Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Bolts said:
Eias Baole - onlooker area Eias followed as fast as she could while being taken to the onlooker area. Kim's face told many stories of her thoughts. Confusion being the main one. Her demeanor as well as Eias's also changed after hearing an amazing voice. They found themselves in front of a very lovely looking person donning a violet dress. Close to the colors Kim's skin becomes actually. Eias listened as the woman spoke towards Kim. She wondered who this was and how they knew Kim. That was answered shortly after she told Eias to care for her daughter Kim. She stood there for a moment in disbelieving. Part of it being that she just vanished our of thin air.

Why would she need to care for Kim? Kim had so much more power than she did any given day. That all too obvious. She spoke in her own voice. This situation made her completely forget she could use her flute. I... am confused now..
Kim her self looked shocked, mother only comes out of her realm to fight off imposing threats to Kim or the flux realm. Once Eias spoke in her own voice Kim turned to her. " It seems my mother believes you have something powerful in you, and I don't doubt her. If your going to ask why she knows me, then I have to tell you how I came to be infused with flux." Kim started to walk, not at the same pace as before but at a walking pace. " about 12 years ago I was playing in my fathers lab. He , as any scientist would, was experimenting with the dangerous form of waste that was named flux. As a child I didn't know any better so I was fumbling around a lacruma sealed case of pure flux. I fell into it when mother spoke to me, saying things about how she needed me to help the world. That with out a proxy on earth to control the flux and taint it would fall into chaos, with magic begin destroyed before it could be used." Kims expression turned peaceful as the conversation calmed her, longing thoughts and prayers filed her head as she remembered the first feeling of flux in her.
purplepanda288 said:
Kim her self looked shocked, mother only comes out of her realm to fight off imposing threats to Kim or the flux realm. Once Eias spoke in her own voice Kim turned to her. " It seems my mother believes you have something powerful in you, and I don't doubt her. If your going to ask why she knows me, then I have to tell you how I came to be infused with flux." Kim started to walk, not at the same pace as before but at a walking pace. " about 12 years ago I was playing in my fathers lab. He , as any scientist would, was experimenting with the dangerous form of waste that was named flux. As a child I didn't know any better so I was fumbling around a lacruma sealed case of pure flux. I fell into it when mother spoke to me, saying things about how she needed me to help the world. That with out a proxy on earth to control the flux and taint it would fall into chaos, with magic begin destroyed before it could be used." Kims expression turned peaceful as the conversation calmed her, longing thoughts and prayers filed her head as she remembered the first feeling of flux in her.
Eias Baole - onlooker area

As Kim continued to walk, Eais was still confused at how she was any form of powerful. Sure she could use magic but coming from a family band with no one to teach her was a pretty big hinder on how 'powerful' she had become. She noticed Kim walking away and taking so Eais rushed up to get.

She listened to the tale she spoke of. Eias came to the conclusion that flux was some raw form of magic or the essence of. It was strange though. Was it deadly? Is it not normal for someone to control it for an extended amount of time? Eias knew it sucked magic and strength from her in the fight, but didn't feel like it was going to lead to her utter death with just that happening.

Eias was going to stay in Magnolia for a little while. She already knew that much so there was no harm in hanging out with Kim while she was here. Maybe being in a place with a big magic guild could help teach her some new things about her magic. Something like energy conservation would be a nice thing.

So... Now that you have found your friend. What are you going to do now?
Chris Lengheart(Tourney)

Chris was about to apologize for what he had done, but was now being strangled by roots. As it currently stood, Chris would have to escape by burning his way out. He used his draco form and began to breath fire onto the highly flammable roots. It took a few moments before the roots had finally caught fire. However, it seemed like the fire wasn't harming Chris. Perhaps it was due to the fact that he was a massive cold-blooded creature that technically needed this warmth. In fact, it almost seemed like Chris was enjoying the heat.

Kelica - Tournament Arena

Kelica's eyes remained colourless, her necklace still glowing brightly around her neck. She kept her hand stretched forward, half clenched, watching him turn into the Draco and burn the roots. She made an angry tsk noise, her hand clenching harder still. The roots kept coming, kept growing thicker and stronger, for every inch that was burned 2 more inches would take there place. And on top of that, the roots covered themselves in thorns, cutting and slicing him up in an ever worse state then Alfie's barbed nets had.

This rage was uncontrollable, the emotion so intense she forgot were she was, or what she was even doing. If it was a tournament match then Kelica couldn't seem to remember. She was out for blood, and not just that, but to kill Chris as well.

