Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Seeing the boy's features change to relief and then to Joy. She knew that he was glad to find one of the Fairy Tail Guild members out here and away from the tournament. As he introduced himself, she nodded slightly "I am glad to meet you sir Mika. I, am Lavender Gray. Class A Wizard in the Fairy Tail guild." formalities were important to Lavender as well as names. Something made her wonder what kind of wizard Mika had been. He looked so..innocent in her eyes and delicate.

Taking his arm like a fair lady, she then began to lead him towards the Guild hall "If you dont mind me asking, what are you going to do when you get to the hall? Join? Put up a quest for one of the members?" her eyes moved from ahead of them, to the young boy she had her arm linked with. "Also, I hope you do not mind my arm being linked with yours."

"Class A wizard? You must be pretty strong." he answered pretty amazed too. "Though I really have no idea how they classify mages." He said scratching his head.

Mikael was surprised by the girl taking him by the hand. He didn't mind it one bit, he was just surprised. It was the first time he got this close to another girl in a long time. She asked him what he would do once he got to the guild. And that's the moment he begun to think, he has no clue what he was gonna do. He just wanted to see the guild where the vampire belongs to. Gather information, that's all. Information is power after all. "Join? How does someone joins a guild?"

"No, not at all." he said smiling. @Britt\-21
Zuka said:
Kelica - Intensive Care Infirmary

Kelica felt the soft pats of Sora against her back, though as soon as they lifted they were forgotten. Kelica was mentally a wreck from fear, saddness, guilt. It was all very hard to swallow. "Thank you, Sora, for healing me..." She whispered as the girl left, not even sure if she heard it in the first place. Physically Kelica was more then capable of moving now her wounds had been dealt with, emotionally?.. Kelica glanced over to her bedside table and the typical vase with flower stem attached sitting beside her. Tentatively, she reaches out and let her fingers brush against the leaves. Her eyes wide, she watched the flower droop, curl up, brown and shivel up like it had never been watered in it's life. Tears still brimming her eyes, she tucked her hands under her armpits. It took awhile for her head to wrap around the concept, but eventually she understood.

She was atuned to the forest and all living things. Just as she could heal, grow and strength the plants and animals, it seemed logic she could always weaken, hurt and eventually kill them to. It seemed a hard pill to swallow, she had always only ever been helpful, supportive and eager. Now she was capable of dark things, and frankly it terrified her. As her eyes closed she used her 6th sense to feel the town, in much the same way a pack of birds all flee together or deer get spooked and group together, Kelica could literally feel the presence in the air. It was hard, and so subtle, but there was a gap almost between emotions, a dark void she hadn't sensed before.

Her eyes opened even as tears still rolled down her cheeks. Alfie always had a habit of simply 'being' right were she needed him to. She wasn't sure how he even did it, he just did. It was long shot but she needed to talk to someone. "A...Alfie...can you hear me? If you can...please...I need to talk to you..." She whispered frantically. It was more then a long shot. Perhaps she was going crazy. Or maybe Alfie knew what this heaviness was in her heart. This darkness seeping over her. Was it really just her?

@Kyuubey @Salt Lord

Alfie - Intensive Care Infirmary

Truth be told, Alfie wasn't surprised Kelica would learn of this gap. She had always been attuned to nature, and emotions were a part of that. The void he would use to travel between space so quickly was, ironically, a gap in space. A gap where nothing but what he put in existed. And even though that was where he was storing emotional energy, the only reason he could tap into it was because of the conditions of his soul. If one were to think about it, his gem was a little like his pocket dimension--except for the fact that he didn't travel through his soul. But both were voids of complete nothingness to those who could sense emotions or energy. In this case, that was Kelica. With the swipe of a ribbon, Alfie was in the infirmary (out of Sora's sight, obviously).

The door creaked open as the wizard walked through. Slowly, he made his way toward the blonde's bed, speaking to let her know in case the door didn't work.
"Everything is how it should be at a place like this after such a serious match. The victim lying hopelessly in the bed, wondering about why things happened the way they did, and their attacker, somewhere else, who probably doesn't want anything more to do with you." Suddenly, Alfie reached into his pocket before going on. "But the question is why things are how they should be. I think I know the answer to that," he stated, pulling his gem out of his pocket. He wasn't quite sure what he did this for, however, so he readied to drop it back in his vest.

