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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

He smiled and shook his head. “Would you relax? You look perfect as is and we can worry about rings when we get home.” He chuckled.

Nick went out and frowned, nudging him. “Come on. Let’s go get your feet on dry land.” He muttered. “I’m not taking no for an answer.” He told him, waiting til he eventually stood up and Nick practically dragged him off the boat, going to look around the area with him but sighed when he spent the whole time on his phone until it rang with carmens number.
Max gave a small laugh and smiled some at him "Well I want to be atleast in a white dress and not my swim suit and booty shorts." She said as she watched him "You think Vinny and Justin could be witnesses?"

Noah groaned and got dressed as they docked. He stayed on his phone most of the time and smiled some seeing Carmen's name pop up "Hey there, how are you doing today?"
She frowned a little and sighed. “Hey, I just wanted to give you a heads up if you try and call today I might not be able to pick up. She was a little warm last night and then this morning she’s been sick and hee temperatures gone way up so I’m taking her to the ER to be on the safe side. Soon as I know something I’ll text or call.” She promised.

He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at her. “I have no objections to that.” He chuckled. “Uh yeah Vinny said he would come down. Justin is a little busy buying souvenirs for Shae and Mia.” He told her. “I almost didn’t wanna tell Ryan but I figured he’d be more pissed.”
Noah frowned deeply and stopped in his tracks "What? I'm coming home, I'll find an airport or something. Is she okay? Do you think its because we went to the airport?" He asked in a panicked voice.

Max gave a small frown and nodded some "Yeah but who knows, maybe he'll show." She murmured as she swung their hands gently "I still can't believe we're really getting married."
She frowned and shook her head. “Do not do that Noah. She’s gonna be fine she’s just a little poorly. Might be from the airport or it might be from baby group. Jess said Henry was sick last week, thinks her eldest brought something home from school…. She’s gonna be fine honey I just didn’t want you freaking out that you couldn’t get through to us.” She told him, pulling up to park. “I’m gonna go so I can get her in but I’ll call when I know more alright?” She told him, hanging up and taking Eden inside, carrying her so she could get cuddles.

He smiled and winked at her. “Eloping is what I believe this is called. Haven’t called our parents… only a handful of people know… peace and quiet.” He smiled.
Noah took deep breaths as she hung up but ended up going to find somewhere to sit. He looked at Nick as he came by trying to catch his breath "Eden.....ER....fuck I should be there!"

Max gave a small laugh and nodded some "Well its still marriage and I didn't think we'd actually be doing this so soon." She said before kissing his cheek gently
He shrugged. “Well I don’t have anything better to do today do you?” He teased her a little, following her to a shop that had some beach dresses

Nick frowned and crouched in front of him, “If carm is telling you to stay here then there’s no point in worrying. You can’t be with them 24/7.” He pointed out, frowning as he struggled more despite going through his usual techniques up until he passed out and Nick caught him before he smacked his head on the concrete, looking over to Matt and folio across the path. “A little help!” He called to them
Max laughed a bit and tugged him towards a shop she saw on the beach. She smiled a bit as she looked through the racks before finding a simple flowy white beach dress. "Now all we need is a minister." She said as she purchased the dress and walked out with him.

Matt rushed over with Folio and frowned deeply "What happened?!" He asked as he helped get Noah up and to a safe space. "Do we need to get the medics from the ship?"
He shook his head and got him propped up against the wall he’d been sitting on. “Just keep him cool. Nick can you go get a bottle of water or something? He should only be out for a couple minutes.” He muttered frowning some, looking up at Matt. “Edens gone to the ER. that plus that Andrew guy who’s been stalking carm sent Noah a message with a photo he fucking took of them…. I’m concerned about the rest of the tour after this.” He muttered.

Rick nodded. “Already found one,” he promised, texting Vinny that they were gonna head over there in a few minutes, “I googled stuff already. One of us has to be organised.” He pointed out.
Matt shook his head and gave a heavy sigh "Shit....we need to tell Carmen when we get back. Just so she isn't in the dark on it." He murmured while he watched Noah "You think its something major? Eden being in the ER?"

Max rolled her eyes a bit and shook her head "I would have been organized had this been planned." She said before pecking his cheek "So now we just need a time? Or did the minister tell you when?"
He shook his head. “If it was major she would have told him to come home.” He pointed out. “I’m gonna call her once we know Edens alright. I’m not gonna stress her out more.” He muttered, noticing Noah starting to come around again. “Hey hey, steady man…. Just sit alright? Nicks gone to get you some water.”

He shook his head and smiled “Just relax. We just gotta head over there. They’re gonna know who we are. We can do the paperwork and go to get it legalised when we get home.” He told her, catching Vinny on the walk over there.
Noah came to and groaned a bit "Shit....did I pass out?" He muttered as he rubbed at his head taking deep breaths as he started to remember that Carmen had called him.

