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Fandom ~Fairy Tail {Rogue x Akari and Gray x Sakura}~

~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura stayed seated besides Gray as the Kaya siblings began to explain the game. Sakura's sky blue orbs looked both amused and slightly concerned. Amused at the idea of an interesting game, but concerned because she knew how Erza is...especially drunk. And by the amount of wine left in Erza's bottle told Sakura that Erza had drank enough to be drunk already. As the cup with the sticks were passed around, Sakura seated herself comfortably next to Gray as she reached out and took hold of a stick. She glanced at it to see the number 7 on the back. She could only hope that Erza didn't get the Master one...but alas it seemed like fate wanted to have fun as Erza stood proudly among the group with the Master symbol on her stick. Everyone from Fairy Tail shrank back as they knew what that meant. Sakura hid her face into the crook of Gray's neck as she silently hoped her number wasn't called....but once again fate was being cruel to her today.

As her number was called, Sakura's eyes widened at the order given. She had to do what!? She looked up at Gray and murmured out with hopeful eyes, "are you number 2...?" But before Gray can even answer, Sakura heard Sting's rather excited shout, "alright! Who's the lucky number 7!?" Sakura's eyes went wide as he was looking around the group for her. She mumbled something under her breath but slowly stood up. Sting's smile slowly dropped from his face as realization hit him rather hard. He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as he said, "oh hey its you huh Sakura-chan?...Um..." he nervously glanced over at Gray before looking over at Erza, "Erza-san...? Can it just be a hug or somethi-" His words were cut off as Erza sent a threatening glare over at Sting, instantly shutting the blonde Guild master up. Sakura also joined in trying to persuade Erza, "yeah Erza, kissing is a bit much don't you th-" she shut her mouth when Erza directed her glare to Sakura. Seems like the alcohol was really hitting the red haired Titania.

Erza spoke up, "no buts! It is the Master's rule! There is no exception unless..." her eyes glinted dangerously as she transformed into her full armored outfit, "is there anymore complaints?" Sakura and Sting both shook their heads side to side as they shrank back from the frightening Erza. Sakura sent Gray a glance wondering if this was alright. She frowned, not liking the idea of kissing someone other than Gray. Meanwhile Sting was silently praying, hoping he won't turn into an icicle. Just what did he do to deserve this! Sure Sakura-san was pretty, but she was taken! As Sting and Sakura walked to stand underneath the mistletoe, Sting looked over at Sakura and raised his arms to hug her, but he froze as he glanced back over to see everyone watching especially Erza with that stern look in her eyes. He gulped, what was he supposed to do?!

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue smiled a bit as he saw Sting make a rather grand entrance. He walked over and greeted his best friend only to be given a bottle of whiskey. He eyed the drink in his hand before looking back up to meet Sting's mischief filled eyes. Before Rogue could even let out a warning, Sting merely said, "gotta loosen up tonight man, let's have some fun!" before Sting walked off, handing out the drinks to everyone as if it was a piece of candy. Rogue shook his head, not really wanting to get drunk, then again he was sure it'll take quite a lot for him to get drunk. He looked down besides him to see Akari also holding a drink, he gently took it out of her hands as he murmured out, "don't drink too much..." his eyes held concern for Akari. Okay, so he was curious what kind of drunk she was, but at the same time he didn't want others to see her drunk side.

He was thankful when Erza mentioned the game, yet at the same time he noticed the change in Erza. That was when he noticed the bottle of wine in Erza's hand. Oh no...Rogue's eyes went slightly wide as he realized that Erza was drunk....and that dangerous glint in the Titania's eyes was enough for even Rogue, who didn't know her as well as those from Fairy Tail, to know that she was up to no good. When Akari and Akar began to explain the game, Rogue smiled a bit when Akari seated herself on his lap. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer while he rested his head on top of her shoulder. He reached out and grabbed a stick as well and glanced down to see the number 5 on it. He wondered who had the Master symbol. His question was soon answered as a rather dark chuckle was heard.

He slowly looked up to see Erza standing in the center of the circle they made with her hand holding up the stick with the Master Symbol on it. Rogue sweatdropped slightly but listened as Erza spoke up, "Number 2 and Number 7! You two must embrace under the mistletoe! And you know what the mistletoe is for huhu." Rogue was relieved to find that it wasn't him though Erza spoke up once more, "and then Number 3 and Number 1 must-" "Hold on Erza, I think you can only give one order per round....right Akari-chan?" Lucy spoke up nervously as she glanced over at Akari. Rogue wondered who was number 2 and 7...though it was soon answered by a loud yell. Rogue glanced over at Gray, feeling bad for the ice mage as Erza sent death glares to Sakura and Sting. He felt bad, but he was more relieved at the fact that Akari wasn't chosen, that was good...she was safe from Erza and hopefully Erza won't get the stick again.

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Akari Kaya

Akari barely protested as Rogue took away the bottle of whisky Sting had handed her. The last thing she needed was to embarrass herself in front of all her friends. She knew Rogue would take care of her if she did get drunk, but that didn’t mean she wanted him to see her that way. Especially since Erza was clearly drunk already. Man, she was scary when she was drunk. Her fear dissipated, however, as Rogue wrapped his arm around her and rested his head on her shoulder. She put her hand over his and settled into his lap.

As everyone else drew a number, it soon became clear that Erza had the stick with the Master symbol on it. Akari grimaced and hoped she wouldn’t become her victim. Really, she wouldn’t wish Erza’s drunken wrath on anyone, but better someone else than her…as selfish as that was. Right away, Erza gave Numbers 2 and 7 an order to embrace under the mistletoe (oh, geez, her suggestion hadn’t been serious!), which was awkward when they turned out to be Sakura and Sting. Akari bit her lip, shooting Sakura a sympathetic glance. Thankfully, Sting lost his cockiness and instead seemed really nervous. As Erza tried to give another order, Akari cut in. “Lucy’s right, Erza, you have to wait until the next time you get the stick before giving another order. One per round.”

The redhead grumbled as Sting awkwardly carried out his order, looking like he was ready to crawl into a hole as he wrapped his arms around Sakura and kissed her cheek (nice loophole). Akari breathed out a sigh of relief and put her stick back in the cup for the next round. When she drew again, she had the number 4 on her stick. Erza stood up triumphantly and announced, “Numbers 4 and 8, go into the closet for seven minutes! You know what that entails, don’t you?” She had an evil gleam in her eye…and Akari swallowed as Natsu stood up. He met her gaze and widened his eyes, looking like he was going to protest. Akari looked at Rogue and kissed his cheek, murmuring an apology as Erza shoved her and Natsu into the nearest closet. The game continued as they sat there, trying to stay on opposite ends of the closet.

Gray Fullbuster

Erza’s drunkenness made this game more nerve-wracking than it already was. But the order she gave—for Numbers 2 and 7 to embrace under the mistletoe—was a bit too intense for the first round. Gray glanced at Sakura, Number 7, and shook his head. He definitely wasn’t Number 2. So when Sting stood up, Gray’s blood boiled. He couldn’t help but feel jealous that Sting had to do this with Sakura. But it was just a game, he reminded himself, so when Sting and Sakura started begging Erza to change her orders, which she refused, he found he didn’t mind too much.

He stood up and squeezed an arm around her waist. “Don’t you two worry about a thing. It’s just a game, right? I’m okay with it.” Leaning down to Sakura’s ear, he whispered, “I know you’d prefer me any day.” With a playful smirk, he sat down again, completely appreciating how afraid Sting was. The master of Sabertooth found a loophole by kissing Sakura’s cheek instead of her lips. Now that was the way to respect another man’s girlfriend! The tension died down after that, though Erza tried to give multiple orders despite the rules of the game stating otherwise. He returned his stick to the cup and pulled Sakura close to him when she returned from her “dare” with Sting. Seeing her in that position with another man hadn’t been easy, but he knew he could trust her. That’s what a relationship was all about, right?

