Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Unknown tilted his head slightly, "Why are you apologizing for justifying your actions? If you have a legitimate reason there is nothing wrong with that."he shrugs. "So what do you guy's do for fun around here? Besides drinking as that doesn't seem like a wise decision due to what happened earlier." he chuckles to himself. "Also as watching the tournament seems a bit boring. It just makes me want to join in." With a sarcastic tone he says "You think they would mind me crashing it one of the rounds?" he had a big grin on his face.

@Britt-21 @Mr Swiftshots
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Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th Wizard Saint

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Clair looked over to the guild board at then to the door with a smile "it was only a low ranking job anyway , it would be different if he had taken an s rank mission from upstairs. hah Cece would have beaten him to a pulp !".Clair's smile dropped after realizing what she had just said "would have indeed". Clair turned her attention back to unknown tilting her head to the side somewhat "you wanted to ask me something when i woke up huh , well go ahead I'm wide ...."

Before Clair had a chance to finish her sentence Unknown was off on another topic , this time he seemed intent on crashing the tournament however if Clair couldn't partake in the contest then there was no way she was going to let him just crash it! "wait a minute Mr. Falling if its a fight your looking for why not fight with me ? I mean if I'm the first Saint you've met why not make me the first you fight huh?"

@Unknown Falling
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 8

The boy's sudden kick caught her by surprise as she didn't expect him to be flexible enough to pull off such a move. His follow-up quickly worked to dislodge her from his back causing her to begin plummeting towards the ground. For the briefest of moments she was relieved when the boy caught her, however this short-lived relief was soon replaced with agony as the electricity raced through her body. As the electricity arced through her body she grit her teeth, her stubborn nature not wanting to show just how painful the attack was. Despite her best effort she let out cry of pain as she was released and allowed to plummet into the flames below. Her limp body impacted the ground, obscured by the very flames she had created earlier.

Her breath came in ragged gasps as the pain slowly subsided, the possibility of just laying there and letting the match be called trickling into her mind. As she regained some of her composure she shook her head. Giving up wasn't even an option, this match would be over when either she was unconscious or her opponent was. She rolled over onto her back, staring up towards the sky, or at least what would have been the sky had it not been blocked out by the inferno raging around her. She tried to think about what her options were at that point. The boy packed a mean punch and left her bruised and battered. She had exhausted most of her magic throughout the fight. However, as she stared into the fire around her it dawned on her that she had just what she needed for one final attempt. Fortunately for her, the boy had shook her off before she was able to fully discharge her flames. The very act of protecting himself would be her ticket to winning this fight.

Keeping herself shrouded within the inferno she closed her eyes and begun channeling what remained of her magic. The flames coating the arena's floor began to grow in intensity, lashing out towards the sky as they were seemingly whipped into a frenzy. At the same time the fire around her landing spot began to change hues, shifting into that blazing blue color that signatured her strongest attacks. Without warning the firestorm suddenly exploded upwards, rapidly filling the entire arena with flames. As this happened a jet of blue-colored fire erupted from the conflagration, aimed straight at the hovering boy. Taking a page out of her opponents book even if the stream of blue fire missed it's target it would seem to bounce off the barriers of the arena, rebounding to further flood the cage with even more intense heat. Seeing as how the boy relied heavily on speed to avoid her attacks she poured all her magic into ensuring there would be nowhere within the barrier for him to escape too.
Hibiki Dreyar: Harvest Festival Tournament - Ring 8.

When Tanari started to fall down to the ground, Hibiki hovered in the air above her, waiting for her next move. It was rather exciting actually. Looking down at Tanari, part of him wanted to go down and help the girl but he knew that not only was that idea stupid, but he was in the middle of a battle with this girl and helping her would most likely just piss her off anyway to be honest. A smile on his face, he waited patiently for the girls next move. And admittedly, Hibiki wasn't expecting such a move. A huge pillar of flames erupted from the ground below which was easily avoidable. However, what happened next was the real problem. The flames began to cover quite literally the entire arena, making it impossible for the attack to be evaded. As the flames consumed Hibiki, he managed to contain a paining scream and took the attack even though it was agonising. Not only was he shocked, but he was surprised and actually impressed. He had never come across someone who had flame magic so hot that it could harm him in his demon form, and that in itself was something to take note of.

