Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Chris Lengheart(Home with loving girlfriend)

Chris smiled as Kelica practically melted into him. He nuzzled her slightly with a smile as he looked down at her. "I don't care about that now. Right now, I care more about you. How about instead...we go on a little picnic?" Chris said as he once again kissed Kelica and held her close in his arms. He loved being in a relationship with Kelica, the connection the two shared was something to see. Chris eventually pulled away once again as he stepped into the kitchen and began to make a few sandwichs and other snacks. Chris then looked over to Kelica as he said, "How about we have it in the forest? I mean, the streets are pretty crowded, and the forest is pretty nice at this time."


purplepanda288 said:
Kim hesitated for just a moment before she spoke. " I would be honored to Eias." A goofy smile spread across her face, Kim felt ecstatic to help Eias grow though her magic. Mabye they could help each other musical as well. " We'll start after the festivities are over, oh and if you want some work you should join fairytail." Hat last comment might of been a stretch but Kim put it out there for Eias to decide.
Eias Baole - onlooker area

Her figure instantly went from determination to a much more shy tone. She looked towards the floor, unsure about a guild. Not that she hasn't thought of it. She has heard stories and it seems it wouldn't hurt her own traveling in the slightest. She was more worried at the fact that she wasn't strong. What kind of guild wants a weak and inexperienced Mage on their hands?

Would they even consider taking me? Her voice soft and slightly wavy. Look at me know. Where was that confidence just a moment ago? Inexperience is one thing, but they definitely wouldn't take someone who doubted themself. She clutched her flute and looked at it longingly. It was a fairy expensive flute that was bought by the Baole band just for Eias. Even when they had little money, they believed in her abilities enough to buy it for her.

With a quivering mouth she took a deep breath. She didn't exhale. Calming down was job number one. Her heart slowed as she relaxed. Without a sound, he released her breath while blowing a bubble.
I will try to join if you come with me.

Unknown Falling

Location: Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Unknown knew he only had two options, dodge her attack and have this fight drag out and lose, or go all out and hope he can actually beat her before running out of magical energy. The latter was one only case he would had a chance, while also the more fun option. So really it wasn't a choice to begin with. So what he did was bend him knees, summoning an arsenal of weapons around him, swords, axes, spears, you name it. With a devilish grin he shouted "How about a game of chicken!" he then launched himself towards Clair, spinning round as his weapons followed matching his spin in a spiral pattern. It was like a tornado of weapons flying at her, and he shouted this as he took off, "Psycho Crusher!".

@Mr Swiftshots
Bolts said:
Eias Baole - onlooker areaHer figure instantly went from determination to a much more shy tone. She looked towards the floor, unsure about a guild. Not that she hasn't thought of it. She has heard stories and it seems it wouldn't hurt her own traveling in the slightest. She was more worried at the fact that she wasn't strong. What kind of guild wants a weak and inexperienced Mage on their hands?

Would they even consider taking me? Her voice soft and slightly wavy. Look at me know. Where was that confidence just a moment ago? Inexperience is one thing, but they definitely wouldn't take someone who doubted themself. She clutched her flute and looked at it longingly. It was a fairy expensive flute that was bought by the Baole band just for Eias. Even when they had little money, they believed in her abilities enough to buy it for her.

With a quivering mouth she took a deep breath. She didn't exhale. Calming down was job number one. Her heart slowed as she relaxed. Without a sound, he released her breath while blowing a bubble.
I will try to join if you come with me.
Kim stood up and hugged Eias. She realized the embrace and squatted I infront of her. " Why wouldn't they let you join, your a awesome Mage. I know that the guild master will let you in." Kim would do anything in her power to make Eias feel strong and confident, the girl need to feel large. Kim stared at Eias with her two different colored eyes. She her head to Ryu. " Right Ryu?"

purplepanda288 said:
Kim stood up and hugged Eias. She realized the embrace and squatted I infront of her. " Why wouldn't they let you join, your a awesome Mage. I know that the guild master will let you in." Kim would do anything in her power to make Eias feel strong and confident, the girl need to feel large. Kim stared at Eias with her two different colored eyes. She her head to Ryu. " Right Ryu?"

