She murmured quietly

Noah frowned deeply when he found Carmen panicking as he came from the restroom later that evening. "Hey, hey whats wrong?" He asked her as he went over to her.
She shook her head and slowly calmed down "I go on in ten minutes and my stand-in for the fucking guitar because I burnt my fucking hand, is drunk as hell and can't even stand up straight!" She told him a little frantically. She knew her manger had a drinking problem. It wasn't exactly a secret but she thought he could pull his shit together for just one night.

HE sighed and nodded, kissing her back "Love you too gorgeous." He murmured, moving away to go sit at his desk and get some stuff figured out for the string of shows they were getting ready for in a couple weeks.
Noah gave a small frown and sighed heavily "Shit....well...fuck it I'll do it. I know your songs." He said giving her a small smile "I don't have stage clothes, but I'll make sure everything is right for you." He told her before kissing her gently "We got this alright?"

Max smiled some and left him to it before going to check the mail. She smiled as saw the box on their porch knowing it was part of her present for Carmen "Yay next day shipping." She said happily to herself before going back inside and opening up the box.
He walked back into the lounge a couple hours later and frowned at the box on the table. “What exactly did you get her?” He questioned, going to make some coffee.

She looked up at him immediately relieved. “Oh my god you are a lifesaver.” She told him quickly, kissing him repeatedly. “I’ll make sure you got a chair for when you need it.” She told him, rushing off to go find someone that worked at the venue to sort out a chair for the stage.
Max gave a small smile "These are just some cute onesies, but I got her some blankets too. Once she has her baby shower I'll get her diapers and whatever she may have on her registry." She explained before picking one of the outfits up "I'm look how cute this is! It says 'My parents are Rockstars' and its literally the truth." She said giving an excited giggle.

Noah smiled some at her and went to grab his brace to put it on. He went to grab a guitar as well from the techs and just trying to remember her notes.
He made a bit of a face at it but nodded. “Alright. You know they don’t need financial help don’t you?” He muttered. “She’s fucking loaded.” He told her as he flipped the switch on the kettle.

She made her way out, going through her first few songs before taking a little break in between and winking over at moah. “You’ve probably all noticed that I’m not playing the instrument tonight. Well I burnt my hand really nasty right where I need to use it to play…. So being the ever wonderful partner that he is, Noah who you might recognise from a teeny tiny band. Not big at all. Not very good either, Bad Omens, has stepped up to play for me tonight.” She told the crowd.
Max frowned a bit and gave a small nod "Yes I know that, but its just the nice thing to do." She said to him "You really are against kids huh?"

Noah chuckled and rolled his eyes a bit as her before giving a small wave to the crowd as she introduced him but didn't say anything. This was all about her and he would make sure it stayed that way.
She turned back to start the next one, biting on her lip for a moment and glancing back to Noah to see if he was alright as they were about to do labour and she knew he’d grown to be okay with hearing it played but it was quite another ask for him to be involved.

He nodded slowly. “I just… if I’m subjecting another person to this shit joke tjat is our current world then it’s not very fair on them.” He muttered
Noah frowned some when he saw the next song on the setlist. Labour was definitely not a song he had planned to play. Every night of the tour he had gone out to not hear it but there was no escaping it now. He looked up at Carmen and smiled softly nodding that he had it to her.

Max gave a small frown and nodded "I get that, but you wouldn't want your name to continue and live on?" She asked softly "The world is always going to be shit, but maybe having a kid could make your world and life better."
He rolled his eyes. “Selfish fucking reason to have kids. Having children is selfish. There is no two ways about it.” He muttered, finishing off his coffee and taking it to his study.

She made it through the rest of the set and thanked everybody for coming out, finally leaving the stage and turned to face Noah happily. “I ever tell you that I love you?0 she smiled.
Max frowned deeply at his response and shook her head some "I guess we have different opinions about it all." She muttered while he walked back to his office.

Noah smiled pulling her into a hug "You may have once or twice." He said happily before kissing her gently "I'm just glad I didn't mess anything up for you."
She nodded happily, holding onto him tightly. “We gotta get shit loaded up before we go back to the hotel tonight though… we should go straight back and sleep though. Long drive from tomorrow.”

He scoffed under his breath and just cracked on with some work until he couldn’t look at a screen anymore, getting up and going to take a shower
It was another week before the festivals started and Max was on near her breaking point with Ricky. They'd had an argument before he left again about kids. She was just excited for Carmen but he had been tired of hearing about it. It was to the point she wasn't going to join the festivals, but they'd both talked it out and apologized to one another. Now she was sat at the merch table under a tent helping sell as many shirts as she could for the guys. She squeaked when she was tugged behind the tent and smiled widely when she saw Ricky "What are you doing?! I gotta sell the merch." She giggled as he peppered kisses all over her face.

Noah sat in the tour bus rubbing Carmen's back as she got sick again in the bucket they had found. He was worried sick about her even though she assured him it was just something that came with the pregnancy. He was ready for these festivals to be over with. While the crowds were great, the fucking heat that almost always came with the ones in America was killer and today's festival was no exception.
She eventually leaned back and gave him a thumbs up to tell him she was done, taking her water bottle and sipping it quietly for a minute until he came back. “She’s definitely your daughter.” She grumbled a little. They’d found out they were having a girl right before leaving for the festivals and she didn’t think she’d ever seen moah this excited.

He smiled and kissed her again. “Hold on.” He told her, sticking his head through the back entrance. “Jack. I’m stealing her for a little while.” He told their official merch guy and left with max quickly to the bus. “It’s empty right now. All the space available.” He told her quickly. “No one’s coming back for a little while.”

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