Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Auren Sol

When the orb passed through the sigil its shape changed into that of a flat disc. The projectile then proceeded to fly out the window but it's width was a little bit bigger than the window frame's so there was a thin, but noticeable gap where the edge's of the disc had cut cleanly through the wood. Small traces of smoke were visible as well. Ren was a bit surprised at how the two spells reacted. The sigil he drew was a bit random since the 'upgraded' projectile changed depending on the nature of the object that entered the glyph. Thus, it worked differently for everyone. Of course, Ren didn't have much experience using this sigil since he had yet to team up with anyone who might be able to make use of it so he was going off theories for now.

"Wow, it cut clean through the window frame! It's kind of scary to think of what it would do to a person..." he joked, although he did shiver a little imagining someone getting cut clean in half from it. Surely it wasn't that powerful.

"Anyways, that's just a little of what your magic could do given the right conditions. We could make a great team if we keep practicing. I mean...if you want to that is..." he trailed off nervously.
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Unknown Falling

Location: Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Unknown's eye twitched slightly, "That's cheating! Your telling me stopping someone's internal organs from properly functioning is fine but a war hammer is too much!? Make up your minds!" he let out a long sigh, after his feet returned to the ground he responded to Clair "I suppose, even though my best chance of victory was just taken from me." he clicks his fingers as multiple swords appeared around him. "Let our dance begin" With a smirk he moved his hand like a conductor of a symphony. As his hand moved around so did the blades in a row slashing at Clair numerous times. He didn't have to move his hand to move his blades, but he knew he looked damn good when doing it.

Conway - Infirmary

The sailor watched in awe as what was normally just a sphere of energy was transformed into a spinning disk of terror. It had cut cleanly through the frame of the window and even the air as it continued into the sky, not disappearing for a long time. At a loss of words, Conway's jaw was to his stomach until Ren had started talking, and that brought him immediately to his attention. A person against that thing? He was hilarious! But even the thought of the mess left behind scared him, so he put it into the back of his mind as soon as he could. Now he was onto what working together with Ren must be like. After a few minutes of mentally slapping himself for thinking the wrong things and blushing under his skin, Conway decided it would be a great idea, and with a big grin, he jumped off the bed. "O' course! Ther' couldn't be anything bad if we were ta team up! And yer Guild Master might be surprised ta see what I have in store, even if it ain't all too strong yet."


Sora Marvell - Magnolia Streets

There were so many things that had just occurred that would be a memory she held close to her heart always. It wasn't just the words or the feel of his arms around her, bodies inherently so close that her innocence had almost demanded a barrier to be placed between them; the trust she had in him made that not needed however. All of it would be remembered; the feel of the wind, the smells around her, the warmth from his gentle touch, and even the taste in the air though that wouldn't make sense to anyone but her. So much had brought it to life and made it quite possibly one of the most memorable things, so memorable in fact that she'd almost wished to store it within her memory days book so she could revisit it and relive it. That feeling of having someone just naturally react to your body language and make you feel extremely safe with each movement was so new to her. Nothing about their encounter seemed too out of line; it was comforting, warm, innocent, promising, invigorating, and heart-warming.

Everything in that moment was almost too perfect, and perfect things always had a habit of being smashed like a thrown brick through a window pane. And that was about to happen, not as dramatically so but the feeling would probably be fairly equivalent in her mind. One moment she was peering into Lysander's eyes, a cheesy smile forcefully tugging at her lips from the boyish grin that had spread upon his own face, the next minute... the wizard saint swooped in. Sora hadn't even sensed Maya coming, the woman was rather good at sneaking up on her, especially in weird or awkward times; though this one was especially precious to her.
Especially in times like those. The hand on her shoulder actually made her jump, a rather sudden uncontrollable sound being heard in unison, eyes flashing upwards and to the side to stare at Maya in a shocked manner. The look on Maya's face gave everything away and a dooming yet bashful expression dawned on her own face as she stood there like a child caught in the act.

The comment directed at her made her want to shy away and she silently cursed the older woman for being so capable of making her feel like a tiny child all the time. " I had to heal one of my guild mates, it wasn't a pretty sight and I had to stop the fight... well it wasn't much of a fight anymore by the time I got there. And then I needed to rest since her injuries were very extreme, brink of death extreme. " Her hands had slipped from Lysander's and she was circling both index fingers around one another in a distracting manner, eyes lowered. A loud huff also released itself into the air, knowing to withhold any information from Maya was basically a death sentence. " And then I healed Lysander after his battle and fell asleep because of reasons that you know and I'm not going to say because you're going to overly worry or yell at me, so I'm sorry. " Well not all the information would be important in this case. The absolute last thing she needed was to admit that Lysander left her there alone after she'd been completely drained of her magic. That in itself would probably set the wizard saint off and she really didn't want to throw anyone under the bus. Protecting people off the battlefield too,
what a martyr.