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Tournament Stands


Ryu paused a moment before replying. "Hm. Well, I do think that you could join Fairy Tail miss Eias." He said. "However, I also think that now is not the best time. I expect that Lady Kaiser is much to busy to conduct any membership tests right now. Perhaps it would be better to wait until the festival dies down. Miss Eias, I fully believe that you can pass the test, that I do," He said with a smile.


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@Mr Swiftshots[/URL]
Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th Wizard Saint

Location: Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Clair was more than happy to rise to Unknown's challenge heck who didn't like a good game of chicken every once in a while ! However it was hardly fair as Unknown wasn't even armoured , for this reason Clair made her final reequip. Clair reequipped back to her casual wear however she was now armed with a massive war hammer , the 'Holy Hammer' to be precise, she griped the hammer firmly and dove straight at the eye of the storm well sword storm. As she approached the storm the hammer began to glow brightly and unknowns weapons began to disperse , raining all over the area below and throwing up dirt. Clair hit unknown with the face of the hammer and drove him into the earth with great speed and force , shattering the battlefield.
Momoki Asada: Tournament training grounds:

Momo was in the grounds just thinking of a stratagy. Once she knew who she was up against Momo went crazy. Masaki was her friend,and she just destroyed his girlfriend. This might not end well if he's completely team Grace,but hopefuly he'll understand. Whatever. Momo was going to send Masaki to the infermary with his girlfriend. She visit them once she gets out the tournament.


Unknown Falling

Location: Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Just before the holy hammer's impact to his face he blurted out one thing, "That's not how playing chicken works!" Slamming into the ground with dust shooting up and surrounding where he landed. His various weapons littering the battlefield... but there was no movement or sounds until a shout could be heard "Hey war hammers are not allowed!". As the dust cleared and he was revealed he looked like a lego minifigure that had fallen apart. His head and limbs separated from his torso, surprisingly without any blood, gore or mess! The advantages of being undead. "I win due to disqualification! You clearly cheated after we were told we weren't allowed too!... Wait, why can't I move, and short?" his eyes look down at his various limbs. Realizing he was just a talking head, "Dang it." the fight was over, Unknown's arsenal fades away part from the two halves the shillelagh and the coffin.

@Mr Swiftshots
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Kelica - Chris's house

Kelica's heart was melting along with her legs, who would have guessed such a big, gruff man with such scary forms was capable of making her swoon so. 'I just want to spend time with you.' He'd said, that made her knees tremble more. She sneaked her arms around his neck and kept him close, tilting her head slightly to deepen the kiss. A picnic in the forest would lovely however... She watched him drift away to make some food, her eyes slightly unreadable. She stepped up to the counter beside him, wordlessly helping him prepare the food, wrapping the food up and placing it in the basket. After some time, she looked to him with a worried expression. "You know I love the forest...but...I'm worried if I spend too much time in there or using my magic, I'll turn back into that soulless creature..." Trembling with fear.

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@Mr Swiftshots[/URL]
Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th Wizard Saint

Location: Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Clair rested the hammer on her shoulder and began to laugh louder and louder until she was forced to wipe the tears from her eyes , she hadn't had that much fun in months ! "Wow you really are good if you weren't dead and used hadn't used dark magic to form your weapons i wouldn't have been walking away with just this cut on my cheek" Clair threw the hammer up into the air and caught it with her left hand "as for war hammers being forbidden i totally agree however this item here is more of an antique or holy weapon in my opinion". Clair sent the weapon back into her pocket dimension with a grin and immediately after she went about collecting unknowns coffin and Shillelagh.While doing this she realized just how big of a mess she and Unknown had made of the Training grounds , Clair had yet to meet the new Guild master but it didn't look as though that was how i would stay.

