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Fandom ~Fairy Tail {Rogue x Akari and Gray x Sakura}~

~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura smiled sheepishly up at Gray as he scolded her for what she just did. Before she could answer him, she was pulled into a tight hug by Gray. Sakura closed her eyes as she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him back just as tightly. She buried her face into the crook of his neck as she murmured out, "Yeah...sorry. But I'm back..." Her magic naturally broke as she no longer felt the need to encase someone in her crystal. Before she could even say anything else, Gray did something she didn't expect. He kissed her.

Sakura's eyes were wide and when he pulled back, her face was completely red as she looked at him in a daze. She blinked a couple times as she slowly lifted a hand to her lips, silent for a moment only snapping out of her daze at Gray's voice. She looked up at him and his outstretched hand. She smiled up at him and gently grabbed hold of his hand as she said, "Thanks." As she stood up to her full height, she winced slightly at the throbbing pain of her leg, so maybe it wasn't a good idea to stab herself. She looked up at Gray and decided that no, it was a good idea. She would never want to hurt her friends nor Gray. She saw the scratch on his cheek. Reaching a hand out, she gently traced it while frowning she murmured out, "I'm sorry...did it hurt?" Sakura felt bad, really bad, it was showing on her face as she gently placed her hand on his cheek. Pulling away, Sakura leaned up and gave his scratch a quick peck. Realizing what she just did, her face turned red and it didn't help the Cheshire grin Millianna held. Still holding Gray's hand, Sakura turned her face away as it was bright red. Though it was soon gone as she saw several dark mages enter the room. She glared at them as she muttered out, "Finally its time to wreak some havoc." If she only knew they were solely after her and Akari.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Before Rogue could ask any further to the dark mage, he fell unconscious due to the tight hold Rogue had on his neck out of his concern for Akari and anger towards the dark mages. He dropped the mage to the floor unceremoniously as he sent a final glare at the now unconscious dark mage. He returned his attention back to Akari at hearing her idea for what that dark mage was talking about. It was not something Rogue wanted to admit, but hearing Akari point it out just made a hole in his heart as he had a bad feeling for all that was going on.

What did that dark mage mean by filled with love though...? Rogue's eyes slightly widened as the smallest of a blush made its way to his cheeks. But how was it possible? he sneaked a glance at Akari as he felt his heart begin to thump wildly in his chest. Rogue knew for a fact that he held special feelings towards Akari, feelings that were not the same as the one Sting had for Akari. No...Rogue didn't see her as just a good comrade or best friend, he knew that wasn't the case. Rogue knew that he was in love with Akari, but how would these mages know about his feelings for her? However, before Rogue could let his mind go into overdrive and his face grow red hot, Sting came to the rescue, quite literally. As Sting made the situation a bit more relaxed, Rogue shook his head at Sting's casual remark before saying, "Whatever it is, they're not going to lay a hand on Akari, that we promise, right Sting?" Rogue kicked another dark mage before standing beside Sting and Akari. He smirked at his two friends before facing the last bit of the dark mages...hopefully things will end soon and without anything disastrous happening.

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Akari Kaya

Akari shoved Sting’s shoulder until he let her down, though she still favored her injured arm. She smiled up at him and Rogue, touched by their protective sentiments. She still felt uneasy about the dark mages surrounding her and the others. Why the hell did they need her and Sakura for their ritual? What were they even trying to accomplish with all this? Her thoughts distracted her so much that she nearly missed it when one of the dark wizards crept up behind her. She whipped around and burned his clothes with a spark of fire.

Suddenly, strong arms wrapped around her, and she felt something poke her throat. A blade. A sharp one, by the feel of it. She was about to cry out when a voice hissed in her ear, “Quiet!” Then it got the Sabertooth boys’ attention. “Oh, Twin Dragons! I believe you misplaced this.” The rest of the dark wizards in the room immediately stopped fighting, turning their gazes on Akari and her captor. Natsu and the rest of the group of wizards paused, too, though Natsu himself seemed ready to punch Akari’s captor in the face. “Lovely, I’ve got your attention now,” the man purred, his arms tightening around her. She let out a faint cry, causing him to press the knife closer to her throat. “I hate to break up this party of yours, but we really must get a move on with our plans. If you don’t mind, we’re going to borrow her. There’s a lot of love in this one. I reckon it’s for the dark-haired Sabertooth boy. What do you boys think?” The rest of the dark mages laughed uproariously.

Alarmed, Akari glanced quickly at Rogue with wide eyes and then looked away. How did this man know how she felt about Rogue? Was he going to hurt him, too? She kicked at the wizard keeping her in a vise grip, but he was too strong for her. Looking at Rogue again helplessly, she choked out, “Rogue…” But she couldn’t say what she wanted to…that she loved him. And even if she could, she didn't know if she would say it...

Gray Fullbuster

Gray helped Sakura to her feet and turned to Milliana. “We should hurry and help the others. Who knows what’s going on in the other tunnel?” Then he felt Sakura’s hand on his face, and he looked down at her. God, she was adorable. He grinned and said, “Nah, it didn’t hurt at all. A punch from Pyro hurts more.” His cheeks went pink as she kissed his cheek, and he felt an uncontrollable urge to hug her again. He suppressed this, however, in favor of glaring at Milliana so she would stop grinning like that.

Naturally, a horde of dark mages entered the room. Milliana turned to fight them, and Gray lowered into his Ice Make Magic stance. “That it is,” he murmured in response to Sakura. With that, he attacked a few of them using his ice, freezing them to the spot so he could use his lance. The wizards, for some reason, were especially intent on Sakura, so Gray made sure to stick close to her side. One of them got too close, so Gray threw him to the ground and spat, "What the hell do you want Sakura for? Haven't you put her through enough?"

The wizard grinned wickedly, a somewhat empty look in his eyes. It was possible he was under the same control Sakura and the Mermaid Heel girls had been, but maybe this guy just didn't have much of a soul in the first place. "We're kidnapping the fairies filled with love, of course. Her and that other one. They're needed for our dark ritual." Gray glared up at him until he stopped grinning before slamming him into the ground. Fairies obviously referred to Fairy Tail as it had so many times before, but what about "filled with love..." He glanced at Sakura and instantly remembered how he kissed her. It couldn't be... could it? Could she return his feelings? Damn it, as happy as that would make him under normal circumstances, it was a bit of a hindrance right now. Sakura, be careful not to let any of them touch you. I'm afraid of what will happen if they do.

