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Fandom ~Fairy Tail {Rogue x Akari and Gray x Sakura}~

Akari Kaya

Akari’s feet were suddenly off the ground as Rogue picked her up and carried her over to the magic circle with some assistance from Sting and Sakura. Meanwhile, Akari’s cheeks were a blazing pink. She wanted to scold him, but what was the point? “Yes, thank you, Rogue.” She leaned up to kiss his cheek before hopping down to the ground to inspect the magic circle. It seemed to be engraved into the ground. If only she had Gajeel here to get some iron on this… Oh well.

“Rogue we need to beat out the symbols on the circle. That way, it won’t be able to properly function anymore. Without the circle, the dark guild’s plan is ruined.” She set to work, burning the ground around the symbols so they were distorted. If she held her hand the right way, it was like she was burning the symbol completely out of the ground. And that was exactly what she wanted. Now if only she could find the source of the dark guild’s power…

Gray Fullbuster

Damn, Sakura was hot when she was angry. Not that Gray was focusing more on that than the scared look on the guild master’s face. He nodded profusely before making some gesture that released the collar from around Sakura’s neck. Gray took the collar and froze it, slamming it to the ground so it broke. He called over to Rogue, “Hey, Rogue, we got the collars released! Get Akari’s off!” Hearing this seemed to heighten Akari’s spirits as well as those of Natsu and Sting.

Gray quickly wrapped Sakura in a tight hug. “I’m so glad that thing’s off of you. One more minute and I would’ve frozen the guy’s face off.” He probably would have, too. You didn’t just mess with a member of Fairy Tail and get away with it. That wasn’t how this wizard guild worked. Nor Sabertooth, for that matter, if Sting and Rogue were any examples. “Let’s hurry and stop these buffoons before they somehow pull off their plan…not that they will.” Not on his watch.

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura felt the piercing and shocking pain recede as the dark guild Master finally relented and stopped the collars from working. She felt rather free when Gray took it off and broke the damn thing with his ice. Sakura felt her throat and winced as she could feel it getting all raw from being constricted for so long and she felt a couple blood drops, but she won't complain. That thing was off of her and that was all she asked for. Suddenly she felt Gray pull her towards him and was pulled into a tight hug. Sakura smiled into the hug as she hugged him back just as tightly. Leaning up, Sakura kissed his lips briefly before smiling back at him, "I know you would have and I would have joined in too ahaha."

Pulling away from his hug, Sakura nodded her head and looked towards whatever Akari and Rogue were doing. Hearing Rogue point to the large dark sphere floating above, Sakura smirked over at Gray as her blue eyes twinkled with excitement, "looks like we need to get rid of that thing, let's go Gray!" She tugged on his hand as they got closer to it and Sakura formed a large crystal bow. She made several arrows with large piercing ends and pointed it straight towards the sphere. She then shot it after a few seconds of aiming and watched as fire, shadow, elements, light, ice and crystal began to attack the orb all at once. It looked like a pretty firework to be honest. Once it broke, Sakura turned to Gray and hugged him as she let out a happy cheer, "yay~! We did it Gray!" But it was too soon to be celebrating as the ground beneath them began to shake. Sakura looked around and looked back at Gray, "oh shit..." was all she muttered out as she gripped onto his hand tightly.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue blushed slightly when Akari kissed his cheek, but he was soon smiling like an idiot before he snapped out of it. He shook his head, not now...he couldn't lose his focus now. Damn it, Akari was both a good and bad thing to him, but...he smirked, he wouldn't change it for the world. He was right behind Akari and waited to see what she thought of the magic circle. He nodded his head as he helped her break the circle apart. He smirked as he saw the light on the ground slowly turn dim as he and Akari worked on breaking the circle. Hearing Gray call out to him, Rogue nodded his head as he broke the collar with a single swipe of his shadow claw. He smiled as he saw that she was finally free from the dreaded thing.

He looked around and then he felt something surging from above. Looking above he saw a rather large dark sphere floating in the center of the circle. He pointed at it while shouting to Akari, "Akari! I think I found the source! If we break this then it'll be over!" At hearing that, Natsu turned to look at the dark orb before rushing towards it with the help of Happy and began to break it with his dragon slayer magic. Sting was right behind Natsu as he helped the pink haired mage destroy it. Rogue smirked as he joined them as well. He began to use his shadow dragon slayer magic to help break the orb, soon the orb could be heard cracking until it broke completely. Rogue smiled as he pulled Akari over to him. He sent her a smile as he said, "guess our job here is done..." that was until a sudden earthquake shook the ground as the orb began to burst. Rogue looked up and let out a curse, "Hurry everyone! We need to get out of here before this cave collapses on us!" He picked Akari up and began to hurry his way out.

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Akari Kaya

To Akari’s relief, the symbols of the magic circle began fading. Then she heard Gray call over to her and Rogue. He and Sakura had gotten the dark guild’s master to release the spiked collars. Before she could fully process this news, Rogue had broken the collar off. Akari drew in a great big gulp of air, ignoring the rawness of the skin at her throat. Yikes, that was going to hurt later. But it was worth it, now that she wasn’t so restricted.

Glancing up at the dark sphere floating above them, Akari smirked. This would be a piece of cake compared to the rest of their day. She managed to shoot a flame at the sphere just before everyone else shot their full power at it, shattering it instantly. A smile lit up her face as Rogue pulled her over to him. The moment was ruined, however, by a sudden earthquake rocking the cavern. Luckily, she didn’t even have to run, because Rogue simply picked her up and began running out of the room. Akari would’ve protested, but considering he was saving her life, she decided against it. She held on tightly as they went back down the tunnel that had led to the cavern in the first place.

Gray Fullbuster

Following Sakura’s example, Gray used his magic to create a bow made of ice, choosing to nock only one arrow. Sakura’s magic would probably be most effective in this case anyway. So with the combined strengths of all the light wizards in the room, they broke the sphere, destroying the dark guild’s plan for good. Gray returned Sakura’s hug and kissed her temple, grinning from ear to ear.

As soon as the cavern started shaking, Gray glared at the entrance. “We better get going, now.” Gripping her hand, he sprinted through the cavern and its tunnel, following Rogue and Akari. He heard Natsu and Sting coming after them, so he didn’t bother look over his shoulder. Once they reached the ladder, Gray shoved Sakura up it and ushered Akari up the same way. They’d been through too much today to also have to deal with a cave-in. After the girls had climbed the ladder, he hopped out, waiting for the others. Glancing around, he called out, “Pegasus! Mermaid! Lyon! We gotta get out of here! Come on!” With the tunnel below the main ones collapsing, it was only a matter of time before every tunnel went down, too. Gray hoped they’d make it out in time.

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura smiled as Gray kissed her temple, she looked up at him wanting to say something when the entire place began to shake. Sakura hurried out of the room along with Gray, they ran through the dark tunnel before arriving at the ladders. She climbed up the ladder with the help of Gray and helped Akari afterwards. As they arrived to the main level, Sakura looked around to see everything beginning to break and lose it's structure. Rocks were beginning to fall apart. She frowned, they needed to hurry or else...just then Gray called out for the others to hurry out and so she was ushered towards the exit.

As they neared the exit, Sakura saw larger rocks begin to fall and that the entrance was beginning to cave in. She stopped running as she slammed her hands onto the ground and sent crystals up along the walls of the entrance to the cave to stop it from breaking and enclosing them inside the cave. Standing back up, Sakura hurried to catch up with the others, she winced as the wound on her leg from earlier was beginning to bleed through. Well the crystal she used to cover it was only temporary to begin with. She limped her way to the exit, seeing as how everyone got out, Sakura unleashed the crystals holding the entrance up as she was getting quite low on magic. She fell to her knees as she let out a sigh of relief while the cave collapsed behind her. They made it out safe...that was when Sakura's head snapped up as she shakily stood up, "Gray!?" Sakura called out in hopes that he made it out safely.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue continued to carry Akari out of the underground room as it began to shake even more. Rocks from the walls began to fall down on them as things began to come undone. Going through the tunnel, Rogue saw the ladder up ahead. He helped Akari go up first and then followed suit, he knew the others would be right behind them. As everyone safely made it up the ladder, Rogue began to usher Akari and Sakura out of the main cave while Gray was calling the rest out. He looked past Gray to see several figures emerge from the entrance where most of the fighting took place, he saw that the Mermaid Heel girls were being carried by the others as they hurried their way over as well.

