Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Cinla tapped her hand then said" let's sneak through the back entrance normally the wards in the middle of the building and shame about no doubles but i still want to kick some ass so i'll just go solo". Cinla finishes her pie then starts looking around trying to figure out which way is best to sneak in the back.

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purplepanda288 said:
Shen as well and Aiden were at the ready to dodge from the odd sword, something unexpected happened. Long the dragon spirit grabbed the metal and twisted it pulling Adrian closer to him.
At the same time he did his hands burst on fire, the metal from the weapon glowed red from the heat transfer. The dragon spirit snickered at the opponent. Metal weapons would work on his scales. The heat stared to spread towards the hilt. If Adrain didn't let go of their urumi if could give him 3rd degree burns.

The original Aiden had disappeared in a flash of hazy light, he appeared next to Adrain. He went though another wardrobe changed once again. His magic was boosted at this point less than half of his magic was back due to the abilities of the star rodes. These clothes closely karate uniform. Aiden held a bright gree flame in his hand it expanded as he swong at Adrian. If he managed to even graze him the heat from the fire would burn Adrain.
Adrian shouldn't have been surprised that the Celestial Dragon was able to counter something as simple as Urumi. But he was surprised that Long was able to use fire to heat the metal. Weren't Chinese dragons water spirits? Then again, mythology is hardly accurate, especially when it came to Celestial Spirits. Adrian used Blink again while Long was holding on to the metal and took the Urumi with him, the heat transfer instantly dissipating as Aiden reappeared a good distance behind the three, dodging Aiden's fire attack. Frankly, he knew he wouldn't be able to win the tournament. He could use Shed the Flesh to utterly ruin them all, but that would prevent him from using magic for 24 hours, and the tournament only lasted a day. He was running out of magical power, and he wouldn't have enough to overcome three opponents. And honestly, he didn't exactly care about winning. He just wanted to have fun. But of course this asshole violated his mental privacy, and he couldn't let him just get away with that.

However, he could always reroll once more and see what he got. He cast Chaotic Mimicry again, hoping he got something that could turn the tide of the battle.

1d190 = 62 = Sky God Slayer Magic

And, what did you know? He actually got something useful! This time it was Sky God Slayer Magic, something that was invaluable right now. He began to breathe in heavily, absorbing massive quantities of air from the surrounding environment. He ate his fill and his magical power was back to 100%. He flexed his fingers, strength returning to his body as he looked at Aiden, Long, and Shen with a devious grin on his face. Man, he needed to get one of those lacrimas implanted sometime. Being a New Generation Dragon Slayer must rock! And now it was time to put his new power towards something useful.

"Sky God's Bellow!" he shouted, as he opened his mouth wide, a huge stream of black air coming out his mouth towards the three opponents.

Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Unknown simply shrugged at Clair, "I didn't really do anything, but whatever." he notices her saint pin and leaned in close staring at it, "That's a nice pin, very shiny. Where did you get it?", he leans back, "I'm mainly just curious. I am personally more of a brooch man myself. But you need to be aware of the latest fashion in some way, shape or form. I can't become too old fashioned." He laughs to himself for a brief moment, "Wait, when was the last time I changed my threads..." he looks down to his own clothes, "Now that I think about everything I am wearing right now is probably older then the two of you. Wow, I am really bad at staying in fashion aren't I?" he lets out a chuckle.

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Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th Wizard Saint

Clair was slightly taken aback by his question 'That's a nice pin, very shiny. Where did you get it?' , the only pin she had on was her saint pin but everyone knew about the saint's and about there pins. However the man seemed to be quite honest with his question and so Clair thought it best to answer him back "Well I got it from the council when i became a wizard saint , just like the other nine i suppose". It was then Clair looked the man up and down , his clothing was quite dated and torn giving him quite the hipster-esc look but saying that it did suit him. "as for your clothing , i'd say it works for you, there isn't really a need to change"

@Unknown Falling
Kelica - Inside Chris's house once more

One day she would get used to him tossing her around, eventually. But every time she would accumulate to the new height and weight displacement quicker. It took barely a moment before she was sitting strong and comfortable on his back.The trip home was slower, which was nice, feeling the rhythmic sway of his every step. She took a big yawn, realising how tired she was after such a massive physical and emotional day.