AiAi AiAi
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~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura dodged several of the dark mages' oncoming attacks. She gritted her teeth in annoyance, why were they all targeting her!? It seems like she wasn't the only one that noticed as Gray pointed that out. As Sakura shot one down with her crystal arrows, she didn't notice the one getting too close to her until she heard Gray's angry voice. She turned to see the dark mage on the ground, she couldn't suppress the cold shiver that ran down her spine at hearing his reply to Gray's question. Though her attention was more on the fact that they mentioned another one, wait the only other Fairy Tail female member here at the moment would be Akari!

Sakura swiftly turned her attention to the one on the ground as she sent him a glare while asking, "What do you mean!? You guys better have not laid a hand on Akari!" She glared daggers at the dark mage who was soon knocked out by Gray. She was staring into space for a moment as she thought over the words the dark mage said. Faires filled with love...wait...her eyes slightly widened as a small blush covered her cheeks. Did these guys know about her feelings!? But how!? Shaking her head, Sakura focused instead on their motive, what kind of ritual requires a living sacrifice and two on top of that? Sakura frowned as she glared at the unconscious figure on the ground, that was until she heard Millianna's scream from the other side of the room. Sakura turned her head to the side and saw Millianna being held down by one of the dark mages. Gritting her teeth, Sakura ran towards Millianna, intent on saving her.

She smirked as she appeared in front of the one holding Millianna down. Covering her fist with her crystal, Sakura yelled out while punching the dark mage, "This is thanks for the poison!" She punched him across the room. She smirked in triumph but she let her guard down for that moment as she felt someone grab hold of her from behind. Sakura let out a surprised gasp as she tried to move, but was unable to. She let out a strangled gasp as there was a cold chain wrapped around her neck. Sakura struggled as the dark mage holding her smirked at Gray as he said, "I wouldn't do anything if I were you..." in his other hand was a knife aimed at Sakura's stomach area.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

One second they were all together and the next he couldn't sense Akari next to him. Rogue swiftly turned to the sound and saw that Akari was being held captive by one of the dark mages. Rogue's eyes were narrowed in rage as he sent the guy a death glare, Sting held a similar expression as both Dragon Slayers became serious. Sting growled lowly as he said, "Hey man...I suggest you let her go before things get nasty..." Rogue kept his death glare on the guy, trying to think of some kind of way to get Akari free without her getting hurt. Though what the dark mage spilled out next was not something Rogue was expecting.

His eyes slightly widened as the glare faded away to an expression of shock. Wait...dark haired...is this guy talking about him...? But there was no other dark haired mage on their side besides himself. Rogue looked in surprise, Akari held feelings for him? Despite the situation, Rogue could feel his heartbeat quicken as his cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. However, he snapped out of his stupor as he heard Akari's pleading voice calling out to him. He turned to look at her and frowned as he saw her being held captive. He didn't like seeing her look so upset. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. Once he gets Akari back...then he will focus on the little fact revealed to him. Facing the dark mage, Rogue glared as he said, "Let her go." He got into a stance as he got ready to fight, Sting also took on a similar stance. Time to show him what it meant to mess with the Twin Dragon Slayers.

As Sting began to rush forward, Rogue followed soon after but before that, he looked Akari in the eyes and his eyes softening for just a moment, he said to her, "Don't worry Akari...we'll save you right now." With that said, Rogue jumped into the fight alongside Sting. As Sting began to distract the dark mage by using his light magic, Rogue swiftly jumped in and grabbed hold of Akari. He held a tight grip on her as he jumped away from the fighting pair. He glanced down at her with concern lighting his eyes, "You okay?" he asked her.

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Akari Kaya

At this point, Akari found it was hard to breathe. If the dark mages wanted her for their ritual, shouldn’t they have been more careful about how they handled her? No manners these days, Akari couldn’t help but think. She tried to smile as the Twin Dragons started to come save her. But she couldn’t help but worry for a moment that the dark mage would actually harm her. Fortunately, the boys were too fast for him, and in no time at all she was in Rogue’s arms. The knife had grazed her throat, but just barely.

Akari looked up at him, a bit timid now that her former captor had revealed her secret, damn him. She swallowed and looked down, muttering, “I’m fine… It’s just a scratch.” For a moment, she rested her forehead against his chest, aware of her heartbeat suddenly quickening and her cheeks heating. It was a bit late to deny that she had any sort of feelings for Rogue, now that the dark mage had made it fairly clear. Letting out a gentle breath, she lifted her head again and met Rogue’s eyes. If she didn’t do this now, she’d never work up the courage to do it again. Going up on her tiptoes, she kissed his cheek sweetly, a nervous smile lifting up the corners of her lips. “I love you, Rogue. Thought you should know.”

Sting, having beaten up the wizard that had threatened her, grinned over at them. “About time, dammit!” Then he turned back to the other dark wizards in the room, leaving them alone. Akari blushed and peered up at Rogue to gauge his reaction.

Gray Fullbuster

Sakura’s reaction to the dark mage’s words seemed to confirm Gray’s suspicions, not that finding out the girl he liked having similar feelings was important to him or anything. He allowed himself a second to worry about Akari, but he remembered that the Sabertooth boys and Natsu were with her. She was probably fine. And if she wasn’t, well. He’d have to beat up the pyro later.

His gaze shot to Milliana, who was pinned down by one of the dark wizards. Just as he was about to come to her rescue, Sakura swooped in and knocked him out with one punch. Gray grinned. It seemed her leg wound wasn’t bothering her anymore. That was a relief. But all too quickly, she was in the arms of another dark mage who held a knife to her stomach. “You bastard,” Gray shouted, clenching his fists. “Let. Her. Go!” But the dark wizard simply laughed, the chain around her neck tightening the slightest bit.

A chain? That was the best he could do. “You underestimated the wrong guild, man,” Gray remarked, lowering into his stance. He didn’t say out loud what he did, but he created a path of ice that crawled up the dark mage and froze the chain around Sakura’s neck. Then he ran over to the two and punched the chain with all the force he could muster. The ice shattered, releasing Sakura, and he shoved the wizard’s arm to the knife was no longer in a dangerous spot. He pulled Sakura back into his arms and looked down at her. “You alright?”

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura let out another strangled gasp as the chain tightened the slightest bit around her neck. Why do they always go for her neck where she won't be able to speak nor breathe!? Sakura's eyes narrowed in pain but also in anger. She was seriously losing her patience with these dark mages, always butting their heads into things that causes more problems for them to fix. If her vision wasn't beginning to show dots, Sakura would have probably done something that would cause Gray to scold her again. But luckily, Gray came to her rescue.

