Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Chris Lengheart(Having a reconcile with Kelica)

Chris felt every stroke of his fur along with suddenly being dragged towards Kelica. He let it all happen, not wanting to make Kelica run away. He nuzzled up against her further as she apologized. Then, Chris finally spoke in an almost hiss, "It's okay Kelica," he said with a sigh, "Nobody's perfect. You're not, I'm not, Sora's not, no one is. You need to know that."

Kelica - Forest near Magnolia

Kelica spent a long time simply buried into his fur, like one might cling to a pet Dog. She took a few deep breaths in of his scent, reaching up on her tip toes as he was still taller then her, mind you even his normal body was taller than hers. Eventually she struggled to pull herself away, her green eyes still peering up to him. "I know I'm not perfect, I just don't want to be a burden is all.... but now I can't use my magic at all, so I'm just a regular old human...Why hang around me when I offer absolutely nothing?..." Her body partially twisting away from him. "I honestly don't know what you see in me...I'm just a blonde girl who finds beasts comforting..."

Chris Lengheart(In forest near Magnolia)

Chris only shook his head as Kelica began to say that she didn't want to be a burden. "A what!?" the beast suddenly boomed as his blood red eyes suddenly glared at her like a bull that had just seen red, "A burden? Kelica, never call yourself that. You know damn well that you're not, nor will you ever be a burden to me or anyone around you. Your magic has saved lives, mine on the other hand has ruined them! Don't you ever talk like that again! I don't care if you remain normal for the rest of your life, you'll always be Kelica in my book." Chris said while slowly starting to calm down. What Chris was hearing was just unbelievable.

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Kelica - Magnolia Forest

Kelica whinced as his voice rose a pitch or two, taking a step back and wrapping her arms around herself. That look he gave her sent shivers down her spine, she couldn't help but be a little wary. Though she didn't run away, he had a point, and it took that stubborness she was fond of in him to get through her thick skull. Sometimes you had to be blunt to get through the darkness of people in a bad head state. Kelica eventually smiled up to him, her hands reaching out to hold onto the cheeks of his head, drawing his face down so she could kiss at his forehead affectionately.

"Thank you Chris....." she whispered with a bemused little smile on her face. It may not have worked for everyone but he seemed to say just the right thing for her.


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Chris Lengheart(Forest)

Chris' angry glare was eventually replaced by a short grin as multiple kisses were planted onto his scaly head. Chris then released his takeover as he pulled away and looked down at Kelica,"You're welcome." he said as he held out a hand for Kelica. Hopefully, she'd take it and they could go home...after Chris took all the things out of the guildhall.

[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Cinla giggled at ferra's reaction then says" Sure i don't mind the food stands i'm not a fussy eater after all and wow your sure hyper have you always been like this just out of curiosity".


Ferra giggled and nodded, "
I'm always hyper when it comes to food! I gotta eat a lot to stay healthy due to my magic, and I'm practically starving right now." She replied before standing up and grabbing Cinla's hand, "Come on let's go!" She added before pretty much dragging her out of the stands and down the street the food stands were on.

Sora Marvell - Tournament Infirmary

Sora had barely noticed Alfie as he walked past her and by the time she'd registered his greeting she was already too late to say anything back and he was gone. What she did notice right away however, was Lysander being brought to the infirmary, her eyes quickly locking onto him and taking in the physical state he was in. If it was possible to simply feel your heart stop for a few moments just from a feeling, then it was happening now and she was experiencing it for the first time. Of course she'd seen friends or enemies hurt, but this was different; this was Lysander. She hurried over to walk beside the medics and his unconscious form, managing not to stumble, following them whilst she stared down and honed in on his injuries even more. Judging from the state of them, she figured what turn the battle went in, which wasn't in his favor.

Sora didn't care at all whether he'd won or lost though, she simply wanted him to be unharmed and smiling. The moment they entered the infirmary and they eased him onto the bed, she found herself beside him, kneeling down on the bed with her hands hovering over him. Nami would scold her, Maya would scold her, anyone really would've scolded her if they saw her pushing herself this hard and neglecting to care about herself. But for some reason he came first, and deep down she found it would probably always be that way from now on. With the close of her eyes, both hands began to glow as she began to heal his wounds slowly, but this time it felt more excruciatingly draining then it did with Kelica. Her breathing became audible as her expression became strained, body shaking ever so slightly before she finally healed the wounds upon his body.

