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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

Max gave a small nod and got up to head out to dinner with him. She raised an eyebrow when she noticed Noah in his ski mask as they got to the eating area.

Noah grabbed his ski mask and glasses not wanting to have fans mess with him. He felt the ski mask would deter them away, plus he was starting to feel panic rise as it started to sink in that Eden wasn't there.
Ricky went to get food at the buffet with her and sat down, chuckling as Noah sat at their table. “You look like the invisible man dude.” He told him, watching max snap a quick photo of him.

Carmen frowned as her phone pinged while she was trying to soothe Eden to get her to go to sleep, opening it to see a photo of Noah in the ski mask and smiled some, going to pull up FaceTime to call him. “Hey… can you take that off and talk to her please? She’s been missing you all day.” She told him, “Eden look it’s daddy.” She coaxed
Max laughed a bit as Noah sat down and quickly snapped a photo of him sending it to Carmen telling her to come get her man.

Noah smiled some when he saw Carmen and Eden on the phone. He took off the mask and smiled even more when Eden's face lit up "Hey there princess, you gotta calm down for your Mommy alright?"
Carmen shook her head. “The moment she sees you she calms down.” She muttered. “The betrayal….max just sent me a great photo of you.” She smiled.

Ricky chuckled a little at it and ate quietly, frowning when Ryan grabbed his plate and took it up to put more food on it. “Could you not? I’m tryna be careful, I’m still not up to eating normally yet.” He muttered a little tired of Ryan treating him like a child
Noah gave a small chuckle and smiled "She loves you Carmen, I promise she does." He murmured before sending Max a playful glare "I wanted to make it to where fans might be hesitant to come up to me."

Max frowned a bit at Ryan and gave a small sigh "Does he know you can't eat that much?" She murmured to him
She smiled some and shook hee head. “Such a little weirdo.” She murmured, glancing down as Eden was already starting to fall asleep now she had calmed down “I’ll let you go eat babe but we love you, see you later.” She murmured, hanging up and getting her out to bed

He shook his head. “Don’t even start. I’ve told him. He doesn’t believe me.” He muttered, laying an arm around the back of hee shoulders and kissed her temple. “You need another drink or anything?” He asked
Max gave a small nod and gave a small smile "No I'm alright, thank you though." She said before kissing his cheek gently just as Ryan came back and muttered for her to stop. She gave a small frown and sent him a small glare just trying to ignore his words.

Noah said goodbye before he went back to eating with everyone. He said his goodbyes though when he heard some fans chatting about the band having only touched a small amount of his food which didn't go unnoticed by Nick.
He shook his head and took a sip of his coke, “ignore hi… I need to go lay down.” He frowned a little, getting up and excusing himself to go back to the room.

Nick sighed a little and glanced over at jolly, shaking his head. “We knew it was gonna be rough, first tour after the baby but this seems like more.” He muttered, heading back to their room a little later and frowned seeing Noah shaking on his bed while he stared at his phone. “You okay?”
Max frowned as he got up to leave and sighed heavily. She looked at Ryan shaking her head a bit "He can't be eating like this Ryan. I'm keeping tabs on him and making sure he is fine." She told him seriously.

Jolly nodded and frowned a bit "Yeah we need to keep tabs on it. Let Carmen know too." He said before taking a sip of his drink.
He frowned as he stepped over to Noah once he got back to the room, finding him sat on the bed staring at his phone and shaking. “Hey… what’s wrong?” He frowned

Ricky looked up when she came back to the room and smiled tiredly. “Hey…. I was thinking by the way… let’s go get married when we dock next.” He grinned.
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Noah looked up when he heard Nick's voice and shook his head "Her fucking stalker.....he fucking texted me." He said before showing him the photo he had taken of Carmen and Eden "What the fuck do I do?!"

Max came back later yawning some and smiled seeing Ricky "Hey handsome." She murmured stopping dead in her tracks when she heard him and looked at him shock "What? Really? You serious?" She asked as a giant smile broke across her face.
He smiled and nodded. “Yeah why not? It’s nothing fancy but we could have a better wedding later with friends and family and shit.” He told her

Nick frowned and shook his head. “You call her and tell her to call the cops and send them this screenshot… there’s not much else you can do man.”
Max smiled widely and moved to straddle his waist kissing all over his face "Yes! Yes that sounds amazing." She said happily before pulling away only slightly "I love you so much Ricky."

Noah took a deep breath and shook his head some "I can't....she's alone and its going to freak her out." He said as he tried to steady his breathing.
He frowned and shook his head. “What did he say in the message?” He asked him slowly, getting him some water.

He smiled wide and kissed her nose. “I love you too beautiful.” He murmured, holding her tightly to him. “You gonna sleep in your jeans or you wanna get changed though?” He pointed out, smiling as he watched her.
Noah took a deep breath and sighed heavily "He said....he said now he has two girls to look after.." he muttered before holding his head in his hands.