Sadly, Erza got the Master stick again, but this time she ordered Numbers 4 and 8 to go into the closet for seven minutes. Gray winced. What a harsh twist of the Seven Minutes in Heaven game. But it was sorta funny, because Numbers 4 and 8 were Akari and Natsu! Thank goodness he had Number 2 that time. Still, he couldn’t help but feel bad for Rogue. A closet door would be separating those two from the others, though he doubted Natsu would try anything or Akari would do anything either. Either way, this was bound to scare everybody else about how harsh Erza’s orders were. The next round had to continue without Akari and Natsu because of their time limit, so hopefully Erza wouldn’t have the Master symbol this time…

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura was about to speak up once more and try and change Erza's mind, but before she could say another word, an all too familiar arm that she oh so loved made it's presence known around her waist. Sakura glanced back up to see Gray. An obvious frown was on her usually cheerful face as she looked up at Gray to hear what he had to say. Sakura was a bit surprised at his answer and was rather amazed at it while the nervous Sting besides her was looking at Gray as if he just spared his life...which he kind of did. Hearing his whispered words, Sakura giggled a bit before sending Gray a smile and a wink as she said, "you betcha~" And once Gray was seated, Sakura faced Sting who once again became nervous and rather awkward. The two walked towards to stand under the mistletoe.

Once that was done with, Sakura faced the nervous Sting who slowly lifted his arms up and awkwardly hugged her. Sakura closed her eyes as she waited for whatever was to come next. In her mind, she silently apologized to Gray but honestly she wasn't cheating him! She could and would never do that. She'd rather die than do such a thing. Sakura loved Gray way too much. Sakura's sky blue orbs fluttered open as she blinked confusedly up at Sting, wait they were done? All she felt was a light tap on her cheek and that was it. Sting sent Sakura small smile before hurrying back to his seat. Sakura smiled back at him in silent thanks. The Sabertooth guild master was a clever one she would admit.

Sakura hurried back to her seat next to Gray, or well she just hurried her way back to Gray. She literally threw herself into his arms and sat in his lap as she wrapped her arms around his neck while burrowing her face into the crook of his neck. Against his skin, Sakura mumbled out a small, "sorry..." as she knew if she was in his position...well that girl would have probably turned into a crystal figurine by now. Hearing the new order from Erza once more, Sakura frowned a bit as she saw Akari and Natsu head into the closet. Oh why does Erza have the luck for these kinds of games?! As their game continued without the two, Sakura looked up at Gray and kissed his lips lightly before pulling away to grab a new stick. She looked down to see that she had the number 5 this time around, she looked over at Gray with curiosity as to what number he had this time. And surely enough, Sakura heard an all too familiar voice speak up as a rather wicked smirk played on Erza's lips as she stood among the rest with her arms crossed proudly with the Master's stick held between her fingers once more.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue was watching Sting and Sakura walk under the mistletoe with a slightly wary glance sent towards Gray's direction. He could understand how Gray must be feeling at the moment as Sting awkwardly wrapped his arms around Sakura who was also uncharacteristically tense. Rogue knew that if Akari was in any similar position with any other guy besides himself, well he wasn't honestly sure what he would do...but he knew he wouldn't like it. Sure he won't make a huge scene about it, but he probably will sulk a bit and so he had to give props to Gray for not making a scene out of it nor even reacting that badly to it. Rogue's arm around Akari unconsciously tightened a bit as he pulled her even closer against him. He kissed the back of her neck before giving back his stick for the next round.

Rogue picked out another stick and was a bit worried when he realized he didn't get the Master stick...why did he have this bad feeling...? And just like that Erza had gotten the Master's stick once more. He could literally feel everyone's heart drop as they have already witnessed the cruelty of Erza's orders. Hearing the next round of order from the red haired Titania, Rogue glanced down at his stick to see that he was close by just a single number, he had the number 3 this time round. Though his heart really did have quite the beating when he saw Akari turn to face him and before he could say anything, Akari entered the closet alongside the unusually quiet Natsu.

As the two entered the closet, Rogue wasn't sure what he should be feeling at the moment. He knew a visible frown was etched onto his lips as his eyes would not leave the doors of the closet. Though he did grab a new stick, looking down he saw that he had the number 1 this time, but his mind barely registered who got the Master's stick as he was more focused on Akari coming out of the closet already. Hearing someone groan, Rogue guessed who had the Master's stick...once again. He looked over at Erza as if silently daring her to try something with him. He was clearly not impressed with her choices of orders, yet at the same time he can't complain since it was the rules of the game and Akari did make up the rules alongside Akar. He just stayed silent with his arms crossed, waiting to hear what she had to say this time around.

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Akari Kaya

Akari and Natsu didn’t speak for the entirety of the seven minutes they were in the closet. If they happened to glance at each other, they immediately turned their heads away. Once the seven minutes were up, Natsu kicked down the door and ran away, scared to death of what Rogue would do to him. Akari followed more slowly and found her way back to Rogue. A new round had already started, and the tension in the room had returned because, of course, Erza was the Master once again. Since Akari hadn’t had the chance to draw a number this round, she didn’t have to worry, but she scooted closer to Rogue, hoping that he wouldn’t have to suffer through Erza’s horrible orders.

As soon as she heard what the next order was, Akari couldn’t help but giggle. It was a ridiculous order instead of an intense one, and while that was good, she felt bad for Rogue and Gray. Yet she exchanged a glance with Sakura and grinned. It looked like something good would come from this game. They’d have their own front row seats to this show. Akari leaned up and kissed Rogue’s cheek. “C’mon, Rogue, it won’t be so bad.” She squeezed his hand and smiled at him. She probably should have felt bad, but in all honesty, she was kinda glad that this was Erza’s next order.

Gray Fullbuster

Sakura adorably came back to him after her order with Sting, and he gladly wrapped his arms around her. Akari and Natsu were out for the next round, so Gray drew a stick and saw he had Number 6. Keeping himself close to Sakura, he glanced up to see Erza smirking with the Master’s stick in her hand once more. Geez, we should probably stop after this round before we spend the entire night playing as Erza’s puppets. Erza laughed and declared, “My next order is that numbers 1 and 6 shall do the can-can in nothing but their underwear!”

While a few of the others grimaced, Gray shrugged. “That shouldn’t be too hard.” All of a sudden, his clothes were off, and he stood up and turned to Rogue. “Let’s not waste moonlight, Rogue. Akari and Sakura are never going to let us live it down if we chicken out of this.” Natsu was laughing his ass off over on another couch, but Gray didn’t mind. A dare involving stripping wasn’t hard for him at all, especially since he did it anyway without being aware of it. Whether Rogue would do it was a different question. Though by the look on Akari’s face, it looked like she would be entertained if Rogue did it without a hitch.

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura happily snuggled against Gray as she was very comfortable sitting on his lap. She stayed close to Gray as they began their third round of this awful game. Okay, so the game itself wasn't bad, she thought it was a fun idea, but whenever Erza had the Master's stick...well that was the not so fun part. Don't get her wrong, she loved Erza and thought the red haired Titania is a great friend, but a drunk Erza who holds power...it's a bit frightening even for the usually never phased Sakura.