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"Well in order to join the guild, you would have to speak with the Guild Master. He calls all the orders." her eyes looked foward as she continued to speak "I'm sure you'll be accepted into the guild but I am not sure what rank you would be.. You have the S class who are stronger than the A classes. A and S classes are the most crowded. The lower classes are like supports or they can only fight on small paying jobs." the warrior woman sighed softly "I do wish I could help those wizards become stronger..It is sad to see such talent go to waste." @rbshinichi
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Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th Wizard saint

Clair didn't believe the man for one second , no she never lost her balance never! "You did , you pushed me and i fell over because of it !" Clair grew angrier with every passing moment , that was until of course Lyra latched onto the man causing Clair to blow her cap "YOU THINK IM FAT DON'T YOU!". With that Clair clenched her fists tightly and her magic began to surge casing the ground below her to crack and her hair to flow wildly in the red aura she had been enveloped in. All the other members of fairytale (NPC)that were currently present in the guild hall began scurrying for cover as did the bar maid.

@Kyuubey @Unknown Falling
"For a fierce looking woman like you, that's so gentle of you. What noble gestures you have. Almost like a princess' " he thought out loud admiring the woman accompanying him. After a few minutes of walking they reached the guild hall. The huge mark above the building stood proud. A vibe of camaraderie and brotherhood appeals to him from the mark itself.

He stopped on his tracks and turned to his companion. "Miss Lavender, what about the competition or something. I saw mages fighting with each other in the arena. Why aren't you there? I saw people with the same mark as yours fighting." he asked out of curiosity.

Lavender smiled at his compliment before he asked about the competition that the guild members were participating in and why she hadnt been there "Ah, well.." she walked up next to him as she stared at the mark of the hall "I'm not a woman to fight others for entertainment. That's only one of the reasons." she drew a deep breath "I also had recently come back from a quest that absorbed all my energy. I was too tired to even participate in the events that happened or are happening. Becides, I rather fight others through training or through actual fights."

Her golden eyes lowered down to the ground before she glanced at him "My guild mates always ask that same question. I may be young, but i'm not as young as you or the youngsters in the guild. As you age, it is true you get stronger but the drive you had as a team is a little bit smaller." @rbshinichi
"Now I'm not sure if you're a princess or a knight with a code." Mika shook his head with the irony his new acquaintance was presenting. His head aches for a bit, as his memory plays back a little glimpse of his past. His sword slasing through people's necks, drinking blood from a dying man. The curse of his demon sword has never been easy to bear. The sword demands blood more than him, it demands the entire soul of the wielder too.

He closed his eyes and shook the visions away. He got a hold.of.himself with her comment of him. "Me? Young? I'm nearly 200 years old." He thought to himself. He just smiled at her and said, " I'm not that young dear."

"Can we.go inside then? Even if I'm not a member of the guild?" He asked politely.
Lavender laughed softly "I can be both, you nevere know." the wizard said before hearing that he wasnt young "You cannot fool me with the way you look, Sir Mika." the smile still planted on her lips, she placed her hand on his back "Yes you are allowed to go in. It's not a rule that outsiders are not permitted to enter." she then led him inside where some guild members were (NPCs) "Welcome to the Fairy Tail guild hall. Take a look around, glance at the board if you'd like. But no taking ther fliers unless you are part of the guild. Other than that, you're free to look around." it was nice to see most people being lively and watching the tournament from a lacrama (I think that's what its called..?)


Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Unknown couldn't even tell if Lyra was heavy or not but before he could say anything Clair started shouting at him. He then quickly pointed at Clair in response "I called it! Your drinking because someone called you fat!" he started laughing "What are you even doing right now? You think I'm afraid of a drunk woman who's overly conscious about there weight and appearance? Oh, you can glow red big deal." Unknown got right up into Clair's face, Lyra still hanging on. "I think you've had enough drink for today, missy. Maybe that's why your getting fatter?" Little did Unknown know, out of everything he had just said and done, he would most likely regret that last comment especially.

