Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Clair Fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint

Clair woke slowly , not entirely sure of what had happened nor what she had done up to this point "ow my head...". Clair sat up and took in her surroundings noting quite quickly that she was in the guild hall with Lavander "hey Lavander , just whats going on here ? Did i pass out or something". Clair looked down at her clothes and a look of shock came quickly to her face , she was covered in confetti and the remainder of a drink "oh , i see so that's what happened. Well i can't stay dressed like this now can I". Clair stood and quickly reequipped into a more casual outfit , she took her saint pin in hand and removed the confetti that had stuck to it before retaking her seat "i didn't cause you any trouble did i Lavander , i don't drink very often for this very reason"
Bolts said:
Eias Baole - watching them fights. She snapped out of it once the crash happened as well as Kim grabbing her attention. She hadn't realized that almost anything but killing goes in these tournaments. Eias was kinda glad Kim beat her now. Once Kim asked about the jade keys, she went to view the vision lacrema she was talking about.

There Eias saw the young man fighting with just that. A jade key. Blowing a bubble since it was too loud for her to be heard with her normal voice. Isn't that one of those spirit keys? Like heaven spirits or something like that. I've only seen a few grey ones while traveling though.

She wasn't sure if that was totally accurate, but can you blame her? She wasn't brought up in life to wizards. She just had to figure it out herself. Still if it was a celestial spirit key then what kind of being would come from a jade one? Do colors even matter for the keys?
" I believe that they are called celestial spirit keys my friend." This definitely intruded her. This must of been the lost magic that Aiden told her about. She was amazed at the two spells going off at the same time. Unfortunately for Kim Aiden ripped off his shirt, red washed over her face. She was visibly flustered about the subject.
purplepanda288 said:
" I believe that they are called celestial spirit keys my friend." This definitely intruded her. This must of been the lost magic that Aiden told her about. She was amazed at the two spells going off at the same time. Unfortunately for Kim Aiden ripped off his shirt, red washed over her face. She was visibly flustered about the subject.
she nodded at getting corrected about the name. At least she got the spirit part right. She gazed upon other vision lacrema while thanking who ever that the naked women's battle was over. she turned to Kim to see her now as she was blushing hard. With a raised brow and a smirk she bubbled. "Guess i'm not the only one that has seen something they like." She viewed the vision lacrema with the battle Kim was watching.
Kayzo said:
Well, that wasn't the reaction Millie hoped for. Instead of her Moral Boob trick working, filling Valken up with a flame of fight it seemed to knock him and his opponent out cold. To make matters worse was the position they landed in. His privates were in her face and vice versa. This filled her with a fiery hate for Sera. "Get off of him! Only I can do that!" She snapped, glaring at the girl and stomping her foot. As quick as it started the fight was over, a disappointing tie. Valken was rushed off to the medical wing and Millie was right behind them. She planned on giving Valken some love before beating the crap out of Sera for her sexual desires. "Valken Sweety, you did great!" She said, crouching beside him and taking his hand tightly.

Sera: Tournament Infirmary

Pretty much the entire time Sera was unconcious what had happened before she passed out flashed through her mind, repeatedly. Needless to say for her it was a nice dream that had many different outcomes other than passing out, most of them involving her winning and..other things. Yeah. She was stirred to the edge of conciousness when Millie came in talking, and finally brought fully concious when Valken shouted about kicking her ass.

She leaned over and poked him in the arm, "
'Fraid not. Your girl there cost us both the match, actually." She told him. "Though..not that I didn't mind.." She added sending Millie a cheeky grin followed by a wink. "Lucky man to have a girl that'd do that kinda thing to motivate ya to win. Ashame you were too scared of heights to enjoy it..though I'd gladly take her off your hands" She spoke, mostly directed at Millie followed by a low chuckle, her grin taking on a more seductive nature rather than cheeky.

[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]
When they got cinla grins as she walks over to the pie stand and says" I'm having the game pie and chips what would you like to have ferra and yes now i know for sures".