Seeing as how everyone was safe and heard them, Rogue hurried over to Akari's side, holding her hand he began to lead the way out. As they were getting closer to the exit, Rogue saw a rather large rock fall straight towards them, he pushed Akari out of the way and using his shadow dragon slayer magic, he formed a big shadow fist and broke it into pieces. More rocks began to fall on them. He gritted his teeth, they had to hurry! As they reached the exit, Rogue looked around to make sure everyone was out, "Akari!" Rogue called out, trying to find her and make sure she was safe. Spotting her among the others, Rogue hurried over and hugging her tight he murmured out, "Akari, you're safe...thank goodness..." just as he spoke those words, the cave behind them collapsed.

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(omg I'm so sorry! I thought I replied to it T.T)
Akari Kaya

Akari scurried up the ladder like nobody’s business. Her heart was pounding faster each minute as more rocks crashed down, trying to trap everybody inside the cave. She would’ve expressed concern about the wizards from the other guilds if they hadn’t come running down the tunnel at that moment. Akari nearly laughed at the expressions on the Mermaid Heel girls’ faces as the boys tried to carry them out. Kagura slapped Hibiki in the face before leaping down and sprinting away from him. But this was not the time for laughter. Now was the time to run.

She hadn’t seen the rock. All she knew was Rogue shoving her away as he smashed the giant rock falling toward him. A bit of the rock grazed her face, drawing blood, but otherwise, he’d just saved her life. Following the others, she stumbled out of the cave, falling to her knees on the grass. Every part of her felt wobbly and weak from the constant exertion this entire day had been. Then Rogue’s arms were around her, and she hugged him back. “I am. All thanks to you.” The cave behind them collapsed, and Akari’s head shot up. Someone was missing… Gray!

Gray Fullbuster

Gray checked to make sure all the other wizards were escaping down the tunnel before sprinting after Lyon. They took the rear of the group as rocks continued to fall from the ceiling, nearly smashing a few of the wizards. Up ahead, the entrance looked to be caving in—that is, until Sakura had her shot at it. Gray smirked. But then he saw her limp. He nearly shot ahead to help her, but Lyon gave him a look, reminding him to see everyone else outside first. No wizard left behind.

The crystals Sakura made at the entrance vanished, and the cave became unstable once again. In front of him and Lyon, Jura stepped through the entrance, just as the cave collapsed. Though they’d only had a split second to think about it, Gray and Lyon jointly created a shield that stopped the cave from collapsing on them. Still, it wouldn’t hold. Seeing a crevice under one of the rocks, Gray ushered Lyon into it and followed him. They let the rest of the cave come crashing down before continuing down the mini tunnel. It let straight outside, thank goodness, and Gray crawled out looking like he’d been caught in a dust storm. Lyon didn’t look much better. Hearing his name, Gray glanced over at Sakura. “I’m over here! Got a bit delayed!”

AiAi AiAi
{Haha, you're fine!}
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura's head shot towards the sound of Gray's voice. Looking behind her she saw him emerging from a small hole of the crumpled cave entrance. Sakura let out a breath of relief as her legs gave way and she finally plopped onto the floor. She smiled over at Gray as she murmured out, "thank goodness...." she placed a hand over her heart and realized this day was definitely quite an interesting day. She's never felt fear like this before...she hardly worried during her usual jobs...yet today she experienced real fear...the fear of losing someone important. She stood up on shaky legs before limping her way over to where Gray was standing.

She then wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. Burrowing her face into the crook of his neck, Sakura murmured out, "thank goodness you're safe...I wouldn't know what I'd do if you got stuck in there..." she looked up at him with a frown. She then smiled as she hugged him tighter while saying, "but you're safe and that's all that matters..." she raised her head and looked around them in hopes of catching a glimpse of pink hair. She did worry for the rest of her guild mates as well. She already spotted Akari with Rogue and Sting and then a sudden loud yell caught her attention. It was Natsu and Happy making their way over to them. Sakura let out a small laugh as she said, "guess those two are fine like always." Natsu spotted Sakura and Gray and rushed over there like a bullet. He appeared in front of the two and pointed his finger at the two while saying rather loudly, "ah! You two are fine, that's great!...hey Sakura where's my hug? You know you've only been hugging Gray lately like that..."

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue looked around as well and as he was in a much more calmer state of mind, he noticed that Gray and Lyon were missing. His head began to swivel around in a hurry as he tried to locate the two Ice mages when he heard Gray's voice from the collapsed tunnel's entrance. Looking over he saw Gray and Lyon safely out of the cave. He let out a sigh as he fell down to the grass to actually catch his breath. He kept an arm wrapped around Akari's waist to make sure she won't be leaving anywhere without him...he has had enough of nearly losing her too many times in one day. It was probably enough for him to last an eternity to be honest. Letting out a sigh he smiled over at Akari.

"Looks like that was the end of that....oh Akari...you're hurt." Rogue noticed the little scratch on her cheek and reaching out a hand he gently wiped the blood off with his thumb. He frowned a bit as he apologized, "I'm sorry...your face got injured..." of all places it just had to be the face. He was frowning at it but then suddenly Frosch came crashing into him. "Rogue! Akari! You two are safe!" Frosch cried out in relief while hugging Rogue first then hugging Akari. Rogue smiled as he simply said while patting Frosch on the head, "yeah, we're fine...I'm glad you're safe too." He looked up to see Sting and Lector coming over as well. Sting grinned at the two of them as he said, "you two alright?" He was glad that everyone was safe and sound. Rogue smiled as he nodded his head, "yeah we're fine..." but he was soon blinking over confusedly at Sting as the blonde haired mage eyed Rogue and Akari with a rather mischievous grin on his lips, "so? Isn't there something you have to tell me, Frosch and Lector hmmm?" Rogue looked a bit confused, was there something?

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Akari Kaya

Waving her hands in front of her face, Akari said, "No, no, it's fine... It's just a scratch." She smiled at him reassuringly. Thank God it was all over. Now all they had to do was go back to the former Council member who'd recruited them for this job and... Oh wait. That required a boat. Looked like this long day would be even longer than it already was. She leaned her head on Rogue's shoulder, wanting nothing more than to stay here and sleep for a while. Today had put her through more trials than any other day of her life--which was saying something, considering she was part of Fairy Tail.

The next thing she knew, Frosch was hugging her, and she laughed and hugged him back. "Frosch! I'm so glad you're alright, too!" Looking up, she spotted Sting and Lector. "We're just fine! I'm glad you two made it out okay." Then she noticed the looks on the boys' faces: confusion on Rogue's and Sting's mischievous grin. Akari's cheeks reddened the slightest bit as she sighed. "Shut up, Sting. You're just jealous you don't have a girlfriend." She leaned over and boldly kissed Rogue on the cheek. "It's not like we're keeping it some big secret. Right, Rogue?"

Gray Fullbuster

Gray winced as Sakura limped over to him. "Are you okay, Sakura?" Maybe they should go look for someone who could bandage up her wound properly... But then Sakura was hugging him and he caved (HA!). He wrapped his arms around her and murmured, "I'm sorry I worried you." Then he heard a loud yell and looked up to see Natsu and Happy making their way toward him and Sakura. He kept his arms around Sakura as Natsu complained about not getting a hug.

"You see, Pyro, there's a reason for that..." He would try to explain it to the Fire Dragon Slayer, but the chances of him understanding were very low. Happy, however, understood right away and covered his mouth with his paws to suppress a giggle. With a sigh and a shrug, Gray bent down and kissed Sakura. That was the only way he could explain it. "And that's why." Out of the corner of his mouth, he said to Sakura, "You might wanna hug him before he starts burning stuff."

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura looked over at Natsu, ready to give him a hug when Gray kept his arms around her still. She looked up at him and then over at Natsu but before she could even get a word out, Gray leaned down and kissed her on the lips. Sakura let out a noise in surprise but she kissed him back lightly. Her cheeks were slightly pink while Natsu's jaw was slack in shock. Sakura let out a small giggle at Natsu's reaction and nodded her head as Gray whispered her the words.