So when Erza got the stick once more, Sakura could only burrow her face into the crook of Gray's neck and silently pray that Erza will not pick her again. Though when her number wasn't picked, Sakura peeked over to see that Gray's number was picked. She looked around wondering who else was picked and had to stifle a laugh when she realized it was Gray and Rogue and the order was just...great. She shared a look with Akari as the two girl's held humor in their eyes at the order given by Erza, for once it wasn't a bad idea. Sakura grinned over at Gray and pulling him down by his neck, she gave him a quick kiss on the lips as she murmured out, "go get 'em Gray." She sent her boyfriend a playful wink as she leaned back to watch this funny show. She was quite used to her boyfriend going around near naked around others so she wasn't that bothered by it, but she wondered how Akari would take it. Rogue was more conservative compared to her Gray. Sakura watched with clear amusement shining in her sky blue orbs.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue's gaze was on Erza, a stare that was a fraction off from a glare as he was still rather upset about Akari's little dare. Though the moment the closet door opened or is it better to say teared down? Looks like Akar will be doing some fixing on that closet door was Rogue's thoughts before he looked expectantly to see first a blur of pink rush out and soon after he spotted Akari. He was close to just walking over and bringing her to his side himself, but he stayed seated in his seat. After a while, in his opinion, Akari finally came to his side where he quickly pulled her to his side and held her close.

Lifting her chin so she would be facing him, Rogue leaned down and captured her lips before pulling away. He smirked down at her as he murmured out, "took you long enough..." Though his attention was soon on what Erza just said. He slowly looked down at his stick before looking back up and from across where he was seated, he saw Gray stand up as well. Rogue paled slightly but was relieved that Akari was out of this round. Better him than her. Feeling Akari's sweet peck on his cheek, he momentarily forgot his trouble but was soon reminded of it by her words. He held back a sigh as he stood up. Gray was right... better get this over with. He stood up and stripped down to his underwear without a bat of his eye. Mentally he was embarrassed and rather go crawl into a hole and drag Akari with him, but outwardly he didn't show it. He walked to stand besides Gray and looked over at the Ice Mage, "let's get this over with..." Rogue murmured out.

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Akari Kaya

Akari was glad for the kiss Rogue gave her after coming back from the closet. It was good to know that he wasn’t mad at her or anything for going through with Erza’s dare. She stayed close to him as he hesitated before standing up to carry out his own dare. When he stripped down to his underwear, she bit back an embarrassed squeak. Her cheeks flushed as she covered her face with her hands, peeking out through her fingers. Akar shot her a smug grin, and she glared in response.

As the boys danced, she started to giggle uncontrollably. It was so darn funny, and it was certainly nice to see Rogue doing something ridiculous. Usually they left that up to Sting. When they were done, Akari wrapped her arms around Rogue and kissed him. “You did great.” Another round started, and Akari picked a stick out of the cup, only to see that it had the Master’s symbol. “My order is to end this game before it gets even more out of hand!” The relieved sighs that followed her order told her she’d made the right choice.

Gray Fullbuster

Well, at least somebody was enjoying this. Akari and Sakura were unable to contain themselves…then again, it was the same with Erza and the others. As Rogue came to join him, Gray threw his arm around his shoulders and exchanged a glance with him. “Let’s do this, Rogue.” And he began to dance. The can-can was possibly the most ridiculous dance ever invented, and he wasn’t sure how he felt about doing it like this in front of their friends. But it was funny…he guessed.

When they were done, he flopped down next to Sakura and groaned, “Never. Again.” He glanced up in time to see Akari brandish the Master’s stick and declare the game over. Gray leaned his head on Sakura’s shoulder and sighed. “Thank goodness. I thought that would never end.” By now, the game had lasted quite a long time. It was getting late. Either the party would break up, or they would continue partying… Gray yawned. Hm. If everyone was too drunk, maybe they shouldn’t go home. Oh, man… A giant Fairy Tail sleepover? The thought made him chuckle.

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura was giggling the entire time as she watched Gray and Rogue do the dance. It was down right hilarious and honestly she thought Gray looked adorable. When he finished and returned back to her side, Sakura wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek as she said through her giggles, "it was adorable Gray, you need to dance more." She winked playfully over at him as they continued the game. Sakura smiled gratefully over at Akari when she finally ended this game.

Sakura looked around and noticed that most of them were drunk. She lifted an eyebrow at this and looking down at Gray leaning on her shoulder, she smiled a bit as she asked him, "getting sleepy there? Maybe we should get going then? You can stay over at my place...unless you wanted to have a sleepover with everyone." She laughed a bit at the thought of a sleepover.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue walked over to Gray and simply nodded his head as he glanced over at Gray. The two did the dance without a hitch and honestly inside Rogue was dying of embarrassment. He was more than glad when they finished the dance and he walked back over to Akari immediately. He let out a sigh as he sat down besides her and began to put back his clothes on. Unlike the ice mage, he was for one not used to being down to just his underwear.

He kissed Akari back and dreaded the next round of games, only to hear the magical words that everyone has been dying to hear. He smirked over at Akari, glad that she got the Master's symbol. He pulled her against him and nuzzled against her neck as he murmured out, "good choice." Erza looked a bit disappointed but was soon continuing her drinks. Rogue looked warily over at Erza before looking down at Akari, "so what now?" He looked around and noticed that half the people were drunk. He blinked a few times as he saw that most of the girls were drunk...somehow that did not sound like a very good thing.

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Akari Kaya

Akari grinned proudly as Rogue pulled her toward him. “I thought so.” Erza’s disappointment lasted about as long as it took for her to drain another bottle of whiskey. In fact, most of the whiskey was gone by now. So half of the guests were drunk. Oh dear. Lucy had reverted to her weirdly affectionate self, and she was, for some reason, asking Natsu to pet her like a cat. He was shooting glances at the closet as if he regretted leaving it. Carla was forcing Happy to be her donkey, Erza was screaming some nonsense, and Levy was laughing at Gajeel…for no reason.

Now, Akari had maybe accidentally taken a few sips of whiskey herself while watching Rogue and Gray’s dance. She’d thought it was water and hadn’t noticed the distinct difference in taste. So she began swaying in place and giggling. Akar noticed and started laughing with Sting. Akari turned to Rogue and said, “We’re having a sleepover~! That’sss exciting~! But it’s hot in here. Maybe I ssshould take off thisss dress…” She craned her neck to look for the zipper, not even registering that she probably shouldn’t do that…

Gray Fullbuster

The drunkenness surrounding him was thankfully not affecting Gray’s sobriety. He felt as fit as a fiddle, and seeing how Natsu, Happy, and Gajeel were suffering, he was glad for it. At least Sakura wasn’t drunk. It looked like Rogue wasn’t so lucky. “She really cannot hold her liquor…” She’d thought Juvia was bad drunk, but Akari seemed to turn into some twisted version of him. Her lack of inhibition was disturbing. I don’t have to deal with that, thank God…

Gray lifted his head to smile at Sakura. “What kind of gentleman would I be if I went back to your place unchaperoned? It’s simply improper. No, I think a massive sleepover with everyone here is safer for our reputations.” He kissed her cheek and whispered, “As me again when we’re not surrounded by our drunk friends.” Unfortunately, they were now in a bit of trouble… If no one was going to sleep, how were they going to have a sleepover? “Hey, guys, maybe we should all settle down and get some sleep. You guys are going to have really bad hangovers tomorrow morning…” Erza threw a bottle at his head in response. “Or not.”

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura was looking around rather amused when she heard Gray's words whispered into her ear. She giggled slightly before whispering back, "fine, I'll ask some other time." Her eyes twinkled in amusement when she saw Erza throw a bottle at Gray's head for even trying to end this part of theirs. She was looking around wondering what to do when she felt someone's arm sling over her shoulder. She slowly turned her face to see a drunk Erza grinning down at her. Oh no...