Hibiki could feel himself getting weaker. Although he didn't ever have to worry about this form taking a toll on his magic, he had used Soul Extinctor too early, and could feel his magic slowly beginning to wane because of it. In addition to this he had no time to prepare for it and he woke up extremely tired due to Lyra's stalking ways. It still phased him that she was sat watching him sleep, and then decided to wake him up loudly. It was alarming, and most certainly not pleasant. Slowly the flames began to die down, and Hibiki fell down to the ground, no longer in his Satan Soul form. He had passed out due to the embarrassing exhaustion he had succumbed to, and thus Tanari had won the fight.

PeteTSs said:
Sabrina---Battle Tourney
Sabrina took the full brunt of the attack. Most her vials exploded in midair and she fell down in a flurry of fire and crystal shards, and she landed on the ground with another explosion as the rest of her vials exploded. She knew she was outclassed, but she didn't expect to be defeated this easily...The pain was overwhelming and she was literally burning up, but she suddenly felt extremely tired. She closed her eyes, mind blank, as everything faded to black...although something was off. Did she just see her arms move on their own right before she closed her eyes...?

Something moved within the charred blob where Sabrina had landed. Something suddenly stood up, wobbling a bit. It looked like Sabrina, but if you look closely, it wasn't her. The figure was still on fire, most of the body burnt black. The thing was extremely lizard-like, with scales running across its body, a long tail, a set of jagged teeth and reptilian claws. The only distinction was the the long horns protruding from the back of its head, and the wings. The thing dashed towards Masaki at an extreme speed, looking like something flying down from space and burning up in the atmosphere. The thing was running completely on adrenaline, and could probably last only a minute like this. It reached Masaki extremely quickly, and slashed down at him, long claws extended, and only the word 'kill' can be seen in her eyes.

Maya Morne - 5th Wizard Saint: Magnolia.

For the past half hour or so, Maya had been stalking the streets like a predator trying to find its prey. Sora had only gone and wandered off! Without telling Maya where she was going no less. Maya frowned as she walked the streets, her long gown and long wavy hair fluttering around in the wind as she did so and her white shawl doing the same. Prowling the streets the citizens around her trembled in fear at the sight of the frowning woman. Some of them even appeared to have had dropped their things and ran, at least one grown woman did. A young boy and a young girl also started to cry for some unknown reason. However Maya did not care, she wanted to find the sky dragon slayer and a few crying children wouldn't stop her in doing so. Eventually after a further five minutes of searching, she finally found her. Sora was with Lysander and the two appeared to be having a...moment. A smile formed on Maya's face as she watched from around the corner. Tearing up out of happiness, Maya was extremely happy and proud of Sora for finally finding love. And it reassured her that she found it in Lysander, someone Maya knew fairly well. Not only that, but technically Maya brought them together. It pleased the Wizard Saint greatly that such a thing had occurred, and she knew that Lysander would protect her until the end of time. Maybe this meant that Maya didn't have to worry so much any longer, Maya chuckled, before mumbling "as if..." To herself.

After a few minutes of silently watching the pair, Maya jumped out from around the corner and directly in front of Sora and Lysander. Placing her hands on both of their shoulders, she began to speak. "I was wondering where you had gone off to~" Directing that at Sora, however then proceeding to direct her next sentence towards Lysander. "You did well, Lloyd would be proud. I'll be sure to give him an ear full for not coming to watch the tournament." An ominous chuckle on her face as she did so.

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Tournament Stands


Ryu sat in the stands, having not moved since the tournament started. He'd been able to follow all ten fights at the same time, his gaze quickly flitting between television lacrimas. Now just two fights remained, only one of which had any context for him, as it was Adrian's fight. He stood up and stretched his limbs out, trying to get rid of the stiffness in them. He glanced around the stands as he stretched, still uncomfortable from the amount of people. As he was looking around he noticed Kimberly and Eias in the stands. He'd had a special interest in their fight, since they were both friends of his, and he decided he would go and say hello.