After a few minutes Clair returned to the crater with Unknowns belongings and placed them down beside him "I'm sure with your skill set you'd be welcome into the guild and even though i won I wouldn't mind bring you along on a mission if you joined".

@Unknown Falling
Chris Lengheart(Preparing for picnic)

Chris only glared at Kelica as she began to talk about going dark. He closed the basket as he fianlly spoke,"Don't worry about that, we'll be somewhere calming...for both of us." he said as he stroked her lovingly. He came out from his cooking area and smiled at Kelica, "Now, would you want to walk or would you like the ride of a lifetime?"


(bleh errands and now a call into work :/ sorry for delays)

Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Tournament Stands


Ryu paused a moment before replying. "Hm. Well, I do think that you could join Fairy Tail miss Eias." He said. "However, I also think that now is not the best time. I expect that Lady Kaiser is much to busy to conduct any membership tests right now. Perhaps it would be better to wait until the festival dies down. Miss Eias, I fully believe that you can pass the test, that I do," He said with a smile.


purplepanda288 said:
Kim stood up and hugged Eias. She realized the embrace and squatted I infront of her. " Why wouldn't they let you join, your a awesome Mage. I know that the guild master will let you in." Kim would do anything in her power to make Eias feel strong and confident, the girl need to feel large. Kim stared at Eias with her two different colored eyes. She her head to Ryu. " Right Ryu?"
Eias Baole - onlooker area

Eias accepted the hug but wasn't feeling too good about sharing an answer for not letting her in. Yeah, It probably gets busy for a guild when the city is a party. She wondered how they were so confident in her joining the guild. She looked Ryu over again and just noticed the guild mark on his arm. Her eyes, fixated on it, widened with surprise. Was she really this unobservant? She looked back to Kim who was hugging her. With her hair out of the way and getting a close look at her shoulder, there too was a guild mark. I didn't realize you two were in the guild. I feel so stupid now. You could see the blue across her face in her own disappointment. Of course they were in a guild! They spoke about it so much!

She calmed down now and gathered herself. Alright. If you two think I have a shot. Then I should take it. Anything I should know before hand? I haven't really looked into guilds before.
@Kayzo @Britt-21 @Wyatt @femjapanriceball @HuorSpinks @Leo Radomir

Tournament Round 2

The winners of the preliminary matches of the tournament determined the winners were given an hour to rest and recoup before round two started. The losers were also escorted to the infirmary for healing. Everyone for round 2 has already been ushered into their respective arenas and the round is ready to begin at the discretion of the contestants.
Kelica - Chris's House

Kelica was on edge when he glared at her, she lowered her emerald eyes though still looked miserable for the most part. It was something she would constantly worry about now, despite trying not to. Though when he stroked her she came back to the here and now, smiling back up at him. "Something tells me you enjoy being ridden more then I enjoy riding you... " playfully punching his arm as she slung the picnic bag over an arm. She reached up to adjust her ponytail slightly, putting it higher up on her head while strands of her blond hair cascaded down around her face, framing it gently. For a moment she wished she had brown hair like her mother, but she wasn't about to dye it on a whim. Although...

"Hey Chris, do you think I should dye my hair brown?" Pulling a long blond strand forward to peer at it, contemplating it. She supposed if he wanted it changed she would go through with it.


Chris Lengheart(Post time skip)

Chris only chuckled as Kelica slugged him in the arm. When she asked about dying her hair, Chris only shrugged,"Well, that's really your decision. Although, I am going to mess you hair if you do dye it. Either way, I won't stop you." he said as he snuggled up to her for a moment. He eventually pulled away and seemed to have come up with a rebuttal,"Now you complain about riding me? Fine, I guess I won't give out anymore rides."