She forced a smile to her face as she opened her mouth to ask Erza what was wrong when she suddenly felt a burning liquid run into her mouth and past her throat as she swallowed by instinct. Erza had a bottle of whiskey and basically forced it onto Sakura as the pinkette drank it. She then went off to do so with a few other people. Sakura stood there for a moment as she blinked a few times. Sakura turned to Gray suddenly and with a soft smile she leaned up and kissed him suddenly on the lips. She let out a giggle as she said, "I like kisses." She glanced over at Natsu and called out, "Natsuuuu, where's my ki-hug?" She hiccuped slightly. Sakura forgot she never really drank because she became overly affectionate...and a bit physical when drunk.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

As Rogue was looking around the room, noticing how each individual were rather...unique in how they were when drunk. He knew at least this much to stay away from Erza when drunk. The Titania was downing that whiskey rather quickly...something which made him pale in fear of what may come. Though soon his attention was on his sweet girlfriend who was...wait what!? He took a double take on Akari as she swayed in her spot while craning her neck to take her dress off.

Rogue's jaws fell slack in shock before he quickly pulled Akari's hands away from the zipper and towards him. He placed his hands onto her shoulder before looking her over with concern. Her cheeks were a bit flush and she was swaying in one spot....he then smelled the alcohol from her lips and could only stare in slight shock. Akari was drunk...and she was like Gray when drunk...oh no. Not wanting everyone to witness such a thing, Rogue picked her up and murmured to the laughing pair of Akar and Sting, "I'll take her to her room...." Rogue carried Akari to her room where he dropped her off on the bed with a sigh. He looked down at her and muttered out, "what will I do with you...*sigh*"

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Akari Kaya

Rogue was quick to pull her hands away from her dress’s zipper. Akari pouted up at him, her gaze a bit unfocused. “But Rooooogue. It’sss too hot in here.”[/B] The slur in her words was all too obvious now. She was drunk; she really couldn’t hold her alcohol. Before she knew it, she was in the air (in Rogue’s arms), and she threw out her arms and squealed, “Wheeeeeee!” Then she was dropped onto her own bed, which felt extra comfy tonight. She bounced up and down and smiled up at Rogue. He looked so cute when he was worried.

“What will you do with me, Rogue?” she repeated with a giggle. They were alone, which was possibly more dangerous than when they had been with the others. Akari slurred, “If you wanted to be alone, Rogue-kuuuun, you could’ve just asked~!” At this, she pulled him down onto the bed and threw her arms around him. She kissed his cheek and then his lips, still giggling. “It’s hot in here, too…” Akari reached around to her zipper and undid it, finally ripping off the dress and sighing in relief and smirking at Rogue. “Much better. No wonder you took me away from the others.” She wrapped her arms around him again and kissed him. Sober Akari would’ve been mortified, but Drunk Akari felt no embarrassment whatsoever.

Gray Fullbuster

Gray hadn’t seen Erza coming. So he couldn’t stop her from forcing Sakura to drink some whiskey. He nearly leaped up and pushed Erza away, but for the moment, Sakura looked fine. Just shocked. But then she looked at him, and he knew he was in trouble. What was it with all these girls who couldn’t hold their liquor? Cana would have to teach them a thing or two. Sakura kissed him, and he was too worried to really kiss her back. Her drunken giggles would’ve been cute if they weren’t so concerning.

Her hiccup brought him out of his reverie, and he wrapped his arms around her and brought her closer. “Hey now. Natsu ain’t getting any kisses from you. Or hugs, at least while you’re drunk.” He looked around for a glass of water, anything to ease the effects of the alcohol. Maybe Rogue had the right idea in taking Akari away. He took Sakura’s hand and dragged her to the kitchen, where he went rummaging in the cabinets for a glass to fill with water. “As cute as you are, I think you should sit down, Sakura. I’ll find you some water.”

AiAi AiAi
{Akari making things more awkward than they already were... Rip}
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura smiled widely when Gray wrapped his arms around her. She let out another fit of giggles as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek while saying, "but everyone needs some love-*hiccup*." She pouted a bit as he dragged her into the kitchen. While Gray was looking around for something, Sakura decided to get herself comfortable as she sat on the edge of the counter. Crossing her legs, Sakura let out a small whine, "are you done yet Gray? I'm getting lonely over here~"

She kicked off her boots when she took a seat so her bare legs were revealed along with her thighs showing a bit more since her dress rose up a bit when she crossed her legs while sitting. She was looking around for something to do as she pouted a bit. Just then Natsu walked in while saying, "hey Gray, you guys alri-woah! Sakura, what the!?" It seemed like Natsu was trying to get away from Lucy when he stumbled into the reach of Sakura who simply flung her boot at Natsu who dodged just in time, "hehe I almost got ya~" Sakura said with a light laugh. If Natsu was a bit closer, she probably would be hugging onto the pink haired dragon slayer. Natsu was quick to leave the room as he realized Gray was dealing with a drunk Sakura, "why are all girls like this when drunk!?" was all Natsu said while running out.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

The moment when he picked her up and the way she sounded so happy...Rogue knew he was in trouble. As he placed her gently onto her bed, he could only sigh as he resisted the urge to just hug her. She was being so cute...but it was dangerous. Just as he was about to lightly scold her about getting drunk, he got pulled onto the bed by Akari herself. Rogue's eyes went wide as red invaded his cheeks as he blushed heavily at her rather bold actions. He stayed frozen as her arms were around him and with her just kissing him. His eyes only widened further when he heard her muttered comment about it being hot and then that sound of the zipper...oh no.

Rogue closed his eyes as he prayed that drunk Akari will not be able to properly unzip her dress, but the soft thud of something falling to the carpet floor was enough to tell Rogue that she did so rather successfully. Rogue was keeping his eyes closed until she kissed him once more and that he felt a bit more skin than was usual. His eyes snapped open at the contact and he immediately averted his gaze as she was no longer wearing the dress. Rogue closed his eyes once more before taking off his jacket and placing it over Akari's body as he muttered out, "you're going to catch a cold Akari...please wear something."

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(Oh my...Akari is so bold ahahaha, poor Rogue xD)
Akari Kaya

To her disappointment, Rogue didn’t kiss her back. And he kept his eyes closed as she took off her dress and kissed him again. What was wrong with him? She frowned, her gaze blurry and unfocused. Then she noticed the red tinge to his cheeks. Was she doing something wrong? (Somewhere inside of her, Akari was screaming how wrong it was to turn into to Gray and strip for no reason in front of your boyfriend.) Like the sweet guy he was, Rogue draped his jacket around her shoulders and murmured his worries about her catching a cold. Akari’s already flushed cheeks darkened. He was worried about her, even though she was acting ridiculous…

She slipped her arms into the jacket’s sleeves and pulled it closer to herself, finally feeling the effects of embarrassment. Finally, she tentatively wrapped her arms around Rogue again and buried her face in his chest. “I just wanted to have fun with you tonight, Rogue… It’s our first Christmas together as boyfriend and girlfriend… I’m sorry I ruined it…” Tears welled up and started to slide down her face. Now she was practically a drunk Juvia. Alcohol had no positive effects on her at all. Her irrational drunkenness took over for a moment as she blubbered, “B-but, Rogue-kun… Why didn’t you kiss me back?”

Gray Fullbuster

Gray was just filling a glass with some tap water when Sakura started whining. He sighed and glanced over, only to turn back around just as suddenly. In the split second glance he’d gotten, he saw that she’d take off her boots and sat on the counter, crossing her legs and causing her dress to ride up. A blush spread over his cheeks, and he started to panic. She at least wasn’t trying to take off her dress like Akari had. But still, he hadn’t expected Sakura to be this, this bold around him. It took everything in him to turn back around and face her, but Natsu’s entrance was what really prompted it.