For the first time she felt the power inside her, and wanted it to herself.

She heard whispers in her ears, of the trees and forests far away, the creatures chatting to themselves. She would control them all. She was obliterate anyone and everyone that stood in her wake.

Frank, the falcon, lifted his head meekly as he glanced to her, fluttering his wings and attempting to drag himself. The bird looked absolutely terrified of her.

Chris Lengheart

Chris roared in pain as the thorns constantly stabbed at him. The draco form was suddenly released and followed by Chris' taurus form. The sudden size increase forced the roots to open up a bit to accommodate for the size. That gave Chris an idea, he changed back to normal Chris and dropped back down before the roots could close around him again. He looked at Kelica, he knew he'd have to take her down. His arm changed to that of his taurus form along with his werecat legs as he began running at Kelica at amazing speeds, he dropped low and appeared in front of Kelica, hoping to deliver a brutal fist to her stomach that would send her skyward.

Kelica - Tournamnet Arena

Kelica watched him change back and forth, and then suddenly he was free. He was right, the roots weren't fast enough and now he was running straight at her, she had little or no time to defend herself. Physically she was not fast, nor strong, so when he aimed for her stomach she bent over in agony, gasping wide eyed before being catapulated across the arena, landing pretty much face and chest first into the ground a good few feet away. Her head had made an aweful smack sound against the ground, her form completely limp.

She didn't move, and more frighteningly the plant at her wrist suddenly wilted, sliding weakly off her wrist to curl up on the ground, almost dead. Blood now dripping from her noise onto the bare ground.

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Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia

Lyra had finally had enough of all the physical touches, eyes glaring down at the bandages wrapped around her stomach. Hibiki was going to get upset about that too, most likely. Hibiki... Her thoughts focused in on him, panicking slightly. How long had his match been going on? She jumped up and ran off, shoving the mages out of her way as she stumbled towards his arena only to be turned away since they wouldn't let her near the ring at all. Tch, if only she didn't care for once about causing a scene and embarrassing her teammate, but the ramble she'd have to listen to from him later surely wasn't worth it. Lyra just had to have absolute faith in him and hope he was okay. Her footsteps brought her throughout the town to find a place to watch the fights, mainly to see Hibiki's, the other ones honestly not concerning her. Physically though, she was getting pretty tired, feeling like she'd collapse soon. Getting wounded wasn't something she'd expected and refusing to go into Satan Soul against that poor girl wasn't something that would've settled well with her, so she'd used her black magic instead but it was taking a toll on her.

A hand gripped a door frame for some balance before she noticed Clair sitting and having a drink to which she pushed herself forward, plopping down into the vacant seat adjacent to her. A blanket of white hair splayed about the bar counter, cheek coming to rest against the cold surface. " Hello, Clair. " She whispered, peering at the red head quizzically. It'd take a while to regain the magic she'd used up, having to end the fight quickly since putting her opponent to sleep was the better of the two choices that she was presented with. " How is Hibiki doing? Please tell me you've been watching his fight.. " Her hand reached out to grasp Clair's arm weakly, a pleading tone to her words. Being chronically ill always had such a huge impact on her after having to use any of the magic she relied on to even function correctly; she was already physically weightless in turn. The curse upon her was one mages were baffled with, as it was unknown and there didn't seem to be a cure for it. It was one of the reasons she relied on Hibiki so much but part of her had always wondered if he helped her out of pity and that only pushed her to try to be more independent.

@Mr Swiftshots @LeSoraAmari
Chris Lengheart(Tourney)

Chris watched as he sent Kelica flying. He didn't seem to be letting up his assault however, as he continued running at her. Once he saw her laying on the ground, he only cracked his neck slightly as his arm bulked up much more. It looked exactly like his arm in taurus form. Chris wound up slightly before he suddenly smashed his massive fist directly into Kelica's spine. Chris was furious, the one person he was supposed to "love" had just tried to kill him! He then suddenly wound up with the other arm and smashed it down again, followed by the other as a pattern developed. He smashed down harder and harder, faster and faster. Chris would end this!