Momoki Asada: Tournament ring:

Momo was ushered into her ring and waved at Vex as she was. Momoki gave Masaki a apologetic look,"Sorry about Grace. You know. Tournament and all. Plus she thought I still had a crush on you which I did,but I told her I didn't.She didn't listen and wanted to kick my ass,but I would never let that happen and I'll come by you guys after the tournament if I win,or after I kick you ass. Who knows. Oh yeah by the way I gonna kick your ass. Don't be surprised." Momo said. She was joking half the time,but still meant all of it.

Kim lock-Arena one.

Kim stood at the far end of the first arena. Her hair still swirling around her like a mass of black ink, the complex twists of purple still laying on her face and arm. Kim was at the ready, her eyes fixed on her opponent. Due to the amount of magic that was used the previous round she was at full, taint ready to attack and implode.

" I've seen your fight, I'm impressed with your tactics. But you would be a fool to use the same spells against me."

Kim held out her hand a nine stringed whip appeared in her hand, as she did the taint on her emitted a brilliant glow. " Come on pretty boy, I'll give you the first shot." She held the two ends of the whip in her hands, a sadistic smile spread across her face.


Aiden- out skirts of magnolia.

Aiden had disappeared from the infirmary. He briskly walk down the streets of magnolia, his steps fast and certain. He had one thing on his mind, get the two keys that he knew about in magnolia. He ignored the smells the sounds and even the woman that tried to get his attention. " Man why is it so hard to find these stupied keys in this town."He mumbled to him self.

The music and the food stalls had disappeared now that he was in the outskirts of the town. A small Chinese shrine came into view. His own four jade keys glowed a bright green, he was close. He took out all four keys from their chain, suddenly as fast as he unhooked them he threw them in the air. They formed what looked like a cross in front of him. Aiden place a hand on the cross and spoke.
" Open gate of the two Chinese spirits, I awaken you from the realm of stars. I wish to make a contract with you two."

Two animals stood on the stairs. One a monkey and the other a pig. The contract was made almost immediately, Two brand new jade keys join his previous four. This was the reason he visited magnolia, to find the key of the monkey and pig. He smiled at him self as he started to walk back to the festival.

rbshinichi said:
Location: Fairy Tail Training Grounds> Road to White Mountains
Mikael could not help it but be enamored to what Lavender told him, she would gladly help him. But that was a feeling that was covered with doubt after he admitted what he really is. It was not his intention to lie to Lavender, or to anyone for that matter. He just didn't want to expose himself as the monster that he is. A vampire. A vampire that sucks the life from people through their blood. A monster that has been connected to almost every horror story ever told. Someone who couldn't die. Something that has to suffer the curse of eternity. A vampire. He knew he got lots of explaining to do and he's willing to waste a lifetime making it up to her but not now. Not today. There's an even more important thing he has to do to somehow atone for his bearings. "Yes Lavender, I am a vampire. And I am gonna tell you all there is you would rather know about me. But it is not the time for that. There's somewhere I need to be. I really would love you to follow me."

Mikael turned to Sera with a serious face, and evidently glad.

"I'm Sera Lightbane, from Fairy Tail as you can see." she said. Mika's blood boils, not in anguish, not with hatred but with excitement and anticipation. For over a hundred years, he longed for the company of his own being, his own kind. He was overly delighted when Sera agreed on coming with him. "Come, I shall entail to you the matter on our way there."

A magic cart stopped in front of them. In was a four-wheeled carriage powered by a lacrima. A driver was in front and his holding the steering wheel.

"I am not good with directions so I thought it was better to hire one of these. He told me he knows the fastest way to White Mountains." Mikael said as he jumped in on the vehicle. The man driving took off his hat and tip it towards them as a greeting. "Talked to him on my way here, he just went out to get this. Are you coming or not?" Mika turned to Sera and Lavender.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98
@Unknown Falling[/URL]
Lavender wasnt sure what to think now that she had found out that Mika had been a vampire. All this time he was able to keep himself from biting into her soft velvety skin. It shocked the woman to know this. At least Mika said he would tell her just about everything she wanted to know. Slowly, she nodded "I'll follow." Lavender said as she turned towards Clair and Unkown, watching as the fight began to die down and soon finish "Well that was perfect timing you two. I will be taking my leave, I hope you do not mind."