It was actually quite amusing watching Sakura fling her boot at poor Natsu, who had just been trying to escape Lucy. Gray shook his head and muttered, “These girls are just too much.” He walked over to Sakura, ignoring the view of her thighs, and held the glass of water up to her lips. “Drink this. You’ll feel a little bit better.” He tipped the glass for her and waited for her to drink. Then he set the glass aside and set his hands on either side of her legs. Gently, he kissed her on the lips and murmured, “You’re such a handful. Lucky for me, you’re cute.” He kissed her cheek and sighed. “We really should all get to sleep soon, or it’s going to be a helluva morning…”

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura let out a sigh as she stretched slightly. It was boring just sitting here and honestly she was feeling a bit hot all of a sudden. She pouted slightly but had more control than to just begin to strip here. Though the counter did feel cool against her skin and so she pulled her skirt up just a bit more to cool her thighs at least. As Natsu left the room in a hurry, Sakura pouted as she mumbled out, "why'd he leave?" Though her attention was soon on Gray as she watched him walk over to her. She smiled cutely over at him before drinking the water as directed.

Sakura let out a small giggle as he kissed her lips before kissing her cheek as well. She giggled as she asked him, "I drank the water Gray~ I'm a good girl right? Where's my treat for being good?" At this she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for another kiss on the lips. Sakura pulled back and sent him a grin. When he mentioned that everyone should go to sleep, Sakura pouted as she hugged onto Gray while saying, "ehh, but I still want to play with you Gray~" then an idea came to mind as Sakura pulled back to look him in the eyes. She soon smirked as she said, "Gray, can you do me a favor? I'm getting hot...can you cool me down?" It was an honest request, she didn't mean to make it sound like anything else, but her mind was a bit fizzled so she honestly had no clue how she said it or...wait what was she even asking for? Either way, Sakura kept her arms propped onto Gray's shoulder as her legs were on either side of his waist as she pulled him in closer to her. She smiled, liking how the counter was helping her with her height difference with Gray. "Merry Christmas Gray~ I'm happy that I get to spend this Christmas with you." This was as honest as it could get as Sakura truly was happy to be spending Christmas with him, plus it was their first one.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue was silently counting in his mind so as to control himself. He honestly never expected to be placed in such a position with his girlfriend...in such a situation on top of that. He held back from sighing once more as he kept his eyes averted from Akari until she wore his jacket. When he heard soft shuffling besides him, he assumed she finally wore his jacket, but even then he was still a bit hesitant to turn to face her...not yet at least. Plus his face was beet red and he honestly didn't want Akari to think of him as a pervert or anything like that.

Rogue tensed slightly when he felt her arms around him once more, but relaxed when he realized she was actually wearing his jacket. As she began to speak into his chest, Rogue looked down at Akari and gently wrapped his arms around her smaller body. He was smiling at her cute words until the word 'sorry' came into the conversation and then he saw the tears. Oh no. His eyes slightly widened as he began to internally panic once more. First it was stripping and now she was crying!? He internally groaned as he sarcastically wondered what is going to happen next. Though a small smile tugged at his lips as he found her drunken state amusing and cute. It was just like Akari to be so unpredictable. He rubbed her back in a soothing manner as he tried to stop her tears. Hearing her question, Rogue gave her a small smile as he answered, "because I would feel like I'm taking advantage of you while you're drunk...and I don't want that. I respect you Akari as a person and as my girlfriend. Now stop crying, you didn't ruin anything. Just stay here with me like this...it's perfect." He grinned at her before leaning down and kissing her lips softly.

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Akari Kaya

As soon as Rogue started rubbing her back, she started to calm down. The effects of the alcohol were starting to wear off, since she’d had so little of it already, but it was still in her system. Now that her mind was clearer, she couldn’t help but smile as he explained himself. He was far too sweet sometimes, especially when it came to her. If he had humored her, she might’ve been mad later or flattered, but the fact that he wasn’t because he didn’t want to take advantage of her reminded her of exactly why she loved him. So when he finally kissed her, she kissed him back with a smile. Her crying forgotten, she knew she would gladly stay here with him all night.

Tugging at his sleeve, she murmured, “I’m tired, Rogue. I think maybe I should lie down…” She didn’t really want to let him go, but she also didn’t want to embarrass him again. So for a moment, she did let him go, and then she crawled under the blankets and curled up into a ball. Peeking out from under them, she asked, “Can you stay here with me?” As tired as she was, she wasn’t quite ready to be parted from him yet, and considering the entire party was probably going to sleep over anyway, they might as well stay in here. Reaching out to his hand, she threaded her fingers through his and muttered, “Oh, and Merry Christmas, Rogue… I love you…”

Gray Fullbuster

Sakura at least drank the water like he asked. Then she said something about being a good girl, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him again. Despite himself, he grinned. It was hard to resist her when she was like this. But since she was drunk and he was sober, he had to be careful how he handled her. He didn’t want someone to accuse him of taking advantage of her. That made him wonder how exactly Rogue and Akari were doing. Hoo boy. Gray sighed and leaned his forehead against Sakura’s, murmuring, “For being good, you get to stay here a little longer. I won’t drag you back home and tuck you into bed just yet.” At this point, Gray was seriously considering just taking Sakura home and then going home himself. But at the same time, he wanted to make sure she was alright in the morning, so he supposed staying here would be alright.

Gray’s cheeks reddened once again as he realized Sakura was pulling him closer with both her arms and her legs. Then she was asking him to help cool her down, and he nearly lost it. She was too incredibly cute and sexy for her own good. Thank God she wasn’t like this when she was sober or he would’ve gone nuts by now. He gently poked her nose and kissed her. “Merry Christmas, Sakura. I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else.” He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her too his chest. Letting his magic well up, he started to radiate cold, and since he was hugging Sakura, she would hopefully cool down, too. “Does this help?” he mumbled into his hair, enjoying holding her in his arms. “Because honestly, Sakura, you’re always hot to me.” Yeah, it was corny. But it was the truth.

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura smiled over at Gray as she let out another fit of giggles. She enjoyed their close proximity and when he pulled her into his chest, well that definitely felt good in more ways than one! Ah, the perks of having an ice mage as her boyfriend. Sakura closed her eyes as she wrapped her arms around him as well while murmuring out, "I love you Gray...I never want to leave your side." She nuzzled into his chest and just let out a happy sigh, her hot body finally cooling down.

When he made the corny joke, Sakura let out one of her usual laughs. Looks like the cold was slowly helping get the alcohol out of her system. She smiled over at Gray as she leaned up and whispered into his ear, "take me home?.... I want my comfy bed." She pouted as the brief moment of normal Sakura was quickly replaced with drunken Sakura once more. She was telling the truth though, everyone has already taken the beds and couches at this point and she sure as well did not want to sleep on the ground. She gave him her biggest puppy pout as of yet.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

He smiled into the kiss as he felt her return the gesture. He pulled back and smiled even more when he noticed, with great relief, that she was no longer crying. He continued to rub her back in a soothing manner until he heard her soft comment. He pulled back and sat on the edge of the bed as he let Akari go under the covers. Hearing her request, Rogue couldn't stop the soft smile from appearing on his lips despite his cheeks burning red as he laid down besides her.

Leaning over, he kissed her forehead as he murmured out, "of course I'll stay with you...just get some rest Akari, I'll be right besides you always..." He closed his eyes and pulled her closer to him as he kissed her on the lips one final time before nuzzling his face into her soft hair as he murmured into her ear, "I love you too Akari. Merry Christmas." At that moment he placed a small heart necklace onto her neck subtly. He honestly was thinking of what to get her for a while now and when he saw that at a store...well he knew right away she would love it. He smiled over at her, admiring the necklace on her.