When the arrived, Chris slipt back into his normal form, her arms looped around his neck, head pressed into the grove of his neck. Her legs and thighs still holding strong against his waist. She peered over his shoulder as he returned her goods, noticing the red sheet and giggling. "Would he now? Maybe I should wear more red afterall....what do you think a red nightgown might invoke?" She said all this with her head buried in his neck, whispering into his ear with a cheeky grin.


Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

"Wizard Saint, Wizard Saint." Unknown snapped his fingers "Oh yea, I heard of them! The ten most powerful wizards in Ishgar. That makes you a big deal, huh? I am unfamiliar to the symbol as I prefer to learn things by first hand experiences and I never met one before now. Of course it would be quite difficult for me to have never have heard of them. It's surprising to see someone like you drinking there problems away over a comment a single person made. Also, thank you it's good to stick to what you know but I like to spice things up every once and a while. Especially for parties." he chuckled again.

Valken - Not so intense Infirmary

Valken's grin kept plastered on his face as Millie kissed his cheek. She seemed to scoot up beside him, and his strong arm drew around her waist, drawing her nice and close, protectively. He was always one for a joke, but if Millie was scared or threatened he was the first to keep her safe. When Sera inquired more about the test, he waved his arm in a more dismissive manner. "Nevermind, it would be a waste of time...I already know who would win..." Closing his eyes to ignore her, though he did peer subtly through one half peeked eye. If they had tied during the Arena match, then Valken would win the war. No body was as good as traversing the world of the language as he. He could woo girls (Oops, girl.), enrage his foe's, barter better deals, charm his way through just about anything. And right now he was set on humilating the Vampire girl, afterall she DID fly him like a billion miles into the air.

Chris Lengheart (Home sweet home)

"It might. That is, if you know how to avoid getting gored." Chris said with a joking tone. Chris eventually pried Kelica off his back and placed her on the couch, the red bedspread put off to the arm of the couch. He then walked into the kitchen, closing the door behind him as he did so. He then opened up the two doors for the window and shouted over to Kelica, "So... Want anything for lunch? It's about that time anyways."

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Genon said:
Adrian shouldn't have been surprised that the Celestial Dragon was able to counter something as simple as Urumi. But he was surprised that Long was able to use fire to heat the metal. Weren't Chinese dragons water spirits? Then again, mythology is hardly accurate, especially when it came to Celestial Spirits. Adrian used Blink again while Long was holding on to the metal and took the Urumi with him, the heat transfer instantly dissipating as Aiden reappeared a good distance behind the three, dodging Aiden's fire attack. Frankly, he knew he wouldn't be able to win the tournament. He could use Shed the Flesh to utterly ruin them all, but that would prevent him from using magic for 24 hours, and the tournament only lasted a day. He was running out of magical power, and he wouldn't have enough to overcome three opponents. And honestly, he didn't exactly care about winning. He just wanted to have fun. But of course this asshole violated his mental privacy, and he couldn't let him just get away with that.
However, he could always reroll once more and see what he got. He cast Chaotic Mimicry again, hoping he got something that could turn the tide of the battle.

1d190 = 62 = Sky God Slayer Magic

And, what did you know? He actually got something useful! This time it was Sky God Slayer Magic, something that was invaluable right now. He began to breathe in heavily, absorbing massive quantities of air from the surrounding environment. He ate his fill and his magical power was back to 100%. He flexed his fingers, strength returning to his body as he looked at Aiden, Long, and Shen with a devious grin on his face. Man, he needed to get one of those lacrimas implanted sometime. Being a New Generation Dragon Slayer must rock! And now it was time to put his new power towards something useful.

"Sky God's Bellow!" he shouted, as he opened his mouth wide, a huge stream of black air coming out his mouth towards the three opponents.