A weak smile spread across her face as she gazed at her handiwork, relieved that she'd had enough in her to take care of him. Her eyes settled to rest on his sleeping expression to which her heart felt like it was being tugged on, her adoration for him only growing stronger. It took a lot of effort to shift her frame until she was laying beside him, hands reaching to clasp one of his own and pull it close to her face, forehead lightly resting against his cheek. Seeing him wounded like that had left her feeling wounded as well but it also left her curious as to why that feeling was shared so readily. " I'm so glad that I--.. " Her words slowly trailed off as she dozed off, eyes having fluttered to a close, the need to recuperate from all the exertion of the events that occurred finally hitting her extremely fast and hard.

@HuorSpinks @Salt Lord (Mentioned)
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purplepanda288 said:
The eyes of the original Aiden widen, he no longer had any of the thoughts or memories for his opponent. This was bad news for him. The middle of the incantation it had to be on the middle of the incantation that he cast that hellstorm spell.
Shen stopped chanting, although Aiden continued. The snake had had the memories from the when Aiden copied Adrian. He studied his spells incase he would be summoned. Hell storm had started and Aiden ripped of the eye patch the hid the magic circle. As the hell storm took effect multiple stars had already appeared, he had ran in front of Aiden. Shen took this opportunity to summon that last line of defense they had.

" Sānjiaoxíng Yī Ér Sān!" A bright glowing triangle encased Aiden, this would hopefully protect him from the blast. If not then he would lose the fight

Both attacks went off simultaneously, the area being covered in craters from the exploding constellations, and the air crackling with arcane energy. Adrian's burst of energy had inadvertently served as a shield in its own right, knocking away or reducing the velocity of several incoming constellations. However, Adrian was covered in small burns from the attack, and was face down on the hard ground. However, be slowly got to one knee, and then to his feet. Adrian's clothes were tattered, and his prized trenchoat had a sleeve missing. His trenchcoat! Did Aiden have any idea how much it cost?! Now he would have to get it repaired! The burns really hurt too. Adrian's magical power was a fraction of its maximum capacity, but he would be able to keep fighting for a while. He raised his hand and held his open palm at Aiden, a ball of arcane energy forming in his palm as he did so. A moderately-sized Arcane Ray shot towards Aiden, but it wasn't configured to pierce or burn his opponent. Instead, it would split into two and hit him and his Spirit right in the groin, hopefully smashing through the barrier as it did so. It would hopefully be enough to finish off his opponent. Adrian huffed and puffed, saying, "That's...what you get...for reading my mind...jackass."
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Mikael grit his teeth at the man's snide remark. Harsh as it may seem but he has nothing to say about it, it was true to some extent. He's a vampire, not a warrior with a code. He may be a noble but he wields a demon for a sword. 100 years ago, he may have struck the man's neck in an instant but for all the years he wandered, he learned how to control his emotions. The real winner in any fight is the last one who can smile, not the one who stands.

No matter how he hates how the guy put it, it's a reasonable point to note. Clair was also to blame for the altercation. "I understand you fighter." he said to Unknown. "But a girl's mind's always a mystery, fragile and delicate. And it seems to me that you do not have a full grasp of that idea. It wouldn't be a surprise if you don't hold any girl's heart as of now." he smirked. "No offense." he said as he turned away from him flipping his cloak. He walked up to the bartender where Lavender was. "Are you guys okay?" he asked concerned.

On the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a man, who seemed to be cringing inside with his troubles. He was the guy who was playing a weird stringed instrument a while ago. Mikael walked up to him. He placed his hand on the man's shoulder and felt the strong magic fluctuation. He sensed a really dark presence from it. As a user of dark magic he knew. "What's the matter?" he asked tightening his grip on the man's body.


@Britt-21 @Lord Chaos
Well, that wasn't the reaction Millie hoped for. Instead of her Moral Boob trick working, filling Valken up with a flame of fight it seemed to knock him and his opponent out cold. To make matters worse was the position they landed in. His privates were in her face and vice versa. This filled her with a fiery hate for Sera. "Get off of him! Only I can do that!" She snapped, glaring at the girl and stomping her foot. As quick as it started the fight was over, a disappointing tie. Valken was rushed off to the medical wing and Millie was right behind them. She planned on giving Valken some love before beating the crap out of Sera for her sexual desires. "Valken Sweety, you did great!" She said, crouching beside him and taking his hand tightly.

Kelica - Forest outside Magnolia

Kelica watched him stand up tall before her, and took a happy little sigh. Yeah from a far it would have looked strange, to be this close to someone who only a few hours ago had almost tried to kill you. I guess one could call it a lover's spat to the extreme, but Kelica saw it a slightly different way. He had proven himself a formidable foe when faced against the odds, and even though that someone was herself, she was glad if she did accidently turn dark once more he could stop her before she did some real damage, to Fairytail or anyone else. Just as she could control him, he could control her. The only regret she had was Sora using such a large portion of her energy to heal her when she may need to heal others.