Max shook her head and gave a small laugh as she got off of him "No, I brought some night clothes." She murmured while stripping down and going to grab her clothes from her bag "So your schedule is pretty booked the next two days before we dock."
Nick frowned and took his phone, sending himself the screenshot then called jolly to come sit with Noah for a minute. “Breathe man, you’re gonna be fine but remember to breathe. In and out.” He coaxed, waiting til jolly was there and he stepped out, calling Carmen

She answered the phone a little groggy and frowned “Nicholas this better be important. I was almost asleep.” She mumbled, rubbing at her face but tensed when he asked if she locked the front door. “Of course I did… you’re scaring me what’s going on? Is Noah okay?”

He nodded and yawned “Mostly interviews and meet and greets and whatnot. Weird to be actually busy. Is this what a 9-5 feels like?” He teased her.
Nick frowned and gave a heavy sigh "Look Noah didn't want me to worry you, but I'm gonna send you some stuff that you need to take to the cops tomorrow alright? Stalker guy got Noah's number and he's freakimg out a bit." He explained not about to lie to her.

Max rolled her eyes and laughed some "Yeah thats what its like." She said before climbing into bed and cuddling him "Maybe if we wake up early enough we can watch the sunrise together."
He looked at her a little exasperated. “I may be about to marry you but if you want me up to watch the sunrise you got another thing comin.” He chuckled, pulling her in close and closed his eyes, his body struggling to keep up with the amount of travel they’d been doing.

She frowned and shook her head. “Shit…. I might go stay at my moms place in the hills then.” She muttered. “Thank you Nick. Sorry to put a dampener on your cruise boys.” She sighed, hanging up and going to bring Eden into her room for the night just to feel a bit safer wit her.
Max gave a small laugh and soon fell asleep with him. By the next morning she was up early and rubbing at her eyes smiling as she saw the sun hitting the water. She quietly got up and went out to the balcony sitting down and sighing happily.

Nick gave a heavy sigh "Don't be sorry, I'm sorry this shit is still going on." He muttered before heading back inside.

Noah woke up early that next morning and sighed heavily. He rubbed at his face and looked at his phone smiling when he saw Carmen had sent him a photo of Eden and her outfit for the day.
Carmen smiled tiredly as she packed a bag for both her and Eden to go stay at her moms for a few days to feel a bit safer, answering the phone when it rang. “Hey babe. You sleep okay?” She asked him yawning some, hearing Eden scream as one of the kittens ran across the room.

Ricky woke up and stretched not too long after, pulling himself out of bed and went to sit with her, gently brushing a hand across her shoulders as he stepped over to the other chair, lighting a cigarette. “Morning.” He mumbled, yawning a little.
Noah went onto the balcony and smiled "Hey, I uh....I guess I slept." He murmured before yawning some "How did you sleep?" He asked smiling some when he heard Eden yelling in the background "Whats she yelling at?"

Max gave a small smile to him "Morning, you sleep alright?" She murmured frowning softly as she saw him light up a cigarette "I thought you were trying to stop?"
He looked over at her a little sheepish and nodded "Yeah... I was... But if I'm gonna be stuck on a boat in the ocean... I need to smoke." He muttered, "I wasn't sick last night though so that's a plus... Was Ryan giving you shit last night by the way?" He asked her.

Carmen smiled "The kittens." she smiled, "Here." She flipped it to facetime and showed him Eden in her bouncer while the kittens ran around the room and she screamed every time they came near her "Crazy cat lady in her future I think." She smiled, flipping it back to her "We're gonna go hang out with my mom for a few days... Wish us luck." She muttered, rolling her eyes a ltitle.
Max gave a small nod and sighed "Yeah he did, but I don't really give a fuck anymore." She muttered before looking out at the ocean "Isn't it beautiful? With the sun reflecting off of it?"

Noah smiled widely when he saw the kittens and Eden "They're very cute." He said softly giving her a small smile when she turned the screen back to her "Nick told you didn't he?"
She nodded "He did... And we're gonna be fine puppy. We're just gonna go hang out with my mom to be on the safe side alright? I want you enjoying yourself Noah, don't be wprrying about us." She promised him.

Ricky nodded and smiled yawning some, "It is.... Very big though." He made a bit of a face at that and shrugged. The next couple of days was absolutely manic for him and for the rest of the band, playing their first show that went less than well for him but they were finally docking and about to get their feet on solid ground, looking forward to getting off the ship with her, making sure he was looking a little more presentable as he'd found them somewhere they could go get married
Max smiled happily as they finally stopped on land holding Ricky's hand "Oh I gotta find a dress, and what are we doing to do about rings?" She asked as they walked down the ramp. The first show had been rocky at best, but the fans seemed to like it so that was nice atlesst. They'd also met a few fans too which had actually been very pleasant experiences thankfully.

Noah sat on the balcony of his room and sighed heavily. The past few days had been shit for him outside of the stage. He'd kept to himself in his room for any time that he had free. Even when he tried to keep his mind at ease, he was still in a panic about Carmen and Eden. She kept him updated thankfully, but he still just wanted to be home with them.

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