Another magic change, this time God slayer magic. Aiden immediately jumped to the side. He held out his hands and poured a large amount of magic into this spell. " lost magic! Open malevolent Gate of time! " now after three years he was able to open this gate. The gate of time, a gate that can let the caster into the celestial spirit world. Once Aiden opened the gate he completely disappeared.

Shen and long had jumped to the oppeset side of the air flow. Long took this opportunity to attack, his hands were interlocked with each other.
" Inferno." Fire speared around the two spirit and the opponent. Even of there was flowing oxygen into the room. The smoke from the fire would cause human lungs to reject the air around them.

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[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Cinla tapped her hand then said" let's sneak through the back entrance normally the wards in the middle of the building and shame about no doubles but i still want to kick some ass so i'll just go solo". Cinla finishes her pie then starts looking around trying to figure out which way is best to sneak in the back.



Sera: Tournament Infirmary

Sera crossed her arms defiantly as he waved her off, growing even more annoyed when he pretty much said he'd win without even trying. How dare he be so overly confident just because they tied! "
How do you know, huh? I bet you're just scared you'll lose her to me like you were gunna lose the tournament Mr. Scared of heights." She retorted. "Just 'cause you're a guy and have a stick between your legs doesn't mean you'd be the better partner ya kno'." She added with a smirk. After all, she'd been around far long than he had. She knew things, yes, 'things'. Things he could only hope to know. "Buuut if you're too chicken to follow through with your own challenge I understand." She told him with a shrug.

Sure it involved Millie too, but currently the challenge was involved purely with them. Sera figured a bit of reverse psychology might work on him, seeing how both of them were prideful. He could've said the same thing to her to rope her into something, in all honesty.
Kelica - Chris's comfy couch

Kelica was plopped rather gently on the couch considering how strong Chris was. Once there, she let her legs dangle over the edge of the armrest, hands tucking behind her head, staring to the ceiling. Her mind wandered like it had a habit of doing when it was quite. She thought of lots of things, the forests, the animals, Chris's bulging...muscles... she blushed furiously and sunk further into the couch cushions. So much had happened today, in the space of a few hours, and yet still here she was back at his home like nothing had happened at all. What a weird world.

Kelica sighed happily. She completely missed his question even when he pushed the kitchen windows open.

Chris Lengheart(House)

"Hey, did you hear me? Alright, looks like I'm only cooking for one it looks like." Chris said as he opened the fridge and grabbed all the ingredients that he would need to make himself some food. He shut the door as he began to work on the meat, he'd probably just make himself a simple sandwich if anything.

Valken - Infirmary

Valken heard Sera speak about losing Millie to her. He had to laugh at that. But as he was laughing it dawned on him no doubt she was very old, being an immortal vampire. And as such she probably did know quiet a few more tricks then he did. And Valken had, theoritically only been with someone once...He was a big talker and not much else. The only reason Millie had been as satisified as she had been....well he assumed she was, judging by the screams she had been enlightening him with the night before...was because he was an expert. At least from the magazines he read.... And the shows he had seen...and the conversations he had overheard while incogneto...

Valken was feeling less and less confident as his mind raced. He had to try and save his reputation, or at the very least put Sera back in her place. He grunted. "I doubt very much a woman who faints at the sight of a very nice rack can possibly please Millie as well as I..."

@Kayzo @Mitchs98
Alfie Roderick

A quick three knocks shot through Chris' apartment, loud enough to be heard yet quiet enough not to be too disturbing. Chris might be a little upset to see Alfie again so soon, but the wizard didn't care all that much. He just wanted to see if the man had really taken his advice. And if things really were the way he hoped, that would mean a bit of extra energy for himself... but neither Chris nor Kelica needed to know that.

@Isune @Zuka
Zuka said:
Valken - Infirmary
Valken heard Sera speak about losing Millie to her. He had to laugh at that. But as he was laughing it dawned on him no doubt she was very old, being an immortal vampire. And as such she probably did know quiet a few more tricks then he did. And Valken had, theoritically only been with someone once...He was a big talker and not much else. The only reason Millie had been as satisified as she had been....well he assumed she was, judging by the screams she had been enlightening him with the night before...was because he was an expert. At least from the magazines he read.... And the shows he had seen...and the conversations he had overheard while incogneto...