Kelica finally let her fingertips entwine with Chris's and twirl so that she made his arm wrap around her shoulder, leaning heavily into his side. "So...no killing each other next time eh? Let's leave the fighting to the bad guys..."

@Isune @Kyuubey (mentioned)
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Valken - Not so Intensive Care Infirmary

Valken was still seeing stars so when the officials said the next person to stand would win, he honestly day dreamed he had rolled the vampire lady off and stood up tall, hand pumping the air in a victory pose. "Awww yes Lamia Scale for the win!" The problem was this was all literally in his mind, the only outward display was having a stupid grin on his face, hand fist pumping the air while still doing the 69 Tango with Sera. It was only as a team pulled the two apart and wheeled them away, did he start to come to, dark purple eyes blinking open slowly as a pained groan left his lips. He hissed as that light was very, very bright, covering a hand over his eyes. Though second thing he noticed was the warmth of Millie's hand, and her voice that sounded like angel's tell him he did great. He melted harder into pillow, smirking before he pulled back the hand on his face just enough to peek at her. God she was beautiful..

Maybe he had hit his head a little to hard afterall. His fingers tightening around hers. "Heh, I won though right? Showed that winged woman what-for! Sera, more like scared-her!"

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Mitchs98 said:
Ferra giggled and nodded, "
I'm always hyper when it comes to food! I gotta eat a lot to stay healthy due to my magic, and I'm practically starving right now." She replied before standing up and grabbing Cinla's hand, "Come on let's go!" She added before pretty much dragging her out of the stands and down the street the food stands were on.
When they got cinla grins as she walks over to the pie stand and says" I'm having the game pie and chips what would you like to have ferra and yes now i know for sures".

Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Unknown sighs at Mikael's comment, "It's you that doesn't understand women if you think there all like that." he then jumps over the counter and goes up to Lavender and Clair. He then places his hand on Clair's head, "Why don't we ask her?" after a few seconds he removes his hand. "It will take a minute or two but she will wake up with the alcohol removed from her body. But I couldn't do anything about the hangover she will have."

@Britt-21 @rbshinichi
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Lavender Gray- FT Guild

Lavender was given the water and she gently put some on Clair's face just to cool down her face. Or at least wake her up from her faint. That was untill the man whom both herself and Mikael yelled at came approaching both women and placed his hand upon Clair's head "It is not good to ask someone questions after they have just woken up from a faint." the warrior said "Maybe you should think about her condition first rather than questions." This man needed to learn some manners or some common sense: Lavender's type of common sense...

@Mr Swiftshots @Unknown Falling @rbshinichi

Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Unknown looked at Lavender, "All I did was speed up her metabolism allowing her body to break down and get rid of the alcohol quicker. It has the same effect as leaving her there until she wakes up. So I am not forcing her to wake up hence the "One or two minutes" it will take. You shouldn't assume the worse in people, and underestimate ones ability and knowledge."

@Britt-21 @Mr Swiftshots
Mikael walked up to them after looking at the board of requests and making the man comfortable on a chair, he drained some of the energy bothering the guy so he thinks he's okay. He asked for lemons and a pitcher of water from the bartender who was busy clearing out the shelf off debris and dust.

"I'm afraid he's correct Lavender. He's got a point. As a matter of fact he's quite helping."he said. He took the lemons and squeezed them into the pitcher of water. "Water with zest of lemon is very effective for hang overs. "

He then turned to Lavender after preparing the beverage. "Say, I could do jobs if I'm member of the guild right? Do you think I can be accepted?" He asked graciously.

(Sorry for the post. I'm on my phone...) @Britt-21 @Unknown Falling @Mr Swiftshots @Lord Chaos
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Lavender Gray

Lavender sighed "That is not what I am speaking about. I'm speaking about questions after someone has just woken up. It's not polite." guess it was sometimes hard for people to understand her. It annoyed her. As Mika asked about the board, she looked over and nodded "As a member you are permitted to go on those jobs. As for being accepted, you must speak with the guild master before any other ideas you might have." the look on her face was soft, and seemed like something was wrong.

Something was wrong. And she was planning to speak like a normal person. Even though she knew she would sound like a complete idiot. Maybe a robot at most. "I'm sure you'll be accepted into the guild." her soft smile returned before it quickly faded. Lavender didnt try to assume the worst in people, she was only stating what she had been seeing.