@Mr Swiftshots @Kyuubey
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Midnight Seras-A Class-No Guild

Outside Fairy Tail Guild Hall

I look at the door, nervous, as I tie a strip of fabric onto my silver eye to hide my abnormality that my broken eyepatch reveiled, as my gold eye flicks across the door. Clutching my violin case tightly as my tattered clothing flickers in the wind, I mummer to myself, "No time like the present..." Grasping the door handle in my hand, I push it open enough to slip in as the noise of the hall slips around me, pulling me inside while I wince at the noise.

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Kelica - Intensive Care Infirmary

Just like when Chris had first transformed, Alfie had been there. When the bikini contest had started, he had been there. Now she had called, he had arrived. She didn't question why, his voice filled with sentences and words of old that reminded her of the Great Old Tree's.

Her still wet eyes lifted up to face him, sitting up slowly as he began to speak. They were words but they still didn't make any sense to her. Suddenly she threw her arms around his neck, holding him close, her body still lying on the bed and dragging him down to her level. "Alfie I...something happened...in the fight, something snapped, I got so much power, so much...I burst roots from the ground with no a tree in sights for miles!" Her eyes glancing to the shrivelled up flower next to her bed. "I have only ever been able to heal and grow plants, now I can hurt and kill them! I don't know what's going on and I'm scared...." Trembling, tears now soaking his shoulder.

@Salt Lord
Zuka said:
Kelica - Intensive Care Infirmary

Just like when Chris had first transformed, Alfie had been there. When the bikini contest had started, he had been there. Now she had called, he had arrived. She didn't question why, his voice filled with sentences and words of old that reminded her of the Great Old Tree's.

Her still wet eyes lifted up to face him, sitting up slowly as he began to speak. They were words but they still didn't make any sense to her. Suddenly she threw her arms around his neck, holding him close, her body still lying on the bed and dragging him down to her level. "Alfie I...something happened...in the fight, something snapped, I got so much power, so much...I burst roots from the ground with no a tree in sights for miles!" Her eyes glancing to the shrivelled up flower next to her bed. "I have only ever been able to heal and grow plants, now I can hurt and kill them! I don't know what's going on and I'm scared...." Trembling, tears now soaking his shoulder.

@Salt Lord
"I saw what happened," Alfie said, wrapping his arms around her, just like she did with him. "And I know why. I can tell it's affected Chris too. He's a little more aggressive than I last checked. The Chris I know would have asked you what was wrong. Not try to kill you." Alfie paused a while, leaving the two to hug. While the silence that fell upon the two was deathly and grave, the Alfie held in his hand, which was now touching Kelica's back, glowed and emitted a comforting warmth. Pink glowing circles of runes spread out from it and began spinning, eventually turning an unsettling shade of black before dissipating into the air. He had just absorbed the grief in the room and sent it to his pocket dimension, a void of nothingness except the energy he stored. "But for now, you won't have to worry about lashing out like you did. Not as long as you tap into nature as little as you possibly can." Alfie pulled away from the girl before dropping his gem back into his pocket. The warmth would remain in her back for another while, however, as he spoke to Kelica reassuringly, "I'll go see about Chris and try to repair the relationship you two had. After all, you were my number one OTP," the wizard joked with a grin before walking to the door and looking back at her, "Is there anything else before I leave?"

Kelica - Intensive Care Infirmary

Kelica's eyes slid closed as she tucked her face into his shoulder, sucking his warmth and comfort into herself. Then, something weird happened again. She was so scared, so overwhelmed, and now...there was a weird light floating over her like it wasn't so scary anymore. Her eyes stopped their tears, and as he pulled away she glanced up to him, her heart not aching anywhere near as much, the back of her hand wiping the tears from her eyes. She nodded as he told her not to tap into her powers, hands lowering into her lap as her back pressed against the bed board. Her eyes were still distant but she wasn't crying. Alfie would talk to Chris, that lifted her with hope. Though she doubted he would ever take her back, she was useless. Worthless. Without magic she literally had no purpose left here, not that she had much to begin with. She turned her head away from Alfie so he couldn't see the dead look in her eyes.