Max smiled some and nodded as she followed him to where they needed to go. She smiled as she saw Vinny and Logan meet up with them "Thank you guys for coming."
Nick nodded and helped him settle "You wanna head back to the boat?" He asked him, a little worried about him at the minute

Carmen called him back an hour later and sighed a little, sitting next to the cot they had her in, trying to keep her entertained, "Hey, can you talk?" She asked him.

Ricky smiled and squeezed her hand tight as they arrived and greeted the minister, shaking his hand and thanking him.
Noah answered his phone as soon as Carmen called him "Hey, yeah I'm here." He said worriedly as he sat up in bed "Is she okay? What have they said?"

Max sat on the beach an hour later smiling widely as she held Ricky. The ceremony had been beautiful and ended up Chris and Justin had made it in for them, it was only Ryan who hadn't made it.
She frowned a little as she kept fussing. “Shes okay. Before anything else, she’s gonna be fine. They’re just keeping her overnight so they can make sure her temperature does go down. Just a chest infection so she’s gonna be fine.” She assured him. “Biggest problem right now is like her dad she’s very restless.” She smiled, “how was the beach?” She asked him.

He smiled and held her to him, burying his face into her hair. “Mmm I love you.” He murmured, starting to feel a little off but trying to ignore it. Just for today wanting it to be a normal day.
Noah let out a sigh of relief and nodded "Thats great to hear. I uh...it was alright, too many people." He said before giving a small smile "I'm so happy she'll be okay."

Max smiled some "I love you too." She murmured before kissing him gently. She frowned some though when she saw the flash of pain go across his face "You wanna go back to the boat?"
She nodded and smiled. “I’ve been showing her videos of you to keep her entertained. She loves watching dad on stage. I can’t wait to bring her to her first bad omens concert.” She told him.

He frowned and thought for a moment before nodding. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to ruin this for you.” He mumbled, rubbing at his face but got up carefully with her and started collecting their stuff.
Noah smiled happily and blew kisses at Exen when he saw her face "Oh I can't wait to hold her again." He murmured before yawning a bit "She'll be okay right?"

Max smiled some and shook her head "We got some beach time, and got married. Everything is fine." She said softly before helping him onto the boat and kissed his cheek.
He hummed quietly, going to lay down and close his eyes for a nap.

Ryan frowned as max appeared at dinner by herself that evening, “so he’s not gonna join us for dinner?” He questioned her.

She nodded and smiled tiredly, “she’s gonna be fine. I can’t wait til you’re home so I can get some sleep again.” She smiled as Eden finally fell asleep. “I’m gonna let you go so I can get something to eat.” She told him yawning some. “I’ll see you later.” She smiked.
Max gave a small frown as she sat with the guys for dinner and nodded "He wasn't feeling well and is actually getting some decent sleep right now. So, I wasn't about to wake him. I'll take some food back to the room."

Noah gave a heavy sigh but nodded a bit "Okay, I'll talk to you later alright? Make sure to call if anything happens." He murmured before giving her a small smile "I love you."
Justin frowned some and looked over at her. “What can he eat?” He asked, getting up ready to go make him a plate. “I was about to go back to the room to call Shae anyway I can take him something if you wanna stay out here?” He suggested.

She smiled and waved at him before hanging up, starting to cry a little, missing having him home.
Max smiled and thanked Justin while she told him what to get Ricky. She gave a frown as Ryan made another comment "You know what Ryan, fuck off. I fucked up, but Ricky is a grown ass man and I am making sure he is taken care of." She spat before storming off.

Noah sighed heavily as he ran a hand over his face looking over at Nick as he came in "Eden will be okay, they're keeping her overnight but she'll be okay."
Ricky groaned a little as the door opened and he saw Justin come through. “God looks like you grew a lot in a couple hours max.” He smiled a little, sitting up and thanking Justin when he handed him the plate. “Preciate man.” He told him.

He nodded slowly and watched him. “Good. That’s good. You know this isn’t gonna be the only time you gotta leave them behind. Once she starts school you can’t be pulling her out to go on tour.” He pointed out
Justin laughed a bit and handed him the food "No worries man, let me know if you need something else." He said before turning to leave just as Max stormed into the room.

Noah gave a heavy sigh and nodded some "Yeah I know I just...I've been having these nightmares that I'm back in the car crash, only Eden is me and I'm my stepdad." He explained running a hand over his face "I'm scared to death she'll loose us."
He frowned and sighed as he got ready to go out to the casino on board, glancing over at him. “You gotta get help Noah. You get so focused on other people sometimes you forget about yourself.” He sighed. “Go get something to eat. I’ll catch you later.” He told him.

Ricky nodded and thanked him, eating quietly as he watched max muttering to herself, smiling at her a little. “Cmere. What did he say?” He asked, reaching for her to come sit with him.

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