As Lavender turned towards Mika, it seemed he was climbing into a magic cart with a man sitting on the front. It looked like he was going to lead the way to the location Mika had wanted to go to. 'I am not good with directions so I thought it was better to hire one of these. He told me he knows the fastest way to White Mountains.' well Mika fully confirmed her thoughts. 'Talked to him on my way here, he just went out to get this. Are you coming or not?' the wizard approached the carriage and got on "Of course I am coming. I did say I will be joining did I not?" she asked

@Mr Swiftshots @Unknown Falling @Mitchs98 @rbshinichi

Alfie - Arena Seating

There she was. From where he stood, Alfie could see that the little girl he had inflicted with power was looking grim as ever. She looked just like Mizuki. Again, another thing the wizard was sorry for aside from the emotions themselves. Should he go over there and comfort her? Apologize and let her know he'd cure her in a few days? But then she might tell her guardian, and Mizuki was the person he didn't want to cross paths with again. Besides, he had already wasted enough of his energy helping Chris and Kelica. Well, Kelica was an exception. Alicia was not. But he was being selfish, wasn't he? He was already this close to transcending, and the parade tomorrow would provide him with more than enough positive energy to counter the negative he had burdened Alicia with.

Sighing, he made his way over to the poor little girl and held his hand over the pocket containing his gem, and invisible magical void emanating from it.
"Excuse me," he said as warmly as humanly possible, "But I believe you have something that belongs to me."

Alicia: Tournament Stands

The one comforting thing she had was taken from her in the course of an hour, thus she was left once again to wallow in the grief that'd been bestowed upon her oh so gratefully by Alfie. Unfortunately her opponent for the next round seemed to of dropped out so she was moved to the third round by means of forfeit, meaning she didn't get to expend any energy on fighting. She contemplated just going to sleep and to hell with the tournament, really. But the tornament happened to be exactly what she needed to get rid of the energy, so that's the only reason she didn't.

She wasn't aware of Alfie's prescence until he spoke, causing her to jump slightly. "
You mean your 'gift' you so readily gave me after threatening to kill me?" She replied harshly. "You can have it. I didn't want it to begin with." She added. Of course, for the most part, it was the added grief that caused her harsh words. She was actually genuinely grateful he was willing to take it away from her, despite what she said. But the question was would he after what she said?
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament Stands
The one comforting thing she had was taken from her in the course of an hour, thus she was left once again to wallow in the grief that'd been bestowed upon her oh so gratefully by Alfie. Unfortunately her opponent for the next round seemed to of dropped out so she was moved to the third round by means of forfeit, meaning she didn't get to expend any energy on fighting. She contemplated just going to sleep and to hell with the tournament, really. But the tornament happened to be exactly what she needed to get rid of the energy, so that's the only reason she didn't.

She wasn't aware of Alfie's prescence until he spoke, causing her to jump slightly. "
You mean your 'gift' you so readily gave me after threatening to kill me?" She replied harshly. "You can have it. I didn't want it to begin with." She added. Of course, for the most part, it was the added grief that caused her harsh words. She was actually genuinely grateful he was willing to take it away from her, despite what she said. But the question was would he after what she said?

Alfie - Tournament Stands

Alfie kept his patient smile even through Alicia's harsh words. For a little girl, she sure could dish it out, but that was only the added power talking. Deciding to take in the extra negative energy, the hand that had been placed over his gem was now pulling his bow out of it. Slowly, he shifted to get a good aim at the girl, pulling back on the shining pink string, a beam of light forming within it. To anyone else, it would have looked like he was readying an attack, but they didn't even know the half of it. Before he could release the string to take back in the grief he had filled her with, a cannonball of water flew at him, blowing him to pieces. His head landed beside Alicia, and with a sigh, it began talking. "Could you go find my torso and retrieve the gem from one of the pockets on my vest? I'll activate the spell from here. This is what you get for trying to be showy, by the way."