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Akari Kaya

It had been a few months since the Christmas party, and if Akari didn’t know any better, she would have said that Akar and Sting were still drunk. Somehow, her brother had gotten to Sabertooth ahead of her today, and she was kinda mad about it. “The least he could have done was taken me with him…” She fiddled with the necklace around her neck—the heart one that Rogue had gotten her for Christmas. When she’d woken up the morning after the party, it had been around her neck, and she’d tackled Rogue in a hug as her way of thank you. All she’d gotten him was a frog suit that matched Frosch’s…it had been more a gag gift than anything.

Finally, she’d reached the Sabertooth guild hall. Opening the door, she flounced over to the bar and threw her arms around Rogue. “Sorry I’m late. Somebody never learned his manners.” She shot a glare at Akar, who was drinking with Sting. Both boys laughed. With a kiss on Rogue’s cheek, she pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket and spread it over the counter. Sting bent over it, and Akari said, “Apparently there’s some sort of competition between guilds coming up. Not like the Grand Magic Games; there are all sorts of events. Including some beauty pageant, not that I’ll be taking part in that. Fairy Tail’s all fired up about it… Well, one wizard in particular.”

Gray Fullbuster

Gray stared at the flyer in disbelief. Natsu had barely seen the first few words before he started running around in excitement, Happy flying around him. Meanwhile, Gray was still glued to his seat in shock. “A multi-guild competition? That sounds way too much like the Grand Magic Games.” He didn’t care if there were other events besides fighting—one Grand Magic Games had been one too many. Shuddering, he remembered the dragons tearing apart Crocus, the flower-blooming capital. Never again. Still, he liked the idea of Sakura competing in the beauty pageant… but he’d probably never bring it up to her.

He blushed as he remembered the Christmas party a few months ago, when Sakura had drunkenly asked him to take her home. With a sigh, he’d done as she asked, carrying her like a princess until they finally reached Sakura’s house. It had taken all his might not to drop her onto her bed. Even then, he hadn’t wanted to leave her. So he sat on the floor by her bed and fallen asleep, holding her hand as they slept. Shaking his head to drive away the memory, he looked around. “Where’s Sakura…? I think she should know about this…” He flinched as Natsu broke a table…again.

AiAi AiAi
{So sorry! I forgot to actually post these after writing them up! Silly me!}
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

A soft hum could be heard as long pink hair swayed side to side as Sakura made way to her home and guild, Fairy Tail. She was smiling happily as she was in a rather good mood today. She just got her shipment of new clothes that she ordered a while ago and boy was she in need of some new clothes! She was currently wearing her favorite one out of her new clothes, a cute dress with open shoulders. She quickly made way to the guild and as she entered, her eyes immediately zoned in on her boyfriend. Grinning, Sakura walked over to their table just in time to hear her name being called.

"I should know about what?" She lifted an eyebrow curiously before smiling over at Gray. Leaning over, she wrapped her arms around his neck before kissing his lips in a greeting. "Hey there~ Sorry if I was late, was a bit busy organizing some shipments I had." She grinned over at him before taking a seat next to him. Spotting the paper on the table, Sakura picked it up and began to read it. Her blue eyes widened slightly in surprise as she murmured out, "hmmm a tournament huh...sounds interesting." She grinned over at Gray. Though soon enough Erza spoke up for all to hear, "Listen up everyone! Master, Mira and I have already created teams for each contest so be sure to listen up!" Sakura blinked a bit before sending Gray a small nervous smile, "looks like she's fired up huh..." and soon Erza began listing off those who would compete in what. Sakura blinked a bit in surprise as her name was mentioned in the list for the beauty pageant.

using this as an excuse to use this outfit because it's so darn cute...and that I'm lazy xD

~ Rogue Cheney ~

It has been a few months since the rather wild Christmas party at Akar and Akari's house. He would say that it was one of the more memorable parties that he has gone to...and one that he learned a most valuable lesson. Don't let Erza drink. Rogue shook his head as he sipped his drink while sitting at the bar in the Sabertooth guild hall. Akar has just arrived not too long ago, which can only mean that Akari was on her way. And just as he thought that, Rogue felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around him before feeling the peck on his cheek and her sweet voice.

Rogue chuckled slightly as he wrapped an arm around Akari's waist and pulled her in for a quick kiss, "hello to you too Akari." As Akari laid out the piece of paper, Rogue along with Sting and Akar peered at the paper. Hearing Akari's explanation,Rogue lifted an eyebrow at this as he said, "so basically like the Grand Magic Games?" Something which brought bad memories for all who were there. When Akari mentioned a beauty pageant, Rogue was immediately all ears, wondering if she would partake in it. Though it wasn't him who voiced that thought out as Sting loudly exclaimed, "ohh! Are you joining that one Akari-chan!? If you're not joining for Fairy Tail, then compete for us as Sabertooth!" Sting chuckled a bit while Rogue could only pale at the mention of a certain person being rather excited for this. That can only mean no good for the rest. Meanwhile a soft humming could be heard from Fairy Tail as Erza looked more than ready to start

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(ahaha it's all good xD)
Akari Kaya

Akari chuckled. “To be honest, it really is just an over-glorified version of the Grand Magic Games. They’re giving it a different name and hoping nobody notices.” She blushed as Sting asked her about the beauty pageant. “I don’t plan on entering, Sting. Even if I was, I’d have to compete for Fairy Tail and…” Seeing that Sting was starting to give her puppy dog eyes, she sighed and leaned her head on Rogue’s shoulder. “Oh, fine. But only because you’re so desperate to have me represent Sabertooth again.”

Hopping up on Rogue’s lap, she asked, “So will you two compete in the fighting portion? You are the Twin Dragons, after all.” Glancing over at Akar, she grinned and added, “The only downside to having a boyfriend from Sabertooth is my loyalties are divided when it comes to things like these. But I’ll route for you two anyway, though I can’t promise I won’t secretly hope Natsu beats you both to a pulp.” She fingered her heart necklace again and glanced over the flyer again. It looked like the competition would be starting soon; would all the guilds have enough time to prepare?

Gray Fullbuster

Gray smiled at Sakura’s greeting. He kissed her back and murmured in her ear, “That outfit looks cute on you.” Waiting until she finished reading the flyer, he took a sip from his mug of beer, watching as Natsu continued to rampage through the guild hall. Then, seeing Sakura’s grin, he returned it. It looked like she was just as intrigued as everyone else in the guild. But who wouldn’t be? This wasn’t something that happened every day! And besides…it would be months until the next Miss Fairy Tail contest. This beauty pageant would give everyone the fix they wanted.

He raised his eyebrows as Erza began announcing the competitors for each event. No surprise, Natsu and Gajeel would be in the fighting portion. “How much you wanna bet Sting and Rogue will be in on this, too? Should I start predicting which dragon will win this time?” And, hey, maybe Gajeel would get to fight this time. Sakura’s name was on the list of girls competing in the beauty pageant, and while she seemed surprised, Gray wasn’t in the least. “Oh, you’ll win for sure. No one’s as cute as you,” he said, wrapping his arm around her. He laughed and added, “I think Natsu earns the title of ‘Most Fired Up.’ Look at him go.”

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

As Sakura was surprised about being a participant for the beauty pageant portion, her attention was soon on Gray as he confidently stated her win for the contest. She was soon smiling as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Leaning against Gray, Sakura let out a small hum as she said, "oh? Looks like I have to try now hm?" She grinned over at him and merely laughed at his comment about Natsu, "you mean that he's literally on fire hehe." Natsu was breathing out fire in his excitement for being in the fighting portion. Honestly, it was a good idea to place Natsu in there. He probably wouldn't sit still otherwise.