I dunno. One of everything? I'm starving!" She replied. Truth be told if she didn't get something to eat soon the girl would be liable to eat the entire stand. Of course the owner was a bit shocked, but nonetheless he filled both of their orders, and of course Ferra took to eating everything brought out and all.
Bolts said:
she nodded at getting corrected about the name. At least she got the spirit part right. She gazed upon other vision lacrema while thanking who ever that the naked women's battle was over. she turned to Kim to see her now as she was blushing hard. With a raised brow and a smirk she bubbled. "Guess i'm not the only one that has seen something they like." She viewed the vision lacrema with the battle Kim was watching.
Kim couldn't stop staring, it has been years since she had seen Aiden and he had matured quite well in her opinion. She managed to snap out of it when Eias spoke to her. " It's not everyday you see a guy half naked!" She had to half yell to even be herd at this point, and that's the appoint when she remembered when she and Aiden would go to the bath houses when they were teens. That just made her blush even more. " Curse you hormones!"
Valken - Not so Intense Care Infirmary

Valken turned his head as he realised that the lady he had been facing was placed right beside him. What's this? Lost?! He couldn't fathom it. Then he remembered why his head hurt. He took a quite deliberate sideways glance at Millie's jigglebells, I mean, they were nice....so soft and round and...wait, what were they discussing again? Oh yeah, that's right, he had a new found fear of heights. Wonderful. Though when Sera offered to take Millie off of him, he only grinned darkly back at her. "Trust me, only a guy as amazing as me can satisify this one..

although, if you wanted we can put that to the test..." Grin only spreading further on his face. He had found quiet a nice breath of fresh air in this Fairytail guild. She was like Ferra only worse...much worse. Which was great.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98
purplepanda288 said:
Kim couldn't stop staring, it has been years since she had seen Aiden and he had matured quite well in her opinion. She managed to snap out of it when Eias spoke to her. " It's not everyday you see a guy half naked!" She had to half yell to even be herd at this point, and that's the appoint when she remembered when she and Aiden would go to the bath houses when they were teens. That just made her blush even more. " Curse you hormones!"
Eias Baole - onlooker area

Eias chuckled in her quiet tone. Although it can't be heard, the body gesture was enough to understand. It's not every day you see a fully naked woman either. Slightly blushing herself. So, what kind of history do you to have? She pried. Her eyes were starry now. This seemed like it would an interesting story to hear. Maybe later Eias would share some fun stories herself.
Bolts said:
Eias Baole - onlooker area Eias chuckled in her quiet tone. Although it can't be heard, the body gesture was enough to understand. It's not every day you see a fully naked woman either. Slightly blushing herself. So, what kind of history do you to have? She pried. Her eyes were starry now. This seemed like it would an interesting story to hear. Maybe later Eias would share some fun stories herself.
Kim stared at Eias for a solid ten seconds. She contemplated if she should tell her about their past. " Me and Aiden were child hood friends, from the moment that we met we had in instant connection with each other. A few years passed and we were basically inseparable." Kim let a smile grow across her face, she remembered the old days when they would play in the garden of her home. " When we were teens we would visit the bath houses and bath together under the stars. Now that I think about it, it was quite romantic. Well if you consider being naked with your childhood friend romantic then yes it was very romantic."
purplepanda288 said:
Kim stared at Eias for a solid ten seconds. She contemplated if she should tell her about their past. " Me and Aiden were child hood friends, from the moment that we met we had in instant connection with each other. A few years passed and we were basically inseparable." Kim let a smile grow across her face, she remembered the old days when they would play in the garden of her home. " When we were teens we would visit the bath houses and bath together under the stars. Now that I think about it, it was quite romantic. Well if you consider being naked with your childhood friend romantic then yes it was very romantic."
Sounds Romatic to me. She said in glee. It was always nice to see genuine happiness on a persons face. Once his match is done, you should go see him. I can probably find someone to talk to here. I might even go see the guild hall. She motioned a shrug. There wasn't much she knew about magnolia. She didn't want to get in the way of a reunion though. Let them catch up like old friends.
purplepanda288 said:
Aiden moved in the barrier the beam broke though the weakened pyramid. Aidens breath was heaved. His shirt was burnt to a crisp due to the fire that had started to burn on his wrist. He found it useless to keep it on so he ripped it off his body. His chest fully showing.
Unfortunately Shen got hit in the groin by the beam. Another unfortunate situation is that the poor spirit didn't have anything to hit down there. Mainly cuz the spirit didn't choose to have one when he transforme. The only thing it did was push him back next Aiden. Shen's transformation didn't weaver at all. Aiden no longer was using his magic to keep Shen gate open, the snake kept the gate open him self