Valken was feeling less and less confident as his mind raced. He had to try and save his reputation, or at the very least put Sera back in her place. He grunted. "I doubt very much a woman who faints at the sight of a very nice rack can possibly please Millie as well as I..."

@Kayzo @Mitchs98

Sera: Tournament Infirmary

Well..damn. She had him on the passing out bit, but she didn't figure it'd effect her 'abilities' in the least. Of course..she could always pass it off as magic exhaustion. But that wouldn't really make sense. She frowned ever so slightly as she tried to think up an excuse. She was over a hundred years old, and yet she was partially struggling finding a comeback, or an excuse...or something.

In the end she decided to use a more human excuse. "Yeah? So? I was just shocked is all, who wouldn't be if someone randomly flashed those in the auidence?" She replied, gesturing towards Millie's 'assets'. "Besides. You either passed out from it too or from the heights, otherwise you would've won. You didn't lose enough blood to pass out from that, ya kno'." She added, her expression losing the slight frown and regaining her confident smirk. "Or maybe...maybe the problem is you actually aren't confident enough you'll win, hmm? You humans do that alot you know." She asked him.

Even if he didn't decide to go through with it, she was having a lot of fun teasing him as it was now.
Kelica - Chris's couch

Kelica legs were kicking at the armrest of the couch, when she heard Chris open the cupboards and fridge, making himself a sandwich. That brought her to, so she called out "Ooo Chris, one for me too please!" A moment or two later she heard a knock on the door, thinking she had misheard it but then it knocked twice more. She blinked, rolling off the couch and standing up in one fluid motion, coming before the door and swinging it open. "He...hello?" She said, blinking a few times, trying to figure who would come to there house.

@Isune @Salt Lord
Valken - Infirmary

As Sera kept pushing him, throwing his fears back at him, he got an idea. It wasn't bright, it wasn't clever, it was downright mad. But...it was an idea. If she didn't believe how good he was, he would show her just how good he was. Or rather, how good he thought he was.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed, slowly regaining his balance on his two feet. He stood up, popping a shoulder and rotating it, hissing happily when his muscles relaxed and stretched. He let go of Millie by his side, leaning in to whisper in her ear quickly. "This is only for show, Darlin', I still love you..." Winking to her, before taking a big stride over to Sera. This was a contest, his pride and manilness was on the line. He stood, ominiously, beside Sera bed, his expression dark as he gazed down to her. "Well then, why don't you tell me how good I am..." His voice a dark rumble, reaching down to grasp her cheeks, his head coming down to seal his lips against hers. His eyelids lowered down as he poured as much passion as he could within the kiss while keeping his element of surprise. And just like it had started, he pulled away, his chest rising and falling fast. He took a step away, awaiting her reaction before a huge grin worked it's way over his face, rubbing a finger under his nose in a smug way.

"Go On...Tell me how terrible I am...I'm sure Millie can fill you in to the rest of the details. Old Hag..." chuckling darkly.

Bolts said:
Sounds Romatic to me. She said in glee. It was always nice to see genuine happiness on a persons face. Once his match is done, you should go see him. I can probably find someone to talk to here. I might even go see the guild hall. She motioned a shrug. There wasn't much she knew about magnolia. She didn't want to get in the way of a reunion though. Let them catch up like old friends.
Kims eyes shifted, much to her dismay Aiden had changed into a karate uniform. Kim let out a Audible whine.

" you seem like the gal that likes romantic things, hey made I should take him to the bath house at night." He blush started to go out but weird hormone induced thoughts still went though her head
Zuka said:
Kelica - Chris's couch
Kelica legs were kicking at the armrest of the couch, when she heard Chris open the cupboards and fridge, making himself a sandwich. That brought her to, so she called out "Ooo Chris, one for me too please!" A moment or two later she heard a knock on the door, thinking she had misheard it but then it knocked twice more. She blinked, rolling off the couch and standing up in one fluid motion, coming before the door and swinging it open. "He...hello?" She said, blinking a few times, trying to figure who would come to there house.