At least the apology she muttered out was completely sincere and that'd show in her eyes as she looked up at Maya, an almost pleading look in them for her not to inquire more about the matter. The feeling of Lysander's arms previously wrapped about her small frame still lingered and she shivered lightly, thankful that the visible shake could be blamed on the gusts of chilly air. As Lysander spoke to Maya she couldn't help but smile to herself, sensing the new motivation that was dripping into his tone. She mouthed a singular word to him after he'd finished speaking, "together", unsure if he'd catch it or not, but from now on he wasn't alone and she believed he finally had grasped that realization. " Oh! We were about to go get milkshakes, would you like to come Auntie? " She chimed in, figure bouncing slightly from the excitement, her stomach seeming to growl just to clarify how hungry she actually was. Sora had run off enough from Maya's sight and hadn't gotten to spend as much time with her as she would've hoped or liked, so this was the perfect opportunity to be around the both of them and make good on her dual invitation.

A sheepish glance was sent in his direction then before she bent down and gathered up his guns in her arms to hold them out to him, offering yet another apology. " I'm so sorry I dropped them, I... hope they're okay. " She sure was apologizing a lot today it would seem, though her careless acts of worrying Maya and then dumping his guns on the floor was surely a good enough reason to be handing out apologies left and right. Her hand moved towards his poncho, having almost forgotten that she was even wearing it, fingers lightly clutching the material fluttering against the wind. " A-And your poncho! " She tried to shake off the coy persona taking over, hands frantically trying to remove it. Maya's presence always had a way of making her feel like a child, easily flustered, and she was almost positive that no matter how old she was, she'd always be looked at and treated like a ten year old in the woman's eyes.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari
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Mika stormed out of the arena and paced swiftly through the streets of Magnolia. On his way he came across the winged vampire lady he was interested on, she looked out of her elements with the sullen face and the cloud over her shoulders. He would stop on his tracks and make the acquaintance he was hoping for, he would ask her about the matter hanging over her head, he would ask her a century worth of questions. He would tell her tales of things weighing in on his mind. but he didn't. "It isn't the time for that." For once in his life, he tried to swallow all the selfish thoughts and do what's best for another being. He didn't have time for chit chat's and catching up. A village's fate hangs in the balance and he chose to try to save what could be saved. With his head hanging down, he passed Sera without even looking back. He made his choice, one that would let him live with himself a little better.

By the time he was passing through the guild hall he once was, he saw sparks fly with the dust fluttering through the wind. He heard metals striking against each other, and he felt battle aura nearby. It was then when he saw familiar faces squared up with each other. It was the girl who passed out and the guy she had altercations with. He guessed they picked up where they left off when the girl came to for they are now engaged in combat.

The fight wasn't boring. Not at all. It's like a fistfight between the dragon and the tiger but something completely different caught his eyes. She was a flower wrapped in metal armor, Lavender stood there as valiantly as possible, or so it's the way he sees it. He then remembered the paper he was once holding, the paper he tore in pieces with an outburst of emotion. Class A. Lavender was class A, it wouldn't hurt to have somebody by his side when he faces the unknown monsters on the mountains. But he didn't know what to say to her. "Hey, I just pissed off your guild master, wanna go join me in a job I stole from your board." he couldn't say that. Losing his sense of right and wrong, he started towards her.

Mentioned : [ @Britt-21 ; @Mitchs98 @Unknown Falling @Mr Swiftshots ]
Lavender Gray

Lavender shook her head and had gotten out of the way, continuing to watch the brawl. There was not much that the warrior could do but stop accidents from happening just like what was going to happen with that hammer. Her shield continued to be equipped at this time just in case something were to happen again. Falling into her thoughts, she seen something white in her vision, causing her eyes to look over towards the white blur in her vision and her eyes focused on what or who it was.

It seemed like it was Mika and as he got closer, she began to smile "Sir Mika." she met him almost halfway "Welcome back to the guild hall." before he could say anything, she held up her hand "I know about the quest you took from the board, Mika. I am not angry with you. So do not fret about it." Lavender then put her hand down as she waited for Mika's reply. @rbshinichi
rbshinichi said:

Mika stormed out of the arena and paced swiftly through the streets of Magnolia. On his way he came across the winged vampire lady he was interested on, she looked out of her elements with the sullen face and the cloud over her shoulders. He would stop on his tracks and make the acquaintance he was hoping for, he would ask her about the matter hanging over her head, he would ask her a century worth of questions. He would tell her tales of things weighing in on his mind. but he didn't. "It isn't the time for that." For once in his life, he tried to swallow all the selfish thoughts and do what's best for another being. He didn't have time for chit chat's and catching up. A village's fate hangs in the balance and he chose to try to save what could be saved. With his head hanging down, he passed Sera without even looking back. He made his choice, one that would let him live with himself a little better.

By the time he was passing through the guild hall he once was, he saw sparks fly with the dust fluttering through the wind. He heard metals striking against each other, and he felt battle aura nearby. It was then when he saw familiar faces squared up with each other. It was the girl who passed out and the guy she had altercations with. He guessed they picked up where they left off when the girl came to for they are now engaged in combat.

The fight wasn't boring. Not at all. It's like a fistfight between the dragon and the tiger but something completely different caught his eyes. She was a flower wrapped in metal armor, Lavender stood there as valiantly as possible, or so it's the way he sees it. He then remembered the paper he was once holding, the paper he tore in pieces with an outburst of emotion. Class A. Lavender was class A, it wouldn't hurt to have somebody by his side when he faces the unknown monsters on the mountains. But he didn't know what to say to her. "Hey, I just pissed off your guild master, wanna go join me in a job I stole from your board." he couldn't say that. Losing his sense of right and wrong, he started towards her.