Sora Marvell - Magnolia Tournament

Sora was smiling as she watched the entire fight happen before her, filled with pride, fear, eagerness, curiosity, and suspense. It really was an amazing fight and Lysander was way more skilled then he seemed to realize, which she'd make sure to tell him when the fight was over. She silently cheered for him, hands pressed against the barrier, her face only inches from it as well. At times it'd seem like she was holding her breath, unsure of what would happen next. It was a pretty fair and solid fight, both mages being skilled, and she was enjoying it until another mage ran up to her and whispered in her ear. " I need to go. " She spoke quickly, not even having time to look at Maya before she sped off, and she quite literally sped off as the enchantments around her feet caused her to get to the next arena quickly.

Sora's fists banged against the barrier, almost causing a shock-wave of noise to explode in the area. " DROP IT NOW! " She screamed out as the wind forcefully carried her voice throughout the entire tournament, panic creeping into every bone within her body, the noises of Chris smashing into Kelica's body wracking her ears, filling her head. The barrier was released and Sora was already inside to place herself between Kelica and Chris, hair and eyes flashing pink so quickly that it almost seemed like the transition hadn't been made. She grit her teeth and took the next hit as there wasn't time to dodge it, her arms carefully wrapping around Kelica's body before they disappeared completely, leaving Chris to keep slamming his fists into the ground. Every part of Sora wanted to turn back and hurt him for what he'd done, but Kelica needed her. They appeared in the infirmary shortly after, Sora gently resting Kelica's body upon the bed, tears brimming at her eyes.

" It's going to be okay, I promise. " Sora kept her voice steady, which wasn't an easy task for her, her throat tightening. Despite what might've happened during the match, seeing the other girl in such a delicate and battered state made her heart wrench. Both hands came to hover over Kelica's unconscious and mangled body, an aura being emitted from them that flowed from her hands and down onto the other girl. Sora's eyes came to a slow close to focus and they remained like this for a long time as Kelica's body slowly started to mend itself, the physical
abrasions being healed first. The inner ones would be the hardest but at least her healing magic wasn't one that inflicted any sort of added pain, it would feel cool and gentle, and even add a numbing effect. Sora felt the exhaustion of her magic taking its toll but she continued anyways, setting her jaw and pushing herself to finish. After a long time of silence, the aura slowly dimmed, and both the physical and inner injuries were healed, not even a scar being left behind. These kind of extensive injuries were almost beyond her type of healing and it'd taken everything Sora had, and maybe even a little more to erase the damage Chris had done. The blue haired girl fell forward then, body draped over Kelica's, almost if to protect her even further.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari @Isune
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Lysander - Contest Grounds

This time round, however, Lysander was not so lucky. He had attempted to swerve out of the way of the cards, but he had misjudged the distance, and both cards sliced into him, one into his left shoulder and the other into his left side, at his waist. Blood immediately spurted out of both areas, and instinctively he used his right hand to press against his shoulder, to prevent more blood from dipping. Both cards had hit quite deep, slicing into muscle and bone, in the case for the one that had handed on his waist and the pain was astronomical. Still though, he just barely resisted the urge to cry out in pain, and he managed to keep to his feet. His left arm was going to be barely functional in this match.

His right hand was covered with blood, and some of it had gotten onto his gun handle as well, making it slippery. He strengthened his grip on his gun, then pulled his arm straight, ignoring the blood streaming down his shoulder. He would have to end this quickly, because another shot might take him down. He would have to go for straight up damage now, as an attempt to trap his opponent like what he had been trying to do earlier was proving to be taking too long, and quite useless as it turned out.

"Guns Magic: Spark Shot," Lysander said quietly to himself, pulling on the trigger two times. One bullet aimed at his opponent, another bullet aimed at the ground upon which his opponent was standing on. It would be difficult to escape from the electric shock that would surge forth due to the trapping placement of the bullets provided his opponent had another card up his sleeve.

Millie intently watched Valken and Sera's intense fight. The whole time she was shouting and cheering and waving her hands as if she was a cheerleader. "Go fight win! Whoop her ass Valken!" She cheered, smiling brightly and jumping up and down, drawing a crowd to her chest. She was like a one woman cheer machine. Soon she decided to pull out her special move. Things were going pretty even in the fight, and Valken really needed some moral boots. Whistling loudly she called out for Valken and flashed her hombagolaloos at him quickly, giggling as she did.

Grace gasped loudly as the many bolts of lightning struck her, sending the girl's small frame sailing into the arena wall before collapsing to the ground. That move hurt like hell and really did a lot to her, but this wouldn't stop her from giving up. Slowly getting up she summoned three rings behind Momoki, following up with a swarm of missiles. She couldn't take
Much more and decided to go out with a bang.