"Nothing else."

@Salt Lord
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Zuka said:
Kelica - Intensive Care Infirmary
Kelica's eyes slid closed as she tucked her face into his shoulder, sucking his warmth and comfort into herself. Then, something weird happened again. She was so scared, so overwhelmed, and now...there was a weird light floating over her like it wasn't so scary anymore. Her eyes stopped their tears, and as he pulled away she glanced up to him, her heart not aching anywhere near as much, the back of her hand wiping the tears from her eyes. She nodded as he told her not to tap into her powers, hands lowering into her lap as her back pressed against the bed board. Her eyes were still distant but she wasn't crying. Alfie would talk to Chris, that lifted her with hope. Though she doubted he would ever take her back, she was useless. Worthless. Without magic she literally had no purpose left here, not that she had much to begin with. She turned her head away from Alfie so he couldn't see the dead look in her eyes.

"Nothing else."

@Salt Lord
Alfie held his stance for a while, contemplating on whether he should comfort Kelica once more or not. He's already done a lot by sucking the grief out of the room and countering his stored positive energy with it, but six years of leaving people out of the equation? He thought not. Helping these two people out of all that time alone wouldn't hurt. "Kelica," he said suddenly with his face turned to the girl, "If there's anything you need, please. Don't hesitate to ask." With that, he closed the door behind him to see Sora standing out in the hall. It wasn't quite a surprise. In fact, it made sense as to why Kelica had healed in such a short amount of time. The wizard hadn't expected the cause of it to be the one he trapped with ribbons quite a few days ago. Nonetheless, he greeted her with a small "Hello" before continuing down the hall, trying to reach some sort of corner as quickly as he could before she could speak to him.

@Zuka @Kyuubey
Lysander - Competition Grounds

By the time Lysander realised what was going on, it was far too late. His most powerful spell was headed right for him, and his agility was at an all time low with the injuries he had incurred in the battle. Well, he was stupid enough to fall for this trap, and so he deserved to lose. Hence, he did not even bother evading the bullet, only stepping to the side so that he would not receive the full effects of the bullet hitting the ground, which would set off the explosion. And even with that, he knew that he would definitely be knocked unconscious due to the radius of the explosion. He simply wanted to minimize his injuries.

And sure enough, the blast did knock him unconscious. He was not even aware that he was flying from the strength of the blast. He had only moments of regret, of failure, of the wish that he had done things differently in order to change the outcome of the battle before he hit the ground in a shockwave of pain, then he knew nothing at all.

(yup, Lacrima )

Mikael looked around the hall and saw the board across the room, it was filled with fliers and posted messages. Jobs. His attention turned to a rowdy group seated on a table looking almost too drunk to comprehend. Though they may seem to be arguing, there's a vibe of understanding and bond that seethes off from their auras. Camaraderie and brotherhood.

"Hmmm, both a princess and a warrior huh," he said nodding. "I like the sound of it. And I like this place. It reminds me of the guild who took me in." He turned to Lavender and with a tilted head he asked, "Let me buy you a drink, would you? I don't know how to thank you properly."

@Britt-21 @Unknown Falling @Kyuubey

Midnight Seras-A Class-No Guild

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Once inside my eye dances from place to place, noting each person and their weapons, Then quietly i slip around people until I find a corner, kneeling while lowering my violin case to the ground I listen to those around me, searching for an answer to their emotions. Finally I open my case and gaze down at the black and silver violin nestled inside. "Should I dare or not..." I mummer to myself.

Lavender smiled softly and Nodded "Sure, though I normally do not allow others to buy me drinks." Mika was a very kind boy. The way he spoke and his manners were absolutely beautiful. Lavender kinda bathed mentally in it, thats how nice it was to meet somone who spoke just like her. "Though, I am happy that this place reminds you of the one guild that took you under their wing." with that said, she brought him over to the bar and allowed him to buy whatever he wanted to choose for her.