Smiling she walked over to Natsu and gave him a hug when the pink haired dragon Slayer snapped out of his stupor. He glared at Gray while trying to hide Sakura behind him while saying, "no way! You ice bastard you better be good to her!" But he was soon smiling while Sakura let out a small laugh. Despite the two being such rivals...they were good friends in her opinion. Grinning she locked arms with both and spoke up cheerfully, "shall we get going guys?"

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue soon understood what Sting was talking about when Akari leaned over and kissed his cheek. He blushed slightly at the sudden kiss but smiled over at her. Lacing their fingers together, Rogue looked up at Sting and simply said, "what Akari said is true, we're not hiding it...but I'll say it so you'll be satisfied. Sting, Akari is my girlfriend." He side glanced at Akari, wondering if that was okay. But she said so herself that she's his girlfriend.

Sting let out a small gasp at the sudden bold moves displayed in front of before he grinned over at the two and said with happiness, "finally!!! Took you two forever you know that? Anyways congrats! We'll throw a party at Sabertooth later when we get back." He grinned over at his two best friends. Lector and Frosch were smiling over at the couple before the two went over and hugged them, congratualiting the two. Rogue blushed slightly in embarrassment but he smiled over at Akari as he stood up holding a hand out for her, "shall we go home, Akari?"

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Akari Kaya

Akari’s lips turned up into a smile as Rogue finally used the word “girlfriend” out loud. She squeezed his hand and grinned up at Sting. “A party? Why the hell would we need a party? You’re just finding excuses to drink now, aren’t you?” A laugh erupted from her when Lector and Frosch hugged her enthusiastically. “You’re all acting like it’s a big holiday or something.”

All too soon, it was time to go. Looking up at Rogue, Akari smiled. “Yeah, let’s go.” She took his hand and walked with him and Sting into the woods back toward the shore. Once faced with the ocean again, Akari realized the ship had pulled up closer to the beach so they wouldn’t have to swim as far. Glancing up nervously at Sting and Rogue, she began, “I don’t suppose you two are very excited to get back on the boat, are you?”

Gray Fullbuster

Gray stuck out his tongue. “Duh, Pyro. Who do ya think I am? Lyon?” He punched Natsu in the shoulder just before Sakura looped her arms through theirs. With a nod, he pulled their three-wizard chain through the woods after the other wizards. When they got back on the boat, he would insist that Sakura sit down and get her leg looked at, maybe by Jura.

They reached the beach just after Akari and the Sabertooth boys did, and, seeing the boat, Gray smirked over at Natsu. “You ready for another bout of motion sickness?” He crouched down and created an ice floor leading all the way up to the ship. Bowing politely, he smiled up at Sakura. “Ladies first.” Natsu looked about ready to flee, so Gray throw his arm around the dragon slayer’s shoulder to stop him from running. “Let’s go, Pyro. We’ve got a guild hall to get back to.”

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura giggled at the two before they made their way to the beach slowly. Having the two besides her was almost like a crutch for her leg and it helped her greatly to walk. As they approached the beach, Sakura noticed that the boat was closer and she wondered briefly how she should get onto the boat without really swimming. She doubted she could swim right now...she was just so exhausted and hurt to even try to swim. Just as she thought that, Gray made a pathway out of ice for them. She smiled over at Gray and kissed his cheek as a thanks before turning to see how Natsu was faring. She giggled as Gray caught Natsu before the pink haired dragon slayer can make a run for it. Happy has already flown to the boat and was watching from the railings.

Sakura also grabbed hold of Natsu's other arm as she smiled up at him ever so sweetly, "shall I knock you out? Would that help hm? Or maybe I can crystallize you..." just as she suggested making Natsu into a chunk of crystal, the pink haired dragon slayer was the first on the boat before Sakura could even blink. She looked over at the now green-faced Natsu before letting out a light laugh, "I don't think my crystals are that bad, right Gray?" Sakura grinned over at Gray before intertwining their hands together. Smiling up at him, she said, "alright, let's get going so we can get back to our guild." As they entered the boat, Sakura took a seat on a bench and let out a sigh of relief, she looked down to see how her injured leg was faring and it was still bleeding, honestly her leg was numb by now and so she hardly felt pain. As she stared up at the sky, Sakura realized something that they'll have to face once they arrive back at their guild. She turned to Gray and asked him, "oh I forgot about Juvia-chan back at the guild...I wonder how she'll react hm?" She let out a small laugh at that.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue helped Akari stand up and he also glanced oddly over at Sting, "I agree with Akari, why would we need to throw a party?" He rather honestly just spend some time alone with Akari..without having to worry about some dark mage trying to kidnap Akari. Sting tsk-ed at the two as he stated rather proudly, "you guys don't understand do you? Do you know how long I've been waiting to hear that you guys start dating? I've been waiting forever, more like the entire Sabertooth guild has been waiting!" Rogue blinked a few times, so Sting and basically everyone in Sabertooth knew of his feelings for Akari...? Rogue looked off to the side feeling embarrassed suddenly.

Sting was about to tease Rogue when Akari mentioned the boat ride as the trio entered the beach area. He slowly turned around to face the forest once more as he loudly stated in a mechanical voice, "oh! I think I forgot something...I'll be right ba-" he let out a whine as Rogue grabbed hold of Sting's shoulder as he sent him a glare. Rogue spoke out through gritted teeth, "where do you think you're going? Sting?" Rogue was a bit tense as well as he did not want to get on the boat...no..please just no. But seeing Akari looking at him so nervously made him want to do it just for her sake...but the boat ride. He paled slightly at the thought of enduring the seasickness once more. Sting also paled before he sunk to the ground in defeat, "just take us Akari-chan.." Sting mumbled out. Rogue helped Sting up and turning to Akari he spoke up in a tense voice, "let's go." Despite his rather tough words, his face said otherwise, his face was pale and Rogue definitely looked like he rather go through all the hardships of today than go on the boat. But at the same time Rogue wanted to look strong in front of Akari, though he was failing at it quite miserably so.

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Akari Kaya

Akari pushed down her embarrassment at the prospect of the entire Sabertooth guild celebrating her and Rogue’s relationship to focus on getting the boys on the boat. Sting tried to escape, but Rogue stopped him, causing Akari to bite her lip. There was no way they could swim back, but maybe there was some other way to cross the ocean. Clearly these two weren’t going to get on the boat. Looking at Rogue and Sting’s pale faces, she grimaced and did as they wished, dragging them onto the boat. She took them as far away from the edge as possible and sat down in between them, taking Rogue’s hand in hers.

As the boat crossed the sea, Akari gently pushed the boys’ heads onto her shoulders for moral support. She didn’t have any seasickness spells like Wendy, so this was the best she could do. Squeezing Rogue’s hand, she put her other hand on his knee. “Don’t worry about looking strong in front of me. I already know how amazing you are,” she murmured, kissing his head. Frosch and Lector toddled over and sat on her lap, immediately falling asleep. Cuuuuute. Akari smiled and closed her eyes, leaning her head on Rogue’s. By the time she opened her eyes again, they were back in the harbor.

Gray Fullbuster

Gray made sure to stick close to Sakura as the wizards boarded the boat. Natsu was being a wimp, but that was okay, especially since it left him alone with her. As soon as she sat down, he fretted over her leg, which was still bleeding profusely. He tore off a strip of his pants (not that he wasn’t going to strip in general later) and wrapped it around the wound, hoping it would buy them time until they returned to the guild and Wendy’s healing magic. Then he sat down beside her and relaxed. Man, he could use a nap or something right about now. Maybe he’d sleep on the train ride back home.

Then Sakura brought up Juvia. Gray paled and groaned. “I don’t even wanna know how she’s going to react. She’ll either scream, cry, or do both and then proceed to plot against you. No matter how many times I say ‘no,’ she doesn’t seem to get the message.” He sighed and added with a slight grin, “Maybe now that we’re together, she’ll take a hint and leave me the hell alone.” Gray leaned his head on Sakura’s shoulder and murmured, “I’d much rather be with you.”