As soon as Sakura felt something cold circle her neck, it was soon gone as Gray broke the chains and just like that, Sakura was back into Gray's arms. Sakura looked up at Gray and after catching her breath, she smiled as she said, "Yeah...I'm fine. Thanks..." Glaring at the dark mage who was now stumbling back from the push he received from Gray, Sakura lifted her hand and crystallized the mage. Once he was no longer in the way, Sakura faced Gray, her face contemplative. She wondered if he liked her back, but fairies filled with love...being filled to the brim must mean that someone else also likes them too? And it won't do if it's just anyone liking them...so it must mean that..Sakura looked down for a moment as she felt a blush rise to her cheeks.

She closed her eyes in silent contemplation before opening her blue orbs filled with determination. Looking back up at Gray, Sakura said, "Gray...I..." her face slowly broke down from one of confidence to one being shy as she felt her cheeks heat up and stuttering slightly she mumbled out shyly, "I um...I love you Gray!" Sakura said the last part slightly louder as she closed her eyes not sure of how he will react.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue looked over Akari's neck wound with concern. He was beginning to panic as he saw blood slowly begin to seep out. What does one do when there is an injury on the neck of all places!? Rogue turned his head to the already beaten dark mage and let out a small growl, if Sting didn't beat him to it, Rogue would have definitely beaten the dark mage to a bloody pulp. At hearing Akari's words, Rogue turned his attention back to her, his eyes softening from his harsh glare as he looked down at the girl in his arms.

At hearing her inhale deeply, Rogue nearly panicked as he thought the cut hurt, but what happened next was something he always dreamed of, but never expected it right at this moment. He blinked a few times as he stared down at Akari after she confessed to him of loving him, until suddenly his face bloomed into a dark shade of red. Hearing Sting's teasing comment before running off after the rest of the dark mages, Rogue was silent. Once he was sure Sting was gone, Rogue gently placed a hand on Akari's cheek as he stared back into her eyes.

He gave her a soft smile as he leaned down and did something he would never dare do, but maybe due to all that was happening and the idea of possibly losing Akari made Rogue act out on his desires. He finally had the chance to kiss her. He reveled in just how soft her lips were, before he pulled back, face completely red. But with a smile he said, "I love you too Akari...I always have and always will." Feeling rather embarrassed now, Rogue looked over at the still chaotic room they were in, he smiled over at Akari as he said, "Now then, shall we go finish things off?" He held out a hand for her to take, a happy smile on his face as he faced her.

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Akari Kaya

Akari’s heart was beating so fast, she thought for sure that it would burst right out of her chest. Rogue’s hand on her cheek wasn’t helping matters, and when he kissed her… She positively melted. Her hands tightened on his shirt as she kissed him back. It was over all too soon, and she covered her mouth with her hand, barely suppressing the giddy smile that spread across her face. His words deepened the blush across her cheeks, but her smile widened all the same. Thank goodness he felt the same way. Otherwise, that would’ve been embarrassing. Not that it already wasn’t.

She took his hand and met his eyes. “Yes, let’s,” she replied, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek again. The chaos hadn’t paused in the room, though it had certainly managed to avoid them. She’d have to thank Sting and Natsu later for giving them their privacy. “If only we knew why they wanted to perform this ritual,” she murmured. “Then maybe we’d have a better idea of how to defeat them. These guys seem to have countless wizards at their sides.” Very briefly, Akari let go of Rogue’s hand to drive away a dark mage that had tried to sneak up on him. “We better hurry before we all run out of magic power…”

Gray Fullbuster

The dark wizard was no longer a problem as Sakura crystallized him, and Gray grinned triumphantly. Milliana rushed on ahead to go join the others in the second tunnel, and Gray looked down when he heard Sakura begin to speak. At her confession, he blinked at first. Then he smiled tenderly down at her and kissed her forehead. “I feel the same way, Sakura.” He kissed her on the lips before pulling back and urging, “Come on. We have to go join the others. But, um,” he paused, blushing, “we can talk about this later, okay?”

Grabbing her hand, Gray started sprinting down the tunnel, turning abruptly down the passage they hadn’t taken. They needed to help their friends, quickly. But how were there so many dark wizards? Stopping at the entrance to the tunnel, he saw Natsu taking down more wizards than practically anyone else in the room, true to his nature. He looked down at Sakura, “Stay close to me, alright? I don’t want anything else to happen to you.” His arm shot around her waist, and he pulled her close against his side. Now that their feelings were up in the air, it was hard to keep his cool around her. Damn, love was weird. He could only hope they’d survive long enough to finish this darn job…

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura cracked an eye open as she heard silence. She wondered if Gray was going to reject her, but then her heart nearly skipped a beat at the sight of his sweet smile. As he leaned over to kiss her forehead and then her lips, Sakura could feel her face heat up,but she happily kissed him back as their lips met. She was happy, really happy, to know that Gray felt the same way about her. As he pulled back, Sakura nodded her head, agreeing that they really do need to finish things once and for all. Hearing his words, Sakura grinned at his rather cute blush as she said, "Yes, let's talk after we're done with this job." Gripping onto Gray's hand, she followed him towards the other side of the dark cave.

As they finally arrived at the other room, she felt Gray tug her closer to himself. Looking up at him with a questioning stare, she felt her heart beat wildly in her chest at his words. Smiling, she leaned up and gave his lips a quick peck as she said, "I'll be right by your side." She grinned up at him before leading the way as she held his hands, pulling him into the chaotic room. As much as Sakura would love to just spend some relaxing time with Gray, she knew that they would find no means of relaxation anywhere unless this job is done with. As they entered the room, all eyes turned to them for a moment, Sakura lifted a hand in the air as she said with a smirk, "I'm back." her eyes glinted evilly as she stared down the dark mages. Oh sweet revenge was definitely on it's way. Now half of the dark mages attention was on Sakura while the other half was on Akari.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue's hand instantly wrapped around Akari's much smaller hand as she leaned up to kiss him on the cheek. He felt his cheek tingle after the kiss and his face turned a light shade of red as he smiled back at Akari. He turned, ready to go back out into the fight once more, but for a brief moment, he felt Akari's hand disappear from his. He turned to see her beat a dark mage away, he frowned as he pulled her back into his arms as he said, "Hey, stay by my side...I don't want to lose you again...okay?" he smiled gently down at her before holding her hands once more as he began to lead the way into the fighting mess.

He also wanted to know what the ultimate goal for the dark mages were. Just why did they need a sacrifice? What are they exactly trying to gain from it all? He could only feel unease as he kicked away a dark mage. He briefly glanced over at Akari before focusing on the dark mage that appeared in front of him. Like before, they were all targeting Akari, seriously, why her? He glanced over to see that the dark sphere in the center of the room was slowly dimming little by little as they each defeated the dark mages and the crystal orbs floating in the air. Was the sphere the source of the dark magic? He saw that Natsu has already tried breaking it, but each time Natsu would try and jump for it, a dark mage would get in his way. Perhaps that orb really was necessary for whatever ritual they were aiming for.