Mentioned : [ @Britt-21 ; @Mitchs98 @Unknown Falling @Mr Swiftshots ]
@Mr Swiftshots @Unknown Falling @Britt-21

Sera: Streets > Her House > Fairy Tail HQ

Sera was genuinely feeling much better than she had in a long time, honestly now she was glad Valken hadn't went through with killing her. Though, she was still a bit mad at him for ruining her favorite top. Oh well..a decent trade, she guessed. A little bit later she smelled something...off. It wasn't human or anything else she smelled..kinda like her actually. Though by the time she turned to see who or what it was the source was already walking away. She narrowed her eyes to commit his frame to memory. She'd search for him AFTER she got her scythe holster and a new top, this T-shirt simply wouldn't do.

Deciding to hurry things along to catch him incase he was leaving town she opted to fly the rest of the way to her house. She quickly went inside and found a change of clothes and a new basic holder. The top looked pretty much the same as the other one, almost identical, but lower cut in the back.

Quickly dressing herself and affixing her scythe to her back she flew out of her house, both literally and figureatively. She had to find whoever that was, if they were like her..she had so many things to ask him. Unless it was something drastic she was going to prioritize talking to him over anything else. She was pretty much tracking him like a blood hound at this point, her search ending up in the back of the guild at the training grounds.

And then she saw him. Offering a small glance to Lavender she walked up to Mika studying him carefully, even going so far as to nick his arm and taste his blood for confirmation. It tasted like shit. Which confirmed her suspicions. "
You're..like me?" She asked him in complete shock, pretty much ignoring the small battle and whether or not they were mid conversation or not. Whatever it was probably wasn't something important like the destruction of a village or a dragon attack or something.
Bolts said:
Eais Baole - seating area

Eias followed Kim's eyes as they rested on waving air. Then out of no where, Mother appeared. She was the same person before that greeted Kim and herself just a while before. She waved shyly at her. Eias didn't realize that Kim was so close to family. It made her a little homesick thinking about it.

As Mother scanned the group, her expression changed with each person. Eias donned a nervous face. What was she thinking while looking at them? She probably wouldn't say.

She turned to the L.V. to view Aiden in his fight again. He must be super powerful to gain this much attention from the two. Hearing the spell explained just proved that he was. Eias couldn't help but be a little jealous. She wanted to make her family proud. They encouraged her to get better at her music AND magic. That is just what she is going to do. She had a determined face now. A goal to prove she would be stronger. She would beat one of these people in a match some day. A friendly match with no i'll intent. Just a match to prove how much she would grow over time.
The fight was over, it seemed that all the fights for the first round had finished. Kim guessed that is was a matter of time till they called her for the next round. Mother clicked her tounge. " Kim dear don't forget your job."

Kim let out a half hearted sigh, she kinda loved and hated taking in taint and flux into her body. She closed her eyes, the same purple taint appeared in to her skin. Her hair float around her as she absorbed the exasive amounts of flux in the area.

Kim opened her eyes, but the tint to her skin didn't fade.
" Great there's to

Much to even absorb. I'll have to keep feeding of it for now on."

Kelica - Oh no you didn't! - Chris's house

So women had very selective hearing. He could have confessed his unending love and adoration but all she heard was "Well, I wouldn't call you sexy..." At that point her ears blocked out the rest, her eye twitching dangerously as she took a sharp breath inwards. Oh he would pay dearly for that one....She grasped at his ear, yanking his head up towards her and practically screaming in his ear. "Not sexy?? NOT SEXY?!? I did that bikini contest dance just for you, you ungrateful cow!! I happen to have a fine figure, and if you don't find me sexy I can always find someone who can!" Sliding off his back to her feet, turning on her heels and storming down the hallway, into the bedroom and slamming the door behind her in a huff. He'd need to do something damn near perfect to make up to her now.

Mikael was pleased to see Lavender leaped towards him. "Welcome back to the guild hall",she said. I'm not sure if I really am welcome there after what had transpired in the arena. He thought. But his worries faded just like dandelions flee with the wind when he heard her say she's not angry at him and told him he doesn't have to worry about it. It was more than enough for him, more than all he could ask for actually. The quest. Yes, the quest, he remembered that he was in the middle of something much greater than joining the guild or explaining things to her.

"The quest, that quest was just there collecting dust. No one even bothered to look at it. I am doing it." his eyes directly looking to and through her soul. "I understand if you wouldn't agree with me, I am not asking you to come but I would be forever in your debt if you would. Lives are at stakes, and they are gasping for their breath as we speak. I am not doing this as a mage, I'm doing this for humanity's sake." it was more human than he is, after all, he's not even human. It wouldn't affect him at all if he'd let the villagers die as they are, but as selfish as it may sound he was doing it for him. He wouldn't be able to face himself if he'd let that happen. The look on the girl's face as tears run down through her face was more than enough motivation to get through with the task. He could relate to her, losing the very existence of family was the only dominant memory he has of his parents. He turned his back and was ready to move forward without letting Lavender's hand go. He was hoping she would come and he was clear about it too.