Sakura smirked as she guessed, "oh I'm sure all the dragon slayers will be called forth...and I bet you that whatever they must do...it'll be amusing for sure." She grinned slightly before hearing Erza's strict orders, "alright! All those called will have to start their training! We don't have much time left until the tournament starts! It will be starting three days from now! Natsu, Gajeel you two go and get some warm-up fights in! Sakura! You, Mira and I will not be eating until the day before the tournament! You will be on a strict diet until then!" and so Erza went on with her strict directions. Sakura blinked a few before pouting as she turned to Gray, "Gray~ I don't need a diet, do I?" She didn't gain weight or anything, did she? Sakura looked down at her body in slight concern. She did hear that being in a relationship can make the girl gain weight...it wasn't true, was it?

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue unconsciously wraps his arms around Akari's waist as she sits on his lap. Resting his chin on her shoulder, he looks back down at the flyer and silently thinks to himself. As he was lost in his thoughts, Sting somehow succeeded in persuading Akari to enter the beauty pageant as the representative for Sabertooth. Rogue blinked a few moments before seeing Sting wink over at him with a thumbs up. Rogue sweatdropped before turning to smile over at Akari, kissing her cheek he murmured out, "you'll be the winner for sure. No one is as attractive and alluring as you are." He smirked over at her.

When asked about their positions, Rogue turned a questioning gaze to Sting. Sting was the guildmaster here after all. Sting smirked as he confidently states, "of course Rogue and I are entering the fighting portion! And hey! You're going to be representing Sabertooth so you have to cheer for us! Plus, what if Rogue had to go up against Gajeel? Who will you vote for hm?" Sting gave Akari a playful smirk while Rogue frowned over at Sting's childish actions. Though he couldn't help but look over at Akari curiously as well, he was a bit curious of who she would cheer for...would she be loyal to her guild or would she go for him, her boyfriend? He shrugged as he nuzzled into her hair as he murmured out, "doesn't matter to me...she's mine..." he whispered the last part into Akari's ear before sending her a small smirk.

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Akari Kaya

Akari blushed and couldn’t help but grin at Rogue’s faith in her. “No promises. I barely know what a beauty pageant is like.” She bit her lip and blinked at Sting’s minor scolding. Yeah, sure, she’d be representing Sabertooth, but Fairy Tail was her first family. With a sigh, she said, “I’ll be rooting for both guilds, obviously. If Rogue faces Gajeel, I’ll root for both. I see no need to choose one or the other.” What she really wanted to say was that she’d root for Rogue, but that wasn’t exactly true. That was the easy answer, but she loved Fairy Tail and Sabertooth so much, she didn’t think she could ever choose between them.

Sting quirked an eyebrow, not quite satisfied with that answer. It was not his place, however, to protest. He’d leave that to Rogue, who didn’t seem to care either way. Akari smiled and kissed his cheek in response to his smirk. Yukino and Minerva chose that moment to interrupt, dragging Akari to her feet and off toward the other rooms, saying something about helping her prepare for the beauty pageant, since they were competing for Sabertooth, too. “They’ve got a point, Rogue. We should get to training, too, or we’ll never beat Natsu-san and Gajeel-san! We’ve got to win for Akari-chan, you know?”

Gray Fullbuster

It would only be a matter of time before Natsu nearly brought down the guild hall. He stopped when Erza told him to train for the fighting portion with Gajeel. At least they’d have some way to get all their energy out. With opponents like Rogue and Sting, they’d need a miracle before they beat them again. But putting the beauty pageant girls on a diet where they couldn’t eat for three days? That was just harsh. Gray tugged gently on her hair and murmured, “Of course you don’t need a diet. Erza’s being overly cautious, as usual.” He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “Don’t worry. I’ll sneak you little bits of food so Erza won’t notice.”

Mirajane came over to them with a clipboard in hand. She handed Gray a piece of paper announcing one of the other contests. “An art contest? Are you saying you signed me up for that?” Mira nodded with a smile and walked away. Gray sighed. “Can’t I sit one out for once?” He glanced at the flyer again. The contest was for art that wizards used magic to create. Hm. Chances were, Lamia Scale would make Lyon do this one, too… Alright then. He stood up and said, “I guess I better get to training, too. I’m sure Erza and Mira will have something to distract you from eating. See you later, okay?” He squeezed her shoulder and went over to one of the corners of the guild hall to practice his ice make, stretching his arms out in front of him.

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura was looking down at herself with slight worry as she felt her stomach, wondering if she really did gain weight or not. She blinked a few times as she felt Gray tug on her hair gently. She leaned in to hear what he had to say and she giggled slightly. Smiling widely over at Gray, Sakura wrapped her arms around his neck as she pecked his cheek while murmuring out, "thanks Gray~! I loooove my Gray hehe." She grinned up at him with her cheeky grin in place.

Just then Mira came over with a clipboard. Curious, Sakura peered over at it as well and smiled. Art? That was actually quite fitting. She hugged onto Gray while saying, "aw go enter it Gray! I'm sure you'll win!" She smiled over at her boyfriend, having complete confidence in him to win. Mira giggled slightly at the couple's cute antics with each other. Sakura nodded her head as she waved to Gray before turning to follow Mira for whatever training Erza had in store for them. A few days have passed since then and it's finally the day of the tournament. Sakura was standing next to Gray with her arm wrapped around his while she looked around, "hm, looks like everyone's excited for this huh?" She smiled over at Gray.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue didn't mind that Akari would not only root for him but for Fairy Tail. He understood that it was her guild, her family. Just like how Sabertooth is his guild and his family. He blinked a few times as Akari was suddenly whisked away from his arms and into the arms of the girls of Sabertooth. He let out a sigh but watched Akari go with the girls with a small smile playing on his lips. He turned to Sting as he spoke up. Rogue smirked as he stood up, nodding his head, "that sounds like a good idea...let's get started then Sting."

After a few days of training, it was finally the day of the tournament. People from all over Magnolia came to watch the battles and all the guilds were together once again. Rogue looked around trying to find Akari as he wanted to speak with her before the competitions began. He wasn't sure if she would be sitting with Fairy Tail or if she will be with them. Sting was also looking for Akari as he let out a small huff, "man, she's supposed to be in the beauty pageant and I heard that's what they're starting it off with! Seems like thats what the crowd wants to see the most." Rogue chuckled as he murmured out, "Oh I bet...I can understand that." He too was curious of seeing Akari compete in such a thing as well.

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(Sorry~! >.<)
Akari Kaya

Akari fidgeted with the short hem of her dress. “Why did I let them talk me into this…?” Most of her “preparations” for the beauty pageant had consisted of learning to walk in heels (ouch) and pose in swimsuits (which she didn’t know required a lot of skill). Apparently, there were multiple categories to this pageant, including a formal dress, a casual dress, a swimsuit, a magical talent portion, as well as a surprise portion. The casual dress was first, and Minerva and Yukino had insisted Akari wear hers before the competition. Her usual outfit of a T-shirt, vest, and shorts didn’t cut it, so the girls had given her something else. Unfortunately, that something else included a short hem, thigh-high socks, and lots of pink. At least it was cute.

The crowds were way too large, and Akari just wanted to find Sting and Rogue before she had to go back for the pageant. Without the use of an Exceed, it was hard, but she did eventually manage to find the boys. She wrapped her arms around Rogue and buried her face in his chest, mumbling, “Save me now before I make a fool of myself.” Sting laughed as Akari stepped away, looking up at Rogue. “I also wanted to wish you two good luck today. I know you’ll do great.” She fingered her heart necklace and made sure Rogue saw. “I’m wearing this for good luck. Are you going to wish me any?” Of course, Sting started loudly bragging that Sabertooth would win this and all the other competitions, but Akari focused on Rogue, wondering if perhaps she should have begged Minerva and Yukino to let her wear something else for the “casual” dress…

Gray Fullbuster

Gray wasn’t nervous at all. He was pretty sure he had this art contest thing in the bag. The idea had come to him the previous night, and once he put it into motion, he was sure he could win this for Fairy Tail. Even Lyon would have to concede that he was the better Ice Make wizard after that. Standing with Sakura before the beauty pageant began, Gray looked around. “Man, it’s even crazier than back at the guild. I didn’t realize this thing was going to be so popular.” The thought of all these people looking at Sakura made him want to steal her away, but she had to do this for Fairy Tail. Besides, she loved him, and that was what mattered.