Not being much of a drinker, she'd always let the other person pick for her. "Buy me anything you would like me to have." she smiled @rbshinichi
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Alfie - Jumping over Magnolia >>> Chris' Apartment

Able to make his way around the corner before Sora got an urge to notice him, Alfie quickly opened his pocket dimension just to appear on the roof of the infirmary. With the high roof, he was able to jump down and almost fly across the tops of other buildings in Magnolia as though gravity wasn't a problem. Minutes later, he arrived on the apartment of Chris, and with another quick pocket travel, he was inside the dark room. The shades were closed and refusing the light outside entry, but that would change as the wizard opened them from where he was, seeming to do it with some sort of telekinesis. "Chris," he called out loudly, somehow keeping some serenity in his voice, "Wake up. We need to talk." A burly, manly man such as Chris might not wake up from a nap so easily, so Alfie readied his gem just in case normal sunlight and his calls didn't work.

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purplepanda288 said:
As the arcane particles in aidens body made him forcefully catch fire, freeze, spaz out, aswell as turn to stone he knew he had to release the form. Of corse the pain from the fire hurt ,but it didn't come close to the fire that long had used on him. The form that Aiden was in started to crack, after a few moments it completely disappeared leaving Aiden in his normal clothes.
" Close your gate ma, I'll be fine." Aiden winched at the combination of heat and cold on both his hands. Fear rose in him, then he remembered. He knew a way to end the fight, aswell as a way to summon his last spirt. " Second origin, Force open gate of the illusionist, Shen!" Another gate was opened, Shen , stood at the side of Aiden. He cast a glance at Aiden near crippled body. Aiden was nearly out of magic at that point, a force gate open had taken more then half of the second origin magic he had. " Shen transform into me quickly." The snake spirit nodded. After a puff of smoke enveloped the two a loud chanting was herd form the smoke cloud.

"Survey the Heavens, Open the Heavens...

All the stars, far and wide...

Show me thy appearance...

With such shine.

Oh Tetrabiblos...

I am the ruler of the stars...

Aspect become complete...

Open thy malevolent gate.

At this point in the incantation the smoke had cleared ,leaving not one but two Aidens reveled. They both had thier eyes closed. Along with their back to each other. Only one of them showed signs of pure pain, but the incantation continue ,as large green aura envolping them like a protective shield.

Oh 283 Stars of the heaven...

The light that entered to the arena was no longer present. Insted it was replaced by a large infinite space with 283 Chinese constellations shining bright.

Shine! urano metria!"

Each and every constellation came down at an incredible rate. Each attempting to hit Adran with their explosive force. This was a last ditch effort, his magic near completely gone. If this didn't work he would lose the fight.
Adrian watched as his differentiation attack hit home, and the clone reverted back into his opponent's normal state. He really would have rather not done that (if it weren't for the arena's enchantment, and that Adrian purposely avoided the chest and head area, Aiden could have died), but reading your opponent's mind was the ultimate in douchebaggery. Everything, from Adrian's brightest moments to his darkest secrets to his sexual fantasies were all in the mind of another now. And honestly, he had no idea whether the memories Aiden read were still in the Celestial Wizard's mind, but Aiden's tactic was low, extremely low. Up there with nut shots and throwing dirt in your opponent's eyes. And as they say, karma's a bitch.

But then, Aiden split into two and began casting an incantation. It was Urano Metria! Adrian knew that his barriers would do nothing against an attack like that, and Aiden had shown considerable tenacity so far, figuring out how to avoid most of Adrian's tricks. And with two of him, he doubted that he could actually interrupt them fast enough, or if they would even stop casting it if he hit them both.

But Adrian had a technique that was both faster than Urano Metria and did about the same amount of damage. It would use up a good chunk of his magical power, but he would have a few more techniques left in him. Aiden likely didn't have much left if he was resorting to such a powerful spell this early in the fight. It looked like he would be spent after that attack. It was a Death or Glory tactic, and if Adrian could survive it, he won.