As he took another step, the familiar smell he was sensing grew closer and in the next second it was in front of him. It was Sera, the lady vampire who was his first point of interest. He was forced to let Lavender go when Sera moved in and grabbed his arm. "What are you doi...." before he even finished she already had a taste of his blood. He licked the blood dripping from his arm, revealing his fangs, his eyes turned red. "I'm afraid I am." the secret he was trying to keep all these decades, all over in a second. It truly takes one to know one. "I am Mikael of house La Viere. A vampire." There's a lot of things he wanted to say, a lot of questions he'd like to ask but. It's not the time for that. Still the little cheeky girl's voice lingers on his mind. Don't they care about people? Ignoring jobs while sitting on a bench watching mages go head to head for festivities's sake? He clicked his tongue with the thought. He slightly bowed to Sera, "There's tons of things we ought to speak about but I am afraid you have to pardon me for now, for there's a grave danger I must face and time is of the great essence."

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98
Chris Lengheart(What did I do to deserve this!?)

Chris let out a moo of pain as his ear was grabbed. It didn't help that Kelica shouted into his ear. When she ran to his room, Chris changed back to his normal form. He silently stepped into his room and suddenly hugged Kelica. He suddenly began to kiss Kelica very passionately as he suddenly pulled away,"Do you know anyone that can do that? Kelica, I said you weren't sexy...but I never said you weren't beautiful." he said as he held her close to him,"Please forgive me, I don't care if I have to carry you a mile on my back everyday for a year. I'm sorry Kelica."

Lysander - Streets of Magnolia

Lysander smiled then, glancing down at his interlocked hands, not quite sure what to do with them now that they were no longer around Sora. "Together," he mumbled back, in Sora's direction, not quite sure whether she had heard it, but it was acknowledgement of their bond. That word would mean so much more to him in the times to come, and perhaps be his solace during the difficult times he would probably have to endure in the near future. Knowing that someone was there to share it with him made that information much easier to bear. Yet at the same time, he did not want her harmed for his sake. Which was why his head jerked up in alarm when he heard that she had healed both him and another contestant.

"It was you who healed me?" he asked, unable to keep the alarm out of his voice. "In addition to healing someone else? Are you all right?" He had remembered an earlier conversation in which she had admitted to being drained of magical energy after killing a dragon, and this alarmed him, because after spending so much energy bringing back one person from the brink of death and another one seriously injured that she might have ended up being drained again. "I'm sorry..." he mumbled, unable to meet her eyes, looking down at her hands instead. Guilt now interlaced with his tone of voice. "I did not realise..."

Lysander was quite guilty of the fact that the first thing he felt when Sora invited Maya to join them was disappointment. He would have loved to spend more time alone with Sora, and Maya being there would probably influence both their behavior to the point of being unreal. At the same time though, Sora probably had her reasons inviting Maya along and he would respect those wishes. Not to mention, it would be extremely rude of him to disagree with the invitation. "I... I know a good milkshake place not far from here... we would be glad if you could join us there."

"It's fine," he said, embarrassment lacing his tone as he gently took his guns from her. He quickly did up his belt, feeling a little more like himself the moment he felt his guns hanging by his hips again. He usually felt quite naked without his guns, always alert to threats that he might not be able to defend himself without them, but with Sora's presence, he had not felt that. He was completely at ease with Sora, and it showed to the point of him not even missing the sensation of having his guns hanging about his belt. He smiled then, as he saw her fumbling with the clasp of his poncho as she struggled to remove it and return it to him. "You don't have to," he said quietly, and for some reason moving forward and placing a gentle hand where her hands were struggling to remove the clasp. "It looks good on you."

He quickly pulled that hand away as he realised how that might look to Maya.

@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari
purplepanda288 said:
The fight was over, it seemed that all the fights for the first round had finished. Kim guessed that is was a matter of time till they called her for the next round. Mother clicked her tounge. " Kim dear don't forget your job."

Kim let out a half hearted sigh, she kinda loved and hated taking in taint and flux into her body. She closed her eyes, the same purple taint appeared in to her skin. Her hair float around her as she absorbed the exasive amounts of flux in the area.

Kim opened her eyes, but the tint to her skin didn't fade.
" Great there's to

Much to even absorb. I'll have to keep feeding of it for now on."
Eias Baole - arena seating

She watched Kim as her skin turned the beautiful purple once again. It was so pretty to see the swirls inch up on the visible skin. It was like living art. She was confused at the whole feeding comment. Do you need anything? Can I help? She said in the bubble. Kim seemed a little concerned with her body. It was all to easy to read.

rbshinichi said:
Mikael was pleased to see Lavender leaped towards him. "Welcome back to the guild hall",she said. I'm not sure if I really am welcome there after what had transpired in the arena. He thought. But his worries faded just like dandelions flee with the wind when he heard her say she's not angry at him and told him he doesn't have to worry about it. It was more than enough for him, more than all he could ask for actually. The quest. Yes, the quest, he remembered that he was in the middle of something much greater than joining the guild or explaining things to her.
"The quest, that quest was just there collecting dust. No one even bothered to look at it. I am doing it." his eyes directly looking to and through her soul. "I understand if you wouldn't agree with me, I am not asking you to come but I would be forever in your debt if you would. Lives are at stakes, and they are gasping for their breath as we speak. I am not doing this as a mage, I'm doing this for humanity's sake." it was more human than he is, after all, he's not even human. It wouldn't affect him at all if he'd let the villagers die as they are, but as selfish as it may sound he was doing it for him. He wouldn't be able to face himself if he'd let that happen. The look on the girl's face as tears run down through her face was more than enough motivation to get through with the task. He could relate to her, losing the very existence of family was the only dominant memory he has of his parents. He turned his back and was ready to move forward without letting Lavender's hand go. He was hoping she would come and he was clear about it too.