"Hello, miss Kim, and miss Eias." He said as he reached them. "Your fight was most interesting. Both of you fought very well, that you did," He said with a smile.

@purplepanda288 @Bolts

Bolts said:
Eias shrugged at the comment of being the romantic type. It's not that she wasn't. She just didn't think about it much. That might be a nice way to catch up. At least if you want it in the Romatic sense as you say it was. Eias placed her chin on the palm of her hand. She has been so caught up in her little adventure that she didn't stop to eve check out the girls along the way. Maybe a bathhouse would be a nice place.
" And may I ask what little perverted thoughts do you have in your little head?" Kim gave a playful smile at Eias, somehow the two had grow close to each other. That made Kim extremely glad, but something nagged at Kim from the back of her mind. Was Eias just here for the festival or was she thinking about joining the guild along with her and the others.

Lyra Maelstre - Tournament Ring 8

Lyra hadn't paid much attention to all the chatter and things happening around her in the Fairy Tail HQ. In fact, she'd succumbed to hiding behind the bar counter, grinning childishly when the bar lady stared down at her with a quizzical look, a finger being brought to her mouth to signal her to keep her whereabouts a secret. Her hues then glanced up at the lacrima screen showing different fights, focusing in on the one Hibiki was on. She was quietly cheering him on until she saw him fall to the ground, her whole body jumping up in unison to come into clear view of everyone in the hall like one of those creepy music boxes with the spring puppet. " Hibi-kun! " She called out in despair as if the other boy could hear her. And then she was off, gracefully slipping past the bodies in the hall to continue out and along the busy streets, eyes seeing something that caught her attention. A few gems were slammed onto the stand counter as she grabbed it and began her journey to the tournament at full speed.

It was exhausting to say the least, face straining as she pushed herself forward, feet barely touching the ground with each step. A skidding stop left her in front of the ring, the barrier now down since the fight was over, the heat that still lingered quickly burning her eyes. The girl was slightly still tipsy but that didn't show, at least not physically, her disorganized thoughts were another matter. She paid Tanari no mind and stormed over to Hibiki, body draping itself upon his, face hovering inches from his. She was the best at waking him up in inappropriate times, after-all, and this was going to be one of them. A finger traced his lips before she leaned in and pressed her lips against his, though this seemed far from romantic when she pulled away and quickly placed the gaping mouth of a huge tuna fish in place of her lips. Lyra stifled a series of laughs, hoping the wet sloppy fish would frighten him into jolting up. " Wakey wakey Hibiiiiikiii! " She'd leaned over to his ear, the words being sung into it, fish still giving him a long delicious smooch.

purplepanda288 said:
" And may I ask what little perverted thoughts do you have in your little head?" Kim gave a playful smile at Eias, somehow the two had grow close to each other. That made Kim extremely glad, but something nagged at Kim from the back of her mind. Was Eias just here for the festival or was she thinking about joining the guild along with her and the others.
Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Tournament Stands


Ryu sat in the stands, having not moved since the tournament started. He'd been able to follow all ten fights at the same time, his gaze quickly flitting between television lacrimas. Now just two fights remained, only one of which had any context for him, as it was Adrian's fight. He stood up and stretched his limbs out, trying to get rid of the stiffness in them. He glanced around the stands as he stretched, still uncomfortable from the amount of people. As he was looking around he noticed Kimberly and Eias in the stands. He'd had a special interest in their fight, since they were both friends of his, and he decided he would go and say hello.

"Hello, miss Kim, and miss Eias." He said as he reached them. "Your fight was most interesting. Both of you fought very well, that you did," He said with a smile.

@purplepanda288 @Bolts

Eais Baole - onlooker area

You're the one talking about bathhouses and romance! She said whole blushing. Can you blame a girl for thinking when a friend is going on about the topic? Ryu walked up just then. He had been pretty quiet yesterday while Kim was showing Eias around. Hey ryu. Thanks. She said while adverting her gaze. She was still getting complements for a fight. I have to say, fighting Kim made me think of stories about guild mages fighting. She giggled a little. When she was traveling with her band family, they would share stories about fights they had seen. It always felt like they were exaggerating. Fighting Kim was pretty much solidifying the types of things she had heard of.