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @WoodenZebra

(Forgive my shit post.)
Kelica - Intense Care Infirmary

Kelica was not sure what happened. She coughed weakly, before her eyes slowly blinked and peered around, though they pinched closed at the bright light that was making her head pound. She had a ringing in her ears still, and there was a strange weight against her body. It was warm, and..none threatening? Was that something that could lean against her? She rolled, slowly onto her side towards that warmth, all look of colourless in her eyes faded and her emerald eyes returning, though the sparkle was still slightly lost. Her arm falling and wrapping around whatever that warmth was against her.

Flickers of her memory returned, she remembered being flung into a ring, with Chris and then....it sort of went black. She remembered her whole body seemingly tingling, a rage she never knew she possessed, a power that was far greater then anything she had felt before...

Her stomach turned but she held it together. Her eyes sliding open once more to see the curtain of blue hair covering her torso. What the hell had happened? Her green eyes now glancing around to see if Chris was around, if he too was in the infirmary. "S...Sora?" She started with a weak voice, mind still struggling to piece was exactly had just happened. "Wh...Where am I?" There was a flood more questions she wanted to ask the girl, but her brain struggled to comprehend just the one for now. There was panic in her eyes now, her face visibly paled. No pain but...something was amiss and she felt like she was the cause of it.


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Sora Marvell - Tournament Infirmary

Sora's head lifted slightly, her hair still splayed about but moving enough for her face to be visible to the other girl as she peered at her with a gentleness that would hopefully ease her panic. " Hi there. " A faint smile tugged at her lips, body still feeling weak as her magic slowly but surely came back at an agonizingly gradual pace, or so it felt like. " You're in the infirmary, how're you feeling? " She lowered her head again, nuzzled up into the girl now, which she didn't mind at all. It was comforting all around probably for the both of them and her body felt oddly weak from healing Kelica. The flashbacks of the scene she'd witnessed slowly crept into her mind and a small shudder followed, eyes squeezing shut to chase them off. " Is it okay if I rest here with you for a while? " Her words came out as a mumble and she didn't want to be intrusive but she certainly needed a short breather after what happened.

There were questions of her own but they remained in her mind. What had caused Chris to flip on Kelica like that? Had she caused him to snap? And how...? Was Lysander doing okay? Before she had left he was unharmed but that could've changed the moment she stepped away. This realization made her sink onto the infirmary bed next to Kelica even more.
If only I could be in more than one place at once.., she thought to herself. Hopefully Chris had calmed down or been detained if he was still rampaging about; she didn't want anyone else to get hurt. " You're curious about the fight and Chris aren't you? " She said almost too quietly, unsure if even bringing that up was the grandest of ideas but she figured Kelica would want to know. Sora sighed then and rolled over to point at the screen on the table next to them, pushing a few buttons and tinkering with the lacrima device before an image finally appeared. " Watch and remain calm, please... " And the playback of their fight began. Both of their questions were about to be answered, but she only hoped the girl next to her wouldn't freak out.

@HuorSpinks (Mentioned)
Bolts said:
Eias Baole - onlooker area As Kim continued to walk, Eais was still confused at how she was any form of powerful. Sure she could use magic but coming from a family band with no one to teach her was a pretty big hinder on how 'powerful' she had become. She noticed Kim walking away and taking so Eais rushed up to get.

She listened to the tale she spoke of. Eias came to the conclusion that flux was some raw form of magic or the essence of. It was strange though. Was it deadly? Is it not normal for someone to control it for an extended amount of time? Eias knew it sucked magic and strength from her in the fight, but didn't feel like it was going to lead to her utter death with just that happening.

Eias was going to stay in Magnolia for a little while. She already knew that much so there was no harm in hanging out with Kim while she was here. Maybe being in a place with a big magic guild could help teach her some new things about her magic. Something like energy conservation would be a nice thing.

So... Now that you have found your friend. What are you going to do now?
As Kim glanced back at Eias. Peace was all that could be read on her face. " I'm not sure, Mabye catch up with him. Or get washed with him." At last the two came out of the hall into the seating area. A few fights have been over but most were still in play. Kim leaded Eias to two open seats. She sat down and patted the seat next to her.