After a couple hours, Gray looked up and saw the harbor. “Is this the part where I say ‘Land ho!’? Or is that too cheesy?”

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura couldn't help but smile as Gray panicked over her injured leg. Seeing him looking so concerned and attempting to stop the bleeding was cute and rather endearing for Sakura. Sure she felt bad for making him worry, but it warmed her heart greatly to know that he cared about her that much. She giggled a bit before reassuring Gray that she'll live. As they sat side by side and looked out at the sea, Sakura laughed a bit at Gray's hope of Juvia giving up on him. "Can't blame the girl though, you're quite the charming Ice Mage hehe." Sakura jokingly said, though she really did mean it. Who could not like Gray was the question...but that was a bit contradicting since Sakura had no plans of sharing him with anyone. She would surely fight anyone who tried to take Gray from her, be it her fellow guild member or not.

Sakura couldn't help but smile widely as Gray stated that he much rather be with her than with other girls. She kissed the top of his head affectionately before leaning her own head against his own as she murmured out, "mmmhmm, and I much rather be with you too Gray." She closed her eyes as well and allowed herself to finally get some rest after all that they went through. Sakura woke up the next moment with Gray's rather cheesey line. She laughed a bit before saying it herself, "Land ho!" She grinned even more so when she saw Natsu's pink head lift instantly at the mention of dry ground. She grabbed Gray's hand before leading the two down and off the ship. Once they were on dry ground, Sakura looked around to see that all the guilds were going their separate ways now. She bid each a goodbye before turning back to Natsu and Gray. Looping arms with the two, she chirped happily, "alright! Let's go home guys!....ah but that also means the train..." she smiled a bit too sweetly over at the paling Natsu and quickly dragged him to the train station so he can't run off. After the few hours on the train ride which was similar to that of the boat ride with Natsu being half conscious, they quickly arrived to their guild. Sakura looked up at the large wooden doors with a rather fond smile on her face. It felt like it's been quite a while since they came back. She opened the doors and happily exclaimed, "we're back~!"

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue allowed Akari to tug him towards the ship and onto it despite his urge to just dive into the ocean head first. He may agree with Akari and the others that it's a bit silly....but on the other hand he definitely agrees with Sting and Natsu, his fellow dragon slayers, that boat rides...or more like any transportation was just awful. He saw Sting pale at the sight of the ship getting closer to them as they walked closer to it. He felt bad for his friend, but he knew this had to be done. Especially if they wanted to get home to begin with. As Rogue's foot planted itself firmly onto the boat, he felt himself pale at the mere motion of the soft waves gently rocking it back and forth. Sting took it a bit worse as the pale blonde was turning green and sinking to the floor.

Lector picked Sting up and helped carry him to the bench where Akari sat down with Rogue. Sting was quick to show his weakness to motion sickness as he leaned against Akari's shoulder, willing himself to not throw the contents of his stomach up into the air and possibly onto Akari and Rogue. Rogue was also not faring quite well as he didn't even get flustered or complain when Akari pulled his head to rest onto her shoulder. He rather appreciated that greatly. He gently squeezed her hand back as words would not leave his tightened throat at the moment. Feeling her soft lips make contact with his head, Rogue smiled despite feeling quite awful as he closed his eyes to rest. He didn't know when, but it seemed like he fell asleep during the ride, surprising since he rarely passed out or fell asleep when on a transportation. He could feel the boat still rocking slightly under his feet, but looking up he noted the harbor closing in on them. His heart soared in relief and was quick to make his way off the ship, though not before he gently woke Akari up, Sting well Lector can wake him up. Smiling down at Akari, Rogue murmured out, "we're back...let's go back to Sabertooth now..." a plentiful rest at the guild sounded great though he wondered if Akari will come back with him and Sting or go back with Natsu and the others to Fairy Tail?

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Akari Kaya

Akari woke up at Rogue’s gentle urging. Lector and Frosch were still asleep in her lap, so she nudged them awake, too. They yawned, which made Akari yawn, too, and she was reluctant to get up. But they couldn’t stay on the boat all day, so she followed Rogue and Sting off it with the Exceeds flying overhead. It was nice to be back, especially after having returned from a job. The last time she’d gone on a job, it had been with her brother, and it had been so easy it was almost a waste of time. This one had certainly been challenging, but nonetheless, she felt the thrill of having successfully completed a mission with her friends.

Smiling back up at Rogue, she responded, “Yeah. Let’s go back to Sabertooth. We’ve apparently got a party waiting for us.” Sting grinned and led the way back to the Sabertooth guild hall. Akari took Rogue’s hand in hers. It was nice to finally hold his hand and not worry about being awkward about it. Frosch perched on her shoulder, and she smiled.

By the time they finally returned to the guild hall, the sun was setting. Sting pushed open the doors and announced, “We’re back! And I’ve got great news!” He stepped to the side and gestured grandly to Rogue and Akari, who was still holding his hand. The entirety of Sabertooth broke into cheers, occasionally calling out things like, “Finally!”, “That only took forever!”, and “Pass the liquor!” Akari sighed. Sting hadn’t been kidding when he said they were going to throw a party when they found out…

Gray Fullbuster

If Gray had thought it was entertaining seeing how terrified Natsu was of the boat ride, seeing his face in reaction to having to take the train was priceless. Still, it made the train ride a bit quieter, even with his constant complaints about his stomach wanting to kill him. Happy could only do so much for the guy. Gray was just glad they’d finally be getting home. And when they did, it was about sunset. Amazing how just this morning they’d been in the guild hall. It felt like so much more time had passed.

Gray walked in and was almost immediately hounded by Juvia. He should’ve known. Without bothering to listen, Gray gently pushed her away and said loudly, “Juvia, I need to tell you something.” He almost felt sorry for her when a hopeful look flashed across her face. It faded when Gray threw an arm around Sakura and pulled her to him. “I’m afraid there’s another woman in my life.” Juvia, being Juvia, ran off crying, something about how he had betrayed her. Oh dear. At least he’d told her the truth instead of running away this time.

Natsu gave him a look that said You gonna take care of that?, but Gray shrugged. Wasn’t his problem. He only had to worry about Sakura now. And on that note, he picked her up and carried her over to Wendy. “Hate to bother ya, Wendy, but can you fix up Sakura’s leg?” The Sky Dragon Slayer nodded and set to work, clearly biting back a smile at the sight of him and Sakura together. Didn’t help that he insisted on keeping her on his lap while Wendy healed her. But still.

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura smiled as the loud greeting rang in her ears. Ah it was great to be back and of course the first thing that happened was Juvia rushing up to greet Gray while literally pushing her aside. Sakura rolled her eyes before looking around to see Erza and Lucy greeting Natsu and Happy. She smiled at the smiles on everyone's faces. Though quickly her attention was back on Gray and Juvia as it seemed like he decided to just tell her here and now. Sakura let out a squeak in surprise at being pulled by Gray, she was not expecting that. Seeing the expression on Juvia's face, Sakura felt bad but at the same time she wouldn't apologize for getting together with Gray...she wouldn't change that for the world. Sakura was about to call after Juvia when she blinked a few times...why was it so quiet? She slowly looked around to see everyone looking over at Sakura and Gray with either a shocked expression or a grinning one. She tilted her head in confusion.

Before Sakura could even question it, Gray picked her up and carried her over to Wendy. Sakura didn't really complain since all the walking did wear her out quite a bit. She did however blush a bit when Gray wouldn't let her down from his lap. Everyone was staring! Sakura pouted over at Gray as she muttered out, "e-everyone's staring..." but Sakura being Sakura, she soon got used to it as she sent him a grin while wrapping her arms around his neck, "oh wells~!" she let out a cheery laugh. She smiled as she watched Wendy heal up her leg, finally getting feeling back into her leg, Sakura exclaimed out to Wendy, "ah that feels so much better! Thank you so much Wendy-chan." Wendy smiled back up at Sakura and merely let out a small giggle, "it's no problem."