It didn't help that Eias had not realized Kim was part of a guild already. The mark was on her should covered up by cloths. How would she have known?

Guilds sounded interesting though. You could come and goes as you please in the sense of jobs. Was she even worth getting accepted into one was the question really. She was still pretty new at the magic she held. Power consumption and overall ability lacked but she made up with better planning. Planning only got you so far though. It was prevalent in the fight with Kim. Simply over powering was something Eias always forgot to account for.
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Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

"Oh? Interesting. But first that question I wanted to ask isn't really relevant anymore seeing the kid bailed. He said something about how all women minds are "always a mystery, fragile and delicate" I just wanted to prove him wrong. Especially now that I found out your a wizard saint I highly doubt your both "fragile" and "delicate"." He chuckled, "Now, a fight with you is very tempting." he leaned towards her stroking his chin, "But how about we make things more, interesting..." he returns to a somewhat upright position, pausing for a moment deep in thought before snapping his fingers. "If I win you have to take me on one of those S rank missions you mentioned. Now that sounds like it would be fun!"

Chris Lengheart(Eating)

The beast opened his mouth to reveal a pair of terrifying teeth that tore the sandwich from Kelica's hand, although he almost tore off a few of Kelica's fingers off. When she asked about his form he only shook his head before suddenly switching back to Chris and then to his Taurus form. The bull man let out a slight moo as he finally spoke,"Fine, I'll use this form for a bit." he said while shaking his head slightly like a bull normally would. Although, it did look odd to see it from a minotaur.

rbshinichi said:
Mikael walked up to a food stand on the foot of the arena. Vendors, usually the most knowledgeable people of all. They stand in the backgrounds observing quietly the day to day activities of the passers-by. They're everywhere yet they are no where, invisible as the air they blend into every day. He approached one of them and bought a cup of juice. He passed on to the vendor a small piece of gold. "You shall pardon my lack of currency my friend." he said, the man's eyes widened and quickly took the gold away and kept it in his pocket. "I don't mind sir, take whatever else you need." he said excitedly.
"I have no need but one thing. Information. Information is all I ask good lad."

The vendor tilted his head in inquiry.

"I'm pretty certain that the powerful old man is here somewhere, I don't know his name and how he looks and I need you to tell me where he is."

The man nodded doubtingly.

"I'm looking for the master of the Fairy Tail guild. Can you help me?" he asked with a serious face.

The vendor fell on his knees laughing. "An old? HAHAHA, a Man? Hahahah"

Mika stood dumbfounded and stared at the man with an innocent look on his young face.

The vendor looked around the stands and point towards a group of people. "There's the guild Master. " still holding his laughter "she's the girl , her name is Ophelia."

"No no no, you got it wrong... I'm looking for a..... wait? You're serious?" Mikael pointed to the girl who looks pretty younger than he does. "She? The master of a guild? But ...but..."

"Go on, better you don't underestimate her kid." the vendor said.

Mikael went up to the benches and walked near the girl hesitantly. "Excuse me, are you the guild master of fairy tail?" he asked a question but his face portrays a thousand more.

@Salt Lord (this time it's real. :D )
Ophelia - Arena Seating

Ophelia stared down at the battles with a gaze as intense as the fights themselves. Most of them had already been won, and while most were won fairly, others were a bit embarrassing. Especially because they had involved members from her own guild. She didn't want to get on their tails and make them hate her so soon, but she hoped she wouldn't have to become a Gilad when the next year came. "I guess it could be worse," she sighed to herself before her train of thoughts was interrupted by someone.