Ophelia - Tournament Stands

The waterbuilt cannon hovering beside the petite Guild Master lost its shape as a horrified Ophelia pulled her hands over her mouth. She hadn't quite meant to blow the man into pieces the way she did. From what she was used to seeing, mages could take hits like that and be perfectly fine, but him? At least it was for the greater good, she tried telling herself, but even this thought wasn't enough to keep her from sinking to her knees in regret. If she had only known Alfie was fine, she wouldn't have reacted like this. I'm going to make an awful Guild Master...

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Ophelia - Tournament Stands

The waterbuilt cannon hovering beside the petite Guild Master lost its shape as a horrified Ophelia pulled her hands over her mouth. She hadn't quite meant to blow the man into pieces the way she did. From what she was used to seeing, mages could take hits like that and be perfectly fine, but him? At least it was for the greater good, she tried telling herself, but even this thought wasn't enough to keep her from sinking to her knees in regret. If she had only known Alfie was fine, she wouldn't have reacted like this. I'm going to make an awful Guild Master...
Alicia: Tournament Stands

Alicia didn't so much as move as it looked like Alfie was attacking her. If he was going to, so be it. If he didn't kill her the pain might actually help. She doubted he was actually being nice enough to actually take it back. He HAD threatened to kill her for practically no reason after all, and gave it to her in the first place, so why would he?

Though before she could find out the outcome Alfie was blown to pieces, literally. She blinked in confusion as the cannon that'd done the deed slowly dissapeared, she'd also recognized his assailant as his very own Guild Master from the bikini contest. Why..? Whatever. She was a bit offput by the talking head...but did as asked nonetheless, she couldn't get any worse without him killing her after all.

Quickly she walked over to his torso and dug around in his pockets before finding the gem and walking back over to the head. "
Alright..I have it." She told him.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament Stands
Alicia didn't so much as move as it looked like Alfie was attacking her. If he was going to, so be it. If he didn't kill her the pain might actually help. She doubted he was actually being nice enough to actually take it back. He HAD threatened to kill her for practically no reason after all, and gave it to her in the first place, so why would he?

Though before she could find out the outcome Alfie was blown to pieces, literally. She blinked in confusion as the cannon that'd done the deed slowly dissapeared, she'd also recognized his assailant as his very own Guild Master from the bikini contest. Why..? Whatever. She was a bit offput by the talking head...but did as asked nonetheless, she couldn't get any worse without him killing her after all.

Quickly she walked over to his torso and dug around in his pockets before finding the gem and walking back over to the head. "
Alright..I have it." She told him.

Alfie - Tournament Stands

Quite a lot of commotion had been caused by the dismemberment of Alfie's body, and to his dismay, the start of it was his own Guild Master. He didn't blame her, because even he knew he looked like he was about to kill Alicia. But it didn't matter now, because his gem was close enough for him to be able to use magic. Surprisingly, it hadn't been launched far enough to completely disconnect from his body. "Thank you. Now before anyone comes after us to see what's wrong..." A small contraption of pink gears appeared and activated, stopping everything but Alicia and Alfie dead in its tracks. The Earth was unsettlingly still as his gem began glowing. Slowly, Alicia's great burden of negative energy was depositing itself into Alfie's gem yet hardly blackening it at all. By now, the girl should feel a lot better than she did with the added power, but now her magic wasn't quite as strong. In fact, it was back to normal.

"How do you feel?" Alfie said. As of now, the two had all the time in the world to converse--but the wizard hoped Alicia didn't have much to say.


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