The entire guild was already back to doing their own things though the guild Master was crying as he stated loudly, "Gray and my Sakura-chan have grown up so fast! This calls for a celebration! Everyone! Let's congratulate the two!" Sakura sweatdropped at everyone's sudden change of attitude but sending Gray a grin she said, "guess we're partying hehe." Seeing as he wouldn't let her down still, Sakura got comfy on his lap before grabbing a drink for him courtesy of Mira. She took a sip before offering the drink to Gray. Sakura smiled up at him as she said, "cheers to us and coming back safely?" Though she couldn't help but look around for Juvia, she felt like she needed to speak to Juvia herself. Though seeing no water mage around, Sakura decided that Juvia may need some time alone. She leaned her head against Gray's chest as she let out a sigh, "ah finally we can relax~"

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue was slowly gaining life back in himself as they were finally on dry ground. His eyes looked more alert and his facial complexion was back to being healthy as well. He glanced to his side to see Sting stretching and warming his body up as he was getting back to normal as well. Rogue smiled back at Akari when she agreed to going back to Sabertooth with them. Feeling happy and content with her answer, Rogue turned back around and began to lead the way to Sabertooth. As they finally arrived at their guild, Rogue watched with a bit of a wary look on his face as Sting went ahead and opened the large guild doors. Surely enough, Rogue heard what he was afraid of hearing from Sting. He held back a sigh as he shook his head lightly, of course he can't just rest quietly. Though...he didn't quite hate this either. He smiled as he wrapped an arm around Akari's shoulder and led her inside. That simple action was enough to make the guild even more boisterous.

Rogue gave an apologetic smile to Akari as he said, "sorry about them, you know how they are. They'll use any reason to party." He nodded a greeting to his other guild mates before leading Akari to a table. He glanced at her neck and with a small frown he stood up once more with a different idea in mind. He held Akari's hand and began to lead her towards the medical room while saying over his shoulder, "I think we should have the doc check on your injuries, your neck..." he couldn't finish his sentence as just the mere sight of it reminded him of that awful collar that sick dark guild Master placed on Akari and Sakura's neck. He glared at nothing in particular before remembering where he was. Speaking to the doctor, he led Akari to a bed and sat besides her, not moving as he gave a pointed look to the doctor.

Smiling over at Akari, he gently carressed her cheek before leaning over and kissing her forehead as he murmured out, "we can go out and celebrate with everyone else after you're all bandaged up, okay?" He pulled back to grin over at Akari before waiting and watching silently as the doctor cleaned Akari's wounds and bandaged her up. Smiling and satisfied with the work, he thanked the doctor before leading Akari out of the clinic and towards the main guild hall once more. The loud cheering and boisterous laughter could be heard from the hallways. Holding her hand, he held her back for a moment as he pulled her into his chest and hugged her tightly while murmuring out, "just a little bit longer before we have to go out there..." he wanted to spend more time with just her after all.

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Akari Kaya

Even though she’d lamented the idea of this party, Akari found she actually kind of enjoyed it. It helped that Rogue put his arm around her and led her inside, despite how wild Sabertooth grew after that. She laughed at Rogue’s comment. “I don’t mind. Fairy Tail’s a lot worse, trust me. Besides, I love Saber just the way it is.” He started leading her to a table before he frowned and started steering her in the direction of the infirmary.

Akari reached up and fingered the wounds on her neck self-consciously. It would be a shame if they left scars all around her neck; but if she got them treated, the chances of that would be low. So she followed Rogue willingly into the infirmary and sat down on one of the beds. She appreciated that Rogue stayed with her, and she smiled at him to let him know that. A blush spread across her face as he brushed his hand along her cheek and kissed her forehead. He was so sweet, he made her heart thump whenever he did that. Patiently, she waited as the doctor cleaned and bandaged her neck, wincing a few times but otherwise not minding.

When the doctor was done, she thanked him and followed Rogue into the hallway. Just as they were about to enter the main hall, he pulled her aside and hugged her. Akari looked up at him and smiled. They hadn’t had any alone time all day, really, and when they had, they’d been in the middle of a fight. She went up on her tiptoes and kissed him gently, wrapping her arms around his neck. “You know I love you, right?” she murmured, kissing him again. A few minutes passed. Just as she was about to pull away and suggest they go back to the main hall, the door opened, and she looked over her shoulder to see Sting staring at them with a smug grin on his face. If it was possible, her entire body reddened in embarrassment.

Gray Fullbuster

Gray couldn’t deny that he was a bit embarrassed by the public attention he and Sakura received from the guild. Maybe he was being a bit openly affectionate, keeping her on his lap, but after a while, she didn’t seem to mind. He grinned as she wrapped her arms around his neck, lightly kissing her cheek. Soon enough, Wendy had fully patched up Sakura’s leg, and he gave her a grateful smile.

Then the Old Man ran his mouth, clearly drunk, goading the guild into celebrating. This wasn’t anything new, of course. Partying was Fairy Tail’s trademark. But the change in attitude was a bit abrupt. Still, he was no party pooper. He wrapped an arm around Sakura’s waist to keep her on his lap, and when she offered him some of the drink in her hand, he gladly obliged. “Cheers indeed.” She seemed to be looking around for someone, most likely Juvia. Though he felt guilty about how exactly he’d broken the news to Juvia, he knew she’d (probably) get it over it at some point. Maybe. Hopefully. Blunt was the only way he could’ve broken it to her, the only way she could’ve understood.

He soon forgot all about Juvia as Sakura leaned her head on his chest with a contented sigh. With a chuckle, he tightened his arm around her and took a swig from the drink in her hand again. “She’ll be alright. Maybe now Lyon will actually have a chance with her…if she can stop obsessing over me.” Seeing Natsu over yonder making a fool of himself, he shook his head. “That pyro never ceases to amaze me.” His grin widened as he leaned down and kissed Sakura on the lips. “It’s the same way with you. I can’t believe you lasted all that long with your leg in such bad shape. You need to be more careful.”

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura smiled as she leaned against his chest though she glanced up at him wondering silently how he knew what she was thinking about. Was she that easy to read? She chuckled a bit at the mention of Lyon, "oh let Juvia-chan pick who she wants to be with...as long as it's not you. You're mine." Sakura grinned up at Gray before kissing his cheek. She took the drink back and took a swig of it. She glanced off to the side to see Natsu being his usual self. She let out a light laugh at that and nodded in agreement with Gray. Natsu will always be Natsu.

Sakura felt Gray lean down to kiss her on the lips. She smiled into the kiss as she kissed him back and pouted slightly when he pulled back a bit too soon for her liking. Though she couldn't help but tilt her head to the side as he began to mention about her leg. She looked down at her now healed leg before grinning back up at Gray. She winked over at him before saying, "you see the trick was that halfway through I honestly couldn't feel a thing so I guess that helped." She let out a small laugh at that, knowing it was dangerous yet she found it amusing. She gave him a small apologetic smile as she said, "I'll try and be careful, but at that moment honestly it was the best choice possible...I could never hurt you." She frowned at that memory of being controlled and almost shooting Gray with her crystal arrow.

At that moment Lucy came over with Natsu and Happy. She smiled over at the two and congratulated the two but with a small frown she spoke to Gray, "have you seen Juvia around? I haven't seen her since well what you told her....you could have told her in a nicer way you know Gray." Lucy let out a small huff as she looked around concerned for Juvia. Sakura gave a small smile at that and said, "I thought it was very Gray-like, plus if she even tried to make a move on him, well you know, I won't let her." Sakura smiled a bit too sweetly up at Lucy before planting a kiss on Gray's cheek.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue smiled into the kiss as Akari leaned up to kiss him. He kissed her back though with a bit more force added into his kiss to tell her just how much he did miss her when she was kidnapped, despite it only being for a short while, to him it felt like forever. Plus being alone with her was something he wanted yet couldn't find a chance to until now. Rogue pulled back just the slightest as he whispered out, "I know...I love you too Akari." The two continued kissing and honestly Rogue was enjoying it very much...but of course all good things must end especially when one was best friends with a nosy and eccentric guild leader.

Rogue looked forward to see the door open and Sting standing there. He pulled Akari even closer to his body as if to shield her from Sting's eyes. He sent Sting a slightly annoyed look as he wasn't quite happy about being interrupted before asking Sting, "did you need something?" He lifted an eyebrow in question. Sting merely shook his head before turning back around to enter the main halls once more. Though he did say over his shoulder, "oh nothing, I was just wondering what you two were doing but...enjoy hehe." Sting let out an unmanly giggle before skipping back out to the guild halls in quite a happy mood. Rogue sweatdropped slightly and shook his head lightly.