The boy's question was a bit dumb, and the look on his face was even dumber as he asked if she was the Guild Master of Fairy Tail. She wanted to answer with a "DUH! BECAUSE I TOTALLY DON'T STAND OUT!" But the petite girl decided against that and simply smiled.
"You've got it right! Anything ya need?" she asked cutely and warmly.
Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Tournament Stands


Ryu sat in the stands, having not moved since the tournament started. He'd been able to follow all ten fights at the same time, his gaze quickly flitting between television lacrimas. Now just two fights remained, only one of which had any context for him, as it was Adrian's fight. He stood up and stretched his limbs out, trying to get rid of the stiffness in them. He glanced around the stands as he stretched, still uncomfortable from the amount of people. As he was looking around he noticed Kimberly and Eias in the stands. He'd had a special interest in their fight, since they were both friends of his, and he decided he would go and say hello.

"Hello, miss Kim, and miss Eias." He said as he reached them. "Your fight was most interesting. Both of you fought very well, that you did," He said with a smile.

@purplepanda288 @Bolts

" True my friend very true." Kim was taken out of her thoughts when she herd another one of her new friends. " Oh hey Ryu, thanks. To bad you didn't compet in the tournament. " Kim blushed when he complemented her, she didn t know why Ryu made her blush so badly. Mabye is how he talked or how he looked but it ijust made her so flustered. She wondered why people called her miss. It made her uncomfortable. " Ryu dear, you can just call me Kim. None of the miss stuff."
@Mr Swiftshots[/URL]
@Unknown Falling[/URL]
@Mr Swiftshots[/URL] @Britt-21
Lavender could not help but smile a bit at his words. He had been right, she did have a legitimate reason to say what she did. That made the warrior feel much better. Then, he began to ask about what they do in the guild and would people mind if he crashed the tournament. Before Lavender could speak, Claire took the words out of her mouth, except, she was not going to say to have a battle with him. Knowing Clair had been a S class wizard, Lavender wasnt worried much about her fighting with Unknown.

'But first that question I wanted to ask isn't really relevant anymore seeing the kid bailed. He said something about how all women minds are "always a mystery, fragile and delicate" I just wanted to prove him wrong. Especially now that I found out your a wizard saint I highly doubt your both "fragile" and "delicate".' the words had escaped Unknown's lips and Lavender couldnt help but stare at the man "Girl's minds are always those three traits." seeing as she was one of those "Even though we may be strong, we do have our own weaknesses as well." how could a man think that girls couldnt have those kinds of minds?
Auren Sol

Ren didn't expect anyone to approach him so he was completely unprepared when Conway came to see him. He gasped and quickly hid the notebook behind his back, the nervousness clear on his face.

"O-oh h-hi Conway! I was just...I wasn't drawing anything interesting, really!" he said incoherently. He then tried to regain his composure by taking a deep breath but his heart was still beating 100 times a second.

"Uh, how are you? I managed to win a match..." he said, trying to change the subject.

@Salt Lord
[QUOTE="Unknown Falling]

Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

"Oh? Interesting. But first that question I wanted to ask isn't really relevant anymore seeing the kid bailed. He said something about how all women minds are "always a mystery, fragile and delicate" I just wanted to prove him wrong. Especially now that I found out your a wizard saint I highly doubt your both "fragile" and "delicate"." He chuckled, "Now, a fight with you is very tempting." he leaned towards her stroking his chin, "But how about we make things more, interesting..." he returns to a somewhat upright position, pausing for a moment deep in thought before snapping his fingers. "If I win you have to take me on one of those S rank missions you mentioned. Now that sounds like it would be fun!"


Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th Wizard Saint

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Fragile and delicate ? Clair had never thought of herself like that before but hey there was nothing she could do to change his opinion of her now right ? Clair smiled broadly when Unknown leaned in towards her and made the suggestion of making things a bit more interesting , and when he lay out his terms Clair couldn't help but come to a stand "i accept your terms on the condition that if i win you need to go call one of my friends a ' flat chested pipsqueak', but before anything i just want to clarify one thing....Your dead right?". Clair had a devilish grin on her face when she spoke clearly signifying she was up to something and quite interested in the fight itself"
Bolts said:
Eais Baole - onlooker area You're the one talking about bathhouses and romance! She said whole blushing. Can you blame a girl for thinking when a friend is going on about the topic? Ryu walked up just then. He had been pretty quiet yesterday while Kim was showing Eias around. Hey ryu. Thanks. She said while adverting her gaze. She was still getting complements for a fight. I have to say, fighting Kim made me think of stories about guild mages fighting. She giggled a little. When she was traveling with her band family, they would share stories about fights they had seen. It always felt like they were exaggerating. Fighting Kim was pretty much solidifying the types of things she had heard of.