As he took another step, the familiar smell he was sensing grew closer and in the next second it was in front of him. It was Sera, the lady vampire who was his first point of interest. He was forced to let Lavender go when Sera moved in and grabbed his arm. "What are you doi...." before he even finished she already had a taste of his blood. He licked the blood dripping from his arm, revealing his fangs, his eyes turned red. "I'm afraid I am." the secret he was trying to keep all these decades, all over in a second. It truly takes one to know one. "I am Mikael of house La Viere. A vampire." There's a lot of things he wanted to say, a lot of questions he'd like to ask but. It's not the time for that. Still the little cheeky girl's voice lingers on his mind. Don't they care about people? Ignoring jobs while sitting on a bench watching mages go head to head for festivities's sake? He clicked his tongue with the thought. He slightly bowed to Sera, "There's tons of things we ought to speak about but I am afraid you have to pardon me for now, for there's a grave danger I must face and time is of the great essence."

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98
Join him on a quest? Most likely the quest he had taken from the board. His words had pierced her as Mika had said that lives had been at stake as well as doing this job for hunanities sake. Why is it that this quest was paying so little for something that dire? Whatever it was it seemed to have a good impact on Mika. He really wanted to do this quest. His hand grasped onto hers and he turned her back to her as he began walking.

"I would love to help you, Mika." Even though he wasn't part of the guild yet she was still planning on helping him. Mika had dropped his hand as a girl approached him and bit his arm. Just watching made the woman raise an eyebrow. Though what really sent chills up her spine was that Mika licked the blood that was running on his arm from the bite. This also exposed his fangs which made lavender wonder.

His words had confirmed it, he was a vampire!

(Falling asleep...)
Bolts said:
Eias Baole - arena seating She watched Kim as her skin turned the beautiful purple once again. It was so pretty to see the swirls inch up on the visible skin. It was like living art. She was confused at the whole feeding comment. Do you need anything? Can I help? She said in the bubble. Kim seemed a little concerned with her body. It was all to easy to read.


Kim lock-onlooker seating

Mother waved bye the group. She had a realm to look over so she really must leave then " Good bye children, I must b on my way. A realm dosent look over its self you know." And with that mother was gone. Only a few purple lights were the indicators that she was even there in the first place.

Kim waved as she shook her head.
" There really isn't much you can do, well that is if you prefer not having any magic and dieing from taint sickness. So in short I rather you live than suffer taint sickness." She sat down, the announcer still handset called them down so she had time to kill. She out stretched her fingers, a few small purple spheres popped out of her hand and began to swirl around her hand.

" There is a reason why I 'eat' the taint and flux is so it doesn't run rampant here in this world, like I've told you. I don't think I've told you that flux is the byproduct of magic." She emphasized eat as to say that she do set exactly eat it, but just store in in her body. She smiled again.
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Sora Marvell - Magnolia Streets

Her head tilted as she watched him place his guns back into his belt, almost admiringly. It was easy to tell how much he cared for them and this brought another beaming smile to her face. At least he wasn't upset that she'd dropped them and if anything had happened to them she would have replaced them, though things such as that were probably irreplaceable to him. He seemed like a sentimental type and Sora only loved that trait in him. This only meant that the small things would always matter to him, be important, and unforgettable. Both hues slipped up to lock with his as his hand delicately touched her own, the touch itself easing her worries. The compliment that he ushered quietly afterwards only soothed her concern further more, eyes lowering bashfully. " I doubt it looks as good on me as it does on you but I'm glad you approve. " A childish grin of her own spread, hair falling before her eyes as she watched his hand pull away suddenly with a disheartening sting.

Maya already knew there was something there and if someday she wanted the older woman to stop treating her like a child then she'd have to stop acting like one. Her hand shot out to quickly grasp his wrist before it got out of reach, fingers sliding past his palm as she lowered their hands and held onto his securely. Sora wasn't ashamed or worried about what Maya would think or say at this point, she knew deep down that Maya was happy for them or else she would've said something when she initially arrived.
Sora's eyes went wide at Lysander's reaction to what she had told Maya, feeling slightly ashamed then at her disregard of her own safety. She never really thought about it as something to be weary of and she was always one to expend herself if it meant helping others. His words slowly made her realize what he was referring to and she shook her head quite furiously, fingers interlocking with his in a confident manner. " I couldn't see you wounded and just stand there and do nothing when I had the power to do something about it. In reverse, I don't think you'd stand idly by if I was the one hurt that badly, you'd be right by my side the whole time. I'm not sorry I healed you, so don't be sorry either, okay? " Her voice remained steady, not portraying any other emotion or underlying factors.