“I know you’ll do great,” he said, kissing her forehead. “I can’t help you when it comes to wearing heels, but you’ll be able to hear me cheering even from far away. Not that I plan to be too far away from you. But getting close to the stage will be hard.” It looked like the beauty pageant was going to start soon, so Gray nudged Sakura toward the backstage area. “You better go get ready. And I better see if I can find a good spot. Good luck, Sakura.” With that, he dove into the crowd, fighting his way to the front of the stage so he could watch every moment Sakura was there.

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{I was thinking the “surprise” category could be them having to pose in wedding dresses??? Like that funny two minutes in the Grand Magic Games during that match with Mira and Jenny? XD I thought it would be really funny if that sprang on them and their boyfriends had to be their “grooms.” I’m evil, I know}
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura looked around at the crowd and agreed with Gray. She grinned over at him as she leaned up and kissed his cheek. She wrapped her arms around him after he kissed her forehead as she murmured out, "thanks, I'll do my best~And when it's your turn, you can bet I'll cheer you on! You'll definitely win though, you're my Gray after all." Sakura smiled lovingly up at him before walking off towards the backstage. She waved once more to Gray before turning around to go and get ready for the pageant.

As she entered, she spotted Mira and Erza already changed. She sweatdropped slightly at Erza's pumped up attitude but with a smile gracing her face, Sakura walked over and greeted the two, only to freeze when they turned their attention to her. Apparently they already have chosen an outfit for her. Sakura was quickly forced to get changed and soon she was standing by the edge of the stadium along with everyone else, just waiting to be called out one by one. Soon enough Sakura's name was called forth and she soon entered the stadium wearing her casual dress for their first round. She was smiling and waving as the crowd cheered loudly for the pinkette. She'll have to thank Mira for choosing her outfit for this round, it was cute at least...though she could have done without the wings honestly.


~ Rogue Cheney ~

As soon as Rogue mentioned that and before Sting could even ask him what it meant, he felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around his mid-section before a very cute looking Akari was now hugging him tightly while burying her face into his chest. He blinked for a moment though his arms instantly wrapped around her smaller figure almost in a protective manner. He looked down at her as she pulled away, finally able to take in her full appearance, something that made him just stare at her for a moment in utter silence.

He was staring at Akari with wide eyes as he snapped out of it when he saw the heart necklace she was wearing. He gave her a smile while murmuring out, "thanks Akari, we'll do our best and also..." at this he pulled her to him and leaned down to give her a kiss. After pulling apart, he murmured out softly, "good luck Akari, but I know you'll win...I mean look at you, you already look so..." at this point he was whispering into her ear, "you look so cute already, I can't wait to see your other outfits, but don't get me too jealous now." He leaned back and smirked down at her before being pulled away by Sting as he said loudly, "yeah yeah, you two can have your time later! Now let's go find some good seats Rogue! Good luck Akari-chan!" Sting waved at her before pulling Rogue away, Rogue merely smiled over at Akari before following Sting.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
(you're not evil, just a genius~! xD)
Akari Kaya

Rogue’s arms around her were definitely more comforting than Minerva and Yukino attacking her with makeup brushes. But when she pulled away, she felt awkward under Rogue’s stare. She shifted from foot to foot, ignoring the smirk on Sting’s face. Finally, Rogue pulled her to him again and kissed her. With a smile, she kissed him back, feeling much better than she had all day. Leaning her forehead on his chest, her smile widened at the words he whispered in her ear. “Thank you, Rogue. I’ll see you two later!” She ran off towards the backstage area just before first portion of the pageant started.

Sakura was also competing (no surprise there), but she went onstage before she did. Her dress was cute, with little wings at the back. Akari smiled and clapped for her. She straightened up upon hearing her own name, and with a deep breath, she entered the stadium after the other girls, trying to hide her nerves behind a smile and a wave. From near the front, Sting gave her a thumbs up and an obnoxious wave, along with Lector and Frosch. After a brief thought, she twirled a bit, letting her cape flare out. The crowd seemed to like it, and she smiled as she followed the other girls offstage. The next portion was the formal dress, and seeing Minerva and Yukino’s faces as they turned to her, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to know what she’d be wearing for it.

Gray Fullbuster

Gray managed to find Sting and Rogue just before the pageant started. Sting clapped him on the back and made a joke about fending off male admirers, but Gray brushed them off. He stared at the stage and waited for Sakura to come out. Mirajane and Erza came out shortly before her, both of them wearing smiles. Erza, however, was clearly full of pent-up energy. Gray sighed. She always got way too into whatever she was doing, competition or not. Thank goodness she was in Fairy Tail; he would hate having that determination directed at him.

Finally, Sakura’s name was called. She came onstage, wearing her casual dress, which was different from what she’d been wearing just ten minutes earlier. He smiled. Those wings were a little much, he supposed, but if anything, they enforced the idea he already had of her: that she was an angel. Oh, God, how many cheesy thoughts could he have about one girl? This was getting to be too much. So, Gray started cheering for Sakura, louder than even Sting was cheering for Akari and the other girls competing for Sabertooth. He almost frowned when the girls filed offstage to get dressed for the next portion of the pageant. “Formal dress, huh? I don’t think I’ve ever seen Akari or Sakura in any of those.”

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

After walking off the stage, Sakura turned to watch the rest of the competitors and wasn't that surprised to see Akari there. If anything, Sakura giggled when she heard Akari's name under the Sabertooth guild name instead of Fairy Tail. She smiled while cheering for her friend before feeling a heavy hand on her shoulder. She slowly turned back to look and paled slightly as she cracked a smile at Erza who was grinning a bit too much. "Ahaha....hey Erza, we can ta-!" and with that Sakura was dragged off to change for the formal round.

It was now time for the formal dress round and each girl was dressed in fancy dresses. Sakura's name was called and she walked out wearing a long blue and white off shoulder dress that was actually quite conservative. She was surprised at the choice of dress being actually formal and not so revealing, though her pale shoulders were revealed while her pale pink hair was held up in a loose bun with strands framing her face. She actually quite liked this dress as it reminded her of Gray for some reason. Smiling, Sakura twirled for the crowd and gave a rather cute curtsy at the end while holding the sides of her dress. She smiled and waved before walking off stage.


~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue and Sting somehow made it to the front of the crowd where they were able to get a good view of the stage. Soon the pageant started and all the girls began to come out one by one for the casual dress round. He wasn't that surprised to see Sakura there and even more so when he spotted Gray heading over to where he and Sting were at. He nodded in greeting to Gray before turning his attention to the girls. He was anxiously waiting to hear Akari's name being called out and once it did, he began to cheer for her just as loud as Gray.

As Akari came onto stage, Rogue smiled at her appearance, yes he saw it earlier but even now he was still blown away from it. He chuckled slightly when she made a little twirl, but he thought it made her even cuter if that was possible. He clapped his hands and watched as the girls all filed away. Hearing Gray's comment, Rogue nodded his head as he murmured out, "you're right...I wonder how that'll be." His head began to fill with thoughts of Akari in a formal dress and soon his head blew up as his face turned red. Sting could only shake his head at his friend's antics before turning to the stage as it began to light up once more.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

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