It didn't help that Eias had not realized Kim was part of a guild already. The mark was on her should covered up by cloths. How would she have known?

Guilds sounded interesting though. You could come and goes as you please in the sense of jobs. Was she even worth getting accepted into one was the question really. She was still pretty new at the magic she held. Power consumption and overall ability lacked but she made up with better planning. Planning only got you so far though. It was prevalent in the fight with Kim. Simply over powering was something Eias always forgot to account for.
purplepanda288 said:
" True my friend very true." Kim was taken out of her thoughts when she herd another one of her new friends. " Oh hey Ryu, thanks. To bad you didn't compet in the tournament. " Kim blushed when he complemented her, she didn t know why Ryu made her blush so badly. Mabye is how he talked or how he looked but it ijust made her so flustered. She wondered why people called her miss. It made her uncomfortable. " Ryu dear, you can just call me Kim. None of the miss stuff."

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Tournament Stands

"Alright," He replied with a soft smile. "I'm sorry to have made you uncomfortable," He sat down next to the two "Well... As for my competing in the tournament... I could never do that. I'm much too shy to fight in front of all these people. And besides, my master would be disappointed if I fought simply for money,"


Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

After listening to what Lavender said he responded "Well, I was very close to someone. That someone just happened to be a woman, also a fish but that's besides the point. She appeared to have those three traits... on the outside. But on the inside she was in no way shape or form, "fragile" and "delicate"." He chuckled, "After being with her I learned never to assume". After Clair spoke he responded with a "Pfft..." and laughed "Is that it? Odds are I would do it anyway. Well, apart from the flat chested part. Also yes I am dead. I said it a few times. You got something in particular in mind for our friendly bout?"

Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th Wizard Saint

Fairy Tail HQ Training Grounds

Clair laughed when she heard Unknowns reply "no no , I just wanted to ensure you wouldn't die of blood loss or anything". Clair motioned towards the back door of the guild hall with a pleasant smile "anyway now that that's cleared up I won't have to hold back as much as I usually do~". Clair made her way outside and took to one side of the training grounds ready and waiting for Unknown to take his.It was shortly after she reached her spot when she called out to Lavender "hey Lavender you'll referee right? Make sure we don't smash up the place too much thanks". As you can see Clair didn't really give Lavender a chance to deny the request and this was partially due to the fact if anything went wrong and Sora wanted answers Clair could easily dump the blame on her the referee .

@Britt-21 @Unknown Falling

Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Unknown followed her out and took his position, "Your sounding a bit over confident there, you don't even know what my magic even is or does. Acting like that could be your downfall someday. Perhaps today." He chuckled, "I do hope this lasts longer then when you were drunk." He stands waiting for Clair to make the first move, "Let's see if Wizard Saints are all there cracked up too be." He knows he will have to be careful, but he does have the element of surprise still. But so does she, unless all she can do is glow various colours. But it's best to play it safe, who knows, she might start a rave as a distraction.

Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th Wizard Saint

Fairy Tail HQ Training Yard

Clair reequipped her katana and pointed it single handidly towards Unknown before replying "The most vital part of a fight is to never underestimate your enemy however it's my personal belief that it's just as important to be confidant in ones skills" Clair brought the sword down to her side and placed her free hand under the other ready to attack. However she had no solid information on this guys magic or his ability's , of course she assumed it had something to do with necromancy however that was a very vague overlook.Despite this Clair charged ahead making several slashes at the man to try a get a grasp of what his reaction time was like.
Conway - Ren's Room - Infirmary

Conway made his way to Ren's bed before jumping up and sitting on it, kicking his shoes off before pulling his legs up on the bed with him. "I know! I saw ya whip that other guy! How do ya draw those circle things so fast?" By now, the sailor had completely forgotten there was a drawing at all and was now hoping to learn how Ren drew his circle things so fast. But why was he breathing so heavily? The boy always seemed to get even shyer when he was near... Although he didn't mention it, the thought would keep Conway up all night.