Eias Baole - seating area

She nodded at Kim's response to her question. Catching up is always a nice option. She wasn't sure what the washing meant but just ran with it. As they proceeded down to the seats, Kim sat down and invited Eias to join next to her. Happily, she sat down next to her and watched the vision lacrema. Eias's face went bright red. She saw a fight taking place where a rather pretty girl was fighting topless.

purplepanda288 said:
As Kim glanced back at Eias. Peace was all that could be read on her face. " I'm not sure, Mabye catch up with him. Or get washed with him." At last the two came out of the hall into the seating area. A few fights have been over but most were still in play. Kim leaded Eias to two open seats. She sat down and patted the seat next to her.
purplepanda288 said:
Aiden smiled as he flew though the air, not only at the sheer idiocy that his opponent has shown but at the fact that he's trying to back him to a corner. As aiden fell the kimono he wore glowed a soft purple color. He landed on his feet, but not before he saw the ball shaped magic flying though he air at him. Aiden raised his hand before the explosive hit. Effectively the grenade hit his hand. Some thing of the nature should of kill him. Once the smoke cleared form the area there stood another man, not Aiden anymore. But a mirror image of Adrian. The same smug smile that adorned Aiden was plastered on the clone. " So many thoughts running in your head, mate. And your magic so hard to control isn't it, eh."
"Look, I don't have time for your taunting, can we just fight?" Adrian said. However, as he spoke this, another barrier formed, blocking Aiden from reaching Adrian. It formed a wall across the entire arena, and then it moved forward. Adrian had fought in this arena before, he knew the rules. In order to prevent death by crushing, the enchantment that formed the arena had a force limit behind it. If an opponent was forced against the wall hard enough, the opponent would fall through, resulting in an instant ring-out. The barrier rocketed towards the clone as Adrian put two more barriers behind it to prevent Aiden from getting through via an attack.
Chris Lengheart(Tourney)

Chris had slammed his massive fist down onto the ground as both Sora and Kelica escaped from him. He only stared for a brief moment as he was declared winner by default. He silently turned around and was escorted to the infirmary. He was seated and had his thorn wounds tended to. It stung, but his wounds were slowly being healed. Hopefully, he'd be ready for the next match. Although, Chris didn't seem to even think about Kelica. It was almost as if his mind had secluded the memories of her into some deep void.

@Kyuubey @Zuka ((Mentioned))
@Mr Swiftshots[/URL] @LeSoraAmari
Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th Wizard Saint

Clair laughed when he brought back up the fish , why a fish anyway! "Yeh something like that i guess....." Clair was about to elaborate more when Lyra plopped down beside her , unfortunately looking rather unwell again. Clair turned to her with a rather sympathetic look on her face once she felt her hand, unfortunately Clair had only been watching Lyra's match and so honestly didn't know how Hibiki was doing. "I can't say i was Lyra , i was watching your match. But hey now that your here why don't you have a drink on me , i'm sure Hibiki will be fine so why not wait for him here"

Before Lyra could refuse the offer a drink was placed in front of her , and a fresh one for Clair herself. "now where were we Mr. Falling , oh yes that's right the fish of my dreams ! I would have to say it would be a strong independent salmon that knows how to treat a woman right ! ....Wait no that's not what we were talking about.... oh yes i remember now it was something to do with a bicycle and an elephant , maybe even two....". It was quite clear at this point that the current amount of alcohol may have been a bit to much for her , yet she pushed on taking another swig from her tankard.

@Kyuubey @Unknown Falling
Auren Sol

Ren was glad that he had managed to actually hit Lysander. That meant that he didn't have to worry about him being at full capacity anymore. While the man was reacting to the pain ren manged to throw the last two cards to their designated spots. In case you haven't figured it out yet, the point of throwing the cards was not to hit Lysander but it definitely wasn't a bad thing to do some damage to his opponent. Ren was about to execute execute the spell that would hopefully win him the match but he was interrupted by the sound of a gunshot. Unfortunately this happened just after Ren threw the cards so he didn't hae time to dodge or put up a shield. The bullets exploded into an electrical attack of sorts that knocked Ren back and stunned him momentarily. It would take him a little while to recover from the literal shock his body was just put through. He was so close, he just had to place the final piece and his big spell would finally go off. To do that however, he'd have to recover quickly enough so Lysander couldn't follow up with another attack and finish him.