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Akari Kaya

Looking up at Rogue as he pulled her into his arms again, Akari gave him a guilty smile. “Sorry about that.” Following his gaze, she saw Natsu attempting to break the orb the dark guild had been using for their ritual. She bit her lip. Was there any foolproof way to destroy the thing? Or was its dark magic too strong for them. Akari grabbed Rogue’s arm and pointed at it. “Maybe it takes a team effort to destroy the orb?”

Despite having failed multiple times, the dark wizards were still clearly coming after her and Sakura, who Akari noticed had entered the cavern with Gray in tow. She grinned at how similar they were acting to her and Rogue. Yet she couldn’t help but be worried. “Something’s still not right, Rogue… I’m worried…” she remarked, glancing around as the dark wizards closed in on them.

Gray Fullbuster

A grin tugged at the corner of Gray’s lips as Sakura promised to stick by him. He could tell that she was excited to enact revenge against the wizards that had caused her so much suffering. Truth be told, he felt the same way. It was about time he beat these guys’ faces in for what they had done to her and Akari. Revenge was a dish best served cold, and he certainly brought the cold.

As the dark wizards turned to him and Sakura, he smirked and used his Ice Make Magic to freeze a few of them. Why the hell were they still coming after her? What exactly was their goal here? “Tell us about this ritual of yours,” he growled at a particularly bold dark wizard that he was shielding Sakura from. “Why do you want her so badly?” But the mage just laughed and refused to answer the question. It was all Gray could do to keep an eye on Sakura before anything else could happen to their group.

AiAi AiAi
{Sorry about how short this one is and how long it took me! Would you mind doing the kidnapping bit?}
~ Sakura Sylvia ~
Sakura stayed behind Gray, glaring over his shoulders at the dark wizards as they began to split into two to go after her and Akari. Just why were they needed this badly? Sakura could still not understand this. As Gray was busy trying to get answers, another dark wizard was approaching Sakura from behind them. However, Sakura turned around and merely crystallized the wizard as she glared at him.​
Something felt wrong...as if the big event didn't happen yet. Sakura looked around as she clutched tightly onto Gray. Holding his hand, she murmured out, "Gray...I...something's wro-" *BOOM* before Sakura could say anything else, a loud explosion was heard and rather quite felt. She felt herself being thrown away from Gray from the blast. Her backside burned slightly from the flames, seems like it happened close to where they were standing. As Sakura crashed into the ground, she slowly got up, head ringing and not able to hear a single noise besides it. Looking around, Sakura tried to find Gray in the sudden chaos, "Gray?..." Sakura murmured out before feeling a sudden sting in the back of her head. Turning around in time before darkness consumed her vision once more, Sakura saw one of the dark wizards standing behind her with a metal rod in his hand. Doing her best to glare, Sakura muttered out one last word before losing consciousness, "Gray...I'm sorry."​
~ Rogue Cheney ~
Rogue's attention went back to Akari as he teared his eyes away from Natsu's fight to focus on whatever Akari was saying. He glanced back at the dark orb and then back around his teammates. Everyone was all separated and were fighting their own battles. Perhaps Akari was right...there had to be a way to destroy the orbs. He nodded his head, "It's worth a shot to try."​
However, before he could take a step forward to even try and do anything about the orbs, the dark wizards began to close in on him and Akari. Rogue glared at them, daring them to try and even lay a finger on Akari. He pulled Akari close to him as he kept her behind his back. But what happened next was something he would have never expected. All of a sudden, a large explosion sounded from somewhere in the room and soon enough dust filled the room as each person were knocked to the ground. Rogue lost his grip on Akari's hand as he felt himself get knocked off to the ground. Trying to get up, Rogue looked around as his ears rang from the sudden explosion. "Akari!? Akari!?" he screamed out despite not being able to hear his own voice at the moment. He desperately looked around in the room, trying to see through the smoke and people.​
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(SO SORRY for the wait ><)​
Akari Kaya

For the billionth time that day, Akari found herself surrounded by dark wizards. There was really no end to these guys, was there? She got that they needed her for this ritual thing, but the least they could do was give her a break! Honestly, they were so rude! Rogue pulled her behind him, and she pressed close to him, making sure to keep the dark guild in her sights. She couldn’t turn her back on them or they would surprise her. And she couldn’t let that happen.

The explosion, however, turned out to be a greater surprise. Akari’s fingers slipped out of Rogue’s as she flew through the air and landed roughly on the ground. Pushing herself onto her knees, she realized her ears were ringing from the proximity to such a dangerous explosion. She couldn’t even hear her own voice as she called out Rogue’s name and the names of her friends. The most she could do was hope that they were alright.

A sharp pain erupted through her skull, and she glared over her shoulder to see one of the mages smirking down at her with a rod in his hands. Before she could cast a spell to let somebody, anybody know that she was okay, she fainted.

Gray Fullbuster

The enclosing dark wizards were no match for Gray and Sakura, naturally. That was just the way of Fairy Tail. Of course, it didn’t help that it was still unclear why this dark guild was so doggone persistent in getting Sakura and Akari. But more importantly, where the hell were they getting all these numbers?

Just as Sakura was telling him something, and he turned to look at her, there was a large explosion that rocked the entirety of the cave, as well as its occupants. Gray was blown backwards into one of the cave walls. His side smarted, but he wasn’t terribly hurt. His ears rang from the explosion, and he looked around frantically for Sakura. Where had she been blown to? If she’d been captured, he didn’t know what he’d do. Yet he couldn’t ignore the feeling that something had indeed happened to her.

AiAi AiAi
{No problem! I've been busy anyway! ^^}[/b][/b]
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Darkness filled her vision, all Sakura could feel and see was darkness...emptiness. Just where on earth was she? Her brows furrowed in confusion before wincing as she felt a sudden dull throb on her skull. Suddenly the darkness was dwindling away as a sharp light entered her vision. Squinting her eyes shut, Sakura let out a small groan of pain as the throbbing in her skull increased. Just what happened...? Where was she? She slowly cracked her blue orbs open to find herself chained to some kind of...metal? She looked confused as she tried to move her head only to wince even more in pain. Sakura tried to lift her hands to her neck...yet she couldn't.