Smiling down at Akari, Rogue gave one last kiss on her forehead before pulling away. Holding out a hand to her, he asked, "well I'm guessing that's a good sign that others would start looking for us if we don't hurry out there." He chuckled a bit though he was a bit disappointed to have to share Akari to everyone else once more. But, he knew there would be plenty of times where the two can be alone and just enjoy each other's company so he won't complain. As they entered the main hall once more, Rogue got two drinks and handed one to Akari. Holding out the drink to her, he said, "cheers for us coming back safely!"

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Akari Kaya

Akari buried her face into Rogue's chest, highly embarrassed that Sting had caught her kissing Rogue like that. His highly jolly attitude wasn't helping much, but thankfully, he left them alone. Still, the moment was ruined, and they would have to rejoin the party now so others wouldn't catch them. Rogue gave her one last kiss on her forehead that made her smile, and then she took his hand and let him lead her back into the guild hall. A few of the Sabertooth members saw the bandages around her neck and asked about them, but she assured them that it was nothing and she was going to be okay. Her heart was still pounding from kissing Rogue in the hallway. She couldn't wait until they were alone again. Maybe next time they could cuddle! (She had simple tastes in romance.)

Then she had a drink in her hand, and with a smile, she knocked it against Rogue's. "Cheers!" She took a swig of her drink and laced her fingers through Rogue's again. "I'm glad that's all over now. Hopefully that dark guild will think twice before trying something like that ever again." Leaning her head on his shoulder, she murmured, "And I'm especially glad that we're together now." She ignored the smiles directed their way, instead focusing on the party and Rogue and how she felt happier than she had in a long, long time.

Gray Fullbuster

Gray sighed. "I suppose that reassurance will be enough...for now." The party was going more and more out of control, and now Gajeel was up on stage, singing horribly as always. Gray laughed and wrapped his arms around Sakura again. Thank goodness she was alright and safe. He'd been terrified that he wouldn't be able to ever see her again. Now that they were back home and safe, he knew he wouldn't let go of her ever again. Resting his chin on her shoulder, he whispered jokes about Gajeel and his singing in her ear to make her laugh. Seeing her smile made him happier than anything else in the world.

Of course, Lucy had to come over and start nagging him. He respected her, he really did, but did she really have to comment on how he broke news to his stalker? Sakura defended him and kissed his cheek, and he shrugged at the celestial wizard. "Sorry, Lucy, but she's right. I wasn't going to take her aside and 'break up' with her. That would've been even harsher, since we were never together in the first place." He sighed again. "I am sorry that I hurt her so much, though. I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship. Er... what actual friendship we had."

AiAi AiAi
{Should we timeskip to sometime in the future, or do you want to continue with the party?}
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

It's been a few months since her and Gray got together and came back from that awful job. Awful, but great since it gave her the love of her life. Sakura was currently humming as she walked to the guild for the day. She grinned wondering what was in store for today. She wrapped her white scarf tighter around her neck to keep herself warm as the weather has been getting more and more cold lately. She smiled as she mumbled out, "it's going to be a White Christmas this year huh..." Shaking her head, Sakura headed into the guild halls and cheerfully greeted her friends and guild mates. Juvia seemed to be functioning a bit normally now, though there were still occasional glances of hate directed towards Sakura's way and pure sadness directed towards Gray, but Sakura pretended to not notice. She was glad that Juvia didn't try anything, since a fight between guild mates isn't a good thing, right?

As she walked along the main hall, she looked around for a certain dark haired ice mage. Spotting her boyfriend, Sakura smiled as she walked over to him and wrapping her arms around his neck from behind, Sakura popped her head to the side and with a wide smile on her lips she happily exclaimed, "Gray~!" She then proceeded to give him a kiss on the lips before looking up to greet Natsu and the others sitting at the table as well. Sakura happily averted her attention back onto Gray as she teased out, "missed me?" Of course she was joking, but she did miss him.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

It's been a few months since their last big adventure and also when he and Akari finally became a couple. It's been a long few months of happiness for Rogue. He's been enjoying his time at Sabertooth and would on more than a couple occasions go on jobs with Sting and Akari. When he gets lucky it would just be him, Akari and Frosch. It was fun and just exciting. He couldn't ever be happier with her. However...Rogue was currently facing a dilemma as he sat in one of the chairs at the main guild hall of Sabertooth, head in his hands. Thinking. Just thinking. Okay, so maybe more like panicking. Sting walked by and noticed his best friend's dark expression. Lifting an eyebrow, Sting asked Rogue, "what's up man? Why are you looking so down?" He was about to joke that maybe Rogue and Akari got into a fight or perhaps that Akari left him, but Rogue gave him an answer that he was not expecting.

"It's almost Christmas..." Rogue whispered out. Sting blinked a few times before asking, "and...? What about it? Oh, you mean the big Christmas party that I'm planning on holding at Sabertooth? Oh come on man, it's our annual thing to do right?" Sting grinned at the idea when Rogue shook his head no before looking up at his blonde haired friend. Worry and panic was expressed in Rogue's dark red orbs as he spoke up, "what am I getting Akari for Christmas!?" He had no clue what to gift his girlfriend.

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Akari Kaya

Akari skipped down the street in a red dress lined with white and black leggings. A Santa hat sat on top of her head as she wrapped a scarf around her neck. It was cold, but it was worth it to go see the boys at Sabertooth. As she neared the guild hall, she smiled and opened the doors wide. “Sting! Rogue!” she called, flouncing into the guild hall. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sting standing by a hunched-over Rogue, so she went right over and wrapped her arms around Rogue’s shoulders. “Roooogue, why do you look so sad?” Out of her pocket, she pulled out a sprig of mistletoe and dangled it over his head. With a sneaky grin, she kissed Rogue on the mouth and smiled at him mischievously. “You better turn that frown upside down, mister!”

Sting laughed and greeted her, and soon enough, Lector and Frosch were bouncing around, excited that she was here. With a giggle, she announced, “I came here to invite you all to a Christmas party at me and my brother’s place! It’s going to be loads of fun! Gray, Sakura, and the rest of the gang will be there, too! Please tell me you’ll come.” She widened her eyes into a puppy-dog look and directed it at Sting and Rogue. It simply would not be any fun if her boyfriend and best friend weren’t there. Especially since she and her brother had a fun game planned…

Gray Fullbuster

Gray was in the Fairy Tail guild hall, laughing at Natsu being Natsu, when suddenly a familiar pair of arms wrapped around his neck. Then he heard her voice, and he grinned as she kissed him. Kissing her back, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down into the booth beside him. Lucy and Erza hid their smiles behind their hands, and Natsu laughed. By now, they were pretty used to Gray’s affection towards Sakura. She asked him teasingly if he missed her, and he responded by hugging her to his (bare) chest. “That’s a stupid question. Of course I missed you. Almost as much as you missed me.” He kissed her head and settled back into his seat, his arm casually thrown around her shoulders.

He took a sip of his drink and asked Sakura, “You ready for Akari’s Christmas party tonight? I hear she went to Sabertooth to go invite Rogue and Sting. We all know she’d complain about missing them if she hadn’t invited them.” He chuckled, thinking about all the times Akari had left to go visit Sting and especially Rogue, only to come back from a job moping about how much she missed the Shadow Dragon Slayer. Maybe the Christmas party would satisfy her. “Akar was telling me he and his sister have a fun game planned for tonight. I wonder what it is.” Erza got a strange look in her eye, and Gray suddenly feared that whatever game it was would be a battle to the death with her around…

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura happily allowed Gray to pull her into the booth to sit besides him. She leaned into his chest and smiled up at him as he told her he missed her too. She giggled a bit as he kissed her head before she leaned against his shoulder while his arm was placed around her. She didn't mind the show of affection, if anything she really liked it. Plus she was just as affectionate if not more. Everyone in the guild was rather surprised that Gray was the type to be super affectionate, but by now everyone has gotten used to them. Sakura just got a drink herself when Gray mentioned the Christmas party. Her eyes lighted up as the party slipped her mind for a moment, "oh yeah it was tonight huh....yeah, I'm ready...oh but I need to go back to my house to change." She rubbed the back of her head sheepishly at being forgetful.