@Mr Swiftshots @Unknown Falling @rbshinichi
If he becomes a member of this guild, he would have a place to stick with, he would have plenty of opportunities to earn and live again, and most of all he would be closer to the vampire girl he saw, his only connection to his past and true nature. That's what he was thinking at the time. He turned to Lavender and shortly caught a glimpse of discomfort on her demeanor.

"Is something the matter milady? Have I uttered something that displeased you? Have I done something to bother you?" He asked as he moved closer to her face.

(Lol Mika is starting to be an oblivious nuisance. Haha)

Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Unknown grabbed Mikael and pulled him back a bit, "If your worried that you have upset someone you don't get closer to them and repeatedly ask essentially the same thing. That just makes it worse. Also she has a point about not asking people questions when they wake up. I planned to give Clair a few minutes perhaps after she had a glass of water. I should have been more specific on that part. Also she is more likely upset with me then you, seeing it would appear I am not the most likable person to you two. But someone has to state there opinion whether it is good or bad. Because you can't better yourself without a little criticism, can't you?"
Lavender Gray

Lavender parted her lips, ready to reply to Mika's questions. Sadly, that didnt happen due to Unknown pulling Mika away from her and putting in his own words to the young boy. "It is alright." Lavender said as she looked between both Unknown and Mika "I just have my own mental struggles I must deal with, it is nothing that you have done wrong." get rid of the formal talk! Come on! Drawing in a deep breath before speaking once more "I just need to sound like a normal human being." at these words, she sounded completely out of character and she kinda sounded funny just saying them the way she did. For a woman in her 20's she acted like a teenager. That is not the proper way to say that sentance! I must sound like a normal human. Not I just need to sound like a normal human being! and so her mental struggles began
Lysander - Infirmary

When Lysander finally regained consciousness, he remained still at first, his eyes closed. He was feeling extremely comfortable, and warm. And he was not in pain, which he was extremely grateful for. There was something pressing gently against his side, and he felt something soft against his cheek, and a hand was grasping his own. Very reluctantly, he opened his eyes, only to squeeze them shut again, in the light. When his eyes finally got used to the light enough to allow him to actually open them, he found himself in an infirmary. Sora was nestled against his side, her forehead against his cheek. For a moment, he was relieved, at peace. And then it all came crashing down, like a bomb.

He could not face Sora, after his loss. He had pretty much humiliated himself and his guild in front of the whole of Magnolia. He was far too weak. He was not good enough for Sora, for Lamia Scale, for his own family name. And if she discovered that... he did not think he could take the humiliation from someone he realised that he cared for deeply. He had wanted to impress her, to prove himself worthy of her affection. And now... he simply was not good enough. He could not face her. Now now, at any rate. The room felt so suffocating. He could not remain here. He could not bear to see the disappointment in her eyes.

Without even thinking, he detatched himself from Sora, climbed slowly out of the bed and stumbled out of the room, through the window. Fortunately for him, the room he was in was on the first story so he did not injure himself climbing out of the window. Unfortunately, his legs still felt weak and unsteady, and they buckled the moment they hit the ground outside, sending him crashing to the floor. He immediately picked himself up and began stumbling off in a random direction, slowly turning into running as his legs strengthened. And finally, when he reached the apartment he was staying in, instead of heading inside, he began scaling the walls and windows, onto the roof of the building.

Lysander - Roof of Apartment Building

His eyes burned with the effort of holding tears back, a very familiar sensation. Spent, he curled up on the roof of the building, hugging his knees to himself, wrapping his arms around them and resting his head in his arms. He squeezed his eyes shut, still holding back tears. He did not want to be weaker than he already was. He realized belatedly that he did not have his poncho with him, or his guns. All he had was his shirt, pants and boots, and already those were proving to be no match for the wind whistling along the rooftops. Yet here he remained, curled upright, desperately holding back tears and just... not even thinking. He did not even want to think. All he wanted to do was disappear.


Sora Marvell - Tournament Infirmary

Dreams caressed the young girl's mind, the visions rather pleasant and causing her to rest longer then she had planned on. Physically something had shifted while she slept, a cool feeling slowly taking over the warmth that had been there previously. Her fingers flexed until she realized they were empty, to which her eyes flashed open, adjusting rather quickly simply from fear. Empty? She grasped at the air beside her almost helplessly as her hues searched the infirmary for him though not being able to find him. She didn't want to believe Lysander was no longer there and she tried hard not to contemplate the reasons why that could be. Surely he wouldn't have just left her there alone, especially since he'd still be a little shaken up, unless of course he didn't want to be near her. This realization stung in a way that she couldn't comprehend, thoughts flying into a frenzy of saddened emotion, heartache even. How long had he been gone for?