Aiden held out one last jade key, Shen graded it from his hand. The spirit held it out in front of him." Open gate of the dragon, Long." A red skin man stood in front of transformed Shen. He turned his head and nodded at the two. He stood in front of them protectingly.
Adrian should have figured that a Celestial Spirit wouldn't exactly have genitalia. And of course the real Aiden dodged his beam. Shame, he would have liked to see the look on his face when it crushed his testicles. But then Aiden summoned a Celestial Spirit based on the Chinese dragon. This could be bad. Very, very, very bad.

Adrian had sworn he would only use his next spell for emergencies. And this counted as one. He cast the spell, a runic circle appearing in the air in front of him. "Chaotic Mimicry," he said aloud, and waited to see what form the particles chose.

d190 * 1 = 103 = Requip Magic

Knowledge flooded into his head. Knowledge of the Requip School. Unfortunately, since he had no items stored in his new pocket dimension. It was useless. He cast the spell again, in an attempt to get something better.

1d190 * 1 = 169=Urumi

More knowledge flooded into his head as strange flexible metal appeared around his fingers. He knew almost instinctively how to use it. It was Urumi, and it could strike hard enough to shatter rock. With that, he lashed out at Long, Shen, and Aiden, in an attempt to get all three of them with a vicious, rockbreaking lash from his new weapons. Even if they dodged, he would send it after them until it hit. Over and over again, he would try it, until he did some damage. Of course, he would attempt to keep them at range if they attacked. He was prepared to dodge if they got close by.
Chris Lengheart(Walking with Kelica)

"Agreed. Come on, I'll give you a ride." Chris said with a sigh as he went back to his Draco form. He once again flipped Kelica onto his back like he did so many times before. The massive creature seemed to be acting a bit more wild as a joke as it reared up like a wild stallion. Hopefully, Kelica would be able to hang on. Otherwise, Chis might have some explaining to do.

Kelica - Beast Rodeo

Kelica heard him suggest to give her a ride, she shook her head as if to say, no conserve your strength, but he tossed her like a sack of potatos regardless. It only took a moment for her to counter act the new balance, thighs tightening around the muscles just about his waist, hands gripping securely but not painfully onto the scruff of his neck. She could feel every one of his muscles twitch and bulge underneath her, to which a flustered little blush crept into her cheeks. Luckily, paying extra close attention to those muscles meant when he did rear up, she just adjusted her weight more to the front, leaning into him. It looked rather impressive, she was as solid on his back as she ever was on her feet, like she was born to do it. "Lead the way Alpha..." She said in a strange tone, a hand running across one of his ears comfortingly.

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Mikael backed off with a pitcher of Lemon fused drink. Looking at the redhead who regained her consciousness he took a glass from the bar. Poured a few volume of the mix into it and enjoyed it himself. He then placed the pitcher near the group. He walked towards the request board and pulled one of the fliers off. He quickly hid it under his cloak.

As the commotion at the bar continues Mika vanishes out of the guild hall door. He started towards the arena again, while occasionally stopping and asking people for directions. He found himself standing on the entrance of the arena once again. He looked up to the crowds, left and then right. "This is brilliant, now how would I know who the guild master is from all of these people? I should have asked Lavender how to find the master. " thinking this he shook his head. "I am not a smart man." Mikael, tends to forget small details like that, small but important details, like directions.He scanned through the people and tried to look at old, mean, and strong looking person from the crowd. A guild master.