Sakura laughed a bit as she added, "Oh I'm sure Rogue-san will come along, he can't say no to Akari-chan after all. I'm sure she'll be really happy, that's great." Sakura smiled, glad for her other guild mate and friend. When Gray mentioned a game, Sakura lifted an eyebrow in question before she glanced over at Erza, also noticing the sudden gleam in the red head's eyes. Sakura let out a small nervous laugh as she tugged on Gray's arm, "ah well you know, we'll find out later...but I'm sure it won't be that bad...Gray, let's go take a walk and then go back to my place? I need to change for the party and you should too!" Sakura actually had a cute dress prepared for tonight's party, she just forgot it was today and so now she needed to go back and get changed into it. She eyed Gray's bare chest and with a small pout she hugged onto his torso as she said, "and you need to wear a shirt, can't go showing it off, you're mine..." she looked off to the side with a small pout, but honestly she was just teasing him now as could be seen with the glint in her eyes.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue nearly jumped in his seat as the subject of their conversation entered the guild hall. He relaxed when he felt his girlfriend's arms around his. He gave her a small smile before she suddenly kissed him. Rogue simply kissed her back and eyed the mistletoe. He gently pulled her into his arms as he gave her forehead a quick kiss as he greeted her, "hey Akari...you better have brought that mistletoe only for us." He eyed her warily, unsure if she was up to no good with her guild mates by placing a mistletoe randomly over a pair or not. But as long as she only kissed him, Rogue was fine with it. Rogue was curious as to why she came unannounced, not that he didn't welcome her, but still curious.

When he heard the announcement or more like invitation to the Christmas party, Rogue and Sting shared a look before Sting's grin grew wider. Screw the Sabertooth, a party at Akari's sounded even more fun! Rogue knew that look all too well and glancing over at Akari, he knew he lost immediately once he spotted those puppy eyes. He held back a small groan, internally scolding himself for being weak against that look she gives. He smiled as he gave in quite easily, more like there wasn't even a struggle to begin with, "Of course I'll go, and I'm assuming you're coming too Sting?" Sting gave a thumbs up as he said, "of course! Now excuse me as I have to go buy us some nice booze to bring to the party." He winked over at his two best friends before leaving with Lector. Rogue shook his head at Sting's usual antics before smiling over at Akari, pulling her over to sit besides him. Placing an arm around her waist, he asked her, "do you need any help with the preparations? Should I bring anything over?" Rogue asked slightly curious, "Akari...what did you and your brother plan?" He knew that the two siblings had something up their sleeves. He's known them for long enough to know that much by now.

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Akari Kaya

With a giggle, Akari wrapped her arms around Rogue’s torso and kissed his cheek. “Of course it’s only for us, silly! Who else am I going to use it on?” She would’ve kissed him again if not for the excited grin on Sting’s face. It looked like the boys would definitely be coming to the Kaya Siblings’ Christmas party. Her puppy dog look especially had cinched it for Rogue, it seemed. She loved having that effect on him. Of course, Sting went off to buy booze (typical), finally leaving her alone with Rogue, who pulled her closer to him.

Snuggling up to him, Akari smiled up at Rogue. “That’s sweet of you, but Akar’s back home right now setting up. We’ve been getting ready for this for weeks.” With a small grin, she added, “All you need to bring is yourself.” Frosch toddled over and sat in Akari’s lap, playing with the pom-pom on the end of her Santa hat. Standing up with the Exceed still in her arms, she took Rogue’s arm and started to drag him out of the guild hall. “C’mon, let’s go before I’m late to my own party!” As they exited the guild hall, Akari glanced up innocently. “Akar and I didn’t plan anything! Except the best Christmas party ever! Now hurry up, slowpoke!”

Gray Fullbuster

Gray let out a laugh. “You got that right. Rogue’s got it so bad for Akari he’d probably walk straight off a cliff if he’s not careful.” He didn’t dare mention that he had similar feelings about Sakura, but he was at least a little more attentive with her around than Rogue was with Akari. Like right now, he was trying not to shudder at the look in Erza’s eye. Man, he almost regretted bringing up the game Akari had talked about. So Gray let himself be distracted by Sakura. But she was a very, very welcome distraction.

His eyebrow raised as Sakura started tugging on his arm to go back to her place so she could change. They would be alone in her place? Not suspicious at all. Shrugging, he got up to follow her, glancing down in amusement as she protested his current lack of shirt. “Even if I put on a shirt, it’s probably going to disappear without my meaning to five seconds later. But if you really want me to, I guess I can try to keep it on.” Seeing the glint in her eye, he turned her around and started herding her out of the guild hall. “C’mon, Sakura, we’re going to get nowhere at this rate.” As soon as they were outside, Gray wrapped his arm around Sakura and kissed her. “You. Are. Adorable. Now let’s hurry up and get you changed before I decide we’re having a different evening.

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura chuckled at the idea of Rogue jumping off a cliff for Akari, surprisingly she could imagine that quite easily. She glanced over at Gray as she wondered how he would be, but she took that thought back as she would never want him to harm himself for her sake. As Sakura dragged Gray off to her place and mainly to get away from Erza who seemed to be in a world of her own at the moment, she blinked up at Gray's response back to her comment about him wearing a shirt. She let out a small sigh before smiling up at him and kissing his cheek, "guess you're right about that, at least you're not naked this time." She laughed at the memory of the one time he was naked and it happened to be when Lucy first joined as well.

As Gray guided her out of the guild hall, Sakura waved goodbye to the rest and turned back to Gray as he pulled her towards him once they were outside. Sakura grinned at his words despite the small blush appearing on her cheeks as she grabbed his hand and led him to her house while innocently saying, "hm? What else did you have in mind?" Though as they arrived at her place, she walked to her room while saying over her shoulder, "I'll be right out~" She glanced teasingly back at Gray before entering her room. She then proceeded to change into an off shoulder navy dress where the shoulder area and the bottom was lined white, it ended just about mid thigh for her. She wore knee length black boots to match and wore a black choker with a crystal she's made hanging off it on her neck. She walked back to Gray and with a smile she asked, "how do I look?"

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue smiled back at Akari and would have also leaned in to kiss her if Sting wasn't ogling them with that ever present grin on the blonde's face. Rogue instead opted to pull Akari closer to himself as he listened to her explain about the party. Of course Akari will be the one to be sent out to invite people, she had her ways after all, especially with him...but she doesn't need to know that. Rogue stood up alongside Akari and let her drag him out of the guild hall. He couldn't help but chuckle lightly at her excitement for all this. He sent her a small smile as he simply followed along. As they got out of the guild, Rogue finally commented on her dress since inside he would have been teased endlessly if he even said a word about it, "you look very cute Akari, are you my Santa hm?" He smiled over at her before kissing her nose teasingly.

Rogue looked back at her and simply poked Akari's cheek before leading the way, "uh huh, sure you two didn't plan anything. Now let's go, a party awaits right?" He smiled over at her, despite this uneasy feeling in the depths of his stomach. It may not be due to Akari and her brother, but it probably had to do with whoever will be there. If only Rogue knew just how bad Erza gets when games come into play...she is quite the competitive person after all. As they arrived at Akari's house that she shared with her brother, Rogue entered after her and greeted the other Kaya sibling, "Hey Akar, how have you been?" He smiled over at his girlfriend's brother. Sometimes Rogue wonders if Akar approves of them being together or not, well it doesn't matter regardless since he'll stay with Akari regardless of whoever says whatever.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Akari Kaya

A blush spread across Akari’s cheek at Rogue’s compliment. “I’m your secret Santa, Rogue. But first and foremost, I’m your girlfriend.” She’d purposely chosen this outfit for the party tonight. What was cuter than a Santa outfit? The cut of the neckline was a bit too low, but she could deal with that if it meant Rogue thought she looked cute. Though she doubted he would ever tell her otherwise. With a playful pout, she protested, “It’s not bad, I swear. Unless Erza gets drunk.”