Tears began to form in her eyes simply from the confusion setting in as she curled her fingers tightly into the fabric of his left behind poncho and hugged it against her chest in a defensive manner, as if trying to protect her heart. Nami wasn't around, the lack of comfort that she would usually grasp onto was nowhere near her, and she felt truly undeniably alone which only made her feel even more childish. A hiccup escaped her throat as a soft sniffle was heard, the saddened feelings slowly coming to feel like rejection. Sora quickly grabbed the blanket by her feet and threw it over her entire frame, encasing herself in darkness, wanting to create a barrier from anyone who might have realized she was having an emotional meltdown. Maybe she was over-exaggerating and assuming. Maybe he'd only stepped out and was on his way back, which could be true since his poncho and guns were still here. Time passed however as she hid under the blanket, that thought slowly becoming unrealistic as he didn't return.

It was hard to be optimistic in a situation like this and if he'd disappeared then trying to find him wasn't a reasonable option. It was at times like these that she silently wished she had a way to heal emotional pain, finding it hard to cope with this kind of aching as it seemed to stem directly from the heart. " I wish he trusted me enough to confide in me and not run.. " A heavy sigh followed her muttered words, eyes coming to a disheartened close.
What am I supposed to do? ... She thought to herself. Every fiber of her being wanted to leap out of the bed and chase after him, talk to him and find out what was wrong, reassure him and even comfort him if need be. A tiny part of her held herself from doing that, unsure of what the reason for his mysterious vanishing could be as it all seemed so unlikely especially with the connection she knew was there. So Sora remained there, completely conflicted and torn, hoping whatever was going on in his mind wouldn't damage what she hoped they could become in the future. I wish Auntie Maya was here... Sora's eyes continued to stay closed, almost as if she was wishing really hard for that thought to actually reach Maya.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari
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From the looks of it Mizuki had won the round without lifting a single finger. Her opponent was nowhere to be seen and hadn't even been announced. Perhaps they got scared and gave up once they knew who they were up against? That wouldn't be surprising seeing that Mizuki did used to be in Grimore Heart and has been wanted a few times. Honestly they should've just manned up and lost valiantly. Was she sad that she won the round without fighting? Kinda. It would've been fun to whoop someone's ass right then and there, but now she was at an advantage. Her magic resources were filled up as well as her energy, putting her ahead of the competition. Her gaze suddenly shot up to the crowds of people who came to watch, glaring at them as she did the prievious day. "Stop staring at me. I hate you all." She hissed, turning around and exiting the magic arena, searching the area for Alicia.
Genon said:
Both attacks went off simultaneously, the area being covered in craters from the exploding constellations, and the air crackling with arcane energy. Adrian's burst of energy had inadvertently served as a shield in its own right, knocking away or reducing the velocity of several incoming constellations. However, Adrian was covered in small burns from the attack, and was face down on the hard ground. However, be slowly got to one knee, and then to his feet. Adrian's clothes were tattered, and his prized trenchoat had a sleeve missing. His trenchcoat! Did Aiden have any idea how much it cost?! Now he would have to get it repaired! The burns really hurt too. Adrian's magical power was a fraction of its maximum capacity, but he would be able to keep fighting for a while. He raised his hand and held his open palm at Aiden, a ball of arcane energy forming in his palm as he did so. A moderately-sized Arcane Ray shot towards Aiden, but it wasn't configured to pierce or burn his opponent. Instead, it would split into two and hit him and his Spirit right in the groin, hopefully smashing through the barrier as it did so. It would hopefully be enough to finish off his opponent. Adrian huffed and puffed, saying, "That's...what you get...for reading my mind...jackass."
Aiden moved in the barrier the beam broke though the weakened pyramid. Aidens breath was heaved. His shirt was burnt to a crisp due to the fire that had started to burn on his wrist. He found it useless to keep it on so he ripped it off his body. His chest fully showing.

Unfortunately Shen got hit in the groin by the beam. Another unfortunate situation is that the poor spirit didn't have anything to hit down there. Mainly cuz the spirit didn't choose to have one when he transforme. The only thing it did was push him back next Aiden. Shen's transformation didn't weaver at all. Aiden no longer was using his magic to keep Shen gate open, the snake kept the gate open him self

Aiden held out one last jade key, Shen graded it from his hand. The spirit held it out in front of him." Open gate of the dragon, Long." A red skin man stood in front of transformed Shen. He turned his head and nodded at the two. He stood in front of them protectingly.

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