Confused and hurt, Sakura looked around as much as her field of vision could let her and that was when she saw someone across from her. She let out a soft gasp as she realized the figure across from her. It was Akari. "Akari-chan!" Sakura yelled out, only to wince once more as her neck was in pain once more. Judging from how Akari was chained up, Sakura assumed she was in a similar position. The two were chained against a metal wall like structure where the wrists were chained up and the legs were also chained, but the chains on the legs were bolted onto the ground. Then there was some sort of metal around the neck which Sakura assumed had some sort of spikes or something that causes pain as she could feel her neck slightly bleed from her moving about. It was almost as if the two were hanged for some sort of sacrifice or ritual. Just the thought of that made shivers go down Sakura's spine. Her blue eyes darted about, trying to find some way out of this. That was when her mind went to Gray. Her eyes softened as she frowned, she could only hope that Gray wouldn't do anything too reckless...being away from him for even a moment was becoming quite painful for the pink haired girl, "Gray...save me..." Sakura couldn't help but murmur out as a single tear slid down her cheek.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue looked around in panic, in every direction there was smoke and even more rubble now. Some places were lit on fire while others were littered with bodies of their enemies. He looked around to see everyone slowly get up as well, he kept looking. Where did Akari go to?! He spotted Sting up ahead, walking over with a slight limp, Rogue hurried his steps stumbling about a bit before going out in full sprint. Helping his friend up, Rogue began to speak in a rather fast pace, "Sting! Did you see Akari? Do you know what happened? Whe-" his words were cut short as Sting held up a hand while his other hand was on his head.

"Slow down Rogue...I...I can't hear a thing..." Sting shook his head for a few moments before facing Rogue once more, "Alright, that's much better...I don't know what the heck happened bu-" "STING Where is Akari!? She's gone!" Rogue interrupted Sting in a hurry, his red orbs filled with panic at the thought of losing Akari right when he was finally reunited with her. His gut instincts were telling him something was wrong and her disappearance was part of it. He looked around noticed Gray also looking around and that was when Rogue noticed that the other female Fairy was gone. Sting looked rather serious as he spoke to Rogue, "Listen to me calmly Rogue...Akari-chan...I think they got her..and Sakura-san from the looks of it. Look...almost all the enemy mages are gone...let's hurry and find them." Rogue looked around and indeed most if not all the enemy mages were gone...was he that blinded by looking for Akari that he didn't notice anything else. It didn't matter...he just needed to see Akari again and make sure she was fine...he needed her in his arms once more. With that in mind, Rogue nodded his head in determination.

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Akari Kaya

A vague yell awoke Akari from unconsciousness. There was a sharp pain in her neck, but when her bleary vision cleared up, she saw Sakura chained up to a wall. Well… Actually, it seemed like she was also chained up to a wall. Their wrists and legs were chained with the leg chains being bolted to the ground. And judging from Sakura’s state, it seemed she was also wearing a spiked collar…and not the badass kind. She glanced around, but she couldn’t find Rogue or Gray anywhere. That was concerning.

But not as concerning as the creepy wizard coming up to them. If Makarov had accidentally fused with Ichiya and the master of Lamia Scale, even that combination would’ve been more appealing than this guy. He must’ve been the big bad boss, because he grinned at them and spread his arms wide, as if welcoming the two girls to his torture chamber. (Yeah…that was a nice thought.) “It seems the two lady Fairies have finally woken up! Now we can begin the ceremony!” Gesturing grandly around them, he declared, “You two are just the sacrifices we need to revive the Black Wizard, Zeref! Two pure souls are needed to complete this ritual, and whose souls are purer than those of Fairies?”

Akari’s eyes widened. This didn’t sound good at all. Would she ever see Rogue again?

Gray Fullbuster

Gray was starting to panic. It didn’t happen often, but when he got worried, he really got worried. Though not as worried as Rogue appeared to be. The Sabertooth Shadow Dragon Slayer was practically biting Sting’s head off. He must’ve been really worried about Akari, who wasn’t around either. Heh. ‘Bout time with those two. But anyway.

Spotting Natsu a few feet away, Gray grabbed the pyro by his scarf and dragged him over to the two Sabertooth wizards. “Seems you two noticed that Akari and Sakura are gone, too. We got to find them. If there’s anything I’ve learned about this dark guild, it’s that they’re more persistent than practically anyone else.” Of course, that was the moment Natsu registered what this meant, and he immediately went on a mini-rampage. Ignoring him, Gray continued, “The dark wizards must be desperate to start their plan. We really do have to hurry if we want to save the girls before something happens to them. Come on.” Gray took off running down the tunnel, the only exit leading out of the cave.

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

As Sakura was in her own little world worrying over Gray and everyone else, she snapped out of it upon hearing a rather sickening new voice. Her sky blue orbs were wide in surprise at the...appearance of this...person? Thing? She wasn't even sure anymore, but one thing for sure...she could feel the immense magic power emitting from this wizard and that was enough for Sakura to be on her guard against this guy. She glanced across her to see that Akari was thinking the same thing about his um...appearance. Hearing the word ceremony, Sakura narrowed her eyes at him. Before she could even ask him about the ceremony, he just spilled it out to them. Well..he definitely is the bad guy here. The bad guys always reveal their plans right?

Shaking her head free of such silly thoughts, Sakura spoke up, though winced slightly at the constricting metal against her throat, "Pure souls? Do you really think both of us are pure? Sure she might be, but I most definitely am not." Sakura smirked at him despite the feeling of more blood beginning to ooze out of her neck from the scratches she kept making as she moved about. The wizard let out a rather eerie chuckle as he moved to stand in front of Sakura, "No my sweet pure soul...you are most definitely not pure...but we don't need a pure soul in that sense...no, what we need is the pure emotion of love. Which you two most definitely have." Sakura's heart thudded in her chest at his words. As the wizard continued to cackle on, Sakura's mind whirled around one person and that was Gray. No, was her feelings for Gray that genuine...that it could be considered pure love? Her brows furrowing, Sakura couldn't help but ask, "Why on earth would reviving someone pure evil require pure love? That's a bit contradictory isn't i-!" before she could finish her sentence, it seemed the wizard had enough of her speaking as he turned to her and with a furious voice he yelled out, "SILENCE!....now then...let us begin the ceremony." The mere scream held some sort of magic force that pushed Sakura even further against the metal wall. She let out a small scream of pain. This was definitely not looking good. Opening an eye, Sakura looked around the place, there had to be a way out!

~ Rogue Cheney ~

As Sting and Rogue were discussing about Akari's disappearance and how almost all the dark mages were gone as well, they heard someone approach them. Looking up, Rogue noticed it was Gray and Natsu. Of course those two would have easily survived such an explosion, both seemed uninjured which was a good thing. Rogue nodded his head, taking note of Gray's urgency in finding the girls. Rogue decided to hold back his comment about Gray and Sakura's new relationship as he was more focused on one thing and that was to retrieve Akari. He and Sting were quick to follow Gray out of the cave and back into the darkness.