" I recovered enough to heal you and rested afterwards so I feel fine. A little hungry, but fine. Also if it's of any consolation.. " Sora took a deep breath, lungs filling with the air around her to inhale it in mass amounts, the wind picking up as it visibly whirl-winded
itself into her mouth and disappeared. Eating air, real cute Sora... But if it gave him any mental relief then she'd just have to deal with the embarrassment if he found it amusing. Maya would probably feel some alleviation as well since she decided to eat her element and regain strength, this method not unknown to the wizard saint. And for Lysander, since her actions would now affect him as well, she'd have to take more caution when doing things and try not to worry him. Her thoughts drifted off for a bit until she snapped out of it and took a step forward. " And I still have room for milkshakes and feel tons better, so lead the way! " Sora's lips tugged themselves into a sheepish smile as she remembered him muttering the word that brought so much hope and life into their relationship, it wasn't just a word though, it was a promise.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari
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Vex: tournament seating

If Vex could see he would have watched Momo's fight intensely but since he couldn't he just sat on the side lines while Horus described everything to him. When it concluded he waited for Momo to come back but it seemed like she was busy so he just stayed put.

rbshinichi said:
Mikael was pleased to see Lavender leaped towards him. "Welcome back to the guild hall",she said. I'm not sure if I really am welcome there after what had transpired in the arena. He thought. But his worries faded just like dandelions flee with the wind when he heard her say she's not angry at him and told him he doesn't have to worry about it. It was more than enough for him, more than all he could ask for actually. The quest. Yes, the quest, he remembered that he was in the middle of something much greater than joining the guild or explaining things to her.
"The quest, that quest was just there collecting dust. No one even bothered to look at it. I am doing it." his eyes directly looking to and through her soul. "I understand if you wouldn't agree with me, I am not asking you to come but I would be forever in your debt if you would. Lives are at stakes, and they are gasping for their breath as we speak. I am not doing this as a mage, I'm doing this for humanity's sake." it was more human than he is, after all, he's not even human. It wouldn't affect him at all if he'd let the villagers die as they are, but as selfish as it may sound he was doing it for him. He wouldn't be able to face himself if he'd let that happen. The look on the girl's face as tears run down through her face was more than enough motivation to get through with the task. He could relate to her, losing the very existence of family was the only dominant memory he has of his parents. He turned his back and was ready to move forward without letting Lavender's hand go. He was hoping she would come and he was clear about it too.

As he took another step, the familiar smell he was sensing grew closer and in the next second it was in front of him. It was Sera, the lady vampire who was his first point of interest. He was forced to let Lavender go when Sera moved in and grabbed his arm. "What are you doi...." before he even finished she already had a taste of his blood. He licked the blood dripping from his arm, revealing his fangs, his eyes turned red. "I'm afraid I am." the secret he was trying to keep all these decades, all over in a second. It truly takes one to know one. "I am Mikael of house La Viere. A vampire." There's a lot of things he wanted to say, a lot of questions he'd like to ask but. It's not the time for that. Still the little cheeky girl's voice lingers on his mind. Don't they care about people? Ignoring jobs while sitting on a bench watching mages go head to head for festivities's sake? He clicked his tongue with the thought. He slightly bowed to Sera, "There's tons of things we ought to speak about but I am afraid you have to pardon me for now, for there's a grave danger I must face and time is of the great essence."

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98
[QUOTE="Britt-21]Join him on a quest? Most likely the quest he had taken from the board. His words had pierced her as Mika had said that lives had been at stake as well as doing this job for hunanities sake. Why is it that this quest was paying so little for something that dire? Whatever it was it seemed to have a good impact on Mika. He really wanted to do this quest. His hand grasped onto hers and he turned her back to her as he began walking.
"I would love to help you, Mika." Even though he wasn't part of the guild yet she was still planning on helping him. Mika had dropped his hand as a girl approached him and bit his arm. Just watching made the woman raise an eyebrow. Though what really sent chills up her spine was that Mika licked the blood that was running on his arm from the bite. This also exposed his fangs which made lavender wonder.

His words had confirmed it, he was a vampire!

(Falling asleep...)

Sera: Fairy Tail Training Area

Sera blinked, still in complete shock. In all the years she'd been alive she'd never met another of her kind, honestly thinking she was just some kind of freaky bed time story to scare children into behaving come real. She wasn't sure whether to hug him to further confirm he was real or not, probably not..that'd be weird. She nodded at Lavenders words after he'd finished speaking. "I'm Sera Lightbane, from Fairy Tail as you can see." She replied. "S-Class to be precise. I pretty much lost my match so I'd be willing to help you with whatever it is too. Just tell me what it is." She added.

She wasn't about to let either of them go and do something dangerous, plus Mika might be evil or something and hurt Lavender. Though mostly she wasn't about to let the only other one of her kind she's seen slip away so easily.
Millie suddenly came back to her senses as she was being dragged out of the infirmary. She remembered that Valken and Sera were talking about some sort of competition over her but everything after that was a blur. The tears that were running down her face confused her greatly seeing that she had nothing to be sad about at the moment. Was there something she was missing? Catching up to Valken she leaned into his muscular frame, her head resting on his shoulder. "What happened Vallen? And where are we going?"

Mizuki frowned slightly as Alicia explained the situation she was in. She couldn't believe that Alfie was targeting such a sweet and innocent little girl. It made her sick, especially when Alicia said that she wanted to die. Mizuki's six arms began to aggressively pet the little one, simultaneously pulling her closer. "Alicia, you're too young to be thinking about death. I thought about that when I was a child and look at me now. I'm living an unhappy life. I don't want you to live an unhappy life too." She said, her frown darkening and hands increasing speed. "Perhaps I should give Alfie a visit? And whoever decided to put you against him..."