@Salt Lord
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Chris Lengheart(Playing rodeo with Kelica)

Chris smirked as Kelica managed to cling to him as the beast backed off a bit before pawing at the ground slightly. A few moments after doing so, Chris was already charging through the forest. He jumped over large tree roots like a horse jumping a fence. Eventually the beast came to a halt over at the guildhall, before lowering his head and stepping around in place a bit. Chris then sighed as he finally spoke,"So...the reason why we're here is because I dropped your stuff off here because I was a bit scared of you. But now, I guess we're okay. So...you go in there and get your stuff out, oh and get my jewels back. Make sure you count, the bartender in there has a reputation of holding out on me. Love you." he said, hoping that Kelica wouldn't try to strange him while on his back.


Sora Marvell - Magnolia

It took quite some time of pep talking herself, gathering the courage to even want to move and go face him; but face him she would. It was obvious nobody was coming to give her encouraging words. Not Nami. Not Maya. And Lysander surely wasn't headed back for his stuff anytime soon. At the very least she'd deliver his poncho and guns personally whilst using that opportunity to demand an explanation of sorts. Lysander didn't get to show up in her life, make her feel so connected and adored, and then just run away. Determination set into her features as she grasped his poncho even closer to her body and decided to wear it, throwing it over her shoulders and latching it into place with a soft smile. It was something so special to him and she'd make sure to protect it, though having something so precious to him made her feel comforted. She swiped up his guns next which looked kind of amusing simply because she was struggling to hold onto them. She disposed of the blanket barrier and made her way out of the infirmary and straight into the town at a rather brisk pace.

Now time to sniff him out. Luckily that was a trait she'd obtained during her training even if it did kind of make her feel like some animal to actually track someone in that manner. Her head tilted up and she breathed in the air, shuffling through all the scents until the one she'd made herself extremely familiar with from all the close proximity they'd been in was locked onto. " Alright, here we go. " Another confidence booster for her own morale was issued as she made her way in his direction. Of course it would've been much more preferred if she could've simply used her magic to get there faster but that was still low, plus the time it would take to reach him gave her time to think and try to form everything she was thinking into words of some sort. She feared if she didn't have anything ready that she'd simply stand before him like an idiot who wanted to cry.

A building soon came into view and she quickly realized that he was atop of it, not inside of it, which made her feel rather bad. Rooftops were mostly meant and used for when one was upset; usually. She planted her feet on the ground firmly and stood there, hugging his guns to her chest. " Lysander! " Her soft voice called out, hoping it'd reach him to at least get his attention. " Lysander! " She repeated it even louder as a stern expression spread, lungs filling with air so she could release her next wave of thoughts without running out of breath before the end. " I know I'm strong. I killed a dragon and I have a ton of magical power and all that fancy stuff, but that isn't where all my strength comes from! It's my determination and my desire to protect those I care about, that is where I gather my will to overcome things. None of that matters when it comes to my feelings! You are by far my greatest weakness and my greatest strength. If you think for even one second that you have to prove yourself to me then you're wrong! I already chose you, Lysander, the moment I felt your hand in mine. I can protect myself and I know you want to as well but you have the most important thing to protect that nobody else can.... "

She trailed off for a moment, heart beating so hard that the sound was beginning to cloud her thoughts and sound like a drum within her mind. " You have my heart! And you don't get to decide who is worthy of that, it's my decision so whatever is going on, I'm here for you... But don't you dare push me away because you don't think you're good enough or strong enough for me! " Her eyes betrayed different emotions - Tears showed heartache and longing; the flashing in them expressed a fierce and honest tone to match her words. This whole thing was equivalent to standing below his window with a music box, trying to swoon him, except there was no cheesy music; just emotion. Both hues fell to stare at the ground, unsure if she'd be able to handle whatever reaction or dismissal might leave him in regards to what she'd admitted. A long breath was made to compose herself a bit, figure shaking slightly out of fear of more rejection as she braced herself for that possibility.