@Unknown Falling[/URL]
A Fish? Unknown was close to someone that was a woman and a fish. And was Fragile and delecate on the outside rather than the inside. Was he meaning to making a pun? Probably.. Before she knew it, Clair had asked if Lavender could go outside with them to the training grounds "Sure, I wouldnt mind." Putting her drink down, the warrior got up onto her feet and followed both Clair and Unkown out onto the training grounds where the two stood. 'hey Lavender you'll referee right? Make sure we don't smash up the place too much thanks'

"Alright." since she was just pretty much told what she was meant to be doing but the young wizard didnt mind as she watched the two with a curious gaze, wondering what rules they would make between the two. Nothing was said other than Clair's words 'The most vital part of a fight is to never underestimate your enemy however it's my personal belief that it's just as important to be confidant in ones skills' this made Lavender smile because Clair was right.

Unknown Falling

Location: Fairy Tail Training Grounds

As he saw Clair's katana he thought about how he should counter. It didn't take long. As Clair dashed Unknown reached behind himself, under his cloak. Summoning a shillelagh into his hand, in order to trick her into believing that he had it all along. He held either side and as she slashed he blocked with the center of the stick again and again. Until he let go with his left hand using what looked like the handle to what appeared to be a walking stick to hook onto her blade. Pulling it away from them leaving her open. Quickly he attempted to jab his weapon into her gut. Dispite looking like a walking stick it would have quite the punch and very durable.

Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Tournament Stands

"Alright," He replied with a soft smile. "I'm sorry to have made you uncomfortable," He sat down next to the two "Well... As for my competing in the tournament... I could never do that. I'm much too shy to fight in front of all these people. And besides, my master would be disappointed if I fought simply for money,"

" They sound like some one that I know and I have a feeling that they might just be here with us ." Kim looked to the side, and eyed down what looked like thin air. A loud giggle was herd above the crowds cheer. The air next Kim seamed to shimmer for a few seconds until, you guessed it, mother appeared. Her long purple hair draping back on to her shoulders. She seemed to be floating while seated,something that seemed only a playful God would do infront of their followers. " Sorry dear I simply couldn't resist seeing you and you're little friends play around." Mother clapped her hands excitedly, she had what looked like small stars in her eyes.

From the L.V(( I'm to lazy to type in the full name)) Aiden was herd to be opening the gate of time.
" proud of that boy, he's learned a very powerful spell." Mother looked at the group of three mages, one of them was weak but had potential to be a major threat to every one. Another that she couldn't read. And her dear kim, the one she had carful brought up since she was in her mothers womb. Ah the memories that she had of making the flux born a reality.

She spoke once again, just to clear up any confusion they had.
" Oh how rude of me, I am Kims mother. Nice to see you Ryu, Eias. Anyway, I guess I must explain what Aiden is doing with that gate of time. That gate can move time extremely fast or extremely slow for the one that opened it. And in this case Aiden sped up time so he can recover magic in there. Amazing isn't it?


Midnight Seras-A Class- No Guild

FT Guild Hall

Waking from my memories I slip outside and into the woods surrounding the town. Finding a clearing, I slip out of my jacket, revealing my tattooed body covered in hilts, their blade hidden behind others. Closing my eyes I center myself and sing out, "Oh Blades of eternal frost, I call you forth to fight by my side." On my back, six blueish silver sword hilts shiver and flow out of my skin and into reality.

Auren Sol

Well, if you've studied them for as long as I have then it just becomes easy i guess. Speaking of that, what kind of magic do you use? I've been wondering." he asked curiously. He thought it was a bit strange that Conway got into the bed with him. Wait, that sounded really weird out of context! Ren shook his head to clear his mind of such thoughts and focused his attention on the sailor.
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