Grace was laying in the infirmary, out cold. Ever since her fight with Momoki she's been asleep, peaceful and happy. She wasn't even mad that she lost right now, seeing as she was getting the best sleep in her life. One of the nurses actually managed to wrap a blanket around her too. From a strangers view she looked like a sleeping happy child.
purplepanda288 said:
Kim lock-onlooker seating

Mother waved bye the group. She had a realm to look over so she really must leave then " Good bye children, I must b on my way. A realm dosent look over its self you know." And with that mother was gone. Only a few purple lights were the indicators that she was even there in the first place.

Kim waved as she shook her head.
" There really isn't much you can do, well that is if you prefer not having any magic and dieing from taint sickness. So in short I rather you live than suffer taint sickness." She sat down, the announcer still handset called them down so she had time to kill. She out stretched her fingers, a few small purple spheres popped out of her hand and began to swirl around her hand.

" There is a reason why I 'eat' the taint and flux is so it doesn't run rampant here in this world, like I've told you. I don't think I've told you that flux is the byproduct of magic." She emphasized eat as to say that she do set exactly eat it, but just store in in her body. She smiled again.
Eias Baole - onlooker seating


Eias nodded in acknowledgement to what she said. Flux seemed like such a dangerous force. Kim must have been way stronger than she looked if it was possible to die from this flux. She was probably covered in it since she was purple! Eias's heart beat fast as she remembered the fight just a while ago. If that was to the death, she probably could have done her in much faster than the match. Eias was pretty sure Kim was holding back as to not harm Eias. That.. That would explain why my bubbles didn't work very well. She had a small uncomfortable face on her now. She knew that there were bad people out and about that could be just as powerful. She was just lucky not to have run into anyone like that just yet. She knew she would have to get stronger some time soon.

Can you help me get better? Like fighting and magic consumption? It.. might be asking a bit much but... I don't know. You seemed to have inspired me in a way unrelated to my music.
Kayzo said:
Millie suddenly came back to her senses as she was being dragged out of the infirmary. She remembered that Valken and Sera were talking about some sort of competition over her but everything after that was a blur. The tears that were running down her face confused her greatly seeing that she had nothing to be sad about at the moment. Was there something she was missing? Catching up to Valken she leaned into his muscular frame, her head resting on his shoulder. "What happened Vallen? And where are we going?"

Mizuki frowned slightly as Alicia explained the situation she was in. She couldn't believe that Alfie was targeting such a sweet and innocent little girl. It made her sick, especially when Alicia said that she wanted to die. Mizuki's six arms began to aggressively pet the little one, simultaneously pulling her closer. "Alicia, you're too young to be thinking about death. I thought about that when I was a child and look at me now. I'm living an unhappy life. I don't want you to live an unhappy life too." She said, her frown darkening and hands increasing speed. "Perhaps I should give Alfie a visit? And whoever decided to put you against him..."

Grace was laying in the infirmary, out cold. Ever since her fight with Momoki she's been asleep, peaceful and happy. She wasn't even mad that she lost right now, seeing as she was getting the best sleep in her life. One of the nurses actually managed to wrap a blanket around her too. From a strangers view she looked like a sleeping happy child.
Alicia: Tournament Stands

Alicia snuggled closer, if at all possible, to Mizuki when she spoke and brought her closer to herself. Mizuki was unhappy? She didn't never stop to think about that being possible..she said she was happy a lot so she thought she meant it and just wasn't an expressive person. She didn't want her to be unhappy..which gave her even more reason to struggle through whatever Alfie did to her. It wasn't like she wanted to die..but she didn't want to have to deal with the dark emotions either. She was confused and conflicted, moreso than usual. Maybe...maybe if they did visit Alfie he could fix what was wrong with her? Maybe..they could convince him to at-least partially help, or a way for her to help herself?

It was worth a shot..she guessed. "I..didn't know you weren't happy. I thought you were cause you said you were..it's not that I want to die it's just...I don't know. Whatever he did made me feel awful, I still do. I don't know what to do..maybe we could visit him and he'll help..I don't know." She replied. "I'm scared, sad, angry...everything at once and it's confusing. I have no idea what he did..it was some magic thing I guess? But whenever I used my magic and hurt him I felt a bit better..but I don't want to hurt people just to feel better..yet I do. It's so confusing.." She explained, trying to stop herself from crying but failing miserably. "Maybe..maybe there's a hex or something you can use or do to help? I'm scared Mizuki...I might end up really hurting someone like this, and I really don't want to." She added.
Kelica - Chris's House

Kelica was fuming, who the hell did he think he was?! She crossed her arms and had half a mind to kick his bedside table over, more of her mother's aggressive side coming out no doubt. If she had fire mage capabilities like her mother, she'd probably burn down the entire house! She barely heard him open the bedroom door, but spun slightly as she felt his strong arms around her, her emerald eyes wide in surprise. "Hey what do you think you're-" She never did get to end that sentence, his lips were already to hers. She didn't do anything for half a moment before she shuddered and melted, eyes slipping closed gently. She couldn't even stay mad at him, figures. She was greatful for the hold because she literally lost all ability to stand, hands running up his chest as she did to rest on his wide shoulders. Time seemed to stand still, and when he withdrew to speak to her she could suddenly hear as much as feel her heart thundering in her chest. Her cheeks getting even more flustered as he spoke those words. "Oh Chris...." she whispered, reaching up to grasp his cheeks and pull him down to her level again, nuzzling into his cheek. "It's Ok...I forgive you..."