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Kelica - Chris Rodeo

As Chris charged forward through the forest, Kelica's eyes light up like a child at an amusement park. Her face doned that over excitedable, overly happy expression she always got when she was this close to nature. What she would give to turn into a beast like Chris and run like this, but as she couldn't she did the next best thing, simply rode on Chris's back. In no time they were back in the festival streets, watching people desperately jumping out of the way of the Draco and girl riding him. Then, the guild hall came into view. Her eyebrow raised, wondering why they were here and not at Chris's house. Then he trotted on spot like a embarrassed pony, and explained what had happened. This only made her smile wider. He had been scared of her?! The thought was quiet hilarious. She reached down and patted the back of his neck, slowly sliding off his back to stand beside him, hand still on his shoulder.

She gave him a quick, reassuring kiss on his cheek before stepping into the Guild Hall, walking to the bar and discussing what had happened with the bartender. She seemed to raise an eyebrow but didn't question it and handed back her gear and coin. Kelica even counted the coins and it was all in order. She exited a moment later, knapsack over a shoulder and dangling the coin bag infront of him. "So this means I can keep staying at yours?"

Mitchs98 said:
Sera: Tournament Infirmary

Pretty much the entire time Sera was unconcious what had happened before she passed out flashed through her mind, repeatedly. Needless to say for her it was a nice dream that had many different outcomes other than passing out, most of them involving her winning and..other things. Yeah. She was stirred to the edge of conciousness when Millie came in talking, and finally brought fully concious when Valken shouted about kicking her ass.

She leaned over and poked him in the arm, "
'Fraid not. Your girl there cost us both the match, actually." She told him. "Though..not that I didn't mind.." She added sending Millie a cheeky grin followed by a wink. "Lucky man to have a girl that'd do that kinda thing to motivate ya to win. Ashame you were too scared of heights to enjoy it..though I'd gladly take her off your hands" She spoke, mostly directed at Millie followed by a low chuckle, her grin taking on a more seductive nature rather than cheeky.


I dunno. One of everything? I'm starving!" She replied. Truth be told if she didn't get something to eat soon the girl would be liable to eat the entire stand. Of course the owner was a bit shocked, but nonetheless he filled both of their orders, and of course Ferra took to eating everything brought out and all.

" Wow you weren't joking when you said were starving, say would you mind if we stopped by the infirmary i want to check in on sera because that much was bloody intense from what you said, if i heal her maybe sera will be able to team up with me for the next match which would be badass since i don't really know many others".


Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Noticing Mikael just getting himself a drink, taking a request from the request board and walked out of the guild hall without a word Unknown spoke to himself, "Well talk about rude, he could have at least have said goodbye." turning back to the group he saw Lavender was talking about him and as she gestured to him he waved at Clair. Then he realized something, a request board in a bar? Wait a second... they must have freelance jobs here. I might check that out later. So he just shrugged it off unable to put two and two together.

Until he heard Lavender straight up say "Guild Hall", pausing for a moment he looked around and began to notice the Fairy Tail guild symbols plastered everywhere. "Huh...". How about that, guess it wasn't a regular bar after all. He shrugged it off, it was too late now. He spoke, "I wouldn't say I healed her. I just sped up her body's natural process for a moment, so I'm unsure whether or not that would count as nothing was healed. Also I think you were all getting way too worked up over it. So she made it cloudy, it's not like a giant meteor or something was going to crush the building." He laughed to himself, still unaware of that actually being the case.

@Britt-21 @Mr Swiftshots [Forgot these earlier due to having to quickly leave the computer]
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LeSoraAmari said:
Hibiki Dreyar: Harvest Festival Tournament - Ring 8.
Hibiki wasn't expecting to be used as a shield to block his own attack, however it didn't bother him so much. His training sessions with Lyra were always brutal, and they both made sure that they were fairly resistant to each other's magic and their own for that fact. Shrugging off the majority of Soul Extinctors receding explosion, he grit his teeth. The fact that the girl got in so close annoyed him. However, what happened next enraged him slightly. Tanari had sent flames course all over his wings, Hibiki could feel the flames licking his wings and in turn slowly begin to burn them up. Flapping then rappidly he managed to shake off the flames, but the pain was still there. Should the attack have been left any longer then Hibiki knew that he wouldn't be able to fly for the duration of this battle.