Adrian's body began to glow purple, as a powerful aura coalesced around him. It began increasing in brightness until it was almost completely white, and then the entire arena was bathed in hellish purple-white light. "HELLSTORM!" Adrian shouted as the burst of arcane energy enveloped the arena, straining the enchantment that kept the arena intact. This would be enough to hopefully win the match for Adrian.
Chris Lengheart(Dreamland)

Chris was happily snoring with one hand holding a magazine on home decorating tips, while the other lay peacefully on his chest. Although, his nice nap was interrupted by the sound of someone shouting for him. His eyes slowly fluttered open as he looked at Alfie, thinking he was still dreaming for a moment before suddenly backing up. "Al-Alfie! How the hell did you get in here? I locked the door, the keys are still in my pocket. I want an explanation and I want it now!" Chris said with a surprised tone. Why was Alfie here? What did he want?

@Salt Lord
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Dreamland)

Chris was happily snoring with one hand holding a magazine on home decorating tips, while the other lay peacefully on his chest. Although, his nice nap was interrupted by the sound of someone shouting for him. His eyes slowly fluttered open as he looked at Alfie, thinking he was still dreaming for a moment before suddenly backing up. "Al-Alfie! How the hell did you get in here? I locked the door, the keys are still in my pocket. I want an explanation and I want it now!" Chris said with a surprised tone. Why was Alfie here? What did he want?

@Salt Lord
Oh, poor Chris. He hadn't figured out yet that Alfie was everywhere at every time. Not like Kelica did. Neither of them would understand, but he wouldn't mind letting them know when there was time. "None of that matters. Not right now. But your relationship with Kelica still does, and quite frankly, I'd like to use some of my time to fix that. Bad things are in the air as we speak, Chris. The only reason Kelica lashed out so violently is because of those things, and I can tell you that it was not limited to her." Alfie paused to get a little closer to the couch Chris was lying on, tracing his fingers on its side as he walked. "I need you to know that what she did wasn't on purpose. She's quite a lot more attuned to nature than you or anyone else. She can sense the bad things so much easier than you can. Kelica took that energy in and harnessed it against you. She needed to feel strong, something she's never done before until then." The wizard leaned on his arms and looked the other directly in the eyes, peering into his soul. "But I know a way she can continue to do that without killing her boyfriend. You can make her feel strong. But only if you can get things worked out. And that would especially help me. Please, Chris. I need you to go to the infirmary and support her."

Chris Lengheart(Listening to the psycho)

Chris narrowed his eyes at the other mage as he stared at him. Chris shook his head,"Are you absolutely insane? So you want me to go and support the person that just tried to end my life, accidental or not because YOU benefit from it. You even said that it would 'especially help you'. I've shown her a way to get strong, if she chooses to follow it then she can. If not, I'm sure she'll find a way to make her own much stronger. And besides, I would never want Kelica to 'harness' these 'bad things' you're telling me about." he said in one giant huff as he suddenly stood up. Right now, Chris was basically in boxers and a tanktop. He walked to the door and held it open,"Now leave, If I chose to go and talk to her it will be of my own accord."

@Salt Lord
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Listening to the psycho)

Chris narrowed his eyes at the other mage as he stared at him. Chris shook his head,"Are you absolutely insane? So you want me to go and support the person that just tried to end my life, accidental or not because YOU benefit from it. You even said that it would 'especially help you'. I've shown her a way to get strong, if she chooses to follow it then she can. If not, I'm sure she'll find a way to make her own much stronger. And besides, I would never want Kelica to 'harness' these 'bad things' you're telling me about." he said in one giant huff as he suddenly stood up. Right now, Chris was basically in boxers and a tanktop. He walked to the door and held it open,"Now leave, If I chose to go and talk to her it will be of my own accord."

@Salt Lord
Alfie stayed silent as Chris held the door open, considering what the man had said. He looked down, a shadow covering his face before turning his head back up at the other. "If that is what you wish. But try to talk to her soon before things get worse. There's nothing like a heated discussion to mend relationships. And before I go, try not to tap into nature too much. These 'bad things' might get to you too. Have a good day." Ignoring the open door, Alfie gave Chris a wink before jumping behind the couch out of the other man's sight. If he were to look behind it, he would find nothing but sofa and carpet.

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