It was odd to think but Chris and Kelica's relationship was fuelled on pure emotion. When they were mad they were mad, but when they were happy it was heaven. Even despite their hiccups they recovered and moved on. It was really oddly inspiring. It didn't matter if they had bad moments, as long as they worked together to get through it. As long as she made him happy, and he made her safe, that was all that matter.

Without wanting to break the moment, she whispered softly to try and break his attention. "The tournament....we should go back... no doubt Sabrina's match will be over and we should check on her. As well as get you ready for the second round..."

Valken - Streets of Magnolia

Valken blinked as that random vampire girl appeared sneakily, almost like he might have done, gave him a hug, said thanks, and was off. This caused a very big, bewildered look on his face. It was almost comical really, compared to how serious he had been up till now. Valken turned as he heard Millie's voice reach out to him, slowing down his pace before whirling around to face her. The fact she was leaning into him once more made a soft smile creep into his face. The head resting on his shoulder was not unnoticed, so he wrapped a strong arm around her shoulders, drawing her in nice and close, comforting. He reached a hand up to rub his thumb up under her eyes, wiping the last of the now long lost tears from her face.

"Ahh Millie...you just.. ah...got upset because you thought I was badly injured is all...I'm fine though, so I thought we could go find the others...That was a pretty neto trick you did with these though..." Grinning cheekily as he moved a hand to cup one of those soft round mounds, giving it a squeeze, right there in public, before taking his hand away before she could react. His dark eyes still glued to her face to see her reaction though.

"I was going to try and find Maya in the crowd...but it is so thick...." Glancing around with an over exaggeration, truth be told he would be able to find her in less then a minute if he used his powers and charisma to ask around, but he disliked using his powers extensively near Millie, simply because he was worried it might terrify the poor girl. He could be scary, after all, seeing how close he almost killed that vampire lady. Shaking that thought, he grinned down to her. "Don't suppose you'd like to sit on my shoulders and keep an eye out for her?" He wasn't about to tell her he also didn't mind the idea of having her thighs around his head...


If he could live every night like the night before, that would be living the dream.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98
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Bolts said:
Eias Baole - onlooker seating @Rhodus

Eias nodded in acknowledgement to what she said. Flux seemed like such a dangerous force. Kim must have been way stronger than she looked if it was possible to die from this flux. She was probably covered in it since she was purple! Eias's heart beat fast as she remembered the fight just a while ago. If that was to the death, she probably could have done her in much faster than the match. Eias was pretty sure Kim was holding back as to not harm Eias. That.. That would explain why my bubbles didn't work very well. She had a small uncomfortable face on her now. She knew that there were bad people out and about that could be just as powerful. She was just lucky not to have run into anyone like that just yet. She knew she would have to get stronger some time soon.

Can you help me get better? Like fighting and magic consumption? It.. might be asking a bit much but... I don't know. You seemed to have inspired me in a way unrelated to my music.
Kim hesitated for just a moment before she spoke. " I would be honored to Eias." A goofy smile spread across her face, Kim felt ecstatic to help Eias grow though her magic. Mabye they could help each other musical as well. " We'll start after the festivities are over, oh and if you want some work you should join fairytail." Hat last comment might of been a stretch but Kim put it out there for Eias to decide.
Location: Fairy Tail Training Grounds> Road to White Mountains

Mikael could not help it but be enamored to what Lavender told him, she would gladly help him. But that was a feeling that was covered with doubt after he admitted what he really is. It was not his intention to lie to Lavender, or to anyone for that matter. He just didn't want to expose himself as the monster that he is. A vampire. A vampire that sucks the life from people through their blood. A monster that has been connected to almost every horror story ever told. Someone who couldn't die. Something that has to suffer the curse of eternity. A vampire. He knew he got lots of explaining to do and he's willing to waste a lifetime making it up to her but not now. Not today. There's an even more important thing he has to do to somehow atone for his bearings. "Yes Lavender, I am a vampire. And I am gonna tell you all there is you would rather know about me. But it is not the time for that. There's somewhere I need to be. I really would love you to follow me."

Mikael turned to Sera with a serious face, and evidently glad.

"I'm Sera Lightbane, from Fairy Tail as you can see." she said. Mika's blood boils, not in anguish, not with hatred but with excitement and anticipation. For over a hundred years, he longed for the company of his own being, his own kind. He was overly delighted when Sera agreed on coming with him. "Come, I shall entail to you the matter on our way there."

A magic cart stopped in front of them. In was a four-wheeled carriage powered by a lacrima. A driver was in front and his holding the steering wheel.

"I am not good with directions so I thought it was better to hire one of these. He told me he knows the fastest way to White Mountains." Mikael said as he jumped in on the vehicle. The man driving took off his hat and tip it towards them as a greeting. "Talked to him on my way here, he just went out to get this. Are you coming or not?" Mika turned to Sera and Lavender.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

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