@Isune @Salt Lord
"Hello! Do you have the time to talk about our Lord and Savior, the Flying Spaghetti Monster?" Alfie joked with a slight chuckle before getting to what he really wanted to say. "I'm only joking. How are things between you and Chris? Are you getting along well? And if so..." the wizard slipped his gem out of his vest, holding it out in his hand. "Would you mind if I were to take the product?" Realizing what he had just said, he wished he could eat his words. He could only hope she wouldn't take it out of context.

@Zuka @Isune (mentioned)
Chris Lengheart(Extremely creeped out in house)

Chris stared at Alfie, hearing exactly what he said before grabbing what appeared to be a skillet. With a emotionless look on his face he walked over to Alfie with it and with all his might tried to clock him in the head with the pan. It was clear that Chris took it the wrong way, and was obviously angry.

@Salt Lord @Zuka
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Extremely creeped out in house)

Chris stared at Alfie, hearing exactly what he said before grabbing what appeared to be a skillet. With a emotionless look on his face he walked over to Alfie with it and with all his might tried to clock him in the head with the pan. It was clear that Chris took it the wrong way, and was obviously angry.

@Salt Lord @Zuka
With a small sigh, a glowy string formed right next to Alfie's almost crushed head, slicing the pan in half like a hot knife through warm butter. He thought something like this would happen if he were to do this, and that last bit he added in didn't quite help. Quickly, he leaped back in case Chris tried anything else. "I guess you could say it 'came out' wrong, heheh." Another stupid thing to say on his part, but this time it was intentional.
Chris Lengheart(Hiding from weirdo)

Chris only glared at Alfie as he threw the pan at him and made sure to add a kick to the shins for good measure. He slammed the door shut before locking it along with shutting the curtains. He then suddenly turned to Kelica,"This is why we don't let Alfie near us! I lost a good pan, and now I want to strangle him. The little perv."

@Zuka @Salt Lord
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Kelica - Chris's front door

Kelica was surprised when Alfie had appeared at their front door. "Um...we are ok now but..." Her face getting a weird look on her face when he asked about taking the product? What in the world did he mean by that? Kelica was pretty dense. And then Chris came in swinging a pan, her eyes going huge, before spinning, hands instantly resting on his shoulders and baring the way between him and Alfie. "Chris! Calm down boy! Let's ask first before bashing the boys brain in?" Smiling in an akward manner to try and calm him.

She didn't want Alfie or Chris to destroy anymore tupperware afterall. Annnd then Chris slammed the door in Alfie's face, raising an eyebrow to him. "Are...you jealous?" She asked softly, eyebrow raised.

@Isune @Salt Lord
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Auren Sol

Ren was in the infirmary waiting for his next match to start. Luckily he hadn't been hurt too badly in the last battle so his body didn't need anything more than a quick dose of basic healing magic. The boy sat on the bed drawing in his sketchbook. He was drawing what looked like a very detailed portrait of Conway. He wondered what the sailor was doing right now. Did he see Ren's match? Maybe not considering Conway was usually doing his own thing. After the tournament was over Ren would take him to go meet Master Gilad and hopeful get him into Saberooth. He didn't really know why but Ren was very excited to spend more time with him. He always got this weird warm tingling in his stomach whenever the sailor spoke to him. He was too absorbed in his thoughts to really judge how his sketch was going but anyone could easily tell that it was an almost perfect representation of the sailor. Not surprising considering the image of his handsome features had been burned into Ren's memory. The boy just continued drawing, not paying much attention to his surroundings.

@Salt Lord
Midnight Seras-A Class- No Guild

I keep trembling, waves black and silver rippling over my skin as i shrug off the man's hand shivering in fear as each haunting memory playes out before my very eyes "no.... no....."


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