Realising that the girl was within close proximity, and actually grabbing him, he kicked backwards in an attempt to shake her off. Then, he turned and made a grab for her. Hands on the girls chest, electricity began to charge up as he then called out, "Evil Spark!" And with that sent a demonic electricity coursing through the hot red heads body with an agonising level of voltage to it. Hibiki then flew back up into the air again, wings fully expanded as he hovered there, waiting to see what the girl would do next.
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 8

The boy's sudden kick caught her by surprise as she didn't expect him to be flexible enough to pull off such a move. His follow-up quickly worked to dislodge her from his back causing her to begin plummeting towards the ground. For the briefest of moments she was relieved when the boy caught her, however this short-lived relief was soon replaced with agony as the electricity raced through her body. As the electricity arced through her body she grit her teeth, her stubborn nature not wanting to show just how painful the attack was. Despite her best effort she let out cry of pain as she was released and allowed to plummet into the flames below. Her limp body impacted the ground, obscured by the very flames she had created earlier.

Her breath came in ragged gasps as the pain slowly subsided, the possibility of just laying there and letting the match be called trickling into her mind. As she regained some of her composure she shook her head. Giving up wasn't even an option, this match would be over when either she was unconscious or her opponent was. She rolled over onto her back, staring up towards the sky, or at least what would have been the sky had it not been blocked out by the inferno raging around her. She tried to think about what her options were at that point. The boy packed a mean punch and left her bruised and battered. She had exhausted most of her magic throughout the fight. However, as she stared into the fire around her it dawned on her that she had just what she needed for one final attempt. Fortunately for her, the boy had shook her off before she was able to fully discharge her flames. The very act of protecting himself would be her ticket to winning this fight.

Keeping herself shrouded within the inferno she closed her eyes and begun channeling what remained of her magic. The flames coating the arena's floor began to grow in intensity, lashing out towards the sky as they were seemingly whipped into a frenzy. At the same time the fire around her landing spot began to change hues, shifting into that blazing blue color that signatured her strongest attacks. Without warning the firestorm suddenly exploded upwards, rapidly filling the entire arena with flames. As this happened a jet of blue-colored fire erupted from the conflagration, aimed straight at the hovering boy. Taking a page out of her opponents book even if the stream of blue fire missed it's target it would seem to bounce off the barriers of the arena, rebounding to further flood the cage with even more intense heat. Seeing as how the boy relied heavily on speed to avoid her attacks she poured all her magic into ensuring there would be nowhere within the barrier for him to escape too.
Genon said:
Adrian should have figured that a Celestial Spirit wouldn't exactly have genitalia. And of course the real Aiden dodged his beam. Shame, he would have liked to see the look on his face when it crushed his testicles. But then Aiden summoned a Celestial Spirit based on the Chinese dragon. This could be bad. Very, very, very bad.
Adrian had sworn he would only use his next spell for emergencies. And this counted as one. He cast the spell, a runic circle appearing in the air in front of him. "Chaotic Mimicry," he said aloud, and waited to see what form the particles chose.

d190 * 1 = 103 = Requip Magic

Knowledge flooded into his head. Knowledge of the Requip School. Unfortunately, since he had no items stored in his new pocket dimension. It was useless. He cast the spell again, in an attempt to get something better.

1d190 * 1 = 169=Urumi

More knowledge flooded into his head as strange flexible metal appeared around his fingers. He knew almost instinctively how to use it. It was Urumi, and it could strike hard enough to shatter rock. With that, he lashed out at Long, Shen, and Aiden, in an attempt to get all three of them with a vicious, rockbreaking lash from his new weapons. Even if they dodged, he would send it after them until it hit. Over and over again, he would try it, until he did some damage. Of course, he would attempt to keep them at range if they attacked. He was prepared to dodge if they got close by.

Shen as well as Aiden were at the ready to dodge from the odd sword, something unexpected happened. Long the dragon spirit grabbed the metal and twisted it pulling Adrian closer to him.

At the same time he did his hands burst on fire, the metal from the weapon glowed red from the heat transfer. The dragon spirit snickered at the opponent. Metal weapons wouldnt work on his scales like skin. The heat stared to spread towards the hilt. If Adrain didn't let go of their urumi it could give him 3rd degree burns.