As they got out of the tunnel, Rogue looked around, hoping that Akari left another trail for them like last time. Yet the more he looked around in the darkness, the more he couldn't tell where he was. He held back a disappointed sigh, this was not the time for him to lose his cool! If he panicked any more, he won't be able to save Akari like this...shaking his head, Rogue's eyes cleared as he looked more calm and more like himself. Sting smiled to himself, glad that his friend has finally calmed down. "The other path over there led to the place where the antidotes were located right Gray? So the only path that we didn't take yet..." his eyes glanced around, trying to search the place. There had to be more than two pathways...that was when his eyes noticed an odd bump on the ground beneath them. Kneeling down, Rogue swiped his hand across the dusty ground to reveal a hatch. He smirked as he used his shadow magic and broke the lock on it. Opening it, Rogue spoke up quietly, "the only way is down...you guys ready?" Rogue was the first to enter and finding it connected to a ladder, Rogue silently and stealthily went down the ladder until he reached the floor. He looked around and noticed it to be pitch black. This place was darker than the cave above them. His eyes narrowed as he honed his other senses to try and sense anything. Just then, he felt a tremor...a force of pure magic...evil magic. His head snapped right as he waited for everyone else to come down first.

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Akari Kaya

Well that was just great. These creeps needed “pure love” to resurrect Zeref. How cheesy could you get? Not to mention the dark wizard guild’s master had some sort of power that hurt even more than this spiked collar did. It was all Akari could do not to whimper like a baby. A magic circle appeared above a gathering of the dark guild, including some of them she recognized from their earlier battles.

The magic power was intense…how were she and Sakura going to escape from this? Logically, they should’ve been able to use magic, but considering where their hands were, that wasn’t a likely option. Unless… “Sakura!” she called quietly. “I’m going to try to burn your chains off. Then you can get out of here and find Gray and the others.” With that, she turned her hand and stealthily shot some flames at the chains binding Sakura to her post. The rest would be up to her, since Akari couldn’t possibly aim at her feet. “Hurry! Before they notice I helped you!”

Gray Fullbuster

The damn cave didn’t have another damn outlet which was a damn problem because they needed to find the damn wizards who had taken Sakura and Akari, damn it. In case the others couldn’t tell, Gray was really pissed off. So, really, thank goodness Rogue found that hidden hatch, or there would’ve been a drastic drop in temperature in this cave… Natsu leapt through the hole right after Rogue, and Gray waited until Sting did the same before following the other boys. The members of the other guilds were recovering from their battles. But the three dragon slayers and Gray could handle this. Nobody messes with Fairy Tail and Sabertooth.

As to be expected, the tunnel down here was narrower than the others, but a strange evil magic was reverberating through it. Was the dark guild going through with its plan? What the hell did that mean for the Fairy girls? Dammit! Gray began sprinting down the passage, only to crash into a wall of guards. Really?! These guys were freaking endless! It was like they had reserves of members of this guild. But Gray would not be deterred. He was going to save Sakura whether these guys wanted it or not. She would be back in his arms and Akari in Rogue’s before the end of the day. Gray wouldn’t let anything to happen to his guildmates.

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura was catching her breath after that magical force that somehow came along with the freaking creep's voice. She glared at the back of the man when she felt the magic suddenly boost. She looked above only to let out a silent gasp. The same markings appeared, but this time the magic circle was bigger and there was even more evil magic emanating from it. She grit her teeth, trying to wrack her brain for some kind of idea to get out of here. Hearing someone call her name, Sakura snapped her head up to look across from her to Akari. Hearing the other girl's idea, Sakura's eyes widened before she shook her head. There was no way she was leaving Akari behind!

But it was too late as Akari already did enough damage to her chains on her wrist that Sakura could easily snap it off. She then broke the chains off her legs by using her crystal magic. Once she was free, Sakura landed on the ground silently. She looked around to make sure no one caught sight of her, good the old man was being busy with the magic circle preparation to notice Sakura. Sakura turned to attempt and help Akari out, but before that could happen her blue eyes widened as she dropped to the floor in pain, clutching tightly onto the metal on her neck. What was this?! She could feel an electric shock going through her body as the collar like metal tightened ever so slightly around her neck. She heard someone tsking as the man came back. He looked down coldly at Akari first before sending his glare to Sakura, "Did you really think I wouldn't put some sort of magic limitation on you two?" Sakura strained a smirk at the man as she said, "Don't underestimate the faires old man." Sakura quickly slammed her hands down onto the ground, causing ruptures of crystals to appear from the ground before she fell to the floor once more in pain. It seems like the man was controlling their 'collars'.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue held his breath as he felt the air around him was thick with some sort of evil magic. What powerful magic it was though! It even had Rogue on edge as he felt the back of his hair stand up. He was staring into the darkness, being a bit more used to this element than his friends were. He sensed that Natsu, Sting and Gray have finally joined him in this new level of darkness. Before Rogue could say anything, Gray was already rushing off. Rogue couldn't help but smirk, knowing fully well why the ice mage was in such a hurry. His eyes hardened as he went after Gray as well, there was no time to waste.

Rogue let out a low growl as he asked the dark mages, "What are you doing here? Where is she!?" Sting and Natsu came up behind the two and Sting let out a groan as he said, "You're kidding me right? Just how many more of you guys are there?!" Natsu didn't seem to mind as he charged straight into the group of dark mages, lighting the dark floor with his fist of fire. Rogue smirked as he said, "Whatever, let's go through!" But there was more than he expected. Rogue punched another away before looking around, they were being surrounded...he gritted his teeth. He had to hurry, Akari was in danger! "Rogue! Just go! Save Akari!" Sting yelled out as he held back one of the dark mages. Natsu also yelled out while breathing fire onto a couple of them, "Gray you better save Sakura!" Rogue smiled at his friend before nodding his head, he turned and continued down the path where the magic felt the strongest. Just wait for me Akari, I'm coming! Just then, a huge tremor shook the floor as Rogue stood still, trying to keep his balance. What was going on?! He saw crystal shards spike out from the ground and smirked, they had to be going the right direction! "Gray, let's go!" Rogue called out to his friend.

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Akari Kaya

Unlike what Akari had just told her to do, Sakura tried to free her. The dark guild’s master had noticed their exchange, however, and the collar around Akari’s neck tightened. She gasped, nearly unable to breathe as tears welled in her eyes from the pain. Still, Akari refused to be intimidated, and she gave the man a fierce glare in return.