As soon as they arrived at the Kaya house, Akari threw her arms around her brother, who just laughed and patted her back in return. He looked like a carbon copy of Akari with a messy boyish haircut. Glancing over at Rogue, Akar nodded and smiled in return. “I’ve been good, man. Thanks. Riri, I just finished setting up. All that’s left is for Sting to bring the booze. He’s bringing it, right?” Akari rolled her eyes and punched her brother’s shoulder playfully. Her brother was always joking around with Sting about booze and parties. No wonder they got along so well. Akari shoved Rogue into the living room, which was decked out with a tree and lights and all sorts of snacks, while she and Akar greeted their early guests, Lucy and Natsu (and Happy, of course).

Gray Fullbuster

Okay, so Gray did at least try to keep a shirt on this time around. As he waited for Sakura to finish changing, he tugged on his shirt again and sat down to wait. A few seconds later, he looked down, and the shirt was gone. Sighing, he figured it was probably futile. It was Master Ur’s fault for installing this terrible habit in him. How the hell did Lyon get away with not doing this at random? The guy only took off his shirt when a fight got really intense! Gray was very unlikely to ask him for help with this bad habit, though. Sakura was just going to have to deal with him being shirtless. She probably wouldn’t mind too much.

Then Sakura reappeared, and Gray had to remember how to talk. Damn, she was cute. He was seriously the luckiest guy in Fairy Tail. Grinning, he walked over to her and kissed her. “You look positively beautiful. Now let’s go to Akari’s party before I decide I don’t want anybody else even looking at you.” He took her hand and led the way to the Kaya house, wrapping his arm around Sakura’s waist along the way. His head was a bit muddled and fuzzy from cuteness overload. Was this why Rogue was such a wimp around Akari? He finally understood. They arrived at the Kaya house around the same time as Erza, who complimented Sakura’s outfit and smiled at them knowingly. Gray looked away, embarrassed. Dammit. They weren’t the last to arrive at the party, but it was pretty much in full swing when they entered Akari and Akar’s living room. “Seems Sting’s late. Probably hard to find booze when everybody’s having a party.”

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura blushed happily at Gray's compliment as she kissed him back. She let out a small giggle at his silly words and nodded her head as she grabbed a long black jacket to wear over her dress. She blinked a few times as she noticed he was no longer wearing a shirt....once again. Sakura let out a small laugh as she shook her head lightly, of course. She didn't seem to mind though but she went over to one of her drawers and spoke while leaning over to grab something, "I knew something like this would happen...now come on and wear this, you can take it off at the party later. The walk there will be cold silly." She grinned cheekily over at him as she threw a long sleeved black button up shirt. She adjusted the collar as she smiled up at him, "someone's looking handsome hehe."

Sakura grabbed hold of Gray's hand and the two headed off to Akari and Akar's house. Along the way Gray's hand ended up around her waist as she walked closer to his side. Despite it being so cold outside, it always amused Sakura that Gray was rather warm for being known as an ice mage. She looked ahead to see Erza by the door. Looks like they weren't the last ones to arrive. Sakura greeted Erza and complimented Erza on her own outfit. As they walked in, the party seemed to have already started and Sakura also looked around to see that indeed Sting was not here yet. She smiled a bit as she waved in greeting to Natsu and the others. Sakura grabbed hold of Gray's hand and led him with her to the others. Just then Sting entered the house and loudly exclaimed that he brought the alcohol. Sakura's eyes glimmered slightly at the thought of drinking. She usually doesn't drink much, she forgot what kind of drunk she became...oh well~! Though as Sakura was about to go and get a drink for her and Gray, Erza spoke up, directing her question to Akari and Akr, "so about this game that you mentioned..." her eyes were glinting suddenly and honestly Sakura felt a sudden chill down her back. She scooted a bit closer to Gray having a bad feeling about all this.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue did notice the rather low cutline on Akari's dress, but he did his best to not let his eyes travel too low. He respected Akari and loved her dearly and so he would treasure her as so. Though he will admit he stared a bit too long when he first saw her in the dress. It really was cute on her and he really didn't care what others thought of him for calling his girlfriend cute and adoring her. Okay, maybe he did care a bit if others thought of him as a love struck puppy...despite that being the complete truth. When she mentioned Erza getting drunk, well Rogue could only tilt his head to the side in slight confusion. He's never seen the red haired Titania of Fairy Tail get drunk or anything else really so he was actually a bit scared to know whether that was a good thing or not. Guess he'll find out tonight.

As they arrived at Akari's house, Rogue let out a small chuckle as he said, "I'm sure Sting is grabbing anything he could possibly lay his hands on right about now." It was always amusing to see Sting and Akar just get rowdy and drink together. Those two got along quite well, add Natsu into the picture and it would be the rowdiest group around. Rogue went into the living room as Akari pushed him into there. He looked back at her with a small pout but went to take a seat on the couch. He heard the doorbell ring earlier and assumed some of them have arrived. He looked to see Lucy, Natsu and Happy enter the living room. Rogue raised a hand and sent them a smile in greeting. The house slowly began to fill up with the guests that Akari and Akr invited over. He was greeting everyone alongside Akari, keeping a hand around her waist out of habit. He looked to the door to see Erza, Gray and Sakura enter. He smiled over at Gray and answered his question, "yeah, I'm sure he's getting everything he could haha." Just then the door slammed open as Sting walked in with two large bags resembling Santa's bags as he loudly exclaimed, "LET THE PARTY BEGIN!" He grinned over at everyone excitedly. Rogue shook his head lightly as he let out a small sigh despite the small smile on his lips.

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Akari Kaya

As more guests came in, Rogue joined Akari near the front door, his arm around her waist. Akari’s cheeks flushed from all the people in the house and his closeness. Gray, Sakura, and Erza were the last to arrive (except Sting), so Akari closed the door behind them, shivering from the chill that had followed them in. Once everyone was settled in the living room, Sting made his entrance, carrying Santa sacks full of alcohol. Akari laughed and accepted a bottle from her best friend, though she likely wasn’t going to drink out of it. The only time she’d gotten drunk had been with her brother during the Grand Magic Games, and according to Akar, she was a very uninhibited drunk. So no. None of that tonight.

Erza had gotten at least half of her drink down her throat before she finally asked about the game Akari and Akar had planned. Akari smiled over at her brother, and he grinned back. “We’re going to play the Guild Master Game!” Akari announced, holding up a cup with a bunch of popsicle sticks in it. “All these sticks have numbers, except for the one with the Master symbol! Everybody takes turns drawing sticks, and whoever has the Master gets to give any number an order. For example, ‘Number four must kiss number six under the mistletoe.’ It’s all in good fun, but the orders must be carried out, no matter how embarrassing! So don’t make them too harsh, okay…?” This would all be a little awkward as is, what with Akari and Sakura and their boyfriends playing, but in a way, Akari thought it would be more fun this way. Sitting promptly in Rogue’s lap, she drew a stick and encouraged everybody else to do the same. Glancing down at it, she saw she had the number “3” on hers.

Gray Fullbuster

Sting knew how to make an entrance, alright. No wonder he and Natsu got along so well. Gray accepted some alcohol, but he almost regretted it when he saw Erza and Lucy start to get a little drunk. Thank goodness Akari wasn’t having any of it. Her drunk state was probably just as terrifying as Erza’s, given his rotten luck… But he wondered what Sakura was like when she was drunk, not that he’d wish that on anyone. Then he noticed she was scooting closer to him, and when he looked up, he saw a dangerous glint in Erza’s eye as she asked the Kayas about their aforementioned game. Gray swallowed and waited for Akari to explain.

Of course it was the Guild Master Game. The game straight from the devil himself. Just his luck! He could only hope Erza would never get the Guild Master stick, never ever. Though it would be kinda funny if Sting got the Master symbol, since he was one… Anyway! Gray supposed he’d endure this game for Sakura, though if any of the orders included her kissing another guy, he’d have to step in… He was sure Rogue felt the same way, but he couldn’t tell from where he was sitting. As Akari passed around the cup, Gray pulled her closer to him. He picked a stick from the cup and looked at it. Number “6.” Dammit. Erza had the Master symbol, didn’t she? This was going to be a long night. Hopefully, they’d all make it out of this alive…

AiAi AiAi

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