The original Aiden had disappeared in a flash of hazy light, he appeared next to Adrain. He went though another wardrobe changed once again. His magic was boosted but less than half of his original amount. It was replenished due to the abilities of the star rodes. These clothes closely karate uniform. Aiden held a bright gree flame in his hand ,it expanded as he swong at Adrian. If he managed to even graze him the heat from the fire would burn Adrain.
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Chris Lengheart(Neigh)

Chris only nodded as Kelica ask if she'd be staying at his house once again, "We are a couple after all." the large beast said as he tossed Kelica onto him again. He wasn't able to go as fast, but still made it home relatively quickly. He suddenly released his takeover, but was still carrying Kelica. He reached over to the knapsack and opened it before helping put a few things away. He then noticed a nice, red bedsheet. He grinned slightly as he threw it onto the sofa and joked,"I think I know a certain bull man that would just love that red bedsheet." he said while waiting for Kelica to jump off his back.

Zuka said:
Valken - Not so Intense Care Infirmary

Valken turned his head as he realised that the lady he had been facing was placed right beside him. What's this? Lost?! He couldn't fathom it. Then he remembered why his head hurt. He took a quite deliberate sideways glance at Millie's jigglebells, I mean, they were nice....so soft and round and...wait, what were they discussing again? Oh yeah, that's right, he had a new found fear of heights. Wonderful. Though when Sera offered to take Millie off of him, he only grinned darkly back at her. "Trust me, only a guy as amazing as me can satisify this one..

although, if you wanted we can put that to the test..." Grin only spreading further on his face. He had found quiet a nice breath of fresh air in this Fairytail guild. She was like Ferra only worse...much worse. Which was great.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98
Millie giggled slightly as Valken came to, a cheeky smile on his silly face. "You really did beat her ass. Good job sweetie!" She gave his cheek a small kiss but before she could tell him the results a feminine voice rang out from behind her. Her head turned slightly and she saw the girl from the fight giving her a rather suggestive look. Surely she couldn't want to be with her? Especially with Valken right beside her. She scooted uncomfortably close to Valken, hoping to get away from Sera. But instead of her boyfriend socking the girl in the head he suggested some sort of challenge. "What do you mean a challenge? What would happen?"

@Mr Swiftshots[/URL] [Forgot these earlier due to having to quickly leave the computer]
Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th wizard saint

Clair paled when Lavender mentioned that she was about to destroy the guild hall in a drunken rage , ow that wouldn't sit well with the new master nor the council but that wasn't Clair's main worry it was the fact that Sora would most defiantly not be pleased. However one thing Lavender mentioned didn't quite add up in Clair's mind , she didn't posses any storm type magics "a storm , you must be mistaken Lavender i don't use storm magic. Never have either." Clair took her saint pin and re secured it to her shirt before turning to Unknown , having missed his comment "well i suppose i owe you one , thank you for your help".
Kayzo said:
Millie giggled slightly as Valken came to, a cheeky smile on his silly face. "You really did beat her ass. Good job sweetie!" She gave his cheek a small kiss but before she could tell him the results a feminine voice rang out from behind her. Her head turned slightly and she saw the girl from the fight giving her a rather suggestive look. Surely she couldn't want to be with her? Especially with Valken right beside her. She scooted uncomfortably close to Valken, hoping to get away from Sera. But instead of her boyfriend socking the girl in the head he suggested some sort of challenge. "What do you mean a challenge? What would happen?"
Sera: Tournament Infirmary

Sera honestly hadn't expected such a reaction from Valken, she expected to get told off or decked. She didn't expect him to be into something like that for sure, she wasn't exactly against such a thing herself but..still. Her grin only grew wider at Millie's words followed by a low laugh. "
I'm interested. What kind of test did you have in mind, hm?" She asked him before turning to Millie. "Whatever it is it's bound to be 'fun'~. Don't worry your pretty face over it." She told her, emphasising the word 'fun' followed by another brief laugh.

Of course, it was possible she'd misinterpreted what Valken said, but hell can't stop someone from having their fun now can you?

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