Sakura put up as much of a fight as she could, but the collars weren’t helping things much. Luckily, Sakura’s crystal magic had caused a tremor, which allowed Akari to somewhat burn off the chains binding her arms to the post. She fell to the floor unceremoniously beside Sakura, panting due to lack of oxygen. Staring up at the dark wizard with a murderous look in her eye, Akari muttered, “You made a mistake messing with Fairy Tail. If either or both of us die, you bring the wrath of the entire guild on you. Not even Zeref will be able to save you.” Unfortunately, Akari barely had any strength as it was, and she collapsed to the ground beside her guildmate.

Gray Fullbuster

Gray and his dragon slayer companions soon found themselves surrounded by the dark wizards. Sting and Natsu, however, didn’t plan on having on four of them fight. With Natsu insisting that he save Sakura, Gray left him to do his thing with Rogue just ahead of him. He’d felt the tremor in the ground, and he smirked as he passed a crystal sticking out of the ground. It was Sakura. No doubt about it. Fighting until the bitter end like a true Fairy Tail wizard.

The two boys reached the cave, and Gray stopped in his tracks. It looked like the dark wizards were starting their ritual, whatever it was. From what little he could hear of their chanting, this all had something to do with reviving Zeref. Geez. How idiotic could you get? This type of thing wouldn’t work at all. But then Gray saw Sakura and Akari lying still on the ground. Both were wearing spiked collars that seemed to be hurting them. That was where he drew the line. Crouching, Gray growled, “Ice Make… Hammer!” A hammer made of ice appeared above the man who was hovering above the girls. He looked like the guy in charge, so Gray let his hammer smash the guy into the ground. “I suggest you step away from the girls before I make you regret ever learning how to register pain.”

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura was in great pain as the collar only tightened more and more around her neck. Through squinted eyes, Sakura saw Akari have broken free as well, but the other girl was in no better luck as the man has control over both of their collars. Sakura sent the man a smirk, agreeing with what Akari said. Yes, no member of Fairy Tail will ever forgive him if he hurt either her or Akari. Heck she was sure even Sabertooth would join in on this if they heard that Akari was hurt. Though soon Sakura's vision began to show spots as the lack of oxygen became rather apparent. She gripped onto the collar, trying to use the last of her strength to try and pry it off using her crystal magic, but the shock that ran through her body made Sakura yelp in pain.

Sakura soon felt herself collapse to the floor alongside Akari. She gritted her teeth together in frustration...no she can't just admit defeat this easily. Though she may have fallen onto the floor, Sakura was still somewhat conscious. She glared up at the man but before she could say anything else, a large ice hammer made its way down onto the man. Sakura's blue eyes widened in surprise as she instantly recognized this type of magic. Her head snapped over to see Gray standing by the entrance to the cave alongside Rogue. Sakura's eyes shined with relief and happiness at seeing Gray once more. She was also happy that Rogue was here as well, she was sure Akari was happy about it too. Sakura could only watch as Rogue sent the man flying through the air and into a nearby wall. Sakura slowly tried to get herself into a sitting position and after what seemed like an eternity, Sakura was able to sit upright. She smiled over at Gray as she spoke in a whisper, "Gray...you came to save me...thank you." Sakura knew she could trust in Gray, but as much as she wants to say or do anything, this collar was quite bothersome as it actually prevented her from speaking. It just hurt way too much if she spoke even above a whisper. She sent the man a glare, he was definitely going to regret that. She may be hurt, but she will still fight!

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue ran after Gray who soon overtook him into entering the other side of the cave. He gave one last glance back at Sting and Natsu only to see bouts of light and fire bursting through the enemy lines just like that. Rogue smirked as he knew those two would be fine and even more so since they have each other. He looked ahead and entered after Gray, only to stop besides the Ice Mage. His eyes immediately looked above to see the large magic circle which only reeked of evil magic. He then looked around, trying to find Akari and soon enough his ruby eyes landed on the figure of Akari lying on the ground still. Rogue grit his teeth as his hands clenched into tight fists.

Gray did the honor of attacking the man first, but the man easily evaded Gray's attack and jumped away from Gray. Rogue glared as he began to form his shadow dragon claws on his fists, ready to knock the guy away. And that he did as he jumped up and punched the man square in the jaw. This time the man couldn't get away. He watched as the guy flew into one of the walls and that seemed to have done the trick for half of the mages who were prepping the magic circle left their stations to come and fight him and Gray. Rogue ignored them as he rushed to kneel besides Akari, "Akari! Are you okay?" he asked with concern lacing his eyes. He looked her over and noticed that the collar around her neck seemed to be the cause of her suffering. Rogue tried to break it free but it wouldn't budge, then he tried using his shadow magic but that didn't seem to work either, but it did leave a small crack in the collar. Rogue's attention was back on the man as he slowly stood up from the rubble, "retrieve the two fairies and get rid of those two!" the man yelled out orders as all the mages halted their prepping and were now circling Rogue, Akari, Gray and Sakura. Rogue gritted his teeth as he helped Akari up, holding her close, Rogue tried to find a way out of this...but perhaps the only way out would be through beating them all.

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Akari Kaya

Gray and Rogue arrived just in time. Their entrance distracted the guild master enough that the collars stopped tightening. Akari gasped for breath, barely registering what was going on between the boys and the dark wizard. Then she felt Rogue’s arms around her and blinked up at him. He had asked if she was alright, but she could barely form an answer. He tried to break the collar to no avail, even though he left a small crack.

More wizards began circling the four of them, and Rogue tried to help her stand up. She wrapped one arm around his waist so she would have better leverage. Then again, he probably wouldn’t be able to fight the wizards surrounding them now… What now? Well, Akari wasn’t going to give up the fight! She still had adventures with Fairy Tail left. Summoning what strength she had left, Akari sent flames towards the dark mages, knocking aside those in front of her. Still, with her and Sakura still mostly out of it, and Gray and Rogue sticking close to them, this fight was looking pretty dire. If only they could somehow fully stop the dark guild’s plan…

Gray Fullbuster

Gray practically had no say about the fighting the guild master, as Rogue got to him first. Man, he was ruthless with the guy. He was definitely one of the strongest wizards in Sabertooth. You don’t take those guys lightly. Meanwhile, Gray rushed over to his guildmates, focusing on Sakura and the collar around her neck. Rogue would take care of Akari, he knew. She murmured her thanks, her speech inhibited by the collar. Damn these dark wizards! They didn’t have any soul, did they?