Midnight Seras - Outskirts of Magnolia

Sighing to myself I look toward Magnolia as i grab my violin from the ground by the tree i slept in. "Well I guess I had better stop putting this off..." I mummer as i quickly walk toward town tieing my eyepatch into place. Knowing I need to find a guild hall since I only have the clothing on my back and my precious violin, I begun to roam the streets. My raven black-blue hair streaks behind me as my gold eye flicks from shop to shop. People around me seem to start to notice my appearance and mummer to one another, feeling their stares weigh upon me I begun to blush and twitch. Finally giving into my shyness I bolt down the street, blindly running and immediately becoming lost
Genon said:
"Look, I don't have time for your taunting, can we just fight?" Adrian said. However, as he spoke this, another barrier formed, blocking Aiden from reaching Adrian. It formed a wall across the entire arena, and then it moved forward. Adrian had fought in this arena before, he knew the rules. In order to prevent death by crushing, the enchantment that formed the arena had a force limit behind it. If an opponent was forced against the wall hard enough, the opponent would fall through, resulting in an instant ring-out. The barrier rocketed towards the clone as Adrian put two more barriers behind it to prevent Aiden from getting through via an attack.
Another mistake, Adrain's thoughts flowed to the transformed aidens mind. His emotions his memories, every thing in his head was know in Aiden's. Aiden ran up the imposing barriers. As it came at him he pressed his hands on to it as it hit him, you would expect it of pushed him but it changed its corse back at the original adrien.

Aiden pulled out another key. Another jade colored one at that. "Open gate of the horse, Ma." A long haired man about two times the size of Aiden stood behind him. " Ma, enchantment number six." The spirit lifted his arms and muttered something that couldn't be herd. Once he finished a large aura encased Aiden.
[QUOTE="Lord Chaos]
Midnight Seras - Outskirts of Magnolia
Sighing to myself I look toward Magnolia as i grab my violin from the ground by the tree i slept in. "Well I guess I had better stop putting this off..." I mummer as i quickly walk toward town tieing my eyepatch into place. Knowing I need to find a guild hall since I only have the clothing on my back and my precious violin, I begun to roam the streets. My raven black-blue hair streaks behind me as my gold eye flicks from shop to shop. People around me seem to start to notice my appearance and mummer to one another, feeling their stares weigh upon me I begun to blush and twitch. Finally giving into my shyness I bolt down the street, blindly running and immediately

[/QUOTE][QUOTE="Lord Chaos] becoming lost

~Bizma//Fairy Tail//S-Class~

Bizma was wandering the streets, trying to keep a low profile. She pulled her cloak over her head, silently hoping that nobody would call her out. Then someone ran past her quickly. Expressing what she wanted to do. However.....he seemed completely lost. Bizma sighed, then turned around to see some perv sniffing her hair. Her face reddened, it seemed that that guy
did remember that she was eighth place in the swimsuit contest; she ran as fast as she could away, only to run right into the person she had seen earlier and fall over. "Ah.....aah! I-I-I......" She mumbled.
I manage to catch the girl that ran into me as she falls, helping her to her feet I immediately let go. "Sorry about that...." I mummer softly, staring at a shop nearby confused at where I am at. My hand tighten around my violin case as the ever present fear of my captors finding me creeps in.

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Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Unknown squints his eyes at Clair, "I think you've had too much to drink, fish and elephants are completely different things. It would be understandable if we were talking about dolphins so they were at least both mammals. You better be dealing with something serious because if your drinking your problems away because someone called you fat or something I swear to god. Seriously, get a hold of yourself woman. Also I better not be paying for any of these drinks! Your not even giving people an option and just giving them out." Unknown leans forward looking past Clair to Lyra, "Do you believe this chick right now, you know each other. Does she always try to get people drunk or what?"

@Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots
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Kelica - Infirmary

Kelica nodded when Sora explained she was in the infirmary, she really knew she would ultimately end up here, Chris was a far greater rank then she. Her green eyes flowing over Sora and noticing just how drained she was, eyebrow raised slowly...had Chris really done that much damage to her?..Why?..She knew he would give it is all, but....

Once the video footage started, her heart seemed to stop in her chest. Her hands naturally grasped at Sora and pulled her in tight, like one might a teddy bear to comfort themselves. She was doing well, but Chris was winning...and then...what was with her face? It was dark, and completely void of emotion..and her eyes...they were colourless like her Father's.

Her breath hitched in her throat as it occured to her SHE was the one intent for blood, and that power! She had no idea she was capable of drawing roots out of the ground so far away from a forest...the bird was terrified...

It was like whatever power she was drawing from, completely overtook her, and she couldn't control it. Her body only wanting more and more, to the exclusion of all else.

"Shut it off."

She knew how it ended, Sora taking her away. She didn't want to see Chris in that rage again. She trembled.

@Isune @Kyuubey

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