Cradling her in his arms and helping her stand, Gray glared at the circle of dark wizards now surrounding him, Sakura, Rogue, and Akari. They never learned, did they? Smirking at Akari’s attack, he gave the dark mages a wicked grin. “Apparently your mamas never taught you how to take a lesson.” Just as he finished speaking, Sting and Natsu burst into the room, tipping the scales in their favor. The two dragon slayers went all out, so Gray decided to do so, too. He sent attack after attack to the dark wizards, punishing them for what they had done to his guildmates. The wrath of Fairy Tail was upon them.
AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura was helped up from the ground as Gray held her in his arms. She sent him a grateful glance before focusing on the crowd forming around them. Her glare intensified as her grip on Gray's shoulder tightened just the slightest bit. She bit her lip as she wondered how they were going to get out of this mess? She was confident that they will defeat them, but they were quite outnumbered and on top of that her and Akari were injured. She gripped the collar wrapped tight around her neck in annoyance, she needed to get rid of this. It seemed like the man was controlling it through his magic...so if they could just get rid of the dark guild master, she was sure that this collar would be nothing but metal.

As she was lost in her thoughts, she heard a sudden crash and looked over in surprise to see Natsu and Sting come flying through the wall that they just...broke. Sakura grinned, or at least attempted to smile despite the painful throbbing on her neck, as she saw the two. Looks like they will get out of this mess for sure! As Natsu and Sting spotted the two, Sakura saw the look in Natsu's eyes, she knew that look very well and knew that he will be hard to stop, but honestly she wasn't going to stop Natsu from wrecking havoc. She felt Gray shift her slightly and saw him also begin his attack. Sakura smirked as she also joined in, or as much as she could in her situation. Sakura created some crystal daggers in her free hand and sent them flying, making them enlarged as it flew in the air. She heard Natsu's roar of anger, "Don't you ever touch my friends again! Don't mess with Fairy Tail!" Sakura's smile widened as she looked on proudly at her guildmates causing chaos, a good kind of chaos.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue's arm never left Akari's waist, instead the grip around her waist tightened ever so slightly as he looked around for a way out. He knew Akari wasn't in the best of conditions to have an all out fight and it was a bit difficult to fight while supporting Akari. Though he rather get beat up then leave Akari alone again. Heck, he wasn't even sure if he will ever let her go. It seems like every moment he lets her go for even the briefest of seconds...she's gone the next. He glared around, trying to keep them at a distance. One of the men lunged towards him and Akari, Rogue used his arm to cover Akari and turned her around so that he would take the blunt of the force.

However, nothing came, instead the man fell down unconscious. Rogue looked over in confusion until he heard the all too familiar battle cries of his fellow dragon slayers. He smirked as he saw Sting and Natsu enter the room and judging from how the two stiffened up as their eyes landed on Sakura and Akari, well he was sure there was nothing that could stop them from unleashing their wrath. He kept a grip on Akari as he used his free hand to use his shadow dragon slayer magic. He will let the dark guild understand who they were facing and he will unleash his anger upon them as well. His pent up anger from this mission solely was enough for his shadows to get rid of at least a quarter of the dark mages. He kicked one down and stomping his foot atop the mage, Rogue glared down at him as he muttered out darkly, "Don't ever mess with Sabertooth."

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork (sorry for the wait! ><)
Akari Kaya

Akari stuck close to Rogue, which wasn’t too difficult considering he was practically keeping her in a death grip. It seemed he wasn’t going to take his chances again. They did have tendency to get separated today… Glancing around, Akari smirked slightly at the sudden addition of Sting and Natsu. With more wizards around, they had more of a chance for stopping the dark guild. Thinking frantically, she looked over at the mage’s magic circle. She got an idea.

“We need to break their magic circle and their source of magic power!” she told Rogue, gripping the front of his shirt tightly. “If you can bring me over there, maybe I can get started with doing exactly that.” Sting ran over to them, making sure she was alright before running off again. Akari smiled. With Sting and Natsu on our side, we’ll never lose. Dragon slayers can do anything when they put their heart and souls into it. She shot another flame in the direction of the surrounding dark mages.

Gray Fullbuster

Gray could have laughed how fierce Sakura was being. It was pretty cute, in his opinion. But that didn’t matter right now. Thank God he used Maker magic, or else he’d be in trouble right about now. As best he could, he put his fists together and summoned multiple ice hammers. That got rid of a number of the mages around them. But how were they fully going to stop them…?

The guild master! Angling himself and Sakura towards the bastard, Gray saw him trying to drag himself out of the cavern. “You’d leave your guild behind, after all the effort they put in for you? You bastard!” Gray shouted after him, freezing the floor beneath him so he tripped and fell on his face. “Now let Sakura and Akari go, you freak!”

AiAi AiAi
{No problem! I’ve had a busy past couple of weeks. And I’m sorry for the short post; busy weekend! ^^’ :) }
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura was wreaking havoc on the enemies as crystal shards kept spiking up from the ground. She was more than pissed at them, first they try and kidnap her friends and now they hurt Akari, there was no way Sakura was forgiving them. She would have continued on her little rampage if Gray didn't divert her attention to the guild master. She was about to knock him down when Gray beat her to it. Sakura sent Gray a smile before turning her attention to the man on the ground.

She smirked down at him with anger hiding beneath her blue orbs as she said, "and where do you think you're going?" It hurt for her to speak, but she didn't care right now. The only thing on her mind right now was to either defeat the guild master completely or have him undo the magic collar that was currently pressed tight against her neck. Sakura created several crystal daggers before throwing it at the guild master, effectively pinning him against the iced floor that Gray made. She sent him an overly sweet smile as she said, "now then...do we have to do this the hard way? Or are you going to get this off hm?" She pointed at the spiked collar on her neck. The Guild Master was quivering slightly as he saw the threat laying beneath Sakura's sweet voice. Even when she was hurt she could be so frightening.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue was letting out all his pent up stress and anger onto the black mages when he felt Akari tug on his shirt. He looked down at her, wondering if something happened but then he heard her. He looked over at the magic circle and nodded his head in agreement. Now then...how to get over there was the problem. That was where most of the mages stood and they looked quite unwilling to move.

Rogue smirked as he picked Akari up with ease and held her bridal style as he said, "hang on tight Akari." He smirked as he stepped forward and just as one of the mages attacks were about to reach him, Sting was in the way and blocked it. Rogue knew he had nothing to worry about as long as their friends were around. Another came his way but this time a blaze of fire stopped its path. Natsu sent the two a grin before running off on a rampage once more. Sakura also sent some of her crystla magic to hold the mages in place as she sent Akari a wink. He was getting closer, Rogue hurried his pace while dodging attacks as it came. "Is this close enough Akari?" Rogue asked her, never letting her down and honestly he had no plans to